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Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology Vol.

13 (2015) 99-108

Flexural Strength and Ductility Behavior of

Ferrocement I-Beam
Leoncio Mariano C. Acma*, Geovanni C. Dumpasan, Mark Lloyd I.
Salva, Menard P. Mansaguiton, Reinerio P. Supremo and
Neil Francis P. Daquiado
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering
Central Mindanao University
University Town, Musuan, Bukidnon, Philippines
Date received: June 2, 2015
Revision accepted: July 31, 2015

The purpose of this study is to improve the practical use of the ferrocement I-beams
by attempting to develop its ductile behavior. Result of the study showed that the
compressive strength of the ferrocement mortar used was satisfactory, the welded
wire mesh sold in the Philippine market passed the required material properties,
hence, it can be used in the ferrocement applications. There is a marked increase in
the capacity of the ferrocement I-Beam as the number of layers of wire mesh
reinforcement in the flange area is increased from 8 layers and additional two layers
increased per treatment. There is also increasing number of cracks in the flange
section as the number of layers of welded wire reinforcement signifying that the beam
is already showing ductility behavior.
Keywords: Ferrocement, welded wire mesh, load at failure, ductility behavior

1. Introduction
Ferrocement is a material that has a wide range of applications that include
agricultural facilities, rural energy, water supply, repair and rehabilitation
and housing. It is defined as a type of thin-wall reinforced concrete
commonly constructed of hydraulic cement mortar reinforced with closely
spaced layers of continuous and relatively small-sized wire mesh. The mesh
may be made of metallic or other suitable materials (ACI Committee 549).
The ferrocement displays a series of advantages as compared to reinforced
concrete, among which are a wider range of elasticity; greater resistance to
extension; better behavior at dynamic stress; and, increased value of the
breaking effort out of extension (Naaman, 2000).

L.M.C. Acma et al. / Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13 (2015) 99-108

Low-cost housing is a concept which deals with the utilization of effective

budgeting and construction technique that helps in reducing cost by using
cheap but efficient construction materials, simplified construction procedures
with building components pre-manufactured in a factory, hauled and
assembled on site. The construction procedure is made simpler without
sacrificing strength, performance and life of the structure. One particular part
of a building is a simple beam. In the study conducted by Acma (2014), a
ferrocement I-beam is formed by creating two ferrocement Channel-beam,
reinforced with two (2), four (4) and six (6) welded wire mesh and bolted
back-to-back. The result of the study showed satisfactory outcomes in the
performance of flexural strengths, however, the beam has not reached
ductility behavior which is expected in reinforced concrete beams. However,
the ferrocement I-beams show a single crack at failure and its ductile
behavior is not yet attained.
The purpose of this study is to improve the practical use of the ferrocement
I-beams by attempting to develop its ductile behavior. Specifically: (a) it
aims to obtain the properties of aggregates and the compression properties of
ferrocement mortar used in casting the ferrocement I-beams; (b) to
determine the tensile characteristics of welded wire mesh available in local
hardware to be used in the study; (c) to evaluate the actual flexural capacity
of the ferrocement I- beam with additional layers of wire mesh in the flange
section as compared to the theoretical analysis computation; and, (d) to
examine the cracking behavior of the ferrocement I-beam at failure showing
the development of its ductile behavior.

2. Methodology
Aggregates used passed two stages of sieving. First stage was to separate the
coarse aggregate from the fine aggregates using sieve. The fine
aggregates are then passed through 2.32 mm sieves and washed with running
water in order to eliminate the silts present in the aggregate. The washed
aggregates are then air dried and placed in plastic bags in preparation for the
different activities in the research. Approximately five kilograms of
aggregates are prepared for sieve analysis. The sample is passed through a
sample splitter four times in order to obtain its representative. Sets of
mechanical sieves were used to determine soil gradation corresponding to
ACI 549.1-93 recommendation.


L.M.C. Acma et al. / Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13 (2015) 99-108

Welded wire mesh procured from local hardware was evaluated of its actual
tensile stress. Welded wire mesh with x opening and wire diameter of
0.66 mm were prepared into specimen 75 mm width and 300 mm length,
both ends were encapsulated with mortar providing a 75 mm x 75 mm
surface area and 10 mm thick for clamping allowing a free welded wire mesh
of 150 mm length. This set of specimen was used to evaluate tensile strength
of welded wire mesh. Another set of welded wire mesh are encapsulated
with 10 mm thick mortar. In order to add strength to the ferrocement where
clamping is required, additional two layers were provided. This specimen
was used to evaluate tensile strength of ferrocement. Mortar was prepared
with 1:2 cement aggregate ratio and 0.45 water-cement ratio, all
measurement were taken by weight. Three replications of each set of
specimen were prepared. In order to determine the properties of concrete, six
specimens of mortar with cubic dimensions of 50 mm are prepared and cured
together with the beam specimens. Routine test is shown in Figure 1.

