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A four-electrode low frequency impedance spectroscopy measurement system using the

AD5933 measurement chip

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Physiol. Meas. 34 (2013) 391405


A four-electrode low frequency impedance

spectroscopy measurement system using the AD5933
measurement chip
C Margo 1 , J Katrib 2 , M Nadi 3 and A Rouane 3

LPEM, UMR8213, ESPCI-ParisTech, 10 Rue Vauquelin, 75005 Paris, France

The National Centre for Industrial Microwave Processing, Nottingham, UK
Institut Jean Lamour, UMR 7198, Universite de Lorraine, CNRS, Nancy, France

E-mail: cedric.margo@espci.fr

Received 16 July 2012, accepted for publication 15 February 2013

Published 13 March 2013
Online at stacks.iop.org/PM/34/391
This paper presents the design of a four electrode impedance measurement
circuit dedicated to bioimpedance embedded applications. It extends the use
of the AD5933 measurement chip to allow it to operate in a four electrode
configuration in order to limit the effects of the parasitic impedances between
the medium under test and the electrodes. The circuit has shown a good
measurement accuracy on various test circuits. In association with a four
microband electrode system it has been successfully used to characterize
small physiological samples (50 l) with conductivities ranging from 0.14 to
1.2 S m1 . It can be used as an alternative bioimpedance measurement approach
for embedded applications operating in the four electrode configuration.
Keywords: impedance spectroscopy, system-on-chip, artifact impedance, four
electrode measurement
(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction
Bioimpedance measurements have been traditionally widely used to determine the passive
electrical properties (conductivity, permittivity) of various biological tissues (McAdams and
Jossinet 1995, Foster and Schwan 1996, Gabriel et al 1996, Nadi 2008) but they can also be used
for practical applications (impedance tomography, fat content estimation, etc) (Bodenstein et al
2009, Pethig 1984, Grimnes and Martinsen 2000, Rigaud et al 1996). In recent years, more
effort has been made to apply impedance measurement techniques to microscopic scales, with
many promising applications, for example the use of impedance spectrometry in a microfluidic
channel for counting and characterizing single cells as they flow in the channel (Cheung et al
2005, Sohm et al 2000, Ayliffe et al 1999), or the use of impedance spectrometry to monitor

2013 Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine

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C Margo et al

physiological changes (migration, proliferation, apoptosis, etc), in cell cultures or small tissue
samples (Thielecke 2003, Wegener et al 2000, Ehret et al 1998, Arndt et al 2004). Although
the measuring electrodes for these applications can be easily reduced to the microscopic scale
of a single cell, the whole impedance measurement equipment still remains large and not easily
portable. To develop new applications, the miniaturization of the electronic circuit is necessary
in order to provide ready-to-use portable diagnostic tools (point of care diagnostic) (Mascareas
2006) or even in vivo wearable monitoring systems (i.e. intelligent textiles) (Ferreira et al
2011, Schlebusch et al 2010). In this paper, a small and portable impedance processing
system is presented. The designed system uses an impedance measurement chip, AD5933,
commercialized by Analog Devices. A new extension of this circuit is provided to meet the
specific constraints of bio-impedance measurements on a microscopic scale. Mainly, the circuit
has been adapted to operate in a tetrapolar configuration in order to limit the influence of the
electrodemedium interface impedance which is well-known as a major parasitic influence in
bioimpedance measurements (McAdams and Jossinet 1991, Grimnes and Martinsen 2000).
After a brief presentation of the AD5933 chip, the extension circuit proposed will be presented
and its efficiency will be determined by making measurements on test circuits. Then, the
ability of the system to measure the impedance of common physiological samples with a set
of tetrapolar microelectrodes will be shown.
2. AD5933 impedance spectrometer chip
2.1. Principle of operation
The designed measurement system was built around the AD5933 impedance spectrometer
chip, a fully integrated impedance spectrometer chip, commercialized by Analog Devices. It
integrates, in a small package, the main parts of an impedance spectroscopy measurement
chain and it is fully configurable with a serial i2c interface. Its synoptic diagram is pictured in
figure 1.
On this diagram, Zx is the unknown impedance to be measured. The structure of the circuit
can be divided into three main parts.
The voltage excitation stage, built on a DDS Core to numerically synthesize a sinusoidal
signal at a desired frequency, a digital analogue converter and an output adjustable amplifier.
The excitation signal Vout (see figure 1) is a sinusoidal voltage signal for which frequency
can vary from 1 to 100 kHz, and amplitude voltage from 198 mVpp to 1.98 Vpp depending
on the user settings through the serial interface. Note that the output impedance of the
AD5933 can vary from 200  to 2.4 k, depending on the range selected
The current measurement stage, which relies on a currentvoltage converter amplifier. The
current conversion resistor RFB (see figure 1) can be connected externally by the user. The
amplifier is followed by a programmable gain amplifier, an anti-aliasing filter and a 12 bit
analogue to digital converter.
A discrete Fourier transform (DFT) algorithm section, which uses a DSP engine (MAC)
to estimate the spectral power of the measured current at the corresponding excitation
The measurement process consists essentially of exciting the impedance Zx with a known
voltage and a known frequency, then measuring the current flowing through the unknown
impedance and computing its complex (both the real and imaginary part) TFD coefficient
(at the excitation frequency). The operation is repeated for as many excitation frequencies as
desired by driving the i2c interface. For any given configuration, the TFD coefficient, which is

