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BHLER WELDING is one of the premier suppliers of welding BHLER WELDING customers are able to choose from an
consumables for corrosion resistant alloys as well as high extensive range of high quality electrodes and wires manufactured
temperature and creep resistant steels, providing a full range to the latest industry specifications.
of solutions for all joint welding applications and base metals. Specific customer and process requirements: i.e.: documentation,
For this reason, key fabricators in a diverse range of process data sheets, certification, testing, packing and marking of products
industries have preferred to use BHLER WELDING products can be arranged upon request.
and services worldwide since 1927.
Our particular focus on high temperature and creep resisting
The most demanding industries trust our experience and proven products, as well as stainless steel and nickel base welding
quality to reduce fabrication costs and to increase the service life consumables, combined with our experience and solid history of
of plant components. almost 80 years has made BHLER WELDING a strong partner
Our experienced welding engineers will assist you in matching for the high quality demands of today's process industries.
the optimum and most economic welding solutions suitable to Your nearest sales partner can be found on the Internet at
your individual requirements. www.boehler-welding.com

BHLER WELDING consumables are available in moisture

resistant and hermetically sealed packs.
For high demanding industries

Chemical and Petrochemical Plant Engineering

In excess of 180 first class BHLER WELDING products
suported by years of R&D including first hand production know-
ledge provide users with the confidence to be assured that
BHLER WELDING products have the ability to perform to
advanced product standards, consistent product quality and best
operating characteristics for reliable corrosion / heat resistance
to guarantee safe operating conditions and extend the life of
today's modern plant operations.

Chemical Tankers
Apart from 316L and 317L stainless steel, the application of
Duplex stainless steel is being introduced more widely for the
construction of tanks for bulk storage. BHLER WELDING
products lead the way with a comprehensive range of flux cored
wires, sub arc wires and flux and of course the full range of
covered electrodes, GMAW solid wires and GTAW rods.

Pharmaceutical Industry
Particularly high demands of quality and purity of all medium
exposed surfaces require top quality base and filler metals,
including extremely smooth and even electro-polished stainless
steel pipes and weld surfaces. BHLER WELDING recognises
the importance of these specialist applications and as such has
undertaken investigation of their filler metals and weld behaviour
to ensure that optimum results are achieved when undertaking
these specialist applications.

Food and Beverage

Whatever the application, storage tanks, pressure vessels, heat
exchangers or process pipe work, you can be assured that
BHLER WELDING filler metals are being referred to by
thousands of welding engineers and used by welders throughout
the world on a daily basis. There are many single product
features available in the food and beverage industry.

Pulp and Paper

Mo alloyed stainless steel Duplex and Super duplex stainless
steel alternatively Nickel base alloys or even Titanium welding
consumables are necessary to resist the severe effects of corro-
sive environments. The metallurgical concept of BHLER
WELDING consumables guarantees the highest homogeneity and
reliability of the chemical composition of weld metals and their
corrosion resistance, crack resistance and mechanical properties.

Seawater Desalination
Adequate supplies of fresh water throughout the world are
an essential part of everyday life, in several regions seawater
desalination plants are needed to cover the demand. BHLER
WELDING is aware of the extreme requirements demanded in
this industry sector and a broad range of filler metals has been
engineered without compromise to resist pitting, crevice and
stress corrosion, and the cracking of weld metals.

Flue Gas Desulphurisation

Although allied to the power generation industry, FGD wet
scrubbing systems are a perfect example to choose extremely
corrosion resistant nickel base alloys. Alloy BHLER WELDING
consumables offer maximum corrosion resistance e.g. in the
absorber towers.

Lurgi AG

Leuna Refinery
Ammonia synthesis Methanol plant


Lurgi AG
Flue gas desulphurization Site erection of a column

Selection guide

Welding processes
Base metals

High temperature and

creep resistant steels
0,5Mo P/T1 FOX DMO Ti, Kb DMO-IG DMO-IG EMS 2Mo+BB 24 8
1Cr 0,5Mo P/T11 FOX DCMS Ti, Kb DCMS-IG DCMS-IG EMS 2CrMo+BB 24 8, 9
0,5Cr 1Mo +V FOX DMV 83Kb DMV 83-IG DMV 83-IG 9
21/4Cr 1Mo P/T22 FOX CM 2Kb CM 2-IG CM 2-IG CM 2-UP+BB 24 9
21/4Cr 1Mo (mod.) P/T23 FOX P 23 P 23-IG P 23-UP+BB 430 10
P/T24 FOX P 24 P 24-IG P 24-UP+BB 430 10
5Cr 0,5Mo P/T5 FOX CM 5 Kb CM 5-IG CM 5-IG CM 5-UP+BB 24 11
9Cr 1Mo P/T9 FOX CM 9 Kb CM 9-IG 11
9Cr 1Mo +V(W) P/T91 FOX C 9 MV C 9 MV-IG C 9 MV-IG C 9 MV-UP+BB 910 11, 12
P/T911 FOX C 9 MVW C 9 MVW-IG 12
P/T92 FOX P 92 P 92-IG P 92-UP+BB 910 13
12Cr 1Mo +VW FOX 20 MVW 20 MVW-IG 20 MVW-UP+BB 24 13, 14
18Cr 11Ni 304H FOX CN 18/11 CN 18/11-IG CN 18/11-IG CN 18/11-UP+BB 202 14
321H FOX E 308 H E 308 H-FD ER 308 H-IG 15
E 308 H PW-FD 15
18Cr 10Ni +Nb 347H FOX E 347 H 15

Stainless steels

19Cr 9Ni L 304L FOX EAS 2 EAS 2-FD EAS 2-IG EAS 2-IG (Si) EAS 2-UP+BB 202 16
19Cr 9Ni 3Mo L 316L FOX EAS 4 M EAS 4 M-FD EAS 4 M-IG EAS 4 M-IG (Si) EAS 4 M-UP+BB 202 17, 18
19Cr 13Ni 4Mo L 317L FOX E 317L E 317L-FD ASN 5 SY-UP+BB 202 18
E 317L PW-FD 18
18Cr 16Ni 5Mo NL 317LN FOX ASN 5 ASN 5-IG ASN 5-IG (Si) ASN 5-UP+BB 203 19
FOX ASN 5-A 19
22Cr 18Ni 4Mo L FOX AM 400 AM 400-IG AM 400-IG 19
19Cr 12Ni 3Mo Nb 316Ti FOX SAS 4 SAS 4-FD SAS 4-IG SAS 4-IG (Si) SAS 4-UP+BB 202 21
19Cr 9Ni Nb 347 FOX SAS 2 SAS 2-FD SAS 2-IG SAS 2-IG (Si) SAS 2-UP+BB 202 20
20Cr 25Ni 5Mo CuNL 904L FOX CN 20/25 M CN 20/25 M-IG CN 20/25 M-IG (Si) 22
FOX CN 20/25 M-A 22

Ferritic / Martensitic
13Cr NbL 409 KW 5 Nb-IG 23
13Cr 410 FOX KW 10 KW 10-IG 23
18Cr NbL 430Cb CAT 430 L Cb-IG 24

Soft martensitic

13Cr 4Ni CA6NM FOX CN 13/4 SUPRA CN 13/4-IG CN 13/4-MC CN 13/4-UP+BB 203 25
S41500 FOX CN 13/4 CN 13/4-IG 25
16Cr 6Ni Mo FOX CN 16/6 M-HD 25

Precipitation hardening

17Cr 4Ni Cu FOX CN 17/4 PH

Duplex / Superduplex

22Cr S31803 FOX CN 22/9 N-B CN 22/9 N-FD CN 22/9 N-IG CN 22/9 N-IG CN 22/9N-UP+BB 202 26, 27
FOX CN 22/9 N CN 22/9 PW-FD 26, 27
25Cr S32750 FOX CN 25/9 CuT CN 25/9 CuT-IG CN 25/9 CuT-IG 27

Welding processes
Base metal

18Cr 8Ni Mn FOX A7 A 7-FD A 7 CN-IG A 7-IG A 7 CN-UP+BB 203 28
FOX A 7-A A 7 PW-FD 28
20Cr 10Ni 3Mo Dissimilar joints, FOX CN 19/9 M CN 19/9 M-IG CN 19/9 M-IG 28, 29
23Cr 12Ni L corrosion FOX CN 23/12-A CN 23/12-FD CN 23/12-IG CN 23/12-IG CN 23/12-UP+BB 202 29
resistant claddings CN 23/12 PW-FD 29
23Cr 12Ni 2Mo L FOX CN 23/12 Mo-A CN 23/12 Mo-FD 30
CN 23/12 Mo PW-FD 30
24Cr 13Ni L FOX CN 24/13 30
Buffer layers
24Cr 13Ni NbL FOX CN 24/13 Nb 30
29Cr 9Ni Problem steels FOX CN 29/9 30
FOX CN 29/9-A 30
19Cr 14Ni Si Against nitric acid FOX EAS 2 Si EASN 2 Si-IG 31
25Cr 22Ni 2Mo NL UREA plant engineering FOX EASN 25 M EASN 25 M-IG 31

Low temperature
2.5Ni A633 Gr. E FOX 2.5 Ni 2.5 Ni-IG 2.5 Ni-IG Ni 2-UP+BB 24 32
19Cr 9Ni L 304L FOX EAS 2 EAS 2-FD EAS 2-IG EAS 2-IG (Si) EAS 2-UP+BB 202 33
EAS 2 PW-FD 33
EAS 2 PW-FD (LF) 33
9Ni K81340 FOX NIBAS 60/15 NIBAS 625-FD NIBAS 625-IG NIBAS 625-IG NIBAS 625-UP+BB 444 34

Heat resistant
25Cr 4Ni 327 FOX FA FA-IG FA-IG 35
22Cr 12Ni 309 FOX FF FF-IG FF-IG 35
25Cr 20Ni 310 FOX FFB FFB-IG FFB-IG 35, 36
21Cr 33Ni Mn N08810 / 800H FOX CN 21/33 Mn CN 21/33 Mn-IG CN 21/33 Mn-IG 36
25Cr 35Ni Nb FOX CN 25/35 Nb CN 25/35 Nb-IG CN 25/35 Nb-IG 36
35Cr 45Ni Nb FOX CN 35/45 Nb CN 35/45 Nb-IG CN 35/45 Nb-IG 36

Nickel base alloys

Alloy 600 N06600 FOX NIBAS 70/15 37
Alloy 600 N06600 FOX NIBAS 70/20 NIBAS 70/20-FD NIBAS 70/20-IG NIBAS 70/20-IG NIBAS 70/20-UP+BB 444 37, 38
Alloy 625 N06625 FOX NIBAS 625 NIBAS 625-FD NIBAS 625-IG NIBAS 625-IG NIBAS 625-UP+BB 444 38
Alloy C 276 N10276 FOX NIBAS C 276 NIBAS C 276-IG NIBAS C 276-IG NIBAS C 276-UP+BB 444 39
Alloy 59 N06059 FOX NIBAS C 24 NIBAS C 24-IG NIBAS C 24-IG NIBAS C 24-UP+BB 444 39
Alloy 400 N04400 FOX NIBAS 400 NIBAS 400-IG NIBAS 400-IG 40
Alloy 617 N06617 FOX NIBAS 617 NIBAS 617-IG NIBAS 617-IG NIBAS 617-UP+BB 444 40

Non-ferrous alloys
Cu-Ni 90-10 C70600 FOX CuNi 30Fe CuNi 30Fe-IG 41
Cu-Ni 90-30 C71500 FOX CuNi 30Fe CuNi 30Fe-IG 41
Ti grade 2 R50400 ER Ti 2-IG ER Ti 2-IG 41

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 7
High temperature and creep resistant steels

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX DMO Ti SMAW C 0.06 Re 500 N/mm2 2.0 TV-D, , Rutile coated electrode for 0.5 % Mo alloyed S355J2G3, E295, P255G1TH,
Si 0.3 Rm 570 N/mm2 2.5 TV-A, boiler and tube steels up to +550 C service L320-L415NB, 16Mo3,
E Mo R 12 Mn 0.6 A5 23 % 3.2 CL, DNV, temperature. It offers excellent striking and L320MB-L415MB,16Mo3, S255N,
Mo 0.5 Av 90 J 4.0 BV, DB, restriking characteristics, easy slag removal, P235GH-P310GH, P255-P355N,
UDT, smooth beads, AC/DC weldability and produces P255NH-P355NH
Statoil, first class X-ray quality welds in all positions.
RMR, ASTM e. g.
BB, VUZ A335 Gr. P 1, A161-94 Gr. T 1
A182M Gr. F 1, A250M Gr. T 1

FOX DMO Kb SMAW C 0.08 Re 550 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, , Basic coated low hydrogen electrode for 0.5 % Mo S355J2G3, L320-L415NB, L320
Si 0.4 Rm 600 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, FI, alloyed boiler and tube steels up to +550 C MB-L415MB, P255G1TH,
E Mo B 42 H5 Mn 0.8 A5 25 % 4.0 BB, DB, service temperature. P235GH-P310GH, P255NH,
Mo 0.5 Av 200 J 5.0 ABS, DNV, For high quality welds of long term stressed 16Mo3, 17MnMoV6-4,
E7018-A1H4R 32 J-50 C GL, RMR, components with reliable mechanical properties 22NiMoCr4-7, 20MnMoNi5-5,
Statoil, CL, under high and low service temperatures 15NiCuMoNb5, 20MnMoNi4-5,
LTSS, UDT, conditions. GE240-GE300, 22Mo4, S255N-
KTA 1408.1 HD 4 ml/100 g acc. AWS condition. S460N,
ITI, VUZ, Low temperature toughness proven down P255NH-P460NH,
SEPROZ to -50 C. ageing resistant and resistant
to caustic cracking

DMO-IG GTAW C 0.1 Re 520 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, , GTAW rod and GMAW wire for 0.5 % Mo alloyed ASTM e. g.
Si 0.6 Rm 630 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, FI, boiler and tube steels as well as in pressure vessel A335 Gr. P1
W Mo Si (GTAW) Mn 1.2 A5 27 % 2.4 DB, BV, CL, and structural steel engineering. Recommended for A217 Gr. WC1
G Mo Si (GMAW) Mo 0.5 Av 200 J 3.0 UDT, DNV, service in the temperature range -30 C (GTAW) A182M Gr. F1
47 J-30 C 3.2 KTA 1408.1 or -40 C (GMAW) up to +550 C. A250M Gr. T1

GMAW C 0.1 Re 500 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, , The GMAW wire shows excellent welding, wetting
Si 0.6 Rm 620 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A, CL, and feeding characteristics.
Mn 1.2 A5 25 % 1.2 FI, UDT,
Mo 0.5 Av 150 J SEPROZ,
47 J-40 C DB, BB

Wire: EMS 2 Mo SAW C 0.08 Re 470 N/mm2 2.0 TV-D, SAW wire/flux combination. Mainly for high 16 Mo3, P275T1-P355T1,
Si 0.25 Rm 550 N/mm2 2.5 UDT temperature 0.5 % Mo alloyed steels up to service WB25
S2 Mo Mn 1.15 A5 24 % 3.0 temperatures of +550 C* but also for low P315NH-P420NH,
Mo 0.45 Av 140 J 4.0 Wire: temperature conditions due to good toughness P310 G-H
EA2 47 J-40 C TV-D, behaviour of the weld metal.
TV-A, , BHLER BB 24 is metallurgically Mn-neutral and ASTM e. g.
Flux: BB 24 DB, BB, produces very good low temperature impact A335 Gr. P1
KTA 1408.1 properties.
SA FB 1 65 DC H5 SEPROZ Low hydrogen contents (HD < 5 ml/100 g). API
The combination is ideally suited for multi pass X52-X65
welding of thick plates.

FOX DCMS Ti SMAW C 0.06 PWHT a 680 C/2h 2.5 TV-D, , Rutile coated electrode for 1 % Cr 0.5 % Mo 13CrMo4-5, 15CrMo5,
Si 0.4 Re 510 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, alloyed boiler plate and tube steels up to +570 C 16CrMoV4
ECrMo 1 R 12 Mn 0.6 Rm 610 N/mm2 4.0 BB, DB, service temperature. Easy to operate. Fully alloyed
Cr 1.1 A5 21 % DNV, GL, core wire. Specifically prefered for thin walled ASTM e. g.
E8013-G Mo 0.5 Av 100 J ABS, CL, welds and root pass welding in all positions and A335 Gr. P11
SEPROZ, first class X-ray quality. A335 Gr. P12
UDT A193 Gr. B7

FOX DCMS Kb SMAW C 0.07 PWHT a 680 C/2h 2.5 TV-D, , Basic coated low hydrogen electrode for 1 % Cr 13CrMo4-5, 15CrMo5,
Si 0.4 Re 530 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, FI, 0.5 % Mo alloyed boiler and tube steels up to 16CrMoV4,
E CrMo 1 B 42 H5 Mn 0.8 Rm 630 N/mm2 4.0 BB, DB, +570 C service temerature. G17CrMo5-5, G22CrMo5-4
Cr 1.1 A5 23 % 5.0 DNV, GL, For high quality welds, suitable for Step-Cooling Furthermore: Steels resistant
E8018-B2H4R Mo 0.5 Av 160 J CL, LTSS, treatments, fully alloyed core wire which will to caustic cracking, quenched
P 0.010 UDT, ABS, provide reliable creep rupture properties for the and tempered steels up to
As 0.005 VUZ, whole service life of a boiler plant. 780 N/mm2 tensile strength,
Sb 0.005 SEPROZ HD 4 ml/100 g acc. AWS condition. case hardening and nitriding
Sn 0.005 steels.

ASTM e. g.
DCMS-IG GTAW C 0.11 PWHT a 680 C/2h 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire for 1 % Cr 0.5 % A335 Gr. P11
Si 0.6 Re 490 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, FI, Mo-alloyed boiler and tube steels up to +570 C A335 Gr. P12
W Cr Mo 1 Si (GTAW) Mn 1.0 Rm 590 N/mm2 2.4 UDT, service temperature. Suitable for Step-Cooling A193 Gr. B7
G Cr Mo 1 Si (GMAW) Cr 1.2 A5 25 % 3.0 SEPROZ treatments (GTAW). A217 Gr. WC6
Mo 0.5 Av 250 J
ER80S-G P 0.012 The weld metal meets all prerequisites for reliable
As 0.010 long term creep properties without embrittlement
GMAW Sb 0.005 Re 460 N/mm 0.8 TV-D, , due to very low content of trace elements.
Sn 0.006 Rm 570 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A,
A5 23 % 1.2 DB, CL, FI,
Av 150 J 1.6 BB, UDT,

High temperature and creep resistant steels

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

Wire: EMS 2 CrMo SAW C 0.08 PWHT a 680 C/2h 2.5 TV-D, SAW wire/flux combination for 1%Cr 0.5% Mo 13CrMo4-5 (1.7335)
Si 0.25 Re 460 N/mm2 3.0 UDT alloyed boiler and tube steels up to +570 C* Steels resistant to caustic
S Cr Mo 1 Mn 1.0 Rm 550 N/mm2 4.0 service temperature. Suitable for Step-Cooling cracking
Cr 1.0 A5 22 % Wire: treatments. The weld metal meets all pre-requisites
EB2 Mo 0.45 Av 47 J TV-D, for reliable long term creep properties without ASTM
P 0.012 TV-A, embrittlement due to very low content of trace A335 Gr. P11
Flux: BB 24 As 0.005 SEPROZ elements. A335 Gr. P12
Sb 0.005 A193 Gr. B7
SA FB 1 65 DC H5 Sn 0.005 BHLER BB 24 is metallurgically Mn-neutral and
produces very good low temperature impact

Low hydrogen contents (HD < 5 ml/100 g).

The combination is ideally suited for multi pass
welding of thick plates.

FOX DMV 83 Kb SMAW C 0.05 PWHT a 720 C/2h 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated core wire alloyed stick electrode with High temperature steels and
Si 0.4 Re 510 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, special suitability for 1/2 Cr 1 Mo-steels. Approved similar alloyed cast steels
E MoV B 4 2 H5 Mn 1.1 Rm 660 N/mm2 4.0 UDT, in longterm condition up to 580 C service tempe-
Cr 0.4 A5 22 % SEPROZ rature. Crack resistant and ductile deposit, low 1.7715 14MoV6-3,
E9018-G Mo 0.9 Av 200 J hydrogen content. Good weldability in all positions 1.7733 24CrMoV5-5,
V 0.5 except vertical down. 1.7709 21CrMoV5-7,
Metal recovery approx. 115 %. Preheating and 1.8070 21CrMoV5-11,
nterpass temperature 200-300 C. PWHT at 1.7706 G17CrMoV5-10
700-720 C min. 2 hs, cooling in furnace down
to 300 C and still air. ASTM
A389 Gr. C23 a. C24
A405 Gr. P24
DMV 83-IG GTAW C 0.08 PWHT a 700 C/2h 2.4 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire for boiler, plate and
Si 0.6 Re 520 N/mm2 TV-A, tube steels. Designed specially for 14MoV6-3 UNS
W MoV Si (GTAW) Mn 0.9 Rm 670 N/mm2 UDT, LTSS, (1/2 Cr 1/2 Mo 1/4 V). I21610
G MoV Si (GMAW) Cr 0.45 A5 24 % SEPROZ Approved in long-term condition up to +560 C
Mo 0.85 Av 220 J service temperature. Tough, cracking resistant
ER80S-G V 0.35 deposit with good creep rupture strength. The
wire shows very good feeding characteristics,
GMAW C 0.08 Re 610 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, resulting in smooth welding and wetting behaviour.
Si 0.6 Rm 710 N/mm2 TV-A
Mn 0.9 A5 20 % UDT, Preheating and interpass temperatures 200-300 C.
Cr 0.45 Av 80 J SEPROZ PWHT at 700-720 C for at least 2 hrs followed
Mo 0.85 by cooling in furnace down to 300 C and still air.
V 0.35

FOX CM 2 Kb SMAW C 0.07 PWHT a 720 C/2h 2.5 TV-D, , Basic coated electrode for 2,25 %Cr 1 % Mo 10CrMo9-10, 10CrSiMoV7,
Si 0.3 Re 510 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, FI, alloyed boiler and tube steels up to +600 C G-17CrMo9-10,
E CrMo 2B 42 H5 Mn 0.8 Rm 640 N/mm2 4.0 DB, DNV, service temperature. For high quality welds suitable (W.-Nr. 1.7379).
Cr 2.3 A5 22 % 5.0 CL, UDT, for Step-Cooling treatments, fully alloyed core High temperature steels and
E9018-B3H4R Mo 1.0 Av 180 J ABS, GL, wire which will provide reliable creep rupture similar alloyed cast steels,
P 0.010 BB, properties for the whole service life of a boiler similar alloyed case
As 0.005 SEPROZ, plant. hardening steels,
Sb 0.005 VUZ nitriding steels.
Sn 0.005 HD 4 ml/100 g acc. AWS codition. Preheating
and interpass temperature 200-350 C. PWHT at ASTM e. g.
700-750 C min. 2 hs, cooling in furnace down to A335 Gr. P22
300 C and still air. A217 Gr. WC9

CM 2-IG GTAW C 0.06 PWHT a 720 C/2h 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire for 2,25 %Cr 1 % Mo
Si 0.7 Re 470 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, alloyed boiler and tube steels up to +600 C*
W Cr Mo 2 Si (GTAW) Mn 1.1 Rm 600 N/mm2 2.4 CL, UDT, service temperature.
G Cr Mo 2 Si (GMAW) Cr 2.6 A5 23 % 3.0 SEPROZ, BHLER CM 2-IG (GTAW) meets the require-
Mo 1.0 Av 190 J FI ments for Step-Cooling. The weld metal meets
ER90S-G P 0.010 all prerequisites for reliable long term creep
As 0.010 properties without embrittlement due to very low
GMAW Sb 0.005 Re 440 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, content of trace elements.
Sn 0.006 Rm 580 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A, FI,
A5 23 % 1.2 UDT, Preheating and interpass temperatures 200-350 C.
Av 170 J SEPROZ PWHT at 700-750 C for at least 2 hrs followed
by cooling in furnace down to 300 C and still air.

