Adult Basic Skills ESOL Curriculum - Draft

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The Adult Basic Skills

ESOL Curriculum

The Basic SkilIs Agency would like to thank the following for their
contribution to the development of the Curriculum:
Martin Good, CTAD
Freda Hollin, CTAD
Heather Clary, Consultant
Karen Davies, Business and Education Consultancy
Andrew Steeds, Consultant
Sue Henderson, Birmingham Core Skills Partnership
Norma Yates, BCSP;
Trish Cavalot, BCSP
Nicky Thorpe, BCSP
Mark Houlton, Consultant
Linda Horne, Consultant
Lynn Tranter, Cambridge University School of Education
Noyona Chanda, LLLU
Madeline Held, LLLU
Helen Sutherland, LLLU

and from the Basic Skills Agency:

Jim Pateman
Gay Lobley.

The Basic Skills Agency

Commonwealth House, 1-19 New Oxford Street, London WClA lNU
Reproduction, storage, adaptation or translation, in any form or by any
means, of this publication is prohibited without prior written
permission of the publisher, unless within the terms of licences issued
by the Copyright Licensing Agency. Excerpts may be reproduced for the
purpose of research, private study, criticism or review, or by
educational institutions solely for educational purposes, without
permission provided full acknowledgement is given.
Published July 2000
ISBN 1 85990 124 7
Design: Studio 21


1. Background
2. Implementation

Section 1: Standards and the New Basic Skills Curriculum

1. The Standards
2. The Basic Skills Levels
3. The Curriculum



Section 2: A New ESOL Curriculum


1. Skills, Context and Practice

2. Making the Curriculum work


Section 3: The Curriculum Framework


The ESOL Curriculum

1. About this Section
2. Relating the Curriculum to the Standards
3. Speaking and Listening
4. Reading and Writing: Text, Sentence and Word


Speaking Entry Level 1

Speaking Entry Level 2
Speaking Entry Level 3
Speaking Level 1
Speaking Level 2
Listening Entry Level 1
Listening Entry Level 2
Listening Entry Level 3
Listening Level 1
Listening Level 2
Reading Entry Level 1
Reading Entry Level 2
Reading Entry Level 3
Reading Level 1
Reading Level 2
Writing Entry Level 1
Writing Entry Level 2
Writing Entry Level 3
Writing Level 1
Writing Level 2

Section 4: ESOL Glossary





The Adult
Basic Skills


1. Background
The report of Sir Claus Mosers Working Group on
Post-16 Basic Skills was published in February 1999.
The report, A Fresh Start Improving Literacy
and Numeracy, set out the problems of adult literacy
and numeracy. It proposed the establishment of a
national strategy designed to reduce the numbers of
adult in England with basic skills difficulties.
The definition of basic skills used for the Moser Report

Longer term action will need to be in three

main stages.
STAGE 1 Building a firm foundation
This stage entails a major reform of the
way basic skills education is provided. It
will lead to a clear and coherent system
of basic skills education, easier access to




quality, giving learners a much better chance

of success.

the ability to read, write and speak in English,

and to use mathematics at a level necessary to
function at work and in society in general.

STAGE 2 Building capacity

This stage entails a steady increase in the
capacity of the system to provide for up to
and beyond the target of 500,000 adults

The Report recognised that there was a need to

participating in basic skills education by

review the special implications in the ESOL


STAGE 3 A step-change in participation
In a response to this report, the Government

and achievement

has announced the first phase of action and funding to

This stage will entail driving up demand in

tackle poor basic skills. Later this year the Secretary of

line with increased capacity and making

State for Education and Employment, David Blunkett,

sure that participation resolly leads to

will set out the full national strategy. This will involve


a number of development and implementation stages.

Better Basic Skills, DfEE, November 1999

The consequences of poor basic skills are

unacceptable. For the nation, they affect
economic performance. For individuals, they
can be devastating. They affect peoples job
prospects, their ability to manage their own

2. Implementation

affairs, their safety, the support and guidance

Many of the recommendations in A Fresh Start

they can offer their families, and the

Improving Literacy and Numeracy are already

contribution they make to society.

being translated into policy and action. The Adult

Basic Skills Strategy has set in place a number of

Poor basic skills are one of the main

measures to strengthen current programmes. If we

contributory factors to a cycle of poverty and

are to tackle the issues raised by A Fresh Start and

disadvantage which is passed on from

meet the targets that the report proposes, both the

generation to generation.

range and quality of current basic skills provision,

including ESOL, must improve.


Each of the twenty-one recommendations made in

of programmes, approaches and materials that are

A Fresh Start addresses the issue of quality in

designed to raise the level of skills, knowledge and

some way, whether it is the quality of information

capability in their learners. We use the term

available on basic skills or the quality of teaching

curriculum to describe:

available to adults seeking to improve their basic

the skills, knowledge and understanding that an


adult will need to function at work in Britain and in

British society in general;

A critical element in the overall strategy proposed

in the recommendations is the need for the
development of national standards and a core

the progression in the development of these skills,

knowledge and understanding;
the required elements that should be used by
teachers in learning programmes;
the key techniques that should be used to develop

One of the crucial elements of the proposed

speaking, listening, reading and writing in English.

strategy must be clarity about the skills,

knowledge and understanding that anyone

In preparing this Curriculum, we drew heavily on the

needs to be literate and numerate in the

experience of ESOL practitioners in Britain and on

modern world. These skills need to be

existing and planned curricula and strategies in this

enshrined in a new curriculum, with well-

country and overseas. Also, we took into account:

developed and understood standards.

the frameworks for literacy elaborated in the

Chapter 10 (A New Basic Skills Curriculum and a New

System of Qualifications), A Fresh Start, February 1999

National Literacy Strategy;

the new Key Skills Specifications that are being
developed by the Qualifications and Curriculum
Authority (QCA);

A coherent system of basic skills education

must start with a clear understanding of what
adults should be able to achieve in literacy and
numeracy at different levels. The Qualifications
and Curriculum Authority (QCA) have recently
issued draft standards at Entry Level, Level 1
and Level 2 for consultation. The new
curriculum will correspond to the new
standards and should be available soon

the revised version of the National Curriculum,

which is due to be implemented in schools this
the basic skills curriculum.
The link between the respective levels of the
Basic Skills Curriculum, the National Curriculum
and the Key Skills Specifications is spelt out in
Section 1.

Better Basic Skills, DfEE, November 1999

About this document

This document contains the consultative edition of the
A seperate working group has been examining the
particular needs of ESOL learners in the development

new Basic Skills Curriculum. It is divided into four


of an Adult Basic Skills Strategy. The question of

curriculum development for ESOL has also been
widely raised as part of consultation on the

Section 1 describes the links between the

Standards, the Curriculum and





Qualifications Framework. It also

This curriculum is the ESOL Curriculum. It represents
a set of tools for ESOL staff to use in the development

profiles the range of learners for

whom the Curriculum is intended.

Section 2 describes the way in which

generic skills/knowledge and
specific contexts should combine
in the practical application of
learning programmes developed
to meet the needs of individual
learners. It also presents the
required elements that must exist
in learning plans and programmes
and discusses issues of teaching,
assessment and quality assurance.
Section 3 contains the full ESOL Curriculum,
broken down into standards, skills
and knowledge, and illustrated by
examples and activities.
Section 4 contains




terms used.


Section 1:

Standards and the

New Basic Skills


The Standards, and the Basic Skills Curriculum that

supports them, are a fundamental part of the Adult
Basic Skills Strategy. They have distinct and different

2. The Basic Skills Levels

The Basic Skills Standards provide a separate
specification for each level of each basic skill. There
are three levels in the Standards, and these are
mapped on to the Key Skills at Levels 1 and 2, and on
to the National Curriculum at Levels 16.

1. The Standards
The Standards provide a map of the range of skills

Entry Level is divided into three component levels:

and capabilities that adults are expected to need in

Entry 1, Entry 2 and Entry 3. These are broadly

order to function at work and in society in general.

aligned with Levels 1, 2 and 3 of the National

They identify these skills and capabilities at three

Curriculum. The Standards are also aligned to make

different levels: Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2.

sure that there is easy progression into the Key Skills

Entry Level is in turn divided into three further

of Communication and Number at Level 1. The

levels: Entry Level 1, Entry Level 2 and Entry Level

alignment of levels across these three initiatives is

3. Although the levels of the Standards have been

demonstrated in Table 1.

developed in line with the National Curriculum and

the Key Skills, they dont reflect the order in which

The Basic Skills Standards provide a useful perspective

people will learn those skills; nor do the Standards

on the underpinning requirements for these Key Skills.

provide information on teaching methods or

They give a detailed framework of the skills that adults


will need to achieve the Key Skills of communication

and application of number at Levels 1 and 2.

The Standards are designed to cover the basic skills

within the accepted definition and as expressed in A

The Basic Skills Agency and the Further Education

Fresh Start:

Development Agency (FEDA) are producing material

that will clarify further the relationship between Basic

the ability to read, write and speak in English

Skills and Key Skills.

and to use mathematics at a level to function at

work and in society in general.

They specify the skills in the two areas of basic skills.

Literacy covers the ability to:

Basic Skills

National Curriculum

Key Skills

Entry Level
Basic Skills
Entry 1
Entry Level

National Curriculum
Level 1

Key Skills

Entry 12

Level 12


Entry 23

Level 23


Level 13

Level 34

Level 1

2 7
6 and

Levels25, 6 and 7

Level 2

speak, listen and respond;

read and comprehend;
write to communicate.

Numeracy covers the ability to:

read and interpret mathematical information;
calculate and manipulate mathematical information;
communicate mathematical information.

Table 1: Equivalence of levels between the Basic

Skills Curriculum, the National Curriculum and the
Key Skills Specifications

The division of Entry Level helps beginner-level

learners to map their progression in smaller, bitesized chunks of learning. This is designed to improve
motivation and to enable teachers to map learners
position against the standards in some detail. It also
allows for the phenomenon of spiky profiles of
adult learners, whose levels of skills in reading,
writing, speaking and listening, and numeracy are
often all different. It is unusual for people to fall neatly
into a single level as defined by the Basic Skills

3. The Curriculum
As far as possible the curriculum should be
context free the core should set out the skills
to be taught. The context in which they are
taught is a matter for the teacher and learner
to decide, particularly as different adults have
different motivations
A Fresh Start, February 1999

The ESOL Curriculum takes the standards and shows

how they can be effectively translated into good
practice, whether the learners are in the classroom,
working from home, in the workplace or learning
online. It has been designed to ensure that learners
get a consistent approach with programmes designed
to raise their level of English language skills. It will
facilitate movement and progression and ensure
standardisation across institutions. As the Adult Basic
Skills Strategy unfolds, the Curriculum will be
reviewed and updated to build in new and revised
ways of delivering these skills, and will reflect the best
of what has to happen in order to fulfil the vision
outlined in A Fresh Start. For teachers, therefore, the
new ESOL Curriculum is both a key support and also
a challenge.





Section 2:




1. Skills, Context and Practice

However, it is important that the skills are presented

and practised in contexts relevant to the learner. Each

In short, the curriculum is not a series of rigid

individual learner will come with their own set of

lesson plans to be taught by every teacher and

priorities and requirements and these must be the

followed by every learner.


A Fresh Start, February 1999






development. Practice describes the way in which

skills and knowledge and context are brought

The ESOL Curriculum sets out the skills and

together. The teacher applies these skills to the

knowledge that every adult needs to be able to speak,

specific need of each individual learner.

understand, read and write English. While it doesnt

prescribe a set of compulsory instruments to be used,
it does recognise that there are skills and knowledge

Learners should be able to develop the skills

we all need in order to communicate in English in our

common to them all, using the interests, the

life and work. For the first time, therefore, adults and

materials and the activities that most closely

the teachers who work with them have a clear set of

match their needs.

A Fresh Start, February 1999

skills and knowledge and a clear and detailed set of

strategies to deliver those skills.
Delivering the new ESOL Curriculum will involve a
combination of three key elements: skills/knowledge
development, application to context and the specialist

2. Making the Curriculum work

professional practice of teaching ESOL. Figure 1

shows how they overlap and intertwine.

Learning Programmes
One of the key issues for teachers, ESOL programme
managers and inspection agencies is how to make sure
that the curriculum is used effectively. The new ESOL
curriculum aims to ensure that good practice becomes




standard practice. Part of this process means that all

providers need to incorporate certain essential
elements into their ESOL programme. These essential
elements are:
Diagnostic assessment considering the starting

Figure 1: The overlap between Skills, Context and Practice

point of the learner, that is the learner's prior

learning, learning aims and aspirations and

The underpinning skills and knowledge can be


practised and applied in a wide range of contexts. The

standards have identified five broad contexts which
are relevant to adults:
being a citizen and taking part in community life;

Content considering and selecting from the






development of the four skills of speaking,

listening, reading and writing; and knowledge of

taking part in economic activity and working life

grammar, either explicit or implicit

(both paid and unpaid);

managing a home and being part of a family;
leisure activities;
education and training.

Application in contexts that relate to the learner

Opportunity to demonstrate learning through
tasks inside and/or beyond the classroom.


However, it does provide a strong framework which

The effectiveness of the Curriculum will be judged

awarding bodies can use to develop assessment

partly through the quality and inspection processes

schemes that reflect the highest possible quality in the

that are being developed as part of the new Adult

teaching and learning process.

Basic Skills Strategy. These will include:

The Curriculum focuses primarily on the input
embedding aspects of the Curriculum and its

side, the teaching process. Qualifications are about

the outputs the results of teaching and learning

delivery in new quality standards;

inclusion of the Curriculum, its implementation
and monitoring in internal college, and other,

and provide formalised summative assessment leading

to a national award.

linkage of the curriculum to quality initiatives that
form part of the new Strategy;

Assessment is a critical part of practice in basic

inspection regimes.

skills. The Curriculum does not specify any one

assessment method, but it does assume that there

As part of the requirements of the new teacher

will be assessment in at least four domains of

training standards, teachers will need to be familiar


with the Curriculum, and show that they are skilled in

initial screening to determine overall level;

its use.
diagnostic assessment to identify the prior
knowledge of the learner, the learners aspirations

and interests and the specific skills that need to be


Recommendation 16
There should be a new national basic skills
curriculum for adults, with well-defined
standards of skill at Entry Level, Level 1 and

towards the achievement of these skills, using

learning plans which are regularly reviewed;
summative assessment to provide a statement of

Level 2.
Only basic skills qualifications based on this
new curriculum should be funded from the

formative assessment to monitor progress





coursework, test or a mixture of both, they

should use a common set of standards laid
down by QCA.

achievement, opportunities for a qualification and

perhaps longer-term learning plans.
All these are described in detail in the Basic Skills
Agency Quality Mark process and documentation, and
in Effective Basic Skills Provision for Adults.

Existing qualifications should be revised to

meet these new national standards.
Existing qualifications based exclusively on
tests should be replaced by a new National
Literacy Test and a new National Numeracy
Test both available at Levels 1 and 2.
A Fresh Start, February 1999

The Curriculum does not determine the nature or

methodology of qualifications; that is the role of the
awarding bodies, using the Basic Skills Standards.




Section 3:




The ESOL Curriculum


level. For instance, to give personal information at

Entry 1, it is enough to be able to say My names I
come from , whereas at by Entry 3 learners would

1. About this Section

be expected to use different tenses and form more

This section contains the curriculum. It is divided into

complex sentences such as I've lived in the UK for two

the five levels Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3, Level 1 and

years When I lived in India I used to own a shop. The

Level 2 in order to relate to the Standards. (See

same level of grammatical knowledge would be

Section 1 for an overview of how these levels relate to

expected at that level in Writing.

other national frameworks.) At each level and for each

skill you can find the relevant Standards and the level
descriptors. We then give the details of the curriculum
for all four skills for that level.

As part of the Listening, Reading and Writing

curriculum we have included example activities to
develop each Component Skill. We have not done this
for the Speaking curriculum as procedures are
unlikely to vary much for the different Component

2. Relating the Curriculum to the Standards

Skills. The activities that teachers use drills, role-

For each skill and at each level, the curriculum is

plays, communicative tasks are much the same

linked to the standards through the Curriculum

whether the learner is learning to give personal

Element. This is either taken directly from the

information or describe people and places.

standard or from the level descriptor which follows

the standards at each level. For instance, at Speaking
Entry 1 the first curriculum element is Speak to
communicate: to provide basic information. This

3. Speaking and listening

relates directly to the Standard which says At this

The Basic Skills Standards have put listening and

level adults can speak to communicate basic

speaking together as the skills are almost always used

information, feelings and opinions on familiar

together in communication.

For each Curriculum Element we have given
examples of the Component Skills which would enable
learners to achieve the Standards at that level. So, for
instance, in order to be able to provide basic
information, adults need to be able to give personal
information, introduce family and friends, describe
places and things, etc.
We have also given Examples of the language or texts
at each level. In the Speaking section, the component
skills are described in terms of functions and at each

However, for the purposes of planning, learning and

teaching, the ESOL curriculum has separated
listening and speaking and listed the separate
component skills that make up these two different
communication skills. Learners often develop the


of listening earlier than productive skills of speaking

and so the skills also need to be assessed separately.
Finally, it will be necessary to use different teaching
activities and techniques to develop the two

level the functions are accompanied by examples of

the language in use, thus giving examples of the

The speaking and listening curriculum includes a

grammatical knowledge expected at that particular

detailed breakdown of the grammar needed at each




Conveying meaning, whether orally or in writing,

4. Reading and Writing: text, sentence and word

involves operating at the three levels simultaneously


for instance, Stop! is simultaneously a text, a

The ESOL curriculum is part of an initiative which is

sentence and a word.

based on a common set of standards covering both

The curriculum framework separates these three

basic skills and ESOL. Both curricula use the same

levels for clarity of analysis. However, in practice

framework for describing the processes of reading and

language is used in communicative contexts, that is to

writing. These are based on the National Literacy

say 'whole texts' and though the three levels may be

Strategy for schools. The model recognises the

taught separately, they need to be brought together.

complexity of the reading and writing process and the

To facilitate understanding the teacher may unpick

different levels on which fluent readers and writers

different features at text, sentence or word level, but


always with the ultimate aim of producing or

Text level addresses the overall meaning of the text.

understanding whole texts.

Sentence level desols with grammar, sentence

structure and punctuation.
Word level looks at the individual words

A detailed breakdown of grammar is not included in

the curriculum for reading and writing.

For this,

teachers should refer to the speaking curriculum.

themselves, their structure, spelling and meaning.



The ESOL Curriculum

Speaking Entry Level 1
At this level, adults can:
listen and respond to spoken language, including simple narratives, statements, questions and single
step instructions;
speak to communicate basic information, feelings and opinions on familiar topics;
engage in discussion with another person in a familiar situation about familiar topics.

An adult will be expected to:

listen for the gist of short explanations;
listen for detail using key words to extract some specific information;
follow single step instructions in a familiar context, asking for instructions to be repeated if necessary;
listen and respond to requests for personal information;
speak clearly to be heard and understood in simple exchanges;
make requests using appropriate terms;
ask questions to obtain specific information;
make statements of fact clearly;
speak and listen in simple exchanges and everyday contexts.

Issues which may affect delivery of the curriculum at this level

Students can expect a lot of support in terms of repetition, re-phrasing and prompts. Speech may be tightly
controlled or slowed down, without distorting the normal stress, rhythm and intonation of everyday
spoken English.
A variety of media (video, taped audio cassette), students and helpers may be used.
The importance of non-verbal signalling, and the difficulties encountered when it is not present, should not
be underestimated.
The need for and degree of accuracy should be determined by the purpose of the speech act and
appropriateness to the situation.
Any tasks which students are given to perform should aim to develop and test their speaking skills. As some
students may only have basic literacy skills, activities should be devised which can be performed orally or
either orally/and in writing.
Note on the tables which follow
The Component skills language functions with examples does not give a prescriptive list of functions, but a
set of example functions. Under Grammar, key sentence structures at this level are statements, negatives,
questions and commands in simple sentences. Under Phonology, difficulties with specific sounds should be
addressed according to student need. Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of communication should
be practised in any context within the level. Examples given of potential cross-cultural differences are neither
prescriptive nor exhaustive.


Speaking Entry Level 1



Speaking Entry Level 1


have got, possession;

E1.2 introduce family and close friends;

I've got 3 children.
This is my wife.
He comes from...
They're brothers.

E1.6 describe places and things.

There's a heater in this room.
There's some tea here.
There are 8 students in the class.
There isn't any coffee.

E1.5 say when you do not understand;

Sorry I don't understand.

E1.4 express ability;

I can speak Hindi and Gujerati.
She can't drive.

E1.3 tell the time/day etc.;

It's 12 o'clock.
It's quarter past...

statements, negatives and short forms using

simple present of be/have/do, and
common regular verbs;

E1.1 give personal information;

My name's...
I live in...
I don't smoke.

there is/are;
prepositions of place;
countable/uncountable nouns;
determiners of quantity some/any;
regular and common irregular plurals;
indefinite article a/an with singular countable nouns

modal 'can' + infinitive;

subject pronouns;

possessive and demonstrative adjectives;

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To provide basic information.

Awareness of stress falling on

important words in the sentence.
Rising intonation to elicit

Awareness of stresstimed
sentence rhythm

Awareness of falling intonation on

complete, definite statement


Knowledge and understanding

Importance of signalling lack of understanding,

contrasting how this is done in other languages

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Entry Level 1


questions using

E1.9 ask for personal information;

What's your name?
Is she your wife?
Do you speak Hindi?
Where do you work?
Have you got a job?
wh questions with
where/how much/many.

have got to indicate possession

simple present of be/have/do and of

common verbs

The grammar needed for these functions includes:

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To ask for basic information.


commands using imperatives and negative


E1.7 give single step directions and instructions;

Go straight on.
Put the tape in the tape recorder.
Don't smoke in here.

E1.8 spell words aloud.

My name is Salima, that's

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To provide basic information.

Awareness of rising intonation for

questions in general and that
falling intonation is often found
with wh questions


Knowledge and understanding


Knowledge and understanding

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication

Awareness of importance of intonation in

conveying meaning, e.g. for politeness, helping
to distinguish between questions and

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of comunication


Speaking Entry Level 1


E1.15 request directions.

Where's the Post Office?

Awareness of rising intonation for


E1.14 request ask someone to do something;

ID, please.
Can you help me?
Please, can you repeat it?


Awareness of stress-timed sentence

rhythm in questions

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Knowledge and understanding

E1.13 make requests, ask for something;

A cup of tea, please
Can I have a single to Manchester, please?

E1.12 enquire about skills;

Can you type?

E1.11 ask the time/day;

What's the time?
Have you got the time?

E1.10 enquire about prices and quantities;

How much is it?
How many students are there?

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To ask for basic information.

Awareness of the importance of intonation and

use of 'please' in requests, contrasting with
conventions in other languages

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 1


statements, positive and negative, using

conjunctions and/but;

verb be + adjectives.

E1.16 express likes and dislikes;

I like... I don't like
I like... and...
I like... but I hate...

E1.17 express feelings;

I'm angry/happy

E1.21 express views

I think this is good.

E1.20 apologise.
Im sorry.

E1.19 agree and disagree.

I think so.
I don't agree.
You're right.

E1.18 express wishes;

I want a new job.
I don't want an evening class.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To express feelings and opinions.

Awareness of stress falling on the

important word or information


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of importance of stress in conveying

feelings and opinions

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 1


E1.25 respond to a request.

Can I use your pen?
Yes, you can.

E1.24 respond to questions about ability;

Can you drive?
Yes I can/No I can't.

E1.23 confirm;
Do you come from India?
Yes I do/No I don't.
Have you got...?
Yes I have/No I haven't,

E1.22 respond to requests for basic information;

What's your name?

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

simple present, short answer form;

The grammar needed for these functions includes:

Listen and respond: To simple narratives, statements and questions.

Awareness of falling intonation on

complete, definite statement


Knowledge and understanding

Discourse skills and cross-cultural
features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 1


E1.29 express thanks.

Thank you

E1.28 check back;

Can you come on Monday at 4pm?
Monday? 4pm?

E1.27 correct;
You live in Luton.
No, I live in London.
Mrs Kan, that's K-A-N ?
No, K-H-A-N

E1.26 express a preference;

Which do you want, tea or coffee?
Tea, please.

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To ask for basic information.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Ability to produce rising

intonation on each word or part
of information being queried
or confirmed

Ability to stress important

information or word


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of convention of thanking, oral and

in writing, contrasting with conventions in other

Awareness of the importance of intonation in

correcting and asking for clarification

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 1


imperative and negative imperative.

E1.30 request instructions.

It's on the left.
Come in.
Don't move it.

Awareness of falling intonation in

first part, rising in second

E1.33 respond to greetings;

Fine, thanks, and you?

Awareness of falling intonation for

a complete, definite statement.
Awareness that rising intonation is
often used for questions

prepositions and prepositional phrases of place.

e.g. opposite, near, on the left

use any of the previous language functions at this

level E1.1 to E1.31;


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of falling intonation for

a complete, definite statement


Knowledge and understanding

E1.32 greet;
How are you?

The grammar needed for these functions includes:

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

prepositions and prepositional phrases of place

e.g. opposite, near, on the left;

E1.30 respond to a request for directions;

It's on the left.

Engage in discussion with another person in a familiar situation.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To single step instructions.

Awareness of importance of intonation and

stress to convey feelings, attitudes, relationship
between speakers

Awareness of naming conventions, use of first

names and titles, contrasting with other cultures

Awareness of importance of stress in conveying

feelings and opinions.

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication

Awareness of importance of intonation and

stress to differentiate between a request and a

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 1


E1.38 take leave.

See you tomorrow.

E1.37 decline;
No thanks.
I'm sorry, I don't eat ham.

E1.36 accept;
Yes, please

Awareness of rising intonation for

offers and invitations

questions, using modal 'would' + like.

E1.35 invite and offer;

Would you like a sandwich?


Awareness of falling intonation on

complete, definite statement

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Knowledge and understanding

E1.34 describe hesolth and symptoms;

I feel tired and hot.
I've got flu.

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: Engage in discussion with another person in a familiar situation.

Awareness of non-verbal signalling that helps

interaction between speakers e.g. shrugging or
saying 'aha...mmh' to show understanding

Recognise the interactive pattern of

conversation and expectations of interlocutors,
e.g. turn-taking, types of questions often asked
or avoided.

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication

Strategies for Independent Learning

Students should be encouraged to do the following.
1. At home:
go over work done in class, read it aloud, check understanding;
read practice dialogues to themselves, try learning them by heart;
keep a new vocabulary book and try to learn five new words after each lesson;
tape lessons or parts of lesson and play back at home;
use self-access English learning materials (books, computer programmes and tapes) outside the
classroom for extra practice or revision;
consult their teacher about appropriate materials.
2. When using the phone:
rehearse what they are going to say before dialling, think about possible questions and answers;
write down what they want to say, or main points, before dialling.
3. Try to watch TV/listen to the radio/read headlines and simple books in English every day, if only for a short
time. Ask English-speaking friends or relatives to explain words, phrases they do not understand or look
words up in a bilingual dictionary.
4. Play simple board games, cards or language games (e.g. I Spy, 20 questions) with English-speaking friends
or relatives.
5. Join the local library. If they have children, read with them, asking them to read as well as reading to them.


Speaking Entry Level 1


Speaking Entry Level 2

At this level, adults can:
listen and respond to spoken language, including straightforward information, short narratives,
explanations and instructions;
speak to communicate information, feelings and opinions on familiar topics;
engage in discussion with one or more people in a familiar situation, to establish shared understanding
about familiar topics.
An adult will be expected to:
listen for and follow the gist of explanations, instructions and narratives;
listen for detail in short explanations, instructions and narratives;
listen for and identify the main points of short explanations or presentations;
listen to and follow short, straightforward explanations and instructions;
listen and identify simply expressed feelings and opinions;
speak clearly to be heard and understood in straightforward exchanges;
make requests and ask questions to obtain information in everyday contexts;
respond to straightforward questions;
express clearly statements of fact and short accounts and descriptions;
ask questions to clarify understanding;
follow the gist of discussions;
follow the main points and make appropriate contributions to the discussion.
Issues which may affect delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students can expect support in terms of repetition, re-phrasing and prompts. Speech may be slightly slowed
down, without distorting the normal stress, rhythm and intonation of everyday spoken English.
Students should have the opportunity to hear a limited variety of accents and both genders.
A variety of media (video, taped audio cassette), students and helpers may be used to deliver the
speaking material.
The importance of non-verbal signalling, and the difficulties encountered when it is not present, should not
be underestimated.
The need for and degree of accuracy should be determined by the purpose of the speech act and
appropriateness to the situation.
Any tasks which students are given to perform should aim to develop and test their speaking skills, rather
than their reading or writing. As some students may have basic literacy skills, activities should be devised
which can be performed orally or either orally/and in writing, as appropriate.
Note on the tables which follow
The Component skills column does not give a prescriptive list of functions, but a set of example functions.
Under Grammar, key sentence structures at this level are statements, negative statements, questions and
commands in simple and multiple sentences. Under Phonology, difficulties with specific sounds should be
addressed according to student need. Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of communication should
be practised in any context within the level. Examples are given of potential cross-cultural differences, but these
are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive.


Speaking Entry Level 2



Speaking Entry Level 2


statements, negatives and short forms using

simple present of be/have/do;
common verbs;
have got to equal possession;
simple past of regular and common irregular

E2.1 give personal information;

I was a nurse in Somalia but I don't have a
job now.

comparative adjectives, including regular and

common irregulars;

prepositions of time e.g. at/in/on;

E2.4 compare people, places, things;

London is bigger than Addis Abbaba but it isn't
very friendly.
It is/It's more expensive than. . .

E2.5 describe daily routines and regular

I go to work at 7.30 am.
I don't work on Wednesday.
I usually cook in the evenings.
word order.

adverbs of frequency e.g. usually, sometimes;

common adjectives word order after be and

with nouns;
use of the indefinite article;

E2.3 describe places and things;

Hong Kong is busy and expensive.

E2.2 describe self and others;

I am/I'm busy.
He is/He's tall and slim.
She is/She's got long dark hair.
They are/They're not helpful.
Hes got a beard and a big smile.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To provide straightforward information.