A four-electrode low frequency impedance spectroscopy measurement system


Figure 1. AD5933 principle of operation.

an image of the complex current Ix, is inversely proportional to the unknown impedance. The
proportionality factor can be deduced from a previous measurement on a known impedance
in the same configuration (excitation voltage and frequency, gain settings). Thus, by sweeping
the frequency range of interest, one can easily measure and compute the impedance spectrum
of the sample. More details on the principle of operation of the chip and its use for different
situations can be found in a number of papers listed here (Brennan 2006, Analog Devices
2007, Analog Devices 2008, Ferreira et al 2010, He et al 2011, Majer et al 2009, Seunghee
et al 2006).
2.2. Using the AD5933 for bioimpedance measurements
Although the AD5933 chip is a very useful integrated chip, it suffers from some drawbacks
that currently prevent its use for bioimpedance measurements, specifically at low frequencies
and on a microscopic scale. Firstly, the excitation signal output from the chip varies around
a positive dc bias. For many applications, this is not a problem, but the presence of this dc
bias, at the interface between the metal electrodes and an aqueous solution, can lead to an
electrochemical process that, if maintained for a sufficiently long time, may alter the medium
to be measured (Grimnes and Martinsen 2000). To prevent this effect from occurring, the
excitation signal must be coupled alternatively. Secondly, the minimum amplitude voltage for
the excitation signal is 198 mVpp. This level, acceptable for numerous applications, might
be excessive for impedance measurements at microscopic scales. Such a voltage applied to
electrodes, for which the contact area is reduced to micrometric dimensions, may induce a
nonlinear current density (McAdams et al 1995). Moreover, a high local current density could
be invasive, especially when working with biological materials (single cells, cell cultures, etc).
The last, but most important, limitation of the chip is that it operates in a bipolar configuration.