Wire: CM 2-UP SAW C 0.07 PWHT a 720 C/2h 2.5 TV-D, SAW wire/flux combination for 2,25 % Cr 1 % Mo 10CrMo9-10 (1.7380)
Si 0.25 Re 460 N/mm2 3.0 UDT alloyed boiler and tube steels up to +600 C*
S Cr Mo 2 Mn 0.80 Rm 530 N/mm2 4.0 service temperature. ASTM e. g.
Cr 2.30 A5 22 % Wire: Particularly for cracking plants in the crude oil A335 Gr.P22
EB3 Mo 0.95 Av 47 J TV-D, industry. Suitable for Step-Cooling treatments,
P 0.012 TV-A Bruscato 15 ppm. The weld metal meets all
Flux: BB 24 As 0.015 KTA 1408.1 pre-requisites for reliable long term creep
Sb 0.005 SEPROZ properties without embrittlement due to very
SA FB 1 65 DC H5 Sn 0.01 low content of trace elements. BHLER BB 24 is
metallurgically Mn-neutral.

Preheat, interpass and PWHT temperature are

determined by the base material.

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 9
High temperature and creep resistant steels

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX P 23 SMAW C 0.06 PWHT a 740 C/2h 2.5 TV Basic coated core wire alloyed stick electrode HCM2S, P/T23
Si 0.2 Re 520 N/mm2 3.2 for welding bainitic steels such as P23/T23 (ASTM A 213 code case 2199)
E ZCrWV 21,5 B42 H5 Mn 0.5 Rm 620 N/mm2 4.0 (ASTM A 213, code case 2199), pipe material.
Cr 2.3 A5 19 %
E9018-G W 1.5 Av 130 J For high quality welds, which will provide reliable
V 0.22 creep rupture properties for the whole service
Nb 0.04 life of a boiler plant. Preheat and interpass
N 0.01 temperature depends on wall thickness.

PWHT at 740C for 2 hrs.

P 23-IG GTAW C 0.07 PWHT a 740 C/2h 1.0 TV For manual or automatic GTAW-welding of creep
Si 0.3 Re 450 N/mm2 1.2 resistant steels such as HCM2S (P23/T23 acc.
W ZCrWV 2 Mn 0.5 Rm 585 N/mm2 1.6 to ASTM A 213 code case 2199), pipe or tube
Cr 2.2 A5 17 % 2.0 material.
ER90S-G W 1.7 Av 120 J 2.4
V 0.22 3.2 Preheat and interpass temperature depends on
Nb 0.05 wall thickness. PWHT at 740 C for 2 hrs.
N 0.01

Wire: P 23-UP SAW C 0.05 PWHT a 740 C/2h 2.0 TV SAW wire/flux combination for welding high
Si 0.27 Re 450 N/mm2 2.5 temperature and creep resistant steels such as
S ZCrWV2 Mn 0.9 Rm 600 N/mm2 3.0 HCM2S (P23/T23 acc. to ASTM A213 code case
Cr 2.05 A5 15 % 2199), pipe or tube material.
Flux: BB 430 W 1.6 Av 100 J Preheat and interpass temperature: 200-300 C.
V 0.20 Heat input 2.0 kJ/mm. BB 430 is an agglomerated
SA FB 1 55 AC Nb 0.04 welding flux of the fluoride-basic type with high
N 0.01 basicity (2.9).

FOX P 24 SMAW C 0.08 PWHT a 740 C/2h 2.5 TV Basic coated core wire alloyed stick electrode for 7CrMoVTiB10-10,
Si 0.4 Re 560 N/mm2 3.2 welding bainitic steels like 7CrMoVTiB10-10. P/T24 acc. to ASTM A213 Draft
EZ CrMoVNbB 21 B42 H5 Mn 0.5 Rm 660 N/mm2 4.0
Cr 2.4 A5 18 % For high quality welds, which will provide reliable
E9018-G Mo 1.0 Av 100 J creep rupture properties for the whole service
V 0.22 life of a boiler plant. Preheat and interpass
Ti 0.04 temperature depends on wall thickness.
B 0.003
PWHT at 740 C for 2 hrs.

P 24-IG GTAW C 0.05 PWHT a 740 C/2h 1.0 TV For manual or automatic GTAW-welding of
Si 0.3 Re 540 N/mm2 1.2 creep resistant steels such as 7CrMoVTiB10-10
W Z CrMoV 2 Mn 0.5 Rm 620 N/mm2 1.6 (P24/T24 acc. to ASTM A 213 Draft), pipe or tube
Cr 2.2 A5 15 % 2.0 material.
Mo 1.0 Av 120 J 2.4
V 0.22 3.2 Preheat and interpass temperature depends on wall
Ti 0.05 thickness. PWHT at 740C for 2 hrs.
B 0.003

Wire: P 24-UP SAW C 0.06 PWHT a 740 C/2h 2.0 TV SAW wire/flux combination for welding high
Si 0.2 Re 500 N/mm2 2.5 temperature and creep resistant steels such as
S Z CrWV2 Mn 0.7 Rm 620 N/mm2 3.0 7CrMoVTiB (P24/T24 acc. to ASTM A213).
Cr 2.2 A5 15 % Bhler B 430 is an agglomerated welding flux of the
Mo 1.0 Av 100 J fluoride-basic type with high basicity. Grain size:
V 0.22 EN 760: 3-16 (0.3-1.6 mm). Preheating and interpass
Flux: BB 430 Ti 0.027 temperature: 200-300 C. Heat input 2.0 kJ/mm.
B 0.003
SA FB 1 55 AC

High temperature and creep resistant steels

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX CM 5 Kb SMAW C 0.07 PWHT a 730 C/2h 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated core wire alloyed stick electrode, High temperature steels and
Si 0.4 Re 520 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, preferably used for X12CrMo5 (5 Cr 1/2 Mo) similar alloyed cast steels
E CrMo 5 B 42 H5 Mn 0.8 Rm 620 N/mm2 4.0 CL, UDT, steels. Approved in long-term condition up to
Cr 5.0 A5 21 % LTSS, +650 C service temperature. High crack 1.7362 X12CrMo5,
E8018-B6H4R Mo 0.5 Av 90 J VUZ, resistance, very low hydrogen content 1.7363 GX12CrMo5
SEPROZ (acc. AWS condition HD < 4 ml/100 g).
Good weldability in all positions except vertical ASTM e. g.
down. The deposit is heat treatable. A213 Gr.T5
Metal recovery approx. 115 %. Preheat and inter- A217 Gr.C5
pass temperatures 300-350 C. PWHT at A335 Gr.P5
730-760 C for at least 1 hour followed by
cooling in furnace down to 300 C and still air.

CM 5-IG GTAW C 0.08 PWHT a 730 C/2h 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire for 5 % Cr 1/2 % Mo
Si 0.4 Re 510 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, steels and steels for hot hydrogen service, particu-
W Cr Mo 5 Si (GTAW) Mn 0.5 Rm 620 N/mm2 2.4 UDT, larly for application in oil refineries and the base
G Cr Mo 5 Si (GMAW) Cr 5.8 A5 20 % 3.0 SEPROZ metals X12CrMo5 / P5. Approved in long-term
Mo 0.6 Av 200 J condition up to +660 C service temperature.
ER80S-B6 The GMAW wire shows very good feeding charac-
GMAW C 0.08 Re 520 N/mm2 1.2 teristics, resulting in smooth welding and flow
Si 0.4 Rm 620 N/mm2 behaviour. Uniform copper bonding with low
Mn 0.5 A5 20 % total copper content.
Cr 5.8 Av 200 J Preheating and interpass temperatures 300-350 C.
Mo 0.6 Tempering at 730-760 C at least 1 hr followed by
cooling in furnace down to 300 C and still air.

Wire: CM 5-UP SAW C 0.05 PWHT a 740 C/2h 4.0 UDT SAW wire /flux combination suited for 5 % Cr
Si 0.5 Re 450 N/mm2 0.5 % Mo alloyed steels, particularly for hot hydro-
S CrMo5 Mn 0.75 Rm 590 N/mm2 Wire: gen service. High temperature strength at service
Cr 5.5 A5 18 % TV-D temperatures up to +600 C. The weld deposit
EB6 Mo 0.55 Av 47 J TV-A exhibits good mechanical properties. Easy slag
SEPROZ detachability and smooth bead surface are
Flux: BB 24 additional quality features. Preheating, interpass
temperature and PWHT are determined by the
SA FB 1 65 DC H5 base metal.

FOX CM 9 Kb SMAW C 0.07 PWHT a 760 C/2h 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated core wire alloyed electrode for high Similar alloyed
Si 0.4 Re 610 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, temperature steels and steels for hot hydrogen creep resistant steels
E CrMo 9 B 42 H5 Mn 0.7 Rm 730 N/mm2 4.0 UDT, service, particularly in the petrochemical industry.
Cr 9.0 A5 20 % VUZ, Preferably used for 9 % Cr 1 % Mo steels 1.7386 X12CrMo9-1,
E8018-B8 Mo 1.0 Av 70 J SEPROZ (e.g. X12CrMo9-1 Approved in long-term condition 1.7388 X7CrMo9-1,
up to +650 C service temperature. 1.7389 GX12CrMo10
The weld metal is heat treatable. Metal recovery ASTM
approx. 115 %. A217 Gr.C12
A234 Gr.WP9
Preheating and interpass temperatures 250-350 C. A335 Gr.P9
PWHT at 710-760 C for at least 1 hr followed by
cooling in furnace down to 300 C and still air.

CM 9-IG GTAW C 0.07 PWHT a 760 C/2h 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod for 9 % Cr 1 % Mo high temperature
Si 0.5 Re 530 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, steels and steels for hot hydrogen service, particu-
W CrMo9 Si Mn 0.5 Rm 670 N/mm2 2.4 SEPROZ larly for application in oil refineries and the base
Cr 9.0 A5 24 % metals X12CrMo9-1 (P9). Approved in long-term
ER80S-B8 Mo 1.0 Av 250 J condition up to +600 C service temperature.
Preheating and interpass temperature 250-350 C.
Tempering at 710-760 C for at least 1 hr followed
by cooling in furnace down to 300 C/air.

FOX C 9 MV SMAW C 0.09 PWHT a 760 C/2h 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated core wire alloyed electrode, for creep X10CrMoVNb9-1
Si 0.3 Re 500 N/mm2 3.2 CL, resisting, heat treatable 9 Cr steels especially for (W.-Nr. 1.4903)
E CrMo 9 1 B 42 H5 Mn 0.5 Rm 720 N/mm2 4.0 UDT, T/P91 acc. ASTM A 335 in turbine and boiler
Cr 9.0 A5 19 % 5.0 SEPROZ construction as well as in the chemical industry. ASTM e. g.
E9015-B9 Mo 0.9 Av 60 J Service temperatures up to +650 C. High creep A335 Gr.P91
Ni 0.9 rupture strength and very good toughness under A213 Gr.T91
V 0.2 long term stress. Low hydrogen content A199 Gr.T91
Nb 0.05 (< 4 ml/100 g acc. AWS condition).

Preheating and interpass temperatures 200-300 C.

After welding the joint should be cooled down
below 80 C to finish martensite formation.
PWHT at 760 C for at least

2 hrs, max. 10 hrs. Heating ang cooling rates up tp

550 C max. 150 C/h, above 550 C max. 80 C.
For optimised toughness values a welding
technology should be applied which produces
thin welding layers (approx. 2 mm).

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 11
High temperature and creep resistant steels

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

C 9 MV-IG GTAW C 0.09 PWHT a 760 C/2h 2.0 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire for high temperatu- X10CrMoVNb9-1
Si 0.3 Re 660 N/mm2 2.4 CL, re, creep resistant martensitic 9 % chromium (W.-Nr. 1.4903)
W CrMo 91 Mn 0.5 Rm 760 N/mm2 3.0 UDT steels. Especially designed for the ASTM steels
G CrMo 91 Cr 9.0 A5 17 % T/P91. Approved in long-term condition up to ASTM e. g.
Mo 0.9 Av 55 J +650 C service temperature. Preheating and A335 Gr. P91
ER90S-B9 Ni 0.9 1.0 interpass temperature 200-300 C. After welding, A213 Gr. T91
GMAW V 0.2 1.2 the weld joint should cool down below 80 C to A199 Gr. T91
Nb 0.05 finish the martensite transformation. In case of
greater wall thickness or complex components the
possibility of residual stresses must be considered.
The following post weld heat treatment is recom-
mended: annealing 760 C/min. 2 hrs, max. 10 hrs,
heating and cooling rates below 550 C
max. 150 C/hr, above 550 C max. 80 C/hr.
For optimised toughness values a welding
technology should be applied which produces
thin welding layers (approx. 2 mm).

Wire: C 9 MV-UP SAW C 0.11 PWHT a 760 C/2h 2.5 TV-D, SAW wire/flux combination suited for creep
Si 0.3 Re 610 N/mm2 3.0 UDT, resistant 9 % Cr steels, especially for T/P91 acc.
S CrMo91 Mn 0.6 Rm 740 N/mm2 CL, ASTM A335. Approved in long-term condition up
Cr 9.0 A5 20 % SEPROZ to +650 C service temperature. The wire and
EB9 Mo 0.8 Av 40 J flux are precisely balanced to consistently meet
Ni 0.7 the highest technical requirements.
Flux: BB 910 V 0.2
Nb 0.05 Preheating and interpass temperature 200-300 C.
SA FB 2 55 DC H5 After welding the joint should cool down below
80 C in order to finish the martensitic transforma-
tion. Pipe welds with wall thickness up to 45 mm
can be cooled down to room temperature For
heavier wall thicknesses or stressed components,
unfavourable possible stress condition must be
considered. The recommended post weld heat
treatment is annealing after welding at
760 C/min. 2 hrs, max. 10 hrs, heating/cooling-
rates below 550 C max. 150 C/hr, above 550 C
max 80 C/hr. For optimised toughness properties
a technology which ensures thin welding layers is

FOX C 9 MVW SMAW C 0.1 PWHT a 760 C/2h 3.2 TV-D, Basic coated core wire alloyed Cr-Mo-Ni-V-W-Nb- Similar alloyed
Si 0.25 Re 560 N/mm2 4.0 UDT, electrode for the welding of high temperature creep resistant steels
E Z CrMoWV 911 B 42 H5 Mn 0.7 Rm 720 N/mm2 5.0 SEPROZ martensitic steels like e.g. X11CrMoWVNb9-1-1
Cr 8.5 A5 15 % (P/T911). 1.4905 X11CrMoWVNb9-1-1
E9015-B9(mod.) Mo 1.0 Av 40 J Approved in long-term condition up to +650 C
Ni 0.7 service temperature. Good welding properties in ASTM
W 1.0 all positions except vertical down. Preheating and A335 Gr. P911
V 0.2 interpass temperature 200-300 C. After welding A213 Gr. T911
N 0.05 the joint should be cooled down below 80 C to
Nb 0.05 finish the martensite transformation. In case of
greater wall thickness or complex components the
possibility of residual stresses must be considered.
The following post weld heat treatment is recom-
mended: annealing 760 C/ min. 2hrs, max. 10 hrs,
heating and cooling rates up to 550 C
max. 150 C/h, above 550 C max. 80 C/h. For
optimised toughness values a welding technology
should be applied which produces thin welding
layers (app. 2 mm).

C 9 MVW-IG GTAW C 0.11 PWHT a 760 C/2h 2.0 TV-D, GTAW-rod for high temperature, creep resistant
Si 0.35 Re 660 N/mm2 2.4 UDT martensitic 9 % chromium steels, especially
W Z CrMoWVNb 911 Mn 0.45 Rm 790 N/mm2 designed for the steel T/P911 according to ASTM
Cr 9.0 A5 16 % A335. Approved in long-term condition up to
ER90S-B9(mod.) Mo 1.0 Av 50 J +650 C service temperature.
Ni 0.75
W 1.05 Preheating and interpass temperature 200-300 C.
V 0.2 After welding the joint should be cooled down
N 0.07 below 80 C to finish the martensite transforma-
Nb 0.06 tion. In case of greater wall thickness or complex
components the possibility of residual stresses
must be considered. The following post weld heat
treatment is recommended: annealing
760 C/ min. 2 hrs, max. 10 hrs, heating and cooling
rates below 550 C max. 150 C/h, above 550 C
max. 80 C/hr. For optimised toughness values a
welding technology should be applied which
produces thin welding layers (app. 2 mm).

High temperature and creep resistant steels

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX P 92 SMAW C 0.10 PWHT a 760 C/2h 3.2 TV-D, Basic coated Cr-Mo-Ni-V-W-Nb alloyed electrode Similar alloyed
Si 0.3 Re 690 N/mm2 4.0 UDT, suited for welding of high temperature steel creep resistant steels
E Z CrMoWVNb 9 0.5 2 Mn 0.7 Rm 810 N/mm2 SEPROZ 9 % Cr - 1.5 % W-Mo-Nb-N / T/P92.
B 42 H5 Cr 9.1 A5 19 % Approved in long-term condition up to +650 C NF 616
Mo 0.55 Av 55 J service temperature.
E9015-B9(mod.) Ni 0.7 The stick electrode features a stable arc, good ASTM
W 1.7 striking and re-striking properties, low spatter A335 Gr.P 92(T92)
V 0.2 loss and an easy removable slag. Preheating and A213/213M Gr.T92
N 0.045 interpass temperature 200-300 C. After welding
Nb 0.05 the joint should cool down below 80 C, to finish
the martensite transformation. The following
postweld heat treatment is recommended:
Annealing 760 C/min. 2 hours, max. 10 hours,
heating/cooling rate up to 550 C max. 150 C/h,
above 550 C max. 80 C/h. In case of heat treat-
ments less than 2 hours the requirements have to
be proved by a procedure test. For optimised
toughness values a welding technology should be
applied which produces thin welding layers
(approx. 2 mm).

P 92-IG GTAW C 0.10 PWHT a 760 C/2h 2.0 TV-D, GTAW rod especially designed for the welding of
Si 0.4 Re 710 N/mm2 2.4 UDT a 9 % Cr 1.5 % W Mo-Nb-N / T/P92, NF616-steels.
W Z CrMoWVNb 9 0.5 2 Mn 0.4 Rm 820 N/mm2 Approved in long-term condition up to +650 C
Cr 8.6 A5 19 % service temperature. Preheating and interpass
ER90S-B9(mod.) Mo 0.4 Av 77 J temperature 200-300 C. After welding the joint
Ni 0.6 should cool down below 80 C to finish the
W 1.5 PWHT a 760 C/6h martensite transformation. In case of greater wall
V 0.2 Re 650 N/mm2 thickness or complex components the possibility
N 0.05 Rm 770 N/mm2 of residual stresses must be considered. The
Nb 0.05 A5 20 % following postweld heat treatment is recommend-
Av 70 J ed: annealing 760 C/min. 2 hours, max. 10 hours,
heating/cooling rate below 550 C max. 150 C/h,
above 550 C max. 80 C/h.
In case of heat treatments less than 2 hours the
requirements have to be proved by a procedure
test. For optimised toughness values a welding
technology should be applied which produces thin
welding layers (approx. 2 mm).

Wire: P 92-UP SAW C 0.09 PWHT a 760C/2h 3.0 TV-D, SAW wire/flux combination designed for 9 % Cr
Si 0.45 Re 660 N/mm2 UDT creep resistant steel, especially for T/P92/NF616.
S Z CrMoWVNb9 0.5 1.5 Mn 0.4 Rm 780 N/mm2 Approved in long-term condition up to +650 C
Cr 8.6 A5 20 % service temperature. Preheating and interpass
EB9(mod.) Mo 0.35 Av 60 J temperature 200-300 C. After welding the joint
Ni 0.6 should cool down below 80 C in order to finish
Flux: BB 910 W 1.5 the martensite transformation. Pipe welds with wall
V 0.2 thickness up to 45 mm can be cooled down to
SA FB 2 55 DC H5 Nb 0.04 room temperature. For heavier wall thicknesses or
stressed components, unfavourable possible stress
condition must be considered. The recommended
post weld heat treatment is annealing at 760C/min.

2 hrs, max. 10 hrs, heating/cooling rates below

550 C max. 150 C/hr, above 550 C max. 80 C/h.
For optimised toughness properties a technology
which ensures thin welding layers is recommended.

FOX 20 MVW SMAW C 0.18 PWHT a 760 C/4h 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated, core wire alloyed electrode for high X20CrMoV12-1
Si 0.3 Re 610 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, temperature, heat treatable 12 % chromium steels (W.-Nr. 1.4922)
E CrMoWV12 B 42 H5 Mn 0.6 Rm 800 N/mm2 4.0 CL, DB, in turbine and boiler construction as well as in the X20Cr MoWV12-1
Cr 11.0 A5 18 % 5.0 , LTSS, chemical industry. (W.-Nr. 1.4935)
Mo 1.0 Av 45 J UDT, Preferably used for X20CrMoV12-1. Approved in X22CrMoV12-1
Ni 0.6 KTA 1408.1, long-term condition up to +650 C service (W.-Nr. 1.4923)
W 0.5 SEPROZ, temperature. X19CrMoVNb11-1
V 0.3 BB High creep rupture strength and excellent tough- (W.-Nr. 1.4913)
ness under long term stresses. Optimum chemical G-X22CrMoV12-1
composition ensures a high quality weld metal. (W.-Nr. 1.4931)
Low hydrogen content (HD < 5 ml/100 g).
Good weldability in all positions except vertical
down. The weld metal deposit is heat treatable.
Metal recovery approx. 115 %.
Preheating and interpass temperatures 400-450 C
(austenitic welding) or 250-300 C (martensitic
welding). Root passes should principally be welded
in the martensitic range. Lower preheat and
interpass temperatures are possible, yet must be
approved by practical welding tests and process
qualification tests.
After welding cooling down to 9010 C, followed
by tempering at 720-760 C for three minutes/mm
wall thickness (at least for 2 hours). Tempering, if
specified, at 1050 C for 1/2 hour/oil and annealing
at 760 C for 2 hours.