Awareness of stress falling on

important words in the sentence

Awareness of:
elision and unstressed
stress-timed sentence rhythm

Awareness of falling intonation on

complete, definite statement


Knowledge and understanding

Ability to sequence satisfactorily

Ability to structure a story or narrative,

contrasting with conventions in other languages
Introduce a topic.
Develop a topic.
Conclude satisfactorily.

Awareness of naming conventions in formal and

informal contexts, contrasting with other

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 2


E2.9 express need;

I have to see my solicitor.
I need to leave early today.
I must hurry.

E2.8 talk about future plans, arrangements

and intentions;
I'm taking my son to the park tomorrow.
I'm going to visit my sister on Sunday.
He's going to study computing in September.

E2.7 narrate talk about past events (3rd person

Yesterday Ali went to London. Later he saw an
Inspector and asked him...

simple past of regular and common irregular


E2.6 narrate talk about past events (1st

person narrative);
I was born in Gujarat. I got married and then
I came to the UK. I moved to Birmingham 2
years ago. I worked in a hospital. The
hospital was near my house. After that I...

modals need, must, have to + infinitive.

going to + infinitive;

present continuous (to express the future);

adverbs and adverbial phrases of time and place

e.g. yesterday, in the morning;

object pronouns;

Conclude satisfactorily.

conjunctions, e.g. and/but;

Awareness of the importance of modal verbs in

expressing different functions and in explaining
reasons for actions

Ability to sequence satisfactorily.

Develop a topic.

sequencing adverbs;

Ability to structure a story or narrative,

contrasting with conventions in other

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication

Introduce a topic.

As necessary, rising intonation on

conjunctions and adverbs to show
the narrative continues


Knowledge and understanding

definite article 'the' (specifying);


The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To provide straightforward information.


Speaking Entry Level 2


simple past of be/do/have;

E2.15 ask about past events;

What happened?
Did you see the news last night?
What did you do in your country?
irregular verbs.

wh questions e.g. when, what time, how often?

common regular verbs question form;

E2.14 ask about regular or daily routines;

What do you do at the weekends?
When do you usually get up?

E2.13 make comparative questions;

Is halal meat more expensive than non-halal

E2.12 ask for descriptions of places and things;

Whats it like?

E2.11 ask for descriptions of people;

What does he look like?
What's he like?

questions using

E2.10 ask for personal details;

What's your address?
What do you do?
simple present of be/do/have;

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To ask for straightforward information.

Awareness of rising intonation for

questions in general, and in
particular those to which the
answer is 'yes' or 'no'


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of the importance of intonation in

conveying meaning, e.g. for politeness, to
convey the formality of situations, the
relationship between speakers

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 2


ask for directions.

Can/could you tell me the way to...?

ask for permission formally;

Could I leave at 12.00 today please?

ask someone to do something in formal and

informal situations;
Could you shut the window?
Could you give me...?
Can I use your pen?

E2.17 make requests ask for something in formal

and informal situations;
Could I speak to the manager?
I'd like to see Mrs Brown please.
Can I have a biscuit, Ranji?

E2.16 ask about future plans and intentions;

What are you doing next weekend?
Are you going to...?

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

object pronouns.

would like + infinitive;

modal could + infinitive;

The grammar needed for these functions includes:

Speak to communicate: To ask for straightforward information.

The use of 'you' in all registers, contrasting with

other languages

Rising intonation for politeness

Awareness of the difference in use of 'want' and

'would like'

Awareness of register, intonation and of the use

of please in polite requests

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication

Awareness of stress-timed
sentence rhythm in questions


Knowledge and understanding


Speaking Entry Level 2


E2.23 ask about people's feelings, opinions,

interests, wishes, hopes.
Do you think...?
What do you think about...?
How do you feel about...?

E2.22 apologise and give reasons;

I'm resolly sorry Im late but...

E2.21 apologise;
I'm resolly/so/extremely sorry.

E2. 20 express wishes and hopes;

I'd like to get a job next year.
I hope he gets better soon.
adverbials of time.

statements and negatives using

conjunctions and adverbs of reason, cause and

E2.18 express likes and dislikes with reasons;

I like Manchester because...
I don't like Manchester, so we don't go there very

E2.19 express views, with reasons and cause and

I think Mrs Smith is a good teacher, so I don't
miss her classes.
I think she is a good teacher because she listens
to us.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To express feelings and opinions.

Awareness of stress falling on the

important word or information


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of the importance of stress to

convey information, feelings and opinions

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 2


statements using grammar from E2.1 to E2.23.

E2.24 respond to requests for personal detail;

When do you start work?
At 9.00

E2.29 respond to questions about past events

Did you see the news last night?
Yes I did. No I didn't.

E2.28 respond to questions about regular or daily events;

Can you tell me about your job?
I work in... I have to...

E2.27 respond to comparative questions;

Is the weather the same here as in...?
No, it isn't.
No, it's colder than...

E2.26 respond to questions about places and things;

Tell me about your country.
It's in Africa. There are...

E2.25 respond to questions about people;

What's he like?
He's friendly.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To questions and requests.

Awareness of falling intonation on

complete, definite statements


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of the interlocutor's expectations in

open questions, requesting information

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 2


respond to formal requests for permission;

Could I use your pen? Ill return it later.
Yes, thats fine.
No, Im sorry, I need it.

respond to formal and informal requests to do

Could you shut the door?
Please shut the door.
Yes, of course.
No, I'm sorry, it's stuck.

E2.32 respond to formal and informal requests for

Could you tell me the time?
What's the time?
It's six oclock.

E2.31 responds to questions about future plans

and intentions;
What are you going to do next year?
I'm going to study engineering.
I'm going to get a job. I'm not staying at

E2.30 respond to questions about past events

What did you do last night?
I went to... and I saw...

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To questions and requests.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Ability to stress the important

information or word


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of the difference in use of 'can' and

'could' in formal and informal situations

Ability to sequence satisfactorily

Ability to structure a story or narrative

contrasting with conventions in other languages
a. Introduce a topic.
b. Develop a topic.
c. Conclude satisfactorily.

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 2


E2.36 express thanks gratefully.

Thanks so/very much.

E2.35 check back;

You go up the stairs, turn left and its at the end of
the corridor.
I go up the stairs, turn left and then...?

E2.34 respond to requests for clarification;

How did you say you spell your name?
K H A N.

E2.33 respond to questions about preference;

Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?
I prefer coffee.

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To questions and requests.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Ability to use rising intonation,

echoing each word or piece of
information being checked or


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of conventions of thanking,

contrasting with other cultures

Importance of checking back as a

communication strategy

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 2


commands using
imperative and negative imperative;
sequencing adverbs and conjunctions.

E2.38 respond to requests for instructions.

How does this work?
First you check the pressure, then you take the
pump and...
Don't take off the cap.

E2.39 respond to requests for explanations.

I'm sorry I didn't understand that. Could you
explain it again?
Yes, no problem..
O.K., well...

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


questions and statements using

simple present;

E2.37 respond to requests for directions;

How do you get to X?
How does this work?
Go straight on, past the lights and turn right.

Listen and respond: To questions and requests.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To straight forward explanations and instructions.


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of stress falling on

sequence markers and other
important content words in the


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of the importance of intonation and

stress to differentiate between polite instructions
and commands

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication

Ability to structure instructions and sequence


Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication


Speaking Entry Level 2


intensifiers, with correct word order.

E2.44 insist politely;

I'm sure.
I resolly must go.
It's very important.

E2.45 take leave.

Have a good weekend.

statement and negative forms using

possessive pronouns;

Ability to stress the important

words and phrases

E2.42 give warnings;

Be careful! Stop! Don't run.
It's dangerous.

E2.43 express possession.

This is mine.
That's Jane's bag.

Awareness of interlocutors, expectations and

social conventions
recognition of the interactive pattern of conversation and expectations of interlocutors, e.g. turntaking, types of questions often asked or avoided

Awareness that rising intonation is

often used for questions
Awareness of falling intonation
followed by rising intonation in
subordinate clause

Discourse skills and cross-cultural

features of communication

E2.41 respond to greetings;

Did you have a good weekend?
Yes thanks. We went swimming, and you?


Awareness of non-verbal signalling that helps

interaction between speakers, e.g., shrugging
or saying 'aha' 'mmh' to show understanding

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Knowledge and understanding

E2.40 greet;
Hi, hello, 'morning, nice to see you

use any of the previous language functions at this

level, E2.1 to E2.39;

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Engage in discussion in a familiar situation: To convey information and opinions.


Speaking Entry Level 1


questions using
possessive pronouns;
modal must.

E2.48 ask about possession;

Is this yours?
Is this Ahmed's bag?

E2.49 persuade;
Must you go?
Are you sure...?

E2.50 ask for clarification and explanation.

Are you coming on Monday or on Tuesday?
What does X mean?
How do you spell X?


The grammar needed for these functions includes:


E2.47 offer;
Would you like tea or coffee?

E2.46 greet;
Did you have a good holiday?

use any of the previous language functions at this

level E2.1 to E2.45;

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Engage in discussion in a familiar situation: To seek information and opinions.

Ability to produce alternative

questions the voice rises on the
first alternative and falls on the


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of the importance of register,

intonation and stress to convey feelings,
attitudes, awareness of the relationship
between speakers, formality of situations

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Strategies for Independent Learning

Students should be encouraged to do the following.
1. At home:
go over work done in class, read it aloud, check understanding;
read practice dialogues to themselves, try learning them by heart;
keep a new vocabulary book and try to learn five new words after each lesson;
tape lessons or parts of lesson and play back at home;
use self-access English learning materials (books, computer programmes and tapes) at home for extra
practice or revision, and consult their teacher about appropriate materials.
2. When using the phone
rehearse what they are going to say before dialling, think about possible questions and answers;
write down what they want to say, or main points, before dialling.
3. Try to watch TV/listen to the radio/read headlines and simple books in English every day, if only for a short
time. Use teletext to reinforce comprehension. Ask English-speaking friends or relatives to explain words,
phrases they do not understand or look words up in a dictionary. Use a bilingual or English students
dictionary to look words up they do not know.
4. Play board games (e.g. Scrabble, Monopoly), cards or language games (e.g. I Spy, 20 questions) with
English-speaking friends or relatives.
5. Think of ways in which they can meet English-speaking people and use English as the medium of
communication join an adult education class or a club or committee (e.g. PTA, Local Residents
Association), a trade union.
6. Join the local library. If they have children, read with them, asking them to read as well as reading
to them.


Speaking Entry Level 2


Speaking Entry Level 3

At this level, adults can:
listen and respond to spoken language, including straightforward information and narratives, and follow
straightforward explanations and instructions, both face to face and on the telephone;
speak to communicate information feelings and opinions on familiar topics, using appropriate formality,
both face to face and on the telephone;
engage in discussion with one or more people in a familiar situation, making relevant points and
responding to what others say and to reach a shared understanding about familiar topics.
An adult will be expected to:
listen for and follow the gist of explanations, instructions and narratives in different contexts;
listen for detail in short explanations, instructions and narratives in different contexts;
listen for and identify relevant information from discussions, explanations or presentations;
use strategies to clarify and confirm understanding (such as facial expressions or gesture);
listen to and respond appropriately to other points of view;
speak clearly to be heard and understood using appropriate clarity, speed and phrasing;
use formal language and register when appropriate;
respond to a range of questions about familiar topics;
express clearly statements of fact and give short explanations, accounts and descriptions;
make requests and ask questions to obtain information in familiar and unfamiliar contexts;
follow and understand the main points of discussions on different topics;
make contributions to discussions that are relevant to the subject;
respect the turn-taking rights of others during discussion.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students can expect some support in terms of repetition and re-phrasing. Speech is to be delivered at normal
speed and students should be able to cope with a limited range of distractors, e.g. some background noise,
music, interruptions.
Students should have the opportunity to hear a range of accents and a range of English varieties.
Students use of English may reflect the variety commonly spoken in their community, rather than Standard
English. Teachers need to raise this point in discussion.
Students should be able to apply speaking skills in face to face and telephone situations.
A variety of media (video, taped audio cassette), students and helpers may be used to deliver the
speaking material.
The importance of non-verbal signalling, and the difficulties encountered when it is not present, should not
be underestimated.
The need for and degree of accuracy should be determined by the purpose of the speech act and
appropriateness to the situation.
Any tasks which students are given to perform should aim to develop and test their speaking skills, rather
than their reading or writing. As some students may have basic literacy skills, activities should be devised
which can be performed orally and/or in writing, as appropriate.

Speaking Entry Level 3


Note on the tables which follow

The Component skills column is not a prescriptive list of functions, but a set of example functions. Under
Grammar, the key aspect of sentence structure at this level is constructing compound sentences and the
developing use of subordinate clauses (see appendix). Under Phonology, pronunciation difficulties need to be
addressed according to student need. Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of communication are to
be practised in any context within the level. Examples are given of potential cross-cultural differences, but these
are neither prescriptive nor exclusive.


Speaking Entry Level 3



Speaking Entry Level 3


modal would + like;

adjectival phrases;
superlatives, regular and irregular;

prepositional phrases of place;

intensifiers e.g. too/enough;

comparative structures
Compared with X...
X is the same as X
including irregulars.

E3.3 describe self/others;

She is/She's in her twenties, of average height
with freckles.
She is/She's the youngest in the family.
My son is/My son's the best runner in the school.

E3.4 describe places and things;

Iraq shares a border with Iran and is to the north of...
It is/It's the largest country in...
These trousers are too big...

E3.5 compare people, places, things;

Hong Kong and Singapore are each other.
The leg's much worse than before.

statements, negatives and short forms using

present perfect;
present continuous;
adverbial phrases of time and place;
used to;

E3.1 give personal information;

I have/I've lived in the UK for 2 years since 1998.
I have/I've never worked in an office.
At the moment I'm studying English in a college
in Bolton.
When I lived in India I used to own a shop.

E3.2 introduce others;

I would/I'd like you to meet...
He is/He's my...

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To provide information.

Stress falls on important words in

the sentence

Unstressed vowel/schwa

Awareness of falling intonation on

complete, definite statement
Stress-timed senrence rhythm


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of interlocutors background


Ability to use appropriate language for topic

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Entry Level 3


use of definite and indefinite article;

present simple;
clauses of reason;
conjunctions/adverbial clauses of cause;

future simple;

E3.7 give factual accounts;

Divali is a Hindu festival which takes place in...
For this reason...
The train leaves at...and arrives...

E3.8 express certainty about the future;

I'll be 50 next year.
I won't see her until Friday..

E3.11 express obligation.

He should speak to the supervisor.
I should wear a mask.

E3.10 make a decision as ones speaking, make

I think I'll go now.
We'll meet you outside the cinema at 7.30.

modal should.

clauses of time;
relative clauses (who, which, where) non-defining;
past continuous and simple past;

E3.6 narrate events in the past;

A few days ago Mr Gonzales, who lives next door
to me, decided to go to London. While he was
waiting, a woman fainted...

E3.9 offer help;

I'll go.
We'll do it.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To provide information.

As necessary, rising intonation on

subordinate clauses to show
narrative continuing


Knowledge and understanding

Ability to indicate relationship between ideas


Ability to sequence and refer back

Ability to structure a story

a) Introduce the topic.
b) Develop the topic.
c) Conclude satisfactorily.

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Entry Level 3


wh questions;

How long have you worked there?

Have you ever been to...?
What are you doing at present?

simple past;

simple future;
present continuous

E3.15 ask about past events;

Could you tell us what happened?
Please tell us what you saw, Ms Kapur.
What happened?

E3.16 ask about future events.

When will you see her?
What are you doing at the weekend?

E3.14 make comparative questions;

Whats the difference between...?
Which is quicker, train or bus?

embedded question forms;

modal could;

questions using
present perfect;
present continuous;

E3.12 ask for personal information;

Have you been here long?
Are you working at the moment?

E3.13 ask for descriptions of people, places and

Is he like his father?
Tell me about...
Could you describe...

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To seek information.

Rising intonation for politeness

Stress-timed sentence rhythm

in questions

Falling intonation often found

with wh questions

Rising intonation for questions in

general, and in particular those to
which the answer is yes or no


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of register and ability to change

register in formal situations

Discussion on interlocutors expectations

following an open question

Awareness of the importance of intonation in

conveying meaning, e.g. for politeness, to
convey the formality of situations, relationship
between speakers

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Entry Level 3


ask for permission.

May I use your phone?
Could I leave early today?
Can I use your pen?

ask someone to do something for you;

Please hold the line.
Could you take a message?
Would you mind moving along?

E3.17 make requests on the phone, in formal and

informal situations ask for something;
Is it possible to speak to...?
Could I leave a message for...?
Is Janet there?

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To seek information.

modal may;

mind + ing;

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Rising intonation for politeness


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of register and ability to change

register in formal situations

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Entry Level 3


statements and negatives using


modal 'have to' in simple past;

present perfect;

future simple;

E3.18 give views and opinions;

In my opinion...
As I see it...
Swimming is good for you because...

E3.19 explain and give reasons;

I didn't see him because I had to leave early.
I haven't done the homework because I was
too busy.

E3.20 express opinions about future possibilities;

I think I'll pass.
I'll probably pass.
I might/may pass.
verbs + gerund;

conjunctions e.g. however/although/so;

clauses of reason.

E3.21 express feelings, likes and dislikes;

I can't stand

E3.22 show contrast, cause, reason, purpose;

The exam wasn't very difficult so I passed.
Although the job's interesting, it doesn't pay well.
I went to get some coffee because I was resolly

modal might/may;

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To communicate ideas and opinions.

Stress falls on the important word

or information.


Knowledge and understanding

Ability to indicate relationship between ideas


Awareness of importance of stress to convey

information, feelings and opinions

Ability to introduce a topic

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Entry Level 3


The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Statements and negatives and short forms using

grammar from E3.1 and E3.24.

E3.25 rerspond to requests for personal details;

How long have you been married?
8 years.

use all functions in E3.1 to E3.24.

E3.26 confirm information;

You have worked in a garage before, haven't
Yes I have.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To statements, questions and requests.

E3.24 apologise in formal and informal

I feel terrible that...
I'm sorry, my fault.

E3.23 ask about peoples feelings, opinions,

interests, wishes, hopes;
What's your opinion of . . ?
How do you feel about . . ?

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To communicate ideas and opinions.

The voice falls on main clause

and rises on the question tag.

Falling intonation on complete,

definite statement


Knowledge and understanding

Rising intonation for



Knowledge and understanding

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Ability to acknowledge other speakers and

ability in turn-giving

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Entry Level 3


The grammar needed for these functions includes:


first conditional sentence;

if + present simple, future simple.

E3.29 requests for directions;

Could you tell me the way to...?
If you go straight on you'll see it on the right.

E3.30 request for an explanation;

What does......mean?
If you look in the dictionary you'll find the

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To requests for explanations and instructions.

E3.28 respond to advice.

You should see the careers advisor.
Yes, I suppose you're right.
I've already been.

E3.27 respond to suggestions;

Why don't you go to...?
Yes, I'll do that, thanks.
Well, maybe.
No, I'd rather not because...

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To statements, questions and requests.


Knowledge and understanding


Knowledge and understanding

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Entry Level 3


commands using
imperative and negative imperative;
common phrasal verbs;
modal should;
negative must.

E3.31 respond to requests for instructions.

How do you do this?
First you should take off... then put it on...
You mustn't...

question forms using

negative simple present;
future simple with shall;

statements, questions and negatives using

modal should;
conditional would;
modal must negative.

E3.33 ask for and make suggestions and give

You should...
Why don't you...
I wouldn't...
Should I? What should I do...?

The grammar needed for these functions include:


E3.32 suggest action with other people;

Shall we...?
Why don't we...?

use any of the previous language functions at this


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Engage in discussion in a familiar situation: To share information, ideas and opinions.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To requests for explanations and instructions.

Intonation for statements and

questions as in 1.1 and 1.2


Knowledge and understanding

Stress falls on sequence markers

and other important words in the


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of importance of register to convey

attitudes, relationship between speakers,
formality of situation

Awareness of non-verbal signalling that helps

interaction between speakers, e.g. shrugging or
saying aha, mmh to show understanding and
acknowledge other speakers

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Entry Level 3


E3.37 take leave.

Have a good weekend!
It was nice to see you.

E3.36 warn and prohibit;

You mustn't touch that, it's very hot.

E3.35 complain;
I'm not happy about...
I'd like to complain about...

E3.34 praise and compliment others;

You look great!
What a good idea!

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Engage in discussion in a familiar situation: To share information, ideas and opinions.

Stress falls on important words or

information in the sentence.


Knowledge and understanding

Closing a conversation

Awareness of importance of intonation and

stress to convey information, feelings and

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Entry Level 3


questions using
possessive pronouns;
modal must.

E3.40 ask about possession;

Is this yours?
Is this Ahmed's bag?

E3.41 persuade;
Must you go?
Are you sure...?

E3.42 ask for clarification and explanation.

What does X mean?
How do you spell X?

question tags with all tenses covered;

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


E3.39 check back and ask for confirmation;

That's right isn't it?
You do like it, don't you?

E3. 38 greet;
Did you have a good holiday?

use any of the previous language functions at this


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Engage in discussion in a familiar situation: To seek information and opinions.

Rising intonation for questions to

which the answer is 'yes' or 'no'

The voice falls on main clause

and rises on the question tag.


Knowledge and understanding

Ability to open a conversation

Awareness of interlocutors expectations and

social conventions

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Strategies for Independent Learning

Students should be encouraged to do the following.
1. At home:
go over work done in class, read it aloud, check understanding;
read practice dialogues to themselves, try learning them by heart;
keep a new vocabulary book and try to learn five new words after each lesson;
tape lessons or parts of lesson and play back at home;
use self-access English learning materials (books and tapes) at home for extra practice or revision, and
consult their teacher about appropriate materials.
2. When using the phone
Rehearse what they are going to say before dialling, think about possible questions and answers.
Write down what you want to say, or main points, before dialling.
3. Try to watch TV/listen to the radio/read newspapers, magazines and books in English every day, if only for a
short time. Use teletext to reinforce comprehension. Ask English-speaking friends or relatives to explain
words, phrases they do not understand or look words up in a dictionary. Use a bilingual or English students
dictionary to look words up they do not know.
4. Play board games (e.g. Scrabble, Monopoly) or language games (e.g. I Spy, 20 Questions) with Englishspeaking friends or relatives.
5. Think of ways in which they can meet English speaking people and use English as the medium of
communication join an adult education class, a club or a committee (e.g. PTA, Local Residents
Association), a trade union. Voluntary work can give useful opportunities help in their childrens school
or contact the local Volunteer Bureau.
6. Join the local library. If they have children, read with them, ask them to read as well as reading
to them.


Speaking Entry Level 3


Speaking Level 1
At this level, adults can:
listen and respond to spoken language, including information and narratives, and follow explanations and
instructions of varying length, adapting response to speaker, medium and context;
speak to communicate information, ideas and opinions, adapting speech and content to take account of the
listener(s) and medium;
engage in discussion with one or more people in familiar and unfamiliar situations, making clear and relevant
contributions that respond to what others say and produce a shared understanding about different topics.
An adult will be expected to:
listen for and identify relevant information from explanations and presentations on a range of straightforward
listen for and understand explanations, instructions and narratives on different topics in a range of contexts;
use strategies to clarify and confirm understanding (such as facial expressions, body language and verbal prompts);
provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others;
make contributions relevant to the situation and subject;
speak clearly in a way which suits the situation;
make requests and ask questions to obtain information in familiar and unfamiliar contexts;
respond to questions on a range of topics;
express clearly statements of fact, explanations, instructions, accounts and descriptions;
present information and ideas in a logical sequence and include detail and develop ideas where appropriate;
follow and contribute to discussions on a range of straightforward topics;
respect the turn-taking rights of others during discussions;
use appropriate phrases for interruption.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students can expect a little support in terms of repetition and re-phrasing. Speech is to be delivered at normal speed
and students should be able to cope with a range of distractors, e.g. background noises, music, interruptions.
Students should have the opportunity to hear a variety of accents and varieties of English.
Students use of English may reflect the variety commonly spoken in their community, rather than Standard
English. Teachers need to raise this point in discussion.
Students should be able to apply speaking skills in face to face and telephone situations.
A variety of media (video, taped audio cassette), students and helpers may be used to deliver the material.
The importance of non-verbal signalling, and the difficulties encountered when it is not present, should not be
The need for and degree of accuracy should be determined by the purpose of the speech act and appropriateness
to the situation.
Any tasks which students are given to perform should aim to develop and test their spoken skills, rather than
their reading or writing. As some students, even at this level, may have basic literacy skills, activities should be
devised which can be performed orally and/or in writing, where possible or appropriate.
Note on the tables which follow
The Component skills column is not a prescriptive list of functions, but a set of example functions. Under
Grammar, the key aspect of sentence structure at this level is constructing compound sentences and the developing
use of a range of subordinate clauses. Under Phonology, difficulties with specific sounds need to be addressed
according to student need. Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of communication are to be practised in
any context within the level. Examples are given of potential cross-cultural differences, but these are neither
prescriptive nor exhaustive.

Speaking Level 1



Speaking Level 1


L1.5 define;
defining relative clause;
Barometers are instruments which measure pressure. clauses of purpose, reason;
They are used to measure pressure.
passive + to + inf
They are used for measuring...
+ for + gerund.

present perfect - present result of past action

verbs + prepositions

L1.4 describe places and things;

I need a cross bolt it's made of metal and its got
a circular nut attached to the end.
Kuala Lumpur has grown enormously in the last

would like + info;

L1.2 introduce others;

I'd like to introduce you to my...
Do you know each other? Anna meet
Rashed, Rashed meet Anna.
noun phrases (as subject or object of the verb);
adjectival phrases;

statements, negatives and short forms using

present perfect continuous;
focusing on activity/uncompleted act;
passive: past simple;
phrasal verbs;

L1.1 give personal information;

I have/I've been learning English for 4 years.
She has/'s been working in Kingston but studying
in Hounslow.
I was brought up in the Philippines by my uncle.

L1.3 describe self/others;

The nicest person in my office is Jane, the
manager's PA.
A man wearing dark glasses and trainers ran
across the road.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To provide information.

Rising intonation on subordinate

clauses to show the narrative

Stress falls on important words in

the sentence.

Unstressed vowel/schwa


Stress-timed sentence rhythm

Falling intonation on complete,

definite statement


Knowledge and understanding

Ability to fill in background information

Awareness of interlocutors' background


Ability to use appropriate language for topic

Ability to open a conversation and respond

appropriately to interlocutor

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 1


comparative adverbs and adjective

+ fewer + less;
countable/uncountable nouns;

L1.8 compare people, places, things;

People here drive much faster and with a lot less
care than in my country.
During the War, life was a lot harder than it is now.

L1.10 generalise;
Some sports are dangerous, for example motor

L1.9 classify;
Mangoes are types of fruit.
There are many varieties in India.
The majority of Indian women wear saris.

present simple;
sequencing adverbs and conjunctions;
present simple passive;

past perfect;
adverbial phrases (time, manner);
adjectival phrases;
use of articles;

L1.6 narrate events in the past;

Sanjit's leg was in plaster. He had broken it the
day before while playing hockey.
As he walked home, feeling tired and cold, it
began to rain.
The weather was awful. Suddenly, the sun......

L1.7 describe a simple process;

First you put the couscous in a pan and steam it.
After about 10 minutes...
Bread is made from flour. First, the flour is mixed
with water and yeast and then...

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To provide information.


Knowledge and understanding

Discussion on cultural differences

Ability to refer to shared knowledge

Ability to structure a story

a. Introduce a topic.
b. Develop the topic.
c. Conclude satisfactorily.
Discussion on different cultural conventions for
structuring information and narratives,
differences in expectations.
Ability to sequence and refer back using
cohesive devices.

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 1


negative modals need have to;

reported speech;
using a range of tenses and infinitive;
reported questions;

L1.14 report information.

She said she would help me.
We told them to come at 4.30pm.
He asked me if/whether I could type.

modal ought + inf;

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


L1.13 express absence of obligation;

You don't have to register now.
You needn't worry.

L1.12 express obligation + reasons;

I ought to go to the CAB because Ive got a
problem with my housing benefit.

L1.11 give examples;

I like lots of different kinds of programmes, news,
soap operas, documentaries...

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To provide information.

The voice rises on each item of

the list, until the final one, where
it falls.


Knowledge and understanding

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Speaking Level 1


questions using
present perfect;
present perfect continuous;
past simple passive;
phrasal verbs;

L1.15 ask for personal information;

What have you been up to lately?
What have you been doing since July?
Where were you brought up?

embedded questions;

present simple passive;

present simple;

modals would could.

L1.17 ask for descriptions of people;

Do you know what he looks like?
Would you be able to describe her to me?

L1.18 ask for descriptions of things, places;

What's it made of? Would you be able to
describe it?

L1.19 make comparative questions;

How different are things in this country?
Have things changed a lot since...?

L1.20 ask about past events;

Would you mind telling us what happened?
Could you describe the accident?

L1.16 introduce people;

Have you been introduced?
Would you like to meet an old friend of mine?

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To seek information.

Rising intonation for politeness

Rising intonation for questions in

general, and in particular those to
which the answer is 'yes' or 'no'.
Falling intonation often found
with wh questions.


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of the importance of intonation in

conveying meaning, e.g. for politeness, to
convey the formality of situations, relationship
between speakers

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 1


ask for permission.

Is it alright if I leave now?
Could I possibly use your telephone?
Might I have the day off on Tuesday?

ask someone to do something for you;

Do you mind passing me my book?
Move over!
I'd be most grateful if you would send me a

L1.23 make requests in informal and formal

situations; ask for something;
You don't mind if I use your pen, do you?
Lend us a fiver?
Could I possibly speak to the Principal?

L1.22 ask for definitions;

How do you define X?
How would you define X?

L1.21 ask about processes;

What happens?
How does it work?
How is it organised?

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To seek information.

modal might.

questions tags;

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Awareness of intonation and register and ability

to change register according to situation
Discussion on the use of intonation, 'you',
'please' and modal verbs, comparing with other
languages and cultural conventions in terms of

Falling intonation on the tag if

the speaker is certain the
interlocutor will agree

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Rising intonation on the tag if the

speaker is asking for confirmation


Knowledge and understanding


Speaking Level 1


2nd conditional;

L1.25 hypothesise;
If I passed the exams I'd/I would go to college.

