Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced by various bacteria have significant potential to enhance
plant growth and to control phytopathogens. Six of the most effective antagonistic Bacillus spp. were
used in this study against Ralstonia solanacearum (Rsc) TBBS1, the causal agent of bacterial wilt disease
in tobacco. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 and Bacillus artrophaeus LSSC22 had the strongest
inhibitory effect against Rsc. Thirteen VOCs produced by FZB42 and 10 by LSSC22 were identified
using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis. Benzaldehyde, 1,2-benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one
and 1,3-butadiene significantly inhibited the colony size, cell viability, and motility of pathogens and
negatively influenced chemotaxis. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy revealed severe
morphological and ultra-structural changes in cells of Rsc. Furthermore, VOCs altered the transcriptional
expression level of PhcA (a global virulence regulator), type III secretion system (T3SS), type IV secretion
system (T4SS), extracellular polysaccharides and chemotaxis-related genes, which are major contributors
to pathogenicity, resulting in decreased wilt disease. The VOCs significantly up-regulated the expression
of genes related to wilt resistance and pathogen defense. Over-expression of EDS1 and NPR1 suggest
the involvement of SA pathway in induction of systemic resistance. Our findings provide new insights
regarding the potential of antibacterial VOCs as a biocontrol tool against bacterial wilt diseases.
The phytopathogen Ralstonia solanacearum is a Gram-negative, soil-borne, aerobic, non-sporing, motile bacterium,
which can cause bacterial wilt in a wide variety of potential host plants (approximately 450 crop species), especially
in the Solanaceae family14. Rsc enters through the roots and produces an excessive amount of extracellular poly-
saccharides (EPS) within the vascular system, blocking the vascular tissue, causing wilt and ultimately leading to
the death of infected plants in severe infections5. Bacterial wilt is a devastating disease of crops that occurs widely
in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, resulting in severe economic loss6. Several studies have explored
the control of soil-born plant diseases through plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs), which have the
ability to maintain plant pathogenic microbes below the threshold level in the soil79. A large number of biocon-
trol agents have been identified that manage the bacterial wilt pathogen, including Bacillus spp., Pseudomonas
spp., Trichoderma spp., Streptomyces spp. and Paenibacillus spp3,1012. Bacillus species are considered the most effi-
cient species because they have the ability to produce spores that can survive in adverse environments13. Most of
the processes involved in controlling phytopathogens through antagonistic microorganisms require physical con-
tact among interacting partners as well as very close vicinity. However, many bacteria and fungi can inhibit other
pathogenic fungi from a distance, which raises the possibility that these microorganisms must produce invisible
volatile compounds that inhibit the growth of antagonistic organisms. Several recent studies have revealed that
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by some antagonistic bacteria and fungi have antifungal or nemat-
icidal properties14,15. Effmert (2012) reported 300 bacteria and fungi as VOC producers, and nearly 800 VOCs
Department of Plant Pathology, College of Plant Protection, Nanjing Agricultural University, Key Laboratory of
Integrated Management of Crop Diseases and Pests, Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210095, PR China. *These
authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to X.G.
were recorded in the database of volatiles emitted by microorganisms (DOVE-MO). Among these, 671 VOCs
belong to 212 bacterial species, and 335 belong to 96 species of fungi16.
Bacterial VOCs play a beneficial role in three ways: promoting plant growth, inhibiting the growth of plant
pathogens and inducing systemic resistance17,18. Many bacterial VOCs have been reported to be plant growth
promoters, such as 2,3-butanediol and acetoin by Bacillus subtilis GB03 and B. amyloliquefaciens IN937a,
2-pentylfuran by B. megaterium XTBG34, 13-tetradecadien-1-ol, 2-butanone and 2-methyl-n-1-tridecene by
Pseudomonas fluorescens SS10119,20. In addition to their growth-promoting activity, the VOCs trigger plant tol-
erance to biotic17 and a-biotic factors3 by inducing systemic resistance. Ryu et al.17 first identified 2,3-butanediol
from B. subtilis GB03 and B. amyloliquefaciens IN937a, which significantly induced resistance in the Arabidopsis
plant against the pathogen Pectobacterium carotovorum sub sp. carotovorum. Similarly, Paenibacillus polymyxa
E681 produced tridecane, which also induced systemic resistance in plants21. A large number of investigations,
which were initiated in 1966, have reported that VOCs affect the growth and development of fungi2227. However,
studies examining the interactions between PGPR and phytopathogenic bacteria are in preliminary stages. The
bacterial VOCs, 3-pentanol and 2-butanone, have been reported to induce resistance against the bacterial angular
leaf spot pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv. lachrymans15.