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 13
High temperature and creep resistant steels

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

20 MVW-IG GTAW C 0.21 PWHT a 760 C/2h 2.0 TV-D, GTAW rod for creep resistant, quenched and tem- X20CrMoV12-1
Si 0.4 Re 610 N/mm2 2.4 TV-A, pered 12 % Cr steels in turbine and boiler fabrica- (W.-Nr. 1.4922)
W CrMoWV12Si Mn 0.6 Rm 780 N/mm2 DB, , tion and in the chemical industry. Preferably used X20Cr MoWV12-1
Cr 11.3 A5 18 % CL, UDT, for the base metal X20CrMoV12-1. Approved in (W.-Nr. 1.4935)
Mo 1.0 Av 60 J KTA 1408.1 long-term condition up to +650 C service tempe- X22CrMoV12-1
W 0.45 SEPROZ, rature. The deposit exhibits high creep rupture (W.-Nr. 1.4923)
V 0.3 BB strength and good toughness properties under long X19CrMoVNb11-1
term stresses. Preheating and interpass temperatu- (W.-Nr. 1.4913)
res 400-450 C (austenitic welding) or 250-300 C G-X22CrMoV12-1
(martensitic welding). Root passes should principal- (W.-Nr. 1.4931)
ly be welded in the martensitic range. Lower
preheat and interpass temperatures are possible,
yet must be approved by practical welding tests
and process qualification tests. After welding
cooling down to 9010 C, followed by tempering
at 720-760 C for three minutes/mm wall
thickness (at least for 2 hours). Tempering, if
specified, at 1050 C for 1/2 hour/oil and annealing
at 760 C for 2 hours.

Wire: 20 MVW-UP SAW C 0.16 PWHT a 760 C/2h 3.0 TV-D SAW wire/flux combination suited for analogous
Si 0.3 Re 550 N/mm2 (07813.), and similar creep resistant steels in turbine and
S CrMoWV12 Mn 0.8 Rm 660 N/mm2 KTA 1408.1 steam boiler construction as well as in the chemical
Cr 10.3 A5 15 % (8060.01), industry. Approved in long-term condition up to
Mo 0.85 Av 47 J TV-A +650 C service temperature. Preheating and inter-
Flux: BB24 Ni 0.4 (393), pass temperature 400-450 C (austenitic welding)
W 0.45 SEPROZ or 250-300 C (martensitic welding). Root passes
SA FB 2 65 DC H5 V 0.25 should principally be welded in the martensitic
range. Lower preheat and interpass temperatures
are possible, yet must be approved by practical
welding tests and process qualification tests. After
welding cooling to 9010 C, followed by tempe-
ring at 760 C for three minutes/mm wall thickness
at least for 2 hours. Tempering, if specified, at
1050 C for 1/2 hour/oil and annealing at 760 C
for 2 hours. Further details on the welding
technology available on request.

FOX CN 18/11 SMAW C 0.05 Re 420 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated, core wire alloyed electrode with con- X6CrNi18-11 (W.-Nr. 1.4948)
Si 0.3 Rm 580 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, trolled delta ferrite content (3-8 FN) for austenitic X3CrNiN18-11 (W.-Nr. 1.4949)
E 19 9 B 4 2 H5 Mn 1.3 A5 40% 4.0 KTA 1408.1 CrNi steels with increased carbon contents
Cr 19.0 Av 85 J UDT, (e.g. 1.4948/304H), in the boiler, reactor and turbi-
E308-15 Ni 1 0.3 LTSS, CL, ne fabrication. Approved in long-term condition up AISI
SEPROZ to +700 C service temperature (300 C in the 304H
case of wet corrosion). Resistant to hot cracking, (321H)
scaling and corrosion. Excellent weldability in all (347H)
positions except vertical down. Preheating is not
required, only in case of wall thickness above
25 mm preheat up to 150 C. Interpass temperatu-
re should not exceed 200 C. Also suitable for
German material no. 1.4550 and Nr. 1.4551, which
are approved for temperatures up to 550 C.

CN 18/11-IG GTAW C 0.05 Re 420 N/mm2 2.0 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire with controlled
Si 0.4 Rm 620 N/mm2 2.4 TV-A, ferrite content (3-8 FN). For austenitic CrNi steels
W 19 9 H (GTAW) Mn 1.6 A5 40% 3.0 KTA 1408.1 with increased carbon contents (e.g. 1.4948/304H),
G 19 9 H (GMAW) Cr 18.8 Av 150 J CL, UDT in the boiler, reactor and turbine fabrication.
Ni 9.3 32J-10 C Approved in long-term condition up to +700 C
ER19-10H service temperature (300 C in the case of wet
corrosion). Preheating is not required, only in
GMAW C 0.05 Re 400 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, case of wall thickness above 25 mm preheat up
Si 0.4 Rm 580 N/mm2 CL, UDT, to 150 C. Interpass temperature should not
Mn 1.6 A5 38% SEPROZ exceed 200 C. Steels to German material
Cr 18.8 Av 120 J no. 1.4550 and 1.4551 which are approved for the
Ni 9.3 32J-10 C high temperature range up to 550 C, can also
be welded.

Wire: CN 18/11-UP SAW C 0.05 PWHT a 760C/2h 3.0 UDT SAW wire/flux combination for high quality joint
Si 0.55 Re 320 N/mm2 weld on high temperature austenitic CrNi-steels at
S 19 9 H Mn 1.2 Rm 550 N/mm2 service temperature up to 700 C (300 C in the
ER19-10H Cr 18.4 A5 35% case of wet corrosion).
Ni 9.3 Av 80 J The controlled ferrite content (3-8FN) ensures hot
Flux: BB 202 cracking resistance. The deposit is insusceptible to
sigma phase embrittlement.
SA FB 2 DC Preheating is not required, only in case of wall
thickness above 25 mm preheat up to 150 C.
The interpass temperature should not exceed
200 C. Steels to German material no. 1.4550 and
1.4551 which are approved for the high temperatu-
re range up to 550 C, can also be welded.

High temperature and creep resistant steels

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX E 308 H SMAW C 0.05 Re 420 N/mm2 2.5 UDT, Rutile-basic coated, core wire alloyed electrode for Similar alloyed
Si 0.6 Rm 580 N/mm2 3.2 SEPROZ the use of high temperature CrNi austenitic steel creep resistant steels
E 19 9 H R 42 H5 Mn 0.7 A5 40 % 4.0 for service temperatures up to 700 C. Specially
Cr 19.4 Av 75 J designed for the base metal AISI 304H (W. no. 1.4948 X6CrNi18-11, 1.4878
E308H-16 Ni 10.4 1.4948). Controlled ferrite content of 3-8 FN. X12CrNiTi18-9
The deposit is less susceptible to embrittlement
and is scaling resistant. Excellent weldability in all AISI
position except vertical down. Preheating is not 304
required, only in case of wall thickness above 304H
25 mm preheat up to 150 C. (321H)
Interpass temperature should not exceed 200 C. (347H)

ER 308 H-IG GTAW C 0.06 Re 350 N/mm2 1.6 GTAW rod for high quality joints for the use of
Si 0.4 Rm 550 N/mm2 2.0 high temperature CrNi austenitic steel for service
W 19 9 H Mn 1.7 A5 35 % 2.4 temperatures up to 700 C. Specially designed for
Cr 20.0 Av 70 J the base metal AISI 304H (W. No. 1.4948).
ER308H Ni 9.5
Mo 0.2 Controlled ferrite content of 3-8 FN. The deposit
is less susceptible to embrittlement and is scaling

E 308 H-FD FCAW C 0.06 Re 390 N/mm2 1.2 UDT Flux cored wire with rutile slag characteristic for
Si 0.5 Rm 585 N/mm2 GMAW of austenitic CrNi steels like 1.4948 /
T Z 19 9 H R M (C) 3 Mn 1.1 A5 42 % AISI 304H. This wire is designed mainly for
Cr 19.4 Av 80 J downhand and horizontal welding positions. The
E308HT0-4/-1 Ni 10.1 weld metal is suitable for service temperatures up
to approx. 700 C. This product achieves high
productivity and is easy to operate achieving
excellent welding characteristics, almost no spatter
E 308 H PW-FD FCAW C 0.06 Re 390 N/mm2 1.2 formation and temper discoloration, smooth weld
Si 0.5 Rm 585 N/mm2 finish and safe penetration. Increased travel speeds
T Z 19 9 H P M (C) 1 Mn 1.1 A5 42 % as well as little demand for cleaning and pickling
Cr 19.4 Av 90 J provide considerable savings in time and money.
E308HT1-4/-1 Ni 10.1 The weld deposit is scaling resistant and because
of the controlled low delta ferrite content (3-8 FN)
less susceptible to embrittlement.

E 308 H PW-FD is a rutile flux cored welding wire

with fast freezing slag providing excellent positional
welding characteristics and fast travel speeds.

FOX E 347 H SMAW C 0.05 Re 440 N/mm2 2.5 Basic coated, core wire alloyed electrode for the X 1 2 CrNiTi18-9
Si 0.3 Rm 620 N/mm2 3.2 use of high temperature CrNi austenitic steel for
E 19 9 Nb B Mn 1.3 A5 35 % 4.0 service temperatures exceeding 400 C. Specially AISI
Cr 19.0 Av 85 J designed for the base metal AISI 347H. Controlled 321H
E347-15 Ni 10.0 ferrite content of 3-8 FN. The deposit is less 347H
Nb 8xC susceptible to embrittlement and is scaling

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 15
Stainless steels Austenitic

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX EAS 2 SMAW C 0.03 Re 430 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, , Basic coated stainless steel electrode. 1.4306
Si 0.4 Rm 580 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, Designed to produce first class weld deposits with X2CrNi19-11
E 19 9 L B 22 Mn 1.3 A5 42 % 4.0 BB, DB, reliable CVN toughness values down to -196 C, 1.4301
Cr 19.5 Av 100 J CL, UDT, 100 % X-Ray safety together with very good root X5CrNi18-10
E308L-15 Ni 10.5 34J-196C Statoil, pass and positional welding characteristics, good gap 1.4541
SEPROZ bridging ability, easy weld pool and slag control as X6CrNiTi18-10
well as easy slag removal even in narrow 1.4550
preparations resulting in clean bead surfaces and X6CrNiNb18-10
minimum post weld cleaning. An excellent 1.4311
electrode for welding on site! X2CrNiN18-10
Resistant to intergranular corrosion up to +350 C. X5CrNiNb18-10
Fully core wire alloyed and packed into 1.4312
hermetically sealed tins. G-X10CrNi18-8

FOX EAS 2-A SMAW C 0.03 Re 430 N/mm2 1.5 TV-D, , Rutile coated stainless steel electrode. AISI
Si 0.8 Rm 560 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, An acknowledged world leader, noted for 304L
E 19 9 L R 32 Mn 0.8 A5 40 % 2.5 BB, DB, its superior welding characteristics and metallurgy. 304
Cr 19.8 Av 70 J 3.2 ABS, CL, Can be used on AC or DC. Other advantages 321
E308L-17 Ni 10.2 32J-120C 4.0 GL, UDT, Include high current carrying capacity, minimum 347
5.0 Statoil, spatter formation, self releasing slag, smooth and 304LN
SEPROZ, clean weld profile, safety against formation of A320 Gr. B8 C a. D
VUZ porosity due to moisture resistant coating and 302
packaging into hermetically sealed tins. Resistant
to intergranular corrosion up to +350 C.

FOX EAS 2-VD SMAW C 0.02 Re 470 N/mm2 2.5 UDT, Rutile-basic coated stainless steel electrode for
Si 0.7 Rm 600 N/mm2 3.2 SEPROZ vertical down welding. Ideal for welding thin sheet
E 19 9 L R 15 Mn 0.7 A5 36 % in the vertical down position.
Cr 19.5 Av 55 J Extremely low heat input and little distortion due
E308L-17 Ni 10.5 32J-120C to the fast welding speed. An ideal product to
save time and money in sheet metal fabrication.
Resistant to intergranular corrosion up to
+350 C.

EAS 2-IG GTAW C 0.02 Re 450 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, , GTAW rod, suitable not only for standard
Si 0.5 Rm 620 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, welding jobs but also for cryogenic applications
W 19 9 L Mn 1.7 A5 38 % 2.4 BB, DB, down to -269 C. As well as the good welding
Cr 20.0 Av 150 J 3.0 GL, DNV, and wetting characteristics of EAS 2-IG corrosion
ER308L Ni 10.0 32J-269C CL, UDT, resistance up to +350 C is achieved.

EAS 2-IG (Si) GMAW C 0.02 Re 420 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, , GMAW wire designed for first class welding,
Si 0.8 Rm 630 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A, wetting and feeding characteristics and excellent
G 19 9 L Si Mn 1.7 A5 38 % 1.2 BB, CL, weld metal CVN values down to -196 C.
Cr 20.0 Av 110 J DB, DNV, Resistant to intergranular corrosion up
ER308L(Si) Ni 10.2 32J-196C GL, UDT, to +350 C.

EAS 2-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 380 N/mm2 0.9 TV-D, , Rutile flux cored welding wire.
Si 0.7 Rm 560 N/mm2 1.2 TV-A, This product achieves high productivity and is
T 19 9 L R M (C) 3 Mn 1.5 A5 40 % 1.6 CL, UDT, easy to operate achieving excellent welding
E308LT0-4(1) Cr 19.8 Av 60 J DB, CWB, characteristics, self releasing slag, almost no spatter
Ni 10.2 32J-196C SEPROZ, formation and temper discoloration, smooth weld
0.9 mm GL, BB finish and safe penetration. Increased travel speeds
T 19 9 L P M (C) 1 as well as little demand for cleaning and pickling
E308LT1-4(1) provide considerable savings in time and money.
Suitable for service temperatures from
-196 C to +350 C.

EAS 2 PW-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 380 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, Rutile flux cored welding wire with fast freezing
Si 0.7 Rm 560 N/mm2 1.6 CL, UDT, slag providing excellent positional welding
T 19 9 L P M (C) 1 Mn 1.5 A5 40 % CWB, characteristics and fast travel speeds.
Cr 19.8 Av 70 J SEPROZ,
E308LT1-4(1) Ni 10.2 32J-196C DB, BB

Wire: EAS 2-UP SAW C 0.02 Re 350 N/mm2 3.0 TV-D, SAW-wire/flux combination. Smooth beads, easy
Si 0.6 Rm 550 N/mm2 UDT slag removal without any slag residues and good
S 19 9 L Mn 1.3 A5 35 % welding characteristics even for fillet welds are
ER308L Cr 19.8 Av 80 J Wire: very much appreciated by users.
Ni 9.8 35J-196C TV-D, Suitable for service temperatures from -196 C
Flux: BB 202 TV-A, to +350 C.
KTA 1408.1 BB 202 is a fluoride-basic, agglomerated flux,
SA FB 2 DC SEPROZ providing a low flux consumption.
Basicity 2.3. Density 1.0 kg/dm3.

Stainless steels Austenitic

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX EAS 4 M SMAW C 0.03 Re 460 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated stainless steel electrode. 1.4583
Si 0.4 Rm 600 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, Designed to produce first class weld deposits. X10CrNiMoNb18-12
E 19 12 3 L B 22 Mn 1.2 A5 38 % 4.0 BB, UDT, Provides 100 % X-ray safety together with very good 1.4435
Cr 18.8 Av 90 J CL, DNV, root pass and positional welding characteristics. X2CrNiMo18-14-3
E316L-15 Mo 2.7 32J-120C Statoil, Good gap bridging ability, easy weld pool and slag 1.4436
Ni 11.5 27J-196C SEPROZ, control. An excellent product for welding on site! X3CrNiMo17-13-3
Fully core wire alloyed and packed into 1.4404
hermetically sealed tins. X2CrNiMo17-12-2
Resistant to intergranular corrosion up to +400 C. 1.4401
FOX EAS 4 M-A SMAW C 0.03 Re 460 N/mm2 1.5 TV-D, , Rutile coated stainless steel electrode. An X6CrNiMoTi 17-12-2
Si 0.8 Rm 600 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, acknowledged world leader, noted for its superior 1.4580
E 19 12 3 L R 32 Mn 0.8 A5 36 % 2.5 BB, DB, welding characteristics. Fully core wire alloyed X6CrNiMoNb17-12-2
Cr 18.8 Av 70 J 3.2 DNV, GL, ensures the most reliable corrosion resistance. 1.4409
E316L-17 Mo 2.7 32J-120C 4.0 ABS, CL, Other advantages include high current carrying G-X2CrNiMo19-11-2
Ni 11.7 5.0 LR, UDT, capacity, minimum spatter formation, self releasing
Statoil, slag, smooth and clean weld profile, safety against AISI
SEPROZ, formation of porosity due to moisture resistant 316Cb
VUZ coating and packaging into hermetically sealed tins 316L
and VAC-packs. 316
Resistant to intergranular corrosion up to +400 C. 316Ti

FOX EAS 4 M-VD SMAW C 0.03 Re 470 N/mm 2.5 TV-D, Rutile-basic coated stainless steel electrode for
Si 0.7 Rm 600 N/mm2 3.2 DNV, GL, vertical down welding. Ideal for welding thin sheet
E 19 12 3 L R 15 Mn 0.7 A5 35 % UDT, CL, in the vertical down position. Extremely low heat
Cr 19.0 Av 55 J SEPROZ, input and little distortion due to the fast welding
E316L-17 Mo 2.7 32J-120C LTSS speed. An ideal product to save time and money
Ni 12.0 in sheet metal fabrication.
Resistant to intergranular corrosion up to +400 C.

FOX EAS 4 M-TS SMAW C 0.03 Re 510 N/mm2 2.0 TV-D, Special type low carbon rutile-basic coated stainless
Si 0.8 Rm 630 N/mm2 2.5 TV-A, steel electrode particululary designed for site
E 19 12 3 L R 1 2 Mn 0.7 A5 35 % 3.2 UDT, welding of thin walled tubes and sheets. The very
Cr 19.0 Av 60 J SEPROZ stable arc produces an excellent root penetration,
E316L-16(mod.) Mo 2.7 32J-120C bead configuration and gap bridging ability.
Ni 11.5 A good economical alternative to GTA welding on
difficult accessible on-site welding applications. High
safety against formation of porosity by moisture
resistant coating and packaging into hermetically
sealed tin. Resistant to intergranular corrosion up
to +400 C.

EAS 4 M-IG GTAW C 0.02 Re 470 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, , GTAW rod designed to a very precise analysis to
Si 0.5 Rm 650 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, create a weld deposit of high purity, superior hot
W 19 12 3 L Mn 1.7 A5 38 % 2.4 CL, DNV, cracking and corrosion resistance. CVN toughness
Cr 18.5 Av 140 J 3.0 GL, UDT, down to -196 C. Resistant to intergranular
ER316L Mo 2.6 32J-196C DB, BB, corrosion up to +400 C.
Ni 12.3 SEPROZ

EAS 4 M-IG (Si) GMAW C 0.02 Re 450 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, , GMAW wire designed for first class welding,
Si 0.8 Rm 630 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A, wetting and feeding characteristics as well as
G 19 12 3 L Si Mn 1.7 A5 38 % 1.2 Statoil, reliable corrosion resistance up to +400 C and
Cr 18.4 Av 120 J GL, DB, low temperature service down to -196 C.
ER316LSi Mo 2.8 32J-196C CL, BB,
Ni 11.8 DNV, UDT,

EAS 4 M-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 400 N/mm2 0.9 TV-D, , Rutile flux cored welding wire for downhand
Si 0.7 Rm 560 N/mm2 1.2 TV-A, welding. This products achieve high productivity
T 19 12 3 L R M (C) 3 Mn 1.5 A5 38 % 1.6 CL, UDT, and are easy to operate.
E316LT0-4(1) Cr 19.0 Av 55 J GL, DB,
Mo 2.7 32J-120C CWB, Self releasing slag, almost no spatter formation and
0.9 mm Ni 12.0 BB, LR, temper discoloration. Smooth weld finish and safe
T 19 12 3 L P M (C) 1 SEPROZ penetration. Suitable for service temperatures from
E316LT1-4(1) -120 C to +400 C.

EAS 4 PW-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 400 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, Rutile flux cored welding wire with fast freezing
Si 0.7 Rm 560 N/mm2 1.6 UDT, GL, slag providing excellent positional welding
T 19 12 3 L P M (C) 1 Mn 1.5 A5 38 % CWB, characteristics and fast travel speeds.
Cr 19.0 Av 65 J SEPROZ,
E316LT1-4(1) Mo 2.7 32J-120C DB, BB,
Ni 12.0 LR

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 17
Stainless steels Austenitic

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

Wire: EAS 4M-UP SAW C 0.02 Re 350 N/mm2 3.0 TV-D, SAW-wire/flux combination of type 316L for 1.4583
Si 0.6 Rm 560 N/mm2 UDT multi-pass welding. Smooth beads, easy slag X10CrNiMoNb18-12
S 19 12 3 L Mn 1.3 A5 35 % removal without any slag residues and good 1.4435
ER316L Cr 18.3 Av 80 J Wire: welding characteristics are very much appreciated X2CrNiMo18-14-3
Mo 2.7 32J-120C TV-D, by users. BB 202 is a basic, agglomerated flux, 1.4436
Flux: BB 202 Ni 12.2 KTA 1408.1 providing a low flux consumption. X3CrNiMo17-13-3
DB, Z, Basicity 2.3 acc. to Boniczewski. 1.4404
SA FB 2 DC BB, X2CrNiMo17-12-2
TV-A 1.4401
SEPROZ X5CrNiMo17-12-2
X6CrNiMoTi 17-12-2


FOX E 317L SMAW C 0.03 Re 460 N/mm2 2.5 BV Rutile coated core wire alloyed electrode suited CrNiMo-steels with increased
Si 0.8 Rm 610 N/mm2 3.2 for corrosion resistant, CrNiMoN-steels. It satisfies Mo-content like grade AISI
Mn 0.8 A5 35 % 4.0 the high demands of offshore fabricators, shipyards 316LN/317LN or corrosion
E 317L-17 Cr 19.0 Av 65 J building chemical tankers as well as the chemical / resistant claddings on mild steels
Mo 3.6 47J-60C petrochemical, pulp and paper industries. Suitable
Ni 13.0 for service temperatures from -60 C to +300 C. 1.4434 X2CrNiMoN18-12-4,
N + The weld metal exhibits resistance against pitting 1.4438 X2CrNiMo18-15-4,
corrosion and intergranular corrosion resistance 1.4429 X2CrNiMoN17-13-3,
FN 4-12 up to +300 C (ASTM A 262 / Practice E).
Good operating characteristics on AC and DC, AISI
minimum spatter formation, self releasing slag 316L
with smooth and clean bead surface. 316LN
Recommended for wall thicknesses up to 30 mm. 317L
Preheating and post weld heat treatment is not 317LN
required by the weld deposit. The interpass
temperature should be kept below 150 C.