L1.29 ask about people's feelings, opinions,

interests, wishes, hopes.
Where do you stand on...?

L1.28 show contrast, reason, purpose,

consequence, result;
Although it's raining, it's not cold.
I was late again because of the weather.
She's going to the gym to lose weight.
He's going to be late, so I think we should start
without him.

L1.27 express feeling, likes and dislikes;

We're/We are hoping to employ more staff in the
near future.
If only we had more money.
adverbs and conjunctions in oral narratives, joining
clauses and sentences;

adverbs and intensifiers;

L1.24 give views and opinions;

I honestly believe in...
I resolly feel that...
In my view...

L1.26 explain and give reasons;

The reason I didn't come was I was ill.
This is caused by an electrical problem.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To communicate ideas and opinions.

Stress falls on the important word

or phrase.


Knowledge and understanding

Ability to acknowledging other speakers and

ability in turn-giving

Ability to indicate relationship between ideas:


Awareness of the importance of stress to

convey information, feelings and opinions

Ability to introduce and control a topic

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 1


statements, negative and short forms using

grammar in 1.1 to 1.29.

know functions from L1.1 to L1.29 e.g. requests

for personal information;
What have you been doing since I saw you?

L1.31 give suggestions and advice;

If I were you I'd go and speak to the shop
Do you resolly think so?

L1.30 confirm;
Have you got that?
Yes, I have, thanks.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To questions, requests, information and narratives.

Rising intonation expressing


Falling intonation on complete,

definite statement


Knowledge and understanding

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Speaking Level 1


The grammar needed for these functions includes:


L1.34 make recommendations;

If I were you I'd speak to him about it. I'd buy the
other gloves, they're warmer.

use any of the previous language functions at this


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Engage in discussion in familiar and unfamiliar situations: To share information, ideas and opinions.

L1.33 respond to requests for instructions;

Could you give me a hand with these, I'm not
sure what to do.
Well, first you have to check the fuses to see if
they are working. After that...

L1.32 respond to requests for explanations;

I hope you don't mind my asking but I missed the
class last week and wondered if you could explain
what I'm supposed to do...
No, that's OK. Well, we have to write a report on...
and then we are supposed to answer the
questions on page...

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To requests for explanations and instructions.

Intonation for statements and

questions as in L1.1 to L1.33.


Knowledge and understanding

Stress falls on the sequence

markers and other important
words in the sentence.


Knowledge and understanding

Awareness of non-verbal signalling that helps interaction between speakers, e.g. shrugging or saying
'aha', 'mmh' to show understanding and acknowledge other speaker, contrasting with conventions
in other cultures, including body language

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 1


L1.39 take leave.

Well, take care.
Hope to see you soon.

L1.38 warn;
If you don't pay for a ticket you might get a fine.

L1.37 complain;
I am resolly angry about the delay!

L1.36 praise and compliment;

I resolly enjoyed that talk.
It was very useful.
You must feel very proud of him.

L1.35 make suggestions and give advice;

You ought to go to the dentist.
It would help your toothache.

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Engage in discussion in familiar and unfamiliar situations: To share information, ideas and opinions.

Stress falls on the important

words in the sentence.


Knowledge and understanding

Closing a conversation, discussion of formulaic

expressions, comparing other cultural

Awareness of interlocutors' expectations and

social conventions

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 1


L1.41 ask for confirmation.

Have you got that?

L1.40 check back;

Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat it,

use any of the previous language functions at this


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Engage in discussion in familiar and unfamiliar situations: To seek information, ideas and opinions.

Rising intonation to ask for



Knowledge and understanding

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of

Strategies for Independent Learning

Students should be encouraged to try the following.
1. At home
go over work done in class, read it aloud, check understanding;
read practice dialogues to themselves, try learning them by heart;
keep a new vocabulary book and try to learn five new words after each lesson;
tape lessons or parts of lesson and play back at home;
use self-access English learning materials (books, computer software and tapes) outside the classroom
for extra practice or revision and consult their teacher about appropriate materials.
2. When using the phone
rehearse what they are going to say before dialling, if it is a difficult situation, e.g. complaining.
3. Try to read as widely as possible books, magazines and newspapers. Borrow audio books from the local
library and either just listen or read and listen simultaneously if they can get the written text too. Use a
bilingual or English students dictionary to look words up they do not know.
4. Try to watch TV/listen to the radio, if only for a short time. Use teletext to reinforce comprehension. Ask
English-speaking friends or relatives to explain words, phrases they do not understand.
5. Play board games (e.g. Scrabble, Monopoly) or language games (e.g. I Spy, 20 Questions) with Englishspeaking friends or relatives.
6. Think of ways in which they can meet English-speaking people and use English as the medium of
communication join an adult education class, a club or a committee (e.g. PTA, Local Residents
Association), a trade union. Voluntary work can give useful opportunities help in their childrens school or
contact the local Volunteer Bureau.
7. If they have children, read with them, ask them to read as well as reading to them.


Speaking Level 1


Speaking Level 2
At this level, adults can:
listen and respond to spoken language, including extended information and narratives, and follow detailed
explanations and multi-step instructions of varying length, adapting response to speaker, medium and context;
speak to communicate straightforward and detailed information, ideas and opinions clearly, adapting speech
and content to take account of the listener(s), medium, purpose and situation;
engage in discussion with one or more people in a variety of different situations, making clear and effective
contributions that produce outcomes appropriate to purpose and topic.
An adult will be expected to:
listen for and identify relevant information from extended explanations or presentations on a range of topics;
listen to, understand and follow lengthy or multi-step instructions and narratives on a range of topics and in a
range of contexts;
speak clearly and confidently in a way which suits the situation;
respond to detailed or extended questions on a range of topics;
respond to criticism and criticise constructively;
make requests and ask questions to obtain detailed information in familiar and unfamiliar contexts;
express clearly statements of fact, explanations, instructions, accounts, descriptions using appropriate structure,
style and vocabulary;
present information and ideas in a logical sequence and provide further details and development to clarify or
confirm understanding;
make relevant contributions and help to move discussions forward;
adapt contributions to discussions to suit audience, context, purpose and situation;
use appropriate phrases for interruption and change of topic;
support opinions and arguments with evidence.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students should be able to cope with distractors, such as background noise, music, interruptions and speech
delivered at normal speed or faster.
Students should have the opportunity to hear a wide variety of accents and varieties of English.
Students use of English may reflect the variety commonly spoken in their community, rather than Standard
English. Teachers need to raise this point in discussion.
Students should be able to apply speaking skills in face to face and telephone situations.
A variety of media (video, taped audio cassette), students and helpers may be used to deliver the material.
The importance of non-verbal signalling, and the difficulties encountered when it is not present, should not be
Any tasks which students are given to perform should aim to develop and test their spoken skills, rather than
their reading or writing.
The need for and degree of accuracy should be determined by the purpose of the speech act and appropriateness
to the situation.
Note on the tables which follow
The Component skills column gives not a prescriptive list of functions, but a set of example functions. Under
Grammar, key sentence structures at this level are simple and compound sentences use of a varied range of
subordinate clauses and participle phrases. Under Phonology, pronunciation difficulties are to be addressed
according to student need. Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of communication are to be practised in
any context within the level. Examples are given of potential cross-cultural differences are neither prescriptive nor

Speaking Level 2



Speaking Level 2


Stress falls on important words in

the sentence.

Rising intonation on subordinate

clauses to show the narrative

use of adjectives, idiomatic usage;

adjectival phrases and subordinate clauses as

use of pronouns.

Unstressed vowel/schwa

L2.3 give general and specific descriptions of

things, and places;
Shopping centres in the UK can get very
crowded and hectic.
I've lost my thermos it's a black, metal one with
a green plastic cup and detachable base. It has a
label with my name attached to it.


Stress-timed sentence rhythm

Falling intonation on complete,

definite statement

colloquialisms & idioms;
noun and adjectival phrases and subordinate
clauses as appropriate;

statements, negatives and short forms using a

range of tenses, structures, vocabulary and idioms;
varying the register according to the situation and
if required producing extended, connected
narrative using subordinate clauses;
present simple, temporary states;
modal would expressing habit in the past;

L2.1 give personal information;

I started teaching in 1979 and worked as a
Modern Languages teacher in secondary school
for 8 years but when I started a family I took a
career break.
After my youngest started primary school I went
back to teaching.
I live in Luton at the moment.
When I was young, I'd walk to school with my


Knowledge and understanding

L2.2 describe self/others;

He's an extremely nice man. He looks just like
his brother.
He reminds me of my cousin who also...
She's one of the friendliest people I know
When I think of her, I picture her...

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To state and provide information.

Ability to use appropriate language for topic

Discussion of cultural conventions, expectations

relating to the ordering of information

Ability to structure information appropriately

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 2


dramatic present;

L2.5 narrate;
...and there we are, waiting for her at the airport
and we see her come through, holding a baby in
her arms !
I parked here and then tried to put a 20p coin in
the meter but it was jammed, so I left a note,
explaining what had happened. When I got back
I'd been fined.

L2.7 define within explanations;

Milk which contains chemicals is dangerous
because it contains harmful toxins.

L2.6 describe a complex process;

On arrival, new books are sorted according to
author. They are then catalogued and tagged.
If any are damaged...
When patients are admitted they are asked to
go to the main entrance.

noun clauses and subordinate clauses as


L2.4 generalise and compare/contrast;

Life in Britain and in my country have several
things in common. They both have large ports
as well as... They differ in various ways. As you
know, after 1995 things changed a lot.

defining relative clause and clauses of reason,

effect, purpose as appropriate.

sequencing adverbs and conjunctions;

present simple passive;

a range of past tenses and sequencing adverbs

and conjunctions, subordinate clauses as

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To state and provide information.


Knowledge and understanding

Ability to indicate relationship between ideas:


Ability to sequence and refer back using

cohesive devices.

Ability to structure a story

Introduce a topic
Develop the topic
Conclude satisfactorily

Ability to refer to shared knowledge

Ability to fill in background information

Awareness of interlocutors' background


Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 2


a range of structures to express the future;

combined use of active and passive tenses;

L2.11 express definite arrangements in the

I leave at 5.00pm on Tuesday.
I'm definitely going to study Business at SBU
next year.
This time tomorrow I'll be flying to Portugal.

L2.12 report.
After the accident the 2 drivers were taken to
hospital. The police talked to the witnesses and
I was asked a lot of questions.
He had his hair cut yesterday. She got her
shoes wet.
causative use of 'have';
get' passive.

should have;

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


L2.10 express obligation in the past;

You should have waited for him. He's probably
still standing there;

L2.9 give examples;

The first is...which contains the following types
of flowers.
Another example of...
Let's take...

L2.8 classify;
Flowering plants are classified into two large

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To state and provide information.


Knowledge and understanding

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Speaking Level 2


questions using a range of tenses structures and

vocabulary, varying in register according to the

L2.13 ask for personal information;

Could you tell me your name?
What's your name?

L2.18 ask about past events;

What happened?
Would you mind telling us what happened?

L2.17 make comparative questions;

How different are things in this country?
Have things changed a lot since..?

L2.16 ask for descriptions of things, places;

What's it made of?
Could you describe it?

L2.15 ask for descriptions of people;

Whats he like?
Would you be able to describe her to me?

L2.14 greet and sustain social interaction;

So, how have you been?
Haven't seen you in ages, what are you up to?

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To seek information.

Rising intonation for politeness

Falling intonation often found

with wh questions.

Rising intonation for questions in

general, and in particular those to
which the answer is 'yes' or 'no'


Knowledge and understanding

Discussion on different cultural conventions in

terms of turn-taking, back-channelling, body

Ability to open a conversation and respond

appropriately to interlocutor

Awareness of the importance of intonation in

conveying meaning, e.g. for politeness, to
convey the formality of situations, relationship
between speakers

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 2


Ask for permission

Can I leave early today?
Could I possibly use your pen?
May I use your telephone?

Ask someone to do something for you

Would you mind passing me my book?
Pass me the book, will you?

Discussion on the use of intonation, you,

please and modal verbs, comparing with other
languages and cultural conventions in terms of

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Ask for something

Can I borrow your dictionary?
Is it alright if I borrow this?
I wonder if I could borrow your pen for a


Awareness of register and ability to change

register according to situation

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Knowledge and understanding

L2.21 make requests in informal and formal


L2.20 ask for definitions;

How do you define X?
How would you define X?

L2.19 ask about processes;

Tell me how the gears work on this bike.
Could you explain how this functions?

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To seek information.


Speaking Level 2


3rd conditional;

L2.23 explain and give reasons;

If I had been there, I would have given him your
She made me do it.

L2.26 criticise, rebuke;

You should have telephoned me!
He shouldn't have spent all that money.

L2.25 express feelings, likes and dislikes;

I wish I could swim.
should have.

use of a range of structures and colloquialisms

according to the situation and intensity of opinion;

L2.22 give views, opinions and justification;

I think that...because.
I resolly believe that if we don't vote for the new
contract, we'll get the sack.
That's total rubbish!
There's no evidence.

L2.24 summarise;
So, to sum up, this is what we've decided...
Let me recap and summarise what we are
going to do.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To express ideas and opinions.

Stress falls on the important word

or phrase.


Knowledge and understanding

Ability to summarise

Awareness of the importance of stress to

convey information, feelings and opinions

Ability to introduce and control a topic

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 2


embedded questions
might/may have

L2.27 speculate;
He must be out.
I wonder why he hasn't arrived?
He might have been delayed by the traffic.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:

statements, negative and short forms using
appropriate range of structures, vocabulary
colloquialisms and register depending on the
situation as in L2.1 to L2.28.

use functions from L2.1 to L2.28

e.g. requests for personal information;
What previous experience do you have as a cashier?
Well, in my country I worked in a restaurant for 3
years and I worked on the till.


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To questions, requests, requests for extended information and narratives.

L2.28 ask about peoples feelings, opinions,

interests, wishes, hopes.
Where do you stand on...?
What do you think?
Do you agree?

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Speak to communicate: To express ideas and opinions.


Knowledge and understanding

Rising intonation to express



Knowledge and understanding

Discussion on different cultural conventions

Ability to respond appropriately to the

interlocutor in terms of situation and register

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Ability to acknowledge other speakers and

ability in turn-giving

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 2


statements, negative and short forms using

appropriate range of structures, vocabulary
colloquialisms and register depending on the
situation as in L2.1 to L2.28.

L2.31 explain;
Could you explain that to me again?
Yes, the garage closes at 4.30, Monday to Friday,
but on Saturdays it's only open till 12.00.

L2.32 give instructions.

Could you tell me the way to the Post Office?
Certainly, keep going straight until you get to
the roundabout, then take the second on the
right and it's about halfway down on the left.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To requests for explanations and instructions.

Stress falls on the sequence

markers and other important
words in the sentence.


Knowledge and understanding

Rising intonation on first part of

the sentence, falling on the
second part

L2.30 clarify.
Your appointment's at 2 o'clock.
Sorry, did you say 12 o'clock or 2 o'clock?


Falling intonation on complete,

definite statement

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Knowledge and understanding

L2.29 confirm;
See you tomorrow then.
Yes, see you tomorrow.

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

Listen and respond: To questions, requests, requests for extended information and narratives.

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of


Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 2


L2.37 rephrase for clarification or emphasis.

In other words...
To put it another way.

L2.36 disagree;
I take your point but...
I'm not sure about that.
Oh, come on!

L2.35 change the topic;

Changing the subject for a minute.
If we can move onto...

L2.34 interrupt;
Excuse me for interrupting but..
Sorry to butt in...
Look, hold on a minute!

L2.33 negotiate;
What do you think of the work we've done this
We've enjoyed it but we'd like to do more
speaking and grammar in class.
If you help me with this, I'll buy you a cup of tea.
What do you think?

use any of the previous language functions at

this level;

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

using a range of structures, vocabulary, and

colloquialisms, according to the situation.

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Engage in discussion in familiar and unfamiliar situations: To make clear and effective contributions.

Stress falls on the important

words in the sentence.


Knowledge and understanding

Ability to change the topic

Discussion on different cultural conventions

Ability to interrupt using appropriate register

Awareness of non-verbal signalling that helps

interaction between speakers, e.g. shrugging or
saying aha, mmh to show understanding and
acknowledge other speaker, contrasting with
conventions in other cultures, including body

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 2


L2.40 criticise.
With all due respect, I don't think that was
quite right.
I don't mean to sound critical but...
What she did was wrong!

L2.39 give reassurance and praise;

That was great!
You did that very well, congratulations.
Don't worry, I'm sure you did it well.

L2.38 take leave;

It's lovely talking to you.
We must get together soon.

Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Engage in discussion in familiar and unfamiliar situations: To make clear and effective contributions.


Knowledge and understanding

Ability to close a conversation

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of



Speaking Level 2


L2.42 ask for confirmation.

Is that clear?
Are we OK for tomorrow?

L2. 41 check back;

So, we're meeting at 5.00 outside the cinema.
Is that right?
Aren't we?

use any of the previous language functions at this


Adults should be taught to:

Component skills:
language functions with examples

The grammar needed for these functions includes:


Listen and respond: To seek information, ideas and opinions.

Rising intonation for confirmation

Falling intonation on the tag if

speaker is certain the interlocutor
will agree

Rising intonation on the tag if

speaker is asking for confirmation


Knowledge and understanding

Discourse skills and cross-cultural features of

Strategies for Independent Learning

Students should be encouraged to try the following
1. At home:
Go over work done in class, read it aloud, check understanding;
Read practice dialogues to themselves and try learning them by heart;
Keep a new vocabulary book and try to learn five new words or phrases after each lesson;
Tape lessons or parts of lesson and play back at home;
Use self-access English learning materials (books, computer software and tapes) outside the classroom for
extra practice or revision. and consult their teacher about appropriate materials.
2. Try and read as widely as possible books, magazines and newspapers. Borrow audio books from the local
library and either just listen or read and listen simultaneously if they can get the written text too. Use a
bilingual or English students dictionary to look words up they do not know.
3. Try to watch TV/listen to the radio every day, if only for a short time. Use teletext to reinforce comprehension. Ask English-speaking friends or relatives to explain words and phrases they do not understand.
4. Play board games (e.g. Scrabble, Monopoly) or language games (e.g. I Spy, 20 Questions) with Englishspeaking friends or relatives.
5. Think of ways in which they can meet English-speaking people and use English as the medium of
communication join an adult education class, a club or a committee (e.g. PTA, Local Residents
Association), a trade union. Voluntary work can give useful opportunities help in their childrens school or
contact the local Volunteer Bureau.
6. If they have children read with them. Ask them to read as well as reading to them.


Speaking Level 2


The ESOL Curriculum

Listening Entry Level 1
At this level, adults can:
listen and respond to spoken language, including simple narratives, statements, questions and single step
speak to communicate basic information, feelings and opinions on familiar topics;
engage in discussion with another person in a familiar situation about familiar topics.
An adult will be expected to:
listen for the gist of short explanations;
listen for detail using key words to extract some specific information;
follow single step instructions in a familiar context, asking for instructions to be repeated if necessary;
listen and respond to requests for personal information;
speak clearly to be heard and understood in simple exchanges;
make requests using appropriate terms;
ask questions to obtain specific information;
make statements of fact clearly;
speak and listen in simple exchanges and everyday contexts.

Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students can expect a lot of support in terms of repetition, re-phrasing and prompts. Speech may be
tightly controlled or slowed down, without distorting the normal stress, rhythm and intonation of
everyday spoken English.
A variety of media (video, audio tapes), students and helpers may be used to deliver the
listening material.
The importance of non-verbal signalling should not be underestimated, nor the difficulties encountered when
it is not present.
Any tasks which students are given to perform should aim to develop and test their listening skills, rather
than their reading or writing. As some students may have basic literacy skills, activities should be devised
which can be performed orally and/or in writing.
Note on the tables which follow
Under Examples of application and level, see Speaking Entry Level 1 for examples of language in use and text
range. Sample activities are examples and should not be used as a prescriptive list.
The Listening at this level is contextualised in short, simple exchanges between two people and in short, simple
narratives with repeated language patterns on familiar topics.


Listening Entry Level 1



Listening Entry Level 1


Predict the meaning of unknown words in a

dialogue using context and the whole text.

Recognise and discriminate between types of

sentence and their function.

E1.3 predict unknown words;

E1.4 recognise questions, statements

and instructions.

Identify personal details, e.g. name, age.

Identify basic information, e.g. weights, places,

Identify key words in a given context, e.g. in the

context of travel, the key words might be:
timetable, single/return, fare.

For example, identify wh question words,

prepositions of place, short forms, negatives.

E1.5 extract basic information;

E1.6 understand key words;

E1.7 identify key grammatical features;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Examples of application and level

Predict content of a dialogue, prior to listening.

Predict possible ending of a sentence, chunk of
text or ending.

E1.2 predict general meaning;

Listen for detail.

Identify the situation and/or speakers, e.g.

interview between a tutor and a new student;
appointment at the dentist.

Examples of application and level

E1.1 recognise context;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for gist.

Ask students to listen for specific words and to put up their hands when they hear them or
multiple choice questions is it on or in the box?

Pre-teach/elicit key words prior to listening and ask students to listen for 3 of them. Elicit
the words after listening. Give students a short list and ask them to identify the words they
hear from the list.

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions, ticking or filling in simple
table if students are literate

Sample activities

Ask concept questions relating to questions and answers in the dialogue. Ask students to
repeat the instructions they have heard.

Listen to a dialogue, students to raise their hands each time a question is asked, an answer
is given.

Ask students to guess the meaning of unknown words, giving possible options and context
clues, using pictures, flashcards, synonyms within multiple choice.

Elicit possible content of a dialogue prior to listening, having established general situation.
Stop dialogue at a given point and ask students to predict the end of sentence or text.

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions

Sample activities


Listening Entry Level 1


Identify feelings expressed through intonation

and corresponding words.

E1.12 recognise how intonation carries


Identify feelings expressed mainly through


Identify simple common structures and vocabulary

which express a small number of feelings and

Examples of application and level

Demonstrate understanding of short instructions

by taking appropriate action.

E1.11 understand simply expressed

feelings and opinions;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Identify feelings and opinion.

E1.10 understand and respond to

single step instructions.

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Examples of application and level

Identify information or content words and

recognise how they are stressed in sentences.

E1.9 identify stressed words within


Listen to and follow instructions.

Discriminate between stressed and unstressed


Examples of application and level

E1.8 identify stress within words;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.

Ask students to listen to people expressing happiness or anger through their language and
intonation. They are asked to identify how the people feel. Students are asked how they
can tell.

Ask students to listen to people expressing likes and dislikes and then answer open questions
multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions.

Sample activities

Give students some short, single step instructions and ask them to carry them out, e.g.
Please open a window; Give Samia a pen please, Please stand up, dont sit down yet.

Sample activities

Literate students can be paired with non-literate partners.

Students to read short sentences, listen to them on tape and mark the stressed words.

Students to copy and then practise with other examples from the tape or dialogue.

Listen to a short text. Teacher claps or beats out the rhythm of some short sentences,
emphasising the stressed information words.

Ask students to listen to people giving their ages, or their house number: Hes 13. I live at
number 30 Park Road. Write the two numbers and ask them to point to the number they hear.

Sample activities

Strategies for independent learning

Students can be encouraged to do the following.
1. Listen to the television and radio and:
having turned on mid-way, listen to understand gist, predict what kind of programme it is, using
context clues;
listen to news headlines and predict content;
listen for key words or words recently learnt in class;
use teletext version where students have access to it;
listen to idiomatic usage, variations in accents and informal register in TV drama, quiz shows,
sports programmes, soaps.
2. Listen to announcements in daily life and try and pick out specific information, e.g. times, prices, platforms,
special offers, numbers.
3. Listen to other people and recognise/pick out functions learnt in class.
4. Record lessons or parts of them and play them back outside the classroom.
5. Use listening texts from text books and practise with them outside the classroom, doing exercises suggested
by the teacher.
6. Use English-speaking friends and/or relatives to do short listening activities in English e.g. with their own
children, play a passing game for a few minutes during a mesol, listening for the instructions and items


Listening Entry Level 1


Listening Entry Level 2

At this level adults can:
listen and respond to spoken language, including straightforward information, short narratives, explanations
and instructions;
speak to communicate information, feelings and opinions on familiar topics;
engage in discussion with one or more people in a familiar situation, to establish shared understanding
about familiar topics.
An adult will be expected to:
listen for and follow the gist of explanations, instructions and narratives;
listen for detail in short explanations, instructions and narratives;
listen for and identify the main points of short explanations or presentations;
listen to and follow short, straightforward explanations and instructions;
listen and identify simply expressed feelings and opinions;
speak clearly to be heard and understood in straightforward exchanges;
make requests and ask questions to obtain information in everyday contexts;
respond to straightforward questions;
express clearly statements of fact and short accounts and descriptions;
ask questions to clarify understanding;
follow the gist of discussions;
follow the main points and make appropriate contributions to the discussion.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students can expect support in terms of repetition, re-phrasing and prompts. Speech may be slightly slowed
down, without distorting the normal stress, rhythm and intonation of everyday spoken English.
Students should have the opportunity to hear a limited variety of accents and both genders.
A variety of media (video, audio tapes), students and helpers may be used to deliver the
listening material.
The importance of non-verbal signalling should not be underestimated, nor the difficulties encountered when
it is not present.
Any tasks which students are given to perform should aim to develop and test their listening skills, rather
than their reading or writing. As some students may have basic literacy skills, activities should be devised
which can be performed orally and/or in writing, as appropriate.
Note on the tables which follow
Under Examples of application and level, see Speaking Entry Level 2 for examples of language in use and text
range. Sample activities are examples and should not be used as a prescriptive list.
Listening at this level is contextualised in short, straightforward exchanges between two or more people, and in
short, straightforward narratives and explanations or familiar topics.


Listening Entry Level 2



Listening Entry Level 2


Identify subject/topic of discussion.

Identify information contained in descriptions of

people, e.g. appearance, personality or places,
e.g. weather, population.

Identify key words in a given context, e.g. in the

context of work, the key words hours, holidays,

E2.6 understand key words;

Examples of application and level

E2.5 extract short, straightforward


Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.

Ask questions about the way speakers do/do not use whole sentences, pause, interrupt etc.

Identify the situation and/or speakers.

E2.4 understand the gist of a short,

simple discussion between 2 or more

Follow interactive nature of discussion.

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions

Predict the meaning of unknown words in a

dialogue using context and the whole text.

E2.3 predict unknown words;

Set comprehension questions linked to specific key words for students to reply to after
hearing the text.

Pre-teach/elicit key words prior to listening and ask students to listen for 3/5 of them.

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions, ticking or filling in a simple
table if students are literate

Sample activities

Ask students to guess the meaning of unknown words, giving possible options and context
clues, using pictures, flashcards, synonyms within multiple choice.

Elicit possible content of a dialogue prior to listening, having established the general
situation. Stop the dialogue at a given point and ask students to predict the end of a
sentence or text.

Predict content of a dialogue, prior to listening.

Predict possible ending of a sentence, chunk of
text or ending.

E2.2 predict general meaning;

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions

Sample activities

Identify the situation and/or speakers, e.g. interview

between a parent and schoolteacher, a personal
narrative, friends talking, instructions.

Examples of application and level

E2.1 recognise context;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for gist.


Listening Entry Level 2


Identify information or content words and

recognise how they are stressed in sentences.

Awareness of stressed-timed rhythm, the schwa

and elision

Identify main points or ideas in a short

explanation or presentation on a familiar topic.

E2.10 identify stress-timed rhythm;

E2.11 extract main points;

Discriminate between stressed and unstressed


E2.8 identify stress within words;

E2.9 identify stressed words within


Use of did in questions in the past, sequential

markers, modal verbs

Examples of application and level

E2.7 identify key grammatical features;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.

Ask students to listen to a short narrative or dialogue and answer true/false questions
relating to the main points.

Ask them what happens to the words to, at, and.

Ask them to beat out the rhythm. Ask students to mark the stressed words with dots/circles.

Ask them to listen and repeat

The trains at 10 to 7.
Take an early train and change at Epsom.

Ask students to compare numbers of syllables in the place names and discuss differences.

Give students examples in context e.g. travel.

A single to Crewe, please.
A single to Luton, please.
A single to Manchester, please.

Literate students can be paired with non- literate partners.

Ask students to read short sentences, listen to them on tape and mark the stressed words.

Ask students to copy and then practise with other examples from the tape or dialogue.

Listen to a short text. Teacher claps or beats out the rhythm of some short sentences,
emphasising the stressed information words.

Practise with students own sentences.

Ask students to listen to people talking in a given context

e.g. work Abduls an engineer and Marias a teacher and mark the stressed syllable with a
dot/circle or repeat the phrases, stressing the stressed syllables.

Listen to a short set of instructions and gap-fill sequential markers, orally or with a gapped
text missing.

Multiple choice e.g. did/does he work in a clinic?

Ask a concept question e.g. is he still living there?

Sample activities


Listening Entry Level 2


E2.16 understand and respond to


Demonstrate understanding of instructions by

taking appropriate action.

Recognise and respond to the sequential

markers in a short set of orders.

Recognise oral instructions/directions.

Give students a short set of instructions and ask them to carry them out, e.g. Take a piece
of paper and write your full name. Then, underline your surname.

Ask students to listen to people giving simple directions or instructions. Ear pinning
activities for sequential markers. Students are asked to follow the directions on a simple
map, say where places are on a map or order pictures following instructions given.

Elicit how they can tell. Identify rising or falling intonation, stress and pitch, and how these
relate to the emotions. Ask students to practise with own examples.

Identify feelings expressed mainly through


E2.15 understand the order of a short

set of instructions;

Ask students to listen to people expressing a number of different feelings through their
language and intonation, and also mainly through their intonation. Play a matching game.

Identify different feelings expressed through

intonation and corresponding words.

E2.14 recognise how intonation carries


Ask students to listen to role play dialogues with people expressing a number of different
feelings and emotions. Students are then asked to match the key words, phrases with the
feelings/emotions or answer open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no

Sample activities

Ask students to listen to dialogues or discussions with people expressing opinions. In pairs,
ask students to say who thinks what. Use closed/open questions, simple questionnaire.

