1.0 Introduction
This chapter is composed of the following sections: Background to the problem, Statement of the
problem, Research objectives, Research questions, Scope of the study, Significance of the study,
Definition of terms as well as Conceptual framework. In each section, there will be the required
explanation for the purpose of giving more and appropriate information on the study. The
Background to The problem for example, will seriously focus on prior knowledge that leads to
knowledge gap. This part and other parts (sections) will attempt to assist on accomplishing the
study as they are the parts within the study.
1.1Background to the Problem
Addressing the educational rights and needs of orphans and vulnerable children in sub-Saharan
Africa today presents new opportunities and challenges. On the one hand, provision of basic
education has shown remarkable improvements since 164 governments met in Dakar, Senegal, in
2000 and committed to the goal of Education for All (EFA). Since then, enrolment has increased
by 36 per cent, 14 sub-Saharan African countries have abolished school fees and the gender gap
is closing. (UNICEF, 2009),
Education is a basic human right for all children,as recognized in the Convention on the Rights
of the Child (Committee on the Rights of the Child 1989). A child who has access to quality
primary schooling has a better chance in life. A child who knows how to read, write and do basic
arithmetic has a solid foundation for continued learning throughout life. Education is also
critically important to childrens social integration and psychosocial well-being. School
attendance helps children affected by trauma to regain a sense of normalcy and to recover from
the psychosocial impacts of their experiences and disrupted lives.As well as benefiting
individuals, education benefits whole nations as a major instrument for social and economic
development. Particularly at the basic level (primary and lower secondary), it is a major
contributor to the reduction of poverty (ibid).
Education increases labour productivity, improves health, and enables people to participate fully
in the economy and the development of their societies. In the world today, children and societies
who lack access to quality education are disadvantaged in terms of income, health and
opportunity. For orphans and vulnerable children in particular, the issues raised above underscore
the importance of education in the lives of orphans and vulnerable children and point to the
opportunities it can provide. In the area of vocational trainingfor orphans and vulnerable
children, this has been found to be particularly effective in certain contexts (World Bank, 2009).
On the other hand, while in many contexts the prevalence of HIV has decreased, during the years
20002006, the number of HIV orphans actually increased on average and, in the worst affected
countries, it increased by almost 300 per cent. This presents new challenges in addressing the
educational rights and needs of orphans and vulnerable children, which are now further
exacerbated by the global financial crisis (World Bank, 2009).
In 2007, an estimated 145 million children 0 to 17 years old were orphaned, having lost one or
both parents (UNICEF 2008b). Many millions of other children can be described as vulnerable,
due to the effects of illness and poverty. There are many reasons for this situation, including
conflict, disease, and accidents. However, in recent times, a new and significant cause of the
increase in orphans and vulnerable children has been the impact of the HIV pandemic.
Worldwide, 15 million children have been orphaned due to AIDS, with 11.6 million orphans due
to AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa alone(UNICEF, 2008).
AIDS is also unique in its impact on double orphans, or children who have lost both parents. If
one parent is living with HIV, there is a high likelihood that the other parent is as well and that a
child will lose both parents in a short period of time. Children who are orphaned are more likely
to suffer from detrimental health and nutritional outcomes; orphaned children are more likely to
be stunted compared to non-orphans
Paternal orphans are also more likely to have suffered from recurring sickness in the past month
compared to non-orphans. Additionally, caregivers of double and maternal orphans are less likely
to report that the child has been sick in the last 12 months although maternal orphans are more
than twice as likely to report being treated worse than other members of the household,
compared to non-orphans (UNICEF 2006).
In East Africa, the government of the united republic of Tanzania aims to ensure that all the
countrys most vulnerable children are effectively and efficiently provided with communitybased support and care. The education sector is recognized as having a critical role to play in
these efforts, and access to education is viewed as one of the principal means by which children
can be freed from long-term poverty and vulnerability. In line with this understanding, the united
republic of Tanzania was among 155 countries that in 1990 adopted the World declaration on
Education for All. In 2000, it was among members of the international community that met in
Dakar, Senegal, to reaffirm their commitment to achieving Education for All by the year 2015.
