Community Medicine MCQs

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1. While investigating a point source epidemic it was found that 120 students ate five different
foods (meat burgers, fried fish, steak, and rice and fruit salad. The relative risk was calculated for
all those five foods. It was concluded that fish was not responsible for this epidemic. The relative
risk of fish is:
a) 0.7
b) 1.2
c) 1.7
Key: True: a

d) 3.0
e) 7.0

2.In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The
results were as follows:
Present Absent
A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000
3. What is the incidence rate (absolute risk) of endometrial cancer among who didnt use oral
a) 630 / (50 + 630)
b) 75 / (245 + 75)
c) 50 / (50 + 630)
Key: True: c 50/ (50 + 630)

d) 245 / (245 + 75)

e) Insufficient data

4. In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The
results were as follows:
Present Absent

A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000
4. What is the incidence rate (absolute risk) of endometrial cancer among women who used oral
contraceptives in person-years? If the study was carried out for five years.
a) 630 / (680 x 5)
b) 75 / (320 x 5)
c) 50 / (630 x 5)
Key: True: e 245 / (320 x 5)

d) 75 / (320 + 5)
e) 245 / (320 x 5

5. In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The
results were as follows:
Present Absent
A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000
What is the relative risk in this study?

[75 / (245 + 75)] / [50 / (50 + 630)]

[75 / (245 + 75)] / [630 / (50 + 630)]
[50 / (245 + 50)] / [630 / (75 + 630)]
[245 / (245 + 75)] / [50 / (50 + 630)]
Insufficient data

Key: True: d [245 / (245 + 75)] / [50 / (50 + 630)]

6. Among 10 women with cervical cancer, medical records confirm a past history of herpes
simplex type II infection in eight. What is the relative risk of developing cervical cancer in women
with a history of HSV type II infection?
a) 8/10
b) 10/8
c) 8/2
Key: True: c

d) 2/10
e) 2/8

7. In an outbreak of cholera in a village of 2,000 population, 20 cases have occurred and 5 die
Case fatality rate is:
a) 1%
b) .25%
c) 5%
Key: True: d

d) 25%
e) .0025%

Questions # 8-9.
The results of a study of the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in a village in India are given in
the table below. All persons in the village are examined during two surveys made 2 years apart,
and the number of new cases was used to determine the incidence rat
Category of Household at First survey
Number of Persons
Number of New cases
With culture positive case
Without culture positive case
8. What is the incidence of new cases per 1000 person years in households that had a culture
positive case during the first survey?
a) 0.02

b) 0.01

c) 1.0
d) 10
Key: True: d

e) 20

10 new cases = 10 cases/1000 persons years

500 persons x 2 years
9. What is the incidence of new cases per 1000 person years in households that did not have a
culture positive case during the first survey?
a) 0.001
b) 0.1
c) 0.5
Key: True: c

d) 1.0
e) 5.0

10 new cases = 0.5 cases/1000 persons years

10,000 persons x 2 years
10. In a population of 1000, measles coverage is 60%, one child goes out of station and comes
back with measles from whom 20 more children get measles. Secondary attack rate of measles
a) 0.65%
b) 5%
c) 6%
Key: True: b

d) 6.5%
e) 7%

11. A village has total of 100 under-five children. The coverage with measles vaccine in this age
group is 60%. Following the occurrence of a measles case in a child after a visit outside, twentysix children developed measles. The secondary attack rate of measles is:
a) 25%
b) 40%
c) 50%
Key: True: e

d) 65%
e) 66%

12. If an epidemiologist while investigating an epidemic makes a graph to plot distribution of

cases of disease by the time of onset and gets a polymodal distribution curv The most likely
disease is:
a) Salmonellosis

b) Staphylococcal food poisoning

c) Measles
d) Typhoid
Key: True: c

e) Hepatitis A

13. 10 cases of food poisoning had been reported in hospital, 2 out of these developed mild
gastrointestinal symptoms, 4 developed moderate dehydration but recovered and 2 succumbed
to the disease. The characteristic of the organism of food poisoning that produces the severest
form of the disease is:
a) Infectivity
b) Pathogenicity
c) Virulence
Key: True: c

d) Communicability
e) Resistibility

14. Public Policies in Pakistan aim at avoiding the underlying reasons for the development of
environmental and atmospheric concentration of SO2 to protect the health of peopl It?s an
example of
a) Primordial
b) Primary
c) Secondary
Key: True: a

d) Rehabilitation
e) Screening

15. The number of deaths due to diarrhoea, total cases of measles, total number of accidents and
the total number of drug addicts were to be reported by a researcher. The best title given to all
of this data would be:
a) Mortality data
b) Morbidity data
c) Case fatality rate
Key: True: e

d) Addiction rate
e) Health related data

16. When total number of deaths due to measles is presented in relation to the total cases of
measles, it is best labeled as:
a) Cause specific death rate
b) Incidence rate
c) Prevalence rate
Key: True: d

d) Case fatality rate

e) Proportional mortality

17. Japanese have a higher rate of stomach cancer and a low rate for colon carcinoma than the
U.S. However third generation descendants of Japanese immigrants to U.S have rates of stomach
& colon cancer like that of U.S. This particular characteristic supports effects of:
a) Environment
b) Genetics
c) Mutation
Key: True: a

d) Accidents
e) Misinterpretation

18. Influenza pandemic occurs after every 7 10 years. This kind of disease distribution in time
is known as:
a) Secular trend
b) Short time fluctuation
c) Cyclical trend
Key: True: c

d) Seasonal trend
e) Endemicity

19. If the age incidences curve of leukemia shows two peaks it is suggestive of bimodality.
Bimodality usually signifies:
a) Non homogeneity
b) Cluster sampling
c) Large number of observations
Key: True: a

d) Accuracy
e) Short duration of disease

20. A doctor is required to study the incidence of silicosis in a stone cutting industry, which study
design should he choose:
a) Longitudinal
b) Cross-sectional
c) Ecological surveys
Key: True: a

d) Case reports
e) Case series report

21. The health statistics department revealed that the sale of anti-Asthma drugs was more in
those countries where Asthma deaths were mor This association may prove wrong when the
individual based study designs are conducte This association is an example of:
a) Ecological fallacy
b) Berkesonian bias
c) Indirect association

d) Temporal association
e) Specific association

Key: True: a
22. A researcher wanted to study the time sequence to prove the concept of causativity, which
design of study should be preferred by the researcher:
a) Longitudinal
b) Cross-sectional
c) Case report
Key: True: a

d) Case series report

e) Quasi experimental

23. Smoking leads to esophageal carcinom Coffee intake has its effect on smoking and also
esophageal carcinom This factor can distort the results of the study which intends to prove an
association between smoking and esophageal cancer. This effect of this factor is known as:

a) Confounding
b) Multiple causation
c) One to one relationship
Key: True: a

d) Dose response relation

e) Strength of association

24. The health authorities are launching a smoking cessation program by designing different
activities for the smokers. These are very expensive but still useful as a large proportion of lung
cancer will be eliminated if smoking is stoppe This proportion of lung cancer can be indicated by:
a) Relative risk
b) Prevalence
c) Attributable risk
Key: True: d

d) Attributable fraction
e) Incidence density

25. A researcher was studying maternal mortality in Rawalpindi District. He observed more
deaths in women who were brought to hospital and without taking other factors into account
concluded that hospital managed cases have more mortality as compared to home deliveries.
This is an example of:
a) Indirect association
b) Relative risk
c) Spurious association
Key: True: c

d) Attributable risk
e) Causal association

26. Early diagnosis & prompt treatment is focused on:

a) Disease identification

b) Host factors

c) Environmental factors
d) Restoration of ability
Key: True: a

e) Behaviour modification

27. An expert in the field of public health is required to estimate the magnitude of a health
problem. Which rate would he calculate for this?
a) Incidence
b) Prevalence
c) Case fatality
Key: True: b

d) Proportionate mortality
e) Cause specific mortality

28. When the number of educated females is expressed as a percentage of total females present
in a villag It is known as:
a) Proportion
b) Rate
c) Ratio
Key: True: a

d) Frequency
e) Cumulative frequency

29. The trend in mortality from tuberculosis in England showed a steady fall in years 1855 1965
but thereafter a gradual rise in the incidence of this disease was reporte This type of time trend
or fluctuation in disease occurrence is termed as:
a) Epidemic trend
b) Cyclical trend
c) Seasonal trend
Key: True: d

d) Secular trend
e) Pandemic trend

30. In the mid nineteenth century, an epidemiologist suggested that cholera was caused by
drinking water in which an invisible agent is present. This type of association gives:
a) Specificity
b) Temporal sequence
c) Biological plausibility
Key: True: c

d) Consistency
e) Gradient

31. The incidence of pollen allergy at Wah Cantt is 10 cases per thousand populations. The mean
duration of illness is 3 months from February to April. The prevalence of pollen allergy at Wah
Cantt is:
a) 10

b) 20

c) 30
d) 40
Key: True: c

e) 50

32. When a new treatment is developed that delays deaths but does not produce recovery from
a chronic disease, which of the following will occur.

Prevalence of the disease will decrease

Incidence of the disease will increase
Prevalence of the disease will increase
Incidence of the disease will decrease
Incidence & prevalence of the disease will decrease

Key: True: c
33. If the number of deaths from tuberculosis is expressed in relation to the total mid year
population, it is:

Case fatality rate

Age specific death rate
Proportionate mortality rate
Crude death rate
Cause specific death rate

Key: True: e
34. In a cohort study concerning the relationship between the use of exogenous estrogens and
the subsequent risk of breast cancer, a sample of 1000 pre- menopausal women were followed
for 8 years. The results are presented in the table abov The absolute risk / incidence of blood
cancer among women receiving estrogen therapy is:
Present Absent
A 200
B 100
C 100
D 200
A + C = 300 B + D = 300 n = 600
a) 0.6

b) 0.2

c) 0.3
d) 0.4
Key: True: a

e) 0.8

35. The proportion of the disease in a population that would be eliminated if the risk factor is
eliminated is determined by:
a) Relative risk
b) Absolute risk
c) Attributable fraction
Key: True: c

d) Odds ratio
e) Exposure rate

36. A 39-year-old man who presents with a mild sore throat, fever, malaise, and headache is
treated with penicillin for presumed streptococcal infection. He returns after week with
hypotension, fever, rash, and abdominal pain. He responds favorably to chloramphenicol, after
a diagnosis of Rocky Mountain spotted fever is made which option explains the given example?
a) Case series report
b) Case-control study
c) Clinical trial
Key: True: e

d) Cohort study
e) Case report

37. A total of 3500 patients with thyroid cancer are identified and surveyed by patient interviews
regarding past exposure to radiation. Which options explains the given example?
a) Case series report
b) Case-control study
c) Clinical trial
Key: True: a

d) Cohort study
e) Case report

38. A total of 10,000 Vietnam veterans, half of whom are known by combat records to have been
in areas where Agent Orange was used and half of whom are known to have been in areas where
no Agent Orange was used, are asked to give a history of cancer since discharg Which option
explains the given example?
a) Case series report
b) Case-control study
c) Clinical trial
Key: True: d

d) Cohort study
e) Case report

39. Patients admitted for carcinoma of the stomach are age and sex-matched, with smoking
history to assess the possible association. Which option explains the given example?

a. Case series report

b. Case-control study
c. Clinical trial
Key: True: b

d. Cohort study
e. Case report

40. California highway patrol statistics revealed that more accidents occurred to blue cars than
to cars of any other colour. The inference that, while driving a blue car, one is at higher risk of
accident than while driving a car of another colour is:

Incorrect, because the comparison is not based on rates
Incorrect, because no control or comparison group is used
Incorrect, because no test of statistical significance has been made
Incorrect, because prevalence is used instead of incidence

Key: True: b
41. In a study of 500 cases of a disease and 500 controls, the suspected etiological factor is found
in 400 of the cases and 100 of the controls. The absolute risk (incidenc of disease in persons with
the factor is:
a) 80%
b) 40%
c) 16%
Key: True: e

d) 20%
e) Cannot be computed from data given

42. In 1945, 1,000 women were identified who worked in a factory painting radium dials on
watches. The incidence of bone cancer in these women up to 1975 was compared to that of 1,000
women who worked as telephone operators in 1945. Twenty of the radium dial workers and four
of the telephone operators developed bone cancer between 1945 and 1975. The relative risk of
developing bone cancer for radium dial workers is:
a) 2
b) 4
c) 5

d) 8
e) cannot be computed from the data

Key: True: c
43. Prophylactic administration of vitamin K in breast fed babies is an example of:
a) Health Promotion
b) Treatment

c) Specific protection
d) Rehabilitation

e) Primordial prevention
Key: True: c
44. In an epidemiological study the incidence of disease in females is more than that of males but
the prevalence is equal in both. It indicates:

Case fatality is more in female

Mortality in male is higher
Disease is of less duration in males
Females harbour disease for longer duration
Males harbour disease for longer duration

Key: True: a
45. Bhopal gas tragedy is an example of:
a) Slow epidemic
b) Continuous epidemic
c) Point source epidemic

d) Propagated epidemic
e) An accident which did not warrant an

Key: True: c
46. Residents of three villages with three different types of water supply were asked to
participate in a study to identify cholera carriers because several cholera deaths had occurred in
the recent past. Virtually everyone was present at the time of examination. The proportion of
carriers in each village was computed and compare This study is a:
a) . Cross-sectional study
b) Case-control study
c) Concurrent cohort study
Key: True: a

d) Non-concurrent cohort study

e) Retrospective cohort study

47. In a village of 1 lakh population, among 20,000 exposed to smoking, 200 developed cancer,
and among 40,000people unexposed, 40 developed cancer. The relative risk of smoking in the
development of cancer is:
a) 20
b) 10
c) 5
Key: True: b

d) 15
e) 25

48. In a population of 1000, measles coverage is 60%, one child goes out of station and comes
back with measles from whom 26 more children get the measles. The secondary attack rate is:
a) 6.5
b) 65
c) 7.5
Key: True: a

d) 0.65
e) 7.0

49. To compare the death rate of India with the death rate of Pakistan, the most appropriate
measure is a comparison between:
a) Age specific mortality rates
b) Crude death rates
c) Maternal mortality rates
Key: True: d

d) Standardized mortality rates

e) Life expectancy

50. About 2500 deaths were reported in road side accidents during the year 2006 in Pakistan. If
the total number of deaths due to accidents is expressed against the mid-year population of
Pakistan in year 2006 this will give:
a) Crude death rate
b) Age specific death rate
c) Cause specific death rate
Key: True: c

d) Case fatality rate

e) Proportional mortality rate

51. In a universe comprising of 1500 children less than 5 years of age, 75 children with severe
malnutrition were foun If 75 new cases of severe malnutrition were registered over a period of
one year, the incidence rate for severe malnutrition during the same year is:
a) 50 / 1000
b) 53 / 1000
c) 55 / 1000
Key: True: b

d) 60 / 100
e) 63 / 1000

52. Every year during the winter season the hospital admissions are more for pneumonia cases.
This year also about 358 children with pneumonia were admitted in the Pediatric department of
POF Hospital between the months of Jan Mar 2007. This increased frequency of respiratory
infections during winter months is an example of:
a) Epidemic trend
b) Cyclical trend
c) Seasonal trend

d) Secular trend
e) Pandemic trend

Key: True: c
53. Prevalence measures the burden of disease in a population inclusive of old & new cases.
Prevalence of a disease can be obtained from:
a) Quasi experimental study
b) Cross sectional study
c) Case control study
Key: True: b

d) Cohort study
e) Intervention study

54. A 55 years old hypertensive patient was admitted in the Medical Ward with cerebral strok
After treatment he recovered but was unable to move his right lower lim He was advised
physiotherapy. This type of assistance is:
a) Health promotion
b) Specific protection
c) Prompt treatment
Key: True: e

d) Disability limitation
e) Rehabilitation

55. According to a study conducted by WHO the incidence of polio in Sindh province having a
total population of 20 million was 1 during the year 2007, which type of study was this:
a) Case report
b) Cross sectional
c) Case control
Key: True: d

d) Cohort
e) Ecological

56. An epidemiologist is assigned to conduct a study on 5000 people having hyperlipidemia and
those having normal lipid profil He has to keep track of all the participants to observe the
development of stroke in these patients to confirm that hyperlipidemia increases the risk of strok
This study is:
a) Retrospective cohort study
b) Retrospective study
c) Prospective study
Key: True: c

d) Cross sectional study

e) Case series

57. To compare the death rate of Nepal with the death rate of Pakistan, the most appropriate
measure is a comparison between:
a) Age specific mortality rates
b) Crude death rates

c) Maternal mortality rates

d) Standardized mortality rates

e) Life expectancy
Key: True: d
58. A 40 years old man of 75 kg came to a physician for his routine checkup. His serum cholesterol
was found to be 230 mg/dL and he was diagnosed as hypertensive. The risk factor of this
particular condition is classified as:
a) Physical
b) Chemical
c) Biological
Key: True: b

d) Nutritive
e) Mechanical

59. Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis affected a large proportion of population over a wide
geographic area in 1971 and 1981. This spread of disease is:
a) Epidemic
b) Sporadic
c) Pandemic
Key: True: c

d) Endemic
e) Opportunistic

60. A patient came in emergency with signs of dehydration and severe diarrhe An Intra venous
infusion was given to correct electrolytes and fluid levels. He was discharged after 2 days. About
2 months later the patient came back with signs of jaundice and Hepatitis B surface antigen was
positiv He did not give history of any event which could have led to this diseas This hepatitis
infection may be labeled as:
a) Sub clinical
b) Idiopathic
c) Opportunistic
Key: True: e

d) Cross infection
e) Iatrogenic

61. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Wah Medical College in the year 2006 to measure
the period prevalence of smokers among 105 students. Out of them 5 were already smokers and
15 started during 2006, period prevalence of 2006 is:
a) 22%
b) 19%
c) 15%
Key: True: b

d) 11%
e) 10%

62. In a village of population 10,000, 250 cases of Hepatitis B were reported in the month of July.
The point prevalence of Hepatitis B per thousand populations is:
a) 20
b) 25
c) 30
Key: True: b

d) 50
e) 100

63. A household survey of 10 families was conducted by students of 4th year MBBS, Wah Medical
College In the data they collected, the ages of heads of families were: 32, 34, 35, 36, 36, 42, 44,
46, 48, and 52. The mean age of heads of families is
a) 36
b) 38.5
c) 40
Key: True: d

d) 40.5
e) 42

64. A woman brings her child to the hospital for mongolism. The possible agent of the disease
that comes in your mind is?
a) Bacteria
b) Virus
c) Nutritional factor
Key: True: e

d) Hormonal factor
e) Chromosomal factor

65. A child of three years comes with complaints of night blindness. On examination conjunctiva
is dry and corneal haziness is also seen. There is no history of any other disease or injury. The
likely agent type is:
a) Physical
b) Chemical
c) Nutritional
Key: True: c

d) Hormonal
e) Immunological

66. A man brought his child with complaints of fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain. He gave
history of living in an unhygienic small house around a factory area where his son had many
friends. He had three more children who also had same complaints off and on. Which
environment is likely to have resulted in this condition?
a) Physical
b) Chemical
c) Social

d) Psychological
e) Occupational

Key: True: a
67. A new drug was introduced in some of patients to assess its usefulness compared with the
old on patients nor did clinicians who evaluated patients for effect under consideration in this
clinical trial know individual treatment assignments. This method of assignment is known as:
a) Single blinding
b) Double blinding
c) Triple blinding
Key: True: b

d) Randomization
e) Stratification

68. 10 cases of food poisoning had been reported in a hospital, 2 out of these developed mild
gastrointestinal symptoms, 4 developed moderate dehydration but recovered and 2 succumbed
to the disease. The characteristic of the organism of food poisoning that produces the severest
form of the disease is:
a) Infectivity
b) Pathogenicity
c) Virulence
Key: True: c

d) Communicability
e) Resistibility

69. The trend in mortality from tuberculosis in England showed a steady fall in years 1855 1965
but thereafter a gradual rise in the incidence of this disease was reporte This type of time trend
or fluctuation in disease occurrence is termed as:
a) Epidemic trend
b) Cyclical trend
c) Seasonal trend
Key: True: d

d) Secular trend
e) Pandemic trend

70. An outbreak of brucellosis in cattle is reported, threatening the health of human population.
This outbreak is:
a) Epizootic
b) Epornithic
c) Enzootic
Key: True: a

d) Exotic
e) Epidemic

71. A survey report in 1960 concluded that there was an increase in asthma deaths with the
increased use of pressurized aerosol bronchodilators; although the deaths were more because
of the severity of disease. This association is:

a) Spurious
b) Temporal
c) Indirect
Key: True: a

d) Consistency
e) Coherence

72. In a coal mine the expected deaths of coal worker were 7 while the deaths that really occurred
were 9. The standardized mortality ratio for coal workers is:
a) 100
b) 109
c) 11

d) 5+
e) 129
f) 130

Key: True: d
73. At Lahore Grammar School a student of class II developed mumps. He was isolated from other
children till swelling subsided and his brother of class IV who looked apparently healthy was also
advised to be away from school for about a fortnight. His brothers type of carrier state is most
likely to be:
a) Incubatory
b) Healthy
c) Convalescent
Key: True: a

d) Temporary
e) Chronic

74. In a colony located near an industrial area 50 people died due to asphyxia and many
developed difficulty in breathing and were hospitalized within 24 hours. The cause was the
leakage of carbon monoxide from a nearby chemical plant. The distribution of cases in time is
suggestive of:
a) Propagated epidemic
b) Slow epidemic
c) Common source single exposure

d) Common source
e) Pandemic


Key: True: c
75. Cement industry is suspected for more deaths among its workers. So the industrialist gets
worried and wants to assess whether more deaths are likely in these workers or not. The measure
that predicts the mortality in this industrial group is:
a) Age specific death rate
b) Standardized mortality ratio
c) Cause specific death rate

d) Proportionate mortality
e) Case fatality rate

Key: True: b
76. The annual report of POF Hospital for the year 2006 shows 200 cases of Myocardial Infarction,
35 cases of Cholecystitis, 105 cases of Pneumonia and 350 cases of Acute Gastroenteritis. The
result of this report cannot be generalized on the total population of Wah on account of:
a) Confounding bias
b) Memory bias
c) Selection bias
Key: True: d

d) Berkesonian bias
e) Interviewers bias

77. Increased number of Malaria cases was reported in the time intervals between August to
October and March to April. There are 2 different periods in a year, where increased malaria
transmission is reported. Such an occurrence of malaria cases in time will give a distribution
which is:
a) Unimodal
b) Sporadic
c) Bimodal
Key: True: c

d) Endemic
e) Multimodal

78. .In the medical OPD of teaching hospital of Wah Medical College, Wah Cantt, diastolic blood
pressures of 10 patients were as follows:
80, 75, 81, 79, 71, 95, 75, 77, 84 & 90. The mean of this data is:
a) 80
b) 81
c) 82
Key: True: b

d) 83
e) 84

79. In a poor community, there is high prevalence of acute diarrhea cases. The best method for
preventing this health problem in the long run is:

Anti-diarrheal drugs.
Immunization against cholera and typhoid
Provision of sanitary latrine
Use of boiled water.
Living in fly proof zone

Key: True: c

80. In a sample of 49 individuals, the mean total leukocyte count is found to be 7600 cells /mm3,
If total leukocyte count follows a normal distribution curve, the 50 % of the individuals will have
which of the following values:
a) Between 6200 and 9000
b) Between 7400 and 7800
c) Below 6200 or Above 9000
Key True: d

d) Below 7600
e) Above 9000
1 % of the Time

81. In a sample of 49 individuals, the mean

total leukocyte count is found to be 7600
cells /mm3 and standard deviation of 1400
/mm3, a randomly selected individual will
have total leukocyte count lower than 4800
cell /mm3


2.5 % of the Time

5 % of the Time
10 % of the Time
16.5 % of the Time

Key True: b
82. Higher crude annual mortality rate in a developing country as compared to a developed
country is mostly due to one of the following reasons:
a) An incorrect record keeping
b) A younger age distribution
c) An inaccurate census of
Key True: b


d) More stressful life style

e) Greater exposure to occupational

83. Birth rates of a population of infants at 40 weeks gestational age are approximately normally
distributed, with a mean of 3000 grams. Roughly 68% of such infants weigh between 2500 and
3500 at birth. If a sample of 100 infants was studied, the standard error would be
a) 50
b) 100
c) 250
Key: True: a

d) 500
e) None of the above

84. In 1993 Burkina Faso had Gross reproductive rate of 3.5 while United Kingdom was only 0 .86
that means if 1993 Fertility levels were to continue, which one of the following options will be
a) The Net Reproductive Rate of Burkina Faso would definitely be more than 3.5

b) In United Kingdom, a woman would produce more than one daughter on average during
her life time
c) In Burkina Faso, a woman would produce 3.5 daughters on average through her life time
d) The Net Reproductive Rate of UK will be more than on
e) The Net Reproductive Rate of Burkina Faso would be equal to Gross Reproductive Rate of
the country
Key: True: c
85. The estimate of the average number of additional years a person could expect to live if the
age specific death rates for a given year prevail for the rest of his life, is best expressed by:
a) Survival index
b) Probability of dying
c) Life expectancy
Key: True: c
86. A patient who has come from India,
reports to a health facility with generalized
aches and pain and rash on the body
excluding palms and soles. The most likely
diagnosis is:

d) Crude death rate

e) Age specific death rate
Scarlet fever

Yellow Fever

Key: True: d
87. In a medical journal report, the observed mortality of smokers and nonsmokers for laryngeal
squamous cell carcinoma was reported to be significant at p < 0.05. Such a statement means that
a) The investigator is rejecting the null hypothesis even though the results could have
occurred purely by chance a maximum of 5 times out of 100.
b) There is a difference between the mortality rates of smokers and nonsmokers 5% of the
c) The null hypothesis claims that there is a difference between the mortality rates of
smokers and nonsmokers.
d) A causal relationship between smoking and mortality may be established through this
e) There is insufficient data, as the total number of smokers and nonsmokers were not given.
Key: True: a
88. In study carried out in the hospital ward, every 10th admitted patient was included in the
sample, which sampling procedure is this:

a) Random sampling
b) Stratified sampling
c) Quota sampling
Key: True: e

d) Convenient sampling
e) Systematic sampling

89. Three groups of subjects were followed over the course of five years to compare treatments
for sideroblastic anemia. The most appropriate statistical analysis to determine the quantitative
serologic differences resulting from these treatments would be a (n)
a) Regression analysis
b) F test (ANOV
c) Correlation analysis
Key: True: b

d) Chi-square test
e) T test

Breast Cancer
Present Absent
A 300
B 200
C 100
D 400
A + C = 400 B + D = 600 n = 1000
In a cohort study concerning the relationship between the use of exogenous estrogens and the
subsequent risk of breast cancer, a sample of 1000 premenopausal women were followed for 8
years. The results are presented in the table above. The absolute risk of blood cancer among
women receiving estrogen therapy is
a) 0.2
b) 0.3
c) 0.4
Key: True: d

d) 0.6
e) 0.8

91. In a cohort study concerning the relationship between the use of exogenous estrogens and
the subsequent risk of breast cancer, a sample of 1000 premenopausal women were followed

for 8 years. The results are presented in the table above. The absolute risk of breast cancer among
women who did not receive estrogen therapy is
a) 0.05
b) 0.2
c) 0.4
Key: True: b

d) 0.6
e) 0.8

92. In a cohort study concerning the relationship between the use of exogenous estrogens and
the subsequent risk of breast cancer, a sample of 1000 premenopausal women were followed
for 8 years. The results are presented in the table above. The relative risk associated with
estrogen therapy in this study is
a) 0.25
b) 0.33
c) 0.5
Key: True: e

d) 2
e) 3

93. Following a large group of cigarette smokers for a period of 10 years to determine the
occurrence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COP, coronary heart disease, and various
forms of lung cancer would be an example of
a) Randomized clinical trial
b) Cross-sectional study
c) Prevalence study
Key: True: d

d) Cohort study
e) Case-control study

94. A nutritional research team followed serum levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid in 125 children
for five years to determine the association between cyanocobalamin deficiency and the
subsequent risk of developing megaloblastic anemia. The results were as follows:
262 pg/mL
228 pg/mL

196 pg/mL
From the data, it can be concluded that this distribution is
a) Normal
b) Positively skewed
c) Negatively skewed
Key: True: b

d) Skewed toward the left

e) Unable to be identified

95. If, in one of the groups of premature infants, the maximum value for hexosaminidase A was
substituted with a much higher value, which of the given values remains unchanged:
a) Variance
b) Range
c) Standard deviation
Key: True: d

d) Median
e) Mean

96. In a cohort study involving the relationship between HIV status and the subsequent risk of
developing pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, 50 HIV-positive volunteers were followed for 6
months: 100 for 1 year, 100 for 3 years, and 200 for 5 years. The number of person-years of
observation in this study was

Unable to be determined for different periods
Unable to be determined without a mortality rate
Unable to be determined without an incidence rate

Key: True: b
97. The smoking history of pregnant women is taken in the antenatal period and correlated with
the birth weight at the time of delivery. To find an association between them would be an
example of:
a) Clinical trial
b) Nested cohort study
c) Retrospective study
Key: True: d

d) Prospective study
e) Cross sectional study

98. In a study of 500 cases of a disease and 500 controls, the suspected etiological factor is found
in 400 of the cases and 100 of the controls. The absolute risk (incidence of disease in persons
with the factor is:

a) 80%
b) 40%
c) 16%
Key: True: e

d) 20%
e) Cannot be computed from data given

99. Prophylactic administration of vitamin K in breast fed babies is an example of:

a) Health Promotion
b) Treatment
c) Specific protection
Key: True: c

d) Rehabilitation
e) Primordial

100. In a bulk of hundred children out of whom 28 are immunized 2 of them get measles
simultaneously. Subsequently14 get measles. Assuming the efficacy of the vaccine to be 100%,
what is the secondary attack rate?
a) 5%
b) 10%
c) 20%
Key: True: c

d) 21.5%
e) 19.4%

101. A village has a total of 100 under-five children. The coverage with measles vaccine in this
age group is 60% (assuming the efficacy of vaccine to be 100%). Following the occurrence of a
measles case in a child after a visit outside, twenty- six children developed measles. The
secondary attack rate of measles is:
a) 25%
b) 40%
c) 50%
Key: True: e

d) 65%
e) 66%

102. In an epidemiological study the incidence of disease in females is more than that of males
but the prevalence is equal in both. It indicates:

Case fatality is more in female

Mortality in male is higher
Disease is of less duration in males
Females harbour disease for longer duration
Males harbour disease for longer duration

Key: True: a

103. Which one of the following is the Odds ratio, calculated from the given data?
Diseased Un-diseased
Positive 30 20
Negative 20 30
a) 0.44
b) 1.5
c) 0.8
Key: True: d

d) 2.25
e) 2.00

104. A total of 300 newly diagnosed patients with laryngeal cancer are allocated to treatment
with either surgical excision alone or surgical excision plus radiation treatment. What is the study
a) Case series report
b) Case-control study
c) Clinical trial
Key: True: c

d) Cohort study
e) Case report

105. An analysis of the race of patients who visit an emergency room reveals that 40% are white,
25% are black, 20% are Native American, and 15% are Asian. These data would best be depicted
graphically with a
a) Venn diagram
b) Cumulative frequency graph
c) Normal curve
Key: True: e

d) Histogram
e) Pie chart

106. A study was conducted in America to find out the proportion of blacks and white Americans
in California. This variable chosen is:

a) Nominal
b) Ordinal
c) Continuous
Key: True: e

d) Discreet numerical
e) Dichotomous

107. A public health physician wants to study the load of hypertension in Rawalpindi district to
establish special screening & treatment services in the mentioned are which design is more useful
for this?
a) Cross sectional
b) Case series
c) Cohort
Key: True: a

d) Case control
e) Experimental

108. Japan has a high rate of stomach carcinoma and a low rate of colon carcinoma than the U.S.
Which study would you suggest to prove or support the environmental effect on the incidence
of these cancers?
a) Migrant studies
b) Case control
c) Incidence
Key: True: a

d) Case reports
e) Mortality survey

109. To give the relevant importance to hypertension control in a health service a researcher
wants to study the prevalence of hypertension. He chose a cohort study. The design to assess
prevalence is?
a) Inappropriate
b) Suitable
c) Quick
Key: True: a

d) Feasible
e) Expensive

a) 110. A researcher wants to study natural history of silicosis in a population of industrial

b) Which design is most useful?
e) Case control
c) Cross sectional
f) Incidence
d) Case report
g) Ecological survey
Key: True: d
111. If a researcher wants to study precedence relationship between the exposure and effect,
which design should he prefer?

a) Descriptive survey
b) Ecological survey

c) Case series
d) Cross sectional

e) Cohort
Key: True: e
112. Smokers have risk of lung cancer four times more than non-smokers. If smoking indicates
causal association this characteristic gives:
a) Specificity
b) Strength of association
c) Coherence
Key: b

d) Consistency
e) Temporal sequence

113. The incidence of gonorrhoea is continuously increasing in a particular locality. An

investigator reveals that mostly sex workers are living there. This epidemic may be classified as:
a) Common source single exposure
b) Common

c) Propagated epidemic
d) Slow epidemic
e) Modern epidemic

Key: b

1. Most important reason for recommending oral polio vaccine in the polio eradication campaign
despite availability of a safe injectable vaccine that, it:
a) Provides 90% immunity in one dose
b) Does not interfere with vertical

c) Has been donated by WHO

d) Provides herd immunity
e) Has less side effects

Key: True: d
2. A 5 year old child comes to the immunization centre without BCG scar on his arm; what would
you prefer?
a) Give BCG vaccine
b) Perform mantoux if positive then
give BCG
c) No need of BCG
Key: True: e

d) Chemoprophylaxis
e) Perform mantoux if negative then
given BCG

3. A woman reports for vaccination against tetanus only 25 days before delivery; she has not
received the first dose what will you do?


Give anti tetanus immunoglobulin

Give two doses of tetanus toxoid with 2 weeks interval
Advise appropriate antibiotic course during delivery
Give one dose of tetanus toxoid and advice the second dose after delivery
Advise passive immunization after delivery

Key: True: d
4. A woman in the seventh month of pregnancy reports to you in the antenatal clinic for the first
time. The recommended immunization is by:
a) Tetanus toxoid
b) Hepatitis B vaccine
c) Rubella vaccine
Key: True: a

d) Pneumococcal vaccine
e) Tetanus immunoglobulin

5. A doctor was attending a patient suffering from Hepatitis B; he accidentally got a prick from a
contaminated syringe for maximum preventive use of Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG), it is
given as:

0.5 ml / kg body weight within 2 hours

0.5 ml / kg body weight within 24 hours
0.06 ml / kg body weight within 3 days of exposure & repeating after one month
0.06 ml / kg body weight preferably within 3 days
0.05 ml / kg body weight within one month & repeating after 6 months

Key: True: c
6. A mother brought her six weeks old child to an EPI centre for routine immunization. She was
enquired about history of Epilepsy in the family and febrile fits. The doctor took this history to
avoid complication with:
a) Diphtheria toxoid
b) Tetanus toxoid
c) Hepatitis B vaccine
Key: True: d

d) Pertussis vaccine
e) OPV

7. A conference is being held for prevention of haemorrhagic fever in our country. The people
from South Africa are also invite your opinion as a health expert is sought regarding transmission
of prevalent infection in South Africa to Pakistan. The infection that you should be most
concerned about is.

a) Dengue fever
b) Typhus
c) Hay fever
Key: True: e

d) Congo fever
e) Yellow fever

8. An M.S student of Wah Medical College got an accidental prick while drawing blood of hepatitis
B positive patient. He had completed his course of immunization against hepatitis B last year.
What would you recommend for him?
a) Booster dose of HB Vaccine
b) Single dose of passive immunization
c) Both
Key: True: d

d) Two doses of immunoglobulins 30

days a part
e) Nothing required

9. A forty years old guard of forestry presented in emergency with complaint of dog bite on his
left leg. On examination a deep transdermal wound was found. He gave history of completing
the course of immunization against rabies last year. His serum antibody titre was > 0.5 IU/ml of
blood. What would you advise?