E 317L-FD FCAW C 0.035 Re 420 N/mm2 1.2 UDT Rutile flux cored welding wire. This product
Si 0.7 Rm 570 N/mm2 1.6 achieves high productivity and is easy to operate
T Z 19 13 4 L R M (C) 3 Mn 1.3 A5 32 % achieving excellent welding characteristics, self
Cr 18.5 Av 50 J releasing slag, almost no spatter formation and
E317LT0-4(1) Mo 3.4 32J-60C temper discoloration, smooth weld finish and safe
Ni 13.3 penetration. Increased travel speeds as well as
little demand for cleaning and pickling provide
considerable savings in time and money.

E 317L PW-FD FCAW C 0.035 Re 380 N/mm2 1.2 BV, LR Rutile flux cored welding wire with fast freezing
Si 0.7 Rm 560 N/mm2 slag providing excellent positional welding
T Z 19 13 4 L P M (C) 1 Mn 1.3 A5 39 % characteristics and fast travel speeds. It is designed
Cr 18.5 Av 58 J for welding of corrosion resistant CrNiMo-steels
E317LT1-4 Mo 3.4 32J-60C and satisfies the high demands of offshore fabrica-
Ni 13.3 tors, shipyards building chemical tankers as well
as the chemical/petrochemical, pulp and paper
industries. Suitable for service temperatures from
-60 C to +300 C. The weld metal exhibits resi-
stance against pitting corrosion and intergranular
corrosion resistance (ASTM A 262 / Practise E) up
to +300 C. For corrosion resistant single claddings
the wire should be used under mixture gas
(Argon + 15-25 % CO2).

Wire: ASN 5 SY-UP SAW C 0.03 Re 410 N/mm2 3.0 LR, BV SAW wire/flux combination for CrNiMo steels.
Si 0.50 Rm 590 N/mm2 4.0 with flux It satisfies the high demands of offshore fabricators,
ER 317L Mn 1.6 A5 29 % BB 203 SY shipyards building chemical tankers as well as the
Cr 19.0 Av 58 J chemical/petrochemical, pulp and paper industries.
Flux: BB 202 Mo 3.6 32J-60C Suitable for service temperatures from -60 C to
Ni 13.5 +300 C. The weld metal exhibits resistance against
SA FB 2 DC pitting corrosion and intergranular corrosion
resistance (ASTM A 262 / Practice E) up to +300 C
The fluoride-basic agglomerated flux provides a
low flux consumption. Preheating and post weld
heat treatment is not required by the weld deposit.
The interpass temperature should be kept
below 150 C.

Stainless steels Austenitic

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX ASN 5 SMAW C 0.04 Re 460 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated electrode. Its weld metal shows a 1.4439
Si 0.5 Rm 660 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, stable austenitic micro structure with good pitting X2 CrNiMoN17-13-5
E 18 16 5 N L B 22 Mn 2.5 A5 35 % 4.0 GL, UDT, resistance (PREN >35) and crevice corrosion 1.4436
Cr 18.5 Av 100 J DNV, resistance as well as an excellent toughness X3 CrNiMo17-13-3
E317LN-15(mod.) Mo 4.3 32J-269C SEPROZ behaviour down to -269 C. 1.4429
Ni 17.0 X2 CrNiMoN17-13-3
N 0.15 BHLER FOX ASN 5-A is a rutile-basic coated 1.4583
electrode providing good operating characteristics X10 CrNiMoNb18-12
PREN 36.3 on DC and AC, easy slag removal, smooth and 1.4438
FN 0.5 clean bead surfaces. X2 CrNiMo18-15-4
Recommeded for wall thicknesses <15 mm. Both
electrodes are characterized by an increased Mo AISI
FOX ASN 5-A SMAW C 0.035 Re 460 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, content (4.3 %) to compensate for segregation in 317LN
Si 0.7 Rm 660 N/mm2 3.2 UDT high molybdenum alloyed weld metals to meet 316L
E 18 16 5 N L R 32 Mn 1.1 A5 32 % 4.0 equivalent corrosion properties as the relevant 316Cb
Cr 18.0 Av 70 J base metals with 3-4 % Mo guarantee. 316LN
E317LN-17(mod.) Ni 16.0 32J-120C
Mo 4.5 UNS
N 0.13 31726
FN 0.5

ASN 5-IG GTAW C 0.02 Re 440 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW for 3-4 % Mo alloyed
Si 0.2 Rm 650 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, CrNi-steels. The weld metal shows a stable
W Z 18 16 5 N L Mn 5.0 A5 35 % 2.4 UDT, austenitic micro structure with good pitting
Cr 19.0 Av 120 J DNV, resistance (PREN >35) and crevice corrosion
ER317LN(mod.) Mo 4.1 32J-269C SEPROZ resistance as well as excellent CVN toughness
Ni 16.5 behaviour.
N 0.16
Both MIG and TIG wires have an increased Mo
PREN 38 content (4.3 %) to compensate for segregation
FN 0.5 when welding high molybdenum alloyed steels,
thus producing equivalent corrosion resistance
to the relevant base metals offering a 3-4 % Mo
ASN 5-IG (Si) GMAW C 0.03 Re 430 N/mm2 1.0 TV-D, guarantee.
Si 0.7 Rm 650 N/mm2 1.2 GL, UDT,
G Z 18 16 5 N L Mn 7.0 A5 35 % DNV
Cr 19.0 Av 110 J
ER317LN(mod.) Mo 4.3 32J-196C
Ni 17.5
N 0.16
PREN 37.1
FN 0.5

Wire: ASN 5-UP SAW C 0.02 Re 420 N/mm2 3.0 UDT SAW-wire/flux combination of type 317 L modified.
Si 0.2 Rm 630 N/mm2 For CrNiMo-steels with 3-4 % Mo. The weld metal
S 18 16 5 N L Mn 4.5 A5 35 % shows a stable austenitic micro structure with
ER317LN(mod.) Cr 18.5 Av 120 J good pitting resistance and crevice corrosion
Mo 4.0 40J-196C resistance as well as an excellent toughness
Flux: BB 203 Ni 16.3 behaviour down to -196 C. The fluoride-basic,
N 0.14 agglomerated flux provides good operating
SA FB 2 DC characteristics, smooth beads and a low hydrogen
PREN 33.9 weld metal. Basicity 2.7. Density 1.0 kg/dm3.

FOX AM 400 SMAW C 0.04 Re 470 N/mm2 2.5 WIWEB, Basic coated core wire alloyed electrode for 1.3948 X4CrNiMnMoN19-13-8
Si 0.8 Rm 700 N/mm2 3.2 GL, UDT corrosion resistant nonmagnetizable CrNiMo 1.3951 X2CrNiMoN22-15
E Z 22 18 4 L B 2 2 Mn 7.5 A5 35 % 4.0 SEPROZ steels, preferably used for the steels to Werkstoff 1.3952 X2CrNiMoN18-14-3
Cr 21.8 Av 80J Nr. 1.3952 and Nr. 1.3964 in the special shipbuil- 1.3964
Mo 3.7 32J-196C ding sector. Excellent weldability in all positions X2CrNiMnMoNNb21-16-5-3
Ni 18.3 except vertical-down. Fully austenitic weld metal, 1.4439 X2CrNiMoN17-13-5
N 0.2 nonmagnetic, excellent resistance to pitting, crevice
corrosion and stress corrosion cracking, excellent
PREN 37.2 subzero toughness, suited for service temperatures
up to 350 C (or up to 400 C in media that do
not induce intergranular corrosion). Further appli-
cations are sea water desalinization plants, centrifu-
ges, bleaching plants and the welding of cryogenic
steels. Preheating not required, interpass
temperatures must not exceed 150 C.

AM 400-IG GTAW C 0.03 Re 480 N/mm2 2.0 WIWEB GTAW rod and GMAW wire N-alloyed, fully
Si 0.7 Rm 700 N/mm2 GL, austenitic and nonmagnetic. Distinguished by
W Z 22 17 8 4 N L Mn 7.5 A5 35 % UDT its especially high resistance to pitting, crevice
(GTAW) Cr 21.5 Av 170 corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.
Mo 3.6 32J-196C
G Z 22 17 8 4 N L Ni 17.5 Excellent cryogenic toughness. Suitable for service
(GMAW) N 0.22 temperatures up to +350 C, and up to +400 C in
media that do not induce intergranular corrosion.
PREN 37 Used for sea water desalinisation plants, centrifuges,
GMAW Re 440 N/mm2 1.0 WIWEB bleaching plants and in special shipbuilding.
Rm 680 N/mm2 1.2 GL
A5 35 % UDT
Av 120

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 19
Stainless steels Austenitic

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX SAS 2 SMAW C 0.03 Re 470 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated core wire alloyed electrode. 1.4550
Si 0.4 Rm 640 N/mm2 3.2 Z, Preferably used for Ti or Nb stabilised 1.4541 / X6CrNiNb18-10
E 19 9 Nb B 22 Mn 1.3 A5 36 % 4.0 TV-A, 1.4550 / 321 / 347 CrNi-steel grades. 1.4541
Cr 19.8 Av 110 J BB, DB, X6CrNiTi18-10
E347-15 Ni 10.5 32J-196C ABS, GL, Designed to produce first class weld deposits with 1.4552
Nb + UDT, reliable CVN toughness values down to -196 C, G-X5CrNiNb19-11
LTSS, 100 % X-ray safety together with very good root 1.4301
SEPROZ pass and positional welding characteristics, good X5CrNi18-10
gap bridging ability, easy weld pool and slag control 1.4312
as well as easy slag removal even in narrow G-X10 CrNi18-8
preparations resulting in clean bead surfaces and 1.4311
minimum post weld cleaning. An excellent X2CrNiN18-10
electrode for welding on site!
The product is resistant to intergranular corrosion
up to +400 C. AISI/ASTM
FOX SAS 2-A SMAW C 0.03 Re 470 N/mm2 2.0 TV-D, Rutile coated core wire alloyed electrode. A296
Si 0.8 Rm 640 N/mm2 2.5 Z, Preferably used for Ti or Nb stabilised 1.4541 / CF8c
E 19 9 Nb R 32 Mn 0.8 A5 35 % 3.2 TV-A, 1.4550 / 321 / 347 CrNi-steel grades. A157 Gr. C 9
Cr 19.5 Av 70 J 4.0 BB, DB, 321
E347-17 Ni 10.0 32J-120C 5.0 ABS, CL, An acknowledged world leader, noted for its A320 Gr. B8 C a. D
Nb + UDT, superior welding characteristics and metallurgy. 304LN
LTSS, Can be used on AC or DC. Other advantages 304L
VUZ, GL, include high current carrying capacity, minimum 302
SEPROZ spatter Formation, self releasing slag, smooth and
clean weld profile, safety against formation of
porosity due to moisture resistant coating and
packaging into hermetically sealed tins. Fully alloyed
core wire ensures the most reliable corrosion
resistance. The product is resistant to intergranular
corrosion up to +400 C.

SAS 2-IG GTAW C 0.05 Re 490 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod engineered to a very precise analysis
Si 0.5 Rm 660 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, to create a weld deposit of high purity, superior
W 19 9 Nb Mn 1.8 A5 35 % 2.4 CL, GL, hot cracking and corrosion resistance.
Cr 19.5 Av 140 J 3.0 UDT, CVN toughness down to -196 C, resistant to
ER347 Ni 9.5 32J-196C LTSS, intergranular corrosion up to +400 C.

SAS 2-IG (Si) GMAW C 0.03 Re 460 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, GMAW wire designed for first class welding,
Si 0.9 Rm 630 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A, wetting and feeding characteristics as well as
G 19 9 Nb Si Mn 1.3 A5 33 % 1.2 UDT, GL reliable corrosion resistance up to +400 C and
Cr 19.4 Av 110 J LTSS, low temperature service down to -196 C.
ER347Si Ni 9.7 32J-196C SEPROZ
Nb +

SAS 2-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 420 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, Rutile flux cored welding wire. This product
Si 0.7 Rm 600 N/mm2 1.6 SEPROZ achieves high productivity and is easy to operate
T 19 9 Nb R M (C) 3 Mn 1.4 A5 35 % achieving excellent welding characteristics, self
Cr 19.0 Av 75 J releasing slag, almost no spatter formation and
E347T0-4(1) Ni 10.4 32J-120C temper discoloration, smooth weld finish and safe
Nb + penetration. Increased travel speeds as well as little
demand for cleaning and pickling provide
considerable savings in time and money.
Suitable for service temperatures from -196 C
to +400 C.

SAS 2 PW-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 420 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, Rutile flux cored welding wire with fast freezing
Si 0.7 Rm 600 N/mm2 SEPROZ slag providing excellent positional welding
T 19 9 Nb P M (C) 1 Mn 1.4 A5 35 % characteristics and fast travel speeds.
Cr 19.0 Av 75 J
E347T1-4(1) Ni 10.4 35J-196C
Nb +

Wire: SAS 2-UP SAW C 0.045 Re 420 N/mm2 3.0 TV-D, SAW-wire/flux combination, smooth beads, easy
Si 0.65 Rm 600 N/mm2 UDT, slag removal without any slag residues and good
S 19 9 Nb Mn 1.3 A5 30 % TV-A, welding characteristics even for fillet welds are
ER347 Cr 19.3 Av 90 J very much appreciated by users.
Ni 9.5 35J-196C Wire: Suitable for service temperatures from -196 C
Flux: BB 202 Nb 0.5 TV-D, to +400 C.
SA FB 2 DC TV-A, The fluoride-basic, agglomerated flux, provides
BB, DB, a low flux consumption.
KTA 1408.1 Basicity 2.3, Density 1.0 kg/dm3.

Stainless steels Austenitic

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX SAS 4 SMAW C 0.03 Re 490 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated core wire alloyed electrode for 1.4583
Si 0.4 Rm 660 N/mm2 3.2 Z, austenitic CrNiMo (Ti/Cb/Nb) alloyed stainless X10 CrNiMoNb 18-12
E 19 12 3 Nb B 22 Mn 1.3 A5 31 % 4.0 TV-A, steels. Designed to produce first class weld 1.4435
Cr 18.8 Av 120 J BB, DB, deposits with reliable CVN toughness values down X2 CrNiMo 18-14-3
E318-15 Mo 2.7 32J-90C ABS, GL, to -90 C, 100 % X-ray safety together with 1.4436
Ni 11.5 UDT, very good root pass and positional welding X3 CrNiMo 17-13-3
Nb + SEPROZ characteristics, good gap bridging ability, easy weld 1.4404
pool and slag control as well as easy slag removal X2 CrNiMo 17-12-2
even in narrow preparations resulting in clean 1.4401
bead surfaces and minimum post weld cleaning. X5 CrNiMo 17-12-2
An excellent electrode for welding on site and for 1.4571
heavy and rigid components. X6 CrNiMoTi 17-12-2
The product is resistant to intergranular corrosion 1.4580
up to +400 C. X6 CrNiMoNb 17-12-2

FOX SAS 4-A SMAW C 0.03 Re 490 N/mm2 2.0 TV-D, Rutile coated core wire alloyed electrode for aus- 316Cb
Si 0.8 Rm 640 N/mm2 2.5 Z, tenitic CrNiMo (Ti/Cb/Nb) alloyed stainless steels. 316L
E 19 12 3 Nb R 32 Mn 0.8 A5 32% 3.2 TV-A, An acknowledged world leader, noted for its 316
Cr 19.0 Av 60 J 4.0 CL, BB, superior welding characteristics and metallurgy. 316Ti
E 318-17 Mo 2.7 32J-60C 5.0 DB, UDT, Can be used on AC or DC. Other advantages
Ni 11.5 LTSS, include high current carrying capacity, minimum UNS
Nb + SEPROZ, spatter formation, self releasing slag, smooth and S31653
VUZ clean weld profile, safety against formation of poro-
sity due to moisture resistant coating and packaging
into hermetically sealed tins.
The product is resistant to intergranular corrosion
up to +400 C.

SAS 4-IG GTAW C 0.04 Re 520 N/mm2 1.0 TV-D, GTAW rod for austenitic CrNiMo (Ti/Cb/Nb)
Si 0.4 Rm 700 N/mm2 1.2 Z, alloyed stainless steels. Engineered to a very
W 19 12 3 Nb Mn 1.7 A5 35% 1.6 TV-A, precise analysis to create a weld deposit of high
Cr 19.5 Av 120 J 2.0 GL, BB, purity, superior hot cracking and corrosion
ER318 Mo 2.7 32J-120C 2.4 DB, CL, resistance. CVN toughness down to -120 C,
Ni 11.5 3.0 UDT, resistant to intergranular corrosion up to +400 C.
Nb + KTA 1408.1

SAS 4-IG (Si) GMAW C 0.035 Re 490 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, GMAW wire for austenitic CrNiMo (Ti/Cb/Nb)
Si 0.8 Rm 670 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A, alloyed stainless steels, designed for first class
G 19 12 3 Nb Si Mn 1.4 A5 33% 1.2 UDT, welding, wetting and feeding characteristics as well
Cr 19.0 Av 100 J SEPROZ, as reliable corrosion resistance up to +400 C
ER318(mod.) Mo 2.8 32J-120C LTSS, and low temperature service down to -120 C.
Ni 11.5 DB, BB,
Nb + UZ

SAS 4-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 430 N/mm2 1.2 Rutile, flux cored welding wire for austenitic
Si 0.6 Rm 570 N/mm2 1.6 CrNiMo (Ti/Cb/Nb) alloyed stainless steels. This
T 19 12 3 Nb R M (C) 3 Mn 1.3 A5 35% product provides high productivity and is easy to
Cr 18.8 Av 65 J operate achieving excellent welding characteristics,
E318T0-4(1) Mo 2.6 35J-120C self releasing slag, almost no spatter formation and
Ni 12.2 temper discoloration, smooth weld finish and safe
Nb + penetration. Increased travel speeds as well as little
demand for cleaning and pickling provide consider-
able savings in time and money. Suitable for service
temperatures down to -120 C.
Resists to intergranular corrosion up to +400 C.

SAS 4 PW-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 430 N/mm2 1.2 Rutile flux cored welding wire with fast freezing
Si 0.6 Rm 570 N/mm2 slag providing excellent positional welding
T 19 12 3 Nb P M (C) 1 Mn 1.3 A5 35% characteristics and fast travel speeds.
Cr 18.8 Av 65 J
E318T1-4(1) Mo 2.6 40J-120C
Ni 12.2
Nb +

Wire: SAS 4-UP SAW C 0.025 Re 430 N/mm2 3.0 TV-D, SAW-wire/flux combination for austenitic CrNiMo
Si 0.65 Rm 600 N/mm2 TV-A, (Ti/Cb/Nb) alloyed stainless steels. Smooth beads,
S 19 12 3 Nb Mn 1.3 A5 30% UDT easy slag removal without any slag residues and
Cr 18.8 Av 80 J good welding characteristics even for fillet welds are
ER318 Mo 2.7 32J-120C Wire: very much appreciated by users.
Ni 11.4 TV-D, Suitable for service temperatures from -120 C
Flux: BB 202 Nb + UZ, to +400 C.
SA FB 2 DC KTA 1408.1 THE fluoride-basic, agglomerated flux, provides a
DB, BB, low flux consumption.
SEPROZ Basicity 2.3, Density 1.0 kg/dm3.

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 21
Stainless steels Austenitic

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX CN 20/25M SMAW C 0.04 Re 440 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic (with rutile contents) coated core wire 1.4539
Si 0.4 Rm 650 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, alloyed electrode for corrosion resisting high- X1NiCrMoCu25-20-5
E 20 25 5 Cu N L B 22 Mn 4.0 A5 35 % 4.0 UDT, molybdenum CrNi steels like 1.4539 / N08904. 1.4439
Cr 20.0 Av 75 J Statoil, Recommended for highly corrosive environments X2CrNiMoN17-13-5
E385-15(mod.) Mo 6.5 32J-269C SEPROZ, encountered e.g. in the chemical industry, in flue 1.4537
Ni 25.0 gas desulphurisation and sea water desalinisation X1CrNiMoCuN25-25-5
Cu 1.4 plants, as well as in cooling and power plants using
N 0.14 brackish or sea water. Particularly recommended Similar type CrNi steels with
for steels containing up to 5 % molybdenum. Mo content up to 5 %
PREN 45 The above average molybdenum content (6.5 %) is
characteristic to FOX CN 20/25 M, thus compen- UNS
sating for segregation in high molybdenum alloyed N08904
FOX CN 20/25M-A SMAW C 0.03 Re 410 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, weld metals. The fully austenitic weld metal possess S31726
Si 0.7 Rm 640 N/mm2 3.2 UDT, a marked resistance towards pitting and crevice
E 20 25 5 Cu N L R 32 Mn 2.0 A5 34 % 4.0 SEPROZ corrosion in chloride containing media. Highly
Cr 20.5 Av 70 J resistant against Sulphur-, Phosphorus-, Acetic- and
E385-17(mod.) Mo 6.2 32J-196C Formic acid, as well as sea-and brackish water.
Ni 25.0 Caused from the low C-content of the weld metal,
Cu 1.6 the risk of intergranular corrosion can be avoided.
N 0.17 The high Ni-content in comparison to standard
PREN 45 CrNi-weld metals leads to high resistance against
stress corrosion cracking. It is advisable to grind
out the end craters of root passes.
For root pass welding it is expedient to apply the
GTAW process using CN 20/25 M-IG.
FOX CN 20/25 M-A is a rutile-basic coated
electrode and should be preferably used up to
wall thicknesses of 14 mm. It is designed for
excellent operating characteristics on DC/AC.