Carrol & Boler (2003), pointed out that, orphaned students face the following challenges on
their academic performance; high demands for labour at home, stigmatised at school because
of inadequate uniform and learning materials, low attention span due to hunger, for girls- are at
high sexual risks, and for those children who are working (child labour) become tired during
classes thus leads to erratic school attendance. Lack of homework support or household
encouragement (motivation) to education and social exclusion relating to marginalization
of children affected by HIV/AIDS (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome) are also critical challenge to orphaned students on their academic
The increasing in number of orphaned students in most of secondary schools in Tanzania is due
to higher death rate of parents contributed by factors such as road accidents and other diseases
than HIV/AIDS such as diabetes, blood pressure, asthma. Baruani, Mmari& Lerisse,
(2003)consider these orphaned children as biological orphans. With an increase in the spread of
HIV /AIDS, the number of orphans and other helpless children has also had been increasing
drastically in Tanzania. The last population census in 2002 showed that nearly 10% of all
children in Tanzania had been orphaned close to two million children. Paternal orphans are
more common: 7.4 % of children had lost their father, 3.4% had lost their mother, and 1.1% had
lost both parents
Statistics also shows that many parents are dying at the age less than fifty-five years, the age that
is mostly responsible for caring the children who are still in secondary school level. REPOA
(Reduction on Poverty Alleviation) special paper 07.25 p.12, Children and Vulnerability in
Regarding the number of children orphaned by AIDS, the data is frustrating as to UNAIDS (Joint
United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS) report. It says this:One of the most telling and troubling
consequences of the epidemics growing reach is the number of children it has orphaned or
seriously impacted. Today more than 13 million children currently under age 15 have lost one or
both parents to AIDS, most of them in Sub-Sahara Africa. By 2010, this number is expected to
jump to more than 25 million (UNAIDS, 2002:3)
According to revised 2000 estimates, there are currently 34.7 million children under age 15 in
34countries who have lost their mother, father, or both of their parents to HIV/AIDS and
other causes of death. By 2010, that number will be 44 million. Without AIDS, the total number
of children orphaned would have declined by 2010 to less than 15 million. In 2010, 20 percent
to30 percent of all children under 15 will be orphaned in 11 Sub-Saharan African countries, even
if all new infections are prevented and some form of treatment is provided to slow the onset
of AIDS in those infected with HIV (Children on the Brink 2000).
When these parents die, they leave a large number of helpless children who cannot take care of
themselves, leave aside their young brothers and sisters who cannot take care for those orphaned
children in terms of financial
1.2 Statement of the Problem
In Tanzania, safeguarding the
particularly in respect to poverty reduction as underscored in the national strategy for growth and
reduction of poverty (NSGRP), also known in kiswahili as Mkakati wa Kukuza Uchumi na
Kupunguza Umasikini (MKUKUTA). Mkukuta highlights the importance of the provision of
adequate social service and protection of rights of vulnerable and needy groups in the fight
against poverty (URT, 2005A).
For example, the CCBRT (Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation Tanzania) program
aims at improving the quality of life of poor orphan children in Tanzania. Among the strategies
adopted by is that of home based care of orphans instead of isolation. The approach is to assist
those children whose parent(s) have died from HIV/AIDS and poor families who are not able to
finance education for their orphans. The main objective of this program is to provide
community based integrated orphan care. The program has categorized group of orphans into
two. These include those whose parents died of HIV/AIDS and those whose families are not
financially able to send them to school, especially primary schools. Currently, the program has
supported 1500 orphans in the country, but the main area of attention is in Dar essalaam and
Kilimanjaro region. Among 1500 orphans given support for education, 1436 are primary school
pupils, 60 are secondary school students and 4 are university students.
The critical review from various studies show that there is much support offered by different
NGOS, education centers and even by the government itself through free education to orphaned
students in primary schools only. Surprisingly enough education support provided to orphaned
students is not sustainable to secondary schools- it is for government intention of increasing
enrollment of students in primary schools. This is a big challenge in education sector.