A few investigations have been reported regarding the mode of action of antimicrobial VOCs. However, there
is evidence that VOCs damage the DNA of the pathogenic microorganism and induce a change in the expression
level of ontogenesis-related enzymes, which may alter the growth of targeted organism28. Various studies have
collectively revealed that the type three secretion systems (T3SSs), encoded by the hypersensitive response and
pathogenicity (hrp) genes, T4SS pili, EPS and chemotaxis, are the major contributors to pathogenicity in Rsc. The
type three secretion system is essential for the pathogenicity of Rsc because it facilitates the injection of type three
effector proteins (TTE) into plant cells2932. The transcriptional expression of virulence and a-virulence factors
is controlled by a complex regulatory network, and PhcA, a global virulence regulator, is the center of this net-
work5,33. The homolog of bacterial wilt resistance gene RRS1 from Arabdiopsis was detected in tobacco, acting as
major resistant gene against Rsc34. Similarly RE-bw, another homologue of bacterial wilt resistance gene RRS1 was
observed as resistant gene against bacterial wilt caused by Rsc in egg plant. Over-expression of RE-bw enhanced
endogenous salicylic acid (SA) content and up-regulated the transcriptional expression of EDS1, PAD4, NPR1
and SGT1 which are the main components of SA signaling pathway35. In this context, we used six Bacillus spp.
that have been shown to have effective antagonistic activity against plant pathogens. The main objective of this
study was to evaluate the toxicity of VOCs produced by selected Bacillus spp. against Rsc and the effect on the
activation of induced systemic resistance in tobacco against bacterial wilt. The toxicity of VOCs in this study was
evaluated in terms of the effect on physiological, ultra-structural and virulence-related characteristics and also on
the transcriptional expression of related genes (PhcA, T3SS, T4SS pili, EPS and chemotaxis). Similarly induction
of systemic resistance was observed, investigating the transcriptional expression of disease resistance and defense
related genes in tobacco.
Experimental procedure
Microorganisms and growth conditions. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 was kindly provided by R.
Borriss (ABiTEP GmbH, Berlin, Germany). All other strains of Bacillus and Ralstonia used in this study (see
SupplementarymaterialTableS1) were obtained from the Laboratory of Biocontrol and Bacterial Molecular
Biology, Nanjing Agriculture University, Nanjing, China. Bacillus strains were grown in Luria-Bertani (LB)
medium at 37C overnight and maintained in LB broth supplemented with 30% glycerol at 20C as working
stocks. Ralstonia solanacearum TBBS1 was grown in tetrazolium chloride (TZC) agar medium (supplemented
with 0.05% TTC)36 for 48h at 28C and maintained in sterilized distilled water at room temperature. Single colo-
nies with a pink center were transferred to Casamino Acid Peptone Glucose (CPG) agar medium for routine use37.
Antibacterial activity evaluation of Bacillus spp. The agar diffusion method38 was used to test the
antibacterial activity on CPG medium. A five-milliliter suspension of bacterial pathogen was mixed with150 ml
of molten CPG medium (50C) after 1824h of shaking (200rpm) at 28C, poured into plates and allowed to
solidify. Three sterile filter papers (4mm) were placed on the agar surface at equal distances, 2.5cm apart from
the center. Five l cultures of Bacillus strains grown overnight were dropped on two of the filter papers, and
the remainder was impregnated with 5l of sterile water as a control. The plates were sealed with Parafilm M
(Pechiney, Neenah, WI, USA) and incubated at 28C for 48hours, and the antibacterial effect was determined by
measuring the diameter of the growth inhibition zones around the filter papers inoculated with Bacillus strains.
Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of VOCs produced by FZB42 and LSSC2 against
Rsc. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 and B. artrophaeus LSSC22 were selected and further evaluated for
volatile-mediated antibacterial activity against Rsc using the I-plate system17, which consisted of centrally par-
titioned plastic Petri dishes (8515mm) with no physical contact between the two microorganisms grown on
either side. Ten l of (1824h) Rsc culture (1 107CFU ml1) grown in CPG broth was dropped in one partition
with CPG agar medium, and the plates were sealed and incubated for 24hours. After 24hours, 10l of liquid
overnight-grown culture of each Bacillus (1 108CFU ml1) strain were dropped in the other partition contain-
ing modified minimal salt medium (MS) (1.5% agar, 1.5% sucrose, and 0.4% TSA (w/v)). The plates were double
sealed and incubated at 28C for five days. Only the pathogen was inoculated on control plates. The diameter of
Rsc measured in cm and viable cells of the pathogen were counted by the 10-fold serial dilution technique. Each
experiment was performed with five replicates, and the experiment was repeated three times.
Scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM & TEM). External morphological changes of
the pathogen cells were observed using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and ultra-structural changes in
the pathogen cells were observed using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) after exposure to the VOCs of
FZB42 and LSSC22 for three days at 28C. For the preparation of pathogen cells for SEM and TEM, filter paper
discs were removed from the plates containing pathogen colonies with and without exposure to the VOCs of
biocontrol strains using flame-sterilized micro-tweezers. The cells were then collected directly into Eppendorf
tubes, washed three times with sterile water and fixated with 2% glutaraldehyde (Solarbio, (Beijing) Co. Ltd.) for
30min at 4C. Fixed cells were rinsed thrice for 10minutes with 100mM phosphate buffer, post-fixed for 3h in
1% osmium tetroxide, followed by dehydration through an ethanol gradient39. Later, the samples were coated with
gold and electron micrographs were obtained using the Hitachi Science System SEM (Hitachi S-3000N, Tokyo,
Japan). Similarly, for TEM, cells were collected as mentioned above, and the samples were embedded in Epon
812 and sectioned with an ultramicrotome40. Ultra-structural changes in the cells were observed using a Hitachi
transmission electron microscope (H-600, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan).
Swarming, swimming and twitching motility assays. The motility activity of Rsc exposed to volatile
compounds from FZB42 and LSSC22 was assessed using divided Petri plates. Rsc cultures were normalized to an
OD600 of 1.0, and then 2l of the cultures were spotted onto one compartment of the divided plates containing
different percentages of agar in CPG medium for twitching and swarming motility, while for swimming motility,
a sterile tooth pick was dipped and then touched gently in the center of a CPG agar medium compartment.
Another compartment containing modified MS agar medium was spot inoculated with FZB42 and LSSC22 cell
culture. The swarming and swimming motility halo were examined after incubation at 28C for 72h, and twitch-
ing motility was observed after 48hours. The experiment was repeated three times with five replicates each time.
For swarming motility, 0.7% agar was used, for twitching motility, 1.6% agar was used, and for swimming motility,
0.2% agar was used.
Chemotaxis assay. The chemotaxis assay was performed in divided plates with modified MS medium on one
side and chemotaxis buffer medium on the other side (10mM phosphate buffer, 0.1mM EDTA, 1M methionine,
10mM lactic acid, 0.35% agar and pH 7.3). Ten mm of the agar was removed from the medium, and the holes
were refilled with 100l of host plant (tobacco) root exudates. Rsc was inoculated at a distance of 15mm from the
holes in one compartment, while FZB42 and LSSC22 cultures were spot inoculated in the other compartment
as described above. The plates were sealed with Parafilm and incubated at 28C. The Rsc cells, which had moved
towards the root exudates, were removed after three days, and the CFU/ml was counted on the CPG agar plates
as described earlier. For the collection of root exudates, the tobacco seeds were surface sterilized and then trans-
ferred to 1% water agar plates. These plates were incubated at 4C overnight and then at 28C in the dark for 4 to
6 days. For each extraction, 40 germinated seedlings were transferred into a sterile 50-ml conical tube containing
5ml of sterile chemotaxis buffer and incubated at 28C for 24h. They were then filtered using a Millipore mem-
brane filter (0.22m) and stored at 80C. This experiment was performed with five replicates and was repeated
three times.
Collection and analysis of VOCs by SPME/GC-MS. SPME Analysis. A 20-l suspension of each
Bacillus strain was inoculated into 30ml of modified MS agar medium in a 100ml-vial at 28C. To collect VOCs,
2cm divinyl benzene/carboxen/PDMS (DCP, 50/30m) solid phase micro extraction (SPME) fiber (Supelco,
Bellefonta, PA, USA) was used. Three days after incubation, the SPME fiber was inserted into the headspace of the
vial containing bacteria and incubated at 50C for 30min.
