6) Kpezine 15 April2008 PDF

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How to predict horoscope

Through K.B system-6

A. Devaraj
(Jyothish Kalaa Rathna )
Sri Bruhaspati K.B. Jyothish Training School,
No, 68. P.G. Avenue, 3rd St., Kattuppakkam,
Ph.044-24765320, Cell: 9382339084

(Continued from Feb 2008 KPEzine)

13. Does he fail in Love or Dishonour thru failure in Love.

The 5th Bhava indicates the Lovers. i.e., indicates Love. The failure in Love will be happen when
the 5th Bhava sub-lord inter-linked with the 4, 12th Bhava through its star and sub lord( i.e., 8,
and 12th Bhava to the 5th bhava). A person may get shame and lose his prestige, when the 5th sub
lord connects with the 8, 12 (to Lagna Bhava) .
In this chart 5th Bhava sub lord is Mars. This gentleman cannot succeed in the love, because Mars
is interlinked with 3, 7, 11th Bhava through its star and sub lord and this significance is the 12th
bhava to the 4, 8, 12th bhava.
The 11th Bhava indicates, a person one who loves him. i.e., the 7th Bhava indicates the opposite side
lover. The 5th bhava (11th bhava to the 7th) indicates the lover to the opposite person, friends
or well-wishers. The readers can think that the love comes after friendship.
The lover (opposite gender) can face the dishonor, if the 11th bhava interlinks with its 8, 12 Bhavas
(i.e 6, 10th bhava). A person (native) may get shame and tension through the lover, if the 11th
bhava connects with the 8, 12th Bhava.

As per the chart, the 11th Bhava sub lord is Venus. Venus indicates 4, 8, 12th Bhava through its star
and sub lord. The above significantor mostly affects the Lagna and does not much affect the 11th
Bhava. So; a person get the tension, shame and lose his prestige by his lover. We will take this as
a General Rule.
Venus refers to the ladies and Mars refers to the gents. The 5th Bhava indicates the native's
lover and 11th bhava indicates the opposite gender's lover (i.e native). If 5, 11th sub lord connects
with Venus and Mars, the General Rule gets strengthened and it will modify as a Special Rule.

In this chart, Venus is the 11th Bhava sub lord. So, the above mentioned unfavorable results will
happen to a person according to the Fate also. This person will, however, will not face so much trouble, later, because the Venus Dasa cames to close in the 13th age, child-hood period.

(Ref: 5, 11 Bhava indicates the love affair. The 4, 10th Bhava will give love failure because it is
the 12th Bhava to the 5th and 11th Bhavas. The lovers will not face much tension and dishonor in
the matters of love. Because the 4, 10th Bhava is not the 8, 12th Bhava to the Lagna and the 7th
Bhava. Dissatisfaction will come to one person because of the other. On account of this reason, it
will give love failure. because the 10th Bhava is the 12th Bhava to the 11th (Joyful, satisfaction)
14. How is the Education Status?

The 4th Bhava sub lord is determining the ones Lower(Basic) Education and the 9th Bhava indicates Higher Education and research oriented Education. Education is a Lagna- dependent
Karaka. So, the Education will stop or have no interest in education, while the above referred 4,
9th Bhavas are interlinked with the unfavourable Bhavas to the Lagna( i.e 8,12 bhavas). So, the 4,
9th Bhavas interlinked with favorable Bhavas to the Lagna ,gives the best education.


















































































































































































































































































































But also in the early period (study period), the Dasa/Bhukthi are also favorable to education and
then only a person can get education in the child-hood period. Here, the 4th sub lord is the Saturn.
The Saturn is interlinking 3, 9, 11th Bhavas through its star and sub. So, the lower education is good
because these Bhavas are favorable to the Lagna.

In the young age from 4 to 12th yrs, when one studied Lower Education, Venus Dasa was running
and it is interlinked with the 8, 12th Bhavas. But most of the bhukthis are signify the 3, 7,11th
Bhavas and this significancation oppose the Dasa and coincide with the fate and support to education. The Venus Dasa come to end at the age of 13. So, he got a good Basic Education in the early
period. Now we will analyze the Higher Education.
The 9th bhava sub lord is Kethu. Kethu is in the Moon star and Mercury sub. Moon is the 8th Bhava
sub lord and Mercury is the sub lord of 4, 8, & 12th Bhavas. So, these significators are un-favorable
to the Lagna and do not to give a chance to the higher education.