CN 20/25M-IG GTAW C 0.02 Re 440 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire for 4-5 % Mo alloyed
Si 0.7 Rm 670 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, CrNisteels like N 08904. The weld metal shows a
W Z 20 25 5 Cu N L Mn 4.7 A5 42 % 2.4 UDT, stable austenitic micro structure with excellent
Cr 20.0 Av 115 J Statoil pitting resistance (PREN >45) and crevice corro-
ER385(mod.) Mo 6.2 32J-269C sion resistance as well as resistance to stress
Ni 25.4 corrosion cracking. Both rod and wire have an
Cu 1.5 increased Mo content (6.2 %) to compensate for
N 0.12 segregation in high Mo alloyed weld metals, thus
producing equivalent corrosion resistance to the
PREN 45 relevant base metals offering 4-5 % Mo.

CN 20/25M-IG (Si) GMAW C 0.02 Re 410 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, Shielding gases for GMAW Ar + 20-30 % He +
Si 0.7 Rm 650 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A, max. 2% CO2 or Ar + 2% He + 0.5 % CO2.
G Z20 25 5 Cu N L Mn 4.7 A5 39 % 1.2 UDT,
Cr 20.0 Av 100 J Statoil,
ER385(mod.) Mo 6.2 32J-196C SEPROZ
Ni 25.4
Cu 1.5
N 0.12

Stainless steels Ferritic / Martensitic

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX KW 10 SMAW C 0.08 PWHT a 750 C/2h 2.5 UDT, Basic coated core wire alloyed low-hydrogen elec- Surfacings:
Si 0.7 Re 530 N/mm2 3.2 SEPROZ trode with good operating characteristics in all all weldable backing
E 13 B 2 2 Mn 0.8 Rm 700 N/mm2 4.0 positions except vertical-down. Mainly used for materials, unalloyed and
Cr 13.5 A5 17 % surfacing on sealing faces of gas, water and steam low-alloyed
E410-15(mod.) HB 210 valves to meet stainless and wear resistant overlays
for instance. In the machined condition, at least a Joint welds:
two layer build up should remain. Joint welding of corrosion resistant Cr-steels
similar, stainless and heat resistant chromium steels as well as other similar-
provides matching colour of weld metal with very alloyed steels with
good ability to polishing. Retention of hardness up C-contents 0.20 % (repair
to +450 C, scaling resistant up to +900 C. welding); heat resistant Cr-
Preheating and interpass temperature 200-300 C, steels of similar chemical
post weld heat treatment at 700-750 C depending composition. Be careful
on the weld job. with dilution and welding
KW 10-IG GTAW C 0.08 PWHT a 720 C/2h 2.0 SEPROZ, GTAW rod and GMAW wire predominantly used 1.4006 X12Cr13,
Si 1.1 Re 450 N/mm2 UDT for surfacing of sealing faces of valves for gas, 1.4021 X20Cr13
W Z 13 (GTAW) Mn 0.6 Rm 650 N/mm2 water, and steam piping systems at service tempe-
G Z 13 (GMAW) Cr 14.5 A5 15 % ratures up to +450 C. The machinability of the AISI
HB 200 weld metal depends largely upon the kind of base 410
ER410(mod.) metal and degree of dilution. Joint welding of 420
GMAW HB 320 (as welded) 1.2 SEPROZ, similar 13 % chromium steels shows matching
1.6 UDT colour of the weld metal and very good ability to
polishing. For joint welding preheating to
200-300 C is recommended. Tempering
at 700-750 C to increase toughness.

KW 5 Nb-IG GMAW C 0.05 PWHT a 750 C/2h 1.0 SEPROZ, Special GMAW welding wire for catalytic conver- 1.4512 X2CrTi12,
Si 0.6 HB 130 UDT ters as well as exhaust silencers, mufflers, mani- 1.4006 X10Cr13
G Z 13 Nb L Mn 0.6 folds, and manifold elbows of analogous or similar 1.4024 X15Cr13
Cr 11.5 materials. Also used for repair welding and surfa- 1.4021 X20Cr13
ER409Cb Nb + cing of sealing faces of gas, water, and steam turbi-
nes with service temperatures of up to 450 C. AISI
Resists scaling up to 900 C. Machinability depends 409
largely on the degree of base metal dilution. 410
Outstanding feeding, very good welding and flow 420

FOX SKWA SMAW C 0.08 PWHT a 750C/2h 2.5 KTA 1408.1, Basic coated core wire alloyed electrode with good Surfacings:
Si 0.3 Re 370 N/mm2 3.2 SEPROZ, weldability in all positions except vertical-down. all weldable backing
E 17 B 2 2 Mn 0.3 Rm 560 N/mm2 4.0 UDT Mainly used for hard-surfacing, corrosion resistant, materials, unalloyed and
Cr 17.0 A5 23% 5.0 wear resistant. Preferably employed for sealing low-alloy. Dilution and heat
E430-15 HB 200 faces of gas, water and steam valves. In the machi- input must be observed.
ned condition, at least a two-layer buildup should
remain on the surface. Joint welding (of equal Joint welding:
colour): similar, corrosion resistant and heat corrosion resisting, Cr-steels
resistant chromium steels. Scaling resistance up and other similar materials
to 900 C, preheat and interpass temperatures with carbon contents
200-300 C, annealing at 700-750 C. < 0,20 %. Heat resisting
Hydrogen content in weld deposit < 5 ml/100 g. Cr-steels of similar chemical

SKWA-IG GMAW C 0.07 PWHT a 750 C/2h 1.0 DB, GMAW solid wire for build up on sealing faces of 1.4510 X3CrTi17
Si 0.6 Re 300 N/mm2 1.2 BB, gas, water and steam valves and fittings made from
G Z 17 Ti Mn 0.6 Rm 500 N/mm2 1.6 UDT, unalloyed or low-alloy steels, for service tempera- AISI
Cr 17.5 A5 20% SEPROZ tures up to 500 C.The wire exhibits good feeding 430Ti
ER430(mod.) Ti + HB 130 properties with excellent welding and flow charac- 431
teristics. The weld deposit allows machining. Sea
water resistant and scaling resistant up to 900 C.
SKWA-IG wire is also suited for joint welding of
stainless ferritic steels containing 12-18 % chro-
mium. Furthermore for applications where colour
match of the base metal and weld seam is required.
Preheat to 250-450 C for joint welding.
Annealing at 650-750 C for improved toughness.

KWA-IG GMAW C 0.06 PWHT a 800 C/2h 1.2 SEPROZ, GMAW wire of type G 17/ER430 suitable for surfa- Surfacings:
Si 0.6 Re 340 N/mm2 UDT cing of sealing faces of gas, water and steam valves all weldable backing materials,
G 17 Mn 0.6 Rm 550 N/mm2 and fittings. Service temperatures up to +450 C. unalloyed and low-alloyed.
Cr 17.5 A5 20% Scaling resistant up to +950 C. Also in sulphur
ER430(mod.) HB 150 containing combustion gas at high temperature. Joint welds:
This wire is also suited for joint welding of stainless corrosion resistant Cr-steels
ferritic steels containing 12-17 % chromium, and by as well as other similar-
the request of colour matching weld deposit/base alloyed steels with
metal. For thick-walled components it is recom- C-contents up to 0.20 %
mendable to use A 7-IG wire for the filler passes (repair welding).
in order to improve the ductility behaviour of the Be careful with dilution and
joint weld, KWA-IG wire for the cover pass welding technology.
especially in case of sulphur containing combustion
gases. Excellent feeding, welding and wetting beha- 1.4510 X3CrTi17
viour of the wire and weld metal are important
economical features. For joint welding preheating AISI
up to 200-300 C is recommended. Annealing at 430
730-800 C improves the toughness of the weld 431

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 23
Stainless steels Ferritic / Martensitic

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX SKWAM SMAW C 0.22 PWHT a 700 C/2h 2.5 KTA 1408.1, Basic coated core wire alloyed low-hydrogen Surfacings:
Si 0.4 HB 250 3.2 DB, electrode with good operating characteristics in all weldable backing materials,
E Z 17 Mo B 2 2 Mn 0.4 4.0 UZ, all positions except vertical-down. Mainly used for unalloyed and low-alloyed.
Cr 17.0 5.0 BB, surfacing on sealing faces of gas, water and steam
Mo 1.3 UDT, valves to meet stainless and wear resistant overlays Joint welds:
SEPROZ for instance. In the machined condition, at least a corrosion resistant Cr-steels as
two layer build up should remain. Joint welding of well as other similar-alloyed steels
similar, stainless and heat resistant chromium steels with C-contents up to 0.20 %
provides matching colour of weld metal with very (repair welding). Be careful with
good ability to polishing. Hydrogen content in weld dilution and welding technology
deposit < 5 ml/100 g. Weld metal retention of
hardness up to +500 C. Scaling resistant up to
900 C. Preheating as required by the base metal,
with temperatures between 100 C and 200 C
being generally sufficient (for joint welding opera-
tions 250-400 C). Annealing at 650-750 C may
be carried out to improve the toughness values in
the weld metal and in the transition zone of the
base metal.

SKWAM-IG GMAW C 0.20 PWHT a 720 C/2 h 1.2 KTA 1408.1, GMAW solid wire of type 17 % Cr 1 % Mo for
Si 0.7 Re 500 N/mm2 1.6 DB, surfacing on sealing faces of gas, water and steam
G Z 17 Mo H Mn 0.7 Rm 700 N/mm2 BB, valves and fittings made from unalloyed or low-alloy
Cr 17.0 A5 15% SEPROZ, steels, for service temperatures up to 450 C.
Mo 1.1 HB 200 UDT Excellent anti-friction properties. The weld deposit
is still machinable. Scaling resistant up to 900 C.
SKWAM-IG wire is also suited for joint welding of
stainless ferritic steels containing 13-18 % chromium,
above all for applications where uniform colour
of the base metal and weld seam is required.
For thick-walled components it is recommendable
to use A 7-IG wire for the filler passes in order to
improve the ductility behaviour of the joint weld.
Preheating to 250-450 C for joint welding
operations. Annealing at 650-750 C improves
the toughness of the weld deposit.

Wire: SKWAM-UP SAW C 0.16 PWHT a 720 C/2 h 3.2 TV-D SAW wire/flux combination of type 17 % Cr 1 % Mo
Si 0.6 HB 200 for surfacing on sealing faces of gas, water and
S Z 17Mo H Mn 0.7 steam valves and fittings made from unalloyed
Cr 17.0 As welded or low-alloy steels, for service temperatures
Flux: BB 203 Mo 1.1 HB 320-420 up to 450 C. Excellent anti-friction properties.
The weld deposit is still machinable.
Scaling resistant up to 900 C

CAT 430 L Cb-IG GMAW C 0.02 PWHT a 760 C/2 h 1.0 Special GMAW welding wire for catalytic converters 1.4511
Si 0.5 HB 130 as well as exhaust sinencers, mufflers, manifolds and 1.4016
G Z 18 Nb L Mn 0.5 manifold elbows of analogous or similar materials.
Cr 18.0 HB 150 (as welded) Resists scaling up to 900 C. Outstanding feeding AISI
ER430(mod.) Nb >12xC characteristics. Very good welding and flow charac- 430

Stainless steels Soft martensitic

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX CN 13/4 SMAW C 0.035 PWHT a 600 C/2 h 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated low-hydrogen electrode suited for 1.4317 G-X4CrNi13-4,
Si 0.3 Re 680 N/mm2 3.2 UDT, similar soft martensitic and martensitic-ferritic 1.4313 X3CrNiMo13-4,
E 13 4 B 6 2 Mn 0.5 Rm 910 N/mm2 4.0 LTSS, rolled, forged, and cast steels. Mainly used in the 1.4351 X3CrNi13-4,
Cr 12.2 A5 17 % 5.0 SEPROZ construction of hydro turbines, compressors. 1.4414 G-X4CrNiMo13-4
E410NiMo-25 Mo 0.5 Av 66 J Resistant to corrosion from water, steam, and sea
Ni 4.5 50 J-60C water atmosphere. Thanks to an optimum balance AISI/UNS
of alloying components the weld deposit yields very ACI Gr. CA6NM
good ductility and toughness & cracking resistance S41500
despite of its high strength. Excellent operating
characteristics, easy slag removal, and smooth
bead appearance. Metal recovery approx. 130 %.
Positional weldability is offered up to 3.2 mm
electrodes. FOX CN 13/4 as well as the GTAW-
rod CN 13/4-IG and the analogous GMAW wire
are very popular in the construction of hydro
turbines.Preheating and interpass temperatures
of heavy-wall components 100-160 C.

FOX CN 13/4 SUPRA SMAW C 0.03 PWHT a 600 C/2 h 3.2 TV-D Basic coated core wire alloyed electrode for
Si 0.3 Re 680 N/mm2 4.0 UDT, welding of similar alloyed soft martensitic steels.
E 13 4 B 4 2 Mn 0.6 Rm 930 N/mm2 SEPROZ Due to an optimum balanced alloying concept the
Cr 12.5 A5 18 % weld deposit offers very good ductility and cracking
E410NiMo-15 Mo 0.5 Av 70 J resistance despite of its high strength. Out of
Ni 4.5 55 J-60C position weldable except vertical down.
Preheating and interpass temperatures of heavy-
wall components 100-160 C. Maximum heat input
15 kJ/cm. Post weld heat treatment at 580-620 C.

CN 13/4-IG GTAW C 0.02 PWHT 600 C/8h 2.0 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire for welding of similar
Si 0.7 Re 750 N/mm2 2.4 UDT, alloyed soft martensitic steels, with precisely
W 13 4 (GTAW) Mn 0.6 Rm 830 N/mm2 SEPROZ tuned alloying composition for ductile weld metal
G 13 4 (GMAW) Cr 12.3 A5 21% with best CVN toughness and crack resistance.
Mo 0.5 Av 150 J The preferred gas for MAG welding is
ER410NiMo(mod.) Ni 4.7 >32 J-60C Argon +8-10 % CO2.

GMAW C 0.02 PWHT 580 C/8h 1.2 UDT,

Si 0.7 Re 760 N/mm2 SEPROZ
Mn 0.6 Rm 890 N/mm2
Cr 12.3 A5 17%
Mo 0.5 Av 80 J
Ni 4.7 >47 J-20C

CN 13/4-MC FCAW C 0.025 PWHT 580 C/8h 1.2 SEPROZ Metal cored wire for welding of similar alloyed soft
Si 0.7 Re 760 N/mm2 1.6 martensitic steels and cast steels. CN 13/4-MC
T 13 4 MM 2 Mn 0.9 Rm 890 N/mm2 offers favourable spray or puls arc characteristics,
Cr 12.0 A5 16% minimum spatter formation, flat and smooth bead
EC410NiMo(mod.) Mo 0.6 Av 65 J profiles, an excellent wetting behaviour and safe
Ni 4.6 47 J-20C penetration as well as best productivity. Best
impact values and extra low hydrogen contents
(< 4 ml/100 g acc. to AWS 4.3-93). Recommended
preheating and interpass temperatures in case of
heavy wall thicknesses are 100-160 C. Maximum
heat input 15 kJ/cm.
Tempering at 580-620 C.

Wire: CN 13/4-UP SAW C 0.025 PWHT 600 C/2h 3.0 SEPROZ, Sub-arc wire/flux combination for welding similar
Si 0.20 Re 600 N/mm2 UDT soft-martensitic steels. The weld deposit featuring
S 13 4 Mn 0.6 Rm 800 N/mm2 very good ductility and CVN toughness as well
Cr 12.1 A5 15% as high crack resistance. The fluoride-basic, agglome-
ER410NiMo(mod.) Ni 4.7 Av 50 J rated flux provides good operating characteristics,
Mo 0.5 smooth beads and a low hydrogen weld metal
Flux: BB 203 (HD > 5 ml/100g). Recommended preheating and
interpass temperatures in case of heavy wall
SA FB 2 DC thicknesses are 100-160 C. Maximum heat input
15 kJ/cm. Tempering at 580-620 C.

FOX CN 16/6M-HD SMAW C 0.03 PWHT 580 C/4h/air 2.5 UDT, Basic coated, high efficiency electrode for welding Soft-martensitic forge steels
Si 0.3 Re 650 N/mm2 3.2 SEPROZ of soft martensitic forged and cast steels. The high and cast steels, same-alloyed
E Z 16 6 Mo B 6 2 H5 Mn 0.6 Rm 920 N/mm2 4.0 chromium content enhances the corrosion
Cr 15.5 A5 15% 5.0 resistance in water, steam and sea atmosphere. 1.4505 G-X5CrNiMo16-5,
Ni 5.8 Av 42 J Main applications are found in turbines, pumps- and 1.4418 X4CrNiMo16-5
Mo 1.1 HB 340 combustion building. Popular in hydro turbine
engineering. The electrode shows very good features
PWHT 590 C/8h in regard to arc stability, weld puddle control, slag
Re 640 N/mm2 detachability and seam cleanliness. Suitable for all
Rm 920 N/mm2 positions except vertical down (positional welding
A5 16% up to 3.2 mm). Metal recovery approx. 135 %.
Av 48 J Low hydrogen (HD > 5 ml/100g) is a essential and
HB 330 necessary prerequisite of this product. The maximum
interpass temperature should not exceed 120 C.

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 25
Stainless steels Precipitation hardening

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX CN 17/4 PH SMAW C 0.04 PWHT 540 C/3h 3.2 UDT, Basic coated electrode with strength properties Precipitation hardening forged
Si 0.3 Re 940 N/mm2 4.0 SEPROZ for joint and fabrication welding of analogous steels and cast steels,
E Z 17 4 Cu B 4 3 H5 Mn 0.6 Rm 1030 N/mm2 precipitation hardening Cr-Ni-Cu alloyed rolled-, same-alloyed
Cr 16.0 A5 10% forged- and cast steels. Popular for components in
E630-15(mod.) Mo 0.4 Av 20 J the paper industry, rotors of compressors, fan 1.4540 X4CrNiCuNb16-4,
Ni 4.9 HRC 37-40 blades, press plates in the plastic processing 1.4540 GX4CrNiCuNb16-4,
Nb 0.2 industry and for the aerospace industry. 1.4542 X5CrNiCuNb16-4,
Cu 3.2 The electrode shows very good features in regard 1.4548 X5CrNiCuNb17-4-4
to arc stability, weld puddle control, slag
detachability and seam cleanliness. Lowest UNS
hydrogen content in the deposit is a prerequisite J92180 Gr. CB Cu-1
(HD < 5 ml/100 g). The electrode is suitable for S17400 Type 630
welding in all positions except vertical down. SAE J467 17-4PH
The interpass temperature has to be kept very low
(maximum 80 C). With the use of the proper
PWHT (solution annealing + precipitation
hardening impact values down to -50 C are
still achievable.

Stainless steels Duplex / Superduplex

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX CN 22/9 N SMAW C 0.03 Re 650 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, FOX CN 22/9 N is a rutile-basic coated electrode 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3
Si 0.9 Rm 820 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, which offers excellent positional weldability and 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 with
E 22 9 3 N L R 3 2 Mn 0.8 A5 25 % 4.0 DNV, CL, thus is perfectly suited for pipe welding of grade 1.4583 X10CrNiMoNb18-12
Cr 23.0 Av 55 J 5.0 ABS, LR UNS S31803. 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3
E2209-17 Mo 3.2 32 J-20C Statoil, Good wetting characteristics and slag removability. Dissimilar joints
Ni 9.0 UDT, FI, Resistant to porosity, reliable CVN toughness
N 0.17 GL, RINA, down to -20 C. It is designed with a fully alloyed
SEPROZ core wire providing best corrosion resistance and
PREN 35 a very homogeneous micro structure with specified
ferrite content of 30 - 60 FN (WRC).
FOX CN 22/9 N-B SMAW C 0.03 Re 630 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, The basic coated electrode FOX CN 22/9 N-B is UNS
Si 0.3 Rm 830 N/mm2 3.2 CL, UDT recommended for wall thicknesses > 25 mm or S31803
E 22 9 3 N L B 2 2 Mn 1.1 A5 27 % 4.0 impact requirements down to -60 C S32205
Cr 23.0 Av 105 J 5.0
E2209-15 Mo 3.2 40J-60C
Ni 8.8
N 0.16

CN 22/9 N-IG GTAW C 0.015 Re 600 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire of type ER 2209 for
Si 0.4 Rm 800 N/mm2 2.0 CL, TV-A, standard duplex stainless steels. Designed for first
W 22 9 3 N L (GTAW) Mn 1.7 A5 33 % 2.4 LR, DNV, class welding, wetting and feeding characteristics
G 22 9 3 N L (GMAW) Cr 22.6 Av 150 J 3.2 UDT, as well as reliable resistance to stress corrosion
Mo 3.2 32J-60C GL, ABS, cracking and pitting. Ferrite content 30-60 FN
ER2209 Ni 8.8 Statoil (WRC).
N 0.15
GMAW Re 660 N/mm2 1.0 TV-D, Shielding gas for GMAW:
PREN 35 Rm 830 N/mm2 1.2 CL, TV-A, Argon +20-30 % He + max. 2 % CO2 or
A5 28 % DNV, GL, Argon +20-30 % He + max. 1 % O2
Av 85 J Statoil,
32J-40C UDT,

Stainless steels Duplex / Superduplex

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

CN 22/9 N-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 600 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, CN 22/9 N-FD is a rutile flux cored wire for 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3
Si 0.8 Rm 800 N/mm2 UDT, CL, downhand welding. Self releasing slag, almost 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3
T 22 9 3 N L R M (C) 3 Mn 0.9 A5 27 % RINA, GL, no spatter formation and temper discoloration, with
Cr 22.7 Av 60 J DNV, smooth weld finish and safe penetration. 1.4583 X10CrNiMoNb18-12
E2209T0-4(1) Mo 3.2 32J-46C ABS, LR, Ferrite 30-50FN, CPT 22 C acc. to ASTM G48/A 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3
Ni 9.0 CWB, or A 923 method C. Dissimilar joints
N 0.13 Ar +18% CO2 SEPROZ
PREN 35 S31803
CN 22/9 PW-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 600 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, Rutile flux cored welding wire with fast freezing
Si 0.8 Rm 800 N/mm2 DNV, CL, slag providing excellent positional welding
T 22 9 3 N L P M (C) 1 Mn 0.9 A5 27 % ABS, LR, characteristics and fast travel speeds.
Cr 22.7 Av 80 J UDT, GL,
E2209T1-4(1) Mo 3.2 45J-46C RINA,
Ni 9.0 CWB
N 0.13 Ar +18% CO2


Wire: CN 22/9 N-UP SAW C 0.015 Re 550 N/mm2 3.0 TV-D, SAW-wire/flux combination of type 2209 duplex
Si 0.55 Rm 750 N/mm2 DNV, CL, stainless steel for multi-pass welding. Smooth
S 22 9 3 N L Mn 1.3 A5 27% ABS, LR, beads, easy slag removal without any slag residues
ER2209 Cr 22.5 Av 100 J UDT, GL, and good welding characteristics are very much
Mo 3.1 32 J-40C RINA, appreciated by the users. BB 203 is a basic,
Flux: BB 203 Ni 8.9 CWB agglomerated flux, providing a low flux consump-
N 0.14 tion. Basicity 2.3 acc. to Boniczewski.