Complete course of active immunization & passive immunization

Only passive immunization
Two booster doses of HDC vaccine
Three booster doses of HDC vaccine + RIG
Only local treatment of wound and anti-tetanus measures

Key: True: c
10. A 20 years old lady read an article in a newspaper on vaccination against tetanus. She is very
conscious of herself being vaccinate The best schedule that you would suggest for her at this age
a) Single dose of TT
b) Two doses of TT one month apart
c) Two doses one month apart with
booster after five years
f) she gets pregnant
Key: True: d

d) Five doses of TT
e) Nothing required till

11. A 30 years old man went in Benazir Bhuttos rally at Rawalpindi, where in a suicidal attack he
got a penetrating injury on his leg. The emergency treatment was given. His immunity status
against tetanus is not known. The required anti tetanus measures are

Toxoid one dose

Toxoid one dose + TIG
Toxoid complete course
Toxoid complete course + TIG
Fifteen hundred international units of ATS

Key: True: d
12. A primigravida came for antenatal. Her base line investigations along with screening for
Hepatitis B and C were done. She was diagnosed HBV positive. What measure would you suggest
to prevent the infection in her child after delivery?
a) Active immunization only
b) Active & passive Immunization
c) Only passive immunization
Key: True: b

d) Chemoprophylaxis
e) Reassurance

13. A 6 weeks old boy came for DPT, polio & HBV vaccination. He was given initial doses of all and
was called after 4 weeks to have the next doses. The likely reason for calling him again was:
a) Loss of immune memory
b) Stimulation of macrophages
c) Summation of immune responses
Key: True: c

d) Replication of lymphocytes
e) Immune tolerance

14. A GP purchased BCG vaccine for his clinic. He should store this vaccine at his clinic in:
a) A dark place
b) Deep freezer
c) Water carrier
Key: True: d

d) Refrigerator
e) Shelf

15. A mother brought her four year old child to the doctor. She gave the history that her child
was in close contact with a case of diphtheria in school. She was very anxious about her child and
gave history of booster dose of DT 2 years ago. What would be line of management for such a
a) Booster dose of DT with penicillin


Active and passive immunization

Active and passive immunization with chemoprophylaxis
Only keep under surveillance for 1 week
Nothing more required

Key: a
16. A General Practitioner purchased BCG vaccine for his clinic He should store this vaccine at his
clinic in:
a) A dark place
b) Deep freezer
c) Water carrier
Key: True: d

d) Refrigerator
e) Shelf

17. A 5 years old boy is brought to the emergency department with history of dog bit Examination
revealed multiple transdermal bites on left leg. The best management for such a patient is:

Anti-rabies serum, suturing of wound, TT

Anti-rabies serum, suturing of wound, Vaccine
Vaccine, leave wound open, TT, ARS
Vaccine, leave wound open, TT
No Treatment if the dog disappears

Key: c
18. 1 year old child is being treated in Shaukat Khanam Hospital Lahore and getting radiotherapy
for carcinoma. A polio case has been detected in his residential locality. Pediatrician decides to
protect him against poliomyelitis by giving:

Human normal immunoglobulin

Human specific immunoglobulin
Oral polio vaccine
Inactivated polio vaccine
Chemoprophylaxis with antiviral drugs

True: d
19. Most important reason for recommending oral polio vaccine in the polio eradication
campaign despite availability of a safe injectable vaccine is that, it:
a) Provides 90% immunity in one dose
b) Does not interfere with vertical immunity

c) Has been donated by WHO

d) Provides herd immunity
e) Has less side effects
Key: d
20. A 6 months pregnant lady comes for antenatal checkup for the first tim Her baseline
investigation and screening for HBSAG and Anti HCV was don On screening she was found to have
HBSAG. What would you prefer for this lady?

Active and passive immunization

Passive immunization
Active immunization
Anti-viral therapy
Advice for active and passive immunization of the baby at birth.

Key: e
21. In Sir-Syed Model School a student of class 3 developed measles. The child was isolated from
rest of the class. The school medical officer advised for the contest of this child:
a) Active immunization within 3 days
b) Passive immunization
c) Chemoprophylaxis
Key: b

d) Isolation
e) Anti-viral therapy

22. A primigravida delivered a baby boy in the obstetric ward of POF hospital the doctor referred
the baby on the same day to the EPI centre for vaccination of:

a) BCH only
c) DPT only
Key: b


e) OPV only


1. The population living in Wah Cantt is using water from a deep spring, which is considered to
be relatively free from organic contamination but rich in calcium bicarbonates and sulphates. On
account of properties that spring water has, protects people from:
a) Gastroenteritis

b) Ancylostomiasis

c) Atherosclerosis
d) Renal problems

e) Degenerative heart disease

Key: True: c
2. A well was present in a rural area where an unsanitary bore-hole latrine with lots of flies was
present within 10 feet of distance. The disease more likely to be transmitted through drinking
this well water is:
a) Leishmaniasis
b) Typhoid
c) Dental caries
Key: True: b

d) Ancylostomiasis
e) Trachoma

3. If a child has been drinking water containing 30 mg/L of nitrates the condition likely to occur
a) Infantile Methemoglobinemia
b) E-coli enteritis
c) Botulism
Key: True: a

d) Dental caries
e) Entrobiasis

4. Required amount of chlorine was added to a large body of water after sedimentation. The pH
of water was 4.0 and level of sulphides was negligible. A contact period of one hour was ensure
Eventually, it was found that chlorination was not successful. The likely reason was:

a) Low pH
b) Less contact time
c) Less amount of chlorine
Key: True: a

d) Suspended impurities
e) Chemical antagonists

5. People of a village reported a high prevalence of bacterial gastroenteritis even after proper
chlorination of water supply for the recommended duration. On water analysis, level of chlorine
in water was 0.01 mg/L and pH of water was 6.5. There were no suspended impurities; levels of
sulphides and ferrous were low. The likely reason of increased bacterial gastroenteritis even after
chlorination is:
a) Low residual chlorine
b) High pH leading to chlorination failure

c) Presence of sulphides
d) Low level of ferrous
e) Inadequate contact time
Key: True: a
6. A water sample was taken from a source where catchment area included a large agricultural
land. It was declared unfit for human consumption on account of raised concentration of a
chemical. The likely chemical which has resulted in making this water unfit is:
a) Iodine
b) Calcium
c) Zinc
Key: True: e

d) Chlorides
e) Nitrite

7. During a sanitary inspection of a rapid sand filtration plant, slowing of the filtration rate was
observed owing to loss of head. Which method will you suggest to give head to water in such a

Addition of alum
Scraping the top layer
Increasing duration of storage
Back washing of sand bed
The addition of lime or soda ash

Key: True: d
8. You were required to chlorinate well water; you added required amount of bleaching powder
solution to the water and allowed an overnight contact tim What is your recommendation
regarding consumption of this water for drinking.

Fit for consumption

To be used after 12 hours
To be used after another 24 hours
May be used after boiling

Key: True: a
9. A dental surgeon appointed in rural health centre reports an increased incidence of dental
carries in the children of that are the relevant preventive measure that he should suggest to the
health authorities is:


Fluoridation of water
Chlorination of water
Use of bacterial filter
Use of boiled water
Softening of hard water

Key: True: a
10. Chlorination of water was done by addition of bleaching powder solution containing 10%
available chlorine One hour contact time was ensure What is your recommendation regarding
use of this water for drinking?
a) Fit for consumption
b) Use after 06 hours
c) Use after 12 hours
Key: True: e

d) To be used after another 24 hours

e) Rechlorinate

11. Water samples from two villages of Punjab were sent to Health laboratory for examination.
Lab reports show fluoride levels ranging from 5.26 to 6.32 mg/lit. Use of this water for drinking
may lead to:
a) Dental caries
b) Dental fluorosis
c) Gingivitis
Key: True: b

d) Periodontitis
e) Alveolar abscess

12. An out-break of scabies was reported in a Kachi abadi consisting of 500 people. The
appropriate preventive measures suggested by you would be to:

Filter the water

Improve accessibility to water
Destroy breeding sites of insects
Chlorinate water
Avoid bare footed watering of fields

Key: True: b
13. A sample of water taken from a water storage tank of a residential area was to be examined
bacteriologically. A positive test of water sample by multiple tube method refers to the presence
a) Coli-form organisms

b) Fecal streptococci

c) Nitrites
d) Cl. Perfringens
Key: a

e) Fungi

14. An epidemic of gastroenteritis affected more than 500 people in a city. Samples of water were
taken from different sites of the supply system. Bacteriological examination was positive for coli
forms. Chemical analysis of water showed the presence of high fluoride, nitrate, chloride and ph
of 6. Which content is suggestive of water born epidemic

a) Nitrates
b) Chlorides
c) High pH
Key: d

d) Coli-forms
e) Fluoride

15. Different agents are used for chlorination of water on large scale. If after chlorination taste
of water is not much altered; level of residual chlorine is more stable and persistent. The likely
agent to be used for chlorination was:
a) Bleaching powder
b) Chlorine gas
c) Chloramines
Key: a

d) Perchloron
e) Chloride ions

16. In a poor community, there is high prevalence of acute diarrhea cases. The best method for
preventing this health problem in the long run is:


Anti-diarrheal drugs.
Immunization against cholera and typhoid
Provision of sanitary latrine
Use of boiled water.
Living in fly proof zone

Key: True: c
17. Six of the ten family members living in a single room house complain of intense itching with
scratching in axillae, groin and hands; it is more marked at night. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Scabies
b) Dermatitis

c) Eczema
d) Psoriasis

e) Dermatitis
Key: a
18. In a house consisting of two living rooms, the door and windows are facing each other. This
will provide:
a) Low humidity
b) Aspiration
c) Cross ventilation
Key: c

d) Diffusion
e) Acoustic discomfort

19. A 12 members family was living in a house consisting of two rooms. Which disease is most
likely to be common in the given situation?
a) Asthma
b) Tuberculosis
c) CA Bronchus
Key: b

d) Cystic fibrosis
e) Emphysema

20. A 5 member family was residing in a small house. The available floor space to one person was
30 sq ft. The problem which is more likely to be associated with this available space is:

a) Psychosocial
b) Malnutrition
c) Typhoid
Key: a

d) Enterobius vermicularis
e) Malaria

21. A water sample was taken from a village near Taxila On chemical analysis the fluoride level
was found to be 0.03 mg/lit. The likely effect on the body is:
a) Dental flourosis
b) Dental caries
c) Skeletal flourosis
Key: b

d) Caries spine
e) Abdominal colic

22. A water sample taken from a water storage tank of a residential area was sent for
bacteriological examination in the laboratory. A test of water sample by multiple tube method
was found positive, which referred to the presence of:
a) Coli-form organisms

b) Fecal streptococci

c) Nitrites
d) Cl. Perfringens
Key: a

e) Fungi

23. An army troop while being transported to Himalayan station had to stay at the altitude of
12,000 feet for 04 days. One of the soldiers developed pulmonary edema. The best immediate
measure to be taken is:
a) Antibiotic therapy
b) Suction of pulmonary fluids
c) Artificial respiration
Key: d

d) Shift the patient to lower altitude

e) Administer diuretics

24. A Person working in compressed air chamber presented with symptoms of cough, dyspnoea
and joint pains. This clinical presentation is suggestive of:
a) Pulmonary edema
b) Fat embolism
c) Air embolism
Key: c

d) Rupture of spleen
e) Myocardial infarction

25. The atmospheric pressure at earths surface close to the sea level averages 760 mm of Hg. If
a man lives at an altitude of 13000 feet above the sea level for few years, the main physiological
effect is:
a) Decrease in respiration
b) Increase in concentration


c) Decrease in concentration of
d) Decrease in cardiac output
e) Increased concentration of urine

Key: b
26. Husband and wife belonging to low socioeconomic status of a village are brought to the
hospital with mental confusion, loss of memory, labored breathing eventually leading to coma.
There is history of using coal fire, what is the most probable diagnosis:
a) CO2 poisoning
b) CO poisoning
c) Hydrogen sulphides poisoning
Key: b

d) Sulphur dioxide poisoning

e) Nitrogen dioxide poisoning

27. In the Blake Hole of Kalkata, 146 prisoners were imprisoned in a room 18x14x10 out of
whom only 23 survive There were two small windows which were adequate to supply all the
oxygen needs even than only 23 survive What is the most likely cause of death?

a) Decreased oxygen
b) Increased carbon dioxide
c) Increase ammonia
Key: d

d) Heat retention
e) Lack of sunlight

28. A survey on air pollution was conducted in an urban area to determine the major contaminant
in air. The major contaminant estimated in all air pollution is:
a) Grit and dust
b) Sulphur dioxide
c) Carbon monoxide
Key: b

d) Nitrogen dioxide
e) Smoke index

30. A person presented with hearing loss after 12 hours of noise exposure. This hearing loss
disappeared shortly afterwards. The frequency of noise is likely to be between the ranges of:
a) 1000 2000 Hz
b) 2000 4000 Hz
c) 4000 6000 Hz
Key: c

d) 6000 8000 Hz
e) 8000 10,000 Hz


1. To impart health education regarding child care to large number of mothers visiting MCH
centre it is decided to resort to method of group discussions. What could be appropriate strength
of each group for this purpose?
a) 3-5
b) 4-6
c) 6-12
Key: True: c

d) 20-25
e) 20-30

2. To develop effective AIDS control strategy for Pakistan, the experts from all over the world are
invited to devise the plan after relevant discussion. What name is given to this method?
a) Seminar
b) Group discussion

c) Symposium
d) Panel discussion

e) Workshop
Key: True: d
3. Persuasive communication was deliberately employed to manipulate feelings, attitudes and
beliefs of people regarding smoking, this method is known as:
a) Counseling
b) Motivation
c) Propaganda
Key: True: c

d) Advising
e) Education

4. Health education is the responsibility of

a) Health educationalist
b) Doctor
c) Paramedical staff
Key: True: d

d) Every health worker

e) Community Nurse

5. Diarrhoeal cases among children of an urban slum are on a rise. Almost all the mothers are
illiterate and belong to lower socioeconomic class. It seems difficult to make them understand
the use of ORS. What method can provide the best solution in this scenario?
a) Role playing
b) Poster competition
c) Radio Programme
Key: True: a

d) Lectures
e) T.V commercials

6. There was a tableau held in POF Hospital, Wah Cantt on the world childrens day to
demonstrate the importance of ORS in dehydration with a back drop of ORS, breast feeding and
MCH service. This method is known as: COMMUNITY MEDICINE ...VERY IMPORTANT MCQS
a) Poster competition
b) Role playing
c) Symposium
Key: True: b

d) Lectures
e) Learning by doing

7. After a thorough study of socio-demographic characteristics of a population in Dhok Ratta, a

relevant method of health education against smoking was employed to this population. Upon
assessing the population habits even after lapse of 2 years, no change in the behaviour of the
smokers was note what is likely to be missing in this programme to achieve the desired results?
a) Reinforcement

b) Knowledge of cultures

c) Knowledge of beliefs
d) Required devotion
Key: True: a

e) Appropriate methods

8. In Pakistan about 50% population is illiterate and smoking is mostly prevalent among the poor.
Government has started giving pictorial warnings instead of written, to have a greater impact of
health education on people: This strategy is more focused on:
a) Message
b) Receiver
c) Sender
Key: b

d) Channel
e) Planning

1. A pregnant woman presented with pallor, shortness of breath, lethargy and palpitation. Her
blood examination revealed hemoglobin level of 9 gm/dl. In your opinion what could be the
probable deficiency in the woman?
a) Iron
b) Niacin

c) Vitamin C
d) Iodine

Globin Key: a
2. A 30 years old pregnant lady, gravidity 2 parity 1, visited the antenatal clinic at 32 weeks of
gestation. She was a known smoker. On physical examination blood pressure was found to be
120/80 mm Hg. Blood examination showed Hb level of 12.5 g/dl. Ultrasound was suggestive of
intrauterine growth retardation. Which factor during pregnancy would have contributed to
intrauterine growth retardation?
a) Age
b) Parity

c) Anemia
d) Hypertension

Smoking Key: e
3. A 28 years old pregnant lady, gravidity 1 parity1, visited the antenatal clinic at 32 weeks of
gestation. She was a known alcoholic. On physical examination blood pressure was found to
be120/80 mm Hg. Blood examination showed Hb level of 12.5 g/dl. Ultrasound was suggestive
of intrauterine growth retardation, Microcephaly and developmental delay. Which factor during
pregnancy would have contributed to the fetal conditions?
a) Maternal age
b) Parity

c) Anemia
d) Hypertension

e) Alcohol consumption
Key: e
4. A newly married couple visits family planning centre for contraception. Upon investigation the
woman has hyperlipidemia. The method of contraception which would be used cautiously in this
woman is:
a) Condom
b) Combined oral contraceptive pill
c) Second generation IUCD
Key: b

d) Mini pill
e) Nor-plant

5. A 35 years old woman was brought to hospital with toxic shock syndrome. She was using some
method of contraception. The method of contraception which had likely lead to this condition is:
a) Condom
b) Diaphragm
c) Vaginal douching
Key: b

d) Oral pills
e) Norplant

6. A 34 years old woman presented in the emergency department to a lady doctor with painful
vulvar ulceration. On examination the ulcer had irregular margins with undermined edges. The
ipsilateral inguinal lymph nodes were swollen and tender. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Syphilis
b) Herpes
c) Chancroid
Key: c

d) Lymphogranuloma venereum
e) HIV

7. A 30 years old lady having two kids wants to plan her family. On examination she is found to
be anemia. She also gives history of ectopic pregnancy last year. The best method of
contraception for her would be:
a) Lippes loop
b) Injectable contraceptives
c) Progestasert
Key: b

d) Multi-load
e) Cu-T

8. A 42 years old female wants to use oral contraceptive pills. She is 55 kg of weight and beetle
chewer. On general examination she was found to be suffering from mild depression. This
contraceptive method should be used cautiously in this woman because of her:

a) Age
b) Excess weight
c) Low weight
Key: a

d) Beetle chewing habit

e) Depression

9. For long term contraception, a sub -dermal implant known as nor-plant is being used now a
days. The main disadvantage of Norplant is:
a) Spontaneous expulsion
b) Irregular menstrual bleeding
c) Pelvic inflammatory disease
Key: b

d) Ectopic pregnancy
e) Venous thrombosis

10. A primary Gravida with O- ve blood group comes to labour room with labour pains. Her
husbands blood group is O+v In order to avoid Rh incompatibility in pregnancy, which measure
would you take:

Administer AntiRh immunoglobulins at delivery

Serial ultrasonography
Chorionic villous biopsy
Beta HCG monitoring

Key: a
11. An 8 weeks pregnant lady comes to gynae OPD for antenatal visit for the first time. She told
the doctor that she has come from far off area and its not possible to come for her monthly
antenatal visits. The doctor advised the minimum number of essential antenatal visits is:
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
Key: a

d) 6
e) 8

12. A 25 years old para 2 delivered a baby boy last month. She went to a family planning center
to seek advice for contraception. The frequency of breast feeding at night is mor The best way to
avoid conception in the first four months following delivery is the use of:
Oral contraceptive
Male pills
Injectable contraceptive

3rd generation IUCD

no contraception
key: e
13. A nulliparous woman is presented in the OPD with severe bleeding after taking some
contraceptive metho The gynecologist mimetically assessed that cause of bleeding was:
Copper T
Oral contraceptive
lippe?s loop
vaginal sponge
key: c
14. A primigravida with 30 weeks of gestation visit OPD for routine checkup. Her P was found to
be 160/90 mm Hg. The doctor advised to report immediately if she develops:
Abdominal pain
Vaginal bleeding
Swelling of the feet
Key: d
Occupational Health
1. A person aged 40 years, working as a laborer in grain market for the last 25 years presented
with a history of repeated attacks of respiratory infections in the last 1 year. X-ray showed
pulmonary fibrosis. The likely diagnosis was:

Farmer?s lung
Key: True: d
2. An industrial worker reported to you with complaints of cough, history of dyspnoea on exertion
and pain in the chest. His X-ray chest showed snow storm appearanc The diagnosis would be:
Key: True: c
3. An occupational worker presented with complaints of exertional dyspnoe He gave history of
being in an industry dealing with spare parts such as gas kit and brakes, he also gave history of
smoking for about five years. His X-ray chest showed a ground glass appearance / honey combing
in the lower two thirds of the lung fields. The likely condition that he suffers from is:
Key: True: c
4. A worker who had been in the battery manufacturing unit for the last 20 years, reported to
you with complaints of loss of appetite and abdominal colic of 2 weeks duration. You will prefer
to investigate him for:
Lead poisoning

Ca stomach
Key: True: b
5. In a lead pipe factory, you want to carry out a screening programme in workers to exclude lead
poisoning. Your choice of the most useful screening test will be measurement of:
Lead in blood
Lead in urine
Coproporphyrin in urine
Aminolaevulinic acid in urine
Basophilic stipling of RBCs
Key: True: c
6. In an automobile manufacturing plant of Pakistan, a large number of employees are working
in different sections. Persons who work in the section of welding the parts together have started
reporting sick with redness of eyes. On examination conjunctivitis and keratitis are foun What
could be the cause of this problem?
Poor Personal Hygiene
Ultraviolet radiations
Ionizing radiations
Key: True: d
7. Your opinion is sought as a Public Health Specialist by the employers of a glass factory in which
some workers have developed Silicosis. The most important control measure that you
recommend is:
Pre-placement examination
Adequate personal hygiene

Periodic X-ray chest
Rigorous dust control
Key: True: e
8. Twenty workers of a chemical factory located in an industrial area near Lahore, are handling
irritant chemicals (dichromates) as part of their jo Such workers require periodic medical
examination. What could be the appropriate frequency of such examinations in your opinion?
Once a year
Twice a year
Key: True: d
9. The commonest physical health hazard in most industries is:
Ionizing radiation
Key: a
10. A worker of a brick kiln was brought to the emergency department, in an unconscious stat He
was hypotensive and sweating profusely. The likely condition he suffered from was;
Heat stroke
Heat exhaustion

Heat Hyperpyrexia
Heat cramps
Key: b
11. A pottery industry worker developed symptoms of tuberculosis. The likely condition which
resulted in tuberculosis was:
Key: b
12. A shipyard worker presents with increasing breathlessness. His X-ray shows ground glass
appearance in lower two thirds of lungs. He is likely to be suffering from:
Farmer?s lung
Key: c
13. A research team conducted a nation wide survey of Industries and factories. While arranging
the data they observed that the most common occupational cancer was:
CA lung
CA bladder
CA skin

Cancer of Gastrointestinal tract.

Key: c
14. A rubber industry worker presents with abdominal colic and severe anemi His blood
examination reveals basophilic stippling of RBCs and microcytic anemi What is the likely
Lead poisoning
Benzene poisoning
Radiation effects
Sideroblastic anemia
Worm infestation
Key: a
15. A 35 years old man working in roofing industry presented to his primary care physician with
complaints of dyspnea and chronic dry cough. Chest X ray revealed pulmonary hyperinflation
with honey comb appearance and calcified parietal pleural plaques. What is the most likely
Farmers lung
Key: b
16. In the mica mines of Bihar, out of 329 miners examined, 34.1 percent were found suffering
with irritant cough, dyspnoea on exertion and pain in the chest. On chest X-ray there was snow
storm appearance in the lung fields. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Key: d
17. An industrial worker presented with pulmonary tuberculosis. On X- rays Calcification and
fibrosis were seen. The likely industry he had worked in is:
Sand blasting
Key a
18. A child aged 3 years from a day care centre, was reported to a doctor with complaints of
abdominal colic and constipation for the last 2 days, on examination there were blue-line on the
gums and his appearance was pal What is the most likely diagnosis?
Lead poisoning
Key: b
19. In the mica mines of Bihar, out of 329 mines examined, 34.1 percent were found suffering
with irritant cough, dyspnoea on exertion and pain in the chest. On chest X-ray there were snow
storm appearance in the lung fields. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Key: d
Screening & Sampling
1. The yield of a screening programme by a field test increased over a period of 3 years although
the trade off between sensitivity and specificity remained the sam It gives a clue to an increase
Key: True: c
2. A woman came with antepartal bleeding. She was to be transfused with bloo Her blood was
sent for blood grouping and HBV screening. She was found to be HB positiv This screening is;
Key: True: e
3. Worker of lead foundry are tested for corpoporphyrin in the urin This screening is:

Key: True: b
4. For screening of tuberculosis mantoux, chest x-rays and sputum analysis were used on the
same occasion in Rawalpindi District. This screening is an example of:
Key: True: a
5. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
What will be the sensitivity?
30 %
40 %
54 %
60 %
70 %

Key: True: a
6. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
What will be the specificity?
30 %
40 %
54 %
60 %
70 %
Key: True: e
7. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
What will be Positive predictive value?

30 %
40 %
54 %
60 %
70 %
Key: True: b
8. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
What will be the Negative predictive value?
30 %
40 %
54 %
60 %
70 %
Key: True: d
9. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent

+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
What will be the False-positive rate?
30 %
40 %
54 %
60 %
70 %
Key: True: a
10. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
What will be the False-negative rate?
30 %
40 %
54 %
60 %

70 %
Key: True: e
11. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
What will be the Accuracy of a test?
30 %
40 %
54 %
60 %
70 %
Key: True: c
12. The extent to which a test measures what it was originally designed to measure is described
True-positive value
Key: True: c

13. Accuracy of the screening test will depend upon:

Systemic error
Random error
Key: True: a
14. A pap smear and colposcopic examination for the early detection of cervical cancer and
papilloma virus infection constitut
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention
Medical treatment
Surgical treatment
Key: True: b
15. With X representing the most accurate cutoff point for a diagnostic screening test, what does
D represent:
False positives
True positives
False negatives
True negatives
Skewed distribution
Key: True: a
16. The results of screening test for diabetes in a sample of 1000 people are as under:

What is the positive predictive value of this test?
Key: b
17. After excision of breast for Ca breast, a surgical reconstruction of breast tissue was don This
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention
Medical treatment
Surgical treatment
Key: c
18. A screening test is positive in the majority of cases but false positive rate is much higher than
true positives this indicates:
Low accuracy
High validity
High specificity

Key: a
19. For a given sensitivity and specificity the positive predictive value will be more if the disease
under consideration has
High prevalence
Shot carrier state
High incidence
Short duration
High fatality
20. When we move from one population to another population to screen a given diseas We
expect a change in:
Predictive value
21. It the positive predictive value of a test is higher it will indicate:
Low prevalence
Low negative predictive value
Low sensitivity
High specificity
Low accuracy
1. A study was conducted in America to find out the proportion of blacks and white Americans in
Californi This variable chosen is:

Discreet numerical
Key: True: e
2. The median of the following data, is: 1,2,4,6,8,10,11,13
Key: True: c
3. A household survey of 10 families was conducted by students of 4th year MBBS, Wah Medical
Colleg In the collected data, the ages of heads of families were: 32, 34, 35, 36, 36, 42, 44, 46, 48,
and 52. The mean age of heads of families is
Key: True: d
4. A nutritional research team followed serum levels of vitamin B12 in 120 children for three
years to determine the association between cyanocobalamin deficiency and the subsequent risk
of developing Megaloblastic anemi The results were as follows:

260 pg/mL
226 pg/mL
194 pg/mL
From the data, it can be concluded that this distribution is:
Positively skewed
Key: True: c
5. Serum cholesterol levels for two groups of Americans were recorded in 1989. The mean
cholesterol levels of the two groups were compare To determine whether the measurements
were significantly different or not, the most appropriate statistical test would be:
Chi-square test
Correlation analysis
F test (ANOV
Student?s t test
Regression analysis
Key: True: d
6. In a descriptive study the mean is 220 and the standard error is 10, the 95 confidence limits
would be:
210 to 230
215 to 225

200 to 240
220 to 230
205 to 235
Key: True: c
7. For a survey, a village is divided into 5 lanes, each lane is sampled randomly. It is an example
Simple random sampling
Standard random sampling
Systematic random sampling
Cluster random sampling
Quasi random sampling
Key: True: d
8. The birth weights in a hospital are to be presented in a graph. This is best done by a:
Bar diagram
Pie chart
Frequency chart
Key: True: c
9. An analysis of the race of patients who visit an emergency room reveals that 40% are white,
25% are black, 20% are Native American, and 15% are Asian. These data would best be depicted
graphically with a
Venn diagram
Cumulative frequency graph
Normal curve

Pie chart
Key: True: e
10. If six families were surveyed and the numbers of children per family were found to be 2, 3, 4,
4, 5, 6, fine the mean number of children per family
Key: True: c
11. If, in one of the groups of premature infants, the maximum value for hexosaminidase A was
substituted with a much higher valu The value which is unlikely to be affected by this higher value
Standard deviation
Key: True: d
12. A nutritional research team followed serum levels of vitamin B12 and folic acid in 125 children
for five years to determine the association between cyanocobalamin deficiency and the
subsequent risk of developing megaloblastic anemi The results were as follows:
262 pg/mL

228 pg/mL
196 pg/mL
From the data, it can be concluded that this distribution is
Positively skewed
Negatively skewed
Skewed toward the left
Unable to be identified
Key: True: b
13. In study carried out in the hospital ward, every 10th admitted patient was included in the
sample, which sampling procedure is this:
Random sampling
Stratified sampling
Quota sampling
Convenient sampling
Systematic sampling
Key: True: e
14. Three groups of subjects were followed over the course of five years to compare treatments
for sideroblastic anemi The most appropriate statistical analysis to determine the quantitative
serologic differences resulting from these treatments would be a(n)
Regression analysis
F test (ANOV
Correlation analysis

Chi-square test
T test
Key: True: b
15. In a class of 134 medical students, the mean systolic blood pressure was found to be 126 mm
Hg with a standard deviation of 6 mm Hg If the blood pressures in this sample are normally
distributed, what portion of the medical students will have systolic blood pressures above 132
mm Hg?
Key: True: d
16. In a household survey conducted on ten families the frequency of family members in different
age groups was less than 5 years ? 21, 5 14 years ? 16, 15 64 years ? 77 & > 65 years ? 1. The
relative frequency of members in 15 64 years age group would be:
Key: True: b
17. Malaria cases were reported throughout the world during the year 1971 1978 excluding
African region. These cases can be best represented by:
Frequency polygon

Line diagram
Scatter diagram
Key: True: c
18. There are 50 individual in population and they have same hemoglobin level that is 14g/dL. As
there is no variability, the standard deviation will be:
1, -1
0, 1
Key: True: a
19. A mean hemoglobin level of 100 women in a population sample is 12g/dL with standard
deviation of 2. The confidence interval for the population mean would be:
10.4 11.6
11.6 12.4
12.4 13.6
13.6 14.4
14.4 15.6
Key: True: b
20. The students of Wah Medical College visited Nasheman School. The numbers of students per
class from class I to class IX were as follows:
27, 23, 15, 18, 30, 24, 8, 12 and 16. The median number in this series is:

Key: True: d
21. In a village of 300 population, 60% constitute Hindus, 20% Muslims, 10% Sikhs and 10%
Christians. We want to take a sample of 10% of the population to study the eating habits of this
population. The best method would be:
Simple random sampling
Stratified random sampling
Systematic random sampling
Non-random sampling
Cluster sampling
Key: True: b
22. The median of a series of 20 observations is 10, mean is 11.5 and mode is 11, which of the
following measures can be subjected to statistical manipulation:
Sample size
Key: True: b
23. Which of the following can have more than one value?
The mean
The range
The mode

The median
Standard deviation.
Key: True: c
24. The distribution of heights of the girls in Wah Medical College was plotte The most frequent
value was 5? 2, which gives a single most important clue to its:
Negative skewness
Positive skewness
Normal distribution
Large standard deviation
Multi modal distribution
Key: True: c
25. A large study of bladder cancer and cigarette smoking produced the following data:
INCIDENCE OF BLADDER CANCER (per 100,000 males per year)
Cigarette smokers 48.0
Non-smokers 25.4
The relative risk of developing bladder cancers compared with non-smokers is:
Categorical variable
Ordinal data
Numerical, continuous variable
Numerical, discrete variable
Key: True: c
26. Birth rates of a population of infants at 40 weeks gestational age are approximately normally
distributed, with a mean of 3000 grams. Roughly 68% of such infants weigh between 2500 and
3500 at birth. If a sample of 100 infants was studied, the standard error would be

Key: True: a
27. When the standard for accepting the difference was at P-value of 0.05 and the calculated
value was 0.01, the null hypothesis was rejected by the researcher. What do you think of results?
Wrongly rejected
Significant difference
No difference
Alternate hypothesis is wrong
Sample size was small
Key: True: b
28. A study was conducted to assess the heights of 30 students . By chance all of the students
were found to be of the same height. The standard deviation of this study sample is:
0 -- -1
0 -- +1
0 -- +2
0 -- -2
Key: True: a
29. In the Medical OPD of teaching hospital of Wah Medical College, Wah Cantt, diastolic blood
pressures of 10 patients were as follows:
80, 75, 81, 79, 71, 95, 75, 77, 84, & 90. The mean of this data is:

Key: True: b
30. A normal distribution curve is based mainly on:
Mean and sample size
Mean and standard deviation
Range and sample size
Range and standard deviation
Mean and range
Key: True: b
31. The relative frequency of a class is obtained by:
Dividing the frequency of that class by the sum of all frequencies
Multiplying the frequency of that class by 100
Dividing the frequency of that class by 100
Dividing the sum of frequencies by 100
Dividing the frequency of that class by the sum of all frequencies and multiplied by 100
Key: True: e
32. A study was conducted to assess the height of students of 4th year in 10 Medical colleges the
values of heights ranged between 5.5 5.10 feet. A histogram has been selected by the
researcher to present these results as it is a:
Nominal data
Categorical data

Both qualitative and quantitative data

Continuous data
Discrete numerical data
Key: True: d
33. A study was conducted to assess the height of students of 4th year in 10 Medical colleges.
The values of heights ranged between 5.5 5.10 feet. Which graph should be used by the
researcher to present the obtained data?
Bar chart
Pie chart
Scatter diagram
Line graph
Key: True: b
34. The median of the following data, is: 1,2,4,6,8,10,11,13
Key: True: c
35. A large study of bladder cancer and cigarette smoking produced the following data:
INCIDENCE OF BLADDER CANCER (per 100,000 males per year)
Cigarette smokers 48.0
Non-smokers 25.4
The relative risk of developing bladder cancers compared with non-smokers is:

Categorical variable
Ordinal data
Numerical, continuous variable
Numerical, discrete variable
None of the above
Key: True: c
36. Formula for chi square value is:
(O 2
S(O 2
(O 2
37. The median of the following data, is:
1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13

Key: True: c
38. After arranging the data is ascending or descending order of magnitude, the value of middle
Geometric mean
Mean deviation
Key: True: c
39. The area between two standard deviations on either side of the mean (X + 2S. will include
approx how much values in the distribution?
Key: True: b
40. Following test of significance will be used when more than two groups are to be compared?
t test
Chi-square test
Standard error of proportion
Standard error of mean
Key: True: b

41. If the mean cholesterol value of a group of normal subjects is 230 mg% with a standard error
of 20. The 95% confidence limit for the population is:
Key: True: d
42. Birth rates of a population of infants at 36 weeks gestational age are approximately normally
distributed, with a mean of 2500 grams. Roughly 95% of such infants weigh between 1900 and
3100 grams at birth. If a sample of 225 infants was studied the standard error would be:
Key: True: b
43. In Wah Medical College there are 86 students in final year, 102 in fourth year, 106 in Third
year, 104 in second year and 100 in first year. The relative frequency of fourth year students
would be:
Key: True: d

44. The distribution of height of the girls in Wah University was plotte The most frequent value
was five feet and two inches, while mean height was five feet and eight inches. This show:
Negative skewness
Positive skewness
Normal distribution
Large standard deviation
Multimodal distribution
Key: True: b
45. A household survey of 10 families was conducted by students of 4th year MBBS,
Wah Medical Colleg In the data they collected, the ages of heads of families were:
32,32,36,48,34,46,35,44,36 and 32 years. The mode in this series:
Key: True: a
46. In the Medical OPD of teaching hospital of Wah Medical College, Wah Cantt, diastolic blood
pressures of 10 patients were as follows:
80, 75, 81, 79, 71, 95, 75, 77, 84, & 90. The mean of this data is:

Key: True: b
47. An investigator gets a positively skewed data on account of having only a small number of
simple numerical observations at extremely high values. It will give an over estimate of:
Modal class
Key: True: a
48. An investigator gets a positively skewed data on account of having only a small number of
simple numerical observations at extremely high values. Which measure of central tendency
should he select if data is numerical?
Geometric mean
Modal class
Key: True: b
49. When a relationship between the heart rate and valsalva?s ratio is studied, mean is useful
but dispersion of the data is also very useful. Which method of spread will be more useful in this?
Standard deviation
Coefficient of variance
Inter quatile range
Key: True: c

50. In a descriptive study the mean is 200 and the standard error is 5, the 95 confidence limits
would be:
180 to 200
190 to 200
180 to 210
200 to 220
190 to 210
Key: e
51. An analysis of the race of patients who visit an emergency room reveals that 40% are white,
25% are black, 20% are Native American, and 15% are Asian. These data would best be depicted
graphically with a
Venn diagram
Cumulative frequency graph
Normal curve
Pie chart
Key: True: e
52. An investigator gets a positively skewed data on account of having only a small number of
simple numerical observations at extremely high values. It will give an over estimate of:
Modal class
Key a

53. In a household survey conducted on ten families the frequency of family members in different
age groups was less than 5 years ? 21, 5 14 years ? 16, 15 64 years ? 77 & > 65 years ? 1. The
relative frequency of members in 15 64 years age group would be:
Key: b
Public health Care (PH
1. Your advice is sought to maintain sustainability of a health programm Which is the best and
essential feature that you suggest to make the programme sustainable?
Community participation
Cost effectiveness
Cost analysis
Intersectoral collaboration
Key: True: a
2. The water and power development and public health engineering are the two areas which are
working with the health department for control of diahrroeal and gastrointestinal diseases in
Rawalpindi District, which is an example of:
Appropriate technology
Intersectoral collaboration

Key: True: e
3. Infant mortality was studied at one place by three different investigators / researchers. It was
found that they all gave the similar figures. This quality of a measurement is referred as:
Key: True: d
4. There was an epidemic of cholera in a village of Bangladesh. It was followed by increase in
deaths mainly among children and eventually an increase in infant mortality rat This quality of
IMR to change with changes in mortality trends is:
Key: True: a
5. A community survey was done to assess the health needs of community, community
demanded more schools, sanitary water supply and sewage disposal. The surveyors
recommended building of sanitary wells and bore-hole latrines straight away to decrease the
incidence of diarrhoeal diseases. The provision of schools was delayed for a few reasons. This
step by the health care providers is known as:

Health promotion
Key: True: a
6. About 75% of population in Pakistan resides in rural areas and the remaining in peri-urban and
urban areas, while the allocated funds for improvement of health
care programmes are more for urban areas. This is an example of:
Resource generation
Key: True: b
7. For providing quality health services, community participation plays an essential rol To ensure
maximum community participation, which level of health care system should be strengthened?
Primary health care
Secondary health care
Tertiary health care
1st level referral facility
Higher level referral facility
Key: True: a
8 Pakistan was a signatory to Health for All concept and it adopted the PHC approach in 1978
to achieve the goals of HFA by the year 2000. The health infrastructure was developed and human
resource inducte Keeping in mind the health scenario of Pakistan, which aspect is the most critical
in achieving the desired objective of health for all?
Community health workers
Leadership in health care