C Margo et al

In other words the measured current is impacted not only by the unknown impedance Zx
but also by the artifact impedances that exist at the interface between each electrode and the
medium. These impedances can be very high when compared to the unknown impedance Zx ,
especially at low frequencies. It is not rare that, in some situations, the interface impedances are
so high that a bipolar measurement only sees these impedances and is completely insensitive
to the medium impedance to be sensed. So, it is often necessary to reduce the effects of
these interface impedances. For this purpose, one common solution is to use a four-electrode
(tetrapolar) approach. Generally, in the classical bipolar configuration, the polarizing voltage
is known and the current flowing through the medium is sensed, but, as mentioned before,
the interface impedances significantly affect the measured current and can lead to a large
measurement error. In the four electrodes approach, the current flowing through the sample,
between the two polarizing electrodes, is known while the voltage between the two other
electrodes is measured with a high input impedance instrumentation amplifier. Because almost
no current flows through the measuring electrodes, the sensed voltage is almost insensitive
to the interface impedances at the measuring electrodes. Consequently, one can deduce the
impedance Zx between the measuring electrodes from the knowledge of the current I and the
measurement of the voltage V , with minimal impact from the interface impedances.
3. AD5933 extension circuit
Extensions were made to correct the main drawbacks of the AD5933 chip for its use in
bioimpedance applications. Mainly, adaptation was required to operate in a four-electrode
configuration. As mentioned before, the four electrode measurement relies on knowledge of
the current flowing through the polarizing circuit. This current can be quantified either by
using a current source generator or by directly measuring it. The AD5933 could be adapted
to generate a current by adding a voltage to current converter at the output of the circuit. In
that case, the current flowing through the circuit would be known while the voltage difference
between the measuring electrodes could be sensed with an instrumentation amplifier and then
converted to a current in order to be measured on the Vin input of the AD5933. This approach
has already been proposed (Seoane et al 2008). It is a simple method for adapting the AD5933
to the four-electrode configuration. However, even if it can be easily implemented for a given
range of frequencies and for a given range of impedance to be measured, the stability of
the current source is not easy to maintain as both the excitation frequency and the measured
impedance can vary greatly. In this case, the tuning of the current source would require a
more complex approach (Rigaud et al 1996), that can increase the overall complexity and
consequently the size of the adaptation circuit. In the proposed solution presented here, a
voltage excitation strategy is implemented but measurements of both the current flowing
through the sample and the voltage across the measuring electrodes are made, in a two step
process. The approach is depicted in figure 2.
The circles labeled 1 and 4 represent the polarizing electrodes and the circles labeled
3 and 4 are the measuring electrodes. The excitation signal from the AD5933 chip is first
attenuated and dc filtered resulting in a low output impedance, alternating excitation signal
with an adjustable amplitude (20200 mVpp) and frequency (1100 kHz). The current flowing
through the device under test (DUT) is measured on electrode 4 with a current to voltage
converter, while the voltage across the measuring electrodes 2 and 3 is measured with an
instrumentation amplifier. Both signals are then amplified with a digitally selectable gain stage
resulting in the two voltages Vv and Vi (see figure 2). An analogue multiplexer is used to select,
alternately, the voltage or current measurement (respectively Vv or Vi ). The selected voltage is
then converted to a current in order to be measured by the AD5933 chip. For each position

A four-electrode low frequency impedance spectroscopy measurement system


Figure 2. Extension circuit proposed for the AD5933.

Figure 3. Attenuation and ac coupling stage for the AD5933.

of the analogue multiplexer, one AD5933 acquisition is achieved. The impedance value can
then be easily calculated from the knowledge of the voltage and current measurements. The
different parts of the design are detailed hereafter.
3.1. Attenuation and ac coupling
As mentioned in section 2.2, the excitation signal must be attenuated and filtered from any bias
voltage before it can be applied to the medium. As shown in figure 3, the attenuation stage is
obtained by using an operational amplifier (part LM6142) in an inverted configuration. When
the resistors R1 and R2 used, the signal is attenuated by a factor 10. The attenuated signal
is then applied to a first order high-pass filter to remove the bias voltage. Finally, the signal


