Certification Marks in India
Certification Marks in India
Certification Marks in India
Other marks
These are mandatory marks or labels required by the law in India, but are not
exactly certifications marks.
The Vegetarian mark (green dot symbol) and the Non-vegetarian
mark (brown dot symbol). Either of this is mandatory for packaged food
products. To distinguish between vegetarian and non-vegetarian food.
Toxicity label. Mandatory on the containers of pesticides sold in India.
Identifies the level of toxicity of the pesticide in four levels
Non-statutory marks
There are other non-statutory certification marks or schemes in India which
are promoted by the Government of India, by policy, or through
governmental or semi-governmental agencies. But these certifications bear
no legal status in the nation and are purely promotional in nature.
Examples of such certifications are:
Silk Mark. Certifies that a piece of textile is pure silk. Managed by the
'Silk Mark Organization of India'.
The Ayush Mark or the Ayush Product Certification Scheme for herbal
products by the Department of Ayush.
2. Foreign
Scheme - Overseas
applicants/foreign manufacturers are granted licence for the use of ISI mark
under separately designed scheme within 6 months period.
3. ECO Mark Scheme - Besides the normal product certification scheme,
BIS also grants licenses to environment friendly products under a special
scheme and awards the ECO MARK to such products. These products should
conform to additional requirements specified in the Indian Standards to
qualify. The procedure for grant of licence is same as that of Domestic