Computer network
Key: True: c
9. To suit the rural situation in Pakistan the lady health visitor introduced a home made fluid for
oral rehydration. It will be described as:
Community participation
Appropriate technology
Key: True: e
10. To achieve the objective of HFA the most crucial aspect which was missing in the
implementation of PHC program in Pakistan was:
Registration system
Key: True: a
11. To improve the health of the nations, The Millennium Development Goals are mainly
focused on:
Women education
Involvement of men in RH
Fertility regulation

Health system research

Key: True: a
12. Government of Pakistan started a program of safe water supply to people as part of water &
sanitation decade 1981-91 in order to improve their health. Many poverty alleviation schemes
were also implemented to ensure economic stability and health. This reflects:
Intersectoral collaboration
Appropriate technology
Key: True: a
13. The effectiveness of an intervention will depend primarily on:
Planning & management
Key: True: a
14. Information, Ministry of Food & Agriculture, Ministry of Law and Ministry of Religious affairs
should cooperate and coordinate to play their role for prevention of Iodine deficiency disorders.
This reflects:
Multi sectoral approach
Appropriate technology

Key: True: a
15. In order to improve the MCH services Government of Pakistan has started a program of
training of lady health workers and trained birth attendants. They are selected by local
committee and trained locally. By overcoming cultural and communication barriers, they provide
primary health care in ways that are acceptable to the community. It shows:
Community participation
Intersectoral coordination
Key: True: d
16. In 1978 a global immunization program EPI was started to vaccinate the children against six
vaccine preventable diseases g TB, Polio, Diphtheria, Pertusis, Tetanus and Measles. It was
specifically designed to control morbidity and mortality among children. This reflects:
Selective approach
Holistic approach to child health
Comprehensive PHC
Inter sectoral approach
Key: True: a
17. For eradication of Polio, the polio eradication campaign was started in 1992. Since then
several NIDs and SNIDs have been conducte Polio has almost been eradicated now. This program
of immunization is based on:
Equity and appropriate technology
Comprehensive PHC
Leadership & Community participation
Equity and Equality

Community participation
Key: True: a
18. A good manager is the one who sees to the things and ensures correct way of doing things. If
he ensures low wastage of resources he is:
A monitor
A decision maker
Key: True: b
19. A 20 years old boy had a head injury in a motor bike accident. His attendant took him to a
general practitioner first who advised them to take him to POF hospital, Wah Cantt immediately
because Advanced Trauma Life Support is available there only. The level of health care provided
by POF hospital in this case is:
First level referral facility
First level care facility
Key: True: c
20. An LHV in a BHU of a remote area examined a primigravida at 22 weeks of gestation. Her P
was 170/100. In order to have proper antenatal assessment and to prevent complications of
pregnancy induced hypertension. The first level referral should be to:

Teaching hosp[ital
Specialized maternity clinic
Key: True: b
21. According to a study conducted by WHO, 3 new cases of polio are found in interior Sindh in
year 2007 despite the success of anti polio campaign. None of the children under 5 years of that
village was given polio drops because parents had to travel for 1 and 1/2 hour on foot to reach
the BHU to have polio drops. This incidence of polio is due to lack of:
Key: True: d
22. A woman traveled a long way from a remote village & came to a population welfare
centre/family planning centr She had enough money but was very tired on account of traveling.
When she went inside, she found a male doctor dealing with the clients. She decided to go back.
The most likely reason for this decision is lack of:
Key: True: a
23. The Northern areas of Pakistan are the recognized belts of endemic goiter, on account of
Iodine deficiency. The Government of Pakistan decided to promote sale of Iodized salts in this
are This is an example of:

Decision making
Key: True: c
24. There was an out break of simple watery diarrhea among children in a villag The health care
providers wanted to avoid unnecessary hospital admitions and started distributing ORS to
people, who had young children. This reflects:
Community participation
Appropriate technology
Intersectoral collaboration
Key: True: d
25. About 60% pregnant ladies in rural areas of Pakistan were found having anemia. It was
decided to provide them with iron & folic acid supplements. This is an example of:
a) Equality
b) Equity
c) Prioritization
Key: True: b

d) Community participation
e) Situation Analysis

26. A health team visited along with the community leaders and health workers, all the primary
schools and mosques in a village to give polio drops during polio campaign. The community
workers facilitated identification of houses with children less than five years of age. This reflects:
a) Management
b) Situation analysis
c) Prioritization
Key: True: d

d) Community participation
e) Intersectoral collaboration

27. The pediatric OPD of POF hospital, Wah Cantt is dealing with 200 patients daily. This type of
direct contact of patients with the health care provider makes the OPD of POF hospital
particularly a:
a) First level care facility
b) Tertiary care hospital
c) First level referral facility
Key: True: a

d) Higher level referral facility

e) Special pediatric service outlet

28. A high prevalence of CA cervix was found to be there in one of the tribal area of Pakistan. It
was planned to have free facility of pap smear taken in the concerned rural health centre to
screen the local population for the particular cancer. The program showed a lot of resistance as
it lacked:
a) Accessibility
b) Affordability
c) Acceptability
Key: True: c

d) Effectiveness
e) Equity

29. Government of Pakistan started a program to set a free medical camp in Balakot especially in
those areas affected by earthquake to provide medical care for the people to avoid
transportation of patients to the hospital in the adjacent areas. This particular action to save
additional expense on traveling is:
a) Appropriate technology
b) Suitability
c) Equality
Key: True: a

d) Community participation
e) Prioritization

30. A village was reported to have a high incidence of diarrhea Upon investigation it was found
that people had to travel a long distance to fetch water from the river. The health care providers
decided to build a small sanitary well, which was financially more feasible. This reflects:
a) Appropriate technology
b) Equality
c) Efficiency
Key: True: a

d) Community participation
e) Prioritization

31. The effectiveness of an intervention will depend primarily on:

a) Equity
b) Equality
c) Money
Key a

d) Comprehensiveness
e) Planning and management

32. To improve the health of the nations, The Millennium Development Goals are mainly
focused on:
a) Women education
b) Involvement of men in RH
c) Fertility regulation
Key: a

e) Health system research

33. For providing quality health services, community participation plays an essential role. To
ensure maximum community participation, which level of health care system should be
a) Primary health care
b) Secondary health care
c) Tertiary health care
Key: a

d) 1st level referral facility

e) Higher level referral facility

1. In 2005, Pakistan crude birth rate was 36 births per 1000 population and the crude death rate
was 9 deaths per 1000 population. What was the population growth rate of the country in that
year assuming no in and out migrations?
a) 2.9 %
b) 2.8 %
c) 2.7 %
Key: True: c

d) 2.6 %
e) 2.5 %

2. The changes in the size of population are indicated by five stages of demographic transition.
Pakistan is currently in the:
a) First stage
b) Third stage
c) Second stage
Key: True: b

d) Fourth stage
e) Fifth stage

3. The total number of people in a completed family can be estimated from:

a) Net reproduction rate

b) Gross reproduction rate
c) Contraception prevalence rate
Key: True: e

d) Eligible couple rate

e) Total fertility rate

4. Population size is determined by fertility, mortality and migrations. A researcher concluded

that Pakistans population is increasing on account of high fertility which measure did he rely
upon the most to conclude this?
a) Growth rate
b) Crude birth rate
c) Natural increase rate
Key: True: d

d) Total fertility rate

e) General fertility rate

5. The number of daughters a new born girl will bear during her life time assuming fixed age
specific fertility and mortality rate, refers to which one of the following?
a) Age specific fertility rate
b) Gross reproduction rate
c) Net reproduction rate
Key: True: c

d) Total fertility rate

e) General fertility rate

6. In 1993 Burkina Faso had Gross reproductive rate of 3.5 while United Kingdom was only 0 .86
that means if 1993 Fertility levels were to continue, which one of the following options will be
a) The Net Reproductive Rate of Burkina Faso would definitely be more than 3.5
b) In United Kingdom, a woman would produce more than one daughter on average during
her life time
c) In Burkina Faso, a woman would produce 3.5 daughters on average through her life time
d) The Net Reproductive Rate of UK will be more than on
e) The Net Reproductive Rate of Burkina Faso would be equal to Gross Reproductive Rate of
the country
Key: True: c
7. The absolute number of population of an area at any point in time is:
a) Count
b) Rate
c) Ratio
Key: True: a

d) Proportion
e) Average

8. If the total number of reported births in Rawalpindi district were 10,000 and deaths were 5,000
in the year 2007. By giving these figures we are referring to:
a) Absolute numbers
b) Crude birth rate
c) Growth rate
Key: True: a

d) Crude death rate

e) Vital index

9. Many women in a country are educated, independent and they work for earning their lively
hood too. When the number of males are expressed in relation with 100 females this is:
a) Sex ratio
b) Sex rate
c) Dependency ratio
Key: True: a

d) Literacy rate
e) Working women ratio

10. When total number of live births are expressed against the total population at a given place
and during a given period. We are referring:
a) General fertility rate
b) Crude birth rate
c) Total fertility rate
Key: True: b

d) Specific birth rate

e) Gross reproductive rate

11. Hameed, Sara and Samia were born in the same year, they were neighbors and very close
friends too. It was just a coincidence that their parents also got married about the same tim The
most likely reason for their admission in the same class is:
a) Birth cohort
b) Marriage cohort of parents
c) Friendship
Key: True: a

d) Neighborhood
e) School accessibility

12. The population pyramid of United Arab Emirates in 1995 is shown. Which of the following is
seen in this:
a) In -migration of males
b) High fertility
c) High mortality
Key: True: a

d) Better Female survival

e) Female predominance

13. This is Panjgur district (less developed population pyramid) which is the most obvious in this.

a) Low fertility
b) Low mortality
c) Male migration after 20
Key: True: c

d) Better male survival

e) High female literacy

14. Keeping in mind the population pyramid of Pakistan. Which of the following features is most
a) Population momentum
b) Low migration
c) Higher female mortality
Key: True: a

d) High literacy
e) Increased life expectancy

15. General fertility rate is a more refined measure than the birth rate because it relates births
to the age sex group at risk of giving birth while defining general fertility rate the denominator
consists of:

Mid-year total population of women

Population of women above 15 years of age
Population of women in child bearing age
Population of unmarried women
Total number of live births

Key: True: c
16. Fertility refers to the number of live births women have the best picture of how many children
women are currently having is given by:
a) Total fertility rate
b) Age specific fertility rate
c) General fertility rate
Key: True: a

d) A crude birth rate

e) Net reproduction rate

17. Fertility is affected by cultural social economic & health factors. These factors operate
through other factors among them level of induced abortion is important. Abortion rate is used
for its determination, the denominator used is:

Number of abortions
Number of women ages 15 49
Number of live births
Number of married women ages 45 49
Total population

Key: True: b
18. Family planning connotes conception control to avoid pregnancy & abortion, but it includes
efforts of couples to induce pregnancy. So family planning achievement is determined by a
sensitive indicator which is:
a) Birth rate
b) General fertility rate
c) Age specific fertility rate
Key: True: c

d) Abortion rate
e) General fertility rate

19. Doubling time is another way of expressing population growth. If we suppose that growth
rate of Poland remains constant at 0.08% population would be doubled in about.
a) 800 years
b) 870 years
c) 875 years
Key: True: c

d) 880 years
e) 890 years

20. Population study shows that it has five different stages. Pakistan is currently having decreased
death rate and an increased birth rate, so we will place Pakistan in:
a) Stage I
b) Stage II
c) Stage III
Key: True: b

d) Stage IV
e) Stage V

21. Demographic cycle has five stages and each country is allotted a different stage according to
its distribution of population. For examples if the death and birth rate of a country both are
declining then we call it as:
a) High stationary
b) Early expanding
c) Late expanding
Key: True: c

d) Low stationary
e) Declining

22. The rate which is similar to gross reproduction rate but is always lower than it is depicted by
average number of daughters a new born girl will bear during her lifetime assuming fixed age
specific fertility & mortality rates. This is called as:

a) Total fertility rate

b) Total marital fertility rate

c) Net reproduction rate

d) General fertility rate
Key: True: c

e) Replacement level fertility

23. A demographer observed that birth rate and death rate of Pakistan is decreasing but birth
rate is still more than death rat What do you think in which phase of demographic transition does
Pakistan currently exist?
a) High stationary
b) Late expanding
c) Early expanding
Key: b

d) Declining
e) Low stationary

1993 GRR
1993 NRR
Burkina Faso
United Kingdom
Keeping in mind the above figures about Burkina Faso (BF) and United Kingdom (UK) which
interpretation is correct:
a) Low mortality in BF
b) Low mortality in UK
c) High fertility in UK
Key: b

d) Better education in BF
e) Replacement level fertility in BF

25. Many women in a country are educated, independent and they work for earning their lively
hood too. When the number of males are expressed in relation to 100 of these females this is:
a) Sex ratio

b) Sex rate

c) Dependency ratio
d) Literacy rate
Key: a

e) Working women ratio

26. The number of children in 0 to 4 years of age per 1000 women of child bearing age (15 49
years) is defined as:
a) General fertility rate
b) Total fertility rate
c) Gross reproduction rate
Key: e

d) Net reproduction rate

e) Child woman ratio

27. A researcher observed that birth rate and death rate of Pakistan is decreasing but birth rate
is still more than death rate. What do you think in which phase of demographic transition
Pakistan exist:
a) High stationery
b) Late expanding
c) Early expanding
Key: b

d) Declining
e) Low stationary

28. In Pakistan, demographers are of the view that the goal of net reproduction rate should be
equal to 1. They suggest that to achieve this goal family planning practices should be adopted by:
a) 45% couples
b) 50% couples
c) 60% couples
Key: c

d) 55% couples
e) 65% couples

1. A 14 week pregnant lady came to Gynae O.P.D with no specific complaints but to inquire about
her additional requirements during this period. She was already taking 500mg of calcium, 40mg
of iron and 0.5mg of folic acid in combination. The comment of gynecologist on her present intake
of micronutrient is?
a) Excess of iron
b) Less folic acid
c) Adequate calcium and iron
Key: True: d

d) Less calcium
e) Less iron in folic acid

2. The incidence of induced abortion is more among married women of Dhok Ratta Rawalpindi.
Keeping in mind the reproductive health services of Pakistan, the most likely reason for these
abortions is:
a) Illegitimacy
b) Unwanted pregnancies
c) Anemia
Key: True: b

d) Under nourished females

e) Infections

3. A weight conscious pregnant woman wants information about her requirement of calories per
day during pregnancy. You suggest an increase of:
a) 250 kcal
b) 450 kcal
c) 350 kcal
Key: True: c

d) 550 kcal
e) 650 kcal

4. A woman reports for vaccination against tetanus only 25 days before delivery; she has not
received the first dose. What will you do?

Give anti tetanus immunoglobulin

Give two doses of tetanus toxoid with 2 weeks interval
Advise appropriate antibiotic course during delivery
Give one dose of tetanus toxoid and advice the second dose after delivery
Advise passive immunization after delivery

Key: True: d
5. A woman in the seventh month of pregnancy reports to you in the antenatal clinic for the first
time. The recommended immunization is by:
a) Tetanus toxoid
b) Hepatitis B vaccine
c) Rubella vaccine
Key: True: a

d) Pneumococcal vaccine
e) Tetanus immunoglobulin

6. A 30 years old woman fitted with an IUCD comes for post insertional examination and
complains of vaginal bleeding; which of the following is the least important to look for in this
a) Break through vaginal bleeding
b) Hyper menorrhea

c) Pelvic infection
d) Dysmenorrhea

e) Endometrial cancer
Key: True: e
7. A 52 year old postmenopausal woman who had never been able to conceive presented with
anorexia, weight loss, nausea, abdominal discomfort, bloating, fullness, and no history of
bleeding per vagina. She had a positive family history of gynecologic cancer on pelvic
examination; it was possible to feel a pelvic mass. The suspicion of a malignancy should focus
upon which one of the following sites?
a) Ovary
b) Tube
c) Endometrium
Key: True: a

d) Cervix of vagina
e) No gynecologic organ

8. One year old child comes to emergency with history of watery diarrhea for the last 24 hours.
A house physician reports his impalpable pulse and un- recordable blood pressure. The first
immediate step in emergency is to advise:

I/V Ringers lactate

Oral rehydration therapy
I/V antibiotics
Stool examination
Urgent blood complete picture

Key: True: a
9. 30 years old married woman was advised X-Ray abdomen. To prevent radiation hazard to the
baby in this woman, the doctor should take history of:
a) Hypersensitivity to radiation
b) Menstrual cycle
c) Previous exposure to X-Ray
Key: True: b

d) Previous abortions
e) Genetic history

10. A mother brought her six months old child to a BHU. She is worried about the growth of her
child. The best single measure for assessing the physical growth in this age is:
a) Weight for age
b) Height for age
c) Chest circumference
Key: True: a

d) Mid upper arm circumference

e) Head circumference

11. A women delivers a baby boy at term with Downs syndrome. The most likely cause is:
a) An extra chromosome 21
b) No 2nd sex chromosome
c) Phenotypic effect only
Key: True: a

d) Extra Y chromosome
e) Oligo-spermia

12. A primigravida of 34 years had a normal vaginal delivery in a hospital. During the antenatal
period she was labeled as hypertensive. She had a first stage of labour for 5 hours. She had a
post-partum hemorrhage, the likely cause of which was:
a) Primary gravidity
b) Age of the mother
c) Hypertension
Key: True: c

d) Long 1st stage

e) Untrained birth attendant

13. The policy of delaying marriage of girls till 20 years of age belongs to:
a) Primordial prevention
b) Primary prevention
c) Secondary prevention
Key: True: a

d) Disability limitation
e) Rehabilitation

14. To prevent neonatal tetanus by TT injections during pregnancy is the:

a) Primordial prevention
b) Primary prevention
c) Secondary prevention
Key: True: b

d) Disability limitation
e) Rehabilitation

15. Antenatal service for detection of diseases which may lead to complications in pregnancy is
an example of:
a) Primordial prevention
b) Primary prevention
c) Secondary prevention
Key: True: c

d) Disability limitation
e) Rehabilitation

16. Management of deep vein thrombosis to arrest the progression of the disease is:

a) Primordial prevention

b) Primary prevention

c) Secondary prevention
d) Disability limitation
Key: True: d

e) Rehabilitation

17. Use of oral contraceptives by women smokers over 35 years of age is associated with
increased risk of:
a) Cervical cancer
b) Breast carcinoma
c) Chronic bronchitis
Key: True:

d) Coronary heart disease

e) Peripheral neuropathy

18. A forty years old woman presents with an ovarian cyst; you want to screen her for breast
cancer before suggesting any hormonal treatment. What will you advise?
a) Chest radiograph
b) Mammography
c) Biopsy of breast
Key: True:

d) Blood levels of progesterone

e) Tumor markers

19. A child of 1 year presents with muscle wasting, loss of subcutaneous fat with no signs of
edema and weight below 60% of WHO standard. The mother gives history of not giving enough
proteins and other nutrients to the child after six months of age. The likely diagnosis is:
a) Kwashiorkor
b) Marasmus
c) Marasmus & kwashiorkor
Key: True:

d) Under nutrition
e) Vitamin B1 deficiency

20. A woman reports at a health facility with labour pains at term. She is suffering from chicken
pox. The measure taken to prevent chicken pox in the baby after birth is to give:
a) Acyclovir to woman
b) Nonspecific immunoglobulin to baby
at birth

c) HZIG to baby at birth

d) HZIG to woman before delivery
e) HZIG and acyclovir to mother

Key: True: c
21. A women in the first trimester of pregnancy came with symptoms of mild fever, rash, sore
throat, and enlarged cervical glands. The doctor, after taking history and conducting necessary
examinations, decides to terminate the pregnancy because of the danger of severe congenital
malformations. Which is the likely infection?

a) HIV
b) HBV
c) Herpes simplex
Key: True: e

d) Malaria
e) Rubella

1. A woman brought her child with congenital anomalies of heart and cataract. She gave history
of mild fever and rash in the first trimester of pregnancy, which settled with mild antipyretics.
The possible gestational condition that resulted in these anomalies was:
a) Measles
b) Herpes
c) Rubella
Key: True: c

d) Drugs taken in pregnancy

e) Streptococcal scarlet fever

2. A 22 years old man presented with painful, vesicular and postulate eruption in the distribution
of sensory nerve roots on his back. He gave history of chicken pox infection at ten years of age.
The likely diagnosis was:
a) Measles
b) Meningococcemia
c) Herpes simplex
Key: True: e

d) Scarlet fever
e) Herpes zoster

3. A patient who has come from India, reports to a health facility with severe generalized aches
and pain and rash on the body excluding palms and soles. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Scarlet fever
b) Trypanosomniasis
c) Malaria
Key: True: d

d) Dengue
e) Yellow Fever

4. There is an epidemic of Meningococcal Meningitis among jail prisoners. The best

chemoprophylaxis for the protection of contacts is by giving:
a) Rifampicin
b) Chloramphenicol
c) Chloroquine
Key: True: a

d) Doxycycline
e) Penicillin

5. Six of the ten family members living in a single room house complain of intense itching with
scratching in axillae, groin & hands; it is more marked at night. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Scabies
b) Dermatitis
c) Eczema
Key: True: a

d) Psoriasis
e) Dermatosis

6. A 5 years old boy developed fever with typical dew drop rash over his body. It appeared first
on the trunk and spread to arms and legs later; there were no signs of neck stiffness and rigidity.
What could be likely diagnosis?
a) Small pox
b) Measles
c) Tanapox
Key: True: e

d) Meningococcal meningitis
e) Chicken pox

7. A school child is diagnosed to have chicken pox. He should be isolated from other school
children till:

The scabs fall off

Two days after the scabs are formed
Three days after the fever develops
Five days after the development of pustules
Seven days after the development of pustules

Key: True: a
8. A mother brought her 4 years old child with complaint of sore throat, difficulty in swallowing
and low grade fever. On examination mild erythema and whitish membrane was found on the
posterior pharynx. The doctor diagnosed him as a case of Diphtheric Mother gave history of
complete course of immunization. In addition to penicillin what would be your line of
a) Supportive treatment
b) Passive immunization
c) Active immunization
Key: True: b

d) Active plus passive immunization

e) Active and passive immunization plus

9. An anxious mother came to OPD. Her son was diagnosed as a case of Meningitis last week. She
was worried about her two daughters who were still well. Physician advised chemoprophylaxis
a) Quinolones
b) Rifampicin
c) Macrolides
Key: b

d) Penicillin
e) Gentamicin

10. In Pediatric OPD the physician examined a 3 years old child with low grade fever, mild
erythema in the throat and whitish membrane on the left side tonsil. The cervical lymph node
was palpable. The doctor advised the mother to isolate the child for 7 days from other contacts
of less than 5 years old. The most probable diagnosis is
a) Pharyngitis
b) Tonsillitis
c) Diphtheria
Key: True: c

d) Acute Laryngitis
e) Whooping cough

11. A student of nursery class developed mild fever along with irritating cough gradually
becoming paroxysmal along with characteristic whoop. What you suggest for how long the
student should be isolated from the class?
a) I week
b) 2 weeks
c) 3 weeks
Key: True: d

d) 4 weeks
e) 6 weeks

12. A 30 years old man presented in emergency in POF hospital with complaint of severe
headache, fever and vomiting. On examination neck stiffness was found. He has just returned
from hajj and gives no history of preceding ailment or injury. The most probable diagnosis is
a) Meningitis
b) Tetanus
c) Brain abscess
Key: True: a

d) Cerebral Malaria
e) Ischemic stroke

13. If you being a field doctor in department of public health, are given a task to visit a low
socioeconomic community of a slum and to give report about the immunization status of the
community against Tuberculosis. The single most important clue to this immunization is
a) Monteux test

b) Tuberculosis patients

c) BCG scar
d) X-ray chest
Key: True: c

e) Sputum for AFB

14. An epidemiologist was assigned to find out all the cases, both new and old of T.B, in a slum
located near Islamabad during year 2007.Prevelance of tuberculosis is confirmed by:
a) Mass miniature radiography
b) Sputum examination
c) Sputum culture
Key: True: c

d) Tuberculin test
e) BCG scar mark

15. Ministry of health in collaboration with WHO is working to eradicate polio from Pakistan since
1992 .But still there are few cases of polio identified each year .source of most Polio infection is
a) Clinical carriers
b) Healthy carriers
c) Convalescent carriers
Key: True: c

d) Animal source
e) Soil

16. A 10 years old boy was brought to a doctor in a hospital with history of moderate fever with
shivering and abundant rash on the trunk and buccal mucosa. On examination there were vesicles
filled with clear fluid on the trunk and legs. The physician told the mother that child is suffering
a) Herpes
b) Chicken pox
c) Rubella
Key: True: b

d) German measles
e) Tanapox

17. A man living in a slum area was brought to the emergency of the DHQ Rawalpindi with history
of passing rice water stools about 20-30 times a day and vomiting for last 1 day. On examination
there were signs of severe dehydration and patient was in shock. What is the likely diagnosis?
a) Typhoid
b) Amoebic dysentery
c) Cholera
Key: True: c

d) Food poisoning
e) Giardiasis

18. In a shanty town of Karachi where intermittent water supply system existing a woman noticed
lots of mosquitoes which were black and spotted around the water tank. Keeping in mind this
situation which disease is likely to be seen in this family?

a) Dengue
b) Yellow fever
c) Malaria
Key: True: a

d) Filariasis
e) Encephalitis

19. A mother brought her infant to a doctor and told him about the severe itching and
restlessness at night. Examination revealed presence of burrows and vesicles especially on sides
of fingers and finger webs
a) Scabies
b) Insect bite
c) Prickly heat
Key: True: a

d) Ring worm
e) Onchocerciasis

20. After an epidemic of measles in a village near Taxila, some children reported with history of
weight loss and blindness, from corneal scarring. The most likely cause of this complication is
deficiency of
a) Vitamin K
b) Vitamin D
c) Vitamin A
Key: True: c

d) Vitamin C
e) Vitamin B12

21. An outbreak of measles occurred in rural areas surrounding the District Rawalpindi. The local
Government planned mass immunization of children against measles. Immunity conferred by
measles vaccine last for
a) 1 year
b) 5 years
c) 10 years
Key: True: e

d) 15 years
e) Life long

22. In a day care centre a child was having measles. In the centre the children between the ages
of 9-12 months can be protected against measles with measles vaccine, provided that this is given
with in
a) 1 day of exposure
b) 3 days of exposure
c) 5 days of exposure

Key: True: b

d) 7 days of exposure
e) 10 days of exposure

23. A pregnant lady reported to ante natal clinic with signs and symptoms of Rubella during 28th
week of gestation. She was insisting for the induction of labor because of fear of congenital
malformations of fetus. She was told by the doctor that Rubella does not cause major
abnormalities of fetus after
a) 8th week of pregnancy
b) 12th week of pregnancy
c) 16th week of pregnancy
Key: True: c

d) 20th week of pregnancy

e) 24th week of pregnancy

24. A 7 years old child presented with sore throat low grade fever rash on face and posterior
auricular and cervical lymphadenopathy. The most probable diagnosis is
a) Chicken pox
b) Small pox
c) Measles
Key: True: d

d) Rubella
e) Mumps

25. You are performing the duties of Airport Medical Officer. An Aircraft has landed from Africa
and you found that one of the passengers is not having the vaccination certificate against yellow
fever. What would you suggest for him?

Quarantine for 10 days
Isolation for 1 month
Passive immunization with non-specific immunoglobulin

Key: True: b
26. A neonate presented in pediatric emergency on 8th day of birth with high grade fever, locked
jaw and stiffness of whole body. Mother gave history of home delivery in a village and application
of cow dung on the umbilical stump. She gave no history of T.T during pregnancy. The most
probable diagnosis is:
a) Encephalitis
b) Meningitis
c) Tetanus neonatarum
Key: True: c

d) Epilepsy
e) Cerebral malaria

27. A 25 years lady was brought in gynae emergency of PIMS hospital at Islamabad with high
grade fever, stiffness of whole body and locked jaw. Her mother gave the history that she got an

abortion done at 8th week from a local Dai 3 days back. The per-vaginal examination revealed
foul smelling purulent discharge. What is the most probable diagnosis?
a) Puerperal tetanus
b) PID
c) UTI
Key: True: a

d) Strychnine poisoning
e) Vaginal diphtheria

28. A 3rd year MBBS student of FJMC presented in ENT OPD with complaint of sore throat, pain
of swallowing & low grade fever examination revealed erythema on the pharynx and a whitish
membrane on the pharynx extending to the left tonsil. The doctor diagnosed her as a case of
diphtheria. What do you suggest minimum isolation period:

Six daily negative throat and nasal swabs report

Till the signs & symptoms settle down
One week course of antibiotic
For days
Till complete blood picture becomes normal

Key: True: a
29. A disease outbreak occurred in India last year. Many patients either presented with enlarged
painful lymph nodes or pneumonia with high grade fever and toxicity. High mortality due to
pneumonia was also reported. The likely epidemic is:
a) Dengue
b) Plague
c) Filariasis
Key: b

d) Yellow fever
e) Malaria

30. A mother brought her child with history of paroxysmal cough and restlessness. On
examination he showed a loud inspiratory sound and sub-conjuctival haemorrhagic On the basis
of clinical presentation what should be the drug of choice:
a) Erythromycin
b) Ampicillin
c) Tetracycline
Key: a

d) Sulphadiazine
e) Co- trimoxazole

31. A 40 year old tuberculosis patient on ATT for the last two months presented to his physician
with complaints of tingling, numbness and loss of peripheral sensation. The likely anti
tuberculosis drug to have caused these symptoms is:

a) Isoniazid
b) Rifampicin
c) Streptomycin
Key: a

d) Pyrazinamide
e) Ethambutol

32. 10 years old boy presented with high grade fever, chills, aches, cough and generalized
weakness. He was diagnosed as a case of influenza. The most dreaded complication is:
a) Encephalitis
b) Pneumonia
c) Toxic shock syndrome
Key: b

d) Reyes syndrome
e) Sub-Conjunctival hemorrhages

33. A patient comes to medical OPD with complaints of continuous fever and abdominal pain for
ten days. His blood culture shows S. typhi. The doctor decided to admit him in medical ward and
the patient should be isolated till:

Six stool cultures become negative

Three stool culture become negative
Three blood culture become negative
One stool culture become negative
Patient become afebrile

Key: b
34. On routine investigation of mess workers of girls hostel, Dr. Sarah noted that two of the mess
worker showed positive stool culture for S .typhi although they were symptom free. They require:

No treatment
Isolation only
Quinolones for 1 week
Ampicillin plus probenecid for 1 week

Key: d
35. A 22 years old married non pregnant woman developed rubella infection. In order to avoid
congenital rubella syndrome in her pregnancy she should be given:
a) Antibiotics
b) Active immunization
c) Nonspecific immunization

d) Advice to avoid conception for 12

e) Anti viral therapy

Key: d
36. A 40 years old man was diagnosed as a case of TB 4 weeks ago. He has been taking ATT for
the last 3 weeks. His sputum analysis showed AFB on follow up investigation. Such a case of TB is
known as:
a) Failure case
b) Newer case
c) Defaulter
Key: b

d) Transfer out
e) Resistant

37. A primigravida presented in Medical OPD at 39 weeks of gestation with dew drop rash on the
body for 1 day she was diagnosed as having chicken pox she was told that her baby is at higher
risk of having:
a) Low birth weight
b) Microcephaly
c) Atrophied limbs
Key: d

d) Varicella infections
e) Cutaneous scars

38. A 17 year old boy was brought in emergency department with symptoms of acute
encephalopathy. He was admitted in ICU, initial investigation revealed that his liver had
undergone fatly degeneration. His father gave history of rash on his body. Most likely he suffered
a) Measles
b) Rubella
c) Chicken pox
Key: c

d) Mumps
e) Cutaneous diphtheria

39. After serial sonography it was told to the apparently healthy pregnant woman that her baby
is microcephalic and of low birth weight she gave no important medical history of note except
mild febrile illness with rapidly disappearing rash in 2nd month of pregnancy. Most likely she
suffered from:
a) Chicken pox
b) German measles
c) Measles
Key: b

d) Cutaneous diphtheria
e) Malaria

40. 4 years old girl was having fever, cough with a characteristic whoop. She was diagnosed as a
case of whooping cough several antibodies are effective they are important as they:

a) Reduce the frequency of spasm

b) Control severity of disease
c) Shorten the illness
Key: d

d) Control secondary bacterial infection

e) Prevent carrier state

1. 10 years old boy was brought to a rural health centre with probable history of snake bite 12
hours back. On examination of the wound, multiple small punctured lesions with a mild swelling
were observed; no other local & systemic signs of envenomation were found, but the patient was
very anxious. The management for this emergency is:

Polyvalent anti-snake venom serum

Anti-rabies vaccine

Key: True: b
2. A 30 years old lady is bitten by a snake. She complains of giddiness, lethargy, muscular
weakness and spreading paralysis. The type of snake involved is:
a) Sea snake
b) Green pit viper
c) Elapid snake
Key: True: c

d) Bamboo snake
e) Russells viper

3. A 7 years old child reported to a private hospital with history of snake bite. On examination
there were petechial hemorrhages and bleeding from rectum. The toxic principal in snake venom
responsible for those signs is:
a) Proteolysin
b) Neurotoxin
c) Cholinesterase
Key: True: e

d) Hyaluronidase
e) Thromboplastin

4. A case of snake bite was brought to a basic health unit. According to the American Red Cross
the immediate step to be taken is:
a) Ice packing
b) Apply tourniquet

c) Give incisions in the wound

d) Immobilize the bitten area

e) Give electric shock.