C Margo et al

is buffered through a follower stage. In that way, the output impedance actually seen by the
medium is very low, and consequently, will not affect the voltage applied to the medium. This
adds robustness as compared to the AD5933 used alone for which impedance output can be
as high as 2.4 k.
3.2. Voltage measurement
The voltage between electrodes 2 and 3 is measured with the instrumentation amplifier AD8250
from Analog Devices. Because the impedances between electrodes 2 and 3 can be small when
compared to the whole impedance of the medium (including electrodemedium impedances),
the common mode voltage can be significant. Consequently, a high common mode rejection
is required for the instrumentation amplifier. The AD8250 has the advantage of having a high
common mode rejection rate, higher than 110 dB in low frequency, and higher that 80 dB for the
maximal frequency of interest for our system (100 kHz). Furthermore, the input voltage noise
of the amplifier is about 18 nV Hz1/2 , which is relatively low. This is important because the
differential voltage to be measured can be very small depending on the impedance value of the
medium and the geometric configuration of the electrodes. Another important consideration
is that the input impedance of the amplifier must be high when compared to the electrode
medium interface impedances. Therefore, only a negligible current flows through them and
the voltage measured will not be affected by their presence. Metalmedium impedances must
be eliminated in order to benefit from the four electrode configuration. The input impedance
of the AD8250 is about 5.3 G which is much higher than metalmedium impedances that
can be encountered in many situations. In addition, the AD8250 has a digitally programmable
gain that can be set to 1, 2, 5 or 10, this adds flexibility to fit different impedance measurement
situations. Additionally, the bandwidth of the amplifier is high (about a few MHz for a gain
of 10), and the gain frequency response is flat for the whole frequency range of interest
(4100 kHz).
3.3. Current to voltage converter
The measurement of the current flowing through the medium is achieved by using a classical
transimpedance amplifier as depicted in figure 4. The operational amplifier used for this
purpose is the AD8034 which is a high bandwidth (80 MHz) FET input operational amplifier.
This amplifier has a low noise input current and voltage (respectively 0.7 fA Hz1/2 and
11 nV Hz1/2 ). For the conversion resistor used (Rx = 10 k), the additional capacitor Cx
allows the application of a cut-off frequency to limit the noise bandwidth. The configuration
used allows the measurement of currents down to a few A in the whole bandwidth with an
almost flat frequency response.
3.4. Amplification stage and channel selection
The voltages obtained from the measurement of the voltage and the current(Vv and Vi ) are
applied to the additional amplification stage depicted in figure 5. Each voltage is first high pass
filtered to eliminate any offset from the previous stage, then amplified with a non-inverting
amplifier configuration with a gain factor of about 5.7 with the resistors chosen. Next, a
second similar amplification stage for which the feedback resistor can be shorted with a digital
analogue switch (part ADG1221 from Analog Devices) rendering the gain selectable to 5.7
(when the switch is open) or 1 (when the switch is closed) giving for the whole amplification
stage a selectable gain of about 32 or 5.7. Note that the amplification stages are exactly the

A four-electrode low frequency impedance spectroscopy measurement system


Figure 4. Current measurement stage.

Figure 5. Amplification stage and channel selection.

same for the voltage Vv representing the differential voltage measured between electrodes
2 and 3 (output of the instrumentation amplifier) and Vi representing the current measured
through of the medium (output of the current to voltage converter).
Both voltages (Vv and Vi ) are inputted to an analogue multiplexer, digitally controlled
to alternately select the current or voltage measurement, and then processes the impedance
calculation. The analogue multiplexer, part ADG1219 from Analog Devices, can operate in


C Margo et al

Figure 6. Voltage to current conversion.