Further, the Moon Dasa was running from 19 to 29 yrs and this is the age for Higher Education
period. The Moon is the 8th Bhava sub lord. Please remember, the Moon always in the star of Dasa
lord and sub of Bhukthi lord.i.e The moon is not always in its star and sub lord during birth time
and it will change according to Dasa and Bhukthi .

In the base of above above referred matters, Moon would be in the same star significance up to
the Moon Dasa. But, it will change its significance, while moving according the sub lord. The 8th
Bhava significance may be strongly indicating the whole Moon Dasa. The 8th Bhava is the 12th
Bhava to the 9th Bhava and as well as unfavourable to the Lagna. So the entire Moon Dasa was not
favorable towards a good higher education. But, the same result will not happen in the entire Moon
Dasa because the Bhukthi and Anthara will change and also the Dasa result also changes according
the Bhukthi and Anthara period.
So, this gentleman completed higher education in the period from 1991 to 1995 and in this period
are Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury Bhukthies in the Moon Dasa. Thus Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury
are inter linked with the 3, 7,11th Bhavas and these significancations oppose and make weak the
Moons 8th Bhava significance. So, in these period it gives a chance for higher education.

Particularly, the Jupiter bhukthi in the Moon Dasa totally change the result of the Moon Dasa from
21-9-1990 to 2-01-1992 period. At that time Moon stands in its own star and Jupiters sub. The
Jupiter interlinked with the 3, 7,11th Bhavas.
So; the Moons sub lords (Jupiter) 3, 7,11th Bhavas make weaken the Moons star lord (moon) 8th
bhava significance. The Bhukthi lord Jupiter signifying 3,7,11 weakens the Dasa lord Moons 8th
Bhava significance. The Jupiter Bhukthi in the Moon Dasa gave the opportunity to join for higher
education. But, he cant continue the higher education from 21-01-1995 to 20-04-1997, in the Kethu
and Venus Bhukthies. Particularly he discontinued his higher education from 21-08-1995 to 20-041997, in the Venus Bhukthi of the Moon Dasa period.
The fate is already waiting and ready to spoil his education and the Venus Bhukthi also coincides
with the fate and fully spoilt his education. These incidents was quoted by the ancestral people like
the fate is playing and the Dasa is struggling and the vithi goes and the mathi follows.
15. Does he has an interest in the spiritual line?

Generally, the Lagna Bhava indicates the self thinking, 5, 9 Bhavas refer to Manthra pronunciation,
worship God and interest in the spiritual path . So, the ancestral people called the 1, 5, 9 Bhavas
as Dharmasthanam. The 4, 8, 12th Bhavas are the 12th Bhava to the 1, 5, 9 Bhavas and give the
opposite result. If, the sub lord of the 1, 5,9th Bhavas are interlinked with its favorable Bhavas,
the fate also give support to be involved in spiritual life. A person acts against the social law,
involve in the bad habits and thinking against spiritual way, when the 1, 5,9th Bhavas sub lords are
interlinked with the 4, 8, & 12th Bhavas. The planet Jupiter is the karaka to the spiritual related
matters. So, a person can have deep interest in the spiritual way, when a Jupiter should favor the
5, 9 Bhavas and not related to the 8, 12 Bhavas.

APRIL 2008



In this chart, Lagna sub lord, Saturn, inter linked with 3,9,11 Bhavas and 5th sub lord inter linked
with the 3, 5, 7, 11 Bhavas. Generally the 1, 5 Bhavas respond favourably to spiritual matters .
Further,the karaka of Jupiter is inter linked with the 3, 7, 11th Bhavas and it is favourable to the
9th Bhava and un-favorable to the 4, 8, 12 Bhavas. So Jupiter, is favorable to spiritual thinking
and involvement in the spiritual path.

