23D Advance
23D Advance
23D Advance
Copyright to IJAREEIE
Figure 1:
Figure 3: Phase Plot for (a) ideal SM Control (b) actual SM control
The basic idea of SM control is to design first a sliding surface in state space and then the second is to design a control
law direct the system state trajectory starting from any arbitrary initial state to reach the sliding surface in finite time,
and finally it should come to a point where the system equilibrium state exists that is in the origin point of the phase
plane. The existence, stability and hitting condition are the three factors for the stability of sliding mode control. SM
Copyright to IJAREEIE
Where, Vin= Input Voltage of the Buck Converter, D=1 when Duty Cycle is ON and D=0 when Duty Cycle is OFF, i L=
Inductor Current, RL=Effective Series Resistance of Inductance, V0=Output Voltage of the Buck Converter,
L=Inductance Value in Henry.
Copyright to IJAREEIE
Where iout = Load Current, C = Capacitance in Farad, Vc=Voltage across Capacitor, RC = Effective Series resistance of
the Capacitor.
PWM generator: The PWM generator produce switching frequency for the desire output by varying the duty cycle of
the converter. The converter has two operating mode. The duty interval, when switch is on (Ton) and freewheeling
mode, when switch is off (Toff).
By substituting the value of iL in Equation (10) and rearranging the terms, we obtain the open loop transfer function of
the Buck Converter:
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By applying different tuning technique like Ziegler Nichols, CohenCoon the value of Kp, Kd, Ki can be derived for
the system.
The proposed system is as follows:
Figure 7: The Proposed Buck Converters Electrical Model and Mathematical Model
The parameters of the model is input voltage Vin = 24 volt, reference voltage Vref = 18 volt, inductance L = 0.001H,
capacitance C = 0.75C, leakage inductance RL = 0.08 , leakage capacitance RC = 0.03 .
Figure 8: Output Waveform Of The Proposed Electrical&Mathematical Model 1st Output Current 2nd Output
In this model of buck converter the reference voltage Vref is 18 volt constant supply. The load resistance is 10 . Input
voltage of the converter is Vin is 24 volt dc supply. The output voltage of this converter is Vout and it is 17.66 volt and
current Iout 1.794 amp. Both are rippled and fluctuating but magnitude is moderate.
To design a sliding mode controller for Buck converter, the voltage error, X1, is
0 11
Where Vref is the constant reference voltage and = R2/ (R1 + R2) is the sensing ratio of the output voltage. The rate
of change of voltage error, X2, is
2= 1
= 12
Where IC = C (dVo/dt) is the capacitor current, and C is the capacitance. Since IC = IL IR, where IL and IR represent
the inductor and load currents respectively, differentiation of above equation with respect to time gives
Using IR = Vo/RL where RL is the load resistance, and the averaged equation of a CCM inductor current
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Finally, from (4.4) and (4.6), a state space model describing the system is derived as
Figure 10: Simulink Model Of The Sliding Mode Control For Buck Converter
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Figure 12: Sliding Line Block Diagram and SR Latch Block Diagram
The model is verified in MATLAB/ Simulink environment. The input voltage of the buck converter is Vin 24 volt DC
load is 10. The reference signal of the system is Vref 18 volt DC. The output voltage Vout 17.89 volt shown in fig 13
(a). The rise time of the system is 0.1 sec and no overshoot in the output voltage.
The output current waveform is in the next figure 13 (b). The value of output current is 1.764 amp. The settling time is
0.08 second.
Figure 13: SM Mode Output (a) Current Waveform and (b) Voltage Waveform
The control methods have the same power circuit parameters and operate at the same input and output voltages. The
design specifications and the circuit parameters, for simulation are chosen as: input voltage Vin =24V, desired output
voltage Vout =18V, inductance L =100mH, capacitance =150F, leakage inductance RL= 0.08 , leakage capacitance
RC = 0.03 load resistance R =10. The sliding coefficients =0.167. The switching frequency is set to 150 kHz. The
output is Vout = 17.97 volt Io = 1.764 amp.
In this section Sliding Mode control of buck converter is implemented and different output parameter is observed. The
output voltage and current is stable and satisfactory. The output is better than the PID control buck converter. Output
reaches stability quite fast and ripple is minimum. Load variation up to a certain range does not affect the output. The
overall performance of nonlinear control is good as compared to the PID controller. PID controller reaches its final
value faster but contains ripple. For different load and PID parameters there overshoot may be seen. But in SM control
the output is smooth and no overshoot observed.
[1] M. H. Rashid, Power Electronics: Circuits, Devices and Applications (3rd Edition), Prentice Hall, 2003.
[2] N. Mohan, T. M. Undeland, W. P. Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design, 3rd Bk&Cdr edition, Wiley, 2002.
[3] R.D Middlebrook and S Cuk , A general unified approach to modelling switching Converter Power stages, in Proc. IEEE PESC Rec., pp. 18
34, 1976.
Copyright to IJAREEIE
Shamik Bandypadhyay was born in West Bengal, India on August 16, 1990. He has received his
B.Tech degree in Electrical Engineering from Dream Institute of Technology,Samali, Kolkata West
Bengal in 2012. Currently he is persuing hisM.Tech degree in Power Electronics and Drives from
Jalpaiguri Govt. Engineering College, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal
Prof.Gautam Kumar Panda, Professor and Head, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, Jalpaiguri,WB- 735102,BE
(Electrical) from J.G.E. College, Jalpaiguri, M.E.E(Electrical) Specialization: Electrical Machines &
drives from JadavpurUniversity.PhD from University of North Bengal. FIE, MISTE, Certified Energy
Prof.Pradip Kumar Saha, Professor, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College, Jalpaiguri,WB735102. BE (Electrical) from B.E. College, Shibpore. M.Tech((Electrical) Specialization: Machine
Drives & Power Electronics from IIT- Kharagpur.PhD from University of North Bengal. FIE,
MISTE, Certified Energy Auditor.
Prof.Sankar Das, Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Jalpaiguri Government
Engineering College, Jalpaiguri,WB- 735102,B.Tech (Electrical ) from College of Engineering &
Management, Kolaghat, M.E. (Electrical) Specialization: High Voltage Engg.From JadavpurUni.
Copyright to IJAREEIE