the wide operating voltage supply range (15 V) and has a low Ron resistance of about 120 
and a low off capacitance of 2.5 pF. It is important to note that because the signals coming
through the multiplexer inputs come from low impedance output stages and the output of the
multiplexer goes to a high impedance input stage, the Ron resistance does not have a critical
impact on the performance of the system. On the other hand the capacitor Coff can add cross
capacitive coupling between the two voltages Vv and Vi . This can induce an influence of the
current in the voltage measurement or inversely. Typically if, Zoff is the impedance modulus of
the Coff capacitor at a particular frequency, and if Zoff is high as regard to Ron , the contribution
of the unselected signal to the selected signal can be approximated by Ron /Zoff that is to
say 2 f RonCoff where f is the considered frequency. Calculating this value at the highest
frequency of interest (100 kHz) leads to a cross coupling factor of about 19 103 % from the
unselected to the selected signal, which remains low and should not significantly affect the
overall precision.
3.5. Voltage to current conversion
The AD5933 chip is designed to apply a voltage to the unknown impedance, measure and
analyze the current flowing through the impedance. In our case, both the voltage across
electrodes 2 and 3 and the current flowing from electrode 1 to 4 must be measured and analyzed
to calculate the impedance. Because the image of the current or the voltage appearing at the
output of the multiplexer is always a voltage, an intermediate stage is necessary to convert
this voltage to a current that can be measured by the AD5933 chip. A first idea would be to
build an inverting amplifier around the operational amplifier integrated in the AD5933 chip
(connected to pin RFB and VIN, see figure 2) by connecting a resistor between the pin RFB
and VIN (let say R1 ) and another resistor (let say R2 ) between VIN and the voltage output
of the multiplexer (V ). But, since the positive input of the operational amplifier integrated
in the AD5933 chip is internally connected to VDD/2 (see figure 2), this inverting amplifier
configuration would lead to an amplification of the bias voltage that would drastically affect
the measurement dynamic range. Even a unity gain in this configuration (R1 = R2 ) would
lead to a saturation because of the amplification of bias voltage (by the factor (1+R1 /R2 )). In
our system, the voltage to current conversion is achieved by using the configuration depicted
in figure 6. An instrumentation amplifier is fed with the voltage to convert (the output of the
multiplexer) and its differential output voltage is applied to the conversion resistor Rc . This
produces a current Iin proportional to the voltage applied than can be then converted to a

A four-electrode low frequency impedance spectroscopy measurement system


voltage with the AD5933 integrated transimpedance amplifier and its feedback resistor RL.
The use of the instrumentation amplifier AD620 is a way to convert the grounded voltage
V to an alternative positive voltage varying around VDD/2, applied across Rc , resulting in a
positively varying current Iin . The output voltage of the integrated operational amplifier can
thus be maintained in a coherent dynamic range (0 to VDD). This bias adjustment is obtained
by driving the reference input of the AD620 amplifier with the VIN voltage holding the bias
voltage VDD/2.
3.6. Impedance calculation and calibration procedure
In its normal use the AD5933 allows a sweep of the frequency of the excitation signal in
order to estimate the spectral power of the sampled current for each corresponding excitation
frequency. The expression of the complex value X ( f ) of the TFD coefficient calculated for
each frequency is given by the equation (1),
X( f ) =


x(n) (cos (2 f n Te ) j sin(2 f n Te )) .



In this equation x(n) are the samples of the current measured (1024 samples per acquisition)
and cos (2 f n Te ) and sin(2 f n Te ) are the test samples provided by the internal DDS
core of the AD5933. In our situation, we obtain two complex coefficients X v ( f ) and X i ( f )
for each excitation frequency corresponding respectively to the voltage measurement between
electrodes 2 and 3 and the current measurement at electrode 4 obtained in the two step process.
Note that in practice both the voltage and current are measured with a low gap time in order to
prevent drifts that could affect the voltage and current measured. Considering that the AD5933
associated with the extension circuit does not introduce nonlinear distortions, each of these
coefficients are linked to the actual values of the voltage and the current by:
Xv ( f ) = Kv ( f ) Vx ( f )


Xi ( f ) = Ki ( f ) Ix ( f )


where Kv ( f ) and Ki ( f ) are complex gain factors depending on the gain settings and
imperfections of the measurement chain. Notice that Kv ( f ) and Ki ( f ) can be frequency
So the impedance Zx ( f ) between electrode 2 and 3 is:
Zx ( f ) =

Vx ( f )
Ix ( f )

Xv ( f )
Xi ( f )

Ki ( f )
Kv ( f )

Xv ( f )
Xi ( f )

K( f )


where K( f ) is the complex calibration factor that must be deduced (for each frequency) from
the measurement of a known test impedance. Typically, before each measurement, the vector
K( f ) is deduced from a measurement on the test circuit depicted in figure 7. This test circuit
includes three identical impedances Zx to simulate both the impedance between the measuring
electrodes 2 and 3 and between the polarizing and measuring electrodes (1 and 2, 3 and 4). The
interface impedances Zi between the different electrodes and medium are also simulated in
the calibration test circuit. Because of their high modulus impedance values in low frequency,
interface impedances can have a significant impact on the precision of the system because
they tend to reduce the current and the voltage difference to be measured, while increasing
the common mode voltage seen by the instrumentation amplifier. So, it is important to take
them into account in the calibration process. Given this calibration circuit that must be ideally