Sample activities

Identify common structures and vocabulary used

in expressing different feelings and emotions.

Examples of application and level

Identify common structures and vocabulary used

in expressing different opinions.

Examples of application and level

E2.13 understand feelings;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Identify feelings and emotions.

E2.12 understand opinions.

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.

Strategies for independent learning

Students can be encouraged to do the following.
1. Listen to the television and radio and:
having turned on mid-way, listen to understand gist, predict what kind of programme it is, using
context clues;
listen to news headlines and predict content;
listen for key words or words recently learnt in class;
listen for the main points in a factual programme;
use teletext version where students have access;
listen for idiomatic usage, variations in accents and informal register in TV drama, quiz shows,
sports programmes, soaps.
2. Listen to announcements in their daily life and try and pick out specific information, e.g. times, prices,
platforms, special offers, numbers.
3. Listen to other people and recognise/pick out idiomatic expressions, the way people vary structures in
common functions.
4. Record lessons or parts of them and play them back outside the classroom.
5. Use listening texts from text books and practise with them outside the classroom, doing exercises suggested
by the teacher.
6. Use English-speaking friends and/or relatives to do short listening activities in English e.g. with their own
children, play a passing game for a few minutes during a mesol, listening for the instructions and items


Listening Entry Level 2


Listening Entry Level 3

At this level adults can:
listen and respond to spoken language, including straightforward information and narratives, and follow
straightforward explanations and instructions, both face to face and on the telephone;
speak to communicate information, feelings and opinions on familiar topics, using appropriate formality,
both face to face and on the telephone;
engage in discussion with one or more people in a familiar situation, making relevant points and
responding to what others say and to reach a shared understanding about familiar topics.
An adult will be expected to:
listen for and follow the gist of explanations, instructions and narratives in different contexts;
listen for detail in short explanations, instructions and narratives in different contexts;
listen for and identify relevant information from discussions, explanations or presentations;
use strategies to clarify and confirm understanding (such as facial expressions or gesture);
listen to and respond appropriately to other points of view;
speak clearly to be heard and understood using appropriate clarity, speed and phrasing;
use formal language and register when appropriate;
respond to a range of questions about familiar topics;
express clearly statements of fact and give short explanations, accounts and descriptions;
make requests and ask questions to obtain information in familiar and unfamiliar contexts;
follow and understand the main points of discussions on different topics;
make contributions to discussions that are relevant to the subject;
respect the turn-taking rights of others during discussion.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students can expect some support in terms of repetition, re-phrasing and prompts. Speechis to be delivered
at normal speed and students should be able to cope with a limited range of distractors, for example
background noise, music and interruptions.
Students should have the opportunity to hear a range of accents and variety of English.
A variety of media (video, taped audio cassette), students and helpers may be used to deliver the
listening material.
Students should be able to apply listening skills in face to face and telephone situations.
The importance of non-verbal signalling should not be underestimated nor the difficulties encountered when
it is not present.
Any tasks which students are given to perform should aim to develop and test their listening skills, rather
than their reading or writing. As some students may have basic literacy skills, activities should be devised
which can be performed orally and/or in writing, as appropriate.
Note on the tables which follow
Under Examples of application and level, see Speaking Entry Level 3 for examples of language in use and
text range. Sample activities are examples and should not be used as a prescriptive list.
Listening at this level is contextualised in straightforward narratives, explanations and exchanges on familiar
topics, between one or more people in face to face situations or on the telephone.

Listening Entry Level 3



Listening Entry Level 2


Predict content of a dialogue or narrative, prior

to listening.

E3.2 predict general meaning;

Identify information contained in explanations,

narratives, descriptions of things, people and

Identify key words and phrases in a given context,

e.g. in the context of business, the key words
rise/fall, percentage of, forecast.

E3.6 understand key words and



E3.5 extract straightforward


Adults should be taught to:


Listen for detail.

Set comprehension questions linked to specific key words for students to reply to after
hearing the text.

Pre-teach/elicit key words prior to listening.

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions, ticking or filling in a table if
students are literate

Sample activities

Ask questions about the way speakers do/do not use whole sentences, pause, interrupt etc.

Identify subject/topic of discussion.

Follow interactive nature of discussion.

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions

Identify the situation and/or speakers.

E3.4 understand the gist of a

discussion between 2 or more people
in a familiar situation.

Ask students to guess the meaning of unknown words, giving possible options and context
clues, using pictures, flashcards, synonyms within multiple choice.

Predict the meaning of unknown words in a

dialogue or narrative using context and the
whole text.

Elicit possible content of a dialogue or narrative prior to listening, having established the
general situation. Stop the dialogue at a given point and ask students to predict the end
of the sentence or text.

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions

Sample activities

E3.3 predict unknown words;

Predict possible ending of a sentence, chunk of

text or ending.

Identify the genre, situation and/or speakers,

e.g. job interview, narrative of an event in the past.

Examples of application and level

E3.1 recognise context;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for gist.


Listening Entry Level 3


Identify main points or ideas.

Identify common structures and vocabulary used

in expressing different opinions and facts.

E3.11 extract main points in a narrative;

E3.12 identify where statements include

opinions and/or factual information;

Identify information or content words and

recognise how they are stressed in sentences.

E3.9 identify stressed words within


Awareness of stress-timed rhythm, the schwa and


Discriminate between stressed and unstressed


E3.8 identify stress within words;

E3.10 identify stress-timed rhythm;

For example, range of tenses at this level,

discourse markers and clauses of reason, purpose,

Examples of application and level

E3.7 identify key grammatical features;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.

Ask students to listen to dialogues or discussions with people expressing facts and/or
opinions. In pairs, ask students to say who thinks what. Use closed/open questions and
simple questionnaires.

Ask students to listen to a short narrative and answer true/false questions relating to the
main points.

Ask them what happens to the words to, at, and.

Ask them to beat out the rhythm. Ask students to mark the stressed words with dots/circles.

Ask students to compare numbers of syllables in the place names and discuss differences.
Ask them to listen and repeat.
The trains at 10 to 7.
Take an early train and change at Epsom.

Give students examples in context e.g. travel.

A single to Crewe, please.
A single to Luton, please.
A single to Manchester, please.

Literate students can be paired with non-literate partners.

Ask students to read short sentences, listen to them on tape and mark the stressed words.

Ask students to copy and then practise with other examples from the tape or dialogue.

Listen to a short text. Teacher claps or beats out the rhythm of some short sentences,
emphasising the stressed information words.

Practise with students own sentences.

Ask students to listen to people talking in a given context e.g. work Abduls an engineer
and Marias a teacher and mark the stressed syllable with a dot/circle.

Gap-fill a narrative with missing markers of reason, purpose etc.

Multiple choice or cloze exercise.

Ask concept questions.

Sample activities


Listening Entry Level 2


Identify common structures and vocabulary used

in expressing different feelings and emotions.

Identify different feelings expressed through

intonation and corresponding words.

E3.14 understand a variety of feelings;

E3.15 recognise how intonation carries


E3.17 understand and respond to


E3.16 understand the order of a set of


Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Demonstrate understanding of instructions by

taking appropriate action.

Recognise and respond to the sequential markers

in a short set of orders.

Recognise oral instructions/directions.

Examples of application and level

Listen to and follow straightforward instructions.

Identify feelings expressed mainly through


Identify differences in register through sentence

structure, phrasing and use of vocabulary.

Examples of application and level

E3.13 recognise the relationship

between speakers in familiar situations.

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Identify feelings and opinions.

Give students a set of instructions and ask them to carry them out, e.g. for making a simple
kite, origami figure.

Ask students to listen to people giving simple directions or instructions, with ear pinning
activities for sequential markers. Students are asked to follow the directions on a simple
map, say where places are on a map or order pictures following instructions given.

Sample activities

Ask students to listen to people expressing a number of different feelings through their
language and intonation, and also mainly through their intonation. In pairs students play
who feels what matching game. Elicit how they can tell. Identify rising or falling intonation,
stress and pitch, how these relate to emotions. Ask students to practise with their own

Ask students to listen to role-play and dialogues with people expressing a number of
different feelings and emotions. Students are then asked to match the key words, phrases
with the feelings/emotions or answer open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no

Use multiple choice questions and open/closed questions e.g. Are the speakers friends?
Why do you think this?

Sample activities

Strategies for independent learning

Students can be encouraged to do the following.
1. Listen to the television and radio and:
having turned on mid-way, listen to understand gist, predict what kind of programme it is, using
context clues;
listen to news headlines and predict content;
listen for key words or words recently learnt in class, new structures, particular to specific situations
e.g. future structures in weather forecasts;
listen for the main points in documentaries, discussion programmes and news;
use teletext version where students have access;
listen for idiomatic usage, variations in accents and informal register in TV drama, quiz shows and sports
programmes, soaps.
2. Listen to announcements in daily life and try and pick out specific information, e.g. times, prices, platforms,
special offers and numbers.
3. Listen to other people and recognise/pick out idiomatic expressions, the way people vary structures in
common functions.
4. Record lessons or parts of them and play them back outside the classroom.
5. Use listening texts from text books and practise with them outside the classroom, doing exercises suggested
by the teacher.
6. Use English-speaking friends and/or relatives to do short listening activities in English, e.g. with their own
children, play a passing game for a few minutes during a mesol, listening for the instructions and items


Listening Entry Level 3


Listening Level 1
At this level adults can:
listen and respond to spoken language, including information and narratives, and follow explanations and
instructions of varying length, adapting response to speaker, medium and context;
speak to communicate information, ideas and opinions, adapting speech and content to take account of
the listener(s) and medium;
engage in discussion with one or more people in familiar and unfamiliar situations, making clear and relevant
contributions that respond to what others say and produce a shared understanding about different topics.
An adult will be expected to:
listen for and identify relevant information from explanations and presentations on a range of
straightforward topics;
listen for and understand explanations, instructions and narratives on different topics in a range of contexts;
use strategies to clarify and confirm understanding (such as facial expressions, body language and
verbal prompts);
provide feedback and confirmation when listening to others;
make contributions relevant to the situation and subject;
speak clearly in a way which suits the situation;
make requests and ask questions to obtain information in familiar and unfamiliar contexts;
respond to questions on a range of topics;
express clearly statements of fact, explanations, instructions, accounts and descriptions;
present information and ideas in a logical sequence and include detail and develop ideas where appropriate;
follow and contribute to discussions on a range of straightforward topics;
respect the turn-taking rights of others during discussions;
use appropriate phrases for interruption.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriuculum at this level
Students can expect a little support in terms of repetition and re-phrasing. Speech should be delivered at
normal speed and students should be able to cope with a limited range of distractors, e.g. background
noises, music, interruptions.
Students should have the opportunity to hear a variety of accents and varieties of English.
Students should be able to apply listening skills in face to face and telephone situations.
A variety of media (video, taped audio cassette), students and helpers may be used to deliver the
listening material.
The importance of non-verbal signalling, and the difficulties encountered when it is not present, should
not be underestimated.
Any tasks which students are given to perform should aim to develop and test their listening skills, rather
than their reading or writing unless writing is specified in the standards e.g. listening and note taking.
As some students, even at this level, may have basic literacy skills, activities should be devised which can
be performed orally and/or in writing, where possible or appropriate.
Note on the tables which follow
Under Examples of application and level, see Speaking Level 1 for examples of language in use and text range.
Sample activities are examples and should not be used as a prescriptive list.
Listening at this level is contextualised in exchanges between two or more people in a range of familiar and
unfamiliar situations in narratives and explanations of ranging length and detail.

Listening Level 1



Listening Level 1


Identify information contained in a range of

spoken texts, e.g. news item, narratives.

Identify key words and phrases in a given context,

e.g. in interviews, previous experience, skills,
pension scheme.

L1.6 understand key words and


Examples of application and level

Follow the interactive nature of discussion.

Identify the subject/topic of discussion.

Identify the situation and/or speakers.

L1.5 extract information;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.

L1.4 understand the gist of a

discussion between 2 or more people
in familiar and unfamiliar situations.

L1.3 predict unknown words;

Predict the content of a dialogue, narrative or

explanation, prior to listening.

L1.2 predict general meaning;

Predict the possible ending of a sentence, chunk

of text or ending.
Predict the meaning of unknown words in a
dialogue narrative or explanation using context
and the whole text.

Identify the genre, situation and/or speakers in a

range of interactive and narrative discourse types,
e.g. discussions, conversations, short presentations,

Examples of application and level

L1.1 recognise context;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for gist.

Pre-teach/elicit key words prior to listening and ask students to listen for as many as possible
and note them down in order.
Elicit the words after listening.
Give students a list and ask them to identify the words they hear from the list, numbering
them as they hear them.

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions, ticking or filling in a simple
table if students are literate

Sample activities

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions.

Ask questions about the way speakers do/do not use whole sentences, pause, interrupt etc.

Ask students to guess the meaning of unknown words, giving possible options and context
clues, using pictures, flashcards or synonyms within multiple choice.

Elicit the possible content of a dialogue prior to listening, having established the general
situation. Stop the dialogue at a given point and ask students to predict the end of a
sentence or text.

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions

Sample activities


Listening Level 1


Identify main points or ideas.

Identify common structures and vocabulary used

in expressing different opinions and facts.

L1.11 extract the main points from

narratives, explanations and discussions;

L1.12 identify where statements include

opinions and/or factual information;

Identify information or content words and

recognise how they are stressed in sentences.

L1.9 identify stressed/unstressed words

within sentences;

Awareness of stress-timed rhythm, the schwa and


Discriminate between stressed and unstressed


L1.8 identify stress within words;

L1.10 identify stress-timed rhythm;

Use of passive constructions, relative pronouns

Examples of application and level

L1.7 identify key grammatical features;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.

Use closed/open questions, simple questionnaires.

In pairs, ask students to say who thinks what.

Ask students to listen to dialogues or discussions with people expressing facts and opinions.

Ask students to listen to a range of spoken texts and answer true/false questions relating to
the main points, or transfer information onto a table.

Give students examples in context e.g. travel.

A single to Crewe, please.
A single to Luton, please.
A single to Manchester, please.
Ask students to compare numbers of syllables in the place names and discuss the differences.
Ask them to listen and repeat, beating out the rhythm.
The trains at 10 to 7.
Take an early train and change at Epsom.
Ask students to mark the stressed words with dots/circles.
Ask them what happens to the words to, at, and.

Literate students can be paired with non-literate partners.

Students read short sentences, listen to them on tape and mark the stressed words.

Students copy and then practise with other examples from the tape or dialogue.

Listen to a short text. Teacher claps or beats out the rhythm of some short sentences,
emphasising the stressed information words.

Ask students to listen to people talking in a given context e.g. work Abduls an engineer
and Marias a teacher and mark the stressed syllable with a dot/circle. Practise with
students own sentences.

Gap-fill a short paragraph with missing auxiliaries.

Multiple choice comprehension

Ask concept question and give ear-pinning activities.

Sample activities


Listening Level 1


Identify different feelings expressed through

intonation and corresponding words.

L1.16 recognise how intonation carries


Identify feelings expressed mainly through


Identify common structures and vocabulary used

in expressing different feelings and emotions.

L1.15 understand a range of feelings and


Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Examples of application and level

Recognise and respond to requests for

clarification or confirmation.

L1.14 provide feedback and


Identify feelings and emotions.

Identify differences in register through sentence

structure, phrasing, and use of vocabulary.

Examples of application and level

L1.13 recognise relationship between

speakers in formal and informal situations;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.

Ask students to listen to people expressing a number of different feelings through their
language and intonation, and also mainly through their intonation.
In pairs students are asked to say who feels what matching game.
Elicit how they can tell.
Identify rising or falling intonation, stress and pitch, how these relate to emotions.
Ask students to practise with their own examples.

Ask students to listen to role-play, dialogues with people expressing a range of different
feelings and emotions.
Students are then asked to match the key words and phrases with the feelings/emotions or
answer open questions multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions/questionnaires.

Sample activities

Confirming and checking back exercises e.g. ask students to repeat arrangements/a set of
instructions. What have we arranged?

Open/closed questions e.g. Are the speakers friends? Why do you think this?

Use multiple choice questions.

Sample activities


Listening Level 1


L1.18 understand and respond to


L1.17 understand the order of a set of

straightforward instructions;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Demonstrate understanding of instructions by

taking appropriate action.

Recognise and respond to the sequential markers

in a set of straightforward orders.

Recognise oral instructions/directions.

Examples of application and level

Listen to and follow straightforward instructions in familiar and unfamiliar situations.

Give students a set of instructions and ask them to carry them out, e.g. fill in an order form,
draw a simple map.

Ask students to listen to people giving complex directions or instructions, and give ear
pinning activities for sequential markers.
Students are asked to follow the directions on a map, say where places are on a map or
order written instructions in a jumbled order following the oral instructions.

Sample activities

Strategies for independent learning

Students can be encouraged to do the following.
1. Listen to the television and radio and:
having turned on mid-way, listen to understand gist, predict what kind of programme it is, using
context clues;
listen to news headlines and predict content;
listen for key words or words recently learnt in class, new structures, particular to specific situations;
listen for main points in factual programmes;
use a teletext version where students have access;
listen for idiomatic usage, variations in accents and informal register in TV drama, quiz shows,
sports programmes, soaps.
2. Listen to announcements in daily life and try and pick out specific information, e.g. times, prices, platforms,
special offers, numbers.
3. Listen to other people and recognise/pick out idiomatic expressions, the way people vary structures in
common functions.
4. Record lessons or parts of them and play them back outside the classroom.
5. Use listening texts from text books and practise with them outside the classroom, doing exercises suggested
by the teacher.
6. Use English-speaking friends and/or relatives to do short listening activities in English e.g. with your own
children, play a passing game for a few minutes during a mesol, listening for the instructions and items


Listening Level 1


Listening Level 2
At this level adults can:
listen and respond to spoken language, including extended information and narratives, and follow detailed
explanations and multi-step instructions of varying length, adapting response to speaker, medium and context;
speak to communicate straightforward and detailed information, ideas and opinions clearly, adapting
speech and content to take account of the listener(s), medium, purpose and situation;
engage in discussion with one or more people in a variety of different situations, making clear and effective
contributions that produce outcomes appropriate to purpose and topic.
An adult will be expected to:
listen for and identify relevant information from extended explanations or presentations on a range of topics;
listen to, understand and follow lengthy or multi-step instructions and narratives on a range of topics and in
a range of contexts;
speak clearly and confidently in a way which suits the situation;
respond to detailed or extended questions on a range of topics;
respond to criticism and criticise constructively;
make requests and ask questions to obtain detailed information in familiar and unfamiliar contexts;
express clearly statements of fact, explanations, instructions, accounts, descriptions using appropriate
structure, style and vocabulary;
present information and ideas in a logical sequence and provide further details and development to clarify or
confirm understanding;
make relevant contributions and help to move discussions forward;
adapt contributions to discussions to suit audience, context, purpose and situation;
use appropriate phrases for interruption and change of topic;
support opinions and arguments with evidence.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Speech is to be delivered at normal speed or faster. Students should be able to cope with distractors, such as
background noise, music, interruptions.
Students should have the opportunity to hear a wide variety of accents and varieties of English.
Students should be able to apply listening skills in face to face and telephone situations.
A variety of media (video, taped audio cassette), students and helpers may be used to deliver the material.
The importance of non-verbal signalling , and the difficulties encountered when it is not present, should not
be underestimated.
Any tasks which students are given to perform should aim to develop and test their listening skills, rather
than their reading or writing.
Note on the tables which follow
Under Examples of application and level, see Speaking Level 2 for examples of language in use and text range.
Sample activities are examples and should not be used as a prescriptive list.
Listening at this level is contextualised in a range of exchanges, some of them complex and detailed, between
two or more people in familiar and unfamiliar situations, in narratives and explanations of varying length.


Listening Level 2



Listening Level 2


Predict the meaning of unknown words in a

complex dialogue, narrative or explanation using
context and the whole text.

Identify the situation and/or speakers.

L2.3 predict unknown words;

L2.4 understand the gist of a narrative

discussion between 2 or more people
in a variety of situations.

Identify information contained in a wide range of

spoken texts.

Identify key words and phrases in a range of

formal contexts, e.g. in the context of news
allegation, fears of further..., members of the
parliamentary committee, gobsmacked.

L2.6 understand key words and


Examples of application and level

Follow the interactive nature of discussion.

L2.5 extract straightforward and

complex information;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.

Predict content of a range of speech acts, prior to

Predict possible ending of a sentence, chunk of
text or ending.

L2.2 predict general meaning;

Identify subject/topic of the discussion.

Identify the genre, situation and/or speakers in a

wide range of interactive and narrative discourse
types, e.g. discussions, lectures, news broadcasts,
announcements, recorded messages.

Examples of application and level

L2.1 recognise context;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for gist.

Elicit the words after listening.

Give students a list and ask them to identify the words they hear from the list, numbering
them as they hear them.

Pre-teach/elicit key words prior to listening. Ask students to listen for as many as possible
and note them down in order.

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions, transferring information onto
a table, or grid if students are literate

Sample activities

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions

Ask questions about the way speakers do/do not use whole sentences, pause, interrupt etc.

Ask students to guess the meaning of unknown words, giving possible options and context
clues, using pictures, flashcards and synonyms within multiple choice.

Elicit possible content of a dialogue prior to listening, having established general

Stop the dialogue at a given point and ask students to predict the end of a sentence or

Open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no questions

Sample activities


Listening Level 2


For example, the use of passive v. active, use of

present perfect v. past simple, cohesive devices.

Discriminate between stressed and unstressed


Identify information or content words and

recognise how they are stressed in sentences.

Awareness of stress-timed rhythm, the schwa and


Identify main points or ideas.

Identify common structures and vocabulary used

in expressing different opinions and facts.

L2.8 identify stress within words;

L2.9 identify stressed/unstressed words

within sentences;

L2.10 identify stress-timed rhythm;

L2.11 extract main points from complex

narratives, explanations and discussions;

L2.12 identify where statements include

opinions and/or factual information;

Examples of application and level

L2.7 identify key grammatical features;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.

Use closed/open questions, simple questionnaires.

Ask students to listen to dialogues or discussions with people expressing facts and/or
opinions. In pairs, ask students to say who thinks what.

Students listen to complex narratives, explanations and answer true/false questions relating
to the main points or transfer information onto a table.

Give students examples in context e.g. travel.

A single to Crewe, please.
A single to Luton, please.
A single to Manchester, please.
Ask students to compare numbers of syllables in the place names and discuss the differences.
Ask them to listen and repeat, beating out the rhythm.
The trains at 10 to 7.
Take an early train and change at Epsom.
Ask students to mark the stressed words with dots/circles.
Ask them what happens to the words to, at, and.

Listen to a short text. Teacher claps or beats out the rhythm of some short sentences,
emphasising the stressed information words. Students copy and then practise with other
examples from the tape or dialogue. Students read short sentences, listen to them on tape
and mark the stressed words.
Literate students can be paired with non-literate partners.

Ask students to listen to people talking in a given context e.g. work Abduls an engineer
and Marias a teacher and mark the stressed syllable with a dot/circle or repeat the phrases,
stressing the stressed syllables.
Practise with students own sentences.

Multiple choice comprehension

Gap-fill a short transcript with missing auxiliaries or other grammatical features.

Ask concept questions and do ear-pinning activities.

Sample activities


Listening Level 2


Identify different feelings expressed through

intonation and corresponding words.

L2.17 recognise how intonation carries


Identify feelings expressed mainly through


Identify common structures and vocabulary used

in expressing different feelings and emotions.

Examples of application and level

L2.16 understand a range of feelings and


Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Identify feelings and emotions.

Recognise and respond to requests for

clarification or confirmation.

Elicit how they can tell. Identify rising or falling intonation, stress and pitch, elicit how these
relate to the emotions.
Ask students to practise with their own examples.

Students listen to people expressing a number of different feelings through their language
and intonation, and also mainly through their intonation. In pairs students are asked to say
who feels what matching game.

Ask students to listen to role play, dialogues with people expressing a range of different
feelings and emotions. Students are then asked to match the key words, phrases with the
feelings/emotions or answer open questions, multiple choice, true/false, yes/no

Sample activities

Confirming and checking back exercises e.g. ask students to repeat arrangements/a set of
instructions, What have we arranged?

Open/closed questions e.g. Are the speakers friends? Why do you think this?

Identify differences in register through sentence

structure, phrasing, and use of vocabulary.

L2.15 provide feedback and


Use multiple choice questions.

Identify differences in intonation.

L2.14 recognise relationship between a

wide range of speakers in formal and
informal situations;

Ask students to listen to a discussion with people expressing a range of ideas and opinions,
some of which are not stated overtly. Use multiple choice questions to check students

Sample activities

Identify an idea, opinion or fact which is not

overtly stated.

Examples of application and level

L2.13 listen for inference;

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for detail.


Listening Level 2


Recognise different ways of giving oral

Recognise implicit and explicit instructions.
Recognise and respond to the prepositional
phrases, sequential markers, commands.

Demonstrate understanding of instructions by

taking appropriate action.

L2.19 understand and respond to


Examples of application and level

L2.18 understand the order of lengthy or

multi-step instructions in a range of

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Listen for and follow instructions.

Give students a set of instructions and ask them to carry them out, e.g. drawing a graph,
filling in a pie chart or table.

Students are asked to follow the directions on a map, say where places are on a map and
order written instructions given in a jumbled irder or vice versa.

Ask concept questions to identify implict questions.

Give ear pinning activities for key grammatical structures and non-sequential ordering.

Ask students to listen to people giving lengthy directions or multi-step instructions.

Sample activities

Strategies for independent learning

1. Students can be encouraged to listen to the television and radio and:
having turned on mid-way, listen to understand gist, predict what kind of programme it is, using
context clues;
listen to news headlines and predict content;
listen for key words or words recently learnt in class.
listen for the main points in factual programmes;
use a teletext version where students have access;
listen for idiomatic usage, variations in accents and informal register in TV drama, quiz shows,
sports programmes, soaps.
2. Listen to announcements in their daily lives and try and pick out specific information, e.g. times, prices,
platforms, special offers, numbers.
3. Listen to other people and recognise/pick out idiomatic expressions, the way people vary structures in
common functions.
4. Record their lessons or parts of them and play them back outside the classroom.
5. Use listening texts from text books and practise with them outside the classroom, doing exercises suggested
by the teacher.
6. Use English-speaking friends and/or relatives to do short listening activities in English e.g. with own
children, play a guessing game, where the child describes an object and the student has to identify/name it.


Listening Level 2


The ESOL Curriculum

Reading Entry Level 1
At this level, adults can:
read and understand short texts with repeated language patterns on familiar topics;
read and obtain information from common signs and symbols.

An adult will be expected to:

follow a narrative on a familiar topic or experience;
recognise the different purposes of texts at this level;
possess a limited, meaningful sight vocabulary of words, signs and symbols;
decode simple, regular words;
recognise the letters of the alphabet in both upper and lower case;
in texts such as public signs and notices, lists, forms, notes, records, simple narratives.

Issues of which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Texts at this level consist of single words or signs, very simple forms, very simple sentences and familiar
The pacing of lessons and ordering of items will vary according to students level of literacy and the type of
script they can read.
The students knowledge of written conventions and texts in their own language will be a useful basis for
development/comparative work.
The spoken competence of some students may well be considerably more advanced than their literacy skills,
enabling useful discussion and cross-cultural comparisons to take place.

Note on the tables which follow

Under Knowledge and understanding, see Speaking Entry Level 1 for grammar. Under Examples of
application and level, see Speaking Entry Level 1 for examples of language in use and text range.
Sample activities are examples only and should not be used as a prescriptive list.


Reading Entry Level 1



Reading Entry Level 1


Adults should be taught to:

be aware that text on a page goes from left to

right and top to bottom;

recognise that print carries meaning and that

words on the page represent words that can
be spoken;

Adults should be taught to:

E1.1 track texts in right order, left

to right, top to bottom;

E1.2 use a range of strategies to

get meaning from text;

recognise that different types of text will look


recognise that Monday in a calendar is written

in the same way as Monday on an
appointment card;

E1.3 identify purpose of some

texts from their format;

E1.4 recognise print in a variety

of settings;

be aware that it is not always necessary to read

every word in order to comprehend or gain
information from text;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand short texts.

Hospital on a sign or in a letter.

Signs and symbols e.g. ladies, no

smoking, exit, very simple letter, very
simple narrative on a familiar subject, (for
example see above), very simple form,
appointment card, advert.

Take part in language experience activity,

where teacher writes down students
words and reads them back to the
student, e.g.
Ive got 3 children.
Ive got 1 girl.
Ive got 2 boys.
Follow a simple narrative, with repeated
language patterns, on a familiar topic or
experience, e.g.
This is Amina. She comes from Somalia.
This is Mohamed. He comes from
Somalia too. They are married.
Identify sender and recipient of letter.
Use information in illustrations to aid

Read own composition that someone

else has written down.

Examples of application and level

Suggest where else that word may appear.

Circle same word in different texts.

Ask if text types look the same in students' languages.

Sort texts into different text types.

Show a variety of texts and ask what they are for.

Look at bill and answer oral questions on specific

information e.g. What kind of bill is it? How much is
there to pay? When must the payment be made?

Answer questions about a text to demonstrate

understanding, e.g.
Where does Amina come from?
Mohamed is married (true/false).

Read back own words written down by teacher.

Follow text read by teacher, other student, or on tape.

Follow familiar text with finger, from left to right and

listen to text being read at same time.

Sample activities


Reading Entry Level 1


Adults should be taught to:

be aware of the concept of a sentence;

be aware of what the different punctuation

marks mean, i.e. that a full stop indicates the
end of the sentence and that a new sentence
will follow, and that a new sentence is likely to
be about a new point.

Adults should be taught to:

E1.5 read and recognise simple

sentence structures;

E1.6 recognise how simple

punctuation, capital letter and a
full stop aids understanding.

Simple sentence punctuation, e.g. capital

letter at beginning and full stop at end.

I come from Malaga. I live in Bradford. I

have two children.
Soy de Malaga. Vivo en Bradford.
Tengo dos hijos.

