Medical Certificate

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City Health Office

Tagbilaran City

I, the undersigned Dr. Pamela M. Wan, Doctor of Medicine, certify that the
examination of
Date of birth :

Donald Lara Cabido

June 1, 1989
27 years old

reveals the following results:

GENERAL APPEARANCE: This is a 27-year old male, a limp, who answers
questions appropriately and currently is in apparent distress.
VITAL SIGNS: T-max was 100, currently 97.5, blood pressure 160/100, blood sugar
at 315, respirations 22, and heart rate 88.
Skin: Warm and dry without exanthem.
HEENT: Normocephalic and atraumatic. Pupils are equal, round and reactive to
light. Extraocular movements are intact. Oral mucosa is moist. There is no obvious
bleeding in the gum. Oropharynx is without erythema or exudate.
Lungs: Breath sounds are clear bilaterally without rales, rhonchi or wheezing.
Heart: No elevation of JVP. Heart is irregularly irregular with no appreciable
gallops, rubs, murmurs or extra heart sounds.
Abdomen: Soft, nontender, nondistended in all quadrants. No audible bowel sounds.
No palpable masses.
Peripheral Vascular: Radial and pedal pulses are 2/4 bilaterally.
Extremities: Warm without clubbing, edema or cyanosis.
Neurological: The patient is oriented to person, place and time. Strength and
sensation are grossly intact. Face is symmetric.
Medical certificate issued in City Health Office, Tagbilaran City:

Date: September 15, 2016

Doctors sign: DR. PAMELA M. WAN, M.D.

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