Data Collection: Sjec St. Josephs Evening College 2/2/2017
Data Collection: Sjec St. Josephs Evening College 2/2/2017
Data Collection: Sjec St. Josephs Evening College 2/2/2017
Observation Method.
The observation method is most commonly used method specially in studies relating to
behavioral scenes. In a way we all observe things around us, but this sort of observation is
not scientific observation. Observation becomes a scientific tool and the method of data
collection for the researcher when it serves a formulated research purpose, is systematically
planned and recorded and is subjected to checks and controls on validity and reliability.
Under the observation method, the information is sought by way of investigator's own direct
observation without asking from the respondent.
The style of recording the observed information, standardized conditions of observation and
the selection of pertinent data of observation, then the observation is called as structured
observation. But when observation is to take place without these characteristics to be thought
of in advance, the same is termed as unstructured observation.
If the observer observes by making himself, more or less, a member of the group he is
observing so that he can experience what the members of the group experience, the
observation is called as the participant observation. But when the observer observes as a
detached emissary without any attempt on his part to experience through participation what
others feel, the observation of this type is often termed as non-participant observation. When
the observer is observing in such a manner that his presence may be unknown to the people
he is observing, such an observation is called as disguised observation.
Advantages of Observation.
1 The data is collected as it happens.
2 It is direct and does not involve any kind of artificially in collecting the data.
3 For certain researcher observation is the best method.
Ex: Research involving children.
1 Through observation a researcher can capture the whole world event as it occurs.
2 Observation gives more authentic data as no question is asked by the researcher.
3 It is an easier method of collecting data.
4 The data is more reliable as it is unbiased.
5 The researcher is enabled to record the natural behavior of the group.
6 The researcher can even gather information which could not easily be obtained if he
observes in a disinterested fashion.
Disadvantages of Observation.
1 This method cannot be used for historical research i.e. to study the past events.
2 It is not suitable to study opinions and attitude.
3 It is difficult to choose the sample for observation survey.
4 It is not flexible, in the sense, that the researcher cannot collect the data and use it as and
when he likes.
5 The researcher should be physically present at the place of happening to collect the data.
6 It is a slow process.
7 Changes of researchers bias are high as he may give his own meaning to the behaviour
of respondents.
8 The observer may lose the objectivity to the extend he participates emotionally. The
problem of observation is not solved. And it may narrow-down the researcher's range of
9 The observer may lose the objectivity to the extend he participates emotionally. The
problem of observation is not solved. And it may narrow-down the researcher's range of
In this case the data is collected by studying the casual relationship between identified
variables. Experimentation are carried out either out in a controlled atmosphere like
laboratory or uncontrolled atmosphere like on field. The aim of experimentation to understand
the degree of influence of one variable called the independent variables over the other
variables called dependent variables.
Projective Techniques.
The survey and the other method of data collection may result in the researcher collecting
either incorrect information or misleading information because respondents are given
freedom to report their behaviour. This is called respondents bias. To avoid this, a direct way
of collecting the data from the sample is used which is known as Projective Techniques.
This method of data collection is quite popular, particularly in case of big enquiries. It is
being adopted by private individuals, research workers, private and public organizations and
even by Governments. In this method a questionnaire is sent to the persons concerned with
a request to answer the questions and return the questionnaire. A questionnaire consists of a
number of questions printed or typed in a definite order on a form or set of forms.
1. The researcher must keep in view the problem he is to study for it provides the starting
point for developing the Questionnaire/Schedule. He must be clear about the various
aspects of his research problem to be dealt with in the course of his research project.
2. Appropriate form of questions depends on the nature of information sought, the sampled
respondents and the kind of analysis intended. The researcher must decide whether to
use closed or open-ended question. Questions should be simple and must be constructed
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with a view to their forming a logical part of a well thought out tabulation plan. The units of
enumeration should be defined precisely so that they can ensure accurate and full
3. Rough draft of the Questionnaire/Schedule is prepared, giving due thought to the
appropriate sequence of putting questions. Questionnaires or Schedules previously
drafted may as well be looked at this stage.
4. Researcher must invariably re-examine, and in case of need may revise the rough draft
for a better one. Technical defects must be minutely scrutinized and removed.
5. Pilot study should be undertaken for pre-testing the questionnaire. The Questionnaire
may be edited in the light of the results of the pilot study.
6. Questionnaires must contain simple but straight forward directions for the respondents so
that they may not feel any difficulty in answering the questions.
Enough care must be taken while drafting a questionnaire. A wrong question misleading
question, wrong wording, etc may create more problem for the researcher while drafting a
questionnaire the researcher should consider the following areas.
1 Relevance of the question.
2 Wording of the question.
3 Types of question.
4 Sequence of the question.
Relevance of Question: The researcher should ask only such questions which provide
information needed by him.
Ex: If a study is made on media habits of teenagers, questions like which part of Bangalore
do you stay at which hotel do you prefer during the weekend, etc are irrelevant.
A researcher should ask questions which are specific in nature and which the respondents
may answer easily.
Ex: Instead of asking what brand of coffee do you have today? Respondents may be usually,
what brand of coffee do you use?