Examples of application and level

Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

recognise that letters of the alphabet can be

represented in different ways;

be aware that symbols represent sounds;

be aware that as readers become more fluent

at reading they read familiar words as whole

Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

E1.7 recognise letters of the

alphabet, lower and upper case;

E1.8 use basic sound/symbol

association to aid decoding;

E1.9 recognise common whole

words and some personal key

Common social sight vocabulary, own

name, name of town, days of the week.

Initial and final sounds and common

consonant digraphs (such as ch, sh, th).

Words written in different type styles or


Examples of application and level

Word Focus: Develop understanding and use of vocabulary, morphology and phonics.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Sentence Focus: Read and recognise simple sentence structures.

Match words against words in sentences.

Match words against same word in different type style.

Games such as pelmanism, bingo.

Identify words starting with same initial sound, e.g.

names of students in class Marta, Massimo, Miriam.

Match picture of object with letter representing its

initial sounds.

Match letters written in different type styles.

Match sets of words written in upper and lower case:


Match upper and lower case letters.

Sample activities

Read simple, familiar text aloud (see E1.2 above for

example), and discuss function of capital letters and full
stops in the sentences.

Compare with students' own languages.

Compare with students' own languages.

Substitute own words into model sentence.

Put parts of sentence (each on different colour card) in

order to make sentences.

Sample activities


Reading Entry Level 1


read captions to illustrations in magazines and newspapers and try and work out meaning.

find ways of remembering common words for instance pin up at home;

look at signs while out and about and try and work out meaning;

Suggest that students:

Develop strategies for independent learning

Reading Entry Level 2

At this level adults can:
read and understand short, straightforward texts on familiar topics;
read and obtain information from short documents, familiar sources and signs and symbols.

An adult will be expected to:

trace and understand the main events of chronological or instructional texts;
recognise the different purposes of texts at this level;
identify common sources of information;
use illustrations and captions to locate information;
read and understand linking words and adverbials in instructions and directions such as next, then, right and
straight on;
read and understand words on forms related to personal information (such as first name, surname, address,
postcode, age, date of birth);
recognise high frequency words and words with common spelling patterns;
use phonic and graphic knowledge to decode words;
use a simplified dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words;
use initial letter to find and sequence words in alphabetical order;
in texts such as public signs and notices, lists, forms, notes, records, emails, simple narratives, letters
and diagrams.

Issues at this level

Texts at this level consist of a few, simple sentences or short paragraph, simple signs and forms with clear
layout, using familiar vocabulary.
The pacing of lessons and ordering of items will vary according to students' level of spoken English and their
print stamina.
The students' knowledge of written conventions and texts in their own language will be a useful basis for
development/comparative work.
The spoken competence of some students may well be considerably more advanced than their literacy skills,
enabling useful discussion and cross-cultural comparisons to take place.

Note on the tables which follow

Under Knowledge and understanding, see Speaking Entry Level 2 for grammar. Under Examples of
application and level, see Speaking Entry Level 2 for examples of language in use and text range.
Sample activities are examples only and should not be used as a prescriptive list.


Reading Entry Level 2



Reading Entry Level 2


recognise that it is not always necessary to read

every word to get meaning from text;

recognise that different texts which share a

common purpose will share common features;

E2.2 recognise some common

text types from key generic

E2.4 use a range of strategies to

get meaning from text, e.g. skim
to get the gist, scan for specific
information or main events, read
thoroughly where necessary;

be aware of the concept of purpose and


E2.1 identify the purpose of a

variety of short, straightforward
texts such as to inform, to sell
something, to request action, to
tell a story;

as above;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

E2.3 use these key features to

predict meaning and aid

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Word Focus: Read and understand short, straightforward texts.

Be able to answer question, Whats it

Be able to pick out T.V. programmes at
8.00 o'clock from T.V. guide.
Follow written instructions (e.g. on test
paper or domestic products such as
cooking instructions) accurately.

Use of headline or illustration in

newspaper, format of a letter, use of word
I in personal narrative, layout of a form
(i.e. name usually comes before address).

Key generic features include:

grammatical features;
key vocabulary.

Short personal narrative, form, letter,

message, simple newspaper article,
advert or notice.

Examples of application and level

Comprehension activities true/false, questions, circle

correct answer, gap fill.

Match instructions against illustrations or diagrams.

Give students a limited time to skim text and give gist or

specific information.

Look at form and predict what information is likely to be

needed and where it should be put.

Look at illustrations and discuss what the text will be


Look at two or more texts of the same type and analyse

key features, for example, take 2 formal letters and ask
Is the layout the same? How do they open and close?

Look at different texts. Ask What does the writer want?

Why has s/he written it? Who is it written to?

Sample activities


Reading Entry Level 2


be aware of the importance of shared

background knowledge and knowledge of the
world in obtaining meaning from texts;

recognise use of key reference features of texts;

E2.9 use own knowledge of the

world to help get meaning from

E2.10 identify and use simple

reference tools and features to
get information from texts.

be able to use simple alphabetical order.

be aware that opinions and information are not

always overtly stated in texts;

recognise that the purpose of reading is to get

meaning from text;

E2.6 use context to monitor


E2.8 infer information that is not


be aware of the cohesive nature of discourse

markers in achieving meaning;

E2.5 use knowledge of links

between sentences to aid

be aware that it is possible to react to texts in

different ways;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

E2.7 interact with text;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand short, straightforward texts.

Contents list, answer key, simplified or

bilingual dictionary,

Read and understand a newspaper

headline about events in students country.
Read a recipe for a familiar dish.

Where I live is a very good area and I like

it very much.
Sometimes I leave my money to pay the
milkman on the window in an envelope
no problem.
Infer that the last line means no one
stesols the money.

Express opinion about text.

Say whether or not text is accurate.
Say whether agree or disagree with text.

In narratives, instructional texts

She comes from...

This is a story about my best friend .

Cohesive ties, discourse markers

When I first started... Then I... In the end...

Examples of application and level

Look up unfamiliar words in a simplified or bilingual


Sort flash cards in alphabetical order of initial letter.

Questionnaire, quiz, games to find information, can be


Identify key words in advance of reading.

Look at illustration or heading and predict content.

Discussion to activate prior knowledge.

Ask students to justify their answers

What part of the text makes you think that?

Comprehension activities (see above).


Discussion in pairs, groups, whole group.

Stop at regular intervals and ask students to say what the

text is about and to say if it makes sense.

Put sentences from a narrative in order to re-tell the story.

Show links between pronouns and nouns they represent.

Underline discourse markers which are relevant to genre

being read, e.g. then, next for chronological narrative.

Sample activities


Reading Entry Level 2


Adults should be taught to:

recognise common sentence patterns and


be aware of what the different punctuation

marks mean;

Adults should be taught to:

E2.11 use knowledge of simple

and compound sentence
patterns to work out meaning
and to confirm understanding;

E2.12 recognise how simple

punctuation aids understanding.

Capital letters for proper nouns and

beginning of sentences, full stops,
commas in a list, question marks.

He likes Dover but he doesnt like

Learn Computing and improve your

Examples of application and level

Word endings, vowel digraphs such as

ea, ai, some common blends.

be able to use alphabetical order;

be aware that there are more sounds than

letters of the alphabet;

Look up simple words in a dictionary,

using the initial letter.

recognise that sounds and names of letters

are different;

E 2.13 name all the letters of the

alphabet and learn alphabetical

E2.14 use increasing sound/

symbol association to aid

Spell words aloud, such as name and


Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

Examples of application and level

Knowledge and understanding


Word Focus: Develop understanding and use of vocabulary, morphology and phonics.

be aware of some common rules such as

capital letters for proper nouns.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Sentence Focus: Read and recognise simple and compound sentence structures.

Discuss whether that sound exists in students' languages

and if so, how many letters are used to represent it.

Teach in context look for recurring sounds in a text, think

of other words that sound the same.

Read a text, students underline words they do not understand and look them up in a simplified or bilingual

Compare with students other languages (e.g. number of

letters, are sounds and names different? Is script

Dictate spelling of name and address to partner.

Sample activities

Read aloud to a partner, making use of punctuation.

Identify names in a narrative.

Identify questions in a text.

Gap-fill exercises.

Predict what the next word will be from the sentence

structure, using a sentence jigsaw.

Identify sentences with similar structures.

Sample activities


Reading Entry Level 2


be aware of simple, inflected forms of verbs;

E2.15 identify the function of

common letter combinations;

be aware of the structure of words such as

adjectives and adverbs quick, quickly, slow,
slowly, happy, happily etc.

be aware that as readers become more fluent

they read familiar words as whole words and
develop a range of social sight vocabulary;

use a simple or bilingual dictionary to check meaning of unfamiliar words.

keep a vocabulary notebook and learn new words;

read aloud to children in English as well as own languages;

practice reading as much as possible outside the classroom;

Suggest that students:

Strategies for independent learning

E2.17 work out meaning of

unfamiliar vocabulary from
context and knowledge of
word families.

E2.16 extend sight vocabulary;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

recognise common prefixes;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

He arrived quickly. It only took him three



A range of text types and topics.

ing, ed, un.

Examples of application and level

Word Focus: Develop understanding and use of vocabulary, morphology and phonics.

Fill in table of past/present tenses or adjectives/adverbs

taken from a text compare and generalise.

Transform adjectives to adverbs.

Word association games.

Look at word families.
Classify vocabulary (e.g. transport words to do with sea,
air, land).
Vary text types to get a range of vocabulary.
Words on forms related to personal information, such as
first name, surname, address, postcode, age, date of

Compare with students' own languages.

Think of opposites of words such as happy, tidy, etc.

generalise from the examples.

Underline all the words with ed in a narrative say what

the ed tells them.

Sample activities

Reading Entry Level 3

At this level adults can:
read and understand short, straightforward texts on familiar topics accurately and independently;
read and obtain information from everyday sources.

An adult will be expected to:

trace and understand the main events of chronological, continuous descriptive and instructional texts of
more than one paragraph;
recognise the different purposes of texts at this level;
recognise and understand the organisational features and typical language of instructional texts (such as use
of imperatives and second person);
identify the main points and ideas, and predict words from context;
understand and use organisational features to locate information (such as contents, index, menus);
skim read title, headings and illustrations to decide if material is of interest;
scan texts to locate information;
obtain specific information through detailed reading;
relate an image to print and use it to obtain meaning;
recognise and understand relevant key specialist words;
read and understand words and phrases commonly used on forms;
use a dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar words;
use first and second place letters to find and sequence words in alphabetical order;
in texts such as forms, notes, records, emails, narratives, letters, diagrams, simple instructions, short reports.

Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students will begin to read longer and more complex texts. However, the density and language of the text
will still affect reading fluency.
Students need to become more familiar with different text types and authors.
The students' knowledge of written conventions and texts in their own language will be a useful basis for
development/comparative work.
The spoken competence of some students may well be considerably more advanced than their literacy skills,
enabling useful discussion and cross-cultural comparisons to take place.

Note on the tables which follow

Under Knowledge and understanding, see Speaking Entry Level 3 for grammar. Under Examples of
application and level, see Speaking Entry Level 3 for examples of language in use and text range.
Sample activities are examples only and should not be used as a prescriptive list.


Reading Entry Level 3



Reading Entry Level 3


be aware of the concept of purpose;

E3.1 identify purpose of a variety

of straightforward texts such as
to inform, to sell something, to
request action, to tell a story, to
instruct, to persuade, to make

E3.3 recognise some

common text types from key
generic features;

be aware that different texts which share a

common purpose will share common features,
for instance that a description is often written
in the present tense, that memos have a
particular layout;

be aware of changes in register depending on

the degree of formality;

be aware of the concept of audience and


Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

E3.2 identify the audience,

register and outcome of
straightforward texts;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand short, straightforward texts.

As above.

As above.

Key generic features include:

organisational structure;
grammatical features;
discourse markers;
key vocabulary.

Newspaper article, biography, folk tale,

short report, e-mail, simple instructions,
descriptive writing, review, form, formal
and informal letter, memo.

Examples of application and level

Look at two or more texts of the same type and analyse

key features.

Look at examples of formal and informal letters.

Ask who is it written to? Is it a formal or informal letter?
What does the writer hope will happen?

Look at different texts.

Ask what does the writer want?
Why has s/he written it?

Sample activities


Reading Entry Level 3


Get the gist of letter, report,

autobiographical narrative, folk tale,
simple newspaper article.
Scan for information from a time-table,
places to visit from a brochure.
Read thoroughly to understand details of
procedure or have in-depth appreciation
of narrative.

be aware that it is not always necessary to read

every word to get meaning from text;

E3.6 use a range of strategies

to get meaning from text, e.g.
skim to get the gist, scan for
specific information, read
thoroughly where necessary;

Use of headline or illustrations in a

newspaper article, common structure of a
folk-tale (e.g. usually has a happy ending),
use of past tense in straightforward
narrative, use of linguistic markers first,
next, then, finally to indicate sequence,
use of times and dates in chronological
narrative, use of numbering in a set of
Menus, icons, teletext pages

As above;

E3.4 use these key features to

predict meaning and aid

understand IT concepts underlying the texts,

e.g. concept of a series of menus;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

Examples of application and level

E3.5 recognise and use features

of IT texts;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand short, straightforward texts.

Comprehension activities true/false, questions, circle

correct answer, gap fill, discussion, re-tell.

Match instructions against illustrations or diagrams.

Give students a limited time to skim text and give gist or

obtain specific information.

Match icon with description.

Exercises to find specific information, using IT textual


Read title and first paragraph of narrative and discuss

what may follow.

Look at letter and decide the relationship (formal or

informal) between writer and reader.

Look at form and predict what information is likely to be

needed and where it should be put.

Look at illustrations and discuss what the text will be


Sample activities


Reading Entry Level 3


recognise that it is possible to react to texts in

different ways and that texts may be wrong or

be aware of the importance of shared

background knowledge and knowledge of the
world in obtaining meaning from texts;

E3.9 use context to monitor

meaning and interact with text;

E3.10 use own knowledge of

the world to help get meaning
from text;

be aware of the concept of a paragraph,

common structure of paragraphs and how
paragraphs link together;

E3.7 use knowledge of links

between sentences and
paragraphs to aid meaning;

be aware that texts of the same type share

common structural features and how this aids

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

E3.8 pick out main points or

events in a text;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand short, straightforward texts.

Previous knowledge about subject matter

(for instance reading a child-care text,
having brought up children), cultural
understanding (for instance knowing how
the education system works before
reading a college prospectus).

Stop at regular intervals and ask students to say what the

text is about and to say if it makes sense.

Express opinion about text.

Identifying key phrases and vocabulary (e.g. for a

prospectus: GNVQ, assessment, portfolio).

Self-questioning what do I know already about this




Discussion in pairs, groups, whole group.

Re-tell narrative or explain content of text to another


Put sentences from a narrative in order to re-tell the story.

Transfer key information from text to other format

e.g. table, flow chart, mind-map.

Highlight main points in a text, compare with another

students main points.

Fill in gaps in texts with suitable linking words and


Label paragraphs in a text and discuss structure of text.

Identify words which show links between sentences and

between paragraphs.

Sample activities

Check what is being read makes sense.

Chronology from an autobiographical

account, action to be taken from a letter.

Another feature of the weather ...

During the hot weather ...

At the moment outside my classroom

window it is raining.
This makes
me think of the weather in my own country,
Sudan. In Sudan the winter weather is like
summer in England, but the summers are
very hot ...

Later on we will go on to show....

Cohesive ties, discourse markers

Examples of application and level


Reading Entry Level 3


Be aware of the conventions of simple tabular


E3.12 read and, interpret

information in a graphical form.

develop awareness of sources of information;

E3.13 use a range of reference

tools and sources to get
information from texts;

E3.14 use alphabetical ordering

skills to access information.

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

develop understanding of of alphabetical


Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Contents page, index, answer key,

dictionaries, grammar books, phone book,
street atlas (A-Z).

Examples of application and level

Timetables, simple graphs, bar charts.

be able to use and interpret information in

graphical form.

E3.11 use images to aid


Text Focus: Read and obtain information from everyday sources.

Map to accompany address on a leaflet.

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

Examples of application and level

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand short, straightforward texts.

Check own or partners work in answer key.

Put words in alphabetical order.

Jigsaw reading activities (where one student has some

information and another has the rest).

Questionnaire, quiz, games to find information.

Sample activities

Using local train or bus timetables, discuss the layout,

use of columns and rows. Set some true/false questions,
such as
The last train is at 23.48.
The trains on Sundays run every 45 minutes.

Take various simple leaflets and discuss how images and

graphical information help in understanding the texts.

Sample activities


Reading Entry Level 3


recognise simple and complex sentence

patterns and grammatical features see
Speaking Entry 3 for grammar at this level;

E3.15 use knowledge of syntax

and grammar to work out
meaning and to confirm

Capital letters, full stops, commas, question

and exclamation marks, bullet points,

Although you have worked hard this term,

you need to read more widely i.e. that
although indicates the first clause will be
followed by a contrasting one
When she was twelve she used to help her
brother and father to bring in the fish.
The used to means she did it regularly
See Speaking Curriculum for more
examples of sentences at this level.

Examples of application and level

recognise that there are more sounds than

letters of the alphabet;

E3.18 where possible use phonic

strategies to decode unfamiliar

Learn the phonetic symbol for some

common sounds, such as the symbol for
the schwa vowel.

Single sounds, blends, digraphs.

be aware that certain letter patterns are

common in English;

E3.17 recognise a range of letter

combinations and silent letters;

begin to use the phonetic alphabet to find the

pronunciation of a word;

tion, ough, cial, wr, kn

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

Examples of application and level

Knowledge and understanding


Word Focus: Develop understanding and use of vocabulary, morphology and phonics.

recognise what the different marks mean.

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

E3.16 recognise how

punctuation aids understanding.

Knowledge and understanding


Sentence Focus: Read and recognise simple and complex sentence structures.

Discuss the differences between words as spoken in

connected speech and in isolation, such as
a bottle of milk/of.

Discuss whether that sound exists in students' languages

and if so, which letters are used to represent it.

Teach in context look for recurring sounds in a text, think

of other words that sound the same.

Contrast with students other languages.

Think of further words with these patterns.

Highlight words with these patterns in texts.

Sample activities

Discuss use of punctuation in a text.

Read aloud to a partner, showing how pauses and

information correspond to punctuation.


Predict what the next word will be from the sentence


Identify sentences with similar structures.

Sample activities


Reading Entry Level 3


start to use a dictionary to check pronunciation.

use a dictionary to check meaning of unfamiliar words;

keep a vocabulary notebook and learn new words organise them in word families or subject categories;

look at newspapers and magazines, join the library read as much as possible outside the classroom;

Suggest that students:

Develop strategies for independent learning

A variety of forms

have an awareness of the structure of words

e.g. verb, noun, gerund

E3.20 extend sight vocabulary

and work out meaning of
unfamiliar vocabulary from
context and knowledge of word

be aware of form filling conventions and

language commonly used on forms.

A range of text types and topics

recognise the form and function of common


E3.19 identify the function of

common suffixes and prefixes;

E3.21 read and understand

words commonly used on forms.

(help)less, (reception)ist, every(body),


Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

Examples of application and level

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Word Focus: Develop understanding and use of vocabulary, morphology and phonics.

Discuss the way in which the same information is asked

for in different ways, such as first name, forename,
other names and the way instructions are given, stated
and unstated.

Bring in examples of forms and discuss words and

phrases commonly found.

Vary text types to get a range of vocabulary.

Classify vocabulary.

Look at word families (sign/signature, photograph,/


Word association games.

Compare with word structure in students' own


Underline words with common suffixes and prefixes in a

narrative discuss what they mean.

Sample activities

Reading Level 1
At this level adults can:
read and understand straightforward texts of varying lengths on a variety of topics accurately and
read and obtain information from different sources.

An adult will be expected to:

trace and understand the main events of continuous descriptive, explanatory or persuasive texts;
recognise how language and other textual features are used to achieve different purposes (such as to
instruct, explain, describe, persuade);
identify the main points and specific detail, and infer meaning from images, which is not explicit in the text;
use organisational and structural features to locate information (such as contents, index, menus,
subheadings, paragraphs);
use different reading strategies to find and obtain information (such as skimming, scanning,
detailed reading);
use reference material to find the meaning of unfamiliar words;
in reports, instructional, explanatory and persuasive texts.

Issues at which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students need to read a variety of text types and authors.
The students knowledge of written conventions and texts in their own language will be a useful basis for
development/comparative work.
The spoken competence of some students may well be considerably more advanced than their literacy skills,
enabling useful discussion and cross-cultural comparisons to take place.

Note on the tables which follow

Under Knowledge and understanding, see Speaking Level 1 for grammar. Under Examples of application
and level, see Speaking Level 1 for examples of language in use and text range. Sample activities are
examples only and should not be used as a prescriptive list.


Reading Level 1



Reading Level 1


L1.4 recognise and use features

of IT texts;

be aware of IT concepts underlying the texts,

e.g. what hypertext links actually do;

be aware that meaning is not always stated.

overtly in texts and needs to be infered;

Hypertext links, menus, icons, teletext


Use of headings in report to give

structure, use of graphics and headlines
in newspaper article to predict content
and/or point of view of writer (e.g.
Refugees flood Dover), paragraphing to
make a series of points, use of summary
at end of each chapter in text book.

as above;

Report, simple essay, text book,

straightforward instructional newspaper
article, short story, autobiographical
narrative, brochure, poem, review,
description, e-mail, web-site, instructions,
application form, formal letter

L1.3 use these key features to

predict, infer meaning and aid

recognise that different texts which share a

common purpose will share common features
such as format, layout, discourse markers,
grammar, key vocabulary, structure, register;

L1.1 identify purpose, audience

and outcome in texts of varying

Key features include:

organisational structure;
grammatical features;
discourse markers;
key vocabulary.

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

Examples of application and level

L1.2 recognise a range of text

types from their key generic

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand straightforward texts.

Match icon with description.

Exercises to find specific information, using IT textual


Text analysis (i.e. look at generic features of different

text types).

Look at different types of text and identify what features

will help predict content, point of view etc.


Look at various texts and say what they are, what their
purpose is and what their key features are.

Sample activities


Reading Level 1


be aware of the concept of a paragraph,

common structure of paragraphs, and how
paragraphs link together;

be aware that good readers 'read between the

lines' in certain types of texts;

L1.7 use knowledge of links

between sentences and
paragraphs to aid meaning;

L1.8 infer information that is not

stated, including author's

recognise that different strategies are useful

for different purposes;

L1.5 use a range of strategies for

getting meaning from text such
as surveying, skimming, scanning,
thorough reading;

be aware of usual structure of that type of text;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

L1.6 pick out main points or

events from a text;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand straightforward texts.

Poetry, narrative, newspaper articles,

I had my operation on Friday. On
Thursday morning I checked my will, said
my prayers and kissed the children

Discourse markers, e.g.

In the last paragraph we discussed...
Cohesive ties, e.g.
London is a very busy city. However,
because of its huge population and its
position in the world financial market...

Arguments for or against GM food from

an instructional article.
Key features from a description.
Key historical events from a chronological
account of something.

Survey to decide which part of an

academic text to read (e.g. introduction
and conclusion), skim a magazine to see
if it is worth buying, scan mail-order
brochure to find correct price, read the
topic sentence of each paragraph in an
article to understand the main points,
read thoroughly to understand detailed
instructions or have in-depth appreciation
of argument or narrative.

Examples of application and level

Ask students to justify their answers which part in the

text makes you think that?

Comprehension activities: Why did she check her will?

Fill in gaps with suitable linking words and phrases.

Say what pronouns etc. refer to in text.

Identify discourse markers in different texts.

Transfer key information from text to other format e.g.

table, flow chart, mind-map.

Highlight main points in a text, compare with another

students main points.

Variety of exercises to test comprehension and extraction

of information, including questions, multiple choice, cloze

Exercises to test and develop speed of skimming and


Discuss strategies for surveying.

Discuss when it is helpful to use different strategies.

Sample activities


Reading Level 1


Adults should be taught to:

recognise what makes a good text;

be aware of how language is used to create
different effects (e.g. descriptive language,
formal register);

be aware of the importance of shared

background knowledge and knowledge of the
world in obtaining meaning from texts.

Adults should be taught to:

L1.9 interact with text;

L1.10 use own knowledge of

the world to help get meaning
from text.

Encyclopaedias book and CD, atlases,

dictionaries, grammar books.
Illustrations, straightforward graphs
As above

Bar charts, tables, pie charts, scatter


Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

be aware of key sources of reference and be

able to choose appropriate reference tools for
purpose of task;

knowledge of alphabetical ordering;

recognise different types of graphs and how

they represent data.

Adults should be taught to:

L1.11 read and obtain

information from a variety of

L1.12 use reference material to

find the meaning of unknown

L1.13 obtain information from

simple graphical sources.

Examples of application and level

Previous knowledge about subject matter

(e.g. science learnt in own country),
cultural understanding, (for instance
knowing what CV, application form etc. are
in job advertisements)

Say whether story is enjoyable, whether

information is accurate, whether
information is biased.

Examples of application and level

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and obtain information from different sources

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand straightforward texts.

Compare different ways of presenting information


Transfer information from one source to another.

Exercises to practice finding the meaning of unknown

words, alphabetical ordering skills.

Exercises comparing information from different sources.

Sample activities

Identify key phrases and vocabulary (e.g. for job application,

permanent, temporary, sessional staff).

Self-question what do I know already about this subject?

Discussion to activate previous knowledge.

Review texts.

Identify parts of text that work particularly well (or not)

giving reasons.

Discuss what makes text 'successful' or not.

Discuss reaction to text.

Sample activities


Reading Level 1


Wide range of punctuation, including full

stops, question and exclamation marks,
commas, colons, semi-colons, bullets,
numbering, speech marks, apostrophes,

recognise what different punctuation marks


Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

be aware of the origin of common prefixes and


Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

L1.17 use prefixes and suffixes to

aid understanding;

For instance anti, pro, bi, tri, ology

That if sociology is the study of society,
climatology is the study of climate.

Examples of application and level

Word Focus: Extend understanding and use of vocabulary, morphology and phonics.

L1.16 recognise how

punctuation aids understanding.

Compare with other languages.

Discuss origin of some prefixes and suffixes.

List words with same prefix/suffix.

Match prefix/suffix with meaning.

Sample activities

Compare with other languages.

Discuss use of punctuation and how it aids understanding.


Match halves of sentences together.

Predict what the next word will be from the sentence


Identify different types of sentence structures in different

types of texts.

The words because or as are likely to

link two halves of a sentence in a causal
relationship e.g. Please ensure you
arrive in good time as we cannot allow
anyone to enter the room after the start
of the exam.

L1.15 use knowledge of links

within sentences to aid meaning;

Recognise a range of past, present and

future tenses to establish when an event
occurred and which occurred first in a
sequence of events.

for grammatical knowledge see Speaking

Level 1;

see Speaking Level 1 for range of grammar at

this level;

L1.14 use knowledge of simple

and compound sentence
structures to work out meaning
and to confirm understanding;

Sample activities


Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

Examples of application and level

Recognise the use of the present simple

and past simple passive in reports.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Sentence Focus: Read and recognise simple and compound sentence structures.


Reading Level 1


be aware of the phonetic alphabet and choose

whether or not to learn to use it to aid

L1.19 where possible use phonic

strategies to decode unfamiliar

Compare word with own language

Is there a direct translation or not? Would the usage be the

Vary reading to get a range of vocabulary.

Word families.

Word association games.

If relevant, match symbols of phonetic alphabet to sounds

of words.

Compare sounds to students' own languages.

Gap-fill with correct form of word.

Build word families.

Sample activities

with longer texts, employ PQ4R preview, question, read, recite, reflect, review.

compare text, sentence and word structures with structures in other languages, noting similarities and differences;

keep vocabulary book and learn new vocabulary;

extend range of vocabulary through reading widely and checking meaning and pronunciation of unfamiliar words in a dictionary or asking someone;

for example:

Develop strategies for reading

In all topics, including specialist

vocabulary for work or study.

Reading regular unfamiliar words

Use phonetic alphabet to work out
pronunciation of unfamiliar words.

recognise how words change to form different

parts of speech;

L1.18 work out meaning of

unfamiliar words by using
derivations, word families etc;

L1.20 extend sight vocabulary.


Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

Examples of application and level

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Word Focus: Extend understanding and use of vocabulary, morphology and phonics.

Reading Level 2
At this level adults can:
read and understand a range of texts of varying complexity accurately and independently;
read and obtain information of varying length and detail from different sources.

An adult will be expected to:

trace and understand the main events of continuous descriptive, explanatory or persuasive texts;
identify the purpose of a text and infer meaning which is not explicit;
identify the main points and specific detail;
read an argument and identify the points of view;
read critically to evaluate information, and compare information, ideas and opinions from different sources;
use organisational features and systems to locate texts and information;
use reference material to find the meaning of unfamiliar words;
use different reading strategies to find and obtain information (such as skimming, scanning,
detailed reading);
summarise information from longer documents;
read and understand technical vocabulary;
use reference material to find the meaning of unfamiliar words;
in a wide range of text types.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students need to read a wide variety of text types, by different authors. Students should be tackling texts of
different lengths and density.
The students knowledge of written conventions and texts in their own language will be a useful basis for
development/comparative work.
The spoken competence of some students may well be more advanced than their literacy skills, enabling
useful discussion and cross-cultural comparisons to take place.

Note on the tables which follow

Under Knowledge and understanding, see Speaking Level 2 for grammar. Under application and level, see
Speaking Level 2 for examples of language in use and text range. Sample activities are examples only and
should not be used as a prescriptive list.


Reading Level 2



Reading Level 2


Adults should be taught to:

recognise that different texts which share a

common purpose will share common features
such as format, layout, discourse markers,
grammar, key vocabulary, structure, register,
graphic features;

Adults should be taught to:

L2.1 identify purpose and

authors intentions of a wide
range of texts;

Use of topic sentences to see if need to

read the whole paragraph; use of 'blurb'
on back of book, contents page and
date of publication to predict content
and relevance of book; use of graphs in
statistical article to illuminate text.
Hypertext links, menus, icons, teletext
pages, www features such as search,

as above;

be aware of IT concepts underlying the texts,

e.g. what the Home-page on a web-site
actually does;

L2.4 recognise and use features

of IT texts;

Key features include

Organisational structure;
Grammatical features;
Discourse markers;
Key vocabulary.