Unfortunately enough, no efforts have been established to ensure that they reach secondary
schools and how well they acquire formal education.This study will therefore, investigate the
challenges facing orphans in acquiring formal education in Tabora Municipality.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
The role of this study will be to assess the challenges facing orphans in acquiring formal
education in secondary schools of Tabora Municipality.
1.4 Research objectives.
This research proposal will be guided by the following research objectives.
1.4.1 General Objective.
To find out the challenges facing orphans in acquiring formal education in Tabora Municipality.
To investigate the effects brought by challenges faced by orphaned students in
formal education.
To determine the strategies that have been put in place by teachers to ensure that
orphaned students are learning effectively as non-orphaned students in secondary
What challenges do orphaned students face in secondary schools in Tabora
What are the strategies put in place by teachers to ensure that orphaned students
are learning effectively as non-orphaned students in secondary schools in Tabora
enhancing the formal education to all children regardless of their normal differences.
The Study willalso be significant to Orphaned students because they will be able to
eradicate challenges facing them in acquiring formal education and hence having
policy making.
Also the study is expected to be useful to the researchers who may wish to conduct
similar studies about the challenges facing orphans in acquiring formal education as it
will be a very useful source material to support them during their findings collection.
different challenges in accessing formal education in different parts of the global for which then,
this proposed study is going to assessdifferent challenges faced by orphan students in accessing
acquiring formal education in Tabora Municipality. In other side it considers the impacts of
strategic measures of eradicating the challenges facing orphaned students and enhancing their
academic prosperity in secondary schools
Lack of learning
Difficult to concentrate
and learn due to trauma
High demand of
labour at home
Low attention span
due to hunger
Inability to obtain
school uniform
Barrier to
2.1 Introduction
This chapter will focus on the review of literature on the challenges facing orphans in acquiring
formal educationin secondary schools in Tabora Municipality. The chapter composed of review
of different studies to identify different theories explaining the relationship between being an
orphaned student and formal academic performance, Challenges orphaned students face in
secondary schools,effects brought by challenges faced by orphaned students in formal
educationand finally to demonstrate the gap of knowledge to be filled in this study. This chapter
will helpto show what other researchers have found out about challenges facing orphans in
acquiring formal educationin secondary schools. These studies will help the researcher to
identify the knowledge gap and to justify the need to carry out a research in secondary schools in
Tabora Municipality.
understanding the needs of orphaned students and the relationship between the students and the
educators that emerged inthe study.The narrations of some of the experiences of the orphans
suggest that they do not have a secure base to turn to when they need material, emotional and
social support. One of the orphanedlearners expressed:
...I felt good because my mother was still alive and everyday she bought mesomething
"Positive emotions such as love, excitement, enthusiasm and joy enhance the ability to
processinformation and create permanent mental programs" (Sylvester, 1996). Learning cannot
take place unless the learner feels "safe"(Sylvester, 1996). "Stress and constant fear, at any age,
cancircumvent the brain's normal circuits" (Viadero, 1996).
Brain-based learning theory in (Sousa, 1998) entails that ability to make meaning must be
basedon previous interests and emotion interact with reason to support or inhibit learning.
How students feel in the classroom "determines the amount of attention they devote to... [the
lesson]"(Sousa, 1998). It is very important for learners to feel relaxed and safe in the learning
environment. It must be taken into consideration that emotion disruption has negative impact to
orphaned students in learning process. In this theory, it must be taken into consideration that
emotional disturbance can occur to any student depending to school setting.
2.3 Review of empirical studies
The impacts of HIV/AIDS on the education of orphans have been studied in various countries
of Africa. Studies in Uganda have shown that following the death of one or both parents, the
chanceof orphans going to school is halved and those who go to school spend less time there
than theydid formerly.
(Tadesse,2003).Mwananchi-Tanzanian newspaper (9.November.2006) stated that From 90s2005 more than970,000 children in Tanzania had lost their parents to HIV/AIDS and about 40
per cent of thechildren are raised by grandparents, while about 30 per cent are reared by aunts
and uncles and30 per cent have no stable home environment.Some of the grandparents are too
old to look after them properly and as a result they suffer a lot.Due to challenges which they face
such as stigmatization, lack of basic needs, emotionalinsecurity and social exclusion, most of this
3.1 Introduction
This chapter will describe methods and instruments that will be included in the study, research
design, area of the study, targeted population, sampling techniques, sample size, data collection
techniques as well as ethical implications.