C Margo et al

Figure 7. Typical calibration circuit.

chosen close to the real impedance configuration, the complex calibration vector K( f ) can be
deduced by:
Xi ( f )
K( f ) = Zx ( f )
Xv ( f )
4. Performances evaluation
The efficiency of the impedance measurement system has initially been evaluated by measuring
discrete passive components. The test circuits represented in figure 7 are connected to the
system. The interface impedances Zi are simulated with 10 nF capacitors, which correspond
to a simple approximation of common situations, and the impedances Zx representing
the impedances between the different electrodes, are replaced by different test circuits
(combination of resistors and/or capacitors). To mimic a practical situation where the real
circuit is not clearly predictable, the circuit used during the calibration procedure is chosen
slightly different from the test circuit. Indeed, the impedance Zx are replaced by 470 
resistors, which correspond to the middle range value of the resistors measured, and the
interface impedances Zi are replaced by 2.2 k resistors, which correspond to the middle
range value of the 10 nF capacitor impedance modulus, in the considered frequency range
(4100 kHz).
The measurement errors of the system, when the impedances Zx are simply replaced by
resistors are represented in figure 8, for the lowest and highest frequency of the range (4 and
100 kHz). These errors have been estimated on the basis of 20 successive acquisitions for each
resistor considered. As can be seen in figure 9, the measurement system gives a good level of
accuracy. The modulus error does not exceed 1.5% at 4 kHz and is slightly higher at 100 kHz, for
resistor values ranging from 100  to 10 k. The error in the phase remains below 0.2 at 4 kHz,
and slightly more than 1 at 100 kHz. In addition, the reproducibility, represented by the error
bars on figure 8, seems to be the lowest for the 10 k resistor. This is not surprising because this
resistor value is much higher than the value of the resistor used during the calibration procedure
(470 ). The electrical model of a biological medium can take several forms which are more
complicated than a single discrete resistor. Some impedance spectrums acquired on different
test circuits are represented in figure 9. For all these test circuits, good accordance is observed

A four-electrode low frequency impedance spectroscopy measurement system


Figure 8. Modulus and phase errors obtained on resistive circuits, Zx = Rx .

between the calculated and measured spectrum. The impedance spectrum, obtained on the
220  resistor in parallel with the 770 pF capacitor, highlights the accuracy limits of the system
because the corresponding phase and modulus variation to be measured are in the same range
as the measurement errors. However, the measurement made on the different test circuits gave
a sufficiently good precision for considering the use of the impedance measurement system in
a practical impedance measurement application.
5. Application to the characterization of small physiological samples
The efficiency of the impedance measurement system has been evaluated by measuring small
ionic solution samples (50 l) with tetrapolar microelectrodes. The microelectrodes used are
provided by the company Abtech. They are represented in figure 10.
The microelectrodes consist of four platinum microbands, 20 m wide and 3 mm long,
separated from other with a 20 m gap. A partial microscopic view of the electrodes is
shown on figure 10(b). In figure 10(a), the electrodes can be seen recovered with a drop of
the physiological sample being measured. The benefit of the four electrodes approach can be
clearly observed when comparing it to the classical bipolar configuration. In figure 11, the
impedance spectrums obtained when a physiological sample ( = 0.4 S m1 ) is deposited on
the electrodes are plotted for the two situations (bipolar and tetrapolar).
The bipolar situation is obtained by simply connecting the measuring electrodes 2 and
3 (see figure 2) simultaneously to the excitation and the measurement circuit. The bipolar
measurement (in dotted lines) shows characteristic behavior. The modulus is high for low
frequencies and decreases with increasing frequency. The phase is negative and high for
low frequencies and also decreases with frequency. This is typical behavior observed when
the measurement is dominated by the artifact electrodemedium impedance (Grimnes and
Martinsen 2000). For the bipolar measurement, it was impossible to discriminate the impedance
due the medium itself because the interface impedances dominate for almost the whole
frequency range. Conversely, for the tetrapolar measurement (continuous lines), the phase is
close to 0 in the low frequency range and varies only slightly with frequency. The impedance


C Margo et al

Figure 9. Comparison of calculated and measured impedance spectrums for different test circuits.