GC-MS analysis. GC-MS analysis was performed using a Bruker 450-GC gas chromatograph in combination
with a Bruker 320-MS mass spectrometer. Helium gas was used as the carrier at a flow rate of 1mlmin1. The
SPME fibers were desorbed at 220C for 5min, and GCMS was run for 25min. The starting temperature of the
column was 35C for 3min, which was increased to 180C at 10C/min and further increased to 240C at 4C/
min, held for 5min. The mass spectrometer was operated in the electron ionization mode at 70eV with a source
temperature of 220C, with continuous scanning from 50m/z to 500m/z. The mass spectra data for the volatile
compounds were analyzed using the data in the NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectrum Library.
Evaluation of the antibacterial activity of synthetic VOCs identified through GCMS analysis.
Standard chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich or Aladdin, previously collected and analyzed through
GC-MS analysis. They were tested as pure chemicals for their antibacterial volatile activity against Rsc using the
I-plate system. Solid-state VOCs were dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to obtain a final concentration
of 1mgml1. Ten l (1 107CFU/ml) of freshly grown Rsc (1824h) in CPG broth was dropped at the center of
one half of the I-plate containing CPG agar, while on the other half, 100l of each of the tested VOCs or DMSO
only was dropped. DMSO served as a control because it does not inhibit microorganisms. The plates were sealed
and incubated for five days, and the results were measured as described earlier. Each experiment included three
replicates and was repeated three times. Based on the results of the initial screening of individual VOCs, the most
effective VOCs, BDH, 1,2-BIT and 1,3-BDN, were chosen for further detailed analysis regarding their antibacte-
rial activity against Rsc at different concentrations to find minimum inhibitory content (MIC).
Effect of the degree of concentration of VOCs. To test the effect of the concentration of VOCs on the
growth inhibition of the pathogen, an experiment was designed using three partition plates with completely
sealed portions without any air movement except holes in two walls of the partitions. This arrangement was
established so that the VOCs moved from the first partition, encompassing either Bacillus or a synthetic chemical,
to the second partition and then from the second partition to the third partition. The second and third partition
both were inoculated with 10l of Rsc (1824h) culture. The entire experiment was repeated three times with five
replicates per experiment.
Effect of VOCs on the virulence and pathogenicity of Ralstonia solanacearum TBBS1. The path-
ogenicity assay of Rsc was performed after three days of exposure to FZB42 and LSSC22 VOCs, and then the
Rsc cells were harvested in sterile distilled water to an OD of 0.1 at 600nm. Five tobacco plants were inoculated
at the three to four leaf stage by puncturing the stem at the third fully expanded leaf from the apex with the
help of an inoculum-dipped needle, and then 100l of the VOC-treated Rsc suspension (1 107CFU ml1) was
injected into each plant stem41. Similarly, 5 plants were inoculated with sterile water, and 5 plants were inocu-
lated with a suspension of Rsc (1 107CFU ml1) cells that were not exposed to VOCs. The experiment was
performed using a completely randomized design and repeated three times with five replicates in each experi-
ment. The data for wilt was collected 21 days after inoculation using the following formula: Disease index (%)=
[ (ni vi) (V N)] 100, where ni indicates the number of plants with the respective disease rating; vi= dis-
ease rating; V=the highest disease rating (5) and N=the number of plants observed. The disease rating was
calculated using the scale: 1=no symptoms, 2=one leaf wilted, 3=two to three leaves wilted, 4=four or more
leaves wilted and 5=whole plant wilted.
Pathogen inoculation and effect of VOCs on wilt disease development. The experiment was
divided into two parts, i.e., the determination of the effect of VOCs on wilt disease in Petri plates and in plastic
pots fitted on jars. I-plates prepared with one-half-strength Murashige and Skoog solid media and 56-day-old
emerging tobacco seedlings (seven seedlings/plate) were dipped in the suspension of Rsc (1 107CFU/ml) cells
and then transplanted into one compartment. The non-inoculated control roots were dipped in sterile water.
