Assessment of Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability To Climate Change Among Livestock Holder in Chitwan District, Nepal
Assessment of Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability To Climate Change Among Livestock Holder in Chitwan District, Nepal
Assessment of Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability To Climate Change Among Livestock Holder in Chitwan District, Nepal
The research was done in order to assess vulnerability to
climate change for livestock raising households in Chitwan district of
Nepal. The six different villages namely, Gitanagar, Patihani,
Padampur, Megauli, Gunjanagar and Ayodhyapuri of Chitwan
district were purposively selected for the study. The 60 households from
each VDC and altogether 360 household were randomly selected. The
descriptive statistics as well as trend analysis was used to study the
different socio-demographic variables and climatic pattern. The
integrated vulnerability assessment approach was used to assess the
climate change vulnerability to the livestock holders in the study area.
Annual incremental the temperature and rainfall over the past 30
years were 0.0430C and 0.93 mm respectively. All of the respondents
perceived about the climate change to some extent. Self-experience was
sufficient (about 58 % of the respondent) to know about the climate
change. The various adaptation strategy adopted by the farmer were
livestock diversification livestock feed supplement, shifting to off
farming activities, changing herd composition , taking credit ,
maintaining and enhancing genetic breed , growing fodder and
storing of hay silage and improving pastures or grazing land. There
were various barriers to the adaptation strategy for the households.
Surya Mani Dhungana- Assessment of Climate Change Impact and Vulnerability
to Climate Change among Livestock holder in Chitwan District, Nepal
The major barriers were lack of information about the climate change
and appropriate tools and techniques for adaptation. The own farming
experience and knowledge was the major minimizing tools against the
adverse climate in the study area. The Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) was fitted in the integrated vulnerability approach to find out
the index that was 10.99 for the study area. This results shows that the
study area is less vulnerable to climate change as the adaptive capacity
is high.
Here, both exposure and sensitivity will take negative signs but
adaptive capacity takes positive sign.
The intensity of problems and reasons were identified by using
five point scaling technique comparing most important,
somewhat important, important, and less important and least
important using scores of 1.00, 0.80, 0.60, 0.40, and 0.20,
respectively. The formula given below was used to find the
index for intensity various problem/reasons.
Si fi
Iprob= N Where,
Iprob = Index value for intensity of problem Si = Scale value of ith intensi
fi = Frequency of ith response N = Total number of respondent
Infertility in livestock
The study related to infertility status was found to be higher in
all the livestock. More than 50% of the respondent expressed
that infertility problem is ever increasing. Less than a half of
the respondent expressed that they had not yet noticed the
infertility in the livestock but surprisingly, less than 10% of the
respondent said that infertility is decreased due to climate
change in cattle and goat.
Indicators Types of
Training on agriculture and livestock management 0.78 Adaptive capacity
Access to subsidy 0.59 Adaptive capacity
LSU 0.71 Adaptive capacity
Years of schooling 0.85 Adaptive capacity
Types of household 0.71 Adaptive capacity
Information source about climate change 0.70 Adaptive capacity
Barrier to adaptation 0.61 Sensitivity
Flood 0.56 Exposure
Temperature 0.66 Sensitivity
Rainfall 0.68 Sensitivity
Vulnerability index 10.99