a) Compression test of cement mortar

b) Tensile test of welded wire mesh

c) Tensile test of ferrocement

Figure 1. Routine test conducted to determine the physical properties of materials


L.M.C. Acma et al. / Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13 (2015) 99-108

The ferrocement I-Beam was composed of two Channel-shaped ferrocement

beams installed back-to-back and connected with four-10 mm A325 bolts.
The general form of the specimens is shown in Figures 1 and 2. The
C- beams were generally reinforced with eight layers of x x 0.66 mm
diameter welded wire mesh. Three treatments with three replications each
were prepared for the study: Treatment T1 is provided with two additional
layers of welded wire mesh along the flange section; Treatment T2 is
provided with four additional layers of welded wire mesh along the flange
section; Treatment T3 is provided with six additional layers of welded wire
mesh along the flange section. The cement sand water ratio for mortar is
a design mix of Type Ip Portland cement (conforming to ASTM C 150) to
fine aggregate to mixing water of 1:2:0.45 measured by weight. In casting
the beam specimen, the mortar was mixed thoroughly for 1-1/2 minutes. A
vibrating table was used in order to facilitate compaction of the concrete
mortar in the wooden mold fabricated for the purpose. Prior to casting, the
inside of the wooden mold was applied with oil for the safety and easy
removal of the ferrocement beam. Demoulding of the casted specimen was
done 24+/- 4 hours after casting. Curing by ponding in a curing tank for 28
days followed. After 28 days, the cured cubic mortar, the ferrocement tensile
section, the mortar encapsulated wire mesh for tensile testing and the
ferrocement C-beam were unloaded from the curing tank and prepared for
testing. The properties of the specimens were measured such as included
dimensions and weights. Prior to testing, all beam specimens were painted
with white latex paint so that any cracks that will be developed during
testing can easily be recognized. Each pair of ferrocement Channel -beams
were attached back-to-back to form the desired ferrocement I-Beam using
four 10 mm diameter A-325 bolts at specified location as shown in Figures
2 and 3 and locked in a way that the spacer in between will be less than 5

Figure 2. Cross-Sectional Details of the Assembly of Ferrocement I beam

Test Specimen. The web thickness excludes a 5mm spacer which this hold
inconsistency of the back of the Channel - beam when connected by bolting.

L.M.C. Acma et al. / Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13 (2015) 99-108

Testing was done using a Universal Testing Machine. Tests include

compression test for the mortar specimen, tensile tests of the wire mesh and
ferrocement plate and flexural strength test of the ferrocement I-Beam. Test
for tensile test of ferrocement followed the suggested procedure
recommended by Naaman (2000).

Figure 3. Longitudinal Details of the Assembly of Ferrocement

I beam Test Specimen.

The overall span of the prefabricated ferrocement I-beam is 1200mm and

during testing the placement of the supports is located 75mm both ends of
span which totals the unsupported length of 1050mm. The four (4) bolts
connecting both Channel-beams were located 75mm from the support at a
spacing of 300mm each
Test to determine compression of hydraulic cement mortars conformed to
ASTM C 109/C 109M-02 (Standard test method for compressive strength of
hydraulic cement mortars using 50 mm cube specimens). Test for flexural
strength of beam conformed to ASTM C78-02 (Standard test method for
flexural strength of concrete using simple beam with third-point loading).

3. Results and Discussions

3.1 Properties of Fine Aggregates
Result of the soil gradation test is shown in Table 1. The soil gradation is
then compared to the recommended gradation as per ACI 549.1-93 and result
is shown graphically in Figure 4. It is noted that the fine aggregates used
conformed to ACI 549.1-93 specifications.


L.M.C. Acma et al. / Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13 (2015) 99-108

Table 1. Actual gradation of fine aggregates compared to recommended gradation




Retained (g)


Gradation (%)

Figure 4. Gradation test result of fine aggregates

3.2 Compression Properties of Concrete Mortar

Results of the compression test of cubic mortars are given in Table 2. The
computed average compressive strength of the mortar is 41.97 MPa. The
average unit weight of the mortar was computed to be 2,643.2 kg/m3. The
modulus of elasticity of the mortar is determined using the equation

is the compressive strength

of the mortar in MPa while wc is the unit of the mortar in kg/m3 , so that
value to be used in this study is computed to be 34,540.85 MPa.


L.M.C. Acma et al. / Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13 (2015) 99-108

Table 2.


Compression test results of the cement mortar in MPa.