FOX CN 25/9 CuT SMAW C <0.03 Re >600 N/mm2 2.5 Basic coated electrode for welding of Superduplex 25 % Cr-Superduplex steels
Si 0.5 Rm >750 N/mm2 3.2 stainless steels. Excellent resistance to stress e.g. 1.4501
E 25 9 4 N L B 2 2 Mn 1.1 A5 >22% 4.0 corrosion cracking and pitting corrosion. X2CrNiMoCuWN 25-7-4
Cr 25.0 Av >70 J The operating temperature is -50 C up to +250 C.
E2553-15(mod.) Ni 9.3 50 J-50C UNS
Mo 3.7 S32750
N 0.22 S32760
Cu 0.7 S32550
T 0.7
ZERON 100,
PREN 40 SAF 25/07,
FALC 100

CN 25/9 CuT-IG GTAW C 0.02 Re >600 N/mm2 2.0 GTAW rod and GMAW wire for welding of Super-
Si 0.3 Rm >750 N/mm2 2.4 duplex stainless steels. Excellent resistance to
W 25 9 4 N L (GTAW) Mn 1.5 A5 >25% stress corrosion cracking and pitting corrosion.
G 25 9 4 N L (GMAW) Cr 25.5 Av >80 J The operating temperature is -50 C up to
Ni 9.5 50 J-50C +250 C.
ER2553(mod.) Mo 3.7
N 0.22
Cu 0.8
T 0.6


GMAW C 0.02 Re >650 N/mm2 1.0 Shielding gases for GMAW Ar + 20-30 % He +
Si 0.3 Rm >800 N/mm2 1.2 max. 2 % CO2 or Ar + 20-30 % He + max. 1 % O2.
Mn 1.5 A5 >20%
Cr 25.5 Av >80 J For applications requiring low hydrogen, we offer
Ni 9.5 50 J-50C the product CN 25/9 CuT-IG-LH with hydrogen
Mo 3.7 content guaranteed less than 3 ppm.
N 0.22
Cu 0.8
T 0.6

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 27
Special applications

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX A 7 SMAW C 0.1 Re 460 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic resp. rutile basic coated stainless steel For fabrication, -repair and
Si 0.7 Rm 660 N/mm2 3.2 DNV, GL, electrodes. Very popular for numerous applications. maintenance!
E 18 8 Mn B 22 Mn 6.5 A5 38% 4.0 UDT, The weld deposit offers exceptionally high ductility
Cr 18.8 Av 90 J 5.0 LTSS, and elongation together with crack Dissimilar joints, tough buffer and
E307-15(mod.) Ni 8.8 32 J-110 C 6.0 PRS, VUZ resistance. There is no fear of embrittlement when intermediate layers prior to
SEPROZ operating between -110 C and +850 C and can hardfacing, 14 % manganese steels,
be PWHT without any problems. The deposit will 13-17 % Cr heat resistant steels,
work harden and offers good resistance against armour plates, high carbon and
cavitation. Ductility is good even after high dilution quenched & tempered steels,
FOX A 7-A SMAW C 0.1 Re 520 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D when welding problem steels or when subjected to
Si 1.2 Rm 720 N/mm2 3.2 UDT, surfacing of gears, valves, turbine
thermal shock or scaling. An excellent alloy providing blades etc.
EZ 18 9 Mn Mo R 32 Mn 4.2 A5 35% 4.0 SEPROZ cost effective performance.
Cr 19.5 Av 75 J 5.0 .
E307-16(mod.) Mo 0.7 32 J-100 C FOX A 7-A is suitable for both AC and DC.
Ni 8.5

A 7 CN-IG GTAW C 0.08 Re 460 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire. Very popular stain-
Si 0.9 Rm 660 N/mm2 2.0 DNV, GL, less steel wires for numerous applications. The
W 18 8 Mn Mn 7.0 A5 38% 2.4 UDT weld deposit offers exceptionally high ductility and
Cr 19.2 Av 120 J 3.0 elongation together with crack resistance. There is
ER307(mod.) Ni 9.0 32 J-110 C no fear of embrittlement when operating between
-110 C and +850 C and can be PWHT without
any problems. The deposit will work harden and
offers good resistance against cavitation. Ductility
A 7-IG GMAW C 0.08 Re 430 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, is good even after high dilusion when welding
Si 0.9 Rm 640 N/mm2 1.0 DB, UDT, problem steels or when subjected to thermal
G 18 8 Mn Mn 7.0 A5 36% 1.2 , BB, shock or scaling. An excellent alloy providing
Cr 19.2 Av 110 J 1.6 SEPROZ cost effective performance.
ER307(mod.) Ni 9.0 32 J-110 C

A 7-FD FCAW C 0.1 Re 420 N/mm2 1.2 Rutile flux cored welding wire. These products
Si 0.8 Rm 630 N/mm2 1.6 achieve high productivity and are easy to operate
T 18 8 Mn R M (C) 3 Mn 6.8 A5 39% achieving excellent welding characteristics, self
Cr 19.0 Av 60 J releasing slag, almost no spatter formation and
E307T0-G Ni 9.0 32 J-100 C temper discolouration, smooth weld finish and safe
penetration. The weld deposit offers exceptionally
high ductility and elongation together with crack
420 N/mm2 resistance. There is no fear of embrittlement when
A 7 PW-FD FCAW C 0.1 Re 1.2
operating between -100 C and +850 C and can
Si 0.8 Rm 630 N/mm2
Mn 6.8 A5 39% be PWHT without any problems.
T 18 8 Mn P M (C) 2
Cr 19.0 Av 60 J
Ni 9.0 32 J-100 C A7 PW-FD is a rutile flux cored welding wire with
E307T1-G fast freezing slag providing positional
welding characteristics and fast travel speeds.

Wire: A 7 CN-UP SAW C 0.08 Re 390 N/mm2 3.0 UDT SAW wire/flux combination for numerous applica-
Si 0.9 Rm 620 N/mm2 tions. A 7 CN-UP / BB 203 yields a weld deposit
S 18 8 Mn Mn 6.8 A5 36% Wire: offering exceptionally high ductility and elongation
ER307(mod.) Cr 18.5 Av 95 J TV-D together with outstanding crack resistance. There
Ni 8.8 40 J-100 C is no fear of embrittlement when operating down
Flux: BB 203 to service temperatures of -110 C or above
500 C. The scaling resistance goes up to 850 C.
SA FB 2 DC When working at service temperatures above
650 C please contact the supplier. The weld
metal can be post weld heat treated without any
problems. The deposit will work harden and offers
good resistance against cavitation. Ductility is good
even after high dilution when welding problem
steels or when subjected to thermal shock or
scaling. An excellent alloy providing cost effective
performance. Preheating and post weld heat treat-
ment as required by the base metal. The fluoride-
basic, agglomerated flux provides good operating
characteristics, smooth beads and a low hydrogen
weld metal.

FOX CN 19/9 M SMAW C 0.04 Re 520 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, , Rutile coated electrode designed for dissimilar High-strength, mild steels and
Si 0.8 Rm 700 N/mm2 3.2 DB, GL, joints and weld cladding. It offers a lower Cr and low-alloyed constructional steels,
E 20 10 3 R 32 Mn 1.0 A5 30 % 4.0 ABS, LR, ferrite content than a 309 Mo L weld deposit with QT-steels and armour plates
Cr 20.2 Av 70 J 5.0 BB, UDT the result that carbon diffusion and Cr-carbide among themselves or among each
E308Mo-17(mod.) Mo 3.2 32 J-80 C formation is reduced after PWHT and lower ferrite other; non-alloy as well as alloyed
Ni 10.3 contents can be achieved in the second layer of boiler or constructional steels
N 0.09 316 L weld claddings. with highalloy stainless Cr- and
Cr-Ni-steels; austenitic
Suitable for service temperatures from -80 C to manganese steels and dissimilar
+300 C. Safety against formation of porosity due joints.
to the moisture resistant coating

Special applications

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

CN 19/9 M-IG GTAW C 0.06 Re 550 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire designed for High-strength, mild steels and
Si 0.7 Rm 750 N/mm2 2.0 DNV dissimilar joints and weld cladding. It offers a low-alloyed constructional
W 20 10 3 (GTAW) Mn 1.3 A5 35% 2.4 lower Cr and ferrite content than a 309 Mo L steels, QT-steels and armour
G 20 10 3 (GMAW) Cr 20.0 Av 150 J weld deposit with the result that carbon diffusion plates among themselves or
Mo 3.3 32 J-80 C and Cr-carbide formation is reduced after PWHT among each other; non-alloy
ER308Mo(mod.) Ni 10.0 and lower ferrite contents can be met in the as well as alloyed boiler or
second layer of 316 L weld claddings. constructional steels with
highalloy stainless Cr- and
GMAW C 0.06 Re 520 N/mm2 1.0 TV-D, For GMAW shielding gas Ar + max. 2,5 % CO2 or Cr-Ni-steels; austenitic
Si 0.7 Rm 720 N/mm2 1.2 UZ, Ar + max. 1 % O2 is recommended. manganese steels and
Mn 1.3 A5 32% DNV, DB, dissimilar joints.
Cr 20.0 Av 140 J BB
Mo 3.3 32 J-60 C
Ni 10.0

FOX CN 23/12-A SMAW C 0.02 Re 440 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Rutile coated stainless steel electrodes. Superior For welding stainless to mild
Si 0.7 Rm 570 N/mm2 3.2 DB, welding characteristics. Can be used on AC or DC. steel and low alloy steel, for
E 23 12 L R 32 Mn 0.7 A5 40% 4.0 UDT, ABS, Other advantages include high current carrying surfacing of mild steel and for
Cr 23.0 Av 60 J 5.0 TV-A, capacity, minimum spatter formation, self releasing root pass welding of clad
E309L-17 Ni 12.5 32 J-60 C UZ, slag, smooth and clean weld profile, safety against steel and the first layer of
GL, DNV, formation of porosity due to the moisture resistant corrosion resistant claddings
SEPROZ, coating and its packaging into hermetically sealed on mild and low alloyed
BV, LR, CL, tins or VAC-packs. steels.
Suitable for service temperatures from -60 C up
to +300 C.

CN 23/12-IG GTAW C 0.02 Re 440 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire designed for good
Si 0.5 Rm 590 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, CL, welding, wetting and feeding characteristics as well
W 23 12 L (GTAW) Mn 1.7 A5 34% 2.4 UDT, GL, as good safety after dilution when welding dissimi-
G 23 12 L (GMAW) Cr 24.0 Av 150 J SEPROZ lar joints. Suitable for service temperatures
Ni 13.2 32 J-120 C between -120 C (GTAW) and -80 C (GMAW)
ER309L up to +300 C.

GMAW Re 420 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, For GMAW shielding gas Ar + max. 2,5 % CO2 or
Rm 570 N/mm2 1.0 DB, Ar + max. 1 % O2 is recommended.
A5 32% 1.2 TV-A, CL,
Av 130 J BB, UDT,
32 J-80 C UZ, GL,

CN 23/12-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 400 N/mm2 0.9 TV-D, Rutile flux cored welding wires. These products
Si 0.7 Rm 540 N/mm2 1.2 Z, achieve high productivity and are easy to operate
T 23 12 L R M (C) 3 Mn 1.4 A5 35% 1.6 TV-A, GL, achieving excellent welding characteristics, self
E309LT0-4(1) Cr 22.8 Av 60 J CL, DB, releasing slag, almost no spatter formation and
Ni 12.5 45 J-60 C UDT, temper discolouration, smooth weld finish and safe
0.9 mm CWB, penetration. Increased travel speeds as well as little
T 23 12 L P M (C) 1 BB, LR, demand for cleaning and pickling provide
E309LT1-4(1) SEPROZ considerable savings in time and money.
Suitable for service temperatures from -60 C up
to +300 C.

CN 23/12 PW-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 400 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, LR, Rutile flux cored welding wire with fast freezing
Si 0.7 Rm 540 N/mm2 1.6 UDT, ABS, slag providing excellent positional welding
T 23 12 L P M (C) 1 Mn 1.4 A5 35% SEPROZ, characteristics and fast travel speeds.
Cr 22.8 Av 65 J CWB, CL,
E309LT1-4(1) Ni 12.5 50 J-60 C DB, BB
Ar + 18% CO2

Wire: CN 23/12-UP SAW C 0.015 Re >320 N/mm2 3.0 DNV, UDT SAW wire/flux combination for welding dissimilar
Si 0.65 Rm >520 N/mm2 joints, Steels with poor weldability and weld clad-
S 23 12 L Mn 1.3 A5 >30% Wire: dings for multi-pass welding. Smooth beads, easy
Cr 23.4 Av >70 J TV-D slag release without any slag residues and good
ER309L Ni 13.1 welding characteristics. The average ferrite content
is 16 FN. Suitable for service temperatures up
Flux: BB 202 to +300 C.

SA FB 2 DC BB 202 is a basic, agglomerated flux, providing

a low flux consumption.
Basicity 2.3 acc. to Boniczewski.

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 29
Special applications

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX CN 23/12Mo-A SMAW C 0.02 Re 580 N/mm2 2.0 TV-D, Rutile coated stainless steel electrodes. Superior For welding stainless to mild
Si 0.7 Rm 720 N/mm2 2.5 TV-A, CL, welding characteristics. Can be used on AC or DC. steel and low alloy steel, for
E 23 12 2 L R 32 Mn 0.8 A5 27% 3.2 UDT, LTSS, Other advantages include high current carrying surfacing of mild steel and for
Cr 23.0 Av 55 J 4.0 DNV, capacity, minimum spatter formation, self releasing root pass welding of clad steel
E309MoL-17(mod.) Mo 2.7 45 J-20 C 5.0 RINA, slag, smooth and clean weld profile, safety against and the first layer of corrosion
Ni 12.5 ABS, VUZ, formation of porosity due to the moisture resistant resistant claddings on mild and
SEPROZ, coating and its packaging into hermetically sealed low alloyed steels.
LR tins or VAC-packs.

Operating temperature up to +300 C and for

weld claddings up to +400 C.

CN 23/12 Mo-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 500 N/mm2 0.9 TV-D, , Rutile flux cored welding wires. These products
Si 0.6 Rm 700 N/mm2 1.2 TV-A, CL, achieve high productivity and are easy to operate
T 23 12 2 L R M (C) 3 Mn 1.4 A5 30% 1.6 BB, DB, achieving excellent welding characteristics, self
E309LMoT0-4(1) Cr 22.7 Av 55 J UDT, GL, releasing slag, almost no spatter formation and
Mo 2.7 37 J-60 C DNV, LR, temper discolouration, smooth weld finish and
0.9 mm Ni 12.3 ABS, RINA, safe penetration. Increased travel speeds as well
T 23 12 2 L P M (C) 1 SEPROZ as little demand for cleaning and pickling provide
E309LMoT1-4(1) considerable savings in time and money.
Suitable for service temperatures from -60 C up
to +300 C. It can also be used for 316 L weld
cladding of un- or low alloyed base metals with
very economic results.

CN 23/12 Mo PW-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 530 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, Rutile flux cored welding wire with fast freezing
Si 0.7 Rm 720 N/mm2 UDT, slag providing excellent positional welding
T 23 12 2 L P M (C) 1 Mn 1.4 A5 32% SEPROZ characteristics and fast travel speeds.
Cr 22.7 Av 65 J BV, LR
E309LMoT1-4(1) Mo 2.7 50 J-60 C
Ni 12.3
Ar + 18% CO2

FOX CN 24/13 SMAW C 0.03 Re 430 N/mm2 3.2 Special basic coated electrode with controlled For buffer layers on weldable
Si 0.3 Rm 570 N/mm2 4.0 alloying elements to meet the metallurgical require- unalloyed, high tensile, high
Mn 1.3 A5 35% ments of buffer layers. Stringer bead technique is temperature or alloyed base
Cr 24.0 Av 70 J recommended. Normally used in combination with metals.
E309L-15 Ni 13.0 different corrosion resistant claddings.
For service temperatures up to 400 C. Preheating
and interpass temperature acc. the base materials,
but not higher than 200 C.

FOX CN 24/13 Nb SMAW C 0.03 Re 505 N/mm2 3.2 TV-D Special basic coated electrode with controlled
Si 0.4 Rm 690 N/mm2 4.0 alloying elements to meet the metallurgical
E 23 12 Nb B 2 2 Mn 1.0 A5 25% requirements of buffer layers. Excellent welding
Cr 24.5 Av 95 J properties, stable arc, well detaching slag without
E309Cb-15 Ni 12.5 85 J-10 C residuals. Stringer bead technique is recommended.
Nb 0.85 Normally used in combination with different corro-
sion resistant claddings, usually with an additional
PWHT. For service temperatures up to 400C.
Preheating and interpass temperature acc. the
base materials, but not higher than 200C.

FOX CN 29/9 SMAW C 0.11 Re 620 N/mm2 2.5 BB, DB, Rutile-basic resp. rutile coated (FOX CN 29/9-A) For problem steels with high
Si 1.0 Rm 770 N/mm2 3.2 UDT, UZ, stainless steel electrode for repair & maintenance. strength. Joining of dissimilar
E 29 9 R 12 Mn 0.7 A5 25% 4.0 SEPROZ These electrodes offers outstanding operating materials, tool steels, heat
Cr 29.0 Av 30 J characteristics and weld metals of high strength treatable or quenched and
E312-16(mod.) Ni 10.2 combined with high crack resistance when welding tempered steels, spring steels,
problem steels or dissimilar joints. high carbon steels etc.

FOX CN 29/9-A SMAW C 0.11 Re 650 N/mm2 2.5 DB, UDT, The weld metal also work hardens making it
Si 0.9 Rm 810 N/mm2 3.2 UZ, BB, suitable for wear resisting build-ups on clutches,
E 29 9 R 32 Mn 0.7 A5 24% 4.0 SEPROZ gear wheels, shafts, etc. Also suitable for repair
Cr 28.5 Av 30 J 5.0 welding of tools.
E312-17(mod.) Ni 9.5 Preheating and interpass temperature as required
by the base metal.

Special applications

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX EAS 2 Si SMAW C <0.025 Re 500 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Special basic coated core wire alloyed electrode Nitric acid resistant
Si 4.5 Rm 720 N/mm2 3.2 UDT, for joint welding of the special steel X2CrNiSi1815, 1.4361 X1CrNiSi18-15-4
E Z 19 14 Si B 22 Mn 1.2 A5 35% SEPROZ 1.4361 (BHLER A 610), which resists the attack of
Cr 19.0 Av 75 J highly concentrated nitric acid as well as of nitric UNS
Ni 14.8 32 J-50 C acid which additionally contains strong deoxidants. S30600
Also recommended for weld cladding of analogous
type steels. Operating temperatures up to +350 C.

EASN 2 Si-IG GTAW C 0.015 Re 520 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod designed for joint welding of the
Si 4.6 Rm 750 N/mm2 2.0 UDT special stainless steel grade X2CrNiSi18-15, mat-no.
W Z 19 13 Si NL Mn 0.7 A5 35% 2.4 1.4361 (BHLER A 610), which is resistant to the
Cr 19.5 Av 100 J attack of highly concentrated nitric acid and of
Ni 13.4 32 J-50 C nitric acid additionally containing strong deoxidants.
N 0.12 Also suited for cladding applications on analogous
materials. Operating temperatures up to +350 C.

FOX EASN 25 M SMAW C <0.035 Re 405 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated core wire alloyed for Cr-Ni-Mo UREA plant engineering
Si 0.4 Rm 615 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, electrode. Characterised by a low C-content, a X2CrNiMoN25-22-2 (1.4466)
EZ 25 22 2 NL B 2 2 Mn 5.5 A5 35% 4.0 UDT, limited Mo-content (for better Huey-test-resi- and in combination with
Cr 25.0 Av 110 J SEPROZ stance), a well-defined N-alloying as well as a high X1CrNiMoN25-25-2 (1.4465),
Mo 2.2 Ni-content to assure a fully austenitic structure X2CrNiMo18-14-3 (1.4435)
Ni 22.0 (ferrite contents < 0.5 %). The corrosion rates in
N 0.14 the Huey-test are 0.08 g/m2h (4 mils/year). The
stick electrode is suited for urea plant components
exposed to extremely severe corrosion at high
pressures and temperatures. The weld deposit will
exhibit superior resistance to boiling concentrated
nitric acid (optimum condition: 60-80 % HNO3)
when made to join components of the highest
Huey test quality. It is also recommendable
for weldments wetted by strong chloride solutions
at high temperatures. The chromium and molyb-
denum percentages create good resistance
to pitting from solutions containing chlorine ions.
Further applications involve severe corrosive
service in such industries as dyeing (leaching and
dyeing baths), textiles, paper, leather, chemicals,
pharmaceuticals, and rayon. During welding an
interpass temperature of 150 C and a weaving
above two times core wire diameter should be
avoided. The arc should be kept short. Grind out
root pass end craters and use intermediate current

EASN 25 M-IG GTAW C 0.025 Re 400 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D GTAW rod for joining and surfacing applications
Si 0.20 Rm 600 N/mm2 2.0 on matching/similar steels. For weld cladding on
W 25 22 2 L Mn 6.0 A5 30% 2.4 high temperature steels and for fabrication joints
Cr 25.0 Av 80 J on claddings.
ER310(mod.) Mo 2.2 Resistant to intercrystalline corrosion and wet
Ni 22.5 corrosion up to +350 C (662 F). Good resistance
N 0.13 to Cl-bearing environment, pitting corrosion and
nitric acid. Huey test acc. to ASTM A262:
max. 1.5 m/48 h (0.25 g/m2h), selective attack
max. 100 m. Particularly suited for corrosion
conditions in urea synthesis plants.