Key: True: d
5. 45 Years old man was brought to emergency department of hospital with history of snake bit.
There was intense local pain, swelling and ecchymosis at site of bit few hours later bleeding
started from the gums, followed by coma and death. The most probable cause of death is:
a) Respiratory paralysis
b) Circulatory collapse
c) Renal failure
Key: True: b

d) Sepsis
e) Pulmonary embolism

6. 45 Years old man was brought to emergency department of hospital with history of snake bit
there was intense local pain, swelling and ecchymosis at site of bit few hours later bleeding
started from the gums, followed by coma and death. The type of snake involved is:
a) Sea snake
b) Common krait
c) Green pit viper
Key: c

d) Cobra
e) Elapid snake

1. Six of the ten family members living in a single room house complain of intense itching with
scratching in axillae, groin & bands; it is more marked at night. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Scabies
b) Dermatitis
c) Eczema
Key: True: a

d) Psoriasis
e) Dermatosis

1. Six of the ten family members living in a single room house complain of intense itching with
scratching in axillae, groin and hands; it is more marked at night. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Scabies
b) Dermatitis
c) Eczema
Key: True: a

d) Psoriasis
e) Dermatosis

3. In a house consisting of two living rooms, the door and windows are facing each other. This
will provide:

a) Low humidity
b) Aspiration
c) Cross ventilation
Key: True: c

d) Diffusion
e) Acoustic discomfort

4. A 12 members family was living in a house consisting of two rooms. Which disease is most
likely to be common in the given situation?
a) Asthma
b) Tuberculosis
c) C Bronchus
Key: True: b

d) Cystic fibrosis
e) Emphysema

5. A 5 member family was residing in a small house. The available floor space to one person was
30 sq. ft. The problem which is more likely to be associated with this available space is:
a) Psychosocial
b) Malnutrition
c) Typhoid
Key: True: a

d) Enterobius vermicularis
e) Malaria

1. If a child presents with protein energy malnutrition showing signs of loss of subcutaneous fat
and weight reduction. The level of prevention suggested at this point is:

Primordial prevention
Health promotion
Specific protection
Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
Disability limitation & rehabilitation

Key: True: e
2. A child of 1 year presents with muscle wasting, loss of subcutaneous fat with no signs of edema
and weight below 60% of WHO standard. The mother gives history of not giving enough proteins
and other nutrients to the child after six months of age. The likely diagnosis is:
a) Kwashiorkor
b) Marasmus
c) Marasmus & kwashiorkor
Key: True: b

d) Under nutrition
e) Vitamin B1 deficiency

3. A weight conscious pregnant woman wants information about her requirement of calories per
day during pregnancy. You suggest an increase of:
a) 250 kcal
b) 450 kcal
c) 350 kcal
Key: True: c

d) 550 kcal
e) 650 kcal

4. A 5 years old child complains of poor vision at night with no other refractive error. He is likely
to be benefited by:

Cod liver oil capsules

Oral antibiotics
Eye drops containing antibiotics
Suitable eyeglasses
Intra ocular lens replacement

Key: True: a
5. A strict vegetarian, Raj Gopal - 23 years old foreign student in WMC is having lethargy, easy
fatigue and palpitations. He is found to have macrocytic anemia on blood CP. He is suffering from
deficiency of vitamin:
a) A
b) B1
c) B6
Key: True: d

d) B12
e) D

6. A lady brought her 8 years old child to a doctor. She complained that her child was unable to
see things properly at night: child had been having diahrroea off and on. Which vitamin deficiency
is most likely in this child?
a) A
b) B
c) D
Key: True: a

d) E
e) K

7. 2 years old child was brought to the emergency department. He was having convulsions. On a
rapid general physical examination kyphoscoliosis was discovered X-ray showed swollen lower
end of radius. What is the likely diagnosis?
a) Osteomalacia

b) Keratomalacia

c) Rickets
d) Pellagra
Key: True: c

e) Beriberi

8. A Pakistani physician went to work in South Africa. A woman reported with diarrhoea On
examination she was found to have glossitis and stomatitis. Her detailed investigations revealed
presence of anemia. She was diagnosed as a case of Niacin deficiency. The likely food to have
caused this deficiency state is:
a) Legumes
b) Maize
c) Whole wheat
Key: True: b

d) Raw rice
e) Pearl millets

9. A chronic alcoholic was complaining of loss of appetite and pain in lower legs. On examination
his gate was ataxia. He is suffering from deficiency of:
a) Niacin
b) Thiamine
c) Riboflavin
Key: True: b

d) Folate
e) Pantothenic acid

10. A patient of pulmonary tuberculosis was put on anti-tuberculosis therapy. He was given
Rifampicin, INH, Ethambutol and Pyrazinamide He should be advised to have a supplement of:
a) Niacin
b) Pyridoxine
c) Riboflavin
Key: True: b

d) Thiamine
e) Pantothenic acid

11. A pregnant lady comes to Gynae OPD complaining about increasing lethargy and shortness
of breath. On examination she is found to have glossitis. Her blood CP reveals macrocytic anemia.
The most likely deficiency which has caused this condition is:
a) Folic acid
b) Pantothenic acid
c) Vitamin B6
Key: True: a

d) Niacin
e) Thiamine

12. A 30 years old lady was brought to the hospital with strong labour pains for the last 3 hours
and no progress. She was found to have pelvic deformities which lead to cephalopelvic

disproportion. The baby was delivered by a cesarean section. The woman is likely to have
suffered from the deficiency of:
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B
e) Vitamin K

c) Vitamin C
d) Vitamin D

Key: True: d
13. A person who subsisted on taking maize only for many years reported to a health facility with
the signs of glossitis. His history suggested frequent attacks of diarrhea and memory loss. The
likely condition is:
a) Pellagra
b) Riboflavin deficiency
c) Beri Beri
Key: True: a

d) Iron deficiency
e) Protein malnutrition

14. Strictly vegetarian Hindu teacher presented with lower limbs weakness. His examination
revealed upper motor neuron signs in lower limbs. His blood CP showed macrocytic anemia. He
is probably suffering from deficiency of vitamin:
a) A
b) B6
c) B12
Key: True: c

d) B1
e) D

15. 15 years old boy living in Murree is having swelling in the neck, Apart from weakness and
constipation; there are no other complaints at present. He is likely to be suffering from deficiency
a) Calcium
b) Fluorine
c) Iodine
Key: True: c

d) Iron
e) Sodium

16. A dental surgeon appointed in a rural health centre reports an increased incidence of dental
caries in the people of that area. Research team confirmed that water supply of that area is
deficient in:
a) Chloride
b) Sodium

c) Calcium
d) Fluoride

e) Zinc
Key: True: d
17. The non-clinical Vit-A deficiency is more common as compared to the clinical, threatening the
health of as many as one third of the worlds children. The best proxy indicator of this is:

Infant mortality rate

Maternal mortality rate
Literacy rate
Proportion of the rural population
Specialized medical care

Key: True: a
18. A 4 year old child was brought in Pediatric OPD with complaint of inability to see at night for
the last few days, Pediatrician suspected deficiency of vitamin. Although the clinical signs of
vitamin A deficiency are rare, but if occurred, what would be the first clinical sign?
a) Retinal detachment
b) Conjuctival xerosis
c) Bitot spot
Key: True: b

d) Corneal xerosis
e) Keratomalacia

19. In a Madrasa of a remote area, 14 girls of 9 years of age were residing to memorize Quran
Pak. They were treated well but they observed strict Purdah and were never allowed to visit
outside. On returning home after 5 years, 10 of them were short stature. The most likely reason
of being short statured:
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B12
c) Vitamin C
Key: True: d

d) Vitamin D
e) Vitamin K

21. Researches decided to study the impact of iodized salt programme especially in hilly areas of
Pakistan. They had chosen the most sensitive indicator for monitoring environmental iodine
deficiency which was:
a) Prevalence of goiter
b) Prevalence of myxedema
c) Prevalence of neonatal

d) Urinary iodine excretion

e) Prevalence of cretinism

Key: True: c
22. Government of Pakistan has accepted iron fortification to reduce prevalence of anemia; it has
recently been decided to fortify:
a) Salt
b) Flour
c) Sugar
Key: True: b

d) Skimmed dried milk

e) Banaspati ghee

23. Flourosis develops when water fluoride content is above 15mg/lit but it has been observed
after different studies that this flourosis can also develop in people whose staple diet is:
a) Wheat
b) Rice
c) Jowar
Key: True: c

d) Bajra
e) Maize

24. At 1:00 pm a mother got a phone call from the school to pick her son who was a student of
III class, as he was having excessive vomiting. The child was taken immediately to the Hospital
where he admitted that he had taken ice-cream in lunch break at 11:30 am. Most likely he was
suffering from food poisoning due to:
a) Salmonella
b) Shigella
c) Staph aureus
Key: True: c

d) Vibrio cholera
e) Clostridium botulism

25. Researchers surveyed the causes of vitamin D deficiency and its geographic distribution. They
found that exposure to ultra violet rays is crucial for its adequacy, which when get excessively
filtered by the skin result in its deficiency. This deficiency is more common in:
a) Asians
b) Mongoloids
c) Black Africans
Key: True: c

d) Europeans
e) Americans

26 38 years old man looking Jaundiced presented in emergency with bruises and hematuria.
History revealed that he was having cholestatic Jaundice leading to vitamin K deficiency which
had ultimately resulted in markedly decreased:
a) Prothrombin

b) Serotonin

c) Arachidonic acid
d) Platelet derived growth factors
Key: True: a

e) Von willebrand factor

27. District health officer visited local general stores in Gujranwala District. He found certain substandard products, Turmeric was found to be containing lead chromate powder and Coriander,
cow dung. He reported to the health authorities that the foods in Gujranwala district are:
a) Intoxicated
b) Fortified
c) Adulterated
Key: True: c

d) Infected
e) Containing additives

28. 40 years old Bank officer was told to be having illeocecal Tuberculosis (Bovine after thorough
investigation. He told the physician that he had no body infected with tuberculosis in the family,
but he was told by the Doctor that he acquired this infection from:
a) Infected milk
b) Infected client
c) Contaminated vessel
Key: True: a

d) Polluted water
e) Intake of raw vegetables

29. An obese lady accountant working in POF hospital Wah Cantt came to the dietician there and
took advice for a balanced diet. Dietician told that important point for prudent diet is that:

Dietary fat should be limited to 20-30% of total intake

Unsaturated fats should be less than 10%
Avoidance of complex carbohydrates
Proteins should account for 50-60% of diet
Saturated fats should be substituted for fat requirement

Key: True: a
30. A man belonging to a poor community presents with diarrhea and dermatitis. He also shows
signs of personality and memory dysfunction. His history suggests that his staple diet is maize.
The likely diagnosis is:
a) Pellagra
b) Korsakoffs psychosis
c) Vitamin B12 deficiency
Key a

d) Riboflavin deficiency
e) Biotin deficiency

31. Riboflavin is an important group of water soluble vitamin. Cereals and pulses are relatively
good sources of Riboflavin. Most common lesion associated with Riboflavin, which can also be
used as an index of state of nutrition of group of children is:
a) Diahrroea
b) Follicular keratosis
c) Angular stomatitis
Key: c

d) Dementia
e) Dermatitis

32. A four year old child presented in an OPD with signs of edema on limbs, blond sparse hair and
dermatosis. His weight was 70% of the standard for his age. The likely condition is:
a) Nephrotic syndrome
b) Marasmus
c) Seborrhoeic dermatitis
Key: e

d) Wet beriberi
e) Kwashiorkor

33. A chronic alcoholic was complaining of loss of appetite and pain in lower legs. On examination
his gate was ataxia. He is suffering from deficiency of:
a) Niacin
b) Thiamine
c) Riboflavin
Key: b

d) Folate
e) Pantothenic acid

34. A mother brought her six years old child to Eye OPD with history of night blindness. She told
that the baby suffered from measles 6 months ago. Examination revealed corneal scarring. The
doctor should suspect deficiency of:
a) Vitamin C
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin D
Key: B

d) Vitamin B
e) Vitamin E

35. Riboflavin is an important group of water soluble vitamin. Cereals and pulses are relatively
good sources of Riboflavin. Most common lesion associated with Riboflavin deficiency, which can
also be used as an index of state of nutrition of group of children is:
a) Cheilosis
b) Glossitis
c) Angular stomatitis
Key: c

d) Nosolabial dyssberia
e) dermatitis

1. A 40 years old executive who smokes three packs of cigarettes a day comes to your office for
his routine health maintenance assessment. He states that he would like to quit smoking but he
is having great difficulty. He has tried three times before, but he says pressure at work mounted
up and I just had to go back to smoking. Of the following factors which is the most important
factor in determining the failure of smoking cessation.
a) 40 years age
b) Numbers of cigarettes
c) Stress at work
Key: True: d

d) Halfhearted attempts to quit

e) Type A Personality

2. A 40 years old executive who smokes three packs of cigarettes a day comes to your office for
his routine health maintenance assessment. He states that he would like to quit smoking but he
is having great difficulty. He has tried three times before, but he says pressure at work mounted
up and I just had to go back to smoking. He just had to go back to smoking, the content of
cigarette for this relapse is:
a) Nicotine level
b) Tar content of the cigarette
c) Aldehyde
Key: True: a

d) Ketone
e) Carboxylic acid

3. A 40 years old executive who smokes three packs of cigarettes a day comes to your office for
his routine health maintenance assessment. He states that he would like to quit smoking but he
is having great difficulty. He has tried three times before, but he says pressure at work mounted
up and I just had to go back to smoking. The most suitable method to increase long term smoking
abstinence is:
a) Nicotine chewing gum
b) Sedation
c) Daily injection of Nicotine
Key: True: a

d) Pan chewing
e) Anxiolytic

4. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of acquiring cancer of:

a) Liver
b) Bones
c) Ovaries
Key: True:

d) Uterus
e) Esophagus

1. 5 students of 4th year of Wah Medical College are doing research on risk factors and their
perception among patients of coronary heart disease. They have observed that risk factor which
is most significantly associated with the incidence of CHD is:
a) Hypertension
b) High serum cholesterol
c) Alcoholism
Key: True: b

d) Decreased physical activity

e) Cigarette smoking

2. 20 years old gentleman presented to the emergency department with history of abdominal
pain an after words loss of consciousness. His mother told that he was having polydipsia,
polyphagia for last few days. His blood sugar was 700 mg/dL & urinary ketones were positive.
The likely diagnosis is:
a) Hyperosmolar coma
b) Diabetic ketoacidosis
c) Diabetes Mellitus type 2
Key: True: b

d) Diabetes insipidus
e) Vasovagal syncope

3. 45 years old male morbidly obese presented with history of polyuria & polydipsia. His blood
sugar is 240 mg/dL. Most likely diagnosis is:

Diabetes Mellitus type 1

Diabetes Mellitus type 2
Maturity onset diabetes of young
Diabetes insipidus (neurogenic)
Diabetes insipidus (nephrogenic)

Key: True: b
4. 80 years old gentleman presented with sudden loss of consciousness. He is diabetic on oral
hypoglycemic drugs. He has skipped his breakfast today. The first laboratory investigation would
a) Blood sugar level
b) ECG
c) Glycosylated hemoglobin
Key: True: a

d) EEG
e) Urinary glucose

5. 45 years old gentleman presents with a two week history of polydipsia, polyuria. He is found
to have a random glucose of 200 mg/dL. There are no ketones in the urine. Most suitable for this
man is that he should be:

On regular hypoglycomics
Reassured & reassessed after 2 months
On restricted diet & reassessed after 10 days
Admitted to hospital
Immediately on Insulin therapy

Key: True: c
6. 49 years old black African male smoker with positive family history of hypertension presented
with history of constant headache. His blood pressure was 140/90 mg hg. The modifiable risk
factor in this particular case is:
a) Male sex
b) African race
c) Positive family history
Key: True: d

d) Smoking
e) Age

7. An 80 kg 50 years old gentleman is found to have BP of 135/80 mm of Hg. The most important
step included in primary prevention of hypertension in this patient is to:
a) Advise lipid profile
b) Reduce weight
c) Ensure patient compliance
Key: True: b

d) Take antihypertensive treatment

e) Have monthly follow up

8. 45 years old hypertensive bank manager is used to high salt intake in food. Which type of salt
would be less harmful for this man?
a) Fluoride
b) Potassium
c) Chromium
Key: True: b

d) Manganese
e) Bromium

9. Use of oral contraceptives by women smokers over 35 years of age is associated with increased
risk of:
a) Cervical cancer
b) Breast carcinoma

c) Chronic bronchitis
d) Coronary heart disease

e) Peripheral neuropathy
Key: True: d
10. A forty years old woman presents with an ovarian cyst; you want to screen her for breast
cancer before suggesting any hormonal treatment. What will you advise?
a) Chest radiograph
b) Mammography
c) Biopsy of breast
Key: True: b

d) Blood levels of progesterone

e) Tumor markers

11. During a health education session about non communicable diseases in a female community;
you will inform that genetics and family history make a woman more prone to have:
a) Cataract
b) Stroke
c) Breast cancer
Key: True: c

d) Oral cancer
e) Liver cirrhosis

12. Epidemiologist linked prevalence of carcinomas mostly related with parasitic and viral
infections, in developing countries due to bad hygienic conditions. During the research strong
linkage was proposed between carcinoma cervix and:
a) Cytomegalovirus
b) Human papilloma virus
c) Epstein bar virus
Key: True: b

d) Helicobacter pylori
e) Scistosoma Hematobium

13. Dietary factors have a strong influence on the development of carcinomas. A research article
was read in Marriott Islamabad regarding this fact and gastric carcinoma was linked with:
a) High fat intake
b) Beef consumption
c) Smoked fish
Key: True: d

d) Presence of nitrosamines
e) High dietary fiber content

14. Japan has low incidence of prostate cancer as compared to the incidence in US. The incidence
of carcinoma prostate decrease in Japanese when migrate to U.S. This support:
a) Nutritional effect
b) Environmental effect
c) Genetic effect

d) Metabolic effect
e) Occupational effect

Key: True: b
15. Japan has low incidence of prostate cancer as compared to the incidence in US. The incidence
of carcinoma prostate in Japanese did not change with their migration to the U.S. It supported:
a) Nutritional effect
b) Environmental effect
c) Genetic effect
Key: True: c

d) Metabolic effect
e) Metabolic effect

16. A 10 years old boy presented with complaints of fever, accompanied by profuse sweating for
the last 1 week. He also complained of multiple joint pains. Serum ASO titre was increase. The
likely diagnosis is:
a) Malaria
b) Dengue
c) Hepatitis B
Key: d

d) Rheumatic fever
e) Ricketts

17. Cancer registration is important for any cancer control program. It provides a base for
assessing the magnitude of problem and for planning the necessary action. If the size for a
population based case registry is 6 million it is considered to be:
a) Inadequate
b) Very small
c) Adequate
Key: c

d) Very large
e) Unusually large

18. A 35 years old man hypertensive, smoker and having positive family history of diabetes and
obesity suddenly became unconscious. CT scan was suggestive of hemorrhagic stroke. The main
risk factor of stroke in this case is:
a) Hypertension
b) Diabetes
c) Obesity
Key: a

d) Smoking
e) Age

19. A 40 years old woman taking oral anti-diabetics for last 5 years, with poor control of blood
sugar presented to physician for routine checkup. The test which provides a long term index of
glucose control in this case would be:
a) Standard oral glucose test


Random blood sugar

Glycosylated hemoglobin
Urine sugar examination
Fasting blood sugar examination

Key: c
20. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in developed countries. It is regarded as a modern
slow epidemic. The most common site of cancer in men and women in the world is:
a) Lung
b) Stomach
c) Colorectal
Key: a

d) Liver
e) Oral cavity

21. A 45 years old man has weight of 70 kg and height of 1.6 m. His BMI is 27.3. He is:
a) Under weight
b) Normal weight
c) Over weight
Key: c

d) Obese
e) Severely obese


1. A 25 years old female presented to a Gyaenacologist with complains of severe lower abdominal
pain, dyspareunia and intermenstrual bleeding. On examination cervix was inflamed with
mucopurulent discharge and contact bleeding. The most likely cause is:
a) Staphylococcus aureus
b) Gonococcus
c) Chlamydia
Key: b

d) Trichomonas
e) Treponema palidum

2. A 23 years old woman presented to a doctor with complaints of vaginal itching. On speculum
examination it revealed white cheesy discharge adherent to walls of vagina with vaginal
inflammation. The most likely causative organism is:
a) Candida albicans
b) Trichomonas vaginalis
c) Gardnerella sp.
Key: a

d) Condyloma accuminatum
e) Treponema palidum

3. A sexually active female of age 23 years presented to a lady doctor with complaints of
tenderness around the external genitals and high grade fever for the last 2 to 3 days. On
examination it revealed small tender ulcers around urethra, vagina and perianal are inguinal
lymph nodes were enlarged and tender. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Anogenital warts
b) Genital herpes simplex
c) Genital molluscum contagiosum
Key: b

d) HIV
e) Vega bonds

4. A young man presented to a doctor in the emergency of Agha Khan Hospital Karachi with
bilateral purulent conjunctivitis and high grade temperature, he gave the history of returning
from Far East country where he had a sexual contact. On examination there was swelling of eye
lids and conjunctiva and copious purulent discharge. On laboratory smear diplococcic were seen;
these are:
a) Streptococci
b) Gonococci
c) Staphylococci
Key: b

d) Meningococci
e) H. influenzae

5. A 34 years old woman presented in the emergency department to a lady doctor with painful
vulvar ulceration. On examination the ulcer had irregular margins with undermined edges. The
ipsilateral inguinal lymph nodes were swollen and tender. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Syphilis
b) Herpes
c) Chancroid
Key: c

d) Lymphogranuloma venereum
e) HIV

6. A 25 years old married woman came to a lady doctor with complaints of vaginal discharge with
fishy odor and is particularly noticeable following coitus. On examination there was white
homogenous discharge in vagina with no inflammation. The most likely diagnosis is:
a) Candida albicans
b) Bacterial vaginosis
c) Trichomona vaginalis
Key: b


d) HIV
e) Normal post-coital discharge

1. A school child is diagnosed to have chicken pox. He should be isolated from other school
children till:

The scabs fall off

Two days after the scabs are formed
Three days after the fever develops
Five days after the development of pustules
Seven days after the development of pustules

Key: True: a
2. Kyphosis and scoliosis occur in school children with the use of:
a) Zero desk
b) Minus desk
c) Zero and plus desk, both
Key: True:

d) Zero and minus desk, both

e) Plus desk

3. A teacher of 4th class brought her student to the school medical officer with complaints of
gum bleeding and subcutaneous bruising for last few days. The student looked very pal The
clinical picture represents deficiency of:
a) Tocopherol
b) Ascorbic acid
c) Thiamine
Key: b

d) Pyridoxine
e) Cyanocobalamin

4. A child of 6 presented to school medical officer with complains of fever, malaise and painful
swallowing. On examination a diffuse swelling was observed on the sides of the face below and
in-front of the ears. The doctor diagnosed him as a case of mumps. What is the most appropriate
management for him?
a) Analgesics only
b) Active and passive immunization
c) Passive immunization
Key: e

d) Antibiotics only
e) Rest, analgesics and balanced diet

5. In a health education programme conducted at school about deficiency of micronutrients

leading to various infections and high mortality. To avoid susceptibility of children to infection
the vitamin supplement to be emphasized more is:
a) B1

b) B2

c) A
d) D
Key: c

e) K


1. A 40 years old man was brought to hospital by his brother for gastritis. He also reported his
brothers dependence on a substance. On examination he had signs of peripheral neuropathy
and cirrhosis of liver. The likely abused substance is:
a) Alcohol
b) Cannabis
c) Caffeine
Key: True: a

d) Tobacco
e) Cocaine

2. Another name for supermans drug is:

a) Nicotine
b) Amphetamine
c) Ethyl alcohol
Key: True: b

d) Cocaine
e) Marijuana

3. Self-administration of drugs for non-medical reason in frequency and quantities that may
impair an individuals ability to function effectively and may result in physical, social and
emotional harm is best defined as:
a) Drug abuse
b) Drug dependence
c) Drug tolerance
Key: a

d) Drug addiction
e) Hang over effect

1. Which one of the following is required for the direct method of standardization?

Age specific death rates of the populations being compared

Number of persons in each age group of the compared population
Crude mortality comparison of standard population with the normal population
Life expectancy of the compared populations
Proportionate mortality of compared populations

Key: True: a

2. Which of the following rates is the most useful measure for comparing mortality of two
a) Standardized death rate
b) Infant mortality rate
c) Crude death rate
Key: True: a

d) Cause -specific death rate

e) Proportional mortality rate

3. Standardized mortality rate are different from crude mortality rate because of difference in:

Recording of deaths
Utilization of health services
Places of residence
Age Composition of population being compared
Prevalence of diseases and health related problems

Key: True: d
4. When a researcher wants to prove an association between a particular food and skin cancer it
is likely to be rejected for not having:
a) Specificity
b) Consistency
c) Coherence
Key: e

d) Strength of an association
e) Biological plausibility

5. If the association between two variables given by one researcher is replicated by other
researchers too, then it has
a) Specificity
b) Consistency
c) Coherence
Key: True: b

d) Temporal sequence
e) Biological plausibility

6. Smoking results in many diseases other than lung cancer particularly, if it indicates causal
association which characteristic it lacks?
a) Specificity
b) Strength of association
c) Coherence
Key: True: a

d) Consistency
e) Temporal sequence

7. An uneducated man of 30, working in a cement industry, exhibiting bad personal hygiene,
presents with acute diarrhea and dehydration. Many factors can play a role in this condition but
the likely host factor to have caused this condition is:
a) Age
b) Sex
c) Education
Key: True: e

d) Occupation
e) Bad personal hygiene

8. 10 cases of food poisoning had been reported in hospital, 2 out of these developed mild
gastrointestinal symptoms, 4 developed moderate dehydration but recovered and 2 succumbed
to the disease. The characteristic of the organism of food poisoning that produces the severest
form of the disease is:
a) Infectivity
b) Pathogenicity
c) Virulence
Key: True: c

d) Communicability
e) Resistibility

9. Shortly after a dormitory barbeque at Wah medical college, students came back to their rooms
and most of them (62 out of 74 students) experienced acute vomiting and diarrhea. This epidemic
may be labeled as:
a) Point source
b) Propagative
c) Multiple exposure common source
Key: True: a

d) Slow epidemic
e) Pandemic

10. Ten days after a measles outbreak in Wah Cantt, several elementary school children became
symptomatic. Subsequently, additional cases were found among friends and families of the
infected students. This epidemic may be known as
a) Point source
b) Propagative
c) Common source
Key: True: b

d) Pandemic
e) Vector borne

11. After returning home from a family planning clinical, Dr. Saeed noticed a slight itching
between his fingers. Within 2 days his wife had similar itching, as did his son one day later. This
epidemic (scabies) may be classified as:
a) Point source

b) Indirect transmission

c) Common source
d) Serial transmission
Key: True: d

e) Vehicle borne transmission

12. If an epidemiologist while investigating an epidemic makes a graph to plot distribution of

cases of a disease by time of onset and gets a polymodal distribution curve. The most likely
disease is:
a) Salmonellosis
b) Staphylococcal food poisoning
c) Measles

d) Typhoid
e) Hepatitis A
f) Key: True: c

13. Public Policies in Pakistan aim at avoiding the underlying reasons for the development of
environmental and atmospheric concentration of SO2 to protect the health of peopl It?s an
example of:
a) Primordial
b) Primary
c) Secondary
Key: True: a

d) Rehabilitation
e) Screening

14. The number of deaths due to diarrhoea, total cases of measles, total number of accidents and
the total number of drug addicts were to be reported by a researcher. The best title given to all
of this data would be:
a) Mortality data
b) Morbidity data
c) Case fatality rate
Key: True: e

d) Addiction rate
e) Health related data

1. A 30 years old man resident of central London presented to a Pakistan doctor working in king
George hospital central London with complain of nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain for 1 day.
He gave the history of a worm in stool with segmented body. Detailed history showed that he is
a non-vegetarian and parks is the main food constituent most probably the worm passed in stool
a) Ancylostoma duodenale
b) Ascaris lumbricoides
c) T. sollium
Key: True: c

d) T. saginata
e) Enterobius vermicularis

2. A 30 years old man presented in urology OPD with complains of haematuria at the end of
micturition not associated with pain, urgency or frequency urine R/E was suggested of
haematuria. Microscopic examination of the urine revealed presence of oval shaped eggs. Most
probably he is suffering form:
a) Vesical calculus
b) Carcinoma bladder
c) Urinary schistosomiasis
Key: True: c

d) Trichomonas vaginalis infections

e) Renal cell carcinoma

3. The only reservoir of Ascaris lumbricoides (round worm) is:

a) Dogs
b) Cattle
c) Man
Key: True: c

d) Birds
e) Fish

4. A mother brings her four year old child to a doctor with a complaint of intense perianal itching.
Despite being fed properly, he has not gained weight for the last few months. The likely condition
a) Entrobiasis
b) Ascariasis
c) Scabies
Key: a

d) Ancylostomiasis
e) Filariasis

5. A patient presents with fever, rigors and chills. He complains of severe weakness and lethargy.
His blood film is positive for ring forms of protozoa. The likely diagnosis is:
a) Malaria
b) Amoebiasis
c) Balantidiasis
Key: a

d) Toxoplasmosis
e) Leishmaniasis

1. Ganja is obtained from:
a) Coca leaves
b) Poppy seeds
c) Cannabis indica
Key: c

d) Ergot alkaloid plant

e) Lathyrus sativus

2. The abused drug that causes sedation is:

a) Cocaine
b) Amphetamine
c) Opium
Key: c

d) LSD
e) Mescaline

3. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of acquiring cancer of:

a) Liver
b) Bones
c) Ovaries
Key: e

d) Uterus
e) Esophagus

4. Wearing a crash helmet to prevent head injury while riding a motor-bike refers to:
a) Specific protection
b) Health promotion
c) Early diagnosis & prompt treatment
Key: True:

d) Disability limitation
e) Rehabilitation

5. A 23 years old married woman came to the hospital in Gynae OPD with complaints of vaginal
itching and discharge. Speculum examination of vagina revealed foul smelling greenish yellow
discharge. What is the likely diagnosis?
a) Candidiasis
b) Trichomoniasis
c) Syphilis
Key: b

d) Pelvic inflammatory disease

e) Gonorrhea

6. To control the rising incidence of non-communicable diseases, legislation based on tobacco

control will be adopted to prevent onset of the risk behaviour. This prevention will be
a) Primordial
b) Health promotion
c) Specific protection
Key: a

d) Disability limitation
e) Rehabilitation

6. A mother brings her 10 year old boy to a psychiatrist. She complains that when her boy gets
close to the school, he starts getting severe pain in the abdomen which settles upon coming back.
His IQ is with in normal limits and his academic record is satisfactory. The clinical presentation is
suggestive of

a) Juvenile delinquency
b) Psychosomatic disorder
c) Mental retardation
Key: b

d) Educational difficulties
e) Habit disorder

7. A patient presented to a psychiatrist showing minor mental changes. He stated that he

experienced rebound lowering in mood in the absence of the drug that he had been taking for
constant mental stimulation. The likely drug which he had been taking is:
a) Benzodiazepines
b) Heroine
c) Methadone
Key e

d) Morphine
e) Amphetamines

1. A 30 years old man presented with complaints of loss of appetite and weight. He also admitted
his dependence on a substance. On examination he had palmar erythema and ataxic gait. The
likely abused substance is:
a) Barbiturates
b) Heroin
c) Alcohol
Key: c

d) Tobacco
e) Cocaine


1. In prevention of traffic accidents the most effective measure is:

Licensing of drivers
Provision of seat belts
Enforcement of traffic laws
Inspection of vehicles periodically
Medical inspection of drivers every six months

Key: True: c
2. October 2005 earthquake caused countless deaths. Several NGOs participated to combat the
post disaster phase and the most important point they considered in order of preference was:
a) Vaccination against infectious diseases
b) Provision of safe water and food
c) Disposal of dead bodies

d) Disposal of solid wastes

e) Vector control
Key: c
3. The approach of rapidly classifying the injured on the basis of severity of their injuries and
likelihood of their survival with prompt medical intervention after disaster is called as:
a) Search, rescue and first aid
b) Field care
c) Tagging
Key: e

d) Rehabilitation
e) Triage

4. After an earth quake disaster in Bala Kot many camps were laid for the effected people. The
latrine of choice for camps of short duration is:
a) Aqua privy
b) Trench hole
c) Pit latrine

d) Chemical closet
e) RCA latrine

1. A mother noticed that her 3 year old boy recently admitted in play group class at Lahore
grammar school was scratching his scalp for the last one week. While combing his hair she
noticed small white ovoid nits. The most effective treatment for this condition is use of topical
solution containing:
a) 0.05 % Malathion
b) DDT
c) HCH
Key: True: a

d) Mineral oil
e) Paris green

2. A medical officer working at BHU in the periphery of Baluchistan noticed that most of the
people presented with painful cutaneous ulcers on the exposed parts of the body. Almost all of
them gave history that it started as a granular nodule after some insect bit. The medical officer
realized that they had been bitten by:
a) Aedes Aegypti
b) Phelbotomus
c) Xenopsylla cheopsis
Key: b

d) Ornithotorous Moubata
e) Glossinae palpalis

3. A man reports with fever and rigors; chills and lethargy: His blood CP is positive for crescent
like structures related to a parasite involved in the above picture: Which arthropod comes to
your mind as a transmitter of this disease:
a) Mosquito
b) Louse
c) Tick
Key: a

d) Mite
e) Flea

1. A hospital wants to set up a method for sage disposal of infectious waste. They have enough
expense. What should be the best option for them?

Single chamber incinerator

Double chamber Paralytic incinerator
Microwave irradiation
Seven feed technology
Chemical disinfection

Key: b

1. In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The
results were as follows:
Present Absent
A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000
What is the incidence rate (absolute risk) of endometrial cancer among who didn?t use oral
630 / (50 + 630)

75 / (245 + 75)
50 / (50 + 630)
245 / (245 + 75)
Insufficient data
Key: True: c 50/(50 + 630)
2. In an outbreak of cholera in a village of 2,000 population, 20 cases have occurred and 5 die
Case fatality rate is:
Key: True: d
3. In a population of 1000, measles coverage is 60%, one child goes out of station and comes back
with measles from whom 20 more children get measles. Secondary attack rate of measles is:
Key: True: b
1. Total No. of children=1000
2. No. of immunized =600
3. No. of un-immunized=400
4. Primary case=1

5. Secondary attack rate=20/(400-1)=20/399 X100= 5%

4. If an epidemiologist while investigating an epidemic makes a graph to plot distribution of cases
of disease by the time of onset and gets a polymodal distribution curv The most likely disease is:
Staphylococcal food poisoning
Hepatitis A
Key: True: c
5. In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The
results were as follows:
Present Absent
A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000
What is the incidence rate (absolute risk) of endometrial cancer among women who used oral
contraceptives in person-years? If the study was carried out for five years.
630 / (680 x 5)
75 / (320 x 5)
50 / (630 x 5)
75 / (320 + 5)
245 / (320 x 5)
Key: True: e 245 / (320 x 5)

6. 10 cases of food poisoning had been reported in hospital, 2 out of these developed mild
gastrointestinal symptoms, 4 developed moderate dehydration but recovered and 2
succumbed to the diseas The characteristic of the organism of food poisoning that produces the
severest form of the disease is:
Key: True: c
7. Public Policies in Pakistan aim at avoiding the underlying reasons for the development of
environmental and atmospheric concentration of SO2 to protect the health of peopl It?s an
example of
Key: True: a
8. Influenza pandemic occurs after every 7 10 years. This kind of disease distribution in time is
known as:
Secular trend
Short time fluctuation
Cyclical trend
Seasonal trend

Key: True: c
9. In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The
results were as follows:
Present Absent
A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000
What is the relative risk in this study?
[75 / (245 + 75)] / [50 / (50 + 630)]
[75 / (245 + 75)] / [630 / (50 + 630)]
[50 / (245 + 50)] / [630 / (75 + 630)]
[245 / (245 + 75)] / [50 / (50 + 630)]
Insufficient data
Key: True: d [245 / (245 + 75)] / [50 / (50 + 630)]
10. If the age incidences curve of leukemia shows two peaks it is suggestive of bimodality.
Bimodality usually signifies:
Non homogeneity
Cluster sampling
Large number of observations
Short duration of disease
Key: True: a

11. A doctor is required to study the incidence of silicosis in a stone cutting industry, which study
design should he choose:
Ecological surveys
Case reports
Case series report
Key: True: a
12. The health statistics department revealed that the sale of anti-Asthma drugs was more in
those countries where Asthma deaths were mor This association may prove wrong when the
individual based study designs are conducte This association is an example of:
Ecological fallacy
Berkesonian bias
Indirect association
Temporal association
Specific association
Key: True: a
13. A researcher wanted to study the time sequence to prove the concept of causativity, which
design of study should be preferred by the researcher:
Case report
Case series report
Quasi experimental
Key: True: a

14. Smoking leads to esophageal carcinom Coffee intake has its effect on smoking and also
esophageal carcinom This factor can distort the results of the study which intends to prove an
association between smoking and esophageal cancer. This effect of this factor is known as:
Multiple causation
One to one relationship
Dose response relation
Strength of association
Key: True: a
15. The health authorities are launching a smoking cessation program by designing different
activities for the smokers. These are very expensive but still useful as a large proportion of lung
cancer will be eliminated if smoking is stoppe This proportion of lung cancer can be indicated by:
Relative risk
Attributable risk
Attributable fraction
Incidence density
Key: True: d
16. A researcher was studying maternal mortality in Rawalpindi District. He observed more
deaths in women who were brought to hospital and without taking other factors into account
concluded that hospital managed cases have more mortality as compared to home deliveries.
This is an example of:
Indirect association
Relative risk
Spurious association
Attributable risk
Causal association

Key: True: c
17. In 2005, Pakistan crude birth rate was 36 births per 1000 population and the crude death rate
was 9 deaths per 1000 population. What was the population growth rate of the country in that
year assuming no migrations?
2.9 %
2.8 %
2.7 %
2.6 %
2.5 %
Key: True: c
18. The changes in the size of population are indicated by five stages of demographic transition.
Pakistan is currently in the:
First stage
Second stage
Third stage
Fourth stage
Fifth stage
Key: True: b
19. The total number of people in a completed family can be estimated from:
Net reproduction rate
Gross reproduction rate
Contraception prevalence rate
Eligible couple rate
Total fertility rate
Key: True: e

20. Population size is determined by fertility, mortality and migrations. A researcher concluded
that Pakistan?s population is increasing on account of high fertility which measure did he rely
upon the most to conclude this?
Growth rate
Crude birth rate
Natural increase rate
Total fertility rate
General fertility rate
Key: True: d
21. The number of daughters a new born girl will bear during her life time assuming fixed age
specific fertility and mortality rate, refers to which one of the following?
Age specific fertility rate
Gross reproduction rate
Net reproduction rate
Total fertility rate
General fertility rate
Key: True: c
22. Keeping in mind the population pyramid of Pakistan. Which of the following features is most
Population momentum
Low migration
Higher female mortality
High literacy
Increased life expectancy
Key: True: a

23. If the total number of reported births in Rawalpindi district were 10,000 and deaths were
5,000 in the year 2007. By giving these figures we are referring to:
Absolute numbers
Crude birth rate
Growth rate
Crude death rate
Vital index
Key: True: a
24. Many women in a country are educated, independent and they work for earning their lively
hood too. When the number of males are expressed in relation with 100 females this is:
Sex ratio
Sex rate
Dependency ratio
Literacy rate
Working women ratio
Key: True: a
25. Doubling time is another way of expressing population growth. If we suppose that growth
rate of Poland remains constant at 0.08% population would be doubled in about.
800 years
870 years
875 years
880 years
890 years
Key: True: c

26. Demographic cycle has five stages and each country is allotted a different stage according to
its distribution of population. For examples if the death and birth rate of a country both are
declining then we call it as:
High stationary
Early expanding
Late expanding
Low stationary
Key: True: c
27. Diarrhoeal cases among children of an urban slum are on a ris Almost all the mothers are
illiterate and belong to lower socioeconomic class. It seems difficult to make them understand
the use of ORS. What method can provide the best solution in this scenario?
Role playing
Poster competition
Radio Programme
T.V commercials
Key: True: a
28. A school child is diagnosed to have chicken pox. He should be isolated from other school
children till:
The scabs fall off
Two days after the scabs are formed
Three days after the fever develops
Five days after the development of pustules
Seven days after the development of pustules
Key: True: a

29. In a community, identification of high risk individuals for coronary heart disease and the
prevention of risk factors is an example of:
Selective screening
Mass screening
Opportunistic screening
Key: True: d
30. In a village the persons between the ages of 30 50 years were checked for their fasting blood
sugar levels, to detect diabetes Mellitus before the appearance of signs and symptoms. The time
interval between diagnosis by early detection and diagnosis due to development of signs /
symptoms is called:
Incubation period
Lead time
Serial interval
Latent period
Generation time
Key: True: b
31. Glucose tolerance test is a useful screening test for diabetes. The ability of the test to identify
those who have the disease in question is called:
Key: True: d

32. In a population consisting of 1000 females, Gram-stained cervical smear test was performed
to detect gonorrhoe In this example the predictive value was calculated to be 47%, sensitivity
50% and specificity 90%. The diagnostic power of the test is reflected by:
Predictive value
False negative rate
Key: True: c
33. In a population under study there were 75 cases of hypertension. On further screening
another 50 cases were added to the total owing to the characteristic of the test called:
Key: True: d
34. A 22 years old boy was appointed as computer operator in a factory. During his medical
examination he was found to be HIV positiv This screening is:
Key: True: e

35. For screening of breast cancer self examination by women, mammography and fine needle
aspiration were used at the same time in PIMS Islamaba This screening is an example of:
Key: True: a
36. The yield of a screening test was increased over a period of 5 years although the trade off
between sensitivity and specificity remained the sam It is likely to have increased by increase in:
Key: True: c
37. The chest X-rays and sputum analysis for the early detection of tuberculosis constitute:
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention
Medical treatment
Primordial prevention
Key: True: b
38. With X representing the most accurate cut off point for a diagnostic screening test, what does
C represent:

False positives
True positives
False negatives
True negatives
Skewed distribution
Key: True: c
(For question 39-46 please refer to following tabl
39-46. An investigator evaluated 150 patients suffering from sore throat for streptococcal
infection. The results were as follows:
39. The ability of the test to correctly identify those who have the disease is:
Key: True: c
40. The ability of the test to correctly identify those who do not have the disease is:

Key: True: e
41. The ability of the test to correctly identify those who have the disease from all those who test
Key: True: c
42. The ability of the test to correctly identify those who do not have the disease from all those
who test negative:
Key: True: d
43. The prevalence of disease in this study is:

Key: True: a
44. The accuracy of this screening test is:
Key: True: c
45. The false-positive rate in this study is:
Key: True: a
46. The false negative rate in this study is:
Key: True: c

47. 45 Years old man was brought to emergency department of hospital with history of snake bit
There was intense local pain, swelling and ecchymosis at site of bit Few hours
later bleeding started from the gums, followed by coma and death. The type of snake involved
Sea snake
Common krait
Green pit viper
Coral snake
Key: True: c
48. A 30 years old lady is bitten by a snak She complains of giddiness, lethargy, muscular weakness
and spreading paralysis. The type of snake involved is:
Sea snake
Green pit viper
Elapid snake
Bamboo snake
Russell?s viper
Key: Tue: c
49. A 7 years old child reported to a private hospital with history of snakebit On examination
there were petechial haemaorrhages and bleeding from rectum. The toxic principal in snake
venom responsible for those signs is:

Key: True: e
50. Six of the ten family members living in a single room house complain of intense itching with
scratching in axillae, groin & hands; it is more marked at night. The most likely diagnosis is:
Key: True: a
51. While conducting a house hold survey 4th year students of Wah Medical College collected
Data of ten families regarding no of persons in four age groups <5, 5-14, 15-64, >65. They want
to present the %age distribution of different age groups. The %age can be depicted by:
Pie chart
Line diagram
Scatter diagram
Key: True: a
52. In a study about control of DM II by the oral hypoglycemics. The mean fasting blood sugar
level of 150 patients was 100mg/dl. With standard deviation of 10mg/dl. From the data FBS of
99% patients of the given sample will be in the range of:
70 130 mg/dl
80 120 mg/dl
90 110 mg/dl
100 130 mg/dl
70 100 mg/dl

Key: True: a
53. In a study involving 120 hypertensive patients at POF hospital Wah Cantt. The mean serum
cholesterol level was found 180 mg/dl with a sample variance of 25mg/dl from the data 2/3rd of
patients will have serum cholesterol mg/dl in the range of:
175 185
170 190
165 195
180 185
180 195
Key: True: a
54. 200 patients of hepatitis B got admitted in the medical unit of POF hospital Wah Cantt in the
year 2007. their serum bilirubin was don The results were as follow:
Mean = 9mg/dl
Median = 6.5mg/dl
Mode = 4 mg/dl
The distribution of bilirubin level is:
Positively skewed
Negatively skewed
Key: True: b
55. In a class of 100 students the mean height of students was 5 feet with the standard deviation
of 1 feet. The portion of students that will have height 7 feet would be:

Key: True: d
56. In 2007 a study was conducted at Wah Cantt to see the efficacy of measles vaccin 50 new
cases of measles were reported after vaccination in the year 2007. This reported data is:
Key: True: a
57. In a follow up study of five patients admitted to the coronary care unit with a diagnosis of
acute MI. The length of stay was found to be 5, 8, 3, 5 and 9 days. The arithmetic average of the
given data is:
Key: True: c
58. A study was conducted to determine the risk of DM II in over weight patients. The sample of
500 patients was taken. The weights were recorde Most of them were found obes Such type of
data can be depicted by:

Line diagram
Pie chart
Scatter diagram
Key: True: a
59. In a study conducted about the choice of oral contraceptive among women of different ages.
A sample of 100 women between the ages of 25 -45 years was taken by convenient metho Out
of 100 women, 65 women preferred OCPS. Among them 68% women were between ages of 2535years. 5% of women were between 35 -40 years. The proportion of women that will have age
between 40 45 years is.
Key: True: b
60. An FCPS part II trainee in Medicine has done a research at POF hospital to prove that NPH
insulin has better control of DM II than regular insulin. The calculated P value was 0.03, while the
standard for accepting the different was at P value of 0.05, so he rejected the null hypotheses,
what do you think of results.
Alternate hypothesis is correct
Null hypothesis is true
Sample size was small
Null hypothesis wrongly rejected
Insignificant difference
Key: True: a

61. The female students of 4th year conducted a study Perceptions of mother about neonatal
jaundice they went to paedeatric OPD and ward and took sample of 100 available mothers. Such
type of sampling technique is:
Key: True: d
62. The four blood groups A, B, O and AB were studied to compare the quantitative serologic
different among their antigenic structures. The most appropriate statistical test to make this
determination is:
T test
F test
Chi square test
Z test
Coefficient of variance
Key: True: b
63. A physician studied the association between plasma level of rennin and changes in BP. The
data can be represented by:
Scatter diagram
Pie chart
Line diagram
Bar chart
Key: True: a

64. A study was conducted to see the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma among alcoholi A sample
of 100 was taken. Among them 50 were alcoholic and 50 were non alcoholi 10 developed Ca out
of which 8 were alcoholic and 2 were non alcoholi Data was arranged in 2 x 2 table:
CA Present Ca Absent
10 90 n = 100
How would you determine the statistical significance of the observed findings.
T test
Z test
F test
Chi square test
Standard error of mean
Key: True: d
65. Of all new cases seen at the curative consultation only new cases with a priority health
problem, are reported by the health facility in the monthly FLCF report. The disease included in
the list of priority health problems in Pakistan is:
Myocardial infection
Diabetes mellitus
Key: True: e
1. The commonest physical health hazard in most industries is:

Ionizing radiation
Key: a
2. A worker of a brick kiln was brought to the emergency department, in an unconscious stat He
was hypotensive and sweating profusely. The likely condition he suffered from was:
Heat stroke
Heat exhaustion
Heat Hyperpyrexia
Heat cramps
Key: b
3. Pottery industry worker developed Tuberculosis. The likely condition which made him prone
to tuberculosis was:
Key: d
4. A shipyard worker presents with increasing breathlessness. His X-ray shows ground glass
appearance in lower two thirds of lungs. He is likely to be suffering from:

Farmer?s lung
Key: c
5. A research team conducted a nation wide survey of Industries and factories. While arranging
the data they observed that the most common occupational cancer was:
CA lung
CA bladder
CA skin
Cancer of Gastrointestinal tract.
Key: c
6. Most important reason for recommending oral polio vaccine in the polio eradication campaign
despite availability of a safe injectable vaccine is that, it:
Provides 90% immunity in one dose
Does not interfere with vertical immunity
Has been donated by WHO
Provides herd immunity
Has less side effects
Key: d
7. A 5 year old child comes to the immunization centre without BCG scar on his arm. It is advisable
to give:
BCG vaccine
No BCG vaccine

BCG if Mantoux test positive
BCG if Mantoux test negativ
Key: e
8. A woman reports for vaccination against Tetanus only 25 days before delivery; she has not
received the first dos What will you give?
ATIG at present
Two doses of T.T ,2 weeks apart
Antibiotic during delivery
T.T1 at present and T.T2 after delivery
ATIG after delivery
Key: d
9. A patient is suffering from AIDS. He is suffering from suppression of which of the following
T- Cells.
CD4 Cells
Key: d
10. 2 years old child was brought to the emergency department. He was having convulsions. On
a rapid general physical examination, kyphoscoliosis was discovere X-ray forearm showed
swollen lower end of radius. The likely diagnosis was:

Key: c
11. Strictly vegetarian Hindu teacher presented with lower limbs weakness. His examination
revealed upper motor neuron signs in lower limbs. His blood CP showed macrocytic anemi He is
probably suffering from deficiency of vitamin:
Key: c
12. 15 years old boy, resident of Murree is having swelling in the neck. Apart from weakness and
constipation; there are no other complaints at present. He is likely to be suffering from deficiency
Key: c
13. The non clinical Vit A deficiency is more common as compared to the clinical, threatening the
health of as many as one third of the world?s children. The best proxy indicator of this can be:
Infant mortality rate
Maternal mortality rate
Literacy rate

Proportion of the rural population

Specialized medical care
Key: a
14. A 4 years old child was brought to a Pediatrician with complaint of inability to see at night for
the last few days. Presence of only one sign at that stage made him diagnose vitamin A deficiency.
The sign was:
Retinal detachment
Conjunctival xerosis
Bitot?s spot
Corneal xerosis
Key: b
15. Fluorosis develops when water fluoride content is above 15mg/lit but it has been observed
after different studies that this fluorosis can also develop in people whose staple diet is:
Sea fish
Key: c
16. Researchers surveyed the causes of vitamin D deficiency and its geographic distribution. They
found that exposure to ultra violet rays is crucial for its adequacy, which when get excessively
filtered by the skin result in its deficiency. This deficiency is more common in:
Black Africans

Key: c
17. 50 years old Bank officer was told to be suffering from illeocecal Tuberculosis. Nobody
suffered tuberculosis in the family, but he still got infected, probably due to:
Infected milk
Infected clients
Contaminated vessel
Stressful work
Advancing age
Key: a
18. A school child is diagnosed to have chicken pox. He should be isolated from other school
children till:
The scabs fall off
Two days after the scabs are formed
Three days after the fever develop
Five days after the development of pustules
Seven days after the development of pustules
Key: a
19. In Pediatric OPD the physician examined a 3 years old child with low grade fever, mild
erythema in the throat and grayish adherent membrane on the left side tonsil. The cervical lymph
nodes were palpabl He advised the mother to isolate the child from the remaining children below
5 years of age for at least 14 days. The likely disease was:

Acute Laryngitis
Whooping cough
Key: c
20. A 10 years old boy was brought to a doctor with history of moderate fever and shivering.
Abundant rash was found on the trunk and buccal mucos Vesicles filled with clear fluid were also
seen on the trunk and legs. The physician told the mother that he was suffering from:
Chicken pox
German measles
Cutaneous Diphtheria
Key: b
21. After an epidemic of measles in a village near Taxilla, 2 children reported with history of
weight loss and blindness, from corneal scarring. The most likely cause of this complication is
deficiency of:
Vitamin K
Vitamin D
Vitamin A
Vitamin C
Vitamin B12
Key: c
22. A person was travelling to the yellow fever endemic area for the third tim He came to the
health facility to get advice about revaccination against yellow fever. The doctor advised:
Reimmunization with yellow fever vaccine
Non specific passive immunization
No immunization but personal protective measures.

Immunization with Personal protective measures

Key: c
23. A pregnant lady reported to ante natal clinic with signs and symptoms of Rubella during 28th
week of gestation. She was insisting upon the termination of pregnancy as she feared congenital
malformations of fetus. Doctor told her that maximum time for Rubella to cause major
abnormalities of the fetus during pregnancy is till:
8th week
12th week
16th week
20th week
24th week
Key: c
24. A 7 years old child presented with sore throat and low grade fever. He had rash on face and
posterior auricular as well as cervical lymphadenopathy.The most probable diagnosis is:
Chicken pox
Small pox
Key: d
25. You are performing the duties of Airport Medical Officer. An Aircraft has landed from Africa
and you find that one of the passengers is not having the vaccination certificate against yellow
fever. What would you suggest for him?
Quarantine for 10 days

Isolation for 1 month

Passive immunization.
Key: b
26. A 25 years old lady was brought in gynae emergency of PIMS hospital at Islamabad with high
grade fever, stiffness of whole body and locked jaw. Her mother gave the history that she got an
abortion done at 8th week of gestation by a local Dai 3 days ago. The per-vaginal examination
revealed foul smelling purulent discharg What is the most probable diagnosis?
Puerperal tetanus
Strychnine poisoning
Vaginal diphtheria
Key: a
27. A 3rd year MBBS student of FUMC presented in ENT OPD with complains of sore throat, pain
on swallowing & low grade fever. After examination the doctor confirmed the diagnosis of
diphtheri The isolation period recommended for this patient is till:
Six daily negative throat and nasal swabs cultures
Disappearance of signs & symptoms
Completion of antibiotic course
Negative chest radio graph
Complete blood picture becomes normal
Key: a
28 24 years old sexually active female comes to a doctor with 2 days history of dysuria
accompanied with painful genital lesions. On examination there were few vesicles and tender
ulcers seen on vulva and vagin What is the likely diagnosis?
Herpes simplex infection

Human papilloma virus infection
Granuloma inguinale
Primary syphilis
Key: a
29. A 28 years old married woman was brought to the hospital with a 2 weeks history of
growths in the vulvar region. On examination there were multiple cauliflower verrucous lesions
on the labia majora and minor What is the most likely diagnosis?
Condylomata lata
Condylomata acuminata
Herpes simplex type 1
Herpes simplex type II
Key: a
30. A pregnant woman comes to hospital as an emergency cas After preliminary examination she
is found to be suffering from Gonorrhe The transmission of this infection to the baby should be
prevented as he may suffer from:
Ophthalmia neonatorum
Genital infection
Generalized septicemia
Skin infection
Key: a
31. There is an epidemic of Meningococcal Meningitis among jail prisoners. The best
chemoprophylaxis for the protection of contacts is by giving:

Key: a
32. Intermittent water supply system existed in a shanty town of Karachi. A woman noticed lots
of black and spotted mosquitoes, around the water tank. Keeping in mind the situation which
disease might affect that family?
Yellow fever
Key: a
33. A mother brought her child to a doctor and complained about his problem of severe itching
and restlessness at night. Examination revealed presence of burrows and vesicles especially on
sides of fingers and finger webs. What is the likely diagnosis?
Insect bite
Prickly heat
Ring worm
Key: a
34. A woman working in an industry during night shifts is exposed to 750 lx of light. She is most
probably at risk of acquiring:

Breast cancer
Conjunctival xerosis
Night blindness
Key: b
35. A 40 years old man was brought to hospital with gastritis; he gave history of dependence on
a substanc On examination he had signs of peripheral neuropathy.USG of abdomen revealed
cirrhosis of liver, the likely substance was:
Key: a
36. The population living in Wah Cantt is using water from a deep spring, which is considered to
be relatively free from organic contamination but rich in calcium, bicarbonates and sulphates. On
account of these properties, people of Wah enjoy protection against:
Renal problems
Alzheimer?s disease
Key: c
37. An unsanitary bore-hole latrine with lots of flies is present within 10 feet of a well in a villag
The disease more likely to be transmitted through drinking this well water is:

Dental caries
Key: b
38. Child of 5 years has been drinking water containing 30 mg/L of nitrates and 0.5 mg/L of fluorid
He presents with cyanosis to the hospital. He is likely to be suffering from:
Infantile Methemoglobinemia
E-coli enteritis
Dental caries
Key: a
39. Required amount of chlorine was added to a large body of water after sedimentation. The pH
of water was 4.0 and level of sulphides was negligibl A contact period of one hour was ensure
Eventually, it was found that chlorination was not successful. The likely reason was:
Low pH
Less contact time
Less amount of chlorine
Suspended impurities
Antagonism by sulphides
Key: a
40. 10 people were working on a project in an office with no cross ventilation and air conditioning
on account of load shedding. The room temperature was 75F and humidity around 60%. They
started having discomfort after 1 hour because of:
Lack of air movements

Increase in Carbon monoxide

High Bacterial count
High Humidity
High temperature of air
Key: a
41. A water sample was taken from a source where catchment area included a large agricultural
lan It was declared unfit for human consumption on account of raised concentration of:
Key: e
42. During a sanitary inspection of a rapid sand filtration plant, slowing of the filtration rate was
observed owing to loss of hea Which method will you suggest to give head to water in such a
Addition of alum
Scraping the top layer
Increasing duration of storage
Back washing of sand bed
The addition of lime or soda ash
Key: d
43. You were required to chlorinate well water; you added required amount of bleaching powder
solution to the water and allowed an overnight contact tim What is your recommendation
regarding consumption of this water for drinking.
Fit for consumption

To be used after 12 hours

To be used after another 24 hours
May be used after boiling
Key: a
44. A dental surgeon appointed in rural health centre reports an increased incidence of dental
carries in the children of that are The relevant preventive measure that he should suggest to the
health authorities is:
Fluoridation of water
Chlorination of water
Use of bacterial filter
Use of boiled water
Softening of hard water
Key: a
45. Chlorination of water was done by addition of bleaching powder solution containing 10%
available chlorin One hour contact time was ensure What is your recommendation regarding use
of this water for drinking?
Fit for consumption
Use after 06 hours
Use after 12 hours
To be used after another 24 hours
Key: e
46. An out-break of scabies was reported in a Kachi abadi consisting of 500 peopl The appropriate
preventive measures suggested by you would be to:
Filter the water

Improve accessibility to water

Destroy breeding sites of insects
Chlorinate water
Avoid walking bare foot
Key: b
47. In a poor community, there is high prevalence of acute diarrhe The best method for
preventing this health problem in the long run is:
Anti diarrheal drugs.
Immunization against cholera and typhoid
Provision of sanitary latrin
Use of boiled water.
Living in fly proof houses.
Key: c
48. A woman of 70 kg reports to a health facility at term. On examination her P was 130/90 mm
of Hg; fundal height was more than the gestational ag A large single baby was seen on ultrasound
with no other fetal abnormality. The likely condition is:
Maternal diabetes
Obese mother
Alcoholism in pregnancy
Key: a
49. A mother brings her one year old child to a health facility for growth monitoring. His reported
birth weight was 3 kg and his present weight is 9 kg. His height is around 31 inches. You assess
the child as:

Slow growing
Key: a
50. A weight conscious pregnant woman wants information about her increased requirement of
calories per day during pregnancy. You suggest an increase of:
250 kcal
350 kcal
450 kcal
550 kcal
650 kcal
Key: b
51. A woman of 40 in the seventh month of pregnancy reports to you in the antenatal clinic for
the first tim The recommended immunization is by:
Tetanus Toxoid
Hepatitis B vaccine
Rubella vaccine
Pneumococcal vaccine
Tetanus immunoglobulin
Key: a
52. A 30 years old woman fitted with an IUCD comes for post insertional examination and
complains of vaginal bleeding; which of the following is the least important to look for in this
Break through vaginal bleeding

Pelvic infection
Endometrial cancer
Key: e
53. One year old child comes to emergency with history of watery diarrhea and high grade fever
for the last 24 hours. A house physician observes his impalpable pulse and un-recordable blood
pressur The first immediate step in emergency is to advise:
I/V Ringer?s lactate
Oral rehydration therapy
I/V antibiotics
Stool examination
Urgent blood complete picture
Key: a
54. A pregnant woman comes to hospital as an emergency cas After preliminary examination she
is found to be suffering from Gonorrhe The transmission of this infection to the baby may be
prevented by:
Aseptic delivery
Silver nitrate drops to baby
Oral antibiotics
Non specific immunoglobulin
Antibiotic injections
Key: b
55. A mother brought her six months old child to a BHU. She is worried about the growth of her
chil The best single measure for assessing the physical growth in this age is:
Weight for age
Height for age

Head chest ratio

Mid upper arm circumference
Weight for height
Key: a
56. A woman delivers a baby boy at term with Down?s syndrom The most likely cause is:
An extra chromosome 21
No 2nd sex chromosome
Phenotypic effect only
Extra y chromosome
Key: a
57. A primigravida of 34 years was labeled as hypertensive during the antenatal perio She had a
normal vaginal delivery in the hospital. First stage of labour was for 5 hours. She had a post
partum hemorrhage, the likely cause of which was:
Primary gravidity
Age of the mother
Long 1st stage
Untrained birth attendant
Key: c
58. The policy of delaying marriage of girls till 20 years of age belongs to:
Primordial prevention
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Disability limitation

Key: a
59. Antenatal service for detection of diseases which may lead to complications in pregnancy is
an example of:
Primordial prevention
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Disability limitation
Key: True: c
60. Use of oral contraceptives by women smokers over 35 years of age is associated with
increased risk of:
Cervical cancer
Breast carcinoma
Chronic bronchitis
Coronary heart disease
Peripheral neuropathy
Key: d
61. A forty years old woman presents with an ovarian cyst; you want to screen her for breast
cancer before suggesting any hormonal treatment. What will you advise?
Chest radiography
Biopsy of breast
Blood levels of progesterone
Tumor markers

Key: b
62. A child of 1 year presents with muscle wasting, loss of subcutaneous fat with no signs of
edema and weight below 60% of WHO standar The mother gives history of not giving enough
proteins and other nutrients to the child after six months of ag The likely diagnosis is:
Marasmic kwashiorkor
Under nutrition
Vitamin B1 deficiency
Key: b
63. A woman reports at a health facility with labour pains at term. She is suffering from chicken
pox. The measure taken to prevent chicken pox in the baby after birth is to give:
Acyclovir to woman
Non specific immunoglobulin to baby at birth IKIH I
HZIG to baby at birth
HZIG to woman before delivery
HZIG and acyclovir to mother
Key: c
64. A woman from a rural area brought her 4 years old boy to peads OPD with complaints of
weakness and worms in stool. She told that her son played in dirt and dust and had the habit of
eating it. Clinical examination revealed pallor and blood CP was suggestive of iron deficiency
anemi The most likely infection in this child is:

Key: a
65. An old bagger living on a footpath in India presented to a doctor with history of gradual
swelling of his right lower leg associated with pruritis. On examination his right leg was thrice the
size of the left leg and overlying skin was also thickene The most probable cause of this unilateral
swelling is:
Deep vein thrombosis
Key: a
1. To achieve the objective of HFA the most crucial aspect which was missing in the
implementation of PHC program in Pakistan was:
Registration system
Key: True: a
2. To improve the health of the nations, The Millennium Development Goals are mainly focused
Women education
Involvement of men in RH
Fertility regulation

Health system research

Key: True: a
3. In 1978 a global immunization program EPI was started to vaccinate the children against six
vaccine preventable diseases g TB, Polio, Diphtheria, Pertusis, Tetanus and Measles. It was
specifically designed to control morbidity and mortality among children. This reflects:
Selective approach
Holistic approach to child health
Comprehensive PHC
Inter sectoral approach
Key: True: a
4. For eradication of Polio, the polio eradication campaign was started in 1992. Since then several
NIDs and SNIDs have been conducte Polio has almost been eradicated now. This program of
immunization is based on:
Equity and appropriate technology
Comprehensive PHC
Leadership & Community participation
Equity and Equality
Community participation
Key: True: a
5. A good manager is the one who sees to the things and ensures correct way of doing things. If
he ensures low wastage of resources he is:
A monitor
A decision maker

Key: True: b
6. A 20 years old boy had a head injury in a motor bike accident. His attendant took him to a
general practitioner first who advised them to take him to POF hospital, Wah Cantt immediately
because Advanced Trauma Life Support is available there only. The level of health care provided
by POF hospital in this case is:
First level referral facility
First level care facility
Key: True: c
7. An LHV in a BHU of a remote area examined a primigravida at 22 weeks of gestation. Her P was
170/100. In order to have proper antenatal assessment and to prevent complications of
pregnancy induced hypertension. The first level referral should be to:
Teaching hospital
Specialized maternity clinic
Key: True: b
8. According to a study conducted by WHO, 3 new cases of polio were found in interior Sindh in
year 2007 despite the success of anti polio campaign. None of the children under 5 years of age
in the village was given polio drops because parents had to travel for 1 and 1/2 hours on foot to
reach the BHU. This incidence of polio is due to lack of:

Key: True: d
9. A woman traveled a long way from a remote village & came to a population welfare
centre/family planning centr She had enough money but was very tired on account of traveling.
When she went inside, she found a male doctor dealing with the clients. She decided to go back.
The most likely reason for this decision is lack of:
Key: True: a
10. The Northern area of Pakistan is the recognized belt of Endemic Goiter, on account of Iodine
deficiency. The Government of Pakistan decided to promote sale of Iodized salts in this are This
is an example of:
Decision making
Key: True: c
11. There was an out break of simple watery diarrhea among children in a villag The health care
providers wanted to avoid unnecessary hospital admissions and started distributing ORS to
people, who had young children. This reflects:

Community participation
Appropriate technology
Intersectoral collaboration
Key: True: d
12. About 60% pregnant ladies in rural areas of Pakistan were found having anemi It was decided
to provide them with iron & folic acid supplements. This is an example of:
Community participation
Situation Analysis
Key: True: b
13. A health team visited along with the community leaders and health workers, all the primary
schools and Madrasas in a village to give polio drops during polio campaign. The community
workers facilitated identification of houses with children less than five years of ag This reflects:
Situation analysis
Community participation
Intersectoral collaboration
Key: True: d
14. The pediatric OPD of POF hospital, Wah Cantt is dealing with 200 patients daily. This type of
direct contact of patients with the health care provider makes the OPD of POF hospital
particularly a:

First level care facility

Secondary care hospital
First level referral facility
Higher level referral facility
Special pediatric service outlet
Key: True: a
15. A high prevalence of Ca cervix was found to be there in one of the tribal areas of Pakistan. It
was planned to provide free facility of pap smear at a rural health centre in
order to screen the local population for cervical cancer. The program faced a lot of resistance as
it lacked:
Key: True: c
16. A woman brought her child with congenital anomalies of heart and cataract. She gave history
of mild fever and rash in the first trimester of pregnancy, which settled with mild antipyretics.
The possible gestational condition that could have resulted in these anomalies is:
Key: True: c

17. A 22 years old man presented with painful, vesicular and pustular eruption in the distribution
of sensory nerve roots on his back. He gave history of chicken pox infection at ten years of ag The
likely diagnosis was:
Herpes simplex
Scarlet fever
Herpes zoster
Key: True: e
18. A patient who has come from India, reports to a health facility with severe generalized aches
and pain. Rash is present all over the body but palms and soles are spare The most likely diagnosis
Scarlet fever
Yellow Fever
Key: True: d
19. There is an epidemic of Meningococcal Meningitis among jail prisoners. In addition to other
infection control measures, chemoprophylaxis is advised for contacts. The best
chemoprophylaxis for the protection of contacts is by giving:

Key: True: a
20. A doctor who has not received HBV vaccination was attending a patient suffering from
Hepatitis B; he accidentally got a prick from a contaminated syring For maximum preventive use
of Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin (HBIG), it is given as:
0.5 ml / kg body weight within 2 hours
0.5 ml / kg body weight within 24 hours
0.06 ml / kg body weight preferably within 3 days of exposure & repeating after one month
0.06 ml / kg body weight preferably within 3 days
0.05 ml / kg body weight within one month & repeating after 6 months
Key: True: c
21. Six of the ten family members living in a single room house, complain of intense itching with
scratching in axillae, groin & hands; it is more marked at night. The most likely diagnosis is:
Key: True: a
22. A 5 years old boy developed fever with typical dew drop rash over his body. It appeared
first on the trunk and spread to arms and legs later; there were no signs of neck stiffness and
rigidity. What could be the likely diagnosis?
Scarlet fever
Chicken pox

Key: True: e
23. A mother brought her 4 years old child with complaints of sore throat, difficulty in swallowing
and low grade fever. On examination mild erythema and whitish membrane
was found on the posterior pharynx. The doctor diagnosed him as a case of Diphtheri Mother
gave history of complete course of immunization of the chil What would be your line of
Penicillin plus passive immunization
Penicillin plus active immunization
Penicillin plus passive plus active immunization
Penicillin plus active plus passive immunization plus Tracheostomy
Key: True: b
24. A student of nursery class developed mild fever along with irritating cough gradually
becoming paroxysmal along with a characteristic whoop. Which time period do you suggest for
isolation of the student from the rest of the class?
I week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
6 weeks
Key: True: d
25. If you, being a field doctor, in the department of public health, are given a task to visit a low
socioeconomic community and give report about the immunization status of the community
against Tuberculosis. The single most important and rapid clue to this immunization is:
Montoux test
Number of patients with active T.B
BCG scar mark on right upper deltoid

X-ray chest
Sputum for AFB
Key: True: c
26. An epidemiologist was assigned to find out all the cases both new and old of T.B in a slum
located near Islamabad during the year 2007. Which measure would have been used by him to
give Prevalence of tuberculosis?
mass miniature radiography
Sputum examination
Sputum culture
Tuberculin test
BCG scar mark
Key: True: c
27. Ministry of health in collaboration with WHO has been working to eradicate polio from
Pakistan since 1992. But still a few cases of polio are identified each year and most of the time
the reservoir, which transmits polio to children is the:
Healthy carrier
Convalescent carrier
Animal source
Key: True: c
28. A man from a slum area was brought to the emergency of the DHQ Rawalpindi with history
of passing rice water stools about 20-30 times and vomiting since yesterday. On examination
there were signs of severe dehydration and hypovolaemic shock. What is the likely diagnosis?
Amoebic dysentery

Food poisoning
Key: True: c
29. In a day care centre a child is suffering from measles. The centre has many children between
the ages of 9-12 months. Measles infection can be prevented in these contacts if measles vaccine
is given within:
1 day
3 days
5 days
7 days
10 days
Key: True: b
30. A 28 weeks pregnant lady reported to an ante natal clinic with signs and symptoms of Rubell
She was insisting for the induction of labor before term as she feared congenital malformations
of the fetus due to rubella at this time of gestation. She was told by the doctor that Rubella did
not cause major abnormalities of fetus after:
4 weeks
8 weeks
12 weeks
16 weeks
20 weeks
Key: True: d
1. A total of 3500 patients with thyroid cancer are identified and surveyed by patient-interviews
regarding past exposure to radiation. Which options explains the given example?
Case series report

Case-control study
Clinical trial
Cohort study
Case report
Key: True: a
2. A total of 10,000 Vietnam veterans, half of whom are known by combat records to have been
in areas where Agent Orange was used and half of whom are known to have been in areas where
no Agent Orange was used, are asked to give a history of cancer since discharg Which option
explains the given example?
Case series report
Case-control study
Clinical trial
Cohort study
Case report
Key: True: d
3. Patients admitted for carcinoma of the stomach are age and sex-matched, with smoking
history to assess the possible association. Which option explains the given example?
Case series report
Case-control study
Clinical trial
Cohort study
Case report
Key: True: b
4. In a study of 500 cases of a disease and 500 controls, the suspected etiological factor is found
in 400 of the cases and 100 of the controls. The absolute risk (incidenc of disease in persons with
the factor is:

Cannot be computed from data given
Key: True: e
5. Residents of three villages with three different types of water supply were asked to participate
in a study to identify cholera carriers because several cholera deaths had
occurred in the recent past. Virtually everyone was present at the time of examination. The
proportion of carriers in each village was computed and compare This study is a:
Cross-sectional study
Case-control study
Concurrent cohort study
Non-concurrent cohort study
Retrospective cohort study
Key: True: a
6. In a village of 1 lakh population, among 20,000 exposed to smoking, 200 developed cancer,
and among 40,000people unexposed, 40 developed cancer. The relative risk of smoking in the
development of cancer is:
Key: True: b
7. Which one of the following is the odds ratio, calculated from the given data?

Diseased Un-diseased
Positive 30 20
Negative 20 30
Key: True: d
8. The estimate of the average number of additional years a person could expect to live, if the
age specific death rates for a given year prevail for the rest of his life is best expressed by:
Survival index
Probability of dying
Life expectancy
Crude death rate
Age specific death rate
Key: True: c
9. In a universe comprising of 1500 children less than 5 years of age, 75 children with severe
malnutrition were foun If 75 new cases of severe malnutrition were registered over a period of
one year, the incidence rate for severe malnutrition during the same year is:
50 / 1000
53 / 1000
55 / 1000
60 / 1000
63 / 1000

Key: True: b
10. Every year during the winter season the hospital admissions are more for pneumonia cases.
This year also about 358 children with pneumonia were admitted in the Pediatric department of
POF Hospital between the months of Jan Mar 2007. This increased frequency of respiratory
infections during winter months is an example of:
Epidemic trend
Cyclical trend
Seasonal trend
Secular trend
Pandemic trend
Key: True: c
11. According to a study conducted by WHO the incidence of polio in Sindh province having a
total population of 20 million was 1 during the year 2007, which type of study was this:
Case report
Cross sectional
Case control
Key: True: d
12. Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis affected a large proportion of population over a wide
geographic area in 1971 and 1981. This spread of disease is:

Key: True: c
13. A patient came in emergency with signs of dehydration and severe diarrhe An Intra venous
infusion was given to correct electrolytes and fluid levels. He was discharged after 2 days. About
2 months later the patient came back with signs of jaundice and K.K
Hepatitis B surface antigen was positiv He did not give history of any event which could have lead
to this diseas This hepatitis infection may be labeled as:
Sub clinical
Cross infection
Key: True: e
14. In a village of population 10,000, 250 cases of Hepatitis B were reported in the month of July.
The point prevalence of Hepatitis B per thousand populations is:
Key: True: b
15. A child of three years comes with complaints of night blindness. On examination conjunctiva
is dry and corneal haziness is also seen. There is no history of any other disease or injury. The
likely agent type is:

Key: True: c
16. A new drug was introduced in some of patients to assess its usefulness compared with the
old on Neither patients nor clinicians who evaluated patients for effect under consideration in
this clinical trial knew individual treatment assignments. This method of assignment is known as:
Single blinding
Double blinding
Triple blinding
Key: True: b
17. A survey report in 1960 concluded that there was an increase in asthma deaths with the
increased use of pressurized aerosol bronchodilators; although the deaths were more because
of the severity of diseas This association is:
Spurious K,K
Key: True: a
18. Cement industry is suspected for more deaths among its workers. So the industrialist gets
worried and wants to assess whether more deaths are likely in these workers or not. The measure
that predicts the mortality in this industrial group is:
Age specific death rate
Standardized mortality ratio

Cause specific death rate

Proportionate mortality
Case fatality rate
Key: True: b
19. The annual report of POF Hospital for the year 2006 shows 200 cases of Myocardial Infarction,
35 cases of Cholecystitis, 105 cases of Pneumonia and 350 cases of Acute Gastroenteritis. The
result of this report cannot be generalized on the total population of Wah on account of:
Confounding bias
Memory bias
Selection bias
Berkesonian bias
Interviewer?s bias
Key: True: d
20. Increased number of Malaria cases were reported in the time intervals between August to
October and March to April. There are 2 different periods in a year, where increased malaria
transmission is reporte Such an occurrence of malaria cases in time will give a distribution which
Key: True: c
21. In study carried out in the hospital ward, every 10th admitted patient was included in the
sample, which sampling procedure is this:
Random sampling K.K

Stratified sampling
Quota sampling
Convenient sampling
Systematic sampling
Key: True: e
22. The smoking history of pregnant women is taken in the antenatal period and correlated with
the birth weight at the time of delivery. To find an association between them would be an
example of:
Clinical trial
Nested cohort study
Retrospective study
Prospective study
Cross sectional study
Key: True: d
23. In a bulk of hundred children out of whom 28 are immunized 2 of them get
measles simultaneously. Subsequently14 get measles. Assuming the efficacy of the vaccine to be
100%, what is the secondary attack rate?
Key: True: c
24. A public health physician wants to study the load of hypertension in Rawalpindi district to
establish special screening & treatment services in the mentioned are Which design is more
useful for this?

Cross sectional
Case series
Case control
Key: True: a
25. To give the relevant importance to hypertension control in a health service a researcher wants
to study the prevalence of hypertension. He chose a cohort study. The design to assess
prevalence is?
Quick K.K
Key: True: a
26. A researcher wants to study natural history of silicosis in a population of industrial workers.
Which design is most useful?
Cross sectional
Case report
Case control
Ecological survey
Key: True: d
27. While investigating a point source epidemic it was found that 120 students ate five different
foods (meat burgers, fried fish, steak, rice and fruit sala. The relative risk was calculated for all

those five foods. It was concluded that fish was not responsible for this epidemi The relative risk
of fish is:
Key: True: a
28. Among 10 women with cervical cancer, medical records confirm a past history of herpes
simplex type II infection in eight. What is the relative risk of developing cervical cancer in women
with a history of HSV type II infection?
Key: True: c
Questions # 29-30.
The results of a study of the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in a village in India are given in
the table below. All persons in the village are examined during two surveys made 2 years apart,
and the number of new cases was used to determine the incidence rat
Category of Household at First survey
Number of Persons
Number of New cases
With culture positive case

Without culture positive case
29. What is the incidence of new cases per 1000 person years in households that had a culture
positive case during the first survey?
Key: True: d
10 new cases = 10 cases/1000 persons years
500 persons x 2 years
30. What is the incidence of new cases per 1000 person years in households that did not have a
culture positive case during the first survey?
Key: True: c
10 new cases = 0.5 cases/1000 persons years
10,000 persons x 2 years

1. 30 years old married woman was advised X-Ray abdomen. To prevent radiation hazard to the
baby in this woman, the doctor should take history of:
Hypersensitivity to radiation
Menstrual cycle
Previous exposure to X-Ray
Previous abortions
Genetic history
2. Which of the following is the most sensitive indicator of MCH (maternal and child health)
Anaemia in pregnant woman
Contraceptive prevalence rate
Maternal mortality rate
Under five mortality rate
Literacy rate
3. The average weight gain for a pregnant woman with BMI 20 25 should be
11.5 to 18kg
11.5 to 16kg
7 to 11.5 kg
12.5 to 18kg
10 to 15 kg
4. A Pap smear and colposcopic examination for the early detection of cervical cancer is:
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention
Medical treatment

Surgical treatment
5. The most commonly described anomalies associated with congenital rubella include all the
following except.
Sensorineural deafness
Patent ductus arteriosus
Hutchinson?s tooth
6. The additional energy requirement for a woman during pregnancy is
150 kcal / day
300 kcal / day
400 kcal / day
550 kcal / day
600 kcal / day
7. If Rh positive baby is born to Rh negative mother than dose of Rh anti D should be given to
Within 72 hours
Within a week
Within 15 days
Within a month
Within a year
8. The ideal minimum number of antenatal visits is:

9. Low birth weight infant is one whose weight is:
Less than 1.5 kg
Less than 2 kg
Less than 2.5 kg
Less than 3 kg
Less than 3.5 kg
10. The most common cause of early neonatal mortality is:
Low Birth Weight
Acute Respiratory Infections
11. The most common cause of post neonatal mortality is:
Low birth weight
Acute Respiratory Infections
12. Which one of the following is not true regarding domiciliary midwifery services?
It refers to delivery services at hom
Chances of acquiring infection both in mother and child are less in home environment.
A doctor from maternal and child health centre invariably conducts deliveries.

It is better to refer high risk pregnancy to a hospital.

It is the lady health visitor or a trained birth attendant who conducts delivery
13. The most common clinical presentation of cytomegalovirus infection at birth is:
Cerebral calcifications
14. Cerebral malaria is a complication of which of the following Plasmodia infections.
Mixed infection by vivax and ovale
15. A patient who has come from India, reports to a health facility with generalized aches and
pain and rash on the body excluding palms and soles. The most likely diagnosis is:
scarlet fever
Yellow Fever
16. The best method recommended by WHO for malaria control in endemic areas is:
The use of Pyrethrum impregnated bed nets
Regular use of Chloroquine

Genetic Control of Mosquitoes

Passive immunity by anti-sera
17. Which of the following is not a rash producing infection?
18. Which one of the following is internationally quarantinable disease?
Yellow fever
19. Diagnosis of tuberculosis is mainly confirmed by:
Mass miniature radiography
Sputum microscopy
Sputum culture
Tuberculin test
Blood culture
20. For every case of polio, the estimated number of sub clinical cases are:

21. All of the following are water borne diseases except:
Paratyphoid fever
Weil?s Disease
Guinae worm disease
22. Which of the following is not true for whooping cough?
It is prevented by a killed vaccine
Its chronic complication include pleural and bronchial carcinoma
Its acute complication are bronchitis and bronchopneumonia
There is no specific immunoglobulin available for whooping cough
The causative agent of the disease is a gram negative bacteria
23. All of the following are true for meningitis except
The causative agent of meningitis commonly seen in children under two years of age is
hemophilus influenza
It is transmitted by infected droplets of the patients
Rifampicin is given for two days to the contacts for prevention
Healthy carrier are commonly seen
Presence of bacteria in the throat always means an active disease
24. Chemoprophylaxis is recommended by WHO in all of the following except:

Meningococcal meningitis
25. Which one of the following diseases has been eradicated?
26. A person is exposed to an antigen for the first time, the type of antibody to appear first in his
blood is:
27. One of the important contraindications to vaccination against Whooping cough is:
History of convulsion
3rd degree malnutrition
History of Pertussis in family
Mild Febrile illness
Liver diseases
28. Vaccines are either killed or live attenuated, which one of the following is a killed vaccine:

Measles vaccine
Oral polio vaccine
Salk polio vaccine
29. Herd immunity is commonly seen in one of the following diseases:
30. Immunization is
Health promotion
Specific Protection
Early detection
Prompt Treatment
31. Which of the following statements is true about Passive Immunization?
It is immediately effective
It is less likely to cause allergic reactions as compared to active immunization
Provides longer protection as compared to active immunization
Should be provided to all sick children.
It is always non specific
32. Regarding Measles Vaccination which one is correct?

Measles Vaccine should be given to all the persons of a community regardless of ag

The best time of measles vaccination is first month of lif
For primary Measles Vaccination, at least two doses should be given, one month apart to ensure
full antibody response
It is better to delay the vaccination till 9-15 months of ag
To protect against a second attack of measles, vaccine should be offered even to those persons
who have had an attack of Measles previously.
33. Normal human immunoglobulin is given in one of the following conditions as specific
immunoglobulins are not available:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Chicken Pox
Key: True: a
34. Which of the following statements is true about Hepatitis B vaccine?
It is a live attenuated vaccine
It is a recombinant DNA vaccine
It is a freeze dried vaccine
This Vaccine and Immunoglobulin can not be given together
This Vaccine has to be repeated every year
Key: True: b
35. Protective value of BCG vaccination is:
Less than 40%

Less than 90%
Key: True: a
36. Which one of the following is a live attenuated vaccine?
Sabin vaccine
Salk vaccine
Diphtheria Toxoid
Key: True: a
37. Which of the following group of Lymphocytes recognizes antigens and results in the
development of a humoral immune response
Killer (K) cells
T lymphocytes
Null cells
B lymphocytes
Suppressor T (Ts) cells
Key: True: d
38. Erythroblastosis fetalis can be prevented in the next baby, if the mother is injected, at
parturition, with an antibody called:
Non specific immunoglobulin
Rho ( immunoglobulin (RhoGAM)
Antilymphocyte globulin
Antithymocyte serum

Univalent antiserum
Key: True: b
39. One of the serious complications associated with the use of immunosuppressive agents is:
Increased incidence of autoimmune disease
Increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections
Loss of tuberculin sensitivity in tuberculosis patients
Loss of hair
Decrease in complement levels
Key: True: b
40. The preferred vaccine for diphtheria consists of
Heat-killed corynebacterium diphtheriae
Attenuated corvnebacterium diphtheriae
Precipitated or adsorbed toxoid
Capsular polysaccharide
Capsule plus carrier protein
Key: True: c
41. The snake bite of family viperidae is commonly identified by one of the following effect:
Key: True: c
42. Which of the following statements about Polyvalent anti-snake venom serum is true?

It is to be given subcutaneously
It is an example of passive immunization
It is usually obtained from human donors
It should be stored at 00
It gives life long immunity
Key: True: b
43. Which one of the following statements is true regarding krait envenomation:
Violent abdominal pains due to internal hemorrhages
Staggering gait
Creeping paralysis beginning in legs
In coordination of speech
Drooping of head
Key: True: a
44. Which one of the following is the zoological name of cobra?
Naja Naja
Bungarus caeruleus
Echis carinatus
Vipera russelli
Rana tigrena
Key: True: a
45. Which one of the following statement is true for Russell Viper envenomation?
Neurotoxic and swift acting
Primarily neurotoxic causes slight swelling
After some time a dark discoloration occurs at the site of bite

Difficult breathing
Hyper salivation
Key: True: c
46. In cobra envenomation, death occurs due to which one of the following reasons?
Respiratory failure
Internal hemorrhages
Cardiac failure
Key: True: a
47. All of the following are the constituents of snake venom except:
Phospholipase A2
Key: True: e
48. Which of the following is not true for snake bite in Pakistan?
Most death occur due to rattle snake
Snake bite is more common in summer
Management of snake bite requires anti snake venom
Cobra bites are characterized by neurological signs
Snakes are mostly oviparous
Key: True: a

49. All of the following are the protozoal infections except:

Lassa fever
Key: True: d
50. Which one of the following is true regarding Giardiasis?
The infection commonly affects children who are admitted in a day care centre
Infection is generally in-apparent in the children, but always symptomatic in adults
It leads to gestational infection in a new borne
It is the commonest nosocomial infection
None of the above
Key: True: a
51. The intermediate host involved in transmission of Diphyllobothriasis
Key: True: c
52. The intermediate host involved in transmission of Cysticercosis

Key: True: b
53. The most important method of prevention of Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea Worm)
infection is by:
Washing the hands with soap before eating.
Proper sewage disposal.
Mass vaccination.
Purification of water
Eating the properly cooked meat.
Key: True: d
54. Which of the following is true about round worm?
It can suck up to 1 cc of blood per day.
It belongs to the group of trematodes.
The infection takes place by ingestion of eggs of the worm.
Only female worm exists in human gut.
It is very common in villagers because they walk barefoote
Key: True: c
55. About Oriental Sore which one of the following is correct?
It is caused by Leishmania Donovani.
The diagnosis is made by taking a smear from the base of ulcer.
The disease spreads by bathing in dirty water.
Human beings are the only reservoir.

Food should be protected from flies to prevent the epidemic of the diseas
Key: True: b
56. Koplik's spots are the diagnostic sign of one of the following diseases:
Whooping cough
Key: True: c
57. Which of the following diseases is included in expanded program on immunization?
Hepatitis A
Key: True: a
58. The best measure taken in meningococcal meningitis out-breaks is:
Mass chemo-prophylaxis by penicillin
Chlorination of all water supplies
Closure of schools
Mass screening program
Key: True: b

59. Aedes Egypti mosquito is commonly a vector in the transmission of one of the following
Yellow Fever
Key: True: b
60. All the following diseases can be prevented by vaccination except:
Whooping cough
Key: True: c
61. Which one of the following vectors transmits scrub typhus:
Key: True: c
62. Regarding clinical spectrum of poliomyelitis, approximately one percent of all polio-infections
Abortive polio

In apparent polio
Non-paralytic polio
Paralytic polio
Clinical Cases
Key: True: d
63. The main mode of transmission of Ancylostoma duodenale is:
Ingestion of larva
Ingestion of eggs
Blood transfusion
Key: True: d
64. Which of the following statements about Polyvalent anti-snake venom serum is true?
It is to be given subcutaneously
It is an example of passive immunization
It is usually obtained from human donors
It should be stored at 00
It gives life long immunity
Key: True: b
65. 30 years old married woman was advised X-Ray abdomen. To prevent radiation hazard to the
baby in this woman, the doctor should take history of:
Hypersensitivity to radiation
Menstrual cycle
Previous exposure to X-Ray

Previous abortions
Genetic history
Key: True: b
1. If a child presents with protein energy malnutrition showing signs of loss of subcutaneous fat
and weight reduction. The level of prevention suggested at this point is:
Primordial prevention
Health promotion
Specific protection
Early diagnosis and prompt treatment
Disability limitation & rehabilitation
Key: True: e
2. A child of 1 year presents with muscle wasting, loss of subcutaneous fat with no signs of edema
and weight below 60% of WHO standar The mother gives history of not giving enough proteins
and other nutrients to the child after six months of ag The likely diagnosis is:
Marasmus & kwashiorkor
Under nutrition
Vitamin B1 deficiency
Key: True: b
3. A weight conscious pregnant woman wants information about her requirement of calories per
day during pregnancy. You suggest an increase of:
250 kcal
450 kcal
350 kcal

550 kcal
650 kcal
Key: True: c
4. A 5 years old child complains of poor vision at night with no other refractive error. He is likely
to be benefited by:
Cod liver oil capsules
Oral antibiotics
Eye drops containing antibiotics
Suitable eyeglasses
Intra ocular lens replacement
Key: True: a
5. In a Madrasa of a remote area, 14 girls of 9 years of age were residing to memorize Quran Pak.
They were treated well but they observed strict Pardah and were never allowed to visit outsid
On returning home after 5 years, 10 of them were short stature The most likely reason of being
short statured was deficiency of:
Vitamin A
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
Key: True: d
6. A 14 week pregnant lady came to Gynae O.P.D with no specific complaints but to inquire about
her additional requirements during this perio She was already taking 500mg of calcium, 40mg of
iron and 0.5mg (400 micro grams) of folic acid in combination. The comment of gynecologist on
her present intake of micronutrient is?
Excess of iron
Less folic acid

Adequate calcium and iron

Less calcium
Less iron and folic acid
Key: True: d
7. Researchers decided to study the impact of iodized salt programme especially in hilly areas of
Pakistan. They had chosen the most sensitive indicator for monitoring environmental iodine
deficiency which was:
Prevalence of goiter
Prevalence of myxoedena
Prevalence of neonatal hypothyroidism
Urinary iodine excretion
Prevalence of cretinism
Key: True: c
8. A Pakistani physician went to work in South Afric A woman reported with diarrhe On
examination she was found to have glossitis. Her detailed investigations revealed presence of
anemi She was diagnosed as a case of Niacin deficiency. The likely food to have caused this
deficiency state is:
Whole wheat
Raw rice
Pearl millets
Key: True: b
9. A chronic alcoholic was complaining of loss of appetite and pain in lower legs. On examination
his gate was ataxi He is suffering from deficiency of:

Pantothenic acid
Key: True: b
10. A patient of pulmonary tuberculosis was put on anti tuberculous therapy. He was given
Rifampicin, INH, Ethambutol and Pyrazinamid He should be advised to have a supplement of:
Pantothenic acid
Key: True: b
11. A pregnant lady comes to Gynae OPD complaining about increase in lethargy and shortness
of breath. On examination she is found to have glossitis. Her blood CP reveals macrocytic anemi
The most likely deficiency which has caused this condition is:
Folic acid
Pentothenic acid
Vitamin B6
Key: True: a
12. A 30 years old lady was brought to the hospital with strong labour pains for the last 3 hours
and no progress. She was found to have pelvic deformities which lead to cephalopelvic
disproportion. The baby was delivered by a cesarean section. The woman is likely to have
suffered from the deficiency of:

Vitamin A
Vitamin B
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin K
Key: True: d
13. A person who subsisted on taking maize only for many years reported to a health facility with
the signs of glossitis. His history suggested frequent attacks of diarrhea and memory loss. The
likely condition is:
Riboflavin deficiency
Beri Beri
Iron deficiency
Protein malnutrition
Key: True: a
14. Government of Pakistan has accepted iron fortification to reduce prevalence of anemia; it has
recently been decided to fortify:
Skimmed dried milk
Vanaspati ghee
Key: True: b
15. A dental surgeon appointed in a rural health centre reports an increased incidence of dental
caries in the people of that are A research team confirmed that water supply of that area is
deficient in:

Key: True: d
16. District health officer visited local general stores in Gunjranwala District. He found certain sub
standard products, Turmeric was found to be containing lead chromate powder and Coriander
cow dung. He reported to the health authorities that the foods in Gunjranwala district are:
Adulterated K.K
Containing additives
Key: True: c
17. At 1:00 pm a mother got a phone call from the school to pick her son, as he was having
excessive vomiting. The child was taken immediately to the Hospital where he told that he had
taken ice-cream in lunch break at 11:30 am. Most likely he was suffering from food poisoning due
Staph aureus
Campylobacter Jejuni
Clostridium botulinum
Key: True: c

1. 80 years old gentleman presented with sudden loss of consciousness. He is a diabetic and on
oral hypoglycemic drugs. He had skipped his breakfast that day. The first laboratory investigation
would be:
Blood sugar level
Glycosylated hemoglobin
Urinary glucose
Key: True: a
2. 5 students of 4th year of Wah Medical College are doing research on risk factors of coronary
heart disease and the perceptions among patients of the diseas They have observed that risk
factor which is most significantly associated with the incidence of CHD is:
High serum cholesterol
Decreased physical activity
Cigarette smoking
Key: True: b
3. A 40 years old executive who smokes three packs of cigarettes a day comes to your office for
his routine health assessment. He states that he likes to quit smoking but he is having great
difficulty. He gives history of having tried three times but failing due to work pressure, but the
doctor assesses the factor responsible for the failed attempt is:
40 years age
Numbers of cigarettes
Stress at work
Half hearted attempts to quit
Type A? personality

Key: True: d
4. A 40 years old executive who smokes three packs of cigarettes a day comes to your office for
his routine health assessment. He states that he likes to quit smoking but he is having great
difficulty. He gives history of having tried three times but failing due to work pressur The content
of cigarette for this relapse is:
Nicotine level
Tar content of the cigarette
Carboxylic acid
Key: True: a
5. A forty years old woman presents with an ovarian cyst; you want to screen her for breast
cancer before suggesting any hormonal treatment. What will you advise?
Chest radiograph
Biopsy of breast
Blood levels of progesterone
Tumor markers
Key: True: b
6. During a health education session about non communicable diseases in a female community;
you will inform that genetics and family history make a woman more prone to have:
Breast cancer
Oral cancer
Liver cirrhosis

Key: True: c
7. Epidemiologist linked prevalence of carcinomas mostly related with parasitic and viral
infections, in developing countries due to bad hygienic conditions. During the research strong
linkage was proposed between carcinoma cervix and:
Human papilloma virus
Epstein barr virus
Helicobacter pylori
Schistosoma Hematobium
Key: True: b
8. Japan has low incidence of prostate cancer as compared to the incidence in US The incidence
of carcinoma prostate increases in Japanese when migrate to U.S. This supports:
Nutritional effect
Environmental effect
Genetic effect
Metabolic effect
Occupational effect
Key: True: b
9. An 80 kg, 50 years old gentleman is found to have BP of 135/80 mm of Hg. The most important
step included in primary prevention of hypertension in this patient is to:
f. Advise lipid profile
g. Reduce weight
h. Ensure patient compliance
i. Take antihypertensive treatment
j. Have monthly follow up
Key: True: b

10. Use of oral contraceptives by women smokers over 35 years of age is associated with
increased risk of:
Cervical cancer
Breast carcinoma
Chronic bronchitis
Coronary heart disease
Peripheral neuropathy
Key: True: d
11. 49 years old black African male smoker with positive family history of hypertension presented
with history of constant headach His blood pressure was 140/90 mg hg. The modifiable risk factor
in this particular case is:
Male sex
African race
Positive family history
Key: True: d
12. Japan has low incidence of prostate cancer as compared to the incidence in US The incidence
of carcinoma prostate in Japanese did not change with their migration to the U.S. It supported:
Nutritional effect
Environmental effect
Genetic effect
Metabolic effect
Metabolic effect
Key: True: c

13. Dietary factors have a strong influence on the development of carcinomas. A research article
was read in Marriott Islamabad regarding this fact and gastric carcinoma was linked with:
High fat intake
Beef consumption
Smoked fish
Presence of nitrosamines
High dietary fiber content
Key: True: d

1. To impart health education regarding child care to large number of mothers visiting MCH
centre it is decided to resort to method of group discussions. What could be appropriate strength
of each group for this purpose?
Key: True: c
2. To develop effective AIDS control strategy for Pakistan, the experts from all over the world are
invited to devise the plan after relevant discussion. What name is given to this method?
Group discussion
Panel discussion
Key: True: d

3. Persuasive communication was deliberately employed to manipulate feelings, attitudes and

beliefs of people regarding smoking, this method is known as:
Key: True: c
4. Health education is the responsibility of
Health educationalist
Paramedical staff
Every health worker
Community Nurse
Key: True: d
5. Diarrhoeal cases among children of an urban slum are on a ris Almost all the mothers are
illiterate and belong to lower socioeconomic class. It seems difficult to make them understand
the use of ORS. What method can provide the best solution in this scenario?
Role playing
Poster competition
Radio Programme
T.V commercials
Key: True: a

6. There was a tableau held in POF Hospital, Wah Cantt on the world children day to demonstrate
the importance of ORS in dehydration with a back drop of ORS, breast feeding and MCH servic
This method is known as:
Poster competition
Role playing
Learning by doing
Key: True: b
7. After a thorough study of socio-demographic characteristics of a population in Dhok Ratta, a
relevant method of health education against smoking was employed to this population. Upon
assessing the population habits even after lapse of 2 years, no change in the behaviour of the
smokers was note What is likely to be missing in this programme to achieve the desired results?
Knowledge of cultures
Knowledge of beliefs
Required devotion
Appropriate methods
Key: True: a
8. A person aged 40 years, working as a laborer in grain market for the last 25 years presented
with a history of repeated attacks of respiratory infections in the last 1 year. X-ray showed
pulmonary fibrosis. The likely diagnosis was:
Farmer?s lung

Key: True: d
9. An industrial worker reported to you with complaints of cough, history of dyspnoea on exertion
and pain in the chest. His X-ray chest showed snow storm appearanc The diagnosis would be:
Key: True: c
10. An occupational worker presented with complaints of exertional dyspnoe He gave history of
being in an industry dealing with spare parts such as gas kit and brakes, he also gave history of
smoking for about five years. His X-ray chest showed a ground glass appearance / honey combing
in the lower two thirds of the lung fields. The likely condition that he suffers from is:
Key: True: c
11. A worker who had been in the battery manufacturing unit for the last 20 years, reported to
you with complaints of loss of appetite and abdominal colic of 2 weeks duration. You will prefer
to investigate him for:
Lead poisoning

Ca stomach
Key: True: b
12. In a lead pipe factory, you want to carry out a screening programme in workers to exclude
lead poisoning. Your choice of the most useful screening test will be measurement of:
Lead in blood
Lead in urine
Coproporphyrin in urine
Aminolaevulinic acid in urine
Basophilic stipling of RBCs
Key: True: c
13. In an automobile manufacturing plant of Pakistan, a large number of employees are working
in different sections. Persons who work in the section of welding the parts together have started
reporting sick with redness of eyes. On examination conjunctivitis and keratitis are foun What
could be the cause of this problem?
Poor Personal Hygiene
Ultraviolet radiations
Ionizing radiations
Key: True: d
14. Your opinion is sought as a Public Health Specialist by the employers of a glass factory in
which some workers have developed Silicosis. The most important control measure that you
recommend is:
Pre-placement examination
Adequate personal hygiene

Periodic X-ray chest

Rigorous dust control
Key: True: e
15. Twenty workers of a chemical factory located in an industrial area near Lahore, are handling
irritant chemicals (dichromates) as part of their jo Such workers require periodic medical
examination. What could be the appropriate frequency of such examinations in your opinion?
Once a year
Twice a year
Key: True: d
16. A mother brought her six weeks old child to an EPI centre for routine immunization. She was
enquired about history of Epilepsy in the family and febrile fits. The doctor took this history to
avoid complication with:
Diphtheria toxoid
Tetanus toxoid
Hepatitis B vaccine
Pertussis vaccine
Key: True: d
17. A conference is being held for prevention of haemorrhagic fever in our country. The people
from South Africa are also invite Your opinion as a health expert is sought regarding transmission
of prevalent infection in South Africa to Pakistan. The infection that you should be most
concerned about is.
Dengue fever

Hay fever
Congo fever
Yellow fever
Key: True: e
18. An M.S student of Wah Medical College got an accidental prick while drawing blood of
hepatitis B positive patient. He had completed his course of immunization against hepatitis B last
year. What would you recommend for him?
Booster dose of HB Vaccine
Single dose of passive immunization
Both active and passive immunization
Two doses of immunoglobulins 30 days a part
Nothing required
Key: True: d
19. A forty years old guard of forestry presented in emergency with complaint of dog bite on his
left leg. On examination a deep transdermal wound was foun He gave history of completing the
course of immunization against rabies last year. His serum antibody titre was > 0.5 IU/ml of bloo
What would you advise?
Complete course of active immunization & passive immunization
Only passive immunization
Two booster doses of HDC vaccine
Three booster doses of HDC vaccine + RIG
Only local treatment of wound and anti tetanus measures
Key: True: c
20. A 20 years old lady read an article in a newspaper on vaccination against tetanus. She is very
conscious of herself being vaccinate The best schedule that you would suggest for her at this age
Single dose of TT

Two doses of TT one month apart

Two doses one month apart with booster after five years
Five doses of TT
Nothing required till she gets pregnant
Key: True: d
21. A 30 years old man went in Benazir Bhutto?s rally at Rawalpindi, where in a suicidal attack he
got a penetrating injury on his leg. The emergency treatment was given. His immunity status
against tetanus is not known. The required anti tetanus measures ar
Toxoid one dose
Toxoid one dose + TIG
Toxoid complete course
Toxoid complete course + TIG
Fifteen hundred international units of ATS
Key: True: d
22. A primigravida came for antenatal. Her base line investigations along with screening for
Hepatitis B and C were don She was diagnosed HBV positiv What measure would you suggest to
prevent the infection in her child after delivery?
Active immunization only
Active & passive Immunization
Only passive immunization
Key: True: b
23. A 6 weeks old boy came for DPT, polio & HBV vaccination. He was given initial doses of all and
was called after 4 weeks to have the next doses. The likely reason for calling him again was:
Loss of immune memory

Stimulation of macrophages
Summation of immune responses
Replication of lymphocytes
Immune tolerance
Key: True: c
24. A GP purchased BCG vaccine for his clini He should store this vaccine at his clinic in:
A dark place
Deep freezer
Water carrier
Key: True: b
25. The population living in Wah Cantt is using water from a deep spring, which is considered to
be relatively free from organic contamination but rich in calcium bicarbonates and sulphates. On
account of properties that spring water has, protects people from:
Renal problems
Degenerative heart disease
Key: True: c
26. Required amount of chlorine was added to a large body of water after sedimentation. The pH
of water was 4.0 and level of sulphides was negligibl A contact period of one hour was ensure
Eventually, it was found that chlorination was not successful. The likely reason was:
Low pH
Less contact time

Less amount of chlorine

Suspended impurities
Chemical antagonists
Key: True: a
27. People of a village reported a high prevalence of bacterial gastroenteritis even after proper
chlorination of water supply for the recommended duration. On water analysis, level of chlorine
in water was 0.01 mg/L and pH of water was 6.5. There were no suspended impurities; levels of
sulphides and ferrous were low. The likely reason of increased bacterial gastroenteritis even after
chlorination is:
Low residual chlorine
High pH leading to chlorination failure
Presence of sulphides
Low level of ferrous
Inadequate contact time
Key: True: a
28. A water sample was taken from a source where catchment area included a large agricultural
lan It was declared unfit for human consumption on account of raised

concentration of a chemical. The likely chemical which has resulted in making this water unfit is:
Key: True: e

29. During a sanitary inspection of a rapid sand filtration plant, slowing of the filtration rate was
observed owing to loss of hea Which method will you suggest to give head to water in such a
Addition of alum
Scraping the top layer
Increasing duration of storage
Back washing of sand bed
The addition of lime or soda ash
Key: True: d
30. You were required to chlorinate well water; you added required amount of bleaching powder
solution to the water and allowed an overnight contact tim What is your recommendation
regarding consumption of this water for drinking.
Fit for consumption
To be used after 12 hours
To be used after another 24 hours
May be used after boiling
Key: True: a
31. A dental surgeon appointed in rural health centre reports an increased incidence of dental
carries in the children of that are The relevant preventive measure that he should suggest to the
health authorities is:
Fluoridation of water
Chlorination of water
Use of bacterial filter
Use of boiled water
Softening of hard water

Key: True: a
32. Chlorination of water was done by addition of bleaching powder solution containing 10%
available chlorin One hour contact time was ensure What is your recommendation regarding use
of this water for drinking?
Fit for consumption
Use after 06 hours
Use after 12 hours
To be used after another 24 hours
Key: True: e
33. Water samples from two villages of Punjab were sent to Health laboratory for examination.
Lab reports show fluoride levels ranging form 5.26 to 6.32 mg/lit. Use of this water for drinking
may lead to:
Dental caries
Dental flourosis
Alveolar abscess
Key: True: b
34. An out-break of scabies was reported in a Kachi abadi consisting of 500 peopl The appropriate
preventive measures suggested by you would be to:
Filter the water
Improve accessibility to water
Destroy breeding sites of insects
Chlorinate water
Avoid bare footed watering of fields

Key: True: b
1. Your advice is sought to maintain sustainability of a health programm What is the best and
essential feature that you suggest to make the programme sustainable?
Community participation
Cost effectiveness
Cost analysis
Intersectoral collaboration
Key: True: a
2. The water and power development and public health engineering are the two areas which are
working with the health department for control of diahrroeal and gastrointestinal diseases in
Rawalpindi District, which is an example of:
Appropriate technology
Intersectoral collaboration
Key: True: e
3. A health team visited a village to setup a health facility ther The team surveyed the area along
with the local health worker, the village Numberdar and two volunteers from the peopl This
Community participation
Situation analysis

Key: True: b
4. Infant mortality was studied at one place by three different investigators / researchers. It was
found that they all gave the similar figures. This quality of a measurement is referred as:
Key: True: d
5. There was an epidemic of cholera in a village of Bangladesh. It was followed by increase in
deaths mainly among children and eventually an increase in infant mortality rat This quality of
IMR to change with changes in mortality trends is:
Key: True: a
6. A community survey was done to assess the health needs of community, community
demanded more schools, sanitary water supply and sewage disposal. The surveyors
recommended building of sanitary wells and bore-hole latrines straight away to decrease the
incidence of diarrheal diseases. The provision of schools was delayed for a few reasons. This step
by the health care providers is known as:

Health promotion
Key: True: a
7. About 75% of population in Pakistan reside in rural areas and the remaining in peri-urban and
urban areas, while the allocated funds for improvement of health care programmes are more for
urban areas. This is an example of:
Resource generation
Key: True: b
8. For providing quality health services, community participation plays an essential rol To ensure
maximum community participation, which level of health care system should be strengthened?
Primary health care
Secondary health care
Tertiary health care
1st level referral facility
Higher level referral facility
Key: True: a
9. Pakistan was a signatory to Health for All concept and it adopted the PHC approach in 1978 to
achieve the goals of health HFA by the year 2000. The health infrastructure was developed and
human resource inducte Keeping in mind the health scenario of Pakistan, which aspect is the
most critical in achieving the desired objective of health for all?
Community health workers
Leadership in health care

Computer network
Key: True: c
10. To suit the rural situation in Pakistan the lady health visitor introduced a homemade fluid for
oral rehydration. It will be described as:
Community participation
Appropriate technology
Key: True: e
11. Government of Pakistan started a program of safe water supply to people as part of water &
sanitation decade 1981-91 in order to improve their health. Many poverty alleviation schemes
were also implemented to ensure economic stability. These reflect:
Intersectoral collaboration
Appropriate technology
Key: True: a
12. The effectiveness of an intervention will depend primarily on:

Planning & management

Key: True: a
1. The yield of a screening programme by a field test increased over a period of 3 years although
the trade off between sensitivity and specificity remained the sam It gives a clue to an increase
True: c (Prevalenc
2. A woman came with antipartal bleeding. She was to be transfused with bloo Her blood was
sent for blood grouping and HBV screening. She was found to be HB positiv This screening is;
True: e (Opportunisti
3. Worker of lead foundry are tested for corpoporphyrin in the urin This screening is:

True: b (Targete
4. For screening of tuberculosis mantoux, chest x-rays and sputum analysis were used on the
same occasion in Rawalpindi District. This screening is an example of:
True: a (Multiphasi
5. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
Calculate sensitivity in the above tabl
Key: 12 / 12+28 x 100 = 30
6. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)

- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
Calculate Specificity in the above tabl
Key: 42 / 18 + 42 x 100 = 70 %

7. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
Calculate Positive predictive value in the above tabl
Key: 12 / 12+18 x 100 = 40 %
8. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
Calculate Negative predictive value in the above tabl
Key: 42 / 28+42 x 100 = 60 %

9. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
Calculate False-positive rate in the above tabl
Key: 18 / 18+42 x 100 = 30 %
10. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)
- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
Calculate False-negative rate in the above tabl
Key: 28 / 12+28 x 100 = 70 %
11. An investigator evaluated 100 patients suffering from major depression as confirmed by the
attending psychiatrist. The results were as follows:
Clinical Depression
Present Absent
+ 12 18 (12+18)

- 28 42 (28+42)
(12+28) (18+42) N = 100
Calculate Accuracy of a test in the above tabl
Key: 12+42 / 12 + 18 + 28 + 42 x 100 = 54 %
12. The extent to which a test measures what it was originally designed to measure is described
True-positive value
Key: c (Validity)
13. Accuracy of the screening test will depend upon:
Systemic error
Random error
Key: a (Validity)
14. A pap smear and colposcopic examination for the early detection of cervical cancer and
papilloma virus infection constitut
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention

Medical treatment
Surgical treatment
Key: b (Secondary prevention)
15. With X representing the most accurate cutoff point for a diagnostic screening test, what does
D represent:
False positives
True positives
False negatives
True negatives
Skewed distribution
Key: a (False positives)
1. A mother brings her four year old child to a doctor with a complaint of intense perianal itching.
Despite being fed properly, he has not gained weight for the last few months. The likely condition
Key: a
2. A patient presents with fever, rigors and chills. He complains of severe weakness and lethargy.
His blood film is positive for ring forms of protozo The likely diagnosis is: (Save

Key: a
3. A pregnant woman presented with pallor, shortness of breath, lethargy and palpitation. Her
blood examination revealed hemoglobin level of 9 gm/dl.
In your opinion what could be the probable deficiency in the woman? (Save
Vitamin C
Key: a
4. A 30 years old pregnant lady, gravidity 2 parity 1, visited the antenatal clinic at 32 weeks of
gestation. She was a known smoker. On physical examination blood pressure was found to be
120/80 mm Hg. Blood examination showed Hb level of 12.5 g/dl. Ultrasound was suggestive of
intrauterine growth retardation. Which factor during pregnancy would have contributed to
intrauterine growth retardation? (Save
f. Age
g. Parity
h. Anemia
i. Hypertension
j. Smoking
Key: e
5. A 28 years old pregnant lady, gravidity 1 parity1, visited the antenatal clinic at 32 weeks of
gestation. She was a known alcoholi On physical examination blood pressure was found to
be120/80 mm Hg. Blood examination showed Hb level of 12.5 g/dl. Ultrasound was suggestive
of intrauterine growth retardation, Microcephaly and developmental delay. Which factor during
pregnancy would have contributed to the fetal conditions? (Save

f. Maternal age
g. Parity
h. Anemia
i. Hypertension
j. Alcohol consumption
Key: e
6. A newly married couple visits family planning centre for contraception. Upon investigation the
woman has hyperlipidemi The method of contraception which would be used cautiously in this
woman is: (Save
Combined oral contraceptive pill
Second generation IUCD
Mini pill
Key: b
7. A 35 years old woman was brought to hospital with toxic shock syndrom She was using some
method of contraception. The method of contraception which had likely lead to this condition is:
Vaginal douching
Oral pills
Key: b
8. A 34 years old woman presented in the emergency department to a lady doctor with painful
vulvar ulceration. On examination the ulcer had irregular margins with undermined edges. The
ipsilateral inguinal lymph nodes were swollen and tender. The most likely diagnosis is:

Lymphogranuloma venereum
Key: c
9. A rubber industry worker presents with abdominal colic and severe anemi His blood
examination reveals basophilic stippling of RBCs and microcytic anemi What is the likely
Lead poisoning
Benzene poisoning
Radiation effects
Sideroblastic anemia
Worm infestation
Key: a
10. A 35 years old man working in roofing industry presented to his primary care physician with
complaints of dyspnea and chronic dry cough. Chest X ray revealed pulmonary hyperinflation
with honey comb appearance and calcified parietal pleural plaques. What is the most likely
Farmers lung
Key: b

11. In the mica mines of Bihar, out of 329 miners examined, 34.1 percent were found suffering
with irritant cough, dyspnoea on exertion and pain in the chest. On chest X-ray there was snow
storm appearance in the lung fields. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Key: d
12. An industrial worker presented with pulmonary tuberculosis. On X- rays Calcification and
fibrosis were seen. The likely industry he had worked in is:
Sand blasting
Key a
13. A disease outbreak occurred in India last year. Many patients either presented with enlarged
painful lymph nodes or pneumonia with high grade fever and toxicity. High mortality due to
pneumonia was also reporte The likely epidemic is: (save
Yellow fever
Key: b

14. A mother brought her child with history of paroxysmal cough and restlessness. On
examination he showed a loud inspiratory sound and sub-conjunctival hemorrhag On the basis
of clinical presentation what should be the drug of choice:
Co- trimoxazole
Key: a
15. A 40 year old tuberculosis patient on ATT for the last two months presented to his physician
with complaints of tingling, numbness and loss of peripheral sensation. The likely anti
tuberculosis drug to have caused these symptoms is:
Key: a
16. 10 years old boy presented with high grade fever, chills, aches, cough and generalized
weakness. He was diagnosed as a case of influenz The most dreaded complication is:
Toxic shock syndrome
Reye?s syndrome
Sub-Conjunctival hemorrhages
Key: b

17. A water sample was taken from a village near Taxil On chemical analysis the fluoride level was
found to be 0.03 mg/lit. The likely effect on the body is:
Dental flourosis
Dental caries
Skeletal flourosis
Caries spine
Abdominal colic
Key: b
18. A water sample taken from a water storage tank of a residential area was sent for
bacteriological examination in the laboratory. A test of water sample by multiple tube method
was found positive, which referred to the presence of:
Coli-form organisms
Fecal streptococci
Cl. Perfringens
Key: a
19. An army troop while being transported to Himalayan station had to stay at the altitude of
12,000 feet for 04 days. One of the soldiers developed pulmonary edem The best immediate
measure to be taken is:
Antibiotic therapy
Suction of pulmonary fluids
Artificial respiration
Shift the patient to lower altitude
Administer diuretics
Key: d

20. The atmospheric pressure at earth?s surface close to the sea level averages 760 mm of Hg. If
a man lives at an altitude of 13000 feet above the sea level for few years, the main physiological
effect is:
Decrease in respiration
Increase in concentration of hemoglobin
Decrease in concentration of hemoglobin
Decrease in cardiac output
Increased concentration of urine
Key: b
21. Hospital administration wants to set up a method for safe disposal of infectious wast They
have enough expenses. What should be the best option for them?
Single chamber incinerator
Double chamber Pyrolytic incinerator
Microwave irradiation
Screw feed technology
Chemical disinfection
Key: b
22. A 50 years old industrial worker presented to doctor with complaints of whistling, buzzing
and deafness. He had been working for 8 hrs in a day with exposure to noise of 90 db and 2000
Hz. What is the most likely cause of his condition?
Duration of work
Loudness of sound
Frequency of sound
Key: d

23. A 23 years old married woman came to the hospital in Gynae OPD with complaints of vaginal
itching and discharg Speculum examination of vagina revealed foul smelling greenish yellow
discharg What is the likely diagnosis?
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Key: b
24. To control the rising incidence of non communicable diseases, legislation based on tobacco
control will be adopted to prevent onset of the risk behaviour. This prevention will be
Health promotion
Specific protection
Disability limitation
Key. a
25. A mother brings her 10 year old boy to a psychiatrist. She complains that when her boy gets
close to the school, he starts getting severe pain in the abdomen which settles upon coming back.
His IQ is with in normal limits and his academic record is satisfactory. The clinical presentation is
suggestive of
Juvenile delinquency
Psychosomatic disorder
Mental retardation
Educational difficulties
Habit disorder

Key. b
26. A patient presented to a psychiatrist showing minor mental changes. He stated that he
experienced rebound lowering in mood in the absence of the drug that he had been taking for
constant mental stimulation. The likely drug which he had been taking is:
Key e
27. A 30 years old man presented with complaints of loss of appetite and weight. He also
admitted his dependence on a substanc On examination he had palmar erythema and ataxic gait.
The likely abused substance is:
Key: c
28. A 10 years old boy presented with complaints of fever, accompanied by profuse sweating for
the last 1 week. He also complained of multiple joint pains. Serum ASO titre was increase The
likely diagnosis is:
Hepatitis B
Rheumatic fever

Key: d
29. Cancer registration is important for any cancer control programm It provides a base for
assessing the magnitude of problem and for planning the necessary action. If the size for a
population based case registry is 6 million it is considered to be:
Very small
Very large
Unusually large
Key: c
30. Smokers have risk of lung cancer four times more than non smokers. If smoking indicates
causal association this characteristic gives:
Strength of association
Temporal sequence
Key: b
31. The incidence of gonorrhoea is continuously increasing in a particular locality. An investigator
reveals that mostly sex workers are living ther This epidemic may be classified as:
Common source single exposure
Common source continuous exposure
Propagated epidemic
Slow epidemic
modern epidemic

key: b
32. A public health physician wants to study the load of hypertension in Rawalpindi district to
establish special screening & treatment services in the mentioned are Which design is more
useful for this?
Cross sectional
Case series
Case control
Key: a
33. In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing heart disease, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The results
were as follows:
Present Absent
A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000
What is the incidence rate (absolute risk) of endometrial cancer among those who didn?t use
oral contraceptives?
630 / (50 + 630)
75 / (245 + 75)
50 / (50 + 630)
245 / (245 + 75)

Key: True: c 50/(50 + 630)

34. 10 cases of food poisoning had been reported in hospital, 2 out of these developed mild
gastrointestinal symptoms, 4 developed moderate dehydration but recovered and 2 succumbed
to the diseas The characteristic of the organism of food poisoning that produces the severest
form of the disease is:
Key: c
35. A mother brought her four year old child to the doctor. She gave the history that her child
was in close contact with a case of diphtheria in school. She was very anxious about her child and
gave history of booster dose of DT 2 years ago. What would be line of management for such a
Booster dose of DT with penicillin
Active and passive immunization
Active and passive immunization with chemoprophylaxis
Only keep under surveillance for 1 week
Nothing more required
Key: a
36. A General Practitioner purchased BCG vaccine for his clini He should store this vaccine at his
clinic in:
A dark place
Deep freezer
Water carrier

Key: True: d
37. A 5 years old boy is brought to the emergency department with history of dog bit Examination
revealed multiple transdermal bites on left leg. The best management for such a patient is:
Anti rabies serum, suturing of wound, TT
Anti rabies serum, suturing of wound, Vaccine
Vaccine, leave wound open, TT, ARS
Vaccine, leave wound open, TT
No Treatment if the dog disappears
Key: c
38. 1 year old child is being treated in Shaukat Khanam Hospital Lahore and getting radiotherapy
for carcinom A polio case has been detected in his residential locality. Pediatrician decides to
protect him against poliomyelitis by giving:
Human normal immunoglobulin
Human specific immunoglobulin
Oral polio vaccine
Inactivated polio vaccine
Chemoprophylaxis with antiviral drugs
True : d
39. Most important reason for recommending oral polio vaccine in the polio eradication
campaign despite availability of a safe injectable vaccine is that, it:
Provides 90% immunity in one dose
Does not interfere with vertical immunity
Has been donated by WHO
Provides herd immunity
Has less side effects

Key: d
40. A teacher of 4th class brought her student to the school medical officer with complaints of
gum bleeding and subcutaneous bruising for last few days. The student looked very pal The
clinical picture represents deficiency of:
Ascorbic acid
Key: b
41. A child of 6 presented to school medical officer with complains of fever, malaise and painful
swallowing. On examination a diffuse swelling was observed on the sides of the face below and
in-front of the ears. The doctor diagnosed him as a case of mumps. What is the most appropriate
management for him?
Analgesics only
Active and passive immunization
Passive immunization
Antibiotics only
Rest, analgesics and balanced diet
Key: e
42. In a health education programme conducted at school about deficiency of micronutrients
leading to various infections and high mortality. To avoid susceptibility of children to infection
the vitamin supplement to be emphasized more is:

Key c
43. The results of screening test for diabetes in a sample of 1000 people are as under:
What is the positive predictive value of this test?
Key: b
44. After excision of breast for Ca breast, a surgical reconstruction of breast tissue was don This
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention
Medical treatment
Surgical treatment
Key: c
45. A screening test is positive in the majority of cases but false positive rate is much higher than
true positives this indicates:

Low accuracy
High validity
High specificity
Key: a
46. A demographer observed that birth rate and death rate of Pakistan is decreasing but birth
rate is still more than death rat What do you think in which phase of demographic transition does
Pakistan currently exist?
High stationary
Late expanding
Early expanding
Low stationary
Key: b
1993 GRR
1993 NRR
Burkina Faso
United Kingdom

Keeping in mind the above figures about Burkina Faso (BF) and United Kingdom (UK) which
interpretation is correct:
Low mortality in BF
Low mortality in UK
High fertility in UK
Better education in BF
Replacement level fertility in BF
key: b
48. Many women in a country are educated, independent and they work for earning their lively
hood too. When the number of males are expressed in relation to 100 of these females this is:
Sex ratio
Sex rate
Dependency ratio
Literacy rate
Working women ratio
Key: a
49. A man belonging to a poor community presents with diarrhea and dermatitis. He also shows
signs of personality and memory dysfunction. His history suggests that his staple diet is maiz The
likely diagnosis is:
Korsakoff?s psychosis
Vitamin B12 deficiency
Riboflavin deficiency
Biotin deficiency
Key: a

50. Riboflavin is an important group of water soluble vitamin. Cereals and pulses are relatively
good sources of Riboflavin. Most common lesion associated with Riboflavin, which can also be
used as an index of state of nutrition of group of children is:
Follicular keratosis
Angular stomatitis
key: c
51. A four year old child presented in an OPD with signs of edema on limbs, blond sparse hair and
dermatosis. His weight was 70% of the standard for his ag The likely condition is:
Nephrotic syndrome
Seborrhoeic dermatitis
Wet beriberi
Key: e
52. A chronic alcoholic was complaining of loss of appetite and pain in lower legs. On examination
his gate was ataxi He is suffering from deficiency of:
Pantothenic acid
Key: b

53. A weight conscious pregnant woman wants information about her requirement of calories
per day during pregnancy. You suggest an increase of:
250 kcal
450 kcal
350 kcal
550 kcal
650 kcal
Key: c
54. October 2005 earthquake caused countless deaths. Several NGO?S participated to combat
the post disaster phase and the most important point they considered in order of preference
Vaccination against infections diseases
Provision of safe water and food
Disposal of dead bodies
Disposal of solid wastes
Vector control
Key: c
55. The effectiveness of an intervention will depend primarily on:
Planning and management
Key a
56. To improve the health of the nations, The Millennium Development Goals are mainly
focused on:

Women education
Involvement of men in RH
Fertility regulation
Health system research
Key: a
57. For providing quality health services, community participation plays an essential rol To ensure
maximum community participation, which level of health care system should be strengthened?
Primary health care
Secondary health care
Tertiary health care
1st level referral facility
Higher level referral facility
Key: a
58. In a descriptive study the mean is 200 and the standard error is 5, the 95 confidence limits
would be:
180 to 200
190 to 200
180 to 210
200 to 220
190 to 210
Key: e
59. An analysis of the race of patients who visit an emergency room reveals that 40% are white,
25% are black, 20% are Native American, and 15% are Asian. These data would best be depicted
graphically with a
Venn diagram

Cumulative frequency graph

Normal curve
Pie chart
Key: True: e
60. An investigator gets a positively skewed data on account of having only a small number of
simple numerical observations at extremely high values. It will give an over estimate of:
Modal class
Key a
61. In a household survey conducted on ten families the frequency of family members in different
age groups was less than 5 years? 21, 5 14 years? 16, 15 64 years? 77 & > 65 years? 1. The
relative frequency of members in 15 64 years age group would be:
Key: b
62. A 7 years old child reported to a private hospital with history of snakebit On examination
there were petechial haemaorrhages and bleeding from rectum. The toxic ingredient in snake
venom responsible for those signs is:

Key: e
63. In Pakistan about 50% population is illiterate and smoking is mostly prevalent among the
poor. Government has started giving pictorial warnings instead of written, to have a greater
impact of health education on people: This strategy is more focused on:
Key: b
64. A medical officer working at BHU in the periphery of Baluchistan noticed that most of the
people presented with painful cutaneous ulcers on the exposed parts of the body. Almost all of
them gave history that it started as a granular nodule after some insect bit The medical officer
realized that they had been bitten by:
Aedes Aegypti
Xenopsylla cheopsis
Ornithotorous Moubata
Glossinae palpalis
Key: b
65. A man reports with fever and rigors; chills and lethargy: His blood CP is positive for crescent
like structures related to a parasite involved in the above picture: Which arthropod comes to
your mind as a transmitter of this disease:

Key: a
1. About 2500 deaths were reported in road side accidents during the year 2006 in Pakistan. If
the total number of deaths due to accidents is expressed against the mid year population of
Pakistan in year 2006 this will give:
Crude death rate
Age specific death rate
Cause specific death rate
Case fatality rate
Proportional mortality rate
2. In a universe comprising of 1500 children less than 5 years of age, 75 children with severe
malnutrition were foun If 75 new cases of severe malnutrition were registered over a period of
one year, the incidence rate for severe malnutrition during the same year is:
50 / 1000
53 / 1000
55 / 1000
60 / 1000
63 / 1000
3. Every year during the winter season the hospital admissions are more for pneumonia cases.
This year also about 358 children with pneumonia were admitted in the Pediatric department of
POF Hospital between the months of Jan Mar 2007. This increased frequency of respiratory
infections during winter months is an example of:
Epidemic trend

Cyclical trend
Seasonal trend
Secular trend
Pandemic trend
4. Prevalence measures the burden of disease in a population inclusive of old & new cases.
Prevalence of a disease can be obtained from:
Quasi experimental study
Cross sectional study
Case control study
Cohort study
Intervention study
5. A 55 years old hypertensive patient was admitted in the Medical Ward with cerebral strok
After treatment he recovered but was unable to move his right lower lim He was advised
physiotherapy. This type of assistance is:
Health promotion
Specific protection
Prompt treatment
Disability limitation
6. According to a study conducted by WHO the incidence of polio in Sindh province having a total
population of 20 million was 1 during the year 2007, which type of study was this:
Case report
Cross sectional
Case control

7. An epidemiologist is assigned to conduct a study on 5000 people having hyperlipidemia and

those having normal lipid profil He has to keep track of all the participants to observe the
development of stroke in these patients to confirm that hyperlipidemia increases the risk of strok
This study is:
Retrospective cohort study
Retrospective study
Prospective study
Cross sectional study
Case series
8. To compare the death rate of Nepal with the death rate of Pakistan, the most appropriate
measure is a comparison between:
Age specific mortality rates
Crude death rates
Maternal mortality rates
Standardized mortality rates
Life expectancy
9. A 40 years old man of 75 kg came to a physician for his routine checkup. His serum cholesterol
was found to be 230 mg/dL and he was diagnosed as hypertensiv The risk factor of this particular
condition is classified as:
10. Acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis affected a large proportion of population over a wide
geographic area in 1971 and 1981. This spread of disease is:

11. A patient came in emergency with signs of dehydration and severe diarrhe An Intra venous
infusion was given to correct electrolytes and fluid levels. He was discharged after 2 days. About
2 months later the patient came back with signs of jaundice and Hepatitis B surface antigen was
positiv He did not give history of any event which could have lead to this diseas This hepatitis
infection may be labeled as:
Sub clinical
Cross infection
12. A cross-sectional study was conducted at Wah Medical College in the year 2006 to measure
the period prevalence of smokers among 105 students. Out of them 5 were already smokers and
15 started during 2006, period prevalence of 2006 is:
13. In a village of population 10,000, 250 cases of Hepatitis B were reported in the month of July.
The point prevalence of Hepatitis B per thousand populations is:

14. A household survey of 10 families was conducted by students of 4th year MBBS, Wah Medical
Colleg In the data they collected, the ages of heads of families were: 32, 34, 35, 36, 36, 42, 44,
46, 48, 52. The mean age of heads of families is
15. A woman brings her child to the hospital for mongolism. The possible agent of the disease
that comes in your mind is?
Nutritional factor
Hormonal factor
Chromosomal factor
16. A child of three years comes with complaints of night blindness. On examination conjunctiva
is dry and corneal haziness is also seen. There is no history of any other disease or injury. The
likely agent type is:

17. A man brought his child with complaints of fever, diarrhea and abdominal pain. He gave
history of living in an unhygienic small house around a factory area where his son had many
friends. He had three more children who also had same complaints off and on. Which
environment is likely to have resulted in this condition?
18. A new drug was introduced in some of patients to assess its usefulness compared with the
old on Neither patients nor clinicians who evaluated patients for effect under consideration in
this clinical trial knew individual treatment assignments. This method of assignment is known as:
Single blinding
Double blinding
Triple blinding
19. 10 cases of food poisoning had been reported in a hospital, 2 out of these developed mild
gastrointestinal symptoms, 4 developed moderate dehydration but recovered and 2 succumbed
to the diseas The characteristic of the organism of food poisoning that produces the severest
form of the disease is:

20. The trend in mortality from tuberculosis in England showed a steady fall in years 1855 1965
but thereafter a gradual rise in the incidence of this disease was reporte This type of time trend
or fluctuation in disease occurrence is termed as:
Epidemic trend
Cyclical trend
Seasonal trend
Secular trend
Pandemic trend
21. An outbreak of brucellosis in cattle is reported, threatening the health of human population.
This outbreak is:
22. A survey report in 1960 concluded that there was an increase in asthma deaths with the
increased use of pressurized aerosol bronchodilators; although the deaths were more because
of the severity of diseas This association is:
23. In a coal mine the expected deaths of coal worker were 7 per thousand while the deaths that
really occurred were 9. The standardized mortality ratio for coal workers is:

24. At Lahore Grammar School a student of class II developed mumps. He was isolated from other
children till swelling subsided and his brother of class IV who looked apparently healthy was also
advised to be away from school for about a fortnight as he could have been:
Incubatory carrier
Healthy carrier
Convalescent carrier
Temporary carrier
Chronic carrier
25. In a colony located near an industrial area 50 people died due to asphyxia and many
developed difficulty in breathing and were hospitalize Within 24 hours. The cause was the
leakage of carbon monoxide from a near by chemical plant. The distribution of cases in time is
suggestive of:
Propagated epidemic
Slow epidemic
Common source single exposure
Common source continuous exposure
26. Cement industry is suspected for more deaths among its workers. So the industrialist gets
worried and wants to assess whether more deaths are likely in these workers or not. The measure
that predicts the mortality in this industrial group is:
Age specific death rate
Standardized mortality ratio
Cause specific death rate

Proportionate mortality
Case fatality rate
27. The annual report of POF Hospital for the year 2006 shows 200 cases of Myocardial Infarction,
35 cases of Cholecystitis, 105 cases of Pneumonia and 350 cases of Acute Gastroenteritis. The
result of this report cannot be generalized on the total population of Wah on account of:
Confounding bias
Memory bias
Selection bias
Berkesonian bias
Interviewer?s bias
28. Increased number of Malaria cases was reported in the time intervals between August to
October and March to April. There are 2 different periods in a year, where increased malaria
transmission is reporte Such an occurrence of malaria cases in time will give a distribution which
29. A study was conducted to assess the heights of 30 students. By chance all of the students
were found to be of the same height. The standard deviation of this study sample is:
0 - -1
0 - +1
0 - +2
0 - -2

30. In the medical OPD of teaching hospital of Wah Medical College, Wah Cantt, diastolic blood
pressures of 10 patients were as follows:
80 , 75 , 81 , 79 , 71 , 95 , 75 , 77 , 84 & 90. The mean of this data is:
1. In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The
results were as follows:
Present Absent
A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000
What is the incidence rate (absolute risk) of endometrial cancer among who didn?t use oral
630 / (50 + 630)
75 / (245 + 75)
50 / (50 + 630)
245 / (245 + 75)
Insufficient data
Key: True: c 50/(50 + 630)

2. In an outbreak of cholera in a village of 2,000 population, 20 cases have occurred and 5 die
Case fatality rate is:
Key: True: d
3. In a population of 1000, measles coverage is 60%, one child goes out of station and comes back
with measles from whom 20 more children get measles. Secondary attack rate of measles is:
Key: True: b

1. Total No. of children=1000

2. No. of immunized =600
3. No. of un-immunized=400
4. Primary case=1
5. Secondary attack rate=20/(400-1)=20/399 X100= 5%
4. If an epidemiologist while investigating an epidemic makes a graph to plot distribution of cases
of disease by the time of onset and gets a polymodal distribution curv The most likely disease is:

Staphylococcal food poisoning

Hepatitis A
Key: True: c
5. In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The
results were as follows:
Present Absent
A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000
What is the incidence rate (absolute risk) of endometrial cancer among women who used oral
contraceptives in person-years? If the study was carried out for five years.
630 / (680 x 5)
75 / (320 x 5)
50 / (630 x 5)
75 / (320 + 5)
245 / (320 x 5)
Key: True: e 245 / (320 x 5)
6. 10 cases of food poisoning had been reported in hospital, 2 out of these developed mild
gastrointestinal symptoms, 4 developed moderate dehydration but recovered and 2 succumbed
to the diseas The characteristic of the organism of food poisoning that produces the severest
form of the disease is:

Key: True: c
7. Public Policies in Pakistan aim at avoiding the underlying reasons for the development of
environmental and atmospheric concentration of SO2 to protect the health of peopl It?s an
example of
Key: True: a
8. Influenza pandemic occurs after every 7 10 years. This kind of disease distribution in time is
known as:
Secular trend
Short time fluctuation
Cyclical trend
Seasonal trend
Key: True: c
9. In a prospective study of the relationship between oral contraceptive use and the subsequent
risk of developing endometrial cancer, a cohort of 1000 women were followed for 5 years. The
results were as follows:

Present Absent
A 245
B 75
C 50
D 630
A + C = 295 B + D = 705 n = 1000
What is the relative risk in this study?
[75 / (245 + 75)] / [50 / (50 + 630)]
[75 / (245 + 75)] / [630 / (50 + 630)]
[50 / (245 + 50)] / [630 / (75 + 630)]
[245 / (245 + 75)] / [50 / (50 + 630)]
Insufficient data
Key: True: d [245 / (245 + 75)] / [50 / (50 + 630)]
10. If the age incidences curve of leukemia shows two peaks it is suggestive of bimodality.
Bimodality usually signifies:
Non homogeneity
Cluster sampling
Large number of observations
Short duration of disease
Key: True: a
11. A doctor is required to study the incidence of silicosis in a stone cutting industry, which study
design should he choose:

Ecological surveys
Case reports
Case series report
Key: True: a
12. The health statistics department revealed that the sale of anti-Asthma drugs was more in
those countries where Asthma deaths were mor This association may prove wrong when the
individual based study designs are conducte This association is an example of:
Ecological fallacy
Berkesonian bias
Indirect association
Temporal association
Specific association
Key: True: a

13. A researcher wanted to study the time sequence to prove the concept of causativity, which
design of study should be preferred by the researcher:
Case report
Case series report
Quasi experimental
Key: True: a
14. Smoking leads to esophageal carcinom Coffee intake has its effect on smoking and also
esophageal carcinom This factor can distort the results of the study which intends to prove an
association between smoking and esophageal cancer. This effect of this factor is known as:

Multiple causation
One to one relationship
Dose response relation
Strength of association
Key: True: a
15. The health authorities are launching a smoking cessation program by designing different
activities for the smokers. These are very expensive but still useful as a large proportion of lung
cancer will be eliminated if smoking is stoppe This proportion of lung cancer can be indicated by:
Relative risk
Attributable risk
Attributable fraction
Incidence density
Key: True: d
16. A researcher was studying maternal mortality in Rawalpindi District. He observed more
deaths in women who were brought to hospital and without taking other factors into account
concluded that hospital managed cases have more mortality as compared to home deliveries.
This is an example of:
Indirect association
Relative risk
Spurious association
Attributable risk
Causal association
Key: True: c
17. In 2005, Pakistan crude birth rate was 36 births per 1000 population and the crude death rate
was 9 deaths per 1000 population. What was the population growth rate of the country in that
year assuming no migrations?

2.9 %
2.8 %
2.7 %
2.6 %
2.5 %
Key: True: c
18. The changes in the size of population are indicated by five stages of demographic transition.
Pakistan is currently in the:
First stage
Second stage
Third stage
Fourth stage
Fifth stage
Key: True: b
19. The total number of people in a completed family can be estimated from:
Net reproduction rate
Gross reproduction rate
Contraception prevalence rate
Eligible couple rate
Total fertility rate
Key: True: e
20. Population size is determined by fertility, mortality and migrations. A researcher concluded
that Pakistan?s population is increasing on account of high fertility which measure did he rely
upon the most to conclude this?
Growth rate

Crude birth rate

Natural increase rate
Total fertility rate
General fertility rate
Key: True: d
21. The number of daughters a new born girl will bear during her life time assuming fixed age
specific fertility and mortality rate, refers to which one of the following?
Age specific fertility rate
Gross reproduction rate
Net reproduction rate
Total fertility rate
General fertility rate

Key: True: c
22. Keeping in mind the population pyramid of Pakistan. Which of the following features is most
Population momentum
Low migration
Higher female mortality
High literacy
Increased life expectancy
Key: True: a
23. If the total number of reported births in Rawalpindi district were 10,000 and deaths were
5,000 in the year 2007. By giving these figures we are referring to:
Absolute numbers

Crude birth rate

Growth rate
Crude death rate
Vital index
Key: True: a
24. Many women in a country are educated, independent and they work for earning their lively
hood too. When the number of males are expressed in relation with 100 females this is:
Sex ratio
Sex rate
Dependency ratio
Literacy rate
Working women ratio
Key: True: a
25. Doubling time is another way of expressing population growth. If we suppose that growth
rate of Poland remains constant at 0.08% population would be doubled in about.
800 years
870 years
875 years
880 years
890 years
Key: True: c
26. Demographic cycle has five stages and each country is allotted a different stage according to
its distribution of population. For examples if the death and birth rate of a country both are
declining then we call it as:
High stationary
Early expanding

Late expanding
Low stationary
Key: True: c
27. Diarrhoeal cases among children of an urban slum are on a ris Almost all the mothers are
illiterate and belong to lower socioeconomic class. It seems difficult to make them understand
the use of ORS. What method can provide the best solution in this scenario?
Role playing
Poster competition
Radio Programme
T.V commercials
Key: True: a
28. A school child is diagnosed to have chicken pox. He should be isolated from other school
children till:
The scabs fall off
Two days after the scabs are formed
Three days after the fever develops
Five days after the development of pustules
Seven days after the development of pustules
Key: True: a
29. In a community, identification of high risk individuals for coronary heart disease and the
prevention of risk factors is an example of:
Selective screening

Mass screening
Opportunistic screening
Key: True: d
30. In a village the persons between the ages of 30 50 years were checked for their fasting blood
sugar levels, to detect diabetes Mellitus before the appearance of signs and symptoms. The time
interval between diagnosis by early detection and diagnosis due to development of signs /
symptoms is called:
Incubation period
Lead time
Serial interval
Latent period
Generation time
Key: True: b
31. Glucose tolerance test is a useful screening test for diabetes. The ability of the test to identify
those who have the disease in question is called:
Key: True: d
32. In a population consisting of 1000 females, Gram-stained cervical smear test was performed
to detect gonorrhoe In this example the predictive value was calculated to be 47%, sensitivity
50% and specificity 90%. The diagnostic power of the test is reflected by:

Predictive value
False negative rate
Key: True: c
33. In a population under study there were 75 cases of hypertension. On further screening
another 50 cases were added to the total owing to the characteristic of the test called:
Key: True: d
34. A 22 years old boy was appointed as computer operator in a factory. During his medical
examination he was found to be HIV positiv This screening is:
Key: True: e
35. For screening of breast cancer self examination by women, mammography and fine needle
aspiration were used at the same time in PIMS Islamaba This screening is an example of:

Key: True: a
36. The yield of a screening test was increased over a period of 5 years although the trade off
between sensitivity and specificity remained the sam It is likely to have increased by increase in:
Key: True: c
37. The chest X-rays and sputum analysis for the early detection of tuberculosis constitute:
Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention
Medical treatment
Primordial prevention
Key: True: b
38. With X representing the most accurate cut off point for a diagnostic screening test, what does
C represent:

False positives
True positives
False negatives

True negatives
Skewed distribution
Key: True: c
(For question 39-46 please refer to following tabl
39-46. An investigator evaluated 150 patients suffering from sore throat for streptococcal
infection. The results were as follows:
39. The ability of the test to correctly identify those who have the disease is:
Key: True: c
40. The ability of the test to correctly identify those who do not have the disease is:

Key: True: e
41. The ability of the test to correctly identify those who have the disease from all those who test
Key: True: c
42. The ability of the test to correctly identify those who do not have the disease from all those
who test negative:
Key: True: d
43. The prevalence of disease in this study is:
Key: True: a
44. The accuracy of this screening test is:

Key: True: c
45. The false-positive rate in this study is:
Key: True: a
46. The false negative rate in this study is:
Key: True: c
47. 45 Years old man was brought to emergency department of hospital with history of snake bit
There was intense local pain, swelling and ecchymosis at site of bit Few hours later bleeding
started from the gums, followed by coma and death. The type of snake involved is:
Sea snake
Common krait

Green pit viper

Coral snake
Key: True: c
48. A 30 years old lady is bitten by a snak She complains of giddiness, lethargy, muscular weakness
and spreading paralysis. The type of snake involved is:
Sea snake
Green pit viper
Elapid snake
Bamboo snake
Russell?s viper
Key: Tue: c
49. A 7 years old child reported to a private hospital with history of snakebit On examination
there were petechial haemaorrhages and bleeding from rectum. The toxic principal in snake
venom responsible for those signs is:
Key: True: e
50. Six of the ten family members living in a single room house complain of intense itching with
scratching in axillae, groin & hands; it is more marked at night. The most likely diagnosis is:

Key: True: a
51. While conducting a house hold survey 4th year students of Wah Medical College collected
Data of ten families regarding no of persons in four age groups <5, 5-14, 15-64,

>65. They want to present the %age distribution of different age groups. The %age can be
depicted by:
Pie chart
Line diagram
Scatter diagram
Key: True: a
52. In a study about control of DM II by the oral hypoglycemics. The mean fasting blood sugar
level of 150 patients was 100mg/dl. With standard deviation of 10mg/dl. From the data FBS of
99% patients of the given sample will be in the range of:
70 130 mg/dl
80 120 mg/dl
90 110 mg/dl
100 130 mg/dl
70 100 mg/dl
Key: True: a
53. In a study involving 120 hypertensive patients at POF hospital Wah Cantt. The mean serum
cholesterol level was found 180 mg/dl with a sample variance of 25mg/dl from the data 2/3rd of
patients will have serum cholesterol mg/dl in the range of:

175 185
170 190
165 195
180 185
180 195
Key: True: a
54. 200 patients of hepatitis B got admitted in the medical unit of POF hospital Wah Cantt in the
year 2007. their serum bilirubin was don The results were as follow:
Mean = 9mg/dl
Median = 6.5mg/dl
Mode = 4 mg/dl
The distribution of bilirubin level is:
Positively skewed
Negatively skewed
Key: True: b
55. In a class of 100 students the mean height of students was 5 feet with the standard deviation
of 1 feet. The portion of students that will have height 7 feet would be:

Key: True: d
56. In 2007 a study was conducted at Wah Cantt to see the efficacy of measles vaccin 50 new
cases of measles were reported after vaccination in the year 2007. This reported data is:
Key: True: a
57. In a follow up study of five patients admitted to the coronary care unit with a diagnosis of
acute MI. The length of stay was found to be 5, 8, 3, 5 and 9 days. The arithmetic average of the
given data is:
Key: True: c
58. A study was conducted to determine the risk of DM II in over weight patients. The sample of
500 patients was taken. The weights were recorde Most of them were found obes Such type of
data can be depicted by:
Line diagram
Pie chart
Scatter diagram

Key: True: a
59. In a study conducted about the choice of oral contraceptive among women of different ages.
A sample of 100 women between the ages of 25 -45 years was taken by convenient metho Out
of 100 women, 65 women preferred OCPS. Among them 68% women were between ages of 2535years. 5% of women were between 35 -40 years. The proportion of women that will have age
between 40 45 years is.
Key: True: b
60. An FCPS part II trainee in Medicine has done a research at POF hospital to prove that NPH
insulin has better control of DM II than regular insulin. The calculated P value was 0.03, while the
standard for accepting the different was at P value of 0.05, so he rejected the null hypotheses,
what do you think of results.
Alternate hypothesis is correct
Null hypothesis is true
Sample size was small
Null hypothesis wrongly rejected
Insignificant difference
Key: True: a
61. The female students of 4th year conducted a study Perceptions of mother about neonatal
jaundice they went to paedeatric OPD and ward and took sample of 100 available mothers. Such
type of sampling technique is:

Key: True: d
62. The four blood groups A, B, O and AB were studied to compare the quantitative serologic
different among their antigenic structures. The most appropriate statistical test to make this
determination is:
T test
F test
Chi square test
Z test
Coefficient of variance
Key: True: b
63. A physician studied the association between plasma level of rennin and changes in BP. The
data can be represented by:
Scatter diagram
Pie chart
Line diagram
Bar chart
Key: True: a
64. A study was conducted to see the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma among alcoholi A sample
of 100 was taken. Among them 50 were alcoholic and 50 were non alcoholi 10 developed Ca out
of which 8 were alcoholic and 2 were non alcoholi Data was arranged in 2 x 2 table:
CA Present Ca Absent

10 90 n = 100
How would you determine the statistical significance of the observed findings?
T test
Z test
F test
Chi square test
Standard error of mean
Key: True: d
65. Of all new cases seen at the curative consultation only new cases with a priority health
problem, are reported by the health facility in the monthly FLCF report. The disease included in
the list of priority health problems in Pakistan is:
Myocardial infection
Diabetes mellitus
Key: True: e
1. Exclusive breast feeding is recommended up to:
a) Two months
b) Three months
c) Six months
Key: True: c
2. Low birth weight infant is one whose weight is:

d) Eight months
e) One year

a) Less than 1.5 kg

b) Less than 2 kg
c) Less than 2.5 kg
Key: True: c

d) Less than 3 kg
e) Less than 3.5 kg

3. The energy provided by 100 ml of breast milk is:

a) 60 Kcal
b) 70 Kcal
c) 80 Kcal
Key: True: b

d) 100 Kcal
e) 120 Kcal

4. Recommended time for commencement of breast feeding is:

a) Immediately after birth
b) Within 6 hours of birth
c) Within 12 hours of birth
Key: True: a

d) Within 24 hours of birth

e) 2 days after birth

5. Incorrect statement about breast milk is:


It is rich in IgA
It is produced in response to prolactin level
It is low in phosphorus as compared to cows milk
It is low in sodium as compared to cows milk
It is rich in vitamin K

Key: True: e
6. Delayed effects of nuclear radiation after nuclear explosion can be studied by:
a) Descriptive studies
b) Case control studies
c) Historical cohort studies
Key: True: c

d) Cohort studies
e) Ecological studies

7. Most common cause of diarrhea during weaning is:

a) High fat content of milk
b) Milk allergy
c) Excessive glucose in diet
Key: True: d

d) Entrotoxigenic bacteria
e) Teething stress

8. Regarding the concentration of nutrients in the breast milk, the incorrect is:

3.5 % fat
Lower protein content than that of cows milk
6.2 % lactose
Higher energy supply by 100 ml as compared to cows milk
Lowest water content as compared to animal milks

Key: True: e
9. The ratio of casein to albumin in human milk is:
a) 1:1
b) 1:4
c) 2:1
Key: True: a

d) 4:1
e) 7:1

10. Practically no shielding is required for:

a) Alpha particles
b) Beta particles
c) Gamma particles
Key: True: a

d) Neutrons
e) X-Rays

11. According to the Millennium Development Goals, child mortality should be reduced by:
a) 1/4
b) 1/3
c) 1/2
Key: True: d

d) 2/3
e) 3/4

12. Cut off point for gestational age to label a baby as Preterm is less than:
a) 28 weeks
b) 32 weeks
c) 37 weeks
Key: True: c

d) 38 weeks
e) 40 weeks

13. On National Immunization days against polio, the vitamin given along with polio vaccine was:
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B complex
c) Vitamin C

d) Vitamin K
e) Vitamin E

Key: True: a
14. Road to health chart is not used for:

Growth monitoring
Health education
Planning of child health care
Identification of risk groups of children
Determining intelligence level of children

Key: True: e
15. The age at which a child begins to hold his head erect is:
a) 01 month
b) 02 months
c) 03 months
Key: True: c

d) 04 months
e) 05 months

16. The factor that most adversely affects the growth of child in Pakistan is:
a) Low birth weight
b) Primary malnutrition
c) Acute respiratory infection

d) Malaria
e) Diarrhea

Key: True: b
17. Oral rehydration salts do not contain:
a) Sodium chloride
b) Calcium lactate
c) Trisodium citrate dehydrate
Key: True: b

d) Glucose
e) Potassium chloride

18. The inclusion of Trisodium Citrate in place of sodium by carbonate in ORS is to:

Improve chloride absorption

Correct acidosis
Make it more stable product
Improve glucose absorption
Provide better electrolyte replacement

Key: True: c
19. The best way to treat mild diarrhea in a child is by:
a) IV fluids
b) ORS
c) Antibiotics
Key: True: b

d) Bowel binders
e) Observation

20. One of the rules regarding EPI vaccination is:

a) Measles vaccine should be given between nine to fifteen months of age
b) Low birth weight babies should not receive any vaccine
c) Measles vaccine should be given even if the child has an attack of documented measles
in the past
d) Oral polio vaccine should not be given to a child suffering from mild fever
e) Hepatitis B vaccine should be started at 1 year of age
Key: True: a
21. One important contraindication to vaccination against Whooping Cough is:

History of convulsions
3rd degree malnutrition
History of pertussis in the family
Mild Febrile illness
Chronic cough

Key: True: a
22. Dose of BCG vaccine for a neonate is:
a) 0.01 cc
b) 0.05 cc
c) 0.25 cc
Key: True: b

d) 0.50 cc
e) 1.0 cc

23. Contraindication to immunization by live attenuated vaccine is:

a) Immunodeficiency
b) Fever
c) Malnutrition
Key: True: a

d) Physiological jaundice
e) Low birth weight

24. Highest neurological side effects are reported with the use of using vaccine against:
a) Tuberculosis
b) Polio
c) Diphtheria
Key: True: d

d) Whooping cough
e) Hepatitis

25. Freeze dried preparation of vaccine is available against:

a) Polio
b) Tetanus
c) Measles
Key: True: c

d) Rubella
e) Pertussis

26. In Nuclear bomb explosion as a rule all living beings and vegetations char in a radius of:
a) 2km
b) 2-4km
c) 6km
Key: True: a

d) 6-9km
e) 10km

27. The unit used for the measurement of radioactivity is:

a) Rem
b) Rad
c) Roentgen
Key: True: d

d) Becquerel
e) Joule

28. In the International System of Units, Roentgen is replaced by:

a) Gray
b) Sievert
c) Coulomb / kg

d) Curie
e) Joule / Kg

Key: True: c
29. A serious complication of DPT vaccination is:
a) Gillian Barre syndrome
b) Reyes syndrome
c) Toxic shock syndrome
Key: True: b

d) Reiters disease
e) Serum sickness

30. A recognizable clinical sign of Kwashiorkor type of malnutrition is:


Obvious Muscle wasting
Severe loss of subcutaneous fat
Usually good appetite
Curly hair

Key: True: a
31. Incidence of Low Birth Weight babies in Pakistan is:
a) 6 %
b) 16 %
c) 26 %
Key: True: c

d) 36 %
e) 46 %

1. Koplik's spots are the diagnostic sign of one of the following diseases:
a) Rubella
b) Whooping cough
c) Measles
Key: True: c

d) Meningitis
e) Mumps

2. The best measure taken in meningococcal meningitis out-breaks is:


Mass chemo-prophylaxis by penicillin

Chlorination of all water supplies
Closure of schools
Mass screening program

Key: True: b
3. Ticks and mites belong to one of the following classes:
a) Insecta
b) Crustacea
c) Arachnida
Key: True: c

d) Chilopoda
e) None of the above

4. Aedes Egypti mosquito is commonly a vector in the transmission of one of the following

a) Filariasis
b) Yellow Fever
c) Malaria
Key: True: b

d) Plague
e) Leishmaniasis

5. Which one of the following diseases is transmitted by mite?

a) Scabies
b) Relapsing fever
c) Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Key: True: a

d) Human babesiosis
e) Plague

6. International quarantine is applicable in one of the following:

a) Typhoid fever
b) Yellow fever
c) Typhus fever
Key: True: b

d) Viral hemorrhagic fever

e) Relapsing fever

7. Regarding clinical spectrum of poliomyelitis, approximately one percent of all polio-infections

a) Abortive polio
b) In apparent polio
c) Non-paralytic polio
Key: True: d

d) Paralytic polio
e) Clinical Cases

8. Which one of the following is true about Staphylococcal food poisoning?


Caused by preformed toxin in anaerobic conditions

Incubation period is 5 7 days
It is treated with antibiotics
Neurological signs are commonly present
Patient is usually thirsty and secretes less urine

Key: True: e
9. The main mode of transmission of Ancylostoma duodenale is:

Ingestion of larva
Ingestion of eggs

e) Blood transfusion
Key: True: d
10. Which one of the following is true about scabies?

