PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi: Engineering Plan
PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi: Engineering Plan
PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi: Engineering Plan
: 109/BMS/PL-
DATE : 19 Nop 2014
PAGE : 1|P a g e 9
Immediately after the Effective Date of Contract a meeting will be held among the
Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd., PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi and other parties
The Basic and Detailed Engineering Design is carried out by PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi
engineering Departments office in Bontang and or project office in Jl Danau Jempang
No 55, HOP III Kompleks PT Badak NGL, Bontang.
Each Lead Engineer must firstly ensure that equipment and material within PT Borneo
Mitra Sinergi scope of work is correctly specified for the duty envisaged and can be
procured, and secondly, ensured by means of drawings, documents and other data so
that the system can be properly developed.
Project Schedule
The work schedule will be created and maintained by Project Planner to ensure
Intercorrelation with overall project schedule. PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi Project
Control will be responsible for identifying schedule delays, informing to the Project
Manager of any problem in meeting schedule dates, and assessing the impact of
these on the overall progress of the project.
Deliverable List
The deliverable list is developed and will be used as the sole means of measuring
progress achieved during the project. The list subject to be agreed by Energy
Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd. and PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi. Engineering
document list to be prepared for this project is attached for indication of
Progress Reporting
Every Friday each Lead Discipline Engineer assigned to the project will provide the
project Engineering Manager with a hand written weekly progress report and a
copy of the deliverables list marked up to show progress achieved during the
previous reporting period. Each reporting period will run from Saturday morning to
Friday evening. The Project Planner will review the weekly reports and collate all
information required for the weekly progress report and will then update the
register. The deliverables list will be used to generate a project S-Curve measuring
progress achieved against progress planned.
A monthly progress report will be compiled by the project control and approved by
the Project Engineering Manager for submission to Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang)
Pty. Ltd. The monthly progress report will he compiled in the same way as the
weekly progress report and will be a summary of the month's activities. The cut-off
date for the monthly progress report will be on Friday of every month, and the
report will be issued to Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd.
Weekly reports and Monthly reports will be compiled and numbered using PT.
Borneo Mitra Sinergis standard template.
Progress will be based on percentage completion as reported by the Lead
Discipline Engineers with reference to the following system:
Preparation Document/Drawing 15%
Issued for Review (IFR) 60%
Issued for Approval (IFA ) 85%
Issued for Construction (IFC) 100%
Project Communication
Project Communication as listed below:
Conversations Record
Conversations between PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi and Energy Equity Epic
(Sengkang) Pty. Ltd. which reach outcomes that affect to design, scope of work
or schedule will be confirmed in writing.
Document Control
Document control will follow PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi Procedures. All project
deliverables will be reviewed by other disciplines according to the Project IDR
Document Numbering
PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi will prepare document numbering system and subject to
Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd. approval.
Document Revisions
Document revisions will be in accordance with Document Numbering
Procedure. Revisions will be as follows:
Issued for Review (IFR) and Approval (IFA) Rev. A, B, C.
Issued for Construction (IFC) Rev. 0,1,2.
Issue of Documents
2 (two) of each document on Deliverables List will be issued on A4/A3
size documents to Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd. for review
and/or approval. Master Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd. at
each revision will be retained in PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi Document
The IDC Checker will check input data used, and all engineering
methods, premise and design solutions used for functionality, safety, cost,
constructability and maintainability. The IDC Checker will also check the
format, quality, language and spelling.
Inter-Discipline Review
The Inter-Discipline Review (IDR) enables disciplines other than the
originating discipline to receive and comment on engineering
documents, which may impact their scope of work. The distribution of
documents for IDR will be in accordance with the approved IDR Matrix
identifying the originating discipline and review disciplines for each
The Originator of the deliverable will complete an IDR form, fill in the
names of the reviewers in accordance with the IDR Matrix and forward
the form with the necessary documents/drawings attached to the
Document Controller (DC) for distribution.
The Originator of the IDR will responsible for the collation of all
comments received during the IDR cycle, and will :
Each reviewing discipline will fill in the Comments box, sign and date the
IDR Form attached to the deliverable. Where no comments are made,
the words "No Comment" shall be written on the review copy and signed
and dated by the reviewer. When the deliverable has been reviewed by
all reviewing disciplines listed on the IDR Form it will be returned to the
Originator for mark-up and preparation of IFA or IFC issue to Energy
Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd.
An IDR log record all IDRs issued will be maintained by the DC. .A file
containing PGNes of completed IDR forms will be kept together with the
IDR Log.
Project Correspondence
Incoming Correspondence
The Project Secretary will stamp all incoming correspondence RECEIVED,
and date and register the document. The Project Engineering Manager will
decide on the required distribution and filling index. The incoming
document will be distributed by the Project Secretary. The Project Secretary
will file the Original copy of the incoming correspondence in the project file.
Incoming correspondence will be addressed to:
Adnan Hamid
Project Engineering Manager
PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi
Outgoing Correspondence
All outgoing project correspondence will be approved and signed off by tile
Project Engineering Manager. The Project Secretary will then assign a
sequential number to the outgoing correspondence. This number will be
registered and a copy, of the correspondence will then be filed in the
project filing system.
Except for specific Energy Equity Epic (Sengkang) Pty. Ltd. requirements
contained in the Contract. PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi will execute the project in
accordance with the procedures governed by PT Borneo Mitra Sinergi's Quality
Assurance (QA) System. The QA System is a set of measures used to ensure
that quality is planned and obtained. Therefore it has a multi-level Structure
consisting of the following:
A Quality Assurance Manual defining the policy and general approach to
Detailed procedures reflecting and expanding the criteria identified in the
QA Manual, to be used for internal control and routines and as a basis for
quality audits:
A Quality Plan developed specifically for a project together with detailed
procedure developed to meet the requirements of a particular project.
The QA Manager is responsible for instilling quality consciousness into all employees,
and regularly