Treatment 1

Treatment 2

Treatment 3






3.3 Tension Properties of Welded Wire Mesh and Ferrocement Plates

The welded wire mesh used for tensile test has seven wires per specimen
providing a cross-sectional area of 2.3948 sq. mm. The same sizes of wire
meshes were encapsulated with 10 mm thick of mortar in order to determine
the tensile strength of ferrocement. The gripping surfaces were provided
with additional wire mesh for added strength and to assure that failure will
occur only in the free surface. Figure 1b shows the set-up for the tensile test
of welded wire mesh while Figure 1c shows the tensile test set-up for
ferrocement. Result of the test is summarized in Table 3.
Table 3. Summary of result of Tensile Test of welded wire mesh and ferrocement


Tensile Stress (

Average Tensile Stress


in MPa
Welded wire mesh (1/2 x 1/2 x 0.66 mm diameter)
Mortar encapsulated welded wire mesh


L.M.C. Acma et al. / Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13 (2015) 99-108

Figure 5. Load at failure at three treatments of Ferrocement I-Beam

3.4 Flexural Strength of Ferrocement I-Beam

Result of load at failure of the three treatments of ferrocement I-Beam is
shown in Figure 5. As the number of layers of welded wire mesh
reinforcement in the flange area is increased from 8 layers and additional
two layers increased per treatment, the load at failure also increased. A
marked increase in the capacity is thus noted.
3.5 Cracking Behavior of Ferrocement I-Beam
The cracking behavior of the ferrocement I-Beam at failure can be briefly
described as follow:

In treatment T1 where the ten layers of welded wire mesh

reinforcement is provided in the flange section, each replicated
showed a visible single crack and each crack appeared in or near the
middle third of the span where the load was applied;

b) In treatment T2 where the twelve layers of welded wire

reinforcement is provided in the flange section, each replicate
showed a visible, multiple cracks and each crack are found in the
middle third of the span where the load was applied; and,


In treatment T3 where the fourteen layers of welded wire

reinforcement is provided in the flange section, each replicate
showed a visible, multiple cracks and each crack are found in the
middle third of the span where the load was applied.

L.M.C. Acma et al. / Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13 (2015) 99-108

a) Treatment T1

b) Treatment T2

c) Treatment T3

Figure 6. Cracking pattern of the ferrocement I-Beam subjected to third-point loading

The cracking pattern showed that the beam in Treatment T1 has not showed yet its
ductility behavior. However, such characteristic was already exhibited starting with
Treatment T2. The visual presentation of the cracking pattern is shown in Figure 6.

4. Conclusions and Recommendation

From the results of the tests conducted, the following conclusions were

The compressive strength of the ferrocement mortar was


b) The welded wire mesh sold in the Philippine market passed the
required material properties, hence, it can be used in the
ferrocement applications;

There is a marked increase in the capacity of the ferrocement IBeam as the number of layers of wire mesh reinforcement in the
flange area is increased from 8 layers and additional two layers
increased per treatment. The load at failure of the beam increased
from an average of 35 kN for 8 layers, 42.33 kN for 10 layers and
48 kN for 12 layers; and,

d) There is also increasing number of cracks in the flange section as

the number of layers of welded wire reinforcement signifying that
the beam is already showing ductility behavior.

L.M.C. Acma et al. / Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology Vol. 13 (2015) 99-108

Further study is still needed to improve further the capability of the

ferrocement I- Beam and this include providing additional number of layers
of welded wire mesh in the flange section; the shear strength analysis of the
beam section and the development of an empirical equation that can be used
in the structural design of the beam section.

5. Acknowledgement
This study was made possible through the efforts of the following students
who conducted their respective theses as a requirement for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering in Central Mindanao University:
Geovanni C. Dumpasan, Menard P. Mansaguiton and Mark Llyod I. Salva.

6. References
ACI 549R 97. State of the Art Report on Ferrocement. American Concrete
Institute. 1997.
ACI 549.1 93. State of the Art Report on Ferrocement. American Concrete
Institute. 1993.
ACI C78. Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Beam with
Third-Point Loading). American Concrete Institute.
Acma, Leoncio and Mariano, C., (2014). Development and Application of
Ferrocement I-beams. Doctor of Engineering Dissertation. Philippines: MSU-IIT,
Iligan City.
ASTM C150 95a. Specifications for Portland Cement. American Society of Testing
of Materials. 1995.
ASTM C109/C109M-02. Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic
Cement Mortars (Using 2 in. or 50 mm) Cube Specimens. American Society of
Testing of Materials. 2002.
ASTM C78-02. Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using
Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading). American Society of Testing of Materials.
Naaman, A.E., (2000). Ferrocement and Laminated Cementitious Composites. Ann
Arbor, Michigan. Techno Press 3000.

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