1 Wording of the Question: When a question is asked, the researcher should be careful in
choosing the words while designing the question he should consider the following points.
The words used in the question should mean the same for both researcher and
All the respondents should perceive the meaning of the question in the same way.
The words should precise or exact.
Ex: Question like how intelligent? What is your income? Are vague.
1 The question should be worded in a very simple manner.
Ex: Instead of asking questions like what is your marital status? The researcher may ask
are you married?
2 The question worded in such a manner that they are neutral in nature and does not
influence the respondents answer, this result in bias.
Ex: A question likes Isnt St. Josephs college a good college? It influence the respondent
top answer in a positive manner, hence should be avoided. No question should give lead
to answer.
3 Questions should not be worded with unwarranted assumptions.
Ex: Do you think Indians are very conservative?
4 While wording a question you should avoid personalizing question and for same sensitive
Types of Question.
A researcher may ask basically two types of questions, namely Open- ended question and
Closed ended Questions. Close ended questions might be of three types, Dichotomous,
Multiple Choice or Declarative.
1 Open ended Questions: In this type of question respondents are given choice to reply
with their own words. It is a useful type of questions, not only gives freedom to respondents
but also the answers should be creative.
Ex: When you think of St. Josephs college, what comes to your mind?
The problem with open- ended question is that only tabulation becomes difficult but
chances are their that respondents may give variety of answers, making it difficult to
2 Close ended Questions: Close ended Questions are those, which gives options to the
respondents to choose from. The answers are standardized, such questions may be of three
types i.e. Dichotomous Questions, Multiple choice Questions and Declarative Questions.
Dichotomous Questions have two choices to choose from. It is a simple form of
question, which the respondent answers either positively or negatively.
Ex: Are you interested in playing tennis? A) Yes b) No
In case of Multiple Choice Questions, there will be more two options to choose from.
Ex: After Graduation would you go for higher studies?
A) Definitely yes b) Probably yes c) Dont know d) Probably No e) Definitely No.
1 Leading Questions: It is a question, which is worded in such a way that the respondent
is influenced to give a certain answer. Ex: Do you like your college, dont you?
2 Loading Questions: A loading question is one attached with emotions, which make
respondents to give a biased answer. Ex: Questions like, do you think Australian cricketers
have hurt the sentiments of Indians?
3 Ambiguous Questions: An ambiguous question is one that does not have clear meaning
and which may mean many things to people. Ex: Do you live in a big house? Is an
ambiguous question because the word big is a very vague?
4 Doubled barred Questions : These are the questions, which ask the respondents to
give information on two or more ideas at a time. Ex: How much do you plan to save next year
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and will you buy a car next year. Please mention the no. of members in your family, their
relationship with you, age group, marital status and whether they are earning?
5 Long Questions: When a question is lengthy, respondents lose interest in answering
them. Ex: Have you ever visited a mall in the last week, purchased the following items and
also mention with whom you have purchased?
6 Double Lengthy Questions: The researcher should, avoid asking double lengthy
questions, as it creates confusion.
The order in which the questions are arranged influences the ease with which the respondent
answers the questionnaire. It also has an impact on creating or avoiding the bias. While
deciding on the sequencing following point must be considered.
1 It should create interest among the respondents to voluntarily answer the question.
2 It should start with simple items and move with complex items.
3 The sequencing must give a sense of clarity.
1 The order in which the questions are put should encourage respondents to answer
questions voluntarily.
2 The questionnaire should begin with simple items and gradually move onto the objectives
of the research.
3 Their should be logical progression.
4 Their should be neither be over lapping nor confusion in the sequencing.
Processing of data is that stage of research between data collection and data analysis, which
helps the researcher to convert raw data into an analyzable form. This step consists of
editing, coding, classification and the tabulation.
Editing of data is the process of checking to detect and correct errors and omissions. It may
either be on field or at office.
On a field editing is a type of editing where the researcher edits the data immediately after
collection. He reviews questionnaire correct omissions, rewrites ineligible responses etc.
Office editing also know as In is a process of editing where all completed questionnaire are
checked in the office for completeness, accuracy and uniformity. The researchers whether all
questions are properly answered. If any unanswered question is their, he can infirm the
answer with the help of the questions. If the information is very important he may connect the
respondent again.
The researchers also checks for the accuracy and consistency in the answer given by the
Ex: If the question, do you own a debit card or credit card? The respondent answers as no.
For another question, do you always buy using credit cards or debit cards, he answers yes.
Such are inconsistency, which may not give accurate data. The researcher has to identify
such questions inconsistencies. Proper coding and computerization of data cleans such data
and avoids such inconsistencies.
While editing the researcher should also see that there is uniformity throughout in
interpretation of questioned and their answering.
It is the process of assigning numbers to the categories for the purpose of identification.
Coding is necessary to make data entry convenient and to remove errors in answering,
would also avoid, mix up of various questions of difficult researchers. Coding helps in data
cleaning. Removing inaccuracies and inconsistencies in answers. Coding is made three
levels. At each level each questionnaire is coding.
Ex: If a researcher is carried on at St. Josephs Evening College with 50 students as sample.
