RMI 2501 Personal Finance Planning - Syllabus
RMI 2501 Personal Finance Planning - Syllabus
RMI 2501 Personal Finance Planning - Syllabus
Required Text:
Personal Finance: Turning Money into Wealth, 7th Edition, Arthur J. Keown
ISBN-10: 0133973425 - ISBN-13: 9780133973426 Prentice Hall copyright 2016.
You do NOT need to purchase the MyLab module.
Managing your finances is an important and needed skill in society today. This course explores the
areas needed to manage household and personal finances. This non-technical course will prepare
students to make more informed decisions in a complicated financial world, enabling them to reach
their financial goals. Some of the topics explored will include, but are not limited to: Creating and
managing budgets, taxes, savings, estate planning, retirement goals, major purchases, risk
management and insurance planning, credit cards, loans, investments, and interest rates.
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Grading Procedures
Your final grade consists of scores on two exams each worth 200 points each and homework /quizzes
worth a total of 200 points. See below:
Component of Grade
Exam # 1
Exam #2
Maximum Points
Extra Credit:
There is extra credit of up to 30 points in this course. The first 20 points is for attendance as
outlined in the classroom attendance section below and there is an additional 10 points for
completing a brief written paper after one of the homework assigments. Extra credit points are
applied to your final point total for the course so obtaining them will increase your overall total
grade for the course by a maximum of 30 points.
Final letter grades will be determined according to the scale above. There is no curve in this
class and no extra credit assignments will be available beyond those already listed will be
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Classroom Behavior:
As a class, we will not tolerate class disruptions of any type. I reserve the right to remove any
student from this course if, in my opinion, his or her behavior is disruptive to me or classmates or
the class environment in general. Again, please remember that everyones time is valuable and that
we only have a limited amount of time to cover the material so please be respectful and limit
conversations to what we are discussing in class and not with other students. If I have to stop the
class due to any type of disruption, you will be marked absent and lose any extra credit you might
have earned for that class.
Lecture Recording:
I do not permit audio recording, video recording, photo recording or capture of any kind or media
in the classroom or of me at any time or location. If you require an exception to this policy due to
medical reasons, please see me.
The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus if circumstances warrant
such change. All changes will be provided to students in writing.
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