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 31
Low temperature

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX 2,5 Ni SMAW C 0.04 Re 490 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated low hydrogen electrode containing Cryogenic constructional
Si 0.3 Rm 570 N/mm2 3.2 Z, 2.5 % Ni for low temperature service down steels and Ni-steels.
E 46 8 2 Ni B 4 2 H5 Mn 0.8 A5 30% 4.0 BB, DB, to -80 C. Very low hydrogen content
Ni 2.4 Av 180 J 5.0 ABS, BV, (acc. AWS condition HD < 4 ml/100 g). S235NL2,
E8018-C1H4R 110 J-80 C DNV, GL, S255NL2, 14Ni6,
LR, UDT, Preheat 100-150C on wall thickness >15 mm, 12Ni14,
CL, Statoil, interpass temperature max. 150 C. Post weld heat X12Ni5,
WIWEB, treatment if necessary only as required by the base S255NL-S460NL,
SEPROZ, metal. S255NL1-S460NL1
ASTM e. g.
A633 Gr. E
2 A572 Gr. 65
2.5 Ni-IG GTAW C 0.1 Re 510 N/mm 2.0 TV-D, GL, GTAW rod and GMAW wire, 2.5 % Ni alloyed for A203 Gr. D
Si 0.6 Rm 600 N/mm2 2.4 TV-A, CL, high quality welds in the construction of storage A333
W 2 Ni 2 (GTAW) Mn 1.1 A5 26% 3.0 UDT, BV, tanks and piping systems for cryogenic applications. A 334 Gr. 3
G 2 Ni 2 (GMAW) Ni 2.5 Av 280 J Statoil, The weld deposit is noted for its particularly good A350 Gr. LF3
47 J-80 C SEPROZ low temperature and non-ageing properties down
ER80S-Ni2 to -80 C.
GMAW C 0.1 Re 510 N/mm2 1.0 TV-D,
Si 0.6 Rm 600 N/mm2 1.2 TV-A, 2.5 Ni-IG (GMAW) is noted for their first class
Mn 1.1 A5 22% Z, feeding and welding characteristics providing
Ni 2.5 Av 170 J BB, LR, consistent high productivity and can be used for
47 J-80 C ABS, DB, robotic welding as well.

Wire: Ni 2-UP SAW C 0.07 Re 480 N/mm2 3.0 UDT SAW wire/flux combination (as welded and stress
S2Ni2 Si 0.25 Rm 580 N/mm2 relieved condition) is distinguished by excellent
ENi2 Mn 1.05 A5 24% Wire: welding characteristic, cryogenic toughness and
Ni 2.2 Av 130 J TV-D, ageing resistance with low hydrogen content in
Flux: BB 24 47 J-60 C KTA 1408.1 the deposit. (5 ml/100 g).
SA FB 1 65 DC H5 DB, Z,
BB, The sub-arc wire/flux combination produces very
TV-A, good low temperature impact properties down
SEPROZ to -60 C. Excellent slag detachability, smooth
beads and good wetting are further important
features. The combination is ideally suited for
multipass welding of thick plates. The flux reacts
metallurgically Mn-neutral.

Low temperature Stainless steels

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX EAS 2 SMAW C 0.03 Re 430 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, , Basic coated stainless steel electrode. Designed to 1.4306
Si 0.4 Rm 580 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, produce first class weld deposits with reliable CVN X2CrNi19-11
E 19 9 L B 22 Mn 1.3 A5 42% 4.0 BB, toughness values down to -196 C, 100 % X-Ray 1.4301
Cr 19.5 Av 100 J DB, CL, safety together with very good root pass and X5CrNi18-10
E308L-15 Ni 10.5 34 J-196 C UDT, positional welding characteristics, good gap bridging 1.4541
Statoil, ability, easy weld pool and slag control as well as X6CrNiTi18-10
SEPROZ easy slag removal even in narrow preparations 1.4550
resulting in clean bead surfaces and minimum post X6CrNiNb18-10
weld cleaning. An excellent electrode for welding 1.4311
on site! Resistant to intergranular corrosion up to X2CrNiN18-10
+350 C Fully alloyed core wire and packed into 1.4546
hermetically sealed tins. X5CrNiNb18-10
EAS 2-IG GTAW C 0.02 Re 450 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, , GTAW rod, suitable not only for standard welding AISI
Si 0.5 Rm 620 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, jobs but also for cryogenic applications down to 304 L
W 19 9 L Mn 1.7 A5 38% 2.4 BB, DB, -269 C. As well as the good welding and wetting 304
Cr 20.0 Av 150 J 3.0 GL, DNV, characteristics of EAS 2-IG corrosion resistance 321
ER308L Ni 10.0 32 J-269 C CL, UDT, up to +350 C is achieved. 347
A320 Gr. B 8 C a. D
EAS 2-IG (Si) GMAW C 0.02 Re 420 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, , GMAW wire designed for first class welding,
Si 0.8 Rm 630 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A, wetting and feeding characteristics and excellent
G 19 9 L Si Mn 1.7 A5 38 % 1.2 BB, CL, weld metal CVN values down to -196 C.
Cr 20.0 Av 110 J DB, DNV, Resistant to intergranular corrosion up
ER308L(Si) Ni 10.2 32J-196C GL, UDT, to +350 C.

EAS 2-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 380 N/mm2 0.9 TV-D, , Rutile flux cored welding wire. This product
Si 0.7 Rm 560 N/mm2 1.2 TV-A, achieves high productivity and is easy to operate
T 19 9 L R M (C) 3 Mn 1.5 A5 40% 1.6 CL, UDT, achieving excellent welding characteristics, self
E308LT0-4(1) Cr 19.8 Av 60 J DB, CWB, releasing slag, almost no spatter formation and
Ni 10.2 32 J-196 C SEPROZ, temper discoloration, smooth weld finish and safe
0.9 mm GL, BB penetration. Increased travel speeds as well as little
T 19 9 L P M (C) 1 demand for cleaning and pickling provide consider-
E308LT1-4(1) able savings in time and money. Suitable for service
temperatures from -196 C to +350 C.

EAS 2 PW-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 380 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D, Rutile flux cored welding wire with fast freezing
Si 0.7 Rm 560 N/mm2 1.6 CL, UDT, slag providing excellent positional welding
T 19 9 L P M (C) 1 Mn 1.5 A5 40% CWB, characteristics and fast travel speeds.
Cr 19.8 Av 70 J SEPROZ,
E308LT1-4(1) Ni 10.2 32 J-196 C DB, BB

EAS 2 PW-FD (LF) FCAW C 0.03 Re 380 N/mm2 1.2 Rutile flux cored welding wire, with controlled
Si 0.6 Rm 560 N/mm2 weld metal ferrite content (FN 3-6), particularly for
T 19 9 L P M (C) 1 Mn 1.4 A5 40% good cryogenic toughness and lateral expansion
Cr 19.3 Av 78 J down to -196 C like specified for LNG applica-
E308LT1-4(1) Ni 10.9 45 J-196 C tions. The slag system of the wire provides
excellent positional welding characteristics and
FN 3-6 fast travel speeds.

Wire: EAS 2-UP SAW C 0.02 Re 350 N/mm2 3.0 TV-D, SAW-wire/flux combination. Smooth beads, easy
Si 0.6 Rm 550 N/mm2 UDT slag removal without any slag residues and good
S 19 9 L Mn 1.3 A5 35% welding characteristics even for fillet welds are
Cr 19.8 Av 80 J Wire: very much appreciated by users.
ER308L Ni 9.8 35 J-196 C TV-D,
TV-A, Suitable for service temperatures from -196 C
Flux: BB 202 KTA 1408.1 to +350 C. The fluoride-basic, agglomerated flux,
SEPROZ provides a low flux consumption.
SA FB 2 DC Basicity 2.3. Density 1.0 kg/dm3.

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 33
Low temperature Nickel base alloys

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX NIBAS 60/15 SMAW C <0.1 Re 420 N/mm2 2.5 The high-nickel electrode NIBAS 60/15 is especially 9 % nickel steel base metal:
Si <0.6 Rm 690 N/mm2 3.2 suited for welding cold-tough nickel steels, such as X 8 Ni 9
E Ni 6620 (NiCr14Mo7Fe) Mn 2.5-3.5 A5 35% 4.0 X8Ni9.
Cr 12-16 Av 60 J-196 C The electrode is designated for welding with ac, in ASTM
ENiCrMo-6 Mo 5.0-8.0 order to avoid the magnetic arc blow effects which A333
Ni bal. occur when welding cold-tough nickel steels with A334
Nb 0.5-1.5 dc. It is weldable in flat, horizontal and vertical-up A353
Fe <10.0 position. Stable arc, easy slag removal. A522
W 1.0-1.5 The weld zone must be bare and properly de- A553
greased. Prior to welding, the electrodes must be K81340
predried for 2-3 hours at 250-300 C.
The electrode is welded with a slight tilt, short arc
and sufficient high amperage adjustment. To avoid
end crater cracks the crater must be filled properly
and the arc drawn away to the side.

NIBAS 625-IG GTAW C 0.02 Re 540 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire of type AWS ER 2.4856 NiCr 22 Mo 9 Nb,
Si 0.2 Rm 800 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, NiCrMo-3 suitable for welding of the 6 % Mo 2.4858 NiCr 21 Mo,
S Ni6625 Mn 0.3 A5 38% 2.4 Statoil, superaustenitic grades S31254, N 08926, N 08367 2.4816 NiCr 15 Fe,
(Ni Cr22 Mo 9 Nb) Cr 21.5 Av 160 J SEPROZ and the matching alloy 625. Rod, wire and weld 1.4583 X10CrNiMoNb18-12,
Mo 9.0 130 J-196 C metal meet highest quality and corrosion require- 1.4876 X 10 NiCrAlTi 32 20 H,
ERNiCrMo-3 Ni 60 ments. Extremely resistant to stress corrosion 1.4876 X 10 NiCrAlTi 32 20,
GMAW Nb 3.6 Re 510 N/mm2 1.0 TV-D, cracking and pitting. 1.4529 X1NiCrMoCuN25-20-7,
Fe 2.0 Rm 780 N/mm2 1.2 TV-A, Due to the weld metal embrittlement between 650- X 2 CrNiMoCuN 20 18 6,
A5 40% Statoil, 850C, this temperature range should be avoided. 2.4641 NiCr 21 Mo 6 Cu
PREN >52 Av 130 J SEPROZ,
80 J-196 C UDT The pitting resistance equivalent is >52. Highly Joint welds of listed materials
resistant to hot cracking. with non alloy and low alloy
For GMAW shielding gas to EN 439 I1 Argon or steels, e.g,
I3 Ar + He isrecommended. P285NH
16Mo3, S355N
Wire: NIBAS 625-UP SAW C 0.012 Re 420 N/mm2 2.4 TV-D For SAW wire and flux combination, suitable for X8Ni9
Si 0.16 Rm 700 N/mm2 welding of the 6 % Mo superaustenitic grades
S Ni 6625 (NiCr22Mo9Nb) Mn 0.2 A5 40% S31254, N 08926, N 08367 and the matching alloy ASTM
Cr 21.8 Av 130 J 625. Weld metal meet highest quality and A553 Gr.1
ERNiCrMo-3 Mo 9.0 80 J-196 C corrosion requirements. Extremely resistant B443
Ni 60 to stress corrosion cracking and pitting. B446
Flux: BB 444 Nb 3.2
Fe 1.5 The pitting resistance equivalent is >52. UNS
SA-FB 2 AC N06625
PREN >52 Inconel 600
Inconel 625
Incoloy 800
NIBAS 625-FD FCAW C 0.05 Re 480 N/mm2 1.2 Rutil FCAW wire of type E NiCrMo-3 suitable 9 % Ni-steels
Si 0.4 Rm 750 N/mm2 for welding of the 6 % Mo superaustenitic grades
NiCr 22 Mo 9 Nb Mn 0.4 A5 30% S31254, N08926, N08367 and the matching alloy
Cr 22.0 Av 60 J 625. The wire can be used in all positions except
ENiCrMo-3 Mo 8.5 vertical down. Extremely resistant to stress
Ni 60 corrosion cracking and pitting.
Nb 3.3 Shielding gases Ar + 15-25 % CO2.

Heat resistant

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX FA SMAW C 0.1 Re 520 N/mm2 2.5 UDT, Basic coated core wire alloyed electrode for heat Ferritic-austenitic
Si 0.5 Rm 680 N/mm2 3.2 SEPROZ resistant steels and service temperatures up to 1.4821
E 25 4 B 22 Mn 1.2 A5 22% 4.0 +1100 C. An excellent product when increased X20CrNiSi 25 4
Cr 25.0 Av 45 J resistance against reducing and oxidizing, sulphur 3271.4823*)
Ni 5.4 containing gases is required. Can also be used for G-X40CrNiSi 27 4
the capping of joint welds which have been carried A297HC
out with higher nickel alloyed filler metals
(e.g. FOX FF-A, FOX FFB) where better joint Ferritic-perlitic
toughness is required. 1.4713 X10CrAI7
Preheating and interpass temperatures 200-400 C, 1.4724 X10CrAI13
depending on the relevant base metal and material 1.4742 X10CrAI18
thickness. 1.4762 X10CrAI25
1.4710*) X30CrSi6
1.4740*) G-X40CrSi17
FA-IG GTAW C 0.08 Re 540 N/mm2 2.4 UDT GTAW rod and GMAW wire for heat resistant *) limited weldability
Si 0.8 Rm 710 N/mm2 steels and service temperatures up to +1100 C.
W 25 4 (GTAW) Mn 1.2 A5 22% An excellent product when increased resistance
G 25 4 (GMAW) Cr 25.7 Av 70 J against reducing and oxidizing, sulphur containing
Ni 4.5 gases is required. Also for the capping of joints
which have been welded with higher nickel alloyed
GMAW C 0.08 Re 520 N/mm2 1.0 UDT filler metals (e.g. FF-IG, FFB-IG) where better joint
Si 0.8 Rm 690 N/mm2 1.2 toughness is required. Preheating and interpass
Mn 1.2 A5 20% temperatures 200-400 C, depending on the
Cr 25.7 Av 50 J relevant base metal and material thickness.
Ni 4.5

FOX FF SMAW C 0.1 Re 440 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated resp. rutile coated (FOX FF-A) Austenitic
Si 1.0 Rm 600 N/mm2 3.2 TUV-A core wire alloyed electrodes for welding analogous, 1.4828 X15CrNiSi20-12,
E 22 12 B 22 Mn 1.1 A5 35% 4.0 UDT, heat resistant rolled, forged and cast steels as well 1.4826 G-X40CrNiSi22-9,
Cr 22.5 Av 80 J SEPROZ as heat resistant ferritic CrSiAl steels, e.g. in 1.4833 X7 CrNi23 14
E309-15(mod.) Ni 11.5 annealing plants, hardening plants, steam boiler
construction, the crude oil industry and the Ferritic-perlitic
ceramics industry. 1.4713 X10CrAl7,
For weld joints exposed to reducing, sulphurous 1.4724 X10CrAl13,
FOX FF-A SMAW C 0.1 Re 460 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, gases, the final layer has to be deposited by means 1.4742 X10CrAl18,
Si 0.8 Rm 610 N/mm2 3.2 UDT, ABS of FOX FA, or FA-IG. Scaling resistant up to 1.4710 GX30CrSi6,
E 22 12 R 32 Mn 1.0 A5 37% 4.0 SEPROZ +1000 C. Preheating and interpass temperatures 1.4740 G-X40CrSi17
Cr 22.5 Av 60 J for ferritic steels 200-300 C.
E309-17 Ni 12.5 AISI

FF-IG GTAW C 0.08 Re 500 N/mm2 1.6 TV-A, GTAW rod and GMAW wire for analogous, heat ASTM
Si 1.1 Rm 630 N/mm2 2.0 UDT, resisting rolled, forged and cast steels as well as for A297HF
W 22 12 H (GTAW) Mn 1.6 A5 32% 2.4 SEPROZ heat resisting, ferritic CrSiAl steels, e.g. in annealing
G 22 12 H (GMAW) Cr 23.0 Av 115 J shops, hardening shops, steam boiler construction,
Ni 12.5 the crude oil industry and the ceramics industry.
ER309(mod.) Austenitic deposited with a ferrite content of
GMAW C 0.08 Re 480 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A, approx. 8 %. Preferably used for applications
Si 1.1 Rm 620 N/mm2 1.2 UDT, involving the attack of oxidizing gases. The final
Mn 1.6 A5 34% SEPROZ layer of joint welds in CrSiAl steels exposed to
Cr 23.0 Av 110 J sulphurous gases must be deposited by means of
Ni 12.5 FOX FA or FA-IG.
Scaling resistance up to +1000 C. Preheating
and interpass temperatures for ferritic steels
200-300 C.

FOX FFB SMAW C 0.11 Re 420 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated resp. rutile coated (FOX FFB-A) Austenitic
Si 0.6 Rm 600 N/mm2 3.2 UDT, core wire alloyed electrode for analogous, heat 1.4841
E 25 20 B 22 Mn 3.5 A5 36% 4.0 Statoil, resisting rolled, forged and cast steels e.g. in X15CrNiSi25-20
Cr 26.0 Av 100 J 5.0 SEPROZ annealing plants, hardening plants, steam boiler 1.4845
E310-15(mod.) Ni 20.5 construction, the crude oil industry and the X12CrNi25-21
ceramics industry. Joint welds in heat resisting 1.4828
CrSiAl steels exposed to sulphurous gases should X15CrNiSi20-12
be given a final layer deposited by means of 1.4840
FOX FFB-A SMAW C 0.12 Re 430 N/mm2 2.0 Statoil, FOX FA. G-X15 CrNi25-20
Si 0.5 Rm 620 N/mm2 2.5 UDT, 1.4846
E 25 20 R 32 Mn 2.2 A5 35% 3.2 SEPROZ, Scaling resistant up to +1200 C. G-X40 CrNi25-21
Cr 26.0 Av 75 J 4.0 VUZ Cryogenic resistance down to -196 C. 1.4826
E310-16 Ni 20.5 G-X40 CrNiSi22-9
The service temperature range between +650 C
and +900 C should be avoided owing to the risk Ferritic-perlitic
of embrittlement. 1.4713 X10CrAl7
1.4724 X10CrAl13
Preheating and interpass temperatures for ferritic 1.4742 X10CrAl18
steels 200-300 C. 1.4762 X10CrAl25
1.4710 X30CrSi6
1.4740 G-X40CrSi17



BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 35
Heat resistant

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FFB-IG GTAW C 0.12 Re 420 N/mm2 1.6 UDT, GTAW rod and GMAW wire for analogous, heat Austenitic
Si 0.9 Rm 630 N/mm2 2.0 SEPROZ resisting, rolled, forged and cast steels, e.g. in 1.4841 X15CrNiSi25-20
G (W) 25 20 Mn Mn 3.2 A5 33% 2.4 annealing shops, hardening shops, steam boiler 1.4845 X12CrNi25-21
Cr 25.0 Av 85 J construction, the crude oil industry and the 1.4828 X15CrNiSi20-12
ER310(mod.) Ni 20.5 ceramics industry. Fully austenitic deposit. 1.4840 G-X15 CrNi25-20
Preferably employed for applications involving the 1.4846 G-X40 CrNi25-21
attack of oxidizing, nitrogen-containing or low- 1.4826 G-X40 CrNiSi22-9
GMAW C 0.12 Re 400 N/mm2 0.8 UDT, oxygen gases. The final layer of joint welds in heat
Si 0.9 Rm 620 N/mm2 1.0 SEPROZ resisting CrSiAl steels exposed to sulphurous gases Ferritic-perlitic
Mn 3.2 A5 38% 1.2 must be deposited by means of FOX FA or FA-IG. 1.4713 X10CrAl7
Cr 25.0 Av 95 J 1.4724 X10CrAl13
Ni 20.5 Scaling resistance up to +1200 C. 1.4742 X10CrAl18
Cryogenic toughness down to -196 C. 1.4762 X10CrAl25
1.4710 X30CrSi6
Preheating and interpass temperatures for ferritic 1.4740 G-X40CrSi17
steels 200-300 C.
The Mn-content is above the maximum limit of 314, 310, 305
AWS ER 310 to provide much better hot cracking A287HJ
resistance of the fully austenitic weld metal than a A297HF
similar AWS corresponding type

FOX CN 21/33 Mn SMAW C 0.14 Re >410 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated electrode for joining and surfacing of X10NiCrAlTi32-20 (1.4876)
Si 0.3 Rm >600 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, heat resistant steels and cast steels of the same or GX10NiCrNb32-20 (1.4859)
EZ 21 33 B 4 2 Mn 4.5 A5 >25% 4.0 CL similar chemical composition. Suitable for operating X5NiCrAlTi31-20 (1.4958)
Cr 21.0 Av 70 J temperatures up to 1050 C in carburized low- X8NiCrAlTi31-21 (1.4959)
Ni 33.0 sulphur gas. Typical alloy for welding of pyrolysis Alloy 800 H / 800
Nb 1.3 furnace tubes.
Fe bal. UNS
CN 21/33 Mn-IG GTAW C 0.2 Re 430 N/mm2 2.0 TV-D GTAW rod and GMAW wire are also best suited N08811
Si 0.2 Rm 620 N/mm2 2.4 to meet all before mentioned characteristics.
W Z 21 33Nb (GTAW) Mn 2.3 A5 17% 3.2
G Z 21 33 Nb (GMAW) Cr 22.0 Av 50 J For GMAW shielding gas Ar + 2.5% CO2.
Ni 33.0
GMAW Nb 1.7 Re 400 N/mm2 1.0
Fe bal. Rm 600 N/mm2 1.2
A5 25%
Av 50 J

FOX CN 25/35 Nb SMAW C 0.40 Re 480 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated electrode for joining and surfacing of GX40NiCrSiNb35-25 (1.4852)
Si 1.0 Rm 700 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, heat resistant steels and cast steels of the same or G-X40NiCrSi35-25 (1.4857
EZ 25 35 Nb B 6 2 Mn 1.5 A5 >8% 4.0 Controlas similar chemical composition Resistant to scaling
Cr 25.0 5.0 up to 1150 C. Typical alloy for welding of pyrolysis
Ni 35.0 furnace tubes.
Nb 1.2
Fe bal.

CN 25/35 Nb-IG GTAW C 0.42 Re >400 N/mm2 2.0 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire are also best suited
Si 1.2 Rm >600 N/mm2 2.4 TV-A, to meet all before mentioned characteristics.
W Z25 35 Nb (GTAW) Mn 1.8 A5 >8% 3.2 Controlas
G Z25 35 Nb (GMAW) Cr 26.0 For GMAW shielding gas Ar + 2.5% CO2.
Ni 35.0
Nb 1.3

GMAW Re >400 N/mm2 1.2 Controlas

Rm >600 N/mm2
A5 >8%

FOX CN 35/45 Nb SMAW C 0.45 Re >450 N/mm2 2.5 Basic coated electrode for joining and surfacing of GX45NiCrNbSiTi45-35
Si 1.0 Rm >600 N/mm2 3.2 heat resistant steels and cast steels of the same or
EZ 35 45 Nb B 6 2 Mn 0.8 A5 >8% 4.0 similar chemical composition Resistant to scaling
Cr 35.0 up to 1180 C. Typical alloy for welding of pyrolysis
Ni 45.5 furnace tubes.
Nb 0.9
Fe bal.

