Li 2012
Li 2012
Li 2012
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 14 June 2011
Received in revised form
30 May 2012
Accepted 17 June 2012
Available online 26 June 2012
A. Nanostructures
A. Alloys
C. X-ray diffraction
D. Magnetic properties
1. Introduction
With the drastically increasing problems of the electromagnetic
interference and military defense, considerable attention has been
focusing on the novel electromagnetic wave absorbing materials
with lightweight and strong absorption over a broad frequency
spectrum [14]. Generically, the microwave absorption properties
are determined by the electromagnetic properties such as permittivity (e), permeability (m), electromagnetic impedance matching,
layer thickness of the absorber and the microstructure of the
absorber [5,6]. According to the dispersion characteristic of the
complex permittivity and permeability, microwave absorption
materials can be divided into two types: magnetic materials and
dielectric materials, which are relevant to magnetic loss and
dielectric loss, respectively [7,8]. Carbon-based materials are kind
of dielectric materials which have long been explored as possible
electromagnetic shielding and microwave absorbing materials
[912]. However, the poor magnetic permeability of the carbonbased materials makes the mismatch of impedance and limits their
use as microwave absorbing material [13,14]. Two strategies have
been carried out to solve this problem. One is to introduce
vacancies or pores in the carbon-based materials, as it has been
reported that porous structure modication is an effective way to
reduce the complex relative dielectric permittivity, which endow
the materials better impedance matching property [1517]. On the
other hand, the magnetic permeability of carbon-based materials
can be enhanced by compounding with magnetic particles. Based
2. Experimental
2.1. Preparation
FeNi alloy incorporated ordered mesoporous carbonsilica
nanocomposites were synthesized using a solvent-evaporation
2.2. Characterization
The samples were characterized by transmission electron
microscopy (TEM, FEI Technai G2 and JEM 2100), and X-ray
powder diffraction (XRD, Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer with
Cu KR source). Nitrogen adsorptiondesorption isotherms were
measured at 77 K using a Micromeritics ASAP 2010 system. The
magnetization of the sample CSFeNi was measured by a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) integrated in a physical property measurement system (PPMS-9, Quantum Design) up to
10,000 Oe at 300 K. The permittivity and permeability of samples
with 40 wt% prepared powder in a parafn matrix were measured
in the 218 GHz range by using a vector network analyzer
(Agilent E8363A).
Fig. 1. (a)small angle XRD patterns of nanocomposite CSFeNi; (b) wide angle XRD patterns of nanocomposite CSFeNi; (c) N2 adsorptiondesorption isotherms curve of
CSFeNi; (d) pore diameter distribution of CSFeNi.
Fig. 2. TEM images of CSFeNi. The inset is the corresponding typical EDX
Fig. 5. Frequency dependence of the dielectric loss and magnetic loss of CSFeNi.
loss because the value of tande is much higher than that of tandm . The
dielectric loss mainly comes from polarization and interfacial polarization. Eddy current loss and natural resonance are two major
reasons for magnetic loss at microwave band. If the magnetic loss
results from eddy current loss, the values of m00 m0 2 f
should be
constant when frequency is varied [32]. Fig. 6 represents the values of
m00 m0 2 f 1 versus frequency, it can be seen that the values of
m00 m0 2 f 1 uctuate with the increasing of frequency. Therefore,
the main magnetic loss for CSFeNi could be natural resonance.
To investigate the microwave absorption properties, the theoretical reection loss (RL) were calculated from the complex
permeability and permittivity at various sample thicknesses with
the following equations [33]:
Z in Z 0
2pf d p
tanh j
mr er
e0 m0
e00 m00
n 1,3,5:::
9er mr 9
Z Z 0
R 20 log in
Z in Z 0
where the incident and reected waves in the absorber are out of
phase 1801, the reected waves in the air-absorber interface will
be totally canceled. In the above equation, d and fm are the
matching thickness and peak frequency, er and mr are the complex
permittivity and permeability at fm, and c is the velocity of light.
The dc calculated through Eq. (5) (n 1) and the ds simulated by
Eq. (1) for each composite are shown in Fig. 7(c) and (d). In these
gures, the simulated results ds agree well with the calculated
values dc. It validates that the excellent microwave absorbing
ability is related to geometrical effect.
Fig. 7. Frequency dependence of RL for CS(a) and CSFeNi(b); dependence of l/4 thickness on frequency for CS(c) and CSFeNi(d).
Table 1
Electromagnetic wave absorption properties of some similar reports. Here, RLmin
and fmin are the minimum reection value and its corresponding frequency value,
respectively. f10 is frequency bands in which the reections RL is all below
10 dB.
f10 (GHz)
6.3 8.1
8.3 12
10 12
11.3 17.0
This work
4. Conclusions
In summary, by introducing metal constituent FeNi alloy into
highly ordered mesoporous CSiO2 nanocomposite, an effective
microwave absorber CSFeNi is obtained. Compared with the
metal free composite, the complex permittivity of the CSFeNi
composite is reduced, and the permeability is almost unchanged,
resulting in a broader effective absorption bandwidth and lower
RL. The CSFeNi nanocomposites exhibits a maximum reection
loss of 45.6 dB at 11.1 GHz for a layer of thickness 3.0 mm and
the bandwidth lower than 10 dB is as large as 5.6 GHz when the
layer thickness is 2.5 mm. This material is promising as a lightweight, broad bandwidth, and strong absorption absorber. The
excellent absorbing property can be attributing to the better
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