Report, essay, text book, straightforward

journal or instructional newspaper or
magazine article, narrative, description,
advertisement, poem, evaluation,
description, e-mail, web-site, technical
instructions, complex form, formal letter.
Some of the texts should include
idiomatic and spoken usage and be
written by modern authors.

Examples of application and level

L2.3 use these key features to

predict meaning and aid

L2.2 recognise a range of text

types from their key generic

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand a range of texts.

Match word and/or icon with definition.

Exercises to find specific information, using IT textual


Text analysis (i.e. look at generic features of different


Look at different types of text and identify what features

will help predict content, point of view etc.


Examine different text types and identify generic features.

Look at a range of texts and say what they are, what their
purpose is and what the authors wanted the readers to get
out of them.

Sample activities


Reading Level 2


Summarise the main points in longer


Discourse markers that link and contrast

arguments, e.g. On the one hand...
Another point of view is... Some people
Or link ideas and examples, e.g. for
instance, an instance of this was...
Or show structure of text, e.g.
This chapter will explore... To sum up...

recognise that different strategies are useful

for different purposes;

recognise the importance of being able to

show understanding of texts by summarising
the main points.

be aware of the concept of a paragraph,

common structure of paragraphs, and how
paragraphs link together;

L2.5 use a range of strategies for

getting meaning from text such as
surveying, skimming, scanning,
getting main points or events,
thorough reading; varying speed
and thoroughness of reading
depending on purpose and type
of material being read;

L2.6 read and summarise


L2.7 use knowledge of links

between sentences and
paragraphs to aid meaning;

be aware of meaning of different discourse


Survey to decide whether or not to read a

particular text.
Skim an newspaper article to get idea of
Scan a reference text to find specific
information (for instance UCAS booklet to
find if a university runs a particular course).
Extract main points from chapter in text
Read thoroughly to appreciate argument,
be absorbed by description or narrative,
take in detailed information.

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

Examples of application and level

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand a range of texts.

Say what pronouns etc. refer to in text.

Using discourse markers, predict what will come next.

Highlight discourse markers in different texts.

Jigsaw reading exercise Two students read different

halves of a text and summarise the missing sections for
their partner.

Variety of exercises to test comprehension and extraction

of information, including discussion, comprehension
questions, multiple choice, transfer of information etc.

Exercises to test and develop speed of skimming and


Discuss strategies for surveying.

Discuss when it is helpful to use different strategies.

Sample activities


Reading Level 2


recognise that meaning can be inferred as well

as stated explicitly;

recognise what makes a good text of a

particular genre;

L2.8 use context and syntax to

monitor meaning and make
inferences about unstated
information, including author's
point of view;

L2.9 evaluate and compare texts

for success in achieving purpose,
accuracy, clarity of argument, ease
of understanding, style;

L2.10 use own knowledge of the

world to help get meaning from

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

be aware of the importance of shared

background knowledge and knowledge of the
world in obtaining meaning from texts.

be aware of how language is used to create

different effects (e.g. descriptive language,
formal register);

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and understand a range of texts.

Previous knowledge about subject matter

(e.g. using knowledge from previous
employment as doctor when reading a
journal article about medicine), cultural
understanding, (e.g. knowing what buying a
round means in a narrative).

Journal article for accuracy of

information, poetry for achieving effect,
web-site for ease of navigation.

Discuss balance of argument.

Identify bias in newspaper article,

expositional or persuasive text.

Examples of application and level

Identify key phrases and vocabulary.

Self-question what do I know already about this


Discussion to activate previous knowledge.

Review texts.

Identify parts of text that work particularly well, (or not)

giving reasons.

Discuss what makes text successful.

Compare more and less successful texts of same genre.

Read part of text and predict next part.

Re-tell text to another person.

Discuss meaning and authors point of view, in pairs, small

groups, whole groups.

Discuss inferences from text, giving reasons for making


Comprehension questions.

Check texts for inconsistencies.

Sample activities


Reading Level 2


Illustrations, straightforward graphs, tables

be aware of key sources of reference and

which reference tools are best for purpose of

be aware of the conventions of a range of

tabular formats.

L2.11 choose and use a wide

range of reference tools
appropriate to the task;

L2.12 obtain and evaluate

information from graphical

Passive voice indicates emphasis on action

rather than person performing it.
The post is sorted twice a day...

Wide range of punctuation, including full

stops, question and exclamation marks,
commas, colons, semi-colons, bullets,
numbering, speech marks, apostrophes,

Adults should be taught to:

for sentence structures see Speaking Level 2;

recognise what the different punctuation marks


Adults should be taught to:

L2.13 use knowledge of simple,

compound and complex sentence
structures and discourse markers
to work out meaning and to
confirm understanding;

L2.14 recognise how punctuation

aids understanding.

Examples of application and level

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Sentence Focus: Read and recognise simple compound and complex sentence structures.

Encyclopaedias book and CD, atlases,

dictionaries, grammar books, Internet,
household reference books such as recipe,
gardening, DIY books, car manuals etc.

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

Examples of application and level

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Read and obtain information from a range of sources.

Compare with other languages.

Discuss use of punctuation and how it aids understanding.

Discuss use of grammar.

Predict what the next word will be from the sentence


Identify different types of sentence structures in different

types of texts.

Sample activities

Critical analysis of graphical information.

Comparison of different ways of presenting information

and evaluation of more and less effective ways.

Exercises to obtain information.

Discuss best source for particular information, evaluating

ease of access/navigation, clarity of information, accuracy
and amount of information etc.

Compare information from different sources.

Sample activities


Reading Level 2


Adults should be taught to:

be aware of the origin of a range of prefixes

and suffixes;

recognise how words change to form different

parts of speech.

Adults should be taught to:

L2.15 identify the function of a

range of common prefixes and

L2.16 be able to work out

meaning of a range of unfamiliar
words by using derivations, word
families etc.
As appropriate to students' interests and
needs and including technical and
specialist vocabulary where appropriate.

For instance, micro, macro, ex meaning out

of, ism, trans etc.

Examples of application and level

Look up derivation of word.

Gap-fill with correct form of word.

Build word families.

Compare with other languages.

Discuss origin of some prefixes and suffixes.

List words with same prefix/suffix.

Match prefix/suffix with meaning.

Sample activities

develop knowledge of IT language through practice where possible.

with longer texts, employ PQ4R preview, question, read, recite, reflect, review;

compare text, sentence and word structures with structures in other languages, noting similarities and differences;

keep vocabulary book and learn new vocabulary;

extend range of vocabulary through reading widely and checking meaning and pronunciation of unfamiliar words in a dictionary or asking someone;

For example:

Develop strategies for reading,

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Word Focus: Extend understanding and use of vocabulary, morphology and phonics.

The ESOL Curriculum

Writing Entry Level 1
At this level adults can write to communicate information to an intended audience.
An adult will be expected to:
use written words or phrases to record or present information;
construct a simple sentence;
punctuate a simple sentence with a capital letter and a full stop;
use a capital letter for personal pronoun I;
spell correctly some personal keywords and familiar words;
write the letters of the alphabet using upper and lower case;
in documents such as forms, lists, messages, notes, records.

Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Students writing may consist mainly of copying and inserting key information into a model, or simple form.
Pacing of lessons and ordering of items will be quite different with students who are not literate in their
own language.
The students knowledge of written conventions and texts in their own language will be a useful basis for
development/comparative work.
The spoken competence of some students may well be considerably more advanced than their literacy skills,
enabling useful discussion and cross-cultural comparisons to take place.
The need for and degree of accuracy should be determined by the purpose of the writing and its
appropriateness to the situation.
Note on the tables which follow
Under Knowledge and understanding, see Speaking Entry Level 1 for grammar. Under Examples of
application, feature and level, see Speaking Entry Level 1 for examples of language in use and text range.
Sample activities are examples and should not be used as a prescriptive list.


Writing Entry Level 1



Writing Entry Level 1


develop understanding of different kinds of

simple written texts: very simple letters/notes,
lists, forms;

E1.1 compose simple text for an

intended audience using a

E1.2 copy name and address


Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:


develop understanding of basic conventions of


Write/copy words of personal

importance: childrens names, country
of origin.

Copy important names and addresses


Address an envelope or copy the

address accurately onto the envelope.

Telephone no:..........................................



Write/copy name and address in space

on a simple form.

Write/copy short personal statements

using a model:
My name is Salma.
I come from Somalia.
I am a student.

Write/copy a list of items from board

or sheet.

Write/copy a note to school using

a model:
Dear teacher,
Maria is ill today. Sorry.
Mrs Gonzales.

Examples of application and level

develop understanding of the layout of names

and addresses on envelopes, letters;

develop understanding of the basic

conventions and layout of different kinds of
simple written texts;

develop awareness of possible readers: self,

teacher, official bodies;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: To communicate information in very short, simple texts.

Students to copy/write own details on a simple form.

Matching activities: name/surname/address to a simple

form, or own details, pelmanism game.

Discuss basic conventions of forms: e.g. no sentences,

use of capitals, black ink.

Students are read a short text about a person and shown

a simple form with his/her basic details filled in.

Bring in examples of forms and discuss with students.

Are forms important in UK? Are forms important in
students countries?

Work with the class model: students to trace over, copy,

gap-fill key words, do dictation, as appropriate.

Collectively compose a note, using language experience


Discuss letters/notes you need to write to schools. Elicit

students experience. Bring in examples and read.

Sample activities


Writing Entry Level 1


Adults should be taught to:

develop understanding of ways of writing


Adults should be taught to:

E1.3 write numbers accurately.

Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of the structure of a simple


develop understanding of the use of capital

letters at the start of sentences and a full stop
at the end;

Adults should be taught to:

E1.4 write a simple sentence

from a model;

E1.5 use full stop and capital

letters in a simple sentence.

develop understanding of the use of capital

letter for pronoun I.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Sentence Focus: Recognise and use simple sentence structure in writing.

develop understanding of the use of capital

letters for days and months.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: To communicate information in very short, simple texts.

In all types of writing given as examples

of application at this level, e.g.
My name is Salma.
I come from Somalia.
I am a student.

Soy de Malaga.
Vivo en Bradford.
Tengo dos hijos.

In all types of writing given as examples

of application at this level, e.g.
I come from Malaga.
I live in Bradford.
I have two children.

Examples of application and level

Elicit/teach ways of writing dates and discuss differences

in students languages.

Telephone number, postal code

Use language experience, resulting in students being

able to copy/write simple, high frequency sentences for
personal writing in familiar contexts.

Discuss and compare use of capitals and full stops in

English with students languages using model sentences.

Compare with students own languages.

Substitute own words into model sentence.

Put parts of sentence (each on different colour card) in

order to make sentences.

Sample activities

Gap-fill date in a simple note/form.

Students to copy/write date from board, own dates of


Elicit date, students birthdays.

Sample activities

Todays date, date of birth

Examples of application and level


Writing Entry Level 1


develop awareness of the importance of

hand/eye coordination and of positioning of
hand and body in relation to the paper and

develop awareness of the direction of Roman

script and of accompanying hand movements;

start to develop knowledge of upper and

lower case shape, position and formation;

E 1.6 hold and control pen


E 1.7 write from left to right;

E1.8 form the letters of the

alphabet with some accuracy
(upper and lower case);

E.1.9 form numbers

1 to 9 with some accuracy;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

start to develop knowledge of position and

formation of numbers;

start to develop knowledge of the names of

the letters;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Word Focus: Develop handwriting, vocabulary and spelling.

Write telephone numbers said aloud

Write date, house number, telephone

number on a simple form.

Write names spelt aloud by another


Fill in/copy own name and address on

a simple form, using upper and lower

Students to ask each other their telephone numbers and

write them down.

Games for learning to write numbers.

Copy/write house number, telephone number on a

simple form.

Trace numbers.

Discuss the formation of numbers, where to start each

number, direction, which ones have bodies, legs etc.

Fill in dotted outline of numbers.

Draw shapes of numbers in the air.

Students to ask each other to spell their names to

each other.

Games for learning to name the letters.

Copy/write name and address on a simple form.

Trace letters and trace short words.

Discuss the formation of letters: where to start each

letter, direction, which letters have bodies, legs etc.

Fill in dotted outline of letters.

Draw shapes of letters in air.

Discuss the direction of other scripts and languages ask

students to write simple sentences on board in their
languages and compare with English.

Use finger to follow direction of writing.

Copy or complete patterns/shapes.

Pattern completion

In all types of writing given as

examples of application at this level

Trace patterns/shapes of letters.

Sample activities

Pattern tracing

Examples of application and level


Writing Entry Level 1


Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of word spacing and line

positioning conventions;

develop knowledge of context-based personal


develop understanding of the phonic

relationship between certain sounds and
letters and letter combinations;

develop understanding of the importance of

strategies for the development of spelling.

Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

E 1.10 space letters and words

appropriately and proportion
letters in relation to line;

E 1.11 copy and understand

basic personal vocabulary;

E1.12 use basic sound symbol

association to help spelling;

E 1.13 spell some personal key

words and familiar words

Word Focus: Develop handwriting, vocabulary and spelling.

Identify letters linked to initial sounds of personal key

words, using matching activities, personal vocabulary
books, gap-filling exercises.
Language experience approach to word and sentence
writing skills.

In all types of writing given as examples

of application at this level
Personal key words
In all types of writing given as examples
of application at this level
Familiar words: live, come
Words of importance to learner:
childrens names, own name, country of
origin, language

Discussion of some basic spelling strategies: e.g.

Look-say-cover-write-check, using mnemonics, words
within words, using colour or split up words to highlight
visual features, e.g. Lee ds.

Language development and language experience work

around a context e.g. family, talking about own family.
Use a model listening/reading text and ask students to
identify key words: mother, father, brother etc.
Use activities for developing whole word recognition
e.g. picture/word matching.
Show students own simple family tree and read it
together. Use this as a model for gap-filling and devise
simple worksheets with key words for tracing/ copying or
gap-filling key vocabulary.
Help students to draw, and fill in their own simple family
tree if appropriate.

Ask students to write a sentence in their language and

compare the spacing conventions with English.

Put up sentences on board or OHT and analyse space

between words, show students examples of badly spaced
words within sentences and of words not well positioned
on the line. Ask them to say what the problem is.

Write words within lined spaces using double lined paper.

Sample activities

Build a context based personal

vocabulary e.g.
School: teacher, lesson
Family: mother, son
Country: Somalia, Mogadishu

Write/copy short personal statements

using a model, spacing words
appropriately and positioning them on
the line.

Examples of application and level

Strategies for independent learning

Suggest that students do the following.
Choose 5 words to learn to copy/write after every lesson.
Practise joining letters to help with the flow, if needed.
Ask teacher for handwriting patterns to practise outside of the classroom, if needed.
Find out which ways of remembering how spelling works for them, i.e. try various ways:
look-say-cover-write-check, sounding out words phonetically, learning a mnemonic etc.
Ask a friend or relative to give them a spelling test.
Word-process texts they have handwritten.


Writing Entry Level 1


Writing Entry Level 2

At this level, adults can write to communicate information with some awareness of the intended audience.
An adult will be expected to:
use written words and phrases to record or present information;
construct simple and compound sentences using common conjunctions to connect two clauses
(such as and, but);
use adjectives;
use punctuation correctly (such as capital letters, full stops and question marks);
use a capital letter for proper nouns;
spell correctly the majority of personal details and familiar common words;
produce legible text;
in documents such as forms, lists, messages, notes, records, personal writing, email, simple narratives.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
The writer can expect guidance for simple personal writing and the use of models to develop mastery of new
formats/text types.
Students not literate in their own language will continue to need a lot of support.
The other skills of speaking, reading and listening will be used to stimulate, develop and model writing
wherever possible.
Students will be becoming more aware of the differences between spoken and written language.
The students knowledge of written conventions and texts in their own language will be a useful basis for
development/comparative work.
The need for accuracy will be determined by the purpose of the writing.
Note on the tables which follow
Under Knowledge and understanding, see Speaking - Entry Level 2 for grammar at this level. Under
Examples of application, feature and level, see Speaking - Entry Level 2 for examples of language in use and
text range. Sample activities are examples only and should not be used as a prescriptive list.


Writing Entry Level 2



Writing Entry Level 2


develop awareness of the concept of purpose

and audience;

E2.1 identify the purpose and

audience of writing;

develop awareness of the importance of

applying knowledge of purpose and audience
when composing text;

develop awareness of conventions and

common features of different text types;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

E 2.2 compose simple texts;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: To communicate information in short, simple texts.

Key features are:

grammatical features word order in
simple and compound sentences, use
of tense
structure of the text.

Records of learning

Dear Helen,
I hope you have a very happy birthday,
Best wishes,

Notes/simple letters
Greetings cards

Key features are:

personal writing e.g.
short descriptions,
chronological narratives
Last Saturday I went to see a friend and
we went for a walk. On Sunday I watched
TV. Now it is Monday, back to work.

Examples of application and level

Students to write own text, following a model if


Give students a writing frame to practise writing their

own text.

Practise with gap-fill texts.

Discuss structure and content.

Bring in models of the text type being focused on, e.g.

greetings card and discuss the purpose, audience and
common features: e.g. layout, use of tense or structures,
opening/closing sentences, a middle.

Identify possible resol-life readers, e.g. friend, teacher,

official, and consider why writing to them is necessary.

Match different kinds of writing to different readers, e.g.

form, letter, note.

Bring in examples of different types of text and discuss

the purpose and who the intended audience is. Ask how
they are able to tell.

Sample activities


Writing Entry Level 2


Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

develop understanding of form conventions,

including stated and unstated instructions.

Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

E 2.3 fill in/copy information,

including personal details,
accurately and legibly on forms.

Text Focus: To communicate information in short, simple texts.

Date of Birth................................................





First Name:..................................................


Title: Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms


Key features are:

basic form filling categories and
stated and simple unstated

Examples of application and level

Fill in a form with their own details.

Ask students to ask each other questions and fill in forms

for each other.

Repeat with a different text and a blank form.

Give students a short text about someone, containing

personal details, and a form with their details filled in.

Match oral questions to form filling categories.

Bring in examples of simple forms and discuss the

conventions and importance of form- filling in Britain,
comparing it with students own countries. Discuss overt
and implied instructions, e.g. ask what students should
do with Title.

Sample activities


Writing Entry Level 2


develop awareness of simple and compound

sentence structure;

E 2.4 compose simple and

compound sentences using
appropriate grammatical

develop knowledge of grammar in Speaking

Entry Level 2;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

E 2.5 use adjectives in simple

and compound sentences;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Sentence Focus: To construct simple and compound sentences.

Range of texts, see text focus

Key features are:

use of adjectives, word order,

Key features are:

simple and compound sentence
use of simple conjunctions.

Examples of application and level

Give students nouns and adjectives and ask them to

write simple sentences using them.

Gap-fill multiple choice exercises, using adjectives from


Read a range of descriptive texts with students and

discuss the meaning of the adjectives.

Language development activities to build knowledge of

adjectives, e.g.

Play language games to develop ability to expand kernel

sentences, e.g. incremental drills.

Work on expanding kernel sentences, using examples in

speech and in texts
I live in a flat.
I live in a council flat.
I live in a big council flat.
I live in a big council flat in Bolton.

Using coloured card students are asked to join simple

sentences into compound ones using and, but or.

Discuss how sentences are joined using and, but and or.

Students make own sentences using cards, then copy

into notebooks.

Bring in examples of short texts with similar common

structures in simple and compound sentences and
identify key features using coloured cards for key parts of
sentence e.g. subject, verb, object/complement,

Sample activities


Writing Entry Level 2


Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of the use of correct basic

punctuation and capitalisation.

Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

E2.6 use basic punctuation and

capitalisation correctly.

Sentence Focus: To construct simple and compound sentences.

Key features are:

use of capital letters at the beginning
of sentences, with proper nouns e.g.
names, places, days, months, titles
the use of full stops
question marks
commas in a list.

Examples of application and level

Give students texts with punctuation/capitalisation

mistakes to correct.

Gap-fill missing punctuation marks in simple texts.

Dictations with days of week, months, place names


Ask students to bring in examples of texts in their own

languages to compare and share with other students.

Discuss and compare the use of capitals, full stops,

question marks and commas in students own

Sample activities


Writing Entry Level 2


develop awareness of the impression

handwriting gives and of personal features of
own handwriting;

E. 2.7 increase legibility and

fluency of handwriting, as
appropriate to student needs;

E 2.8 use vocabulary relevant to


Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

develop knowledge of context-based


identify situations where legible, correctly

formed handwriting is important;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Word Focus: Develop handwriting, vocabulary and spelling.

See examples of text application above.

Topics of interest to the students

Key features are:

consistency of direction and formation
of letters
spacing between words
size of letters
writing on the line.

Examples of application and level

Set a free writing task around the context.

Gap-fill texts, using new vocabulary specific to the


Use vocabulary-building materials: labelled pictures,

definition matching exercises, crosswords.

Read a text with examples of vocabulary relevant to


Ask students for synonyms and different ways of

expressing the same idea/action/object.

Use a variety of stimulus to set a context (photos,

pictures, video) and elicit vocabulary from students,
noting down key vocabulary on the board.

Where needed, students to be given exercises to

improve direction, consistency etc.

Students to analyse their own handwriting using the

criteria applied in the previous exercise.

Give students examples of good and bad handwriting

and discuss why they are good or bad, e.g. inconsistency
of direction, spacing, the impression handwriting gives
and occasions of particular importance
e.g. job applications.

Sample activities


Writing Entry Level 2


develop knowledge of the importance of

pattern recognition, phonics and joined up
handwriting for correct spelling;

E 2.9 spell familiar known

vocabulary and personal key
words correctly;

develop awareness of strategies for spelling.

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

E2.10 develop and practise

strategies for learning spelling.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Word Focus: Develop handwriting, vocabulary and spelling.

Spelling strategies e.g.

look - say - cover - write - check
using mnemonics
words within words
using colour or split up words to
highlight visual features, e.g.
sinc ere ly or
sin cere ly.

Key features are:

common patterns
common bends
whole word recognition.

Examples of application and level

Play spelling games.

Give students examples of mnemonics and words

within words.

Give students sheets for LSCWC, with columns for first,

second and third try and practising the words within

Discuss different strategies for spelling familiar

vocabulary, ask students to discuss how they learnt
spellings in their own language and how they do it in
English. Ask students what the differences are between
spelling in English and their own language.

Link syllable identification with common patterns and


Work on training students ear to hear stressed syllables

and to identify the number of syllables in words,
counting and beating out syllables.

Practise common patterns and blends with gap-fill

exercises, dictation, language experience work.

Identify common patterns, e.g. ing and blends.

Elicit vocabulary from students, noting down key

vocabulary on the board.
I love swimming and I enjoy cooking.

Use a variety of stimuli to set a context (texts, photos,

pictures, video), choosing from topics of interest to the

Sample activities

Strategies for independent learning

Suggest that students do the following.
Choose 5 words to learn to copy/write after every lesson.
Practise joining letters to help with the flow, if needed.
Ask teacher for handwriting patterns to practise outside the classroom, if needed.
Find out which ways of remembering spelling work for them, i.e. try look-say-cover-write-check, sounding
out words phonetically, learning a mnemonic etc.
Ask a friend or relative to give them a spelling test.
Word-process texts they have handwritten.
Write a little everyday, for example keep a simple diary in English.
Go over corrected homework, checking for spelling and punctuation, do a second draft where necessary.
Keep a vocabulary book and/or make their own bilingual dictionary.


Writing Entry Level 2


Writing Entry Level 3

At this level, adults can write to communicate information and opinions with some adaption to the
intended audience.
An adult will be expected to:
plan and draft writing;
organise writing in short paragraphs;
sequence chronological writing;
write in complete sentences;
use correct basic grammar (such as appropriate verb tense, subject - verb agreement);
use punctuation correctly (such as capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks);
spell correctly common words and relevant key words for work and special interest;
proof-read and correct writing for grammar and spelling;
produce legible text;
in documents such as forms, notes, records, e-mail, letters, narratives, simple instructions, short reports.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Writers will be beginning to produce text independently for personal writing and simple text formats;
They will be beginning to use proof-reading strategies. Writers in other languages will do this from Entry
Level 1.
They can expect guidance and modelling for new and more complex text formats.
They will be aware of some major differences between spoken and written English.
The skills of speaking, reading and listening will be used to stimulate, develop and model writing
wherever possible.
Comparative approaches will be used where appropriate.
The need for accuracy will be determined by the purpose of the writing.
Note on the tables which follow
Under Knowledge and understanding, see Speaking Entry Level 3 for grammar. Under Examples of
application, feature and level, see Speaking Entry Level 3 for examples of language in use and text range.
Sample activities are examples only and should not be used as a prescriptive list.


Writing Entry Level 3



Writing Entry Level 3


develop awareness of the importance of

audience, purpose and outcome, the readers
knowledge and expectations;

E3.1 identify the purpose,

audience and outcome of

develop awareness of appropriate formats and

accompanying features of layout for different
text types;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

E3.2 identify appropriate format;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Simple texts e.g.

sets of instructions

Key features are:

use of headings, numbering, bullet

Ask students to work in small groups and

a) identify the intended audience/reader;
b) state the authors purpose;
c) state the authors desired response.

Simple, paragraphed texts e.g.

simple narratives
folk stories

Ask students to bring in examples of different text types

in their languages and compare text format conventions.

As a group, compile a checklist of format conventions for

different text types.

Set multiple choice exercise focusing on format, e.g.

newspaper articles
a) usually have headings and numbers;
b) are usually written in columns;
c) begin Dear Reader.

Bring in examples of various text types which use a

range of different formats and read them with the

Compare with texts in students own languages: focus on

differences and similarities e.g. where an author
conventionally states the purpose.

Take feedback and ask students to compare the texts in

terms of audience, purpose and outcome.

Bring in examples of different types of simple,

paragraphed texts a covering letter for a job
application, a newspaper article, a folk story and read
them with the students.

Sample activities


Examples of application and level

Text Focus: Write short texts, using paragraphs to communicate information and opinions.


Writing Entry Level 3


develop awareness of differences between

spoken and written English;

E3.3 identify appropriate register

for task and audience;

E3.4 plan the content of writing;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

develop understanding of the planning

process and its importance;

develop understanding of the differences

between formal/informal register in both
writing and speaking in terms of linguistic

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Simple narratives e.g.:

descriptions of events, people,places

Key features of planning are:

getting ideas
selecting and ordering ideas
vocabulary and structures
making a written plan.

Simple formal and informal letters

Key features of formal and informal

writing including:
short forms
idiomatic expressions
mode of address

Examples of application and level

Text Focus: Write short texts, using paragraphs to communicate information and opinions.

Bring in examples of different types of texts, read and

discuss the purpose and content, whether they are
successful pieces of writing and why.
Use a variety of stimuli to set a context (photos,
discussion, pictures, video).
Stimulate ideas.
Use different techniques to note down ideas: listing,
spidergraphs, mind maps.
Discuss main ideas and possible order.
Elicit key vocabulary and structures.
Discuss the option of planning in own language.

Bring in examples of simple, formal and informal letters,

e.g. invitation to a party from a class mate, letter to the
hospital confirming an appointment and read them with
Ask students to compare the differences between
spoken and written English by asking them to role-play
the two situations and then compare the language used
in the letters and the role-play. Focus on structure,
vocabulary, idiom, intonation.
Compile a checklist of the differences and similarities:
Ask students to compare the two letters, focusing on the
structure, vocabulary and idiom and to complete a grid
which contrasts the use of English in formal and informal
Discuss the completed grid and the earlier checklist and
contrast formal spoken/written usage with informal
spoken/written usage.

Sample activities


Writing Entry Level 3


develop understanding of the concept of


E3.5 organise writing into

paragraphs and write a first draft;

E.3.6 compose chronologically

sequenced text;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

develop understanding of the importance of

chronological sequencing of events in narrative

develop awareness of key aspects of basic

paragraphing structure;

Knowledge and understanding


Simple narratives e.g:

descriptions of events

Key features are:

use of time words, markers and links

I made another appointment for Friday.

I hope I do not have an infection.

Last weekend I felt miserable. My tooth

ached all the time so I made an
appointment to see the dentist on
Monday. She told me I needed a filling.
She filled my tooth but it still hurts.

A basic model of paragraph structure e.g:

topic sentence or general statement
explanation (cause, effect, result etc.)

Use of paragraphs for making new points,

developing a narrative.


Text Focus: Write short texts, using paragraphs to communicate information and opinions.

Using a simple, paragraphed, chronological narrative, ask

students to:
a) underline all the time words, phrases and markers,
b) underline and identify the tenses,
c) discuss why the above are important.
Ask students to work on a text and identify sequence of
Students to work on correcting the tenses in a
chronological narrative.
Students to work on an unparagraphed text, marking
where the paragraphs should be.
Working with a picture story, ask students to plan,
compose and draft a chronological narrative. Guided
practice and a writing frame to be given to students
needing more support.

Read short paragraphed texts and identify topic

sentences with students and discuss their function.
Discuss the reason for using paragraphs in writing.
Using other example paragraphs, ask students to:
a) underline the topic sentence;
b) circle explanation or examples which develop the
topic sentence.
Give students paragraphs with gapped sentences.
Ask students to fill with appropriate topic sentences or
explanation/example sentences.
Plan a classroom assignment, personal writing, letter or
e-mail with 3 short paragraphs, either:
a) guided writing using a writing frame;
b) free writing.

Sample activities


Writing Entry Level 3


Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness that proof-reading is part

of the writing process;

Adults should be taught to:

E3. 7 proof-read simple text;

Produce a final draft of texts.

Key features of basic note taking are:

content words

develop awareness of when material is ready

for presentation;

Develop awareness of different ways of taking

notes and
writing key content words
using abbreviations, symbols, numbering,
note-taking format for chronological

E3. 9 make notes;

Discuss the importance of students proof-reading own

writing and the importance of identifying own strengths
and weaknesses.

Students use own writing and examples

of writing with a limited range of

Take notes from a text read out, using a chart where some
information is missing.
Students to interview each other and take notes. Each
student then feedbacks to whole group, using notes.
Students to write a short paragraph using the information
in their notes.