Bacterial strains, FZB42 and LSSC22, were cultured on LB broth one day before as described above. A 20-l (108
CFU/ml) suspension of each strain or synthetic chemical was dropped into the other compartment. For individ-
ual chemical assay, each chemical with two different concentrations i.e. 10mM 1,3-BDN and 1mM 1,3-BDN,
1mM 1,2-BITH, 0.1mM 1,2-BITH, 0.1mM BDH and 0.01mM BDH were used in one compartment, while in
other compartment tobacco seedlings as described earlier. Wilt symptoms were observed after one week of inoc-
ulation, and the data were recorded as described earlier. In the other experiment, plastic pots were fixed on
glass jars (60120mm) and sealed with Parafilm to avoid the escape of VOCs from the jar, and a Petri dish
(3512mm) was inoculated with FZB42, LSSC22 or sterilized water (control) and placed at the bottom of the
jar. Filter paper was used at the bottom of the plastic pot containing tobacco seedlings to ensure that only VOCs
produced by FZB 42 and LSSC22 could come into contact with the tobacco plants under soil conditions. Eight
small holes (4mm) were created at the bottom of the plastic pot for VOCs exposure. All pots were inoculated with
a suspension of Rsc (at an OD of 0.1 at 600nm) by dipping the roots in the suspension, except the non-inoculated
control, and then the seedlings were re-planted in the pots. The inoculated seedlings were kept in a growth cham-
ber at 28/22Cday/night temperature for a 16/8-h light/dark photoperiod at 85% relative humidity. The experi-
ment was performed using a completely randomized design with five replicates, and the whole experiment was
repeated three times. The data for wilt was collected 21 days after inoculation using the formula mentioned above.
Real-time PCR. The Rsc cells were harvested after exposure to VOCs from FZB42 and LSSC22 for 72hours.
Total RNA was extracted using the Bacterial RNA Kit (Omega Bio-Tek, Norcross, GA, USA) according to the
manufacturers instructions. First-strand cDNA was obtained using Reverse Transcriptase (TaKaRa Bio Inc.,
Tokyo, Japan) with random hexamer primers. The 16srRNA was used as an internal reference, and the transcrip-
tional levels of PhcA, TSSS, Type IV pili, EPS and chemotaxis related genes were detected. For tobacco plants,
leaves were collected at 3rd, 6th and 9th days after inoculation with Rsc. Total RNA was isolated using the TRIzol
reagent (Invitrogen Biotechnology Co., Carlsbad, CA, USA) according to the manufacturers instructions. The
EF-142 was used as an internal reference, and the transcriptional expression levels of RRS1, NPR1 and EDS1
genes were detected. Real-time PCR was performed using a SYBR Green/Fluorescent qPCR master mix (Takara)
on a Roche-480 system (Roche). The qRT-PCR program consisted of denaturation at 95C for 1min, followed
by 40 amplification cycles at 95C for 5sec, 57C for 30sec, and 72C for 30sec. The specific primers used in
this study are listed in TableS2. Each sample was replicated thrice for qPCR, and 2Ct method was used to
analyze gene expression level43.
Statistical analysis. To evaluate the significance of the treatments, the data from each experiment was ana-
lyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncans multiple-range test was employed to assess differences
among treatments at P=0.05 using SPSS ver. 17.0 statistical software (SPSS, Chicago, IL). Graphs and figures
were plotted using sigma plot version 10.0.
Evaluation of antibacterial activity. All antagonistic strains inhibited the growth of Rsc at varying levels,
but Bacillus amyloliquefacieans FZB42 produced the largest zone of inhibition (26.65mm1.01SD), followed by
Bacillus artrophaeus LSSC22 (24.51mm1.55SD). Bacillus amyloliquefacians NMSX4 and B. cereus NMSL88
inhibited the pathogen at the same level (20.15mm1.39SD and 19.85mm0.95SD) and were not significantly
different. Bacillus pumulis GBSW 19 produced the smallest zone of inhibition of 11.15mm0.94SD (Fig.1A).
FZB42 and LSSC22, which was shown to be most effective against Rsc in the GIZ experiment, were further evalu-
ated in vitro for the production and activity of antibacterial VOCs against the pathogen Rsc. FZB 42 inhibited the
colony growth of Rsc, restricting to 0.92cm0.055SD and LSSC22 to 0.960.065SDcm as compared to control
1.82cm0.057SD (Fig.1B). Inhibition in colony diameter was 49.39% by FZB42 and 47.25% by LSSC22. The
number of viable cells of Rsc also decreased when exposed to VOCs produced by FZB42 and LSSC22 and this
decrease was maximum at 120h (Fig.1