3.2 Research Design
Research design is an arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of data in a manner
that combine relevant to the research purpose with economy in procedure (Kothari, 2004). The
study will use descriptive design in qualitative approaches and thematic design in quantitative
Under probability sampling, stratified random sampling will be employed because it is the best
techniques that give equal chance for every member to be chosen to participate in a study. A
strata of form one, form two, form three and form four will be used to get a sample of 40
In non-probability sampling, purposive and convenience sampling will be used to obtain the size.
Purposive sampling will be used since the researcher believes that respondents possess the
needed information while convenience sampling technique will be used because the number of
teachers in schools is not known to the researcher hence the researcher will use whoever will be
available at school to respond to questions.
Heads of school
3.4 Research Instruments
Instruments are very crucial as Kothari (1990), noted that these methods are useful in providing
data. In this study, researcher will employ varieties of data collection methods to ensure that
important information on the problem is obtained. These methods include Questionnaires and
Interviews methods.
3.4.1 Questionnaires
Questionnaires are the written list of questions that the information can be collected from the
answers. The number of questions will be prepared both closed and open ended questions to
collect quantitative information from students and teachers. The methods will be applied in order
to get data from students and teachers on the assessment of the challenges facing orphans in
acquiring formal education in secondary schools of Tabora municipality.
3.4.2 Interview
Interview is an instrument which involves the face to face interaction with the respondent. It
helps researcher to ask supplementary questions. The heads of schools will be interviewed. This
method will be used to facilitate the collection of qualitative information.
(A constituent College of St. Augustine University of Tanzania)
) Degree ( ), Masters (
4. 4. Specialization: Language (
), Social science (
), Natural science (
) Business (
2. Are there any challenges been faced by orphaned students at your Schools?
3. If yes, mention challenges that face orphaned students in the whole process of studying?
4. If No , describe the other challenges student encounter when acquiring formal education
5. What is the role of teachers in helping orphaned students aquire formal education
iv. .
I am AFRA PAUL MPABANYANKA,, a MEMBER OF AMUCTA College of Education who
pursued a bachelor degree in education(Social Science).I am conducting a research project as an
advancement in a UNIVERSAL EDUCATION on the topic an assessment on the challenges
facing orphans in acquiring formal education in Secondary Schools in Tabora municipality.
Iam requesting you to help in filling this questionnaire by giving information that is required for
successful fulfillment of the objectives stated. I am ensuring you that all the information which
will be given will be treated with a high degree of confidentiality
Thank you in advance
Kindy fill appropriately the given blanks (you may use English or Kiswahili)- No need of writing
your name
Please tick ( ) where appropriate:
Type of school: Private ( ) Public ( )
Class form: one ( ) two ( ) three ( ) four ( )
Sex: Male ( ) Female ( )
Age in years: 10-14 ( ) 15-19 ( ) 20+ ( )
9. What are the methods used by teachers to help orphaned students learn as non orphaned
students at your school?
Children on the Brink (2000).Care for Orphans, Children Affected by HIV/AIDS and otherVulnerable
Children. A strategic framework. Arlington, VA 22201: Family Healthinternational HIV/AIDS.
Committee on the Rights of the Child (1989). Convention on the Rights of the Child, Office of
the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights.
Griffiths, j. (2005). HIV/AIDS Intervention Programs for Youth in Africa: The Role of
Grassroots Soccer, Stanford University School of Edu
Kafwa, V. N. (2005). Effectiveness of AIDS Education Programs in Secondary Schools in Busia
District Unpublished M Phil Thesis: Moi University
Kazula (2012).Effects of challenges facing orphaned studentson academic performance in
UNAIDS (2002). Educational challenges; AIDS Orphans; Maternal Orphan; Paternal Orphan;Double Orphan.
Ethiopia: Addis Ababa University (www.connectingafrica.net/query_2.php?&ire..)