Ask students to produce a final draft before handing in

for marking.

Ask students to work in pairs or individually to plan and

produce a first draft, then to proof read own or each
others work.

Set up a writing activity in class, e.g. a short report on a

class trip.

Set students a short writing task and ask them to

proof-read and amend before handing it in.

Discuss techniques for proof-reading, e.g. proof-reading

for one thing at a time, checking at the end of each
paragraph, checking incorrect versions against a
correct version.

Using examples of writing with mistakes, ask students to

work individually and correct the writing. Tell them how
many and what kind of mistakes to look for. Ask students
to circle/underline mistakes in a different colour. Ask
students to work in pairs discussing the mistakes they
have found and saying what the correct version should
be and why. Discuss with the whole group.

Sample activities

Key features are:

use of full stops, capital letters
paragraphing errors and personal
areas of grammatical weakness, e.g.
tenses, singular/plural agreements.

Examples of application and level

E3. 8 produce final legible

version of text, word-processed
or handwritten;

develop awareness of areas of personal

strengths and weaknesses in terms of basic
punctuation, spelling, layout and grammar so
that proof-reading is focused and

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Write short texts, using paragraphs to communicate information and opinions.


Writing Entry Level 3


Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of the cultural conventions

which underpin certain types of questions/
categories in certain types of forms.

Adults should be taught to:

E3.10 complete forms with some

complex features.

Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

develop knowledge of the grammatical

features of simple, compound and complex
sentence structures;

Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

E3.11 compose simple,

compound and complex

Sentence Focus: Write simple, compound and complex sentences.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Key features are:

accuracy in basic grammar
appropriate simple verb tense and
subject verb agreement.
knowledge of simple, compound and
complex sentence structures as
itemised in Entry Level 3 Speaking.

Examples of application and level

Discuss the cultural conventions around the readers

expectations of the different sections of application
forms, records of work etc.

Application forms, records of work

Give short dictations focusing on particular grammatical


Range of grammar practice activities, including

differences in grammatical structures according to

Sample activities

Practise filling in parts of forms where whole sentences

and short paragraphs are required, instead of short
answers, using a range of language exercises: matching
structures to functions, gap-filling.

Compare a filled in library application form (only factual

information is required) and a job application form
(candidate is asked to fill in a section giving reasons for
applying for the job).

Sample activities

Key features include:

cultural convention related to
expectations of reader in certain types
of questions.

Examples of application and level

Text Focus: Write short texts, using paragraphs to communicate information and opinions.


Writing Entry Level 3


Adults should be taught to:

develop knowledge of the use of correct, basic


Adults should be taught to:

E 3.12 use basic punctuation


Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

develop knowledge of appropriate special

interest vocabulary;

develop knowledge of word stems and

common prefixes and suffixes;

Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

E 3.13 use a range of special

interest vocabulary appropriately;

E 3.14 build word families

through addition of prefixes and

Word Focus: Develop vocabulary and spelling.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Sentence Focus: Write simple, compound and complex sentences.

Examples of features at this level include:

- adjectives and adverbs -er, est, ful/ly
- nouns -ment, ability, ness, er
prefixes Un, dis, re, ir

Knowledge of specialised vocabulary

Examples of application and level

Key features of punctuation are:

capital letters
full stops
question marks
use of commas for listing items in
connected prose.

Examples of application and level

Write sentences giving positive and negative qualities of

a person or place.

Working from texts, identify groups of common prefixes

and suffixes and develop exercises around them:
e.g. give the opposite meaning of...

Compare with other languages.

Discuss meanings of prefixes and suffixes.

Encourage students to compile personal dictionaries,

vocabulary books.

Work on the use of vocabulary, using a range of

language development exercises.

Introduce a topic, choosing a context of interest to the

students, which requires specialised vocabulary, e.g.
education: subjects, options, level, exam boards, mocks.

Sample activities

Give students incorrect versions of text to correct/add

missing punctuation.

Set up practice exercises, e.g. short dictations with

pauses to indicate sentence breaks.

Bring in examples of texts which illustrate the various

features of punctuation. Discuss and compare them with
punctuation conventions in students own languages.

Sample activities


Writing Entry Level 3


develop understanding of situations where

legible, correctly formed handwriting is

develop awareness of the impression

handwriting gives and of personal features of
own handwriting;

E3. 17 produce legible text.

develop knowledge of common spelling


E3.15 spell accurately;

develop awareness of the importance of

independent strategies to aid spelling;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

E3.16 use independent

strategies to aid spelling;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Word Focus: Develop vocabulary and spelling.

Key features are:

consistency of direction and formation
spacing between words
size of letters
writing on the line.

Key features are:

sounding out the word phonetically
look for words within words
identify part of the word the student
misspells and invent personal mnemonic
use colour or split up words to
highlight visual features,
e.g. r ece ive.

Examples of common patterns at this

level include:
walk, talk,
could, would,
silent e.

Examples of application and level

Where needed, students are given exercises to improve

direction, consistency etc.

Ask students to analyse their own handwriting using the

criteria applied in the previous exercise.

Give students examples of good and bad handwriting

and discuss why they are good or bad, e.g. inconsistency
of direction, spacing, the impression handwriting gives
and occasions of particular importance e.g. job

Discuss strategies for improving spelling, e.g.

keep a personal vocabulary or word book;
sound out words phonetically;
identify the part of word the student gets wrong and
invent a personal mnemonic;
students personal strategies for remembering

Give further practice with dictation, multiple choice and

gap-fill exercises.

Ask students to compare difference in sound and

meaning. Give other examples and ask students to
analyse the pattern.

Practise spelling of common and relevant key words,

identifying patterns from language in texts, e.g. silent e.
Take a sentence from a text: I hope to see you soon.
Compare with: I hop and jump when I dance.

Sample activities

Strategies for independent learning

Suggest that students do the following.
Choose 5 words to learn to copy/write after every lesson.
Practise joining letters to help with the flow.
Ask teacher for handwriting patterns to practise with outside the classroom, if they need to improve their
Find out which ways of remembering spelling works for them, i.e. try various ways:
look-say-cover-write-check or sounding out words phonetically or learning a mnemonic etc.
Ask a friend or relative to give them a spelling test.
Word-process texts they have handwritten.
Write a little everyday, for example keep a simple diary in English.
Go over corrected homework, checking for spelling and punctuation, do a second draft where necessary.
Keep a vocabulary book and/or make their own bilingual dictionary.
Ask their teacher for self-checking materials for further practice with particular areas they feel they need to
improve, e.g. spelling, punctuation, grammar.
Ask about joining a local Open Learning Centre.


Writing Entry Level 3


Writing Level 1
At this level adults can write to communicate information, ideas and opinions clearly using length, format and style
appropriate to purpose and audience.
An adult will be expected to:
plan and draft writing;
judge how much to write, and the level of detail to include;
present information in a logical sequence, using paragraphs where appropriate;
use language suitable for purpose and audience;
use format and structure for different purposes;
write in complete sentences;
use correct grammar (such as subject-verb agreement, correct use of tense);
punctuate sentences correctly, and use punctuation so that meaning is clear;
spell correctly words used most often in work, studies and daily life;
proof-read and revise writing for meaning and accuracy;
produce legible text;
in documents such as forms, records, e-mail, letters, narratives, instructions, reports, explanations.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Writers will be producing text independently for personal writing and short formal and informal texts.
They will be using proof-reading and self-correction strategies.
They can expect guidance and modelling for extended writing, particularly non-fiction/non-narrative writing,
and more complex text types or genres.
They will be aware of the major differences between spoken and written English.
They will have general control of the features of Standard English. However, students use of English may
reflect the variety of English commonly used in their community rather than standard English. Teachers need
to ensure that these issues are discussed.
The skills of speaking, reading and listening will be used to stimulate, develop and model writing
wherever possible.
Comparative approaches will be used where appropriate.
The need for accuracy will be determined by the purpose of the writing.
Note on the tables which follow
Under Knowledge and understanding, see Speaking Level 1 for grammar at this level. Under Examples of
application, feature and level, see Speaking Level 1 for examples of language in use and text range. Sample
activities are examples and should not be used as a prescriptive list.


Writing Level 1



Writing Level 1


be aware of the importance of audience,

purpose and outcome, the readers knowledge
and expectations;

L1.1 identify the purpose,

audience and outcome of

be aware of what assignment titles actually

mean and the cultural implications behind
them, e.g. essay titles in question form do not
require a simple answer but a discussion of
pros and cons;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

LI. 2 generate ideas for writing;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

Key features are:

analysing assignment title, brief or
deciding what to include and in how
much detail.

Key features are:

Short, paragraphed texts e.g.
personal and other narratives
short reports
simple instructions (e.g. how to get to
a place)
folk stories
formal and informal letters.
Simple texts e.g.
e-mails, messages and memos
complex forms (e.g. application for job
or course).

Examples of application and level

Look at a variety of assignment titles and identify key

words which indicate purpose.
Compare assignment titles with assignments in students
previous learning.
Use a variety of stimuli to set context and generate ideas,
such as discussion questions, other texts, pictures, audio
and video tapes.
Stimulate ideas.
Use different techniques to note down ideas: listing,
spidergraphs, mind maps.
Discuss main ideas, level of detail required and logical
In pairs, groups or alone, write a list of points about a
different topic, compare with others.

Tell students they are going to write something

themselves (e.g. one of the above). Ask them to consider
who the audience will be, why they are writing it and
what effect they want the writing to have.

Compare with texts in students own languages: focus on

differences e.g. where an author conventionally states
the purpose.

Take feedback and ask students to compare the texts in

terms of audience, purpose and outcome.

Ask students to work in small groups and:

a) identify the intended audience/reader
b) state the authors purpose
c) state the authors desired response.

Bring in examples of different types of short,

paragraphed texts a recipe, a newspaper article, an
extract from a text-book, a short story.

Sample activities


Writing Level 1


Adults should be taught to:

be aware of key features of note-taking

writing key content words
using abbreviations, symbols
different note-taking formats for different

develop understanding of the differences

between formal/informal register in both
writing and speaking;

Adults should be taught to:

L1.3 make notes from written

and oral sources for different

L1.4 identify appropriate register

for task and audience;

develop awareness of differences between

spoken and written English;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

Contrasting registers are needed for:

memo and e-mail
formal and informal letters
story and report.

Key f1eatures of formal and informal

writing are:
short forms
idiomatic expressions
mode of address
differences in structure for the same
function, e.g. requests
Can you send me a map?
I would be most grateful if you would
send me . . . ?

Key features of note taking are:

content words
layout, e.g. listing, spidergram,
mindmap etc.

Examples of application and level

Discuss differences between spoken and written English

by asking students how they would tell someone about
the office procedure.

Compile a checklist of the differences.

Ask students to compare the two, focusing on the

structure, vocabulary, idiom and ways of making requests
and to complete a grid which contrasts the use of
English in formal and informal writing.

Bring in examples of short texts with contrasting

registers e.g. memo to all staff regarding office
procedure and e-mail to one colleague and read them
with students.

Students compare their final versions.

Students write a short paragraph using the information in

their notes.

Students feed back orally, using their notes.

Students take notes from a text or oral presentation,

using a pre-set format, as appropriate.

Sample activities


Writing Level 1


develop understanding of the planning

process and its importance;

L1.5 plan writing, using

appropriate structure and format
to communicate information,
ideas and opinions clearly and

L1.6 organise writing into

paragraphs, and show the links
between paragraphs;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of key aspects of different

paragraphing structures;

develop understanding of the concept of


develop awareness of different ways of

planning and be aware of ways that suit them;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

The first problem when we came to

However....After that....The next day....
As a result...

Identify and discuss structure of paragraphs in a variety

of different text types.

Different features of paragraph structure

general statement followed by
elaboration and examples
chronologically sequential points
about a single topic or cluster of topics
statement of argument followed by
points for and against.
Links between paragraphs
....Anyway, I came to England.

Insert words and phrases to link paragraphs in short


Read short texts and examine links between paragraphs.

Ask students to put texts into paragraphs discuss

reasons for inserting new paragraph.

Work according to the needs of the students as a whole

group, in small groups or individually.
Decide on purpose and audience.
Use different techniques to note down ideas: listing,
spidergraphs, mind maps.
Discuss and decide on main ideas, level of detail required
and logical order.
Elicit/decide on key vocabulary and structures.
Discuss and decide on format conventions for the
particular text type.
Consider the option of planning in students own
Compare and try out different ways of planning so that
students can find ways that suit them.

Sample activities

Use of paragraphs for making new points,

developing a narrative,

Key features of planning

Identify purpose and audience
Decide what to write
Select and order ideas
Assemble points in logical order to
achieve effect
Identify level of detail required
Identify key vocabulary and structures
Identify appropriate register
Choose format
Make a written plan

Examples of application and level


Writing Level 1


be aware of the process of composing text;

L1.7 compose texts, choosing

appropriate format for different
text types;

produce final draft;

L1.8 proof-read and edit writing

on paper or on screen;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of required standards of

accuracy and presentation for final draft;

develop awareness of areas of personal

strengths and weaknesses so that proofreading is focused and personalised;

develop awareness that proof-reading is part

of the writing process;

develop awareness of appropriate formats and

accompanying features of layout for different
text types;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

Key features include:

Creative and secretarial aspects
a) creative effectiveness in achieving
purpose, style, register, expression.
b) secretarial use of punctuation,
spelling, paragraphing, and personal
areas of grammatical weakness, e.g.
tenses, prepositions, passive/active

Ask students to bring in examples of different text types

in their languages and compare text format conventions.

Paragraphing as in 1.6.

Use reference tools such as spell-check on computer or

in book form.

Group discussion of suggested amendments.

Use a proof-reading key.

Combine with critical reading strategies

(see Reading Level 1) to identify more and less effective
ways of writing.

Students to work in pairs or individually to plan and

compose a first draft.

Use a variety of stimuli to set context and generate ideas,

such as discussion questions, other texts, pictures, audio
and video tapes.

As a group, compile a checklist of format conventions for

different text types.

Ask students to identify features of different

text types e.g. reports
a) usually have headings
b) are sometimes written in columns
c) are often illustrated with diagrams or visuals.

Bring in examples of various text types which use a range of

different formats and read them with the students.

Sample activities

Planning as in 1.5.

Key features of layout include:

use of headings
numbering, bullet points
diagrams, illustrations.

Examples of application and level


Writing Level 1


Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of the cultural conventions

which underpin certain types of questions/
categories in certain types of forms;

Adults should be taught to:

L1.9 complete forms with some

complex features.

Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

develop knowledge of the grammatical

features of simple, compound and complex
sentence structures;

Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

L1.10 write using a variety of

sentence patterns;

Sentence Focus: Write simple, compound and complex sentences.

develop ability to give very clear accounts

without ambiguity, with illustration if

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

Key features are:

accuracy in basic grammar appropriate verb tense and subject
verb agreement
knowledge of simple, compound and
complex sentence structure as
itemised in Level 1 Speaking.

Examples of application and level

Give short dictations focusing on particular grammatical


Listening, reading and speaking exercises, focusing on

particular grammatical elements

Range of grammar practice activities

Sample activities

Practise drawing diagrams to clarify descriptions such as

exact location of accident or part of body injured.

Practise filling in parts of forms where whole sentences

and short paragraphs are required, instead of short
answers, using a range of language exercises: matching
structures to functions, gap filling.

Discuss the cultural conventions around the readers

expectations of the different sections of application
forms, records of work etc.

graphic/diagram illustrating text, e.g.

showing exact location of accident
application forms, records of work,
accident report form.

Compare a filled-in library application form (only factual

information is required) and a course application form
(candidate is asked to fill in a section giving reasons for
applying for the course).

Sample activities

Key features are:

cultural convention related to
expectations of reader in certain types
of questions

Examples of application and level


Writing Level 1


Adults should be taught to:

develop knowledge of the use of correct


Adults should be taught to:

L1.11 punctuate sentences

effectively and correctly.

Adults should be taught to:

develop knowledge of appropriate special

interest vocabulary;

Adults should be taught to:

L1.12 use a range of vocabulary


be aware of a range of common collocations;

be aware of what vocabulary is appropriate for

which audience;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Word Focus: Develop vocabulary and spelling.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Sentence Focus: Write simple, compound and complex sentences.

Use a thesaurus to find words.

Look at origin of words, compare with students own

languages, be aware of false friends (e.g. words which
look the same but have different meanings).

Work on the use of vocabulary, using a range of language

development exercises.

Include abstract vocabulary class nouns

and phrasal verbs.
Include idiomatic English and slang.

Introduce new vocabulary in a variety of ways, through a

range of texts, brainstorming, video and listening

Sample activities

Set up practice exercises, e.g.

short dictations with pauses to indicate sentence
give students incorrect versions of text to correct/add
missing punctuation.

Bring in examples of texts which illustrate the various

features of punctuation. Discuss and compare them with
punctuation conventions in students own languages.

Sample activities

Knowledge of general and specialised


Examples of application and level

Key features of punctuation are:

capital letters
full stops
question marks
commas for listing items in connected
punctuation for connectives such as
However, etc.
apostrophe for possession and
speech marks.

Examples of application and level


Writing Level 1


develop knowledge of word stems and

common prefixes and suffixes;

develop knowledge of a wide range of spelling


L1.13 build families of related


L1.14 improve accuracy of


L1.16 produce legible text.

L1.15 use independent

strategies to aid spelling;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

develop a critical awareness of personal

features of own handwriting.

be aware of a range of occasions when legible

handwriting is essential;

develop understanding of need to practise

regularly and to join up handwriting in order to
utilise motor memory;

develop understanding of personal learning

style and an awareness of the importance of
independent strategies to aid spelling;

be able to use dictionary or spell-checker for

correct spelling;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Word Focus: Develop vocabulary and spelling.

Key features are:

consistency of direction and formation
of letters
spacing between words
size of letters
writing on the line.

Key features are:

sounding out the word phonetically
look for words within words
identify part of the word you misspell
and invent personal mnemonics
use colour or split up words to highlight
visual features, e.g. r ece ive.

Be able to spell relevant key words,

familiar technical terms and other
common vocabulary items accurately.

Key features are:


Examples of application and level

Where needed, students to be given exercises to

improve direction, consistency etc...

Students to analyse their own handwriting using the

criteria applied in the previous exercise.

Give students examples of good and bad handwriting

and discuss why they are good or bad, e.g. inconsistency
of direction, spacing , the impression handwriting gives
and occasions of particular importance e.g. job

keep a personal vocabulary or word book;

find ways of remembering spellings that match
individual learning style;
look, say, cover, write, check;
regular writing practice joined up handwriting.

Discuss strategies for improving spelling, e.g.

Give further practice with dictation, multiple choice and

gap fill exercises.

Practice spelling of common and relevant key words,

identifying patterns from language in use in texts.

Look at synonyms and opposites.

Working from texts, identify groups of common prefixes

and suffixes and develop exercises around them.

Compare with other languages.

Discuss meanings of prefixes and suffixes.

Sample activities

Strategies for independent learning

Suggest that students do the following.
Learn a new word each day and use it in conversation and writing.
Keep a vocabulary book and/or make their own bilingual dictionary.
Learn to spell 10 new words each week.
Practise joining letters to help with the flow.
Analyse what they could improve about their handwriting and practise that element (e.g. too big, too small,
not regular).
Find out which ways of remembering spelling works for them, i.e. try various ways: sounding out words
phonetically, learning a mnemonic etc.
Ask a friend or relative to give them a spelling test.
Word-process texts they have handwritten.
Write a little everyday, for example keep a simple diary in English, write for the student magazine, find
someone to write to or e-mail in English.
Go over corrected homework, checking for spelling and punctuation, do a second draft or third where
Use a thesaurus to expand their vocabulary.
Ask their teacher for self-checking materials for further practice with particular areas they feel they need to
improve, e.g. spelling or punctuation, or ask about joining a local Open Learning Centre.
When writing, use similar text types as models until they are confident to break away from the model.


Writing Level 1


Writing Level 2
At this level, adults can write to communicate information, ideas and opinions clearly and effectively, using length,
format and style appropriate to purpose, content and audience.
An adult will be expected to:
plan and draft writing;
judge how much to write, and the level of detail to include;
present information and ideas in a logical or persuasive sequence using paragraphs where appropriate;
use format and structure to organise writing for different purposes;
use formal and informal language appropriate to purpose and audience;
use different styles of writing for different purposes (such as persuasive techniques, supporting evidence,
technical vocabulary);
construct complex sentences;
use correct grammar (such as subject-verb agreement, correct and consistent use of tense);
use pronouns so that their meaning is clear;
punctuate sentences correctly and use punctuation accurately (such as commas, apostrophes,
inverted commas);
spell correctly words used most often in work, studies and daily life, including familiar technical words;
proof-read and revise writing for meaning and accuracy;
produce legible text;
in a wide range of documents.
Issues which may affect the delivery of the curriculum at this level
Writers will be producing text independently for personal and academic writing, and for formal and
informal texts.
They will be using proof-reading and self-correction strategies.
They can expect guidance and modelling for extended writing, particularly academic and non-fiction writing
and more complex text types or genres.
They will be aware of the differences between spoken and written English.
They will be aware of and be able to use the features of standard written English.
The skills of speaking, reading and listening will be used to stimulate, develop and model writing
wherever possible.
Comparative approaches will be used where appropriate.
The need for accuracy will be determined by the purpose of the writing.
Note on the tables which follow
Under Knowledge and understanding, see Speaking Level 2 for grammar at this level. Under Examples of
application, feature and level, see Speaking Level 2 for examples of language in use and text range. Sample
activities are examples and should not be used as a prescriptive list.

Writing Level 2



Writing Level 2


be aware of the importance of audience,

purpose and outcome, the readers knowledge
and expectations;

L2.1 identify the purpose,

audience and outcome of writing;

be aware of what assignment titles actually

mean and cultural implications behind them,
such as that essay titles in question form do
not require a simple answer but a discussion of
pros and cons;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

L2.2 generate ideas for writing;

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

Analyse assignment title, brief or

purpose of the writing.
Decide what to include and in how
much detail.
Decide how to get information (e.g.
from books, world-wide web, talking to
people, thinking things through).

A wide variety of audiences employer,

examiner, teacher, magazine readers,
official agencies etc.

Other texts:
e-mails, messages and memos, CV,
complex forms (e.g. application for
nationality, UCAS form), posters.

A wide range of texts including

paragraphed texts:
personal and other narratives, poems,
reports, essays, brochures, instructions
(e.g. how to use a piece of equipment),
articles, formal and informal letters.


Examples of application and level

Draw up an action plan for gathering information what

is needed and how to get it.

In pairs, groups or alone, write a list of points about a

particular topic, compare with others.

Use a variety of stimuli to set context and generate ideas

(discussion questions, other texts, pictures, audio and

Discuss meaning of abstract verbs

e.g. discuss, evaluate, compare.

Compare assignment titles with assignments

in students previous learning.

Look at a variety of assignment titles and identify key

words which indicate purpose.

See Level 1, L1.1 for expansion of these and other ideas

of activities.

For each piece of writing that students do, use this

who for;
result or effect required;
text type or genre;
amount of detail and length.

Look at a range of texts written for different audiences

and decide:
what their purpose is;
who they are aimed at;
what effect they have;
what response they expect;
whether the amount of detail is appropriate.

Sample activities


Writing Level 2


Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

be aware of key features of note-taking

writing key content words
using abbreviations, symbols
different note-taking formats for
different texts;

develop understanding of skills involved in

summarising information and be aware that it
is a skill that can be learnt;

Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

L2.3 make notes from written

and oral sources for different

L2.4 summarise and synthesise


Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

Key features of summarising are to:

identify main points
delete unimportant points
include important details
delete repeated information
use general statements to cover
several points.

Key features of note taking are:

content words
layout, e.g. listing, spidergram,
mindmap etc.

Examples of application and level

Practise summarising
using chapter headings and subheadings as an aid to
highlighting key words in a passage;
identifying topic sentences;
inventing topic sentences when they are missing;
labelling paragraphs;
selecting general statements from a list of mixed
general and particular statements;
writing relevant general statements to cover a number
of examples.

Students discuss different ways of taking notes and

identify which one works best for own learning style.

Students write a short paragraph using the information in

their notes.

Students feed back orally, using their notes.

Students take notes from a text.

Sample activities


Writing Level 2


develop understanding of the differences

between formal/informal register in both
writing and speaking;

L2.5 identify appropriate register

for task and audience.

L2.6 plan writing, using

appropriate structure to
communicate information,
ideas and opinions clearly
and effectively;

Adults should be taught to:

Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of different ways of


develop understanding of the planning

process and its importance;

develop awareness of differences between

spoken and written English.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

Key features of planning are to:

identify purpose and audience
decide what to write
select and order ideas
assemble points in logical order to
achieve effect
identify level of detail required
identify key vocabulary and structures
choose format
make a written plan.

Contrasting registers, needed for:

formal letter and e-mail
description in a letter as opposed to a
literary piece of writing
personal diary

Key features of formal and informal

writing are:
short forms
idiomatic expressions
mode of address
differences in structure for the same
function, e.g. requests
Can you send me a map?
I would be most grateful if you would
send me . . .
passive/active voice.

Examples of application and level

Working according to the needs of the students as a

whole group, in small groups or individually
decide on purpose and audience;
use different techniques to note down ideas: listing,
spidergraphs, mind maps;
discuss and decide on main ideas, level of detail
required and logical order;
elicit/decide on key vocabulary and structures;
discuss and decide on format conventions for the
particular text type;
consider the option of planning in students own
compare and try out different ways of planning so that
students can find ways that suit them.

Discuss differences between spoken and written English

by asking students how they would tell someone about
the colleges enrolment procedure. Compare this with a
formal written account, taken from the prospectus.

Classify formal and informal, academic and everyday use

of vocabulary and expressions e.g. food/nutrition,
washing/laundry, give someone a lift/to take.

Compile a checklist of the differences.

Ask students to compare the two, focusing on the

structure, vocabulary, idiom and ways of making requests
and to complete a grid which contrasts the use of
English in formal and informal writing.

Bring in examples of short texts with contrasting registers

e.g. a diary entry about your child at nursery and a report
about the nursery and read them with students.

Sample activities


Writing Level 2


Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

develop understanding of the conventional

way to structure an argument in English for
particular text types;

Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

L2.7 construct effective


Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

A report recommending a particular

course of action.

An essay arguing a particular point of view.

A letter of complaint to an official giving

reasons for complaint and request for

Structural features:
Introduction, main body, conclusion
Use of paragraphs for making new
points, developing a narrative,
developing an argument
Different features of paragraph structure
a. General statement followed by
elaboration and examples
b. Chronologically sequential points
about a single topic or cluster of
c. Statement of argument followed by
points for and against.

Linguistic features:
Discourse markers linking clauses,
sentences and paragraphs.

Key features include the following.

Examples of application and level

Insert words and phrases to link paragraphs in short


Read short texts and examine links between paragraphs.

Identify and discuss structure of paragraphs in a variety

of different text types.

Ask students to put texts into paragraphs discuss

reasons for inserting new paragraph.

Compare with structure of an argument in own language.

Read texts of same type and analyse key linguistic and

structural features for that type. Linguistic features:
The main advantage is...As a result, x is happening.
Structural features: introduction, first point, contrasting
point, second point, contrasting point, conclusion.

Examine the issue in graphical form, e.g. draw up chart

with arguments for and against, make notes using flow
chart showing sequence of events leading to particular

Sample activities


Writing Level 2


Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of appropriate formats and

accompanying features of layout for different
text types/genres;

Adults should be taught to:

L2.8 compose texts, choosing

appropriate format and layout for
different text types/genres;

Key features are:

Creative and secretarial aspects
a) Creative effectiveness in achieving
purpose, style, register, expression.
b) Secretarial use of punctuation,
spelling, paragraphing, and personal
areas of grammatical weakness,
e.g. tenses, prepositions, passive/
active voice.

develop awareness that proof-reading is part

of the writing process;

develop awareness of areas of personal

strengths and weaknesses so that proofreading is focused and personalised;

L2.9 proof-read and edit writing

on paper or on screen;

produce a final draft;

develop awareness of required standards of

accuracy and presentation for final

Key features are:

planning as in L2.6,
paragraphing and developing
argument as in L2.7.

Features of format and layout include:

use of headings
numbering, bullet points
diagrams, illustrations.

Examples of application and level

identify elements of style that aid

in achieving purpose;

develop awareness of how elements of style

can help writing achieve its purpose.

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

Use reference tools such as spell-check or thesaurus on

computer or in book form.

Group discussion of suggested amendments.

Peer-edit each others work.

Combine with critical reading strategies (see Reading

Level 2) to identify more and less effective ways of

Students to work in pairs or individually to plan and

compose a first draft.

Stimulate ideas.

Use a variety of stimuli to set context and generate ideas,

such as discussion questions, other texts, pictures, audio
and video.

Identify what does or does not make them successful

content, clarity of expression, style, register, form.

Read short texts and discuss how successful. they are in

terms of achieving their purpose.

As a group, compile a checklist of format conventions for

different text types.

Ask students to identify features of different text types.

Bring in examples of various text types which use a range

of different formats and read them with the students.

Sample activities


Writing Level 2


Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of the cultural conventions

which underpin certain types of
questions/categories in certain types of forms;

Adults should be taught to:

L2.10 use a variety of pre-set

and outline formats to present
or fill in information in graphical

Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

develop knowledge of the grammatical

features of simple, compound and complex
sentence structures;

Component Skills

Adults should be taught to:

L2.11 write using a wide range

of sentence patterns;

Sentence Focus: Write simple, compound and complex sentences.

be aware of expectations and conventions of

presentation in pre-set formats.

develop ability to give very clear account

without ambiguity, with illustration if

Knowledge and understanding

Component Skills

Text Focus: Write to communicate information, ideas and opinions.

Key features are:

knowledge of simple, compound and
complex sentence structure;
accurate use of tenses, subject-verb
agreement, pronouns, pronoun
referencing and other features of
grammar at this level, as appropriate
to the purpose of the writing.

Examples of application and level

Application forms, records of work,

accident report or incident form

Key features are:

cultural convention related to
expectations of reader in certain types
of more complex forms, tables
graphic/diagram illustrating text, e.g.
showing part of body injured.