CN 35/45 Nb-IG GTAW C 0.42 Re >450 N/mm2 2.0 GTAW rod and GMAW wire are also best suited
Si 1.5 Rm >550 N/mm2 2.4 to meet all before mentioned characteristics.
WZ 35 45 Nb H (GTAW) Mn 1.0 3.2
GZ 35 45 Nb H (GMAW) Cr 35.0 For GMAW shielding gas Ar + 2.5% CO2.
GMAW Ni 45.5 Re >240 N/mm2 1.2
Nb 0.8 Rm >450 N/mm2
A5 >6%

Nickel base alloys

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX NIBAS 70/15 SMAW C 0.025 Re 400 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated core wire alloyed electrode for NiCr 15 Fe (Inconel 600) UNS
Si 0.4 Rm 670 N/mm2 3.2 UDT high quality welding of nickel base alloys, high N06600, ASTM B168, as well
E Ni 6182 (NiCr15Fe6Mn) Mn 6.0 A5 40% 4.0 temperature and creep resisting steels, heat resi- as Ni-alloys of similar or same
Cr 16.0 Av 120 J sting and cryogenic materials, dissimilar joints and chemical composition; non
ENiCrFe-3 Ni67.0 80 J-196 C low alloy problem steels. Suitable in pressure alloy and low alloy steels for
Nb 2.2 vessel fabrication for -196 C to +650 C, scaling elevated temperatures, e.g.
Fe 6.0 resistance temperature of +1200 C (S-free P235GH, P265GH, S255NB,
Co 0.08 atmosphere). Electrode and weld metal meet P235GH-P355GH, 16Mo3,
Ta 0.08 highest quality requirements. high temperature steels as
Ti + well as constructional steels
with comparable tensile
strength; creep resistant
austenitic steels,
e.g. X8CrNiNb16-13,
Ni-steels containing 1.5 % up
to and including 5 % Ni;
low alloyed constructional
and pressure vessel
steels, also X20CrMoV12-1
and X20CrMoWV12-1 on
stainless and creep resistant
austenitic steels; also suitable
for Incoloy 800.

FOX NIBAS 70/20 SMAW C 0.025 Re 420 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated core wire alloyed electrode corre- 2.4816 Ni Cr 15 Fe,
Si 0.4 Rm 680 N/mm2 3.2 UDT, VUZ, sponding to DIN EL-NiCr 19 Nb for high-grade 2.4817 LC-NiCr 15 Fe,
E Ni 6082 Mn 5.0 A5 40% 4.0 TV-A, welding of nickel-base alloys, high-temperature and Inconel 600, Inconel 600 L,
(NiCr20Mn 3 Nb) Cr 19.0 Av 120 J 5.0 SEPROZ creep resisting steels, heat resisting and cryogenic
Mo 1.2 80 J-196 C Statoil, materials, low-alloyed problem steels and dissimilar UNS
ENiCrFe-3(mod.) Ni67.0 LTSS, joints. Ferritic-austenitic joints for service tempera- N06600
Nb 2.2 Kotlandzor tures above +300 C or for applications where a
Fe 3.0 post weld heat treatment is required. ASTM
Co0.08 Suitable in pressure vessel fabrication for -196 C B168
Ti + to +650 C, otherwise up to the scaling resistance
temperature of +1200 C (S-free atmosphere). Nickel and nickel alloys,
Insusceptible to embrittlement, highly resistant to low-temperature steels up
hot cracking, furthermore, C-diffusion at high to 5 % Ni steels, unalloyed
temperature or during heat treatment of dissimilar and alloyed, high-temperature,
joints is largely reduced. Thermal shock resistant, creep resisting, high-alloy
stainless, fully austenitic, low coefficient of thermal Cr- and CrNiMo-steels
expansion between the coefficient values of C-steel particularly for joint welding
and austenitic CrNi (Mo)-steel. of dissimilar steels, and nickel
Excellent welding characteristics in all positions to steel combinations; also
except vertical-down, easy slag removal, recommended for
high resistance to porosity, absence of undercuts, Incoloy 800.
high degree of purity. Electrode and weld metal
meet highest quality requirements.

NIBAS 70/20-IG GTAW C 0.03 Re 440 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire for welding of nickel-
Si 0.3 Rm 680 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, base alloys, high-temperature and creep resisting
S Ni 6082 Mn 3.0 A5 42% 2.4 Statoil, steels, heat resisting and cryogenic materials,
(NiCr 20 Mn 3 Nb) Cr 20.0 Av 190 J SEPROZ low-alloyed problem steels and dissimilar joints.
Ni67.0 100 J-196 C Ferritic-austenitic joints for service temperatures
ERNiCr-3 Nb 2.5 above +300 C or for applications where a post
Fe 1.7 weld heat treatment is required.
Ti + Suitable in pressure vessel fabrication from -196 C
GMAW Re 420 N/mm2 0.8 TV-D, to +550 C, otherwise resistant to scaling up to
Rm 680 N/mm2 1.0 TV-A, +1200 C (S-free atmosphere). Not susceptible
A5 40% 1.2 Statoil, to embrittlement, C-diffusion at elevated
Av 160 J UDT temperatures largely inhibited.
80 J-196 C SEPROZ Resistant to thermal shocks, corrosion resistant,
fully austenitic, low coefficient of thermal
expansion. between the coefficient values of
C-steel and austenitic CrNi (Mo)-steel.

NIBAS 70/20-FD FCAW C 0.03 Re 400 N/mm2 1.2 TV-D Rutile/basic flux cored welding wire for downhand
Si 0.4 Rm 650 N/mm2 1.6 and horizontal welding positions.
Type Ni 6082 Mn 3.2 A5 39%
(NiCr20Mn3Nb) Cr 20.0 Av 135 J It provides very good operating characteristics,
Ni67.0 110 J-196 C good side wall wetting, safe penetration and a
ENiCr-3T0-4 Nb 2.5 smooth weld finish. The shielding gas should be
Fe 2.0 Argon +15-25 % CO2.

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 37
Nickel base alloys

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

Wire: SAW C 0.010 Re 350 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D For SAW wire flux combination welding of Ni base 2.4816 Ni Cr 15 Fe,
NIBAS 70/20-UP Si 0.15 Rm 600 N/mm2 2.0 alloy metals and special metals if the use of wire 2.4817 LC-NiCr 15 Fe,
Mn 3.2 A5 35% 2.4 electrodes with high Ni content is requested. The Inconel 600, Inconel 600 L,
S Ni 6082 Cr 20.5 Av 80 J weld metals show excellent mechanical properties UNS N06600
(NiCr 20 Mn 3 Nb) Ni bal. with high hot cracking resistance. It is applicable ASTM B168
Nb 2.6 for chemical apparatus construction on high
ERNiCr-3 Fe <2.0 temperature metals as well as in low temperature Nickel and nickel alloys, low-tempe-
sections up to -196 C. rature steels up to 5 % Ni steels,
Flux: BB 444 BB 444 is an agglomerated fluoride basic welding unalloyed and alloyed, high-tempera-
flux with high basic slag characteristics. ture, creep resisting, high-alloy Cr-
SA-FB 2 AC and CrNiMo-steels particularly for
joint welding of dissimilar steels,
and nickel to steel combinations;
also recommended for Incoloy 800.

FOX NIBAS 625 SMAW C 0.025 Re 530 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated electrode suitable for welding of 2.4856 NiCr 22 Mo 9 Nb,
Si 0.4 Rm 800 N/mm2 3.2 TV-A, 6 % Mo superaustenitic grades S 31254, N 08926, 2.4858 NiCr 21 Mo,
E Ni6625 Mn 0.7 A5 40% 4.0 Statoil, N 08367 and the matching alloy 625. Electrode 2.4816 NiCr 15 Fe,
(NiCr 22 Mo 9 Nb) Cr 22.0 Av 80 J UDT, and weld metal meet highest quality and corrosion 1.4583 X10CrNiMoNb18-12,
Mo 9.0 45 J-196 C LTSS, requirements. Extremely resistant to stress 1.4876 X 10 NiCrAlTi 32 20 H,
ENiCrMo-3 Ni >60.0 SEPROZ corrosion cracking and pitting. 1.4876 X 10 NiCrAlTi 32 20,
Nb 3.3 The pitting resistance equivalent is >52. 1.4529 X1NiCrMoCuN25-20-7,
Fe 0.5 Highly resistant to hot cracking. X 2 CrNiMoCuN 20 18 6,
Co 0.05 2.4641 NiCr 21 Mo 6 Cu
Al 0.4 Due to the weld metal embrittlement between
650-850C, this temperature range should be Joint welds of listed materials
PREN >52 avoided. with non alloy and low alloy
steels, e.g P265GH, P285NH,
P295GH, 16Mo3, S355N, X8Ni9,
ASTM A 553 Gr.1, B443,B446,
UNS N06625, Inconel 600,
Inconel 625, Incoloy 800,
9 % Ni-steels.

NIBAS 625-IG GTAW C 0.02 Re 540 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire of type
Si 0.2 Rm 800 N/mm2 2.0 TV-A, AWS ER NiCrMo-3 suitable for welding of the
S Ni6625 Mn 0.3 A5 38% 2.4 Statoil, 6 % Mo superaustenitic grades S31254, N 08926,
(NiCr 22 Mo 9 Nb) Cr 21.5 Av 160 J SEPROZ N 08367 and the matching alloy 625. Rod, wire
Mo 9.0 130 J-196 C and weld metal meet highest quality and corrosion
ERNiCrMo-3 Ni60.0 requirements. Extremely resistant to stress
Nb 3.6 corrosion cracking and pitting.
Fe 2.0 Due to the weld metal embrittlement between 650-
GMAW Re 510 N/mm2 1.0 TV-D, 850C, this temperature range should be avoided.
PREN >52 Rm 780 N/mm2 1.2 TV-A, The pitting resistance equivalent is >52.
A5 40% Statoil, Highly resistant to hot cracking.
Av 130 J SEPROZ,
80 J-196 C UDT For GMAW shielding gas to EN 439 I1 Argon or
I3 Ar + He is recommended.

NIBAS 625-FD FCAW C 0.05 Re 480 N/mm2 1.2 Rutil FCAW wire of type E NiCrMo-3 suitable for
Si 0.4 Rm 750 N/mm2 welding of the 6 % Mo superaustenitic grades
Type Ni 6625 Mn 0.4 A5 30% S31254, N08926, N08367 and the matching
(NiCr 22 Mo 9 Nb) Cr 22.0 Av 60 J alloy 625.
Mo 8.5 The wire can be used in all positions except
ENiCrMo-3T0-4 Ni60.0 vertical down.
Nb 3.3 Extremely resistant to stress corrosion cracking
Fe <5.0 and pitting. Shielding gases Ar +15-25 % CO2.

Wire: NIBAS 625-UP SAW C 0.012 Re 420 N/mm2 2.4 TV-D For SAW wire and flux combination, suitable for
Si 0.16 Rm 700 N/mm2 welding of the 6 % Mo superaustenitic grades
S Ni 6625 Mn 0.2 A5 40% S31254, N 08926, N 08367 and the matching alloy
(NiCr 22 Mo 9 Nb) Cr 21.8 Av 130 J 625. Weld metal meet highest quality and corro-
Mo 9.0 80 J-196 C sion requirements. Extremely resistant to stress
ERNiCrMo-3 Ni60.0 corrosion cracking and pitting.
Nb 3.2 The pitting resistance equivalent is >52.
Flux: BB 444 Fe 1.5


Nickel base alloys

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX NIBAS C 276 SMAW C <0.02 Re >450 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated nickel base electrode for welding of NiMo16Cr15W (2.4819)
Si <0.2 Rm >720 N/mm2 3.2 CL similar alloyed Ni base steel grades, e.g. N10276,
E Ni 6276 Mn 0.6 A5 >30% 4.0 2.4819 as well as for joining these grades with low UNS
(NiCr 15 Mo 15 Fe 6 W4) Cr 16.5 Av 70 J alloyed and stainless steels. Excellent resistance N10276
Mo 16.5 to chlorine contaminated and chloride containing
ENiCrMo-4 Ni bal. medias. Resistant against strong oxidisers such as Alloy C-276
Fe 5.0 ferric and cupric chlorides.
T 4.0

NIBAS C 276-IG GTAW C <0.01 Re >450 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire of type
Si 0.1 Rm >720 N/mm2 2.0 CL AWS ER NiCrMo-4 are also best suited to meet
S Ni 6276 Cr 16.0 A5 >30% 2.4 all before mentioned characteristics.
(NiCr 15 Mo 16 Fe 6 W4) Mo 16.0 Av >90 J For GMAW shielding gas acc. to EN 439 I1 Argon
Ni bal. or M11 + 28 % He is recommended.
ERNiCrMo-4 GMAW Fe 6.0 Re >450 N/mm2 1.0
V 0.2 Rm >720 N/mm2 1.2
T 3.5 A5 >30%
Av >90 J

Wire: SAW C <0.015 Re >400 N/mm2 2.4 Nickel base wire/flux combination for welding of
NIBAS C 276-UP Si 0.25 Rm >660 N/mm2 similar alloyed Ni base steel grades, e.g. N10276,
Mn<0.6 A5 >35% 2.4819 as well as for joining these grades with low
S Ni 6276 Cr 14.5 Av >80 J alloyed and stainless steels. Excellent resistance to
(NiCr 15 Mo 16 Fe 6 W4) Mo 16.0 chlorine contaminated and chloride containing
Ni bal. medias. Resistant against strong oxidisers such as
ERNiCrMo-4 Fe 7.0 ferric and cupric chlorides.
T 3.6
Flux: BB 444

FOX NIBAS C 24 SMAW C <0.02 Re >450 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated NiCrMo electrode for highest corro- NiCr21Mo14W (2.4602)
Si <0.2 Rm >720 N/mm2 3.2 CL sion requirements and welding of the Ni-base steel NiMo16Cr16Ti (2.4610)
E Ni 6059 Mn 0.5 A5 >30% 4.0 grades, e.g. UNS N06059, N06022, 2.4605, 2.4602 NiMo16Cr15W (2.4819)
(NiCr 23 Mo 16) Cr 22.5 Av >75 J as well as for joining these grades with low alloyed NiCr23Mo16Al (2.4605)
Mo 15.5 and stainless steels. Excellent resistance against X2CrNiMnMoNbN25-18-5-4
ENiCrMo-13 Ni bal. pitting and crevice corrosion and chloride-induced
Fe 1 stress corrosion cracking. The special composition UNS
of the coating prevents the precipitation of N06059
intermetallic phases. N06022

B 575
B 626

Alloy 59

NIBAS C 24-IG GTAW C 0.01 Re >450 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D GTAW rod and GMAW wire of type
Si 0.1 Rm >720 N/mm2 2.0 AWS ER NiCrMo-13 are also best suited to meet
S Ni 6059 Mn<0.5 A5 >35% 2.4 all before mentioned characteristics.
(NiCr 23 Mo 16) Cr 23.0 Av >100 J For GMAW shielding gas acc. to EN 439 I1 Argon
Mo 16.0 or M11 + 28 % He is recommended.
ERNiCrMo-13 GMAW Ni bal. Re >450 N/mm2 1.0
Fe <1.5 Rm >720 N/mm2 1.2
A5 >35%
Av >100 J

Wire: SAW C 0.015 Re >480 N/mm2 2.0 Nickel base wire/flux combination for welding of
NIBAS C 24-UP Si 0.25 Rm >660 N/mm2 similar alloyed Ni base steel grades, e.g.
Mn<0.6 A5 >30% UNS N06059, N06022, 2.4602 as well as for
S Ni 6059 Cr 22.0 Av >60 J joining these grades with low alloyed and stainless
(NiCr 23 Mo 16) Mo 15.5 steels. Excellent resistance against pitting and
Ni bal. crevice corrosion and chloride induced stress
ERNiCrMo-13 Fe <1.5 corrosion cracking.

Flux: BB 444

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 39
Nickel base alloys

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX NIBAS 400 SMAW C <0.05 Re >300 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, Basic coated NiCu electrode for joining and surfa- Nickel copper alloys,
Si 0.7 Rm >450 N/mm2 3.2 ABS, GL, cing of nickel copper alloys, e.g. alloy 400, N04400, NiCu30Fe (2.4360), NiCu30Al
E Ni 4060 Mn 3.0 A5 >30% 4.0 Cl 2.4360, 2.4375 as well as for cladded nickel copper (2.4375)
(NiCu 30 Mn 3 Ti) Ni bal. Av >80 J 5.0 steels and joining dissimilar materials such as steel
Cu 29.0 to copper and copper alloys. Excellent corrosion UNS
ENiCu-7 Fe 1.0 resistance to chloride induced stress corrosion N04400
Ti 0.7 cracking and a wide range of marine and chemical N05500
Al 0.3 requirements.
NIBAS 400-IG GTAW C <0.02 Re >300 N/mm 2
1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod and GMAW wire of type B165
Si 0.3 Rm >500 N/mm2 2.0 ABS, GL, AWS ER NiCu-7 are also best suited to meet all
S Ni 4060 Mn 3.2 A5 >35% 2.4 Cl before mentioned characteristics. Alloy 400
(NiCu 30 Mn 3 Ti) Ni bal. Av >150 J For GMAW shielding gas acc. to EN 439 I1 Argon
Cu 29.0 or M11 + 28 % He is recommended.
ERNiCu-7 GMAW Fe 1.0 Re >300 N/mm2 1.0
Ti 2.4 Rm >500 N/mm2 1.2
A5 >35%
Av >150 J

FOX NIBAS 617 SMAW C 0.06 Re >450 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D Basic coated NiCrCoMo electrode suitable for X10NiCrAlTi32-20 (1.4876)
Si 0.7 Rm >700 N/mm2 3.2 joining and surfacing applications on matching and NiCr23Fe (2.4851)
E Ni 6617 Mn 0.1 A5 >35% 4.0 similar nickel base alloys, heat resistant austenitic GX10NiCrNb32-20 (1.4859)
(NiCr 21 Co 12 Mo) Cr 21.0 Av >100 J and cast alloys, e.g. alloy 617, N06007, 2.4663. NiCr23Co12Mo (2.4663)
Mo 9.0 Resistant to scaling up to 1100 C high temperature
ENiCrCoMo-1(mod.) Ni bal. resistant up to 1000 C High resistance to hot UNS
Co 11.0 gases in oxidizing resp. carburizing atmospheres. N06007
Al 0.7
Ti 0.3 ASTM
Fe 1 B582

NIBAS 617-IG GTAW C 0.05 Re 450 N/mm2 2.0 TV-D GTAW rod and GMAW wire of type Alloy 617
Si 0.1 Rm 700 N/mm2 2.4 AWS ER NiCrCoMo-1 are also best suited to
S Ni 6617 Mn 0.1 A5 30% meet all before mentioned characteristics.
(NiCr 22 Co 12 Mo 9) Cr 21.5 Av 60 J
Mo 9.0
ERNiCrCoMo-1 GMAW Ni bal. Re 400 N/mm2 1.0 For GMAW shielding gas acc. to EN 439 I1 Argon
Co 11.0 Rm 700 N/mm2 1.2 or M11 + 28 % He is recommended.
Al 1.0 A5 40%
Ti 0.5 Av 100 J
Fe 1.0

Wire: NIBAS 617-UP SAW C <0.06 Re >420 N/mm2 2.0 Nickel base wire/flux combination for welding of
Si <0.4 Rm >700 N/mm2 similar Ni base alloys, heat resistant austenitic and
S Ni 6617 Mn<0.3 A5 >35% cast alloys, e.g. alloys 617, N06007, 2.4643.
(NiCr 22 Co 12 Mo 9) Cr 20.0 Av >80 J High resistance to hot gases in oxidizing resp.
Mo 8.8 carburizing atmospheres.
ERNiCrCoMo-1 Ni bal.
Co 10.0
Flux: BB 444 Al 0.8
Ti 0.25
SA-FB 2 AC Fe <1.0

Non ferrous alloys

BHLER Welding Typical Typical Sizes Approvals Characteristics and applications Base metals
process analysis mechanical
Standard properties
AWS % mm

FOX CuNi 30Fe SMAW C 0.03 Re >240 N/mm2 2.5 TV-D, CuNi base electrode for joining and surfacing of Copper nickel alloys with
Si 0.3 Rm >390 N/mm2 3.2 GL, CL similar alloyed base metals with up to 30 % Nickel, up to 30 % nickel
EL-CuNi30Mn Mn 1.2 A5 >30% 4.0 as well as for non ferrous alloys and steels of CuNi 10 Fe 1 Mn (2.0872),
Ni 30.0 Av >80 J different nature. Due to the excellent resistance CuNi20Fe (2.0878),
ECuNi Fe 0.6 to sea water the electrode is best suitable for CuNi30Fe (2.0882)
Cu bal. offshore applications and seawater desalination
plants, ship building and also for chemical industry. UNS
The electrode can be operated in all positions C71500, C70600
except vertical down.

CuNi 30Fe-IG GTAW C <0.05 Re >200 N/mm2 1.6 TV-D, GTAW rod for joining and surfacing of similar
Mn 0.8 Rm >360 N/mm2 2.0 GL, CL alloyed base metals with up to 30 % Nickel, as well
SG-CuNi 30 Fe Ni 30.0 A5 >30% 2.4 as for non ferrous alloys and steels of different
Fe 0.6 HB 120 nature. Due to the excellent resistance to sea
ERCuNi Ti <0.5 water, the wire is best suitable for offshore
Cu bal. applications and seawater desalination plants,
ship building and also for chemical industry.

ER Ti 2-IG GTAW C 0.03 Re 295 N/mm2 1.6 GTAW rod for welding of pure Titan and Titan Pure Titan and Titan alloys
Fe 0.2 Rm 500 N/mm2 2.0 alloys with similar chemical composition. Titanium with a similar composition.
O <0.1 A5 42% 2.4 can be tungsten arc welded employing techniques
H <0.008 Z 76% similar to those used for welding of stainless steel. ASTM Grade 1-4
ERTi2 N 0.02 However, Titanium requires a greater cleanliness
Ti bal. and the use of auxiliary gas shielding to protect UNS
the molten puddle and cooling weld zone from R50400
atmospheric contamination.

BHLER WELDING Consumables for the chemical and petrochemical process industry 41

Lurgi AG

Synthesis gas and oxoalcohol plant

F.A. Neumann
Cooling tubes, welded with BHLER WELDING flux cored wire


Thousands of welders use and prove BHLER WELDING products day by day worldwide!
Published by BHLER WELDING

Bhler Schweitechnik Austria GmbH

Bhler-Welding-St. 1
8605 Kapfenberg / AUSTRIA
+43 (0) 3862-301-0
+43 (0) 3862-301-95193
Member of the BHLER-UDDEHOLM Group

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BSGA 07/2005 E1000 Cover picture: STEAG

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