A four-electrode low frequency impedance spectroscopy measurement system




Figure 10. (a) Photograph of the electrodes matrix attached to its PCB and recovered with an ionic
solution drop (b) Microscopic view of the four microband electrodes.

Figure 11. Comparison between bipolar and tetrapolar measurements.

modulus is also relatively stable for the whole frequency range. This observation is coherent
with the almost purely conductive behavior of the sample tested and shows the efficiency of
the tetrapolar approach implemented to reduce the effect of the interface impedance artifacts.
Indeed, the absolute values of the impedance modulus for the bipolar and the tetrapolar
configuration are logically not comparable because they do not rely on the same geometric
cell factor. The ability of the proposed circuit to discriminate different samples drops, on the
basis of their conductivity, has also been evaluated. The impedance spectrums, measured on
four samples having conductivities ranging from 0.14 to 1.2 S m1 , are shown in figure 12.
Each curve represents an average of ten successive acquisitions. Similar behavior can be
observed for the four measured samples, that is a stable modulus in the low frequency range
and a slight decrease for high frequencies with a corresponding slight phase drop. Focusing
on the low frequency range, good accordance was observed between the impedance modulus
and the conductivity value. From these measurements, the geometric cell factor, linking the
conductivity to the impedance modulus, can be empirically estimated. It gives an average
geometric cell factor of 130 m1 with a standard deviation of about 10 m1 if all the samples
tested are considered. A numerical estimation of this factor has also been achieved for the
considered configuration of electrodes (with a 2D finite elements approach) and has yielded a
value of 150 m1 . The slight difference between the theoretical and experimental cell factor


C Margo et al

Figure 12. Tetrapolar measurements made on several ionic solutions.

could be explained by side effects and the thickness of the electrodes (not taken into account
in the numerical approach). The high frequency range behavior shows a capacitive effect
recognizable by an impedance modulus and phase decrease. In a first approach, this behavior
could be interpreted as the influence of the sample permittivity that should be close to that
of pure water, which is about 80. For any material, the impedance phase can be expressed
independently of the geometry as:
 = arctan

By applying this simple relationship to practical situations in the most phase-sensitive situation
(highest frequency and lowest conductivity), the phase decrease observed should be around
2.5 , that is relatively small when compared to the actual phase decrease measured (about
20 , see figure 12). The behavior observed at high frequencies could be attributed to stray
capacitive effects between the different electrodes, which are not taken into account by the
calibration scheme used. However, the circuit has shown good ability to detect samples with
different conductivity with an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio. The presented design is a
powerful tool for bioimpedance applications. In addition, in a further development, higher
performances could be expected by extending the frequency range.
6. Conclusion
The AD5933 chip is a very attractive solution to consider when designing new embedded
impedance measurement applications. However, for the specific case of bioimpedance
measurements at microscopic scales, it is subject to some limitations. Mainly, it is very
sensitive to artifact impedances at the metalmedium interface. In this paper, the addition
of a new extension circuit to the AD5933 is proposed. The extension makes possible the
measurement of impedance in a tetrapolar configuration. Measurement errors on test circuits
were lower than 2% and, coupled with tetrapolar microelectrodes, the system has been
successfully used to easily discriminate between different physiological samples (50 l)
having conductivities ranging from 0.14 to 1.2 S m1 . The circuit proposed is an alternative
bioimpedance measurement technique for embedded applications operating in the four
electrode configuration.

A four-electrode low frequency impedance spectroscopy measurement system


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