ZOTC 111 Reviewer

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1. A farm's first line of defense is its gate.

2. For poultry farms, water palatability tests should be done at least once a year. F; every 3
3. Compared to hydrogen peroxide, chlorine can dissolve biofilm. F; the opposite
4. Silver nitrate acts as a stabilizer for hydrogen peroxide. T
5. Use chlorine or caustic soda for livestock housing cleaning. F; don't. They will damage the
building. Use formulated products.
6. Biosecurity is all about disinfection. F; it's an integrative protocol in farm systems which
also includes cleaning before disinfecting.
7. Alcohols needed be 50-60% in concentration to be effective in disinfecting. F; 75-90%
8. Halogens can be used as aerosol. T
9. Phenolic compounds and cresols are effective even in the presence of organic matter. T
10. Aldehydes are sporicidal and can be used as aerosol at low concentrations. T
11. If water quality is good, vaccine effect can last up to 2-3 days.
12. Apply chlorine to water on day of vaccination to disinfect water. F; Chlorine deactivates
13. Sugars are often used in feed production because they add palatability. F; fats and oils
14. During the summer, high protein and low lipid diet must be fed to the animal. F; low
protein (to lessen heat increment) high lipid (high energy)
15. Aside from the 10 essential amino acids, pigs also need glycine. F; chicks need glycine
pigs can synth all essential aa plus arginine.
16. B12 (thiamin) can be stored in the liver. F; true that B12 can be stored in the liver. Not
true because B12 is cyanocobalamin. Thiamin is B1.
17. Fat soluble vitamins include Vit A, D, E and K. T
18. Fat soluble vitamins can be stored in the body. T
19. Lack in foliate accounts for neural tube defect. T
20. Vitamin C is the most stable vitamin. F; vitamin C is packaged in dark containers or nonlightpermeable containers to avoid oxidation by light.
21. One should vaccinate for all known diseases. F; expensive must check history first then
vax for necessary diseases.
2. 22. Colostrum is maternal milk secreted few days after parturition that contains antibodies. T
23. Live vax is always used as priming dose. T; fast action but not long lasting.
24. Killed vax should be used as booster doses. T
25. Carbohydrates and proteins are for maintenance. T
26. Animal feed often contains soya and corn; the former for protein and the latter for energy
(carbs). T
27. Low energy diet results to low feed consumption. F; low E diet so animal feeds more to
attain the right amount of energy.
28. Vaccines are biological products prepared from organisms causing the disease. T
29. Vax application time interval in chickens is 10-14 days. T

30. ILT is a disease that affects day old chickens. F; ILT affects layer chickens so old
31. IBD affects day old chickens. T
32. Antibodies are produced in the Bursa Synovia. F; Bursa of Fabricius
33. Vaccines should be stored at 10 deg C. F; should be 4 deg C for optimum activity.
Greater temp would cause denaturation of proteins.
34. Maternal antibodies complement acquired antibodies from vaccines. F; maternal
antibodies destroy vax antibodies.
35. Mareks is a disease affecting old chickens. T; 8 weeks above.
36. Animal Welfare Law is RA 8485. T
37. Probiotics are food for prebiotics. F; the other way around.
38. Probiotics thrive in acidic envt. T
39. Poultry consume more colorful feed. T
40. A concentration of 0 colliform/100mL and 1 E. colli/100mL water is still aacceptable. F;
water despite absence of colliform when with E. colli is not safe.
41. Withdraw antibiotics 10 days before harvest. T; to allow drainage.
42. Beef cows have triangular body shapes. F; rectangular
43. Guernsey ranks last in milk production and first in milkfat production.
44. Holstein-friesian is the largest cattle breed. F; Chianina(?) about 2400lbs Hostein-friesian
only 1500lbs. If the question is the largest dairy cattle, Holstein.
45. Goat produce mohair, cashmere and wool. F; not wool.
46. Yorkshire swine breed has an extra vertebra making it longer than other breeds. F;
Landrace. Yorkshire bred for mothering ability.
47. River type buffalos have 50 chromosomes. T; swamp type only
48. All Zebu cattle breeds have humps. F; Australian Milking Zebu unique with no hump.
49. Duroc is used as a sire in swine breeding for its good carcass quality. T
50. Black Angus Cattle is the dominant phenotype.

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