Examples of application and level

Give short dictations focusing on particular grammatical


Listening, reading and speaking exercises, focusing on

particular grammatical elements

Range of grammar practice activities

Sample activities

Summarise the points to be made to fit into available

space or required number of words.

See L1.9 for more detailed activities.

Sample activities


Writing Level 2


develop knowledge of the use of punctuation

for effect as well as clarity.

L2.12 punctuate sentences

effectively and correctly.

Adults should be taught to:

develop awareness of the impression

handwriting gives and of personal features of
own handwriting;

Adults should be taught to:

L2.16 produce legible text.

develop understanding of situations where

legible, correctly formed handwriting is

Knowledge and understanding


Word Focus: Develop vocabulary and spelling.

Adults should be taught to:

Knowledge and understanding

Adults should be taught to:

Component Skills

Sentence Focus: Write simple, compound and complex sentences.

Key features are:

consistency of direction and formation;
spacing between words;
size of letters;
writing on the line.


Punctuation including:
capital letters
full stops
question marks
commas for listing items in connected
punctuation for connectives such as
However, etc.
colon and semi-colon
apostrophe for possession and
speech marks.

Examples of application and level

Where needed, students to be given exercises to

improve direction, consistency etc.

Students to analyse their own handwriting using the

criteria applied in the previous exercise.

Give students examples of good and bad handwriting

and discuss why they are good or bad, e.g.
inconsistency of direction, spacing , the impression
handwriting gives and when good handwriting is
particularly important e.g. job applications.

Sample activities

Set up practice exercises, e.g.

short dictations with pauses to indicate sentence
give students incorrect versions of text to correct/add
missing punctuation;
discuss with students how they punctuate.

Bring in examples of texts which illustrate the various

features of punctuation. Discuss and compare them with
punctuation conventions in students own languages.

Sample activities

Strategies for independent learning

Suggest that students do the following.
Learn a new word each day and use it in conversation and writing.
Keep a vocabulary book and/or make their own bilingual dictionary.
Learn to spell 10 new words each week.
Practise joining letters to help with the flow.
Analyse what they could improve about their handwriting and practise that element (e.g. too big, too small,
not regular).
Find out which ways of remembering spelling works for them, i.e. try various ways: sounding out words
phonetically, learning a mnemonic etc.
Ask a friend or relative to give them a spelling test.
Word-process texts they have handwritten.
Write a little everyday, for example keep a simple diary in English, write for the student magazine, find
someone to write or e-mail in English.
Go over corrected homework, checking for spelling and punctuation, do a second draft or third where
necessary (this is where they learn).
Use a thesaurus to expand their vocabulary.
Ask their teacher for self-checking materials for further practice with particular areas they feel they need to
improve, e.g. spelling or punctuation, or ask about joining a local Open Learning Centre.
When writing, use similar text types as models until they are confident to break away from the model.


Writing Level 2




Section 6:

ESOL Glossary




features of pronunciation which vary according to the speaker's regional and social origin. All oral
language, including standard English, is spoken with an accent. The term accent refers to
pronunciation only.


using standard and grammatically correct English

(see verbs - voice)

a word that describes somebody or something. Adjectives come either before a noun, or after
some verbs, e.g. a busy day, Im busy

adjectival phrases

a group of words, organised around an adjective, e.g. very good indeed; too expensive for me


a word that gives extra meaning to a verb, an adjective, another adverb or a whole sentence, e.g.
I resolly enjoyed the party; shes resolly nice; he works resolly slowly; resolly, he should do
Adverbs: demonstrate how, where, when or how often something happens or is; revesol the
degree of intensity of a feeling, action or opinion; give the attitude of the speaker to what he or
she is saying; provide connections in meaning between sentences.
Many adverbs, but not all, are formed by adding -ly to an adjective, e.g. quickly, dangerously,
nicely. However, some -ly words are adjectives, not adverbs (e.g. lovely, silly, friendly).

adverbs of frequency

adverbs such as sometimes, often, usually, never. The word order differs from that of other

adverbial phrase

a group of words that functions in the same way as a single adverb, e.g. by car, to work, last
week, three times a day, first of all, of course.

agreement (or concord)

in some cases the form of a verb changes according to its subject (so the verb and subject
agree), e.g. I am/he is/they are; I was/you were; I like/she likes, I dont/he doesnt

alternative question
(see question)

describes a text, word, utterance or style that is suitably phrased for its intended audience and
form. Appropriate accepts that different contexts require different treatments and is in this
respect to be differentiated from correct, which is more concerned with the right grammatical
formulation of an expression.


the article is a type of determiner. There is a definite article (the) and an indefinite article (a or


the people addressed by a text. The term refers to listeners, readers of print, film/TV audiences
and users of information technology.

auxiliary (see verbs)


the process of combining phonemes into larger elements such a clusters, syllables and words.
Also refers to a combination of two or more phonemes, particularly at the beginning and end of
words, st, str, nt, pl, nd.

causality (see discourse)

concept questions

a teaching or checking technique, to make sure that students have understood the meaning of a
grammatical form they are learning. An example might be Does he still work there?, to check
understanding of the meaning of the sentence Bob has worked there for 20 years.


a manageable unit of language for analysis or for students to work on

clause (see also syntax)

a group of words that expresses an event (she drank some water) or a situation (she was
thirsty/she wanted a drink), usually containing a subject (she in the examples) and verb
A main clause is complete on its own and can form a complete sentence (e.g. It was raining.).
A subordinate clause (when we went out) is part of the main clause and cannot form a complete
sentence on its own. Some subordinate clauses do not require a subject and verb, but in many
such cases the verb be can be understood (When in Rome, do as the Romans do).



closed questions
(see questions)

a kind of assessment task, which involves taking a written text and deleting words at regular
intervals, e.g. every 7th word, for students to fill the gaps

cohesive devices
(see discourse)
cohesive ties
(see discourse)
communication strategy

a strategy adopted by a learner of a language to get meaning across when linguistic ability is not
adequate to the task, e.g. miming, or asking for explanation


comparative sentences usually involve an adjective or adverb. Comparison can be unequal, e.g.
She is tidier than me; He works more quickly than I do, or equal comparison, e.g. She is as
tidy as me.

(see syntax)
complex sentence
(see syntax)
compound sentence
(see syntax)
conditional sentence

a teaching or testing technique, whereby teachers ask students questions to check understanding of a reading or listening passage
a conditional sentence normally consists of two clauses, one of which is introduced by a word
such as if or unless. It is often asserted that there are three types of conditional:
first conditional (future possibility) If it rains, I'll take my umbrella;
second conditional (improbable or hypothetical) If I had the money, Id go with you;
third conditional (impossible) If you had worked harder, you would have passed.
In fact, many conditionals are mixed, i.e. combinations of the above, e.g. If you had worked
harder at school, you would be in a better job now.


a word used to link clauses within a sentence. Co-ordinating conjunctions (and, but, or and so)
join (and are placed between) two clauses of equal weight; subordinating conjunctions (e.g.
when, while, before, after, since, until, if, because, although, that) go at the beginning of a
subordinate clause.


a consonant is a speech sound which obstructs the flow of air through the vocal tract; for
example, the flow of air is obstructed by the lips in p and by the tongue in l. The term also refers
to those letters of the alphabet whose typical value is to represent such sounds, namely all except
a,e,i,o,u. There are 21 consonant letters in the alphabet, (i.e. all except the five vowels - see
below) but 24 distinctive consonant sounds in English, which are normally represented in writing
by the above letters, singly or in combination. The letter y can represent a consonant sound (yes)
or a vowel sound (happy).

consonant digraph

a combination of two consonant letters to represent a single consonant sound, e.g. ch in chess,
th in thanks

content words/
information words


content words, or information words, carry the meaning of the sentence. They are usually nouns
or verbs and contrast with grammatical words such as the and to. In sending a telegram, the
content words would be the ones included.
context can refer to situation or to language
A description of the situational context takes into consideration the place, the type of
interaction, the number of people involved and the relationship between them, etc. The context
can play a large part in the choice of language, e.g. choice of vocabulary, or choice of formal or
informal register.



The term linguistic context refers to the language surrounding a particular item of language
which is under discussion, e.g. when discussing the meaning of a word, it is often necessary to
consider it in the context of its sentence or of the text as a whole.
context clue

a context clue enables a learner to use either situational or linguistic context (see above) to infer
the meaning of a linguistic item, which is not otherwise clear

(see discourse)
countable noun
(see noun)
cross-cultural features

this refers to the fact that languages and cultures may of communication be similar or different
in conventions of communication. The conventions may be linguistic, e.g. in how often and when
please and thank you are used, or non-linguistic, e.g. in whether or not people normally stand
close together in conversation.


to translate the visual code of the letters into a word

definite article
(see article)

this and that may be referred to as demonstrative pronouns, e.g. in This is mine. If followed by
a noun they are sometimes referred to as demonstrative adjectives, e.g. This book is mine.


this term refers to the process whereby one word is derived from another, usually by the addition
of prefixes and suffixes, e.g. unhappy and happiness are derived from happy.


defines text that attempts to describe an event, a process or a state without passing judgement
on it, or offering an explanation of it. Because of its concern to convey an experience as
accurately as possible, descriptive text often makes greater use of adjectives and figurative
language than other forms of writing.

detailed listening

attentive listening, in order to extract specific information and to get as complete an

understanding of the listening passage as possible

detailed reading

indicates a form of reading that is at the opposite end of the spectrum from skimming or
scanning. Detailed reading involves careful reading in order to extract specific information, but
also to gain a complete understanding of the texts intentions and the way in which language
choice and syntax combine to produce a particular message.


the term refers to a class of words, occurring before a noun. The definite and indefinite article
(the, a, an) are a type of determiner. Other examples are this, some, every.
Determiners include:

a/an, the


this/that, these/those




some, any, no, many, much, few, little, both, all, either, neither,

each, every, enough

three, fifty, three thousand etc.
which (which car?), what (what size?)
question words
whose (whose coat?)
When these words are used as determiners, they are followed by a noun (though not necessarily
This book is yours.
some new houses
Which colour do you prefer?
Many determiners can also be used as pronouns. These include the demonstratives, question
words, numbers and most of the quantifiers. When used as pronouns, these words are not
followed by a noun their reference includes the noun:


This is yours. (= this book, this money, etc).

I've got some.
Which do you prefer?

a stretch of language larger than a sentence. Discourse analysis involves studying these larger
units of language, and concerns the relationship between language and the contexts in which it
is used, as well as relationships between different parts of the text.
The term discourse type refers to the type of text under consideration, e.g. a formal letter, a
newspaper article, a poem, a prepared speech, an interview, a social conversation. Terms
similar in meaning are text type and genre. NB The term text is not only used to refer to a
written text, but can also refer to a stretch of spoken language. The term discourse convention
refers to the ways in which discourse is traditionally organised in a particular language and
culture, e.g. the conventional way to close a formal letter, or open a telephone conversation.
An important feature of discourse is cohesion. Cohesive devices or ties help to make clear the
relationships between parts of a longer text, e.g. when a pronoun is seen to refer to a noun in
another part of the text. Discourse markers are another type of cohesive device. Words or
phrases such as however, but, on the other hand to show contrast, and, moreover to indicate
additional information, because, as to show causality, for example are types of discourse
marker that may be referred to as linking words. Some, but not all of these are conjunctions.
Other common types of discourse marker are sequence markers (sequencing adverbs), e.g.
firstly, after that, finally, and discourse markers which indicate the purpose of a part of the text,
e.g. for example, to sum up, to cut a long story short.
Discourse skills is a term often used to describe students' ability to organise their speaking or
writing (particularly longer stretches) coherently, and includes appropriate use of the cohesive
devices mentioned above.

discourse marker
(see discourse)
discourse skills
(see discourse)
discourse type
(see discourse)

a practice technique used for developing accuracy in spoken English, where students are asked
either to repeat a given sentence exactly or make minimal changes to it. Types of drill include
repetition, substitution (in which students are asked to change one word of a given sentence, and
incremental, (in which students add a word or phrase to a given sentence).


the equivalent in listening of scanning in reading. The listener is interested only in a specific
item of information and will concentrate on listening for that, e.g. when listening for railway


the tendency for speakers to repeat, in part, the previous speaker's words, to show agreement,
or to show surprise: Wheres Bob? Hes gone to India. Hes gone to India?

eliciting (elicitation)

a technique used to encourage students contribution when new language is taught, and to find
out how much students already know. Rather than being presented with information, students
are given a stimulus and encouraged to provide the information themselves.


this term refers to the omission of certain sounds in connected, and especially rapid speech, e.g.
Gnight; gmorning; snice; fishnchips.

embedded question
(see question)


an adjective used to describe text written to explain how or why something happens.
Explanatory text tends to use connectives expressing cause and effect (e.g. so, therefore, as a
result) and time (e.g. later, meanwhile) and the passive voice (e.g. Tax is usually deducted at
source) more than many other forms of text.


depicts a style of language where the choice of words, syntax and address is determined by a
distance from the audience, which may be dictated by the context (e.g. a letter of application,
official documents) or the result of a lack of knowledge of this audience. Formal language tends
to be characterised by more elaborate grammatical structures and by longer and more
conservative vocabulary (e.g. receive rather than get, gratuity rather than tip).


the way in which a text is arranged or presented (e.g. as a book, leaflet, essay, video, audiotape)
or the way in which it is structured (e.g. the use made of headings, sub-headings,
diagrams/photographs with captions)

(see language function)
future simple (see tense)
genre (see discourse)

a gerund is derived from a verb, but behaves as a noun, e.g. I like sport, I like running, where
sport is a noun, and running is a gerund

gist listening

listening to a passage in order to pick out the topic and the main points, but not too much detail

gist reading

the main point or idea of a text. Reading for gist is thus reading for identification of the main point

(see syntax & morphology)
graphic knowledge

the ability to understand the key features of the English writing system, including the basic shape
of the letters, the plural form of nouns, spelling patterns in verb endings, the difference between
upper and lower case, etc. At its most complicated, this term may also be used to show
understanding of the other features, typographical or visual, of a text that hold a clue to its

handwriting patterns

exercises designed to enable students to develop appropriate hand movements for letterformation and make shapes on paper similar to those required for writing

high frequency words

words that occur frequently; someone who is unable to recognise or use these words will
therefore be at a disadvantage


a group of words whose meaning can not be predicted from the constituent parts, e.g. out of the
blue, learn by heart. An idiom may also be referred to as an idiomatic expression.

idiomatic usage

the use of words or phrases in a sense other than their literal meaning


a form of the verb that expresses a command or instruction (e.g. Hold this! Take the second left)

incremental drill
(see drill)
indefinite article
(see article)
infer meaning
or information
inflected forms of verbs

meaning is not always stated overtly in a text, but may be implied. Inferring involves picking up
clues to help with reading between the lines.
inflection refers to the way verb forms change, often by a change in ending, e.g. to show
differences in tense


depicts a style of language where choices of words, grammatical construction and address are
determined by a connection with the audience which may be actual or sought. Informal language
tends to be more colloquial and familiar than formal language, to use less technical or complex
vocabulary and to have simple grammatical structures.

information word
(see content word)
instructional texts


describes text written to help readers achieve certain goals (such texts include recipes, vehicle
repair manuals, self-assembly instructions). Instructional text tends to use imperative verbs

often placed at the beginning of sentences to form a series of commands, and time-related
connectives e.g. then, next, first.

an adverb which increases the impact of another word or phrase (usually adjective or adverb).
Examples of intensifiers are very, extremely, resolly.


a term often used when discussing oral skills. The interlocutor is the person with whom the
student is speaking, e.g. when a student is shopping, the interlocutor is the shop assistant.


intonation is the aspect of phonology by which changes in the musical pitch of the voice are used
to structure speech and to contribute to meaning. Among other functions, intonation may
distinguish questions from statements (as in Sure? Sure!), or indicate contrastive and emotive
stress (as in I said two, not three, or I just hate that advertisement!).

jigsaw reading

a classroom activity, whereby different students read different texts, or different versions of the
same text, and exchange information gained from their reading

kernel sentence

a kernel sentence may be a simple sentence given to students for them to expand and develop
it. This approach may be used to improve students writing.

key words

the words that carry the substance of a phrase or sentences meaning. Identifying the key words
of a text is therefore a means of understanding its gist. The term is also applied to those words
in any subject that, it is considered, learners have to understand if they are to progress.

language experience

an approach to developing literacy that uses the learners own words to provide the basis for
language work. Typically, a teacher adopting a language experience approach will transcribe
spoken text supplied by the learner, so that there is a written text with which the learner is
familiar, to be used for further work in reading and writing.

language function

the purposes for which the speaker or writer is using the language, e.g. to request action, give
an opinion, express displeasure, invite

language variety

the way in which language can vary according to social context or geographical region. Examples
of varieties are Australian English, Indian English, Black English.

limited meaningful

a person with a limited meaningful vocabulary is able to recognise and use a restricted number
of words only, but these words are important for that persons ability to function effectively in
their everyday and working lives

linking words
(see discourse)
look, say, cover,
write, check

an approach to remembering spellings, in which students read, cover the word(s) they want to
remember, write, then check their own work

lower case

a term used to describe small letters, that is all letters that are not capital, letters. In print, lower
case letters will be of varying size, with some having ascenders and some having descenders
(parts of the letter rising above and below the main body of the letter, respectively), and some
having neither.

mind map

a way of writing ideas as they arise, without organising them into the form of a written text. It is
used in teaching writing to enable students to feel clear about what they want to write, before
thinking about how to write it. A similar technique is a spidergraph.


a device to aid memory, for instance to learn particular spelling patterns or spellings: I Go Home
Tonight; There is a rat in separate.

modal (see verbs)


the branch of grammar which concerns itself with the structure of individual words. For example,
the grammatical meaning of a word can change through addition of a morpheme (book, books or
wait, waited.)

multiple choice

a method of teaching or testing, in which the students are provided with a number of possible
answers and are required to select the right one.


describes text that re-tells events, often in chronological sequence. Narrative text may be purely
fictional, or it may include some information; it may be in prose or poetic form.



non-verbal signalling

the aspects of communication which do not involve language as such, e.g. body language and eye
Conventions of non-verbal signalling may differ from culture to culture.


a noun is a word that denotes somebody or something (e.g. My younger sister won some
money in a competition).
Proper nouns are the names of people, places, organisations, etc. These normally begin with a
capital letter: e.g. Amanda, Birmingham, Microsoft, Islam, November.
Count, or non-mass nouns can be either singular (only one) or plural (more than one). Mass
nouns do not normally occur in the plural (e.g. butter, cotton, electricity, money, happiness).
A collective noun, a word that refers to a group (e.g. crowd, flock, team), is singular in form, but
is often thought of as plural in meaning. Whether we say The team have won all their games
so far or The team has won all its games so far will depend on whether we are talking about
the team as a collection of individual players (they) or as a collective working together (it).

object (see syntax)

object pronouns
a personal pronoun in object position, e.g. me, you, him, them.
(see also pronoun and object)
open questions
(see question)
organisational features
of text

refers to those aspects of the visual display of text that give a clue to its status and to its relation
to other pieces of text. Such features include: contents pages, chapter headings and other subheadings, bullet-point lists, captions to photographs and illustrations, text presented in special
display boxes, tables, footnotes, indexes, etc.


a section of a piece of writing, often containing a single focus, time, place or speaker (in a passage
of dialogue). A new paragraph marks a change in one of these, and begins on a new line, usually
with a one-line gap separating it from the previous paragraph, and occasionally indented.

parts of speech

this term is sometimes used to refer to the grammatical classification of words, e.g. noun, verb,
adjective, adverb, pronoun, conjunction,determiner

(see verbs - voice)
past continuous
(see verb tense)
pelmanism game

a game sometimes used to help students develop memory and recognition in reading. Cards with
words on are placed face down. Students turn up two cards. If the two cards are the same, they
keep the cards. If not, they replace them and try again.


describes a text that aims to persuade the reader. A continuous persuasive text typically consists
of a statement of the viewpoint, arguments and evidence for this thesis, possibly some arguments
and evidence supporting a different view, and a final summary or recommendation. Other types
of persuasive texts (e.g. advertisements) use a combination of textual features including words,
sounds and images, and intertextual knowledge in order to persuade.

phonemic alphabet
(see phonetic alphabet)
phonetic alphabet

an alphabet designed to represent the way a language is pronounced. The International Phonetic
Alphabet can be used for describing many languages, whereas the English phonemic alphabet
includes only the distinctive sounds of the English language (phonemes) of which there are 44.

phonetic symbol

a symbol used to denote a particular sound in language

phonic relationship

the relationship between letters of the alphabet and the sounds of the language which they
represent. This may also be referred to as a sound-symbol relationship.


a method of teaching reading and spelling that is based on establishing the link between the
sound of a word and its graphical representation




the study of the sound systems of languages

phrasal verb

a type of verb consisting of two or more words, one a verb and the other a preposition or adverb.
The meaning is contained in the phrasal verb as a whole, and not in its separate parts, e.g. get
up, get on with, put up with.


the perception of sound as being high or low

possessive adjective

determiners, such as my, your, his, her may be called possessive adjectives. They are also
increasingly known as possessive pronouns (see below).

possessive pronoun

pronouns showing possession and replacing the noun or noun phrase (e.g. mine, yours, hers)
are known as possessive pronouns. The words my, your, her may also be known as possessive


a prefix is a morpheme which can be added to the stem of a word in the initial position to change
its meaning, e.g.u in unsafe or dis in disconnect


common prepositions are at, on in under, above. Prepositions may refer to place (in the market,
at the airport, direction or motion (towards me, over the bridge, time (at 6 o'clock, in a
minute) or idiomatic expressions (over 65, in advance).

prepositional phrase

a group of words organised around a preposition, e.g. at home, in front of the TV

present perfect
(see verb tense)

an approach whereby students are prepared for a listening or reading task, for instance by being
presented with key vocabulary, before having access to the text


is a word that stands in for a noun or noun phrase. There are several kinds of pronoun: personal
pronouns (I/me, you, he/him, she/her, we/us, they/them, it), possessive pronouns (mine,
yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its), reflexive pronouns (myself, herself, themselves), indefinite
pronouns (someone, anything, nobody, everything), interrogative pronouns (who/whom,
whose, which, what) and relative pronouns (who/whom, whose, which, that).


to check a piece of work thoroughly before final publication

alternative question

a question requiring a respondent to choose between two options, e.g. Can you help me, or are
you too busy?

closed question

a question which allows only a limited range of responses

embedded question

a question contained within another question or statement

open question

a question which allows a wide range of responses e.g. What do you think?

question tag

a structure, normally consisting of verb and pronoun, attached to a statement, usually

anticipating the listeners agreement, e.g. Shes nice, isnt she? Its not difficult, is it? Changes
in intonation can affect the intended meaning of question tags, in spoken English.

wh questions

a question introduced by a word beginning with wh or h, e.g. what, when, where, how, who

yes/ no questions

a question expecting the answer yes or no, e.g. Do you eat meat? Are you busy? It normally
involves inversion of subject-verb word order.


a variety of language selected for use in a specific social situation. In particular, the register
differentiates formal from informal use of language.


an adjective used to describe words, typically verbs and nouns, that conform to general rules. It
is possible to predict the plural form of a regular noun, or the simple past and past participle form
of a regular verb; it is not possible to do so with irregular nouns and verbs.

relative clause
(see syntax)
rhythm (see stress)

a technique often used to develop fluency and confidence in oral skills. It involves free practice
in a classroom situation which has been designed to simulate, as closely as possible, a resol-life
language use situation.


to look over a text very quickly, trying to locate information by locating a key word



sequence markers
(see discourse)
sequencing adverbs
(see discourse)
schwa (see stress)

the alphabet or other writing system used in a particular language


a group of words that, in writing, is marked by a capital letter at the beginning, and a full stop (or
question mark or exclamation mark) at the end
A sentence can be simple, compound or complex. A simple sentence consists of one clause (e.g.
It was late).
A compound sentence has two or more main clauses of equal weight joined by and, or, but or so
(e.g. It was late, but I wasnt tired).
A complex sentence consists of a main clause that includes one or more subordinate clauses (e.g.
Although it was late, I wasnt tired).

short answer form

(see verbs)
sight vocabulary

words that a learner recognises on sight without having to decode them or work them out

simple past
(see verb tense)
simple present
see verb tense)

to read to get an initial overview of the subject matter and main ideas of a passage.

sound/symbol association
(see phonic relationship)
(see mind map)

a term referring to the prominence with which a syllable is pronounced. In any word, there will
be one stressed syllable, e.g. im port ant. There will also be one or more stressed word(s)
within a sentence, e.g. Ive just been to York.
In the word important, where the second syllable is stressed, the others are referred to as
unstressed syllables. In an unstressed syllable, the vowel is pronounced as a reduced or
unstressed vowel. The most common unstressed vowel in English is the schwa, i.e. the sound
of the last syllable in father or the first syllable in about.
The rhythm of a language refers to the pattern of alternation between stressed and unstressed
syllables. English has a stress-timed rhythm, meaning that stressed syllables occur at regular
intervals, with the unstressed syllables between them being shortened to fit the time between
the stressed syllables. The number of unstressed syllables between two stressed syllables can
vary, but the time taken to articulate them might not.

stressed syllable
(see stress)
stressed word
see stress)
stress-timed rhythm
(see stress)
subject (see syntax)
subject pronoun
a personal pronoun in subject position, e.g. I, you, he, they
(see also pronoun and subject)
verb agreement

a term referring to the way a verb form (usually a verb ending) will change according to the
subject of the sentence, e.g. I like, she likes.


a suffix is added to the stem of a word in the final position, e.g. ly in quickly, ness in happiness


a form which expresses comparison between three or more entities, involving adjectives or
adverbs, e.g. He is the youngest of the three brothers, She is the most hard-working student
in the class.


a word or phrase with the same meaning as another given word or phrase


the branch of grammar which studies the relationship between words in a sentence and between
the different elements of sentences. (The other principal branch of grammar is morphology see
Word order in English is usually subject verb object. The subject relates directly to the verb.
For example, where the verb indicates an action, the subject is likely to be the doer of the action.
e.g. Ali arrived = subject + verb. The term direct object refers to the person or thing on which
the action indicated by the verb has an effect, e.g. Sam wrote a letter in which a letter is the
object. Verbs such as give, sent may have an indirect object, e.g. Sam sent Ali a letter, where
a letter is direct object, and Ali, the recipient, is the indirect object. Some verbs do not take an
object, but may be followed by a complement, e.g. Jai wants to be a doctor. In this example,
Jai (subject) and a doctor refer to the same person, making a doctor a subject complement.
The verb to be, as well as verbs such as seem or become are commonly followed by a
complement, which may be a noun or noun phrase, or an adjective or adjectival phrase, as in I
am very happy. Another example of a complement is an object complement, e.g. You make
me happy, where me is the direct object and happy the object complement.
(NB the terms subject, object and complement may refer to a group of words, as well as a single
Syntax is also concerned with the analysis of clause structure. A clause is seen as a unit of
grammar smaller than a sentence but larger than a phrase, and normally containing a verb. Some
sentences, known as simple sentences, contain only one clause, e.g. We had a picnic in the
Compound sentences contain more than one clause, but each is capable of existing
independently of the other. The clauses are often joined by a conjunction, e.g. We had a picnic
in the park, but my son stayed at home.
Complex sentences contain more than one clause, commonly one main clause (which could
stand alone) and one subordinate clause (which is dependent on the main clause) e.g. Ill phone
you (main clause) as soon as Im ready (subordinate clause).
A specific type of subordinate clause is the relative clause, often introduced by words such as
who, which, whose, that. A defining relative clause gives information essential to the meaning
of the sentence, e.g. The sister who lives in Canada is getting married. The relative clause
makes it clear which of a number of sisters is being referred to. A non-defining relative clause
gives additional information, which could be omitted, e.g. My eldest sister, who lives in Canada,
is getting married.

text type (see discourse)


this refers to the conventions which govern the way speakers take turns to speak during
conversation. It is concerned with who initiates, who responds, whether interruption is
permitted, etc. Turn-taking convention can vary according to the formality of a situation or
according to the relationship between speakers or to cultural background.

uncountable noun
( see noun)
unstressed syllable
(see stress)
unstressed vowel
(see stress)
upper case


a term used to describe capital letters. In print, in any given font and font size, all upper case
letters will be the same height.


(see language variety)

a word that expresses an action, a happening, a process or a state. Two or more words may make
up a verb phrase, e.g. are going, didnt want, has been waiting.
An auxiliary verb (be, have or do is sometimes used to form tenses (see below). Have helps
to form present perfect and past perfect, be helps to form present and past continuous, and do
helps to form question and negative in present simple and past simple.
Modal verbs, or modal auxiliaries, express a range of meanings, such as possibility, obligation,
necessity, ability. Examples are can, may, will, must, might. A modal verb is used with another
Auxiliary verbs, including modal auxiliaries, may be used in short answer forms e.g. Have you
seen it? Yes, I have, Can you swim? No, I cant.

verb tense

verbs voice

a term used to refer to the way a verb changes, in order to indicate the time at which the action,
happening or process expressed by the verb took place. Verb forms or tenses include:
Present simple

I wait, she waits

Past simple

I waited, she waited

Present continuous

I am making

Past continuous

She was driving

Present perfect

I have made

Present perfect continuous

I have been making

Past perfect

He had driven

Past perfect continuous

He had been driving

Future simple

He will be there

besides differing according to tense, verb forms will differ according to whether they are active
or passive voice. In an active sentence, the doer of the action is the subject of the sentence, e.g.
the boy chased the cat.
In a passive sentence, the person or thing affected by the action becomes the subject of the
sentence, e.g. the cat was chased by the boy.


This term may be used to refer to spelling or to pronunciation. A vowel is a phoneme produced
without audible friction or closure. There are five vowel letters in the alphabet, a, e, i, o, u, but
20 distinctive vowel sounds in English, which are normally represented in writing by the above
letters, singly or in combination.

vowel digraph

a combination of two vowel letters to represent a single vowel sound, e.g. ea in please, oo in

wh question
(see question)
word family

a group of words related through their origin, form and meaning, e.g. farm, farmer, farming

writing frame

a structured prompt to support writing. A writing frame often takes the form of opening phrases
of paragraphs, and may include suggested vocabulary. It often provides a template for a particular
text type.



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