Questionnaire will be coded at SJEC, SJEC2
At the second level, each question is coded.
Ex: Name, Age, and Gender etc.
At the third level, the potions are coded, either numerically are by using alphabets.
Ex: Male, Female, Gender or Male 3.1 Female 3.2 or Male a, Female b, or Male M, Female
Proper coding makes the data more reliable. This results in the research findings to be trust
Classifications is grouping of data according to identified categories with the help of
classifications, huge data will be condensed for the purpose of analysis. It is done after
coding and before tabulation.
Tabulation is the process of summarising raw data and displaying them on compact statistical
table for further analysis. In this step it starts after the classification the researcher identifies
The purpose of research is to identify solutions to give a research problem. Collected data is
put into statistical test analyzed and interpreted. Analysis of data performs the art of
research, as it is in this step that data acquires meaning.
Analysis of data is the critical examination of the assembled and grouped for studying the
characteristics of the objects under study and of determining the patterns of relationship
among the identified variables
Basically a researcher may make use of arithmetic mean, median or mode. Arithmetic mean
is the average of all values in the Distribution (some of all value divided by the number of
Normally the researcher may have a confusion regarding which average to be used and
when to use it. This depends upon three important factors i.e.
a. The level of measurement.
b. The shape of the distribution of data.
c. The research objectives.
By way of caution, the researcher, before using secondary data, must see that they possess
the following characteristics:
1. Reliability of data: The reliability can be tested by finding out such things about the said
data: Who collected the data? What were the sources of data? Were they collected by
using proper methods? At what time were they collected? Was there any bias of the
compiler? What level of accuracy was desired? Was it achieved?
2. Suitability of data: The data that are suitable for one enquiry may not necessarily be
found suitable in another enquiry. Hence, if the available data are found to e unsuitable,
they should not be used by the researcher.
3. Adequacy of data: If the level of accuracy achieved in data is found inadequate for the
purpose of the present enquiry, they will be considered as inadequate and should not be
used by the researcher. The data will also be considered inadequate, if they are related to
an area which may either narrower or wider than the area of the present enquiry.
Research Report
Research report is a major component of a research. Any research is incomplete till the
findings are properly reported. Research report is a means of communication of the
researcher to others.
1. Logical analysis of the subject matter: here, the researcher should explain the subject
logically and chronologically keeping the mind the objectives.
2. Preparation of the final outline: Here, he decides on the final content of the report and
organizes the material for writing.
3. Preparation of the rough draft: The researcher writes the research report in the context
of his objectives. This may not be in logical sequence as it is just a draft.
4. Rewriting after checking the English; Here, the rough draft is corrected for English, for
its language, grammar, etc, additional and deletions are made as required.
5. Writing the final data; Here, the researcher prepares the final report which is concise in
simple language and objective types. It should be readable and satisfy interest of all
I. General section includes the following Title Pages: This is the cover page, which
shows the title of the research but whom it is conducted and to whom it is submitted.
Declaration of the researcher. Here the research guide for the originality of the research
conducted by the researcher under his supervision.
Acknowledgement: In this section the researcher acknowledges the help and assistance
of various people for this research.
Table of Content: This table explains the contents of the research along with the
sections and page numbers on which they can be found.
List of Tables and Graphs: Here the researcher give the index of all the tables and
graphs used in the research and page numbers on which they can be found.
Research Design: This chapter basically explains the methodology followed by the
researcher. In simple words, it explains what is the problem of the research, why was it
selected, what is the importance and scope of the research. What methodology is
followed, what is the type of the study, how was the study conducted.
Profile of Sample; This section explains various features of sample, the sample technique
followed, the demographic, economic, and psycho graphic profile of the sample.
Analysis: This chapter analysis data in accordance with the objectives of the study. The
tables are followed by analysis and interpretation, graph and diagram. This is the most
important part of the research; hence enough care must be taken.
Summary of findings: This chapter summarizes the research and offers suggestions. In
addition with these chapters there are two more selections, namely, bibliography and
appendix. Bibliography gives information on various references made by the research.
This is classified into four parts, namely, books, journals, newspapers and magazines and
websites. While mentioning the reference books used, the order should be as follows.
Authors Name, Title of the book, Publishers name, Place of Publication and Year of
It should be noted that while mentioning authors name surname should come first.
Ex: The researcher has used, Philip Kotlers, Principle of Marketing Books, it should be
written as follows, Kotler Philip, Principles of Marketing, Printing Hall of India, New Delhi,
12th edition 2008.
If a research article in a journal is referred, it should be explained as follows, Authors
name, Title of the article, Name of the journal, year and month of publications volume and
page number.
It should be remembered that the title of the article would always be in quotations. If there
are two or more authors instead of writing all names, first authors name followed by etc,
Ex: If an article is written by three authors, it is mentioned as follows Arun etc all
Understanding service quality perception in the Health care Industry, journal on services
marketing, April - June 2008 volume XXV page number 143-160.
In case of appendix, certain important documents like copy of questionnaire, balance
sheet, etc are attached.
Every report consists a synoptically view of the entire research. Popularly called as Executive
Summary, here the researcher in a short form explains the purpose, method and findings of