However, the 9th Bhava sub lord Kethu is inter linked with the 4, 8, 12 Bhavas. So, the 9th Bhava
response is not favourable to spiritual attachment. But Kethu is also the 3rd Bhava sub lord and
make weak the 4, 8, 12 Bhavas. The 8, 12 Bhava to the 9th Bhava are 4 and 8th Bhavas. The 3rd
Bhava opposes the 4, 8 Bhavas and make weak the 4, 8 Bhavas. Why? Because, the 3rd Bhava is
the 8, 12 Bhava to the 4 and 8th Bhavas.(Ref: - The readers requested to see the Planets and
Bhava inter-link table- 1 and 2)
The above details are gives a result that this gentleman has a spiritual mind. Truly, Mr. Sivadhasan
Ravi has spiritual mind and also is skilled in the Astrology field. Those, who are interested to know
the fate response of his involvement about in the field of astrology, please read the book name is
called the K.B. Jyothida muraiyil vidhiyum mathiyum, which was written by me and published by
the Karpagam Puththagalayam. I analyzed his chart in the 14th chapter.
A person has a decrease the spiritual interest in the inter-linked period of the 4, 8, 12th Bhavas
period, which is the 12th bhavam to the 1, 5, 9 Bhavas. As the same law, this person cant give interest to the spiritual field in the periods of Kethu, Venus, and Moon (these planets are connected
with 4,8,12 Bhavas). The spiritual consciousness increases according to the support of mathi
through the fate in the period of Saturn, Mars, Jupiter. The spiritual consciousness had heavily
occurred in the period of Mercury and in the common period of the Rahu and Sun.
The 1, 5, 9th Bhava sub lord and Jupiter are not linter linked any manner with the 2, 6, 10th. Bhavas.
So, this gentleman cant earn much income through the spiritual field. But this fate gives to this
person happiness, satisfaction in the field of spirituality because the above mentioned planets are
connected with the 11th Bhava.
16. Does he get Income through commission or without the physical work field?

The 6th Bhava indicates physical work and its 12th Bhava is the 5th Bhava is called the non- physical
work. i.e. I request the readers to think that the 5th bhava is the trikona bhava to Lagna and gives
the (Physically) pleasure to the body (without physical work)
So, a person can earn money, If the 5th sub lord through its star and sub lord get interlinked with
the 2, 6, 10 Bhavas. 2, 6,10th Bhavas are favorable to the 10th Bhava and the fate gives to this person ability to earn money through the full time commission job. At the same time, a person cant
earn money through the commission job or without physical work, when a 5th sub lord interlinked
with the 1, 5, 9th Bhavas, which is the 12th Bhava to the 2, 6, 10th Bhavas or 4,12th Bhavas (8, 12
th Bhavam to the 5th Bhavas) In this chart, the 5th sub lord through its star and sub lord get inter
linked with 3, 5, 7, 11th Bhavas. So, the 5th Bhavam only gets strengthened but does not get connection with the 2, 6, 10th Bhavas. So, the fate is not favorable and here there is no particular opportunity to earn money through commission or without the physical work. So, he cant expect
much income through the commission.
17. Does he face the disturbance by Loan?

The 6th Bhava indicates that a person earns money temporarily and returns back the money to
other which was already borrowed as debt (loan) from that person. A person can get the dishonour
and loss of self prestige by the loan (Cant clear the loan), when the 6th sub lord is inter linked with
8 and 12th Bhavas through its star lord & sub lord.

A person cant get a loan from anybody and as well as no body will not give loan to native , when
the 6th sub lord through its star lord and sub lord is inter linked with 1,5th Bhavas, i.e., 8, 12th
Bhavam to 6th Bhavas.

APRIL 2008



In this chart 6th sub lord is Rahu and it is in Mercury star and Venus sub.

Mercury is the sub lord of the 4, 8, 12 Bhavas sub lord and the Venus is the 11th Bhava sub lord.
The 11th Bhava sub lord Venus makes weak the star lord Mercurys 4, 8, 12th Bhavas, Why? because, the 11th Bhava is the 8th Bhavam to 4th Bhava and 12th Bhavam to the 12th Bhava. The 11th
Bhava is the 4th bhavam from 8th Bhava. So, the 4th bhavam make weaken the 8th Bhava also
The star Mercury indicates that this person is suffering by the debt (8, 12) and the 4th Bhavam
indicates that he cant close the debt. So, the sub lord show the objection matter, which was indicated by the star lord.
The 6th Bhavam is kept on neutral, even though sub lord refuses the matter of star lord . Because
the 11th Bhavam is the 6th Bhavam from the 6th Bhava and he cant face the problem and ashamed
regarding the debt. His fate is determined because the 6th Bhavam is in the neutral position.
A person can temporarily get the loan in the period of the 4, 8, 12th. Bhava inter linked period and
even though, it is favourable to the 6th Bhavam and unfavorable to the Lagna. In this chart, Venus,
Kethu, Moon planets are inter linked with 4, 8, 12 Bhavas. So he cant resettle the loan and he gets
the new loan in this planets periods.
A person, mostly, decrease to get the loan and close the debt, when the planets are favourable to
Lagna and unfavorable to the 6th Bhava. In this chart, the Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn are favorable to Lagna and unfavorable to the 6th Bhava and in this period he can get the above referred
Further, Sun, Rahu give the normal result to the 6th Bhava.

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