House fly is responsible for its spread in community

Lesions are most common on scalp
May be complicated by secondary infection
The causative agent is Chlamydia
Scabies is an allergic condition

Key: True: c
11. Among the following which disease is transmitted by a house fly?

Viral Encephalitis
Dengue fever

Key: True: d
12. The best strategy for the control of pulmonary Tuberculosis as recommended by WHO is:

BCG vaccination at mass level

Chemoprophylaxis with INH
Early case detection and prompt treatment
Proper disposal of sputum

Key: True: c
13. Which of the following is true for Influenza?
a) It is caused by bacteria haemophilus influenza
b) Frequent antigenic mutation of the causative agent is the main limitation of the efficacy
of influenza vaccin
c) Period of infectivity is 14 days from the onset of symptoms.
d) Vaccine is not availabl
A chronic carrier state frequently exists.

Key: True: b
14. The most important method of prevention of Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea Worm)
infection is by:

Washing the hands with soap before eating.

Proper sewage disposal.
Mass vaccination.
Purification of water
Eating the properly cooked meat.

Key: True: d
15. Which of the following is true about round worm?

It can suck up to 1 cc of blood per day.

It belongs to the group of trematodes.
The infection takes place by ingestion of eggs of the worm.
Only female worm exists in human gut.
It is very common in villagers because they walk barefoote

Key: True: c
16. About Oriental Sore which one of the following is correct?

It is caused by Leishmania Donovani.

The diagnosis is made by taking a smear from the base of ulcer.
The disease spreads by bathing in dirty water.
Human beings are the only reservoir.
Food should be protected from flies to prevent the epidemic of the diseas

Key: True: b
17. Regarding Louse which of the following is not correct?

The diseases transmitted by louse, are due to its bite only.

Louse can cause Trench fever.
DDT is one of the good method of control.
Louse can cause Typhus fever.
It can cause relapsing fever.

Key: True: a

18. Regarding Rabies which one of the following is true?

a) The disease is caused by a Gram Negative bacterium which is susceptible to any third
generation antibiotics.
b) Street Virus is useful for preparing vaccine against Rabies.
c) If a person is severely bitten on face, antirabies vaccine and passive immunization is
d) As the disease is very dangerous, so prophylactic antirabies vaccine should be given to all
the persons of community.
e) Rabies can spread from man to man by droplets.
Key: True: c
19. Man is the intermediate host in which one of the following diseases:
a) Malaria
b) Filariasis
c) Hydatid Disease
Key: True: a

d) Relapsing Fever
e) Typhoid Fever

20. Which of the following is a sexually transmitted disease?

a) Hepatitis A
b) Hepatitis E
c) Chlamydial Infection
Key: True: c

d) Tuberculosis
e) Chicken Pox

21. Bloody diarrhea is seen in one of the following infections:

a) Shigellosis
b) Botulism
c) Cholera
Key: True: a

d) Hepatitis A Infection
e) Typhoid

22. Rash starting peripherally is a feature of:

a) Epidemic typhus
b) Endemic typhus
c) Scrub typhus
Key: True: c

d) Q-fever
e) Trench fever

23. Which one of the following is a vector of epidemic typhus?

a) flea
b) Hard tick
c) Louse
Key: True: c

d) Soft tick
e) Mite

24. Murine typhus is commonly transmitted by which one of the following?

a) Flea
b) Hard tick
c) Louse
Key: True: a

d) Soft tick
e) Mite

25. Which of the following vectors is responsible for malaria transmission in man?
a) Anopheles mosquito
b) Culex mosquito
c) Aedes mosquito
Key: True: a

d) Soft Tick
e) Flea

26. External incubation period in malaria is best defined by which of the following.

The time taken by parasite to produce symptoms in man

The time taken by a vector to become infectiv
Time taken by Exo Erythrocyte cycle
Time taken by Erythrocyte cycle
Time taken by parasite to produce gametes

Key: True: b
27. For chemoprophylaxis in the Non-Chloroquine resistant area, the best recommended drug is

Chloroquine plus Proguanil

Key: True a
28. Which of the following is not a rash producing infection?
a) Typhoid
b) Dengue

c) Measles
d) Malaria

e) Syphilis
Key: True: d
29. Which one of the following methods will not avoid mosquito bite?

Repellents creams
Screen windows
Mosquito bed nets
Wearing long sleeves and trousers

Key: True: a
30. Which of the following infections is known as "quartan" malaria?
a) Falciparum
b) Vivax
c) Ovale
Key: e

d) Algid malaria
e) Malariae

31. Relapses can occur after many years, in which of the following infections.

Plasmodium Malariae
Plasmodium Falciparum
Hepatitis A
Chicken pox

Key: True: a
32. Anaemia in malarial infection is mainly due to one of the following causes.

Nutritional deficiency
Bone marrow depression

Key: True: a
33. The time taken by the malarial parasites to develop in mosquito is called


Internal incubation period

External incubation period
Infective period
Latent period
Generation time

Key: True: b
34. Rupture of the schizonts release merozoites in the blood and is associated with
One of the following signs & symptoms.
a) Rash
b) Bone pains
c) Fever and chills
Key: True: c

d) Splenomegaly
e) Vomiting

35. The asexual cycle of plasmodium malariae infection is usually of

a) 48 hrs
b) Less than 48 hrs
c) 60 hrs
Key: True: d

d) 72 hrs
e) 80 hrs

36. Which one of the following is internationally quarantinable disease?


Yellow fever

Key: True: a
37. Which one of the following indices used in malaria survey is called Transmission index.

Infant parasite rate

Parasite rate
Spleen rate
Sporozoite rate
Infant mortality rate

Key: True: a

38. Which one of the following infections is not a protozoal infection?

a) Amoebiasis
b) Filariasis
c) Malaria
Key: True: b

d) Giardiasis
e) Toxoplasmosis

39. All of the following diseases are of bacterial origin except:

a) Plague
b) Anthrax
c) Rabies
Key: True: c

d) Tetanus
e) Cholera

40. The vector commonly involved in the transmission of epidemic typhus fever is
a) Tick
b) Flea
c) Louse
Key: True: c

d) Mosquito
e) Mite

41. The mode of transmission most difficult to prevent is:


Person-to-person spread
Droplet spread
Vector borne spread
Vehicle borne spread
Transmission through soil

Key: True: e
42. Which one of the following has the highest case fatality rate?
a) Tuberculosis
b) Diphtheria
c) Measles.
Key: True: c

d) Amoebiasis
e) Ascariasis

43. Which one of following is incorrect regarding the spread of infection?

a) Symptom less carrier can spread an infection.
b) Rabies can spread through contaminated hands.
c) An insect vector is the cause of malaria

d) Diarrheal diseases commonly spread by polluted drinking water.

e) AIDS can spread through contaminated blood and blood products.
Key: True: B
44. Which one of the following statements is not true regarding Lice?
a) Lice belong to phylum arthropoda and undergo incomplete metamorphosis.
b) Faeces of a louse which has fed on the blood of a patient of typhus fever 2 6 days
previously can transmit infection.
c) Pediculosis is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of a body lous
d) Relapsing fever occurs when an infected louse is crushed on the skin.
e) Dusting powder containing 10% DDT is effective against all types of Pediculosis.
Key: True: c
45. Which of the following is untrue regarding characteristics of sandfly?

In scientific terminology it is known as Musca domestic

It can be differentiated form mosquito by the presence of erect lanceolate wings.
Its metamorphosis is complet
It generally remains confined to, 50 yards of their breeding places.
They are incapable of flying over long distances.

Key: True: a
46. Which of the following species of sand-fly transmits kala-azar?

Sergentomyta Punjabensis
Phlebotomus sergenti
Phlebotomus papatasii
Phlebotomus agrentipes
None of the above

Key: True: d
47. Which one of the following diseases is transmitted by Tsetse fly?

Chagas disease

Key: True: a
48. All of the following diseases are transmitted by housefly except:
a) Typhoid fever
b) Paratyphoid fever
c) Cholera
Key: True: e

d) Conjunctivitis
e) Pediculosis

49. Which one of the following is not included among the genera of mosquito?
a) Anopheles
b) Culex
c) Aedes
Key: True: e

d) Mansonoides
e) Simulum

50. Which of the following is not a characteristic of hard ticks?


Head situated at anterior en

Thousands of eggs laid at one sitting
Scutum is present on the body
It transmits tick typhus
It can stand starvation for a long time

Key: True: e
51 Which one of the following is not true regarding characteristic of Rattus rattus type of

Slim & slender body

Large ears
Big & prominent eyes
Tail longer than the combined head & body
Muzzel broad & blunt

Key: True: e
52. Complication of varicella infection include which one of the following
a) Pneumonia
b) Thrombocytopenia
c) Arthritis
Key: True: a

d) Parotitis
e) Pancreatitis

53. Regarding mumps which one of the following is true?


Submaxillary & submandibular glands may never be involved

70% infections occur in children under age of 15 years
Its incubation period varies from 4 7 days
In 75% cases it is complicated by epididymoorchitis
Pancreatic involvement is a potentially serious manifestation of mumps

Key: True: e
54. Regarding influenza which one of the following is not true?

In this disease, death is often due to pneumonia

Its virus belongs to myxovirus family
Its incubation period is 24 72 hrs.
Man is not the only reservoir of influenza
Its one of the complications is activation of tuberculosis

Key: True: e
55. Orchitis is the complication commonly associated with


Key: True: b
56. The drug of choice for carriers and contacts in meningococcal meningitis is


Key: True: c
57. The validity of yellow fever vaccination certificate begins
a) 6 days after the date of vaccination


10 days after the date of vaccination

14 days after the date of vaccination
21 days after the date of vaccination
8 days after the date of vaccination

Key: True: b
58. The second host involved in transmission of Diphyllobothriasis
a) Snail
b) Swine
c) Fish

d) Crab
e) Dog

Key: True: c
59. The intermediate host involved in transmission of Toxocariasis
a) Snail
b) Swine
c) Fish
Key: True: e

d) Crab
e) Dog

60. The intermediate host involved in transmission of Cysticercosis

a) Snail
b) Swine
c) Fish
Key: True: b

d) Crab
e) Dog

61. Mite acts as a vector in which one of the following diseases?


Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Boutonneus fever
Rickettsial pox
Q fever
Queensland tick typhus

Key: True: c
62. Which one of the following is true regarding vibrio cholerae exotoxin?
a) It acts only on stomach


It acts only on jejunum

It acts on colon
It acts on small intestine
It acts on sigmoid colon and rectum

Key: True: d
63. Which one of the following is not the mode of spread of cholera?

Infected flies
Contaminated water
Direct contact
Bottle feeding of infants
Poor sanitation

Key: True: c
1. Most important factor which makes the smoking cessation program successful is:

The desire of the smoker to quit

Availability of replacement therapy
A well planned program
The advice by a competent doctor
Follow up program

2. Which one is incorrect about tobacco smoking?

a) The babies born to mothers, who smoke, weigh on average 200g, less at birth than those
of non-smokers
b) It is responsible for about 3 million deaths/year in the world
c) In developed world per capita consumption of tobacco is increasing
d) Dose-response relationship is seen in cigarette smoking and lung cancer
e) Withdrawal symptoms include irritability, sleep problems and tremors.
3. Self-administration of a drug for non-medical reasons in quantities and frequencies which may
impair an individuals ability to function effectively and which may result in social, physical or
emotional harm is best named as
a) Drug dependence
d) Self-medication.
b) Drug tolerance
e) Drug therapy
c) Drug abuse
4. Marijuana is derived from which one of the following plants?

a) Cannabis
d) Mushrooms
b) Morning Glory
e) Cactus
c) Coca bush
5. Which one of the following is included in pneumoconiosis?


6. Which one of the following is not an example of organic dust?


Cane fiber
Cotton dust
Grain dust

7. Foundry workers may suffer from one of the following diseases as a result of occupational

Stomach cancer
Lung cancer

8. Regarding the characteristic of alcohol dependency syndrome, which of the following is not

Tolerance is a common feature

Withdrawal symptoms are common
Narrowing of drinking repertoire
Delirium tremens demands emergency care
No genetic tendency is expected

9. In case of silicosis, silica particles of the following size are the most dangerous:
a) 0.5-3 microns
b) 3-5 microns
c) 5-8 microns

d) 5-10 microns
e) 10-15 microns
10. Which one of the following is associated with Baggassosis?

Cement industry
Rock Mining
Card Board industry
Cotton industry
Stone blasting

11. Which one of the following level of lead in urine indicates lead exposure & lead absorption?
a) 0.8 mg
d) >0.5 mg
b) >0.2 mg
e) >0.6 m
c) >0.4 mg
12. Regarding ergonomics which one of the following is not true?

It is an important part of occupational health

It is the study & design of working setup
It is useful to achieve the best mutual adjustments of man & his work
It means fitting the job to the worker
It refers to the selection of the best individuals to work

13. Which one of the following is the confirmation of asbestosis?


10 years exposure to asbestos dust

Progressive fibrosis of lung
Presence of asbestos bodies in sputum
Snow-storm appearance in the lungs on x-rays
Pulmonary tuberculosis

14. Which one of the following statements is true for farmers lung regarding its causation?

It occurs due to inhalation of fumes

It occurs due to inhalation of moldy hay or grain dust
It occurs due to inhalation of free silica or silicon-dioxide
It occurs due to inhalation of cotton fiber dust
It occurs due to inhalation of sugar-cane dust

15. Which one of the following is the major cause of skin cancer due to occupational exposure?
a) Aromatic amines


Coal tar
Radium and roentgen rays
Ultraviolet light

16. Which one of the following substances is causally associated with pneumoconiosis?

Sulfur oxide
Nitrogen oxides
Oil fumes
Dust particles
Cigarette smoke

17. Most common asbestos-related tumor in humans is


Basal cell carcinoma

Carcinoma of the colon
Laryngeal carcinoma
Peritoneal mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma

18. Which one of the following is not true regarding drug addiction?

Drug and alcohol addiction has three phases; tolerance, habituation and dependenc
Tobacco chewing is the most common addiction.
Habituation is defined as the psychological need to get a dose of drug.
Heroin and cocaine both tend to produce tolerance and physical dependence
Drug addiction should be classified as medicosocial problem.

19. Ganja is obtained from which one of the following plant sources:

Cannabis indica
Coca leaves
Poppy seeds
Ergot alkaloid plant
Lathyrus sativus

20. Which of the following produces the worst type of physical dependence?
a) Caffeine
b) Marijuana
c) Heroin

d) L.S.D
e) Ganja

21. Which one of the following is called a supermans drug?

a) Nicotine
d) Cocaine
b) Ethyl alcohol
e) Marijuana
c) Amphetamine
22. Fetal alcohol syndrome is characterized by which one of the following

Excess lanugo hair
Mental retardation
Increased birth weight
Single palmer crease

23. Which one of the following is true regarding occupational health?


The term occupational diseases does not include infectious diseases

Occupational health service is a comprehensive health car
Ergonomics is a specialized medical disciplin
Occupational health is a part of primary health car
Pre-placement examination of workers is not mandatory.

24. Which one of the following cancers is not included in occupational cancers?
a) Skin cancer
d) Leukemia
b) Lung cancer
e) Breast cancer
c) Bladder cancer
25. Carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin. Which one of the
following statements about carbon monoxide is not true?

The background level of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood is about 0.4 percent

Smoking one pack of cigarettes a day increases the background level tenfold
The affinity of carbon monoxide for hemoglobin is 200 times more than that of oxygen
Carboxyhemoglobin levels of greater than 25 percent can be fatal
A characteristic sign of carbon monoxide poisoning is acrocyanosis

26. Neuropathic symptoms are not associated with chronic exposure to:

Sulfur dioxide
Nitrous oxide

27. Electrical injury cannot cause:


Acute renal failure
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Vascular thrombosis

28. Which one of the following is the major source through which lead is absorbed in the human
blood stream?

Lead-based paint
Improperly cooked food
Canned food

29. Which one of the following systems or organs of the human body is affected the most due to
occupational exposure to toxic materials?

The respiratory system

The digestive system
The skin
The eyes
The heart and blood vessels

30. Regarding tobacco & health, which is not true?


Smoking in pregnancy may lead to increased perinatal mortality

The use of tobacco can increase the risk of bronchogenic carcinoma
Problems arising from use of tobacco are mainly chronic in nature
Tobacco can be regarded as a habit forming addiction
Smoking in pregnancy may lead to cardiac anomalies in the fetus

1. One of the following is not a sudden disaster:


Land sliding
Volcanic eruption
Nuclear explosion

2. Wearing a crash-helmet while driving a motor-bike is included in which level of prevention.


Health promotion
Specific protection
Early diagnosis& prompt treatment
Disability limitation

3. Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function is

known as:
a) Injury
d) Disability
b) Accident
e) Handicap
c) Impairment
4. Vertical transmission is not seen in one of the following.
a) Yellow Fever
d) HBV
b) Toxoplasmosis
c) Rubella virus
5. In prevention of traffic accidents the most effective measure is:

Licensing of drivers
Provision of seat belts
Inspection of vehicles periodically
Enforcement of traffic laws
Medical inspection of drivers every six months

6. Which of the following is not a contraindication for oral contraceptive use?

a) CA breast
d) Cardiac abnormalities
b) Liver disease
e) Nulliparity
c) Migraine
7. The additional energy requirement for a woman during pregnancy is
a) 150 kcal / day
d) 550 kcal / day
b) 300 kcal / day
e) 600 kcal / day
c) 400 kcal / day
8. Increased incidence of ectopic pregnancy is associated with which one of the following
contraceptive methods:
a) Intra Uterine Contraceptive Devices
b) Combined oral pills

c) Spermicidal gels
d) Safe period method
e) Diaphragm
9. If Rh positive baby is born to Rh negative mother than a dose of Rh anti D should be given to
the mother within:
a) 72 hours
d) A month
b) A week
e) A yea
c) 15 days
10. After finishing 28-pill packet of Oral Contraceptive Pills next packet should be started on:

Very next day

Day 2 of menstruation
Day 5 of menstruation
Day 7 of menstruation
Day 10 of menstruation

11. Maximum compliance by the user, is required in use of:


Oral contraceptive pills

Tubal ligation
Intra uterine contraceptive devices

12. Low birth weight infant is the one whose weight is:

Less than 1.5 kg

Less than 2 kg
Less than 2.5 kg
Less than 3 kg
Less than 3.5 kg

13. Removal of IUCD is strongly indicated in case of:


Uterine bleeding
Uterine cramps
Serous vaginal discharge
Purulent vaginal discharge

14. Exfoliative cytology is a screening test to detect cancer of:

a) Ovaries
b) Fallopian tubes
c) Cervix
15. The perfect APGAR score is:

d) Pancreas
e) Colon

9 10
10 15

16. Which one of the following is false regarding reproductive health in Pakistan?

Pakistan has a high maternal mortality rate

According to WHO a newborn baby weighing <2.5kg is classified as low birth weight baby
Toxemia of pregnancy occurs due to intake of toxic substances in pregnancy
An MCH centre is a first level care facility
Prevention of cancer of the reproductive tract is also included in reproductive service

17. Which one of the following is not true regarding domiciliary midwifery services?

These refer to delivery services at home

Chances of acquiring infection both in mother and child are less in home environment
A doctor from maternal and child health centre invariably conducts deliveries
It is better to refer high risk pregnancy to a hospital
These are recommended as they are best suited to our socio-cultural settings

18. Which one of the following is most likely to result after bilateral vasectomy?

Loss of libido
Testicular atrophy

19. In the day time earth quake, which is the commonest injury out of the following?
a) Fracture of pelvis
b) Fracture of humerus
c) Fracture of skull

d) Fracture of spine
e) Fracture thorax
20. In the post-disaster phase the most important point in order of preference is:

Vaccination against infectious diseases

Provision of safe water, food & clothing
Disposal of dead bodies
Disposal of solid wastes
Vector control

21. Most common hazard related to oral contraceptive use is:

a) Breast cancer
d) Thromboembolism
b) Vaginal cancer
e) Lung cancr
c) Osteoporosis
22. Concerning breast feeding which of the following is true?

Feeding of newborn should commence on the second day after birth

Colostrum contains different antibodies
Breast milk is deficient in iron
Breast feeding is contraindicated by women with tuberculosis
It is a good source of IgE immunoglobulins for the baby

23. Average life of sperms in the female genital tract is up to:

a) 6 hours
b) 12 hours
c) 24 hours

d) 48 hours
e) 72 hours

24. Fertilization takes place in which one of the following sites?


Fallopian tube
Cervical canal
Peritoneal cavity
Posterior fornix

25. Impotency is most commonly associated with which one of the following conditions:
a) Depression and anxiety
b) Inguinal hernia

c) Cardiac diseases
d) Urinary tract infection
e) Gonorrhea
26. The information on previous disaster lacks in respect of:

Number of deaths
Number of injured
Types of injuries
Physical damage
Psychological damage

27. After finishing 21-pill packet of Oral Contraceptive Pills next packet should be started on:

Very next day

Day 2 of menstruation
Day 5 of menstruation
Day 7 of menstruation
Day 10 of menstruation

28. TORCH stands for diseases to be screened during pregnancy, which one of the following is
not included in this?

Toxoplasma gondii
Coxsackie B

29. Which one of the following is not included in the duties of traditional birth attendants?

To conduct aseptic delivery

To give health education
To give injection of tetanus toxoid
To register births
To assist in breast feedings

30. Additional Calcium requirement during the first 6 months of lactation is:
a) 400 mg/day
b) 550 mg/day
c) 600 mg/day

d) 750 mg/day
e) 800 mg/day
31. Recommended dose for iron during pregnancy is:
a) 24 mg/day
d) 60 mg/day
b) 32 mg/day
e) 50 mg/day
c) 40 mg/day
1. Which one of the following combinations explains the DPT vaccine?

Toxoid, live and killed

Toxoid, killed and Toxoid
Live, killed and Toxoid
Killed, killed and Toxoid
Toxoid, killed, live

2. Which one of the following is an absolute contraindication for administration of pertussis



3. All of the following are true regarding BCG vaccination reactions except:

Ulceration with crust

Disseminated BCG infection
Suppurative lymphadenitis

4. Which one of the following is not true regarding oral polio vaccine?

It helps in Herd immunity

All the three serotypes are present in this vaccin
It is difficult to maintain cold chain
Immunity takes a long time to develop
Its dose is three drops

5. All of the following are contraindications for oral polio vaccine except:


Polio epidemic
Patients receiving steroid therapy

6. Bivalent vaccine of typhoid contains:


S. typhi + S. paratyphi A
S. typhi + S. paratyphi B
S. paratyphi A + B
S. paratyphi B + C
S. paratyphi A + C

7. The best vaccine against rabies for man is:


Sheep brain vaccine

Inactivated duck embryo vaccine
Human diploid cell vaccine
Tissue culture vaccine
Suckling mouse brain vaccine

8. Active immunization after exposure is given in:



9. Which one of the following vaccines gives immunity for the longest duration?

Yellow fever

10. Salk vaccine is a:

a) Capsule derived
b) Live attenuated vaccine

c) Killed vaccine
d) Toxoid
e) Recombinant DNA
11. Ideal temperature for DPT storage:

Room temperature
4 to 8 C
0 to 10 C
10 C to 20 C
None of the above

12. Which one of the following is true regarding immunoglobulin?


IgA is a major immunoglobulin of serum

IgA is responsible for immediate allergic anaphylactic reaction
IgE comprises 10% of normal serum immunoglobulins
IgG antibody has high agglutinating & complement fixing ability
IgG is major serum Immunoglobulin comprising more than 75% of total

13. Which of the following diseases confers temporary vertical immunity?



14. The number of Tetanus Toxoid doses for a woman of childbearing age is?


15. A person is exposed to an antigen for the first time, the type of antibody to appear first in his
blood is:
a) IgA
b) IgD
c) IgG

d) IgM
e) IgE
16. Which one of the following is included in pneumoconiosis?


17. Foundry workers may suffer from one of the following diseases as a result of occupational

Stomach cancer
Lung cancer

18. Inhalation of cotton fiber dust for a long period of time leads to:

Farmers lung

19. Which one of the following size particle causes pneumoconiosis?


0.5-3 microns
3-5 microns
5-8 microns
5-10 microns
10-15 microns

20. Regarding ergonomics which one of the following is true,


It is an important part of occupational health.

It is the study & design of working setup.
It is useful to achieve the best mutual adjustments of man & his work.
It means fitting the job to the worker.

e) All of the above

21. Which one of the following diseases is found almost exclusively among persons who have
worked with or have been exposed to asbestos?

Bronchogenic carcinoma
Pleural mesothelioma
Laryngeal carcinoma
None of the above

22. Which one of the following is the major cause of skin cancer due to occupational exposure?

Canola oil
Radium and roentgen rays
Ultraviolet light

23. Exposure to methyl mercury (organic mercury) may cause all of the following conditions

Personality disorders
Visual defects

24. Carbon monoxide binds with hemoglobin to form carboxyhemoglobin. All of the following
statements about carbon monoxide are true except

The background level of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood is about 0.4 percent

Smoking one pack of cigarettes a day increases the background level tenfold
The affinity of carbon monoxide for hemoglobin is 200 times more than that of oxygen
Carboxyhemoglobin levels of greater than 25 percent can be fatal
A characteristic sign of carbon monoxide poisoning is acrocyanosis

25. The development of neuropathic symptoms is associated with chronic exposure to all of the
following substances except:
a) Mercury
b) Lead

c) Arsenic
d) Sulfur dioxide
e) Organophosphates
26. Substances thought to be related to bronchogenic cancer include all except:
a) Nickel
d) Copper
b) Arsenic
e) Chromium & Chromates
c) Beryllium
27. Workers in the rubber and aniline dye industries, compared with workers in other industries,
have an increased incidence of bladder cancer that has been related to occupational exposure to

2-amino-naphthalene (-naphthyl-amin
N-methy1-4-aminoazobenzene (MA
2-acety1-aminofluorene (AAF)

28. Which one of the following is the causative agent for Farmers lung?
a) Asbestos
b) Cane fiber
c) Cotton dust

d) Tobacco
e) Grain dust

29. Which one of the following is true regarding occupational health?


The term occupational diseases does not include infectious diseases

Occupational health service is a comprehensive health car
Ergonomics is a specialized medical disciplin
Occupational health is a part of primary health car
Pre-placement examination of workers is not mandatory.

30. Which one of the following is not true regarding Pneumoconiosis?


Byssinosis is due to inhalation of cotton dust

Anthracosis is due to inhalation of anthrax spores
Baggassosis is an occupational hazard of workers in paper mills.
Asbestosis predisposes to pleural mesotheliom
All Pneumoconiosis are reversible

1. 30 years old married woman was advised X-Ray abdomen. To prevent radiation hazard to the
baby in this woman, the doctor should take history of:

Hypersensitivity to radiation
Menstrual cycle
Previous exposure to X-Ray
Previous abortions
Genetic history

2. Which of the following is the most sensitive indicator of MCH (maternal and child health)

Anaemia in pregnant woman

Contraceptive prevalence rate
Maternal mortality rate
Under five mortality rate
Literacy rate

3. The average weight gain for a pregnant woman with BMI 20 25 should be

11.5 to 18kg
11.5 to 16kg
7 to 11.5 kg
12.5 to 18kg
10 to 15 kg

4. A Pap smear and colposcopic examination for the early detection of cervical cancer is:

Primary prevention
Secondary prevention
Tertiary prevention
Medical treatment
Surgical treatment

5. The most commonly described anomalies associated with congenital rubella include all the
following except.

Sensorineural deafness
Patent ductus arteriosus
Hutchinsons tooth

6. The additional energy requirement for a woman during pregnancy is


150 kcal / day

300 kcal / day
400 kcal / day
550 kcal / day
600 kcal / day

7. If Rh positive baby is born to Rh negative mother than dose of Rh anti D should be given to
a) Within 72 hours
b) Within a week
c) Within 15 days

d) Within a month
e) Within a year

8. The ideal minimum number of antenatal visits is:

a) Three
b) Six
c) Five

d) Twelve
e) Fifteen

9. Low birth weight infant is one whose weight is:

a) Less than 1.5 kg
d) Less than 3 kg
b) Less than 2 kg
e) Less than 3.5 kg
c) Less than 2.5 kg
10. The most common cause of early neonatal mortality is:

Low Birth Weight

Acute Respiratory Infections

11. The most common cause of post neonatal mortality is:


Low birth weight

Acute Respiratory Infections

e) Jaundice
12. Which one of the following is not true regarding domiciliary midwifery services?

It refers to delivery services at hom

Chances of acquiring infection both in mother and child are less in home environment.
A doctor from maternal and child health center invariably conducts deliveries.
It is better to refer high risk pregnancy to a hospital.
It is the lady health visitor or a trained birth attendant who conducts delivery

13. The most common clinical presentation of cytomegalovirus infection at birth is:

Cerebral calcifications

14. Cerebral malaria is a complication of which of the following Plasmodia infections.


Mixed infection by vivax and ovale

15. A patient who has come from India, reports to a health facility with generalized aches and
pain and rash on the body excluding palms and soles. The most likely diagnosis is:

scarlet fever
Yellow Fever

16. The best method recommended by WHO for malaria control in endemic areas is:

The use of Pyrethrum impregnated bed nets

Regular use of Chloroquine
Genetic Control of Mosquitoes
Passive immunity by anti-sera

17. Which of the following is not a rash producing infection?



18. Which one of the following is internationally quarantinable disease?


Yellow fever

19. Diagnosis of tuberculosis is mainly confirmed by:


Mass miniature radiography

Sputum microscopy
Sputum culture
Tuberculin test
Blood culture

20. For every case of polio, the estimated number of sub clinical cases are:


21. All of the following are water borne diseases except:


Paratyphoid fever
Weils Disease
Guinae worm disease

22. Which of the following is not true for whooping cough?

a) It is prevented by a killed vaccine


Its chronic complication include pleural and bronchial carcinoma

Its acute complication are bronchitis and bronchopneumonia
There is no specific immunoglobulin available for whooping cough
The causative agent of the disease is a gram negative bacteria

23. All of the following are true for meningitis except

a) The causative agent of meningitis commonly seen in children under two years of age is
haemophilus influenza
b) It is transmitted by infected droplets of the patients
c) Rifampicin is given for two days to the contacts for prevention
d) Healthy carrier are commonly seen
e) Presence of bacteria in the throat always means an active disease
24. Chemoprophylaxis is recommended by WHO in all of the following except:

Meningococcal meningitis

25. Which one of the following diseases has been eradicated?



26. A person is exposed to an antigen for the first time, the type of antibody to appear first in his
blood is:


27. One of the important contraindications to vaccination against Whooping cough is:
a) History of convulsion


3rd degree malnutrition

History of Pertussis in family
Mild Febrile illness
Liver diseases

28. Vaccines are either killed or live attenuated, which one of the following is a killed vaccine:

Measles vaccine
Oral polio vaccine
Salk polio vaccine

29. Herd immunity is commonly seen in one of the following diseases:



30. Immunization is

Health promotion
Specific Protection
Early detection
Prompt Treatment

31. Which of the following statements is true about Passive Immunization?


It is immediately effective
It is less likely to cause allergic reactions as compared to active immunization
Provides longer protection as compared to active immunization
Should be provided to all sick children.
It is always non specific

32. Regarding Measles Vaccination which one is correct?

a) Measles Vaccine should be given to all the persons of a community regardless of ag
b) The best time of measles vaccination is first month of lif

c) For primary Measles Vaccination, at least two doses should be given, one month apart
to ensure full antibody response
d) It is better to delay the vaccination till 9-15 months of ag
e) To protect against a second attack of measles, vaccine should be offered even to those
persons who have had an attack of Measles previously.
33. Normal human immunoglobulin is given in one of the following conditions as specific
immunoglobulins are not available:

Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Chicken Pox

Key: True: a
34. Which of the following statements is true about Hepatitis B vaccine?

It is a live attenuated vaccine

It is a recombinant DNA vaccine
It is a freeze dried vaccine
This Vaccine and Immunoglobulin cannot be given together
This Vaccine has to be repeated every year

Key: True: b
35. Protective value of BCG vaccination is:

Less than 40%

Less than 90%

Key: True: a
36. Which one of the following is a live attenuated vaccine?

Sabin vaccine
Salk vaccine

e) Diphtheria Toxoid
Key: True: a
37. Which of the following group of Lymphocytes recognizes antigens and results in the
development of a humoral immune response

Killer (K) cells

T lymphocytes
Null cells
B lymphocytes
Suppressor T (Ts) cells

Key: True: d
38. Erythroblastosis fetalis can be prevented in the next baby, if the mother is injected, at
parturition, with an antibody called:

Nonspecific immunoglobulin
Rho ( immunoglobulin (Rho GAM)
Antilymphocyte globulin
Antithymocyte serum
Univalent antiserum

Key: True: b
39. One of the serious complications associated with the use of immunosuppressive agents is:

Increased incidence of autoimmune disease

Increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections
Loss of tuberculin sensitivity in tuberculosis patients
Loss of hair
Decrease in complement levels

Key: True: b
40. The preferred vaccine for diphtheria consists of

Heat-killed corynebacterium diphtheriae

Attenuated corynebacterium diphtheriae
Precipitated or adsorbed toxoid
Capsular polysaccharide
Capsule plus carrier protein

Key: True: c
41. The snake bite of family viperidae is commonly identified by one of the following effect:


Key: True: c
42. Which of the following statements about polyvalent anti-snake venom serum is true?

It is to be given subcutaneously
It is an example of passive immunization
It is usually obtained from human donors
It should be stored at 0o
It gives lifelong immunity

Key: True: b
43. Which one of the following statements is true regarding krait envenomation?

Violent abdominal pains due to internal hemorrhages

Staggering gait
Creeping paralysis beginning in legs
In coordination of speech
Drooping of head

Key: True: a
44. Which one of the following is the zoological name of cobra?

Naja naja
Bungarus caeruleus
Echis carinatus
Vipera russelli
Rana tigrena

Key: True: a
45. Which one of the following statement is true for Russell Viper envenomation?


Neurotoxic and swift acting

Primarily neurotoxic causes slight swelling
After some time a dark discoloration occurs at the site of bite
Difficult breathing
Hyper salivation

Key: True: c
46. In cobra envenomation, death occurs due to which one of the following reasons?

Respiratory failure
Internal hemorrhages
Cardiac failure

Key: True: a
47. All of the following are the constituents of snake venom except:

Phospholipase A2

Key: True: e
48. Which of the following is not true for snake bite in Pakistan?

Most death occur due to rattle snake

Snake bite is more common in summer
Management of snake bite requires anti snake venom
Cobra bites are characterized by neurological signs
Snakes are mostly oviparous

Key: True: a
49. All of the following are the protozoal infections except:
a) Leishmaniasis
b) Toxoplasmosis
c) Trypanosomniasis

d) Lassa fever
e) Giardiasis
Key: True: d
50. Which one of the following is true regarding Giardiasis?

The infection commonly affects children who are admitted in a day care centre
Infection is generally in-apparent in the children, but always symptomatic in adults
It leads to gestational infection in a new borne
It is the commonest nosocomial infection
None of the above

Key: True: a
51. The intermediate host involved in transmission of Diphyllobothriasis


Key: True: c
52. The intermediate host involved in transmission of Cysticercosis


Key: True: b
53. The most important method of prevention of Dracunculus medinensis (Guinea Worm)
infection is by:

Washing the hands with soap before eating.

Proper sewage disposal.
Mass vaccination.
Purification of water
Eating the properly cooked meat.

Key: True: d
54. Which of the following is true about round worm?

It can suck up to 1 cc of blood per day.

It belongs to the group of trematodes.
The infection takes place by ingestion of eggs of the worm.
Only female worm exists in human gut.
It is very common in villagers because they walk barefoote

Key: True: c
55. About Oriental Sore which one of the following is correct?

It is caused by Leishmania donovani.

The diagnosis is made by taking a smear from the base of ulcer.
The disease spreads by bathing in dirty water.
Human beings are the only reservoir.
Food should be protected from flies to prevent the epidemic of the diseas

Key: True: b
56. Koplik's spots are the diagnostic sign of one of the following diseases:

Whooping cough

Key: True: c
57. Which of the following diseases is included in expanded program on immunization?

Hepatitis A

Key: True: a
58. The best measure taken in meningococcal meningitis out-breaks is:


Mass chemo-prophylaxis by penicillin

Chlorination of all water supplies
Closure of schools
Mass screening program

Key: True: b
59. Aedes Egypti mosquito is commonly a vector in the transmission of one of the following

Yellow Fever

Key: True: b
60. All the following diseases can be prevented by vaccination except:

Whooping cough

Key: True: c
61. Which one of the following vectors transmits scrub typhus:


Key: True: c
62. Regarding clinical spectrum of poliomyelitis, approximately one percent of all polio-infections
a. Abortive polio


In apparent polio
Non-paralytic polio
Paralytic polio
Clinical Cases

Key: True: d
63. The main mode of transmission of Ancylostoma duodenale is:

Ingestion of larva
Ingestion of eggs
Blood transfusion

Key: True: d
64. Which of the following statements about polyvalent anti-snake venom serum is true?

It is to be given subcutaneously
It is an example of passive immunization
It is usually obtained from human donors
It should be stored at 0o
It gives lifelong immunity

Key: True: b
65. 30 years old married woman was advised X-Ray abdomen. To prevent radiation hazard to the
baby in this woman, the doctor should take history of:

Hypersensitivity to radiation
Menstrual cycle
Previous exposure to X-Ray
Previous abortions
Genetic history

Key: True: b

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