UNIT TITLE: Identity: Binti and Other Works Grade Level: 10 Overview (Including Rationale For Teaching The Unit)
UNIT TITLE: Identity: Binti and Other Works Grade Level: 10 Overview (Including Rationale For Teaching The Unit)
UNIT TITLE: Identity: Binti and Other Works Grade Level: 10 Overview (Including Rationale For Teaching The Unit)
Mr. Hughes
Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or
conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with
other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme.
Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a
work of literature from outside the United States, drawing on a wide
reading of world literature.
Analyze various accounts of a subject told in different mediums (e.g., a
person's life story in both print and multimedia), determining which
details are emphasized in each account.
Mr. Hughes
Mr. Hughes
in class to their own identity and what these findings say about the
concept of identity as a whole.
6. Final Essay (Formal)
a. Students will analyze how the novella Binti advances a plot or
theme of identity. Students will use textual evidence to explain how
the text works in speaking to the notion of identity. They may use
the characters, setting, aspects of science fiction, etc. to construct
their argument.
Mr. Hughes
Venn Diagram (25 points)
As we read the two historical texts in and out of class, you will be
asked to compare and contrast the experiences of the persons in the
narrative accounts. Different from a regular point-by-point diagram,
your Venn Diagram will use complete sentences and specific details
from the text with citations and will be reflect your understanding of
the texts through an in-depth analysis. A reflection will be included
with this assignment.
Identity Journal (25 points)
As we progress through this unit, I would like you to keep a journal of
what you find interesting in class about the concept of identity. You can
base any of your entries on what we learned in class as long as its
relevant to class material. You are required to make an entry for each
class period. I will check this before each class period and we will use
this to facilitate discussion on what we have read for class that day.
Save the Last Word for Me, Binti (25 points)
You will complete a peer assessment that is based upon a group
analysis of the readings from the novella Binti. Each partner must
complete an assessment of all others partners in the group as you
work on this group project. Each group will be assigned a crucial
passage of the reading and will provide the class with an in depth
analysis of the assigned passage. Each group is responsible for sharing
Mr. Hughes
what they found most telling about the novellas theme or allusions to
the concept of identity.
Participation (25 points)
Your participation and contributions in this unit will be recorded with
informal assessments such as reflective writing, graphic organizers,
and other short writings. This is to give you credit for the work you are
doing in class and to reinforce critical thinking of the units theme.
Final Essay (100 points)
Your final assessment will be based about how well you can synthesize
your own arguments about the concept of identity using the novella
Binti. You will be asked to use resources such as class discussion,
readings, and your own inferences to construct your synthesis. Your
essay should be around 4 pages and should include specific quotations
from the text. More details will be provided in an assignment sheet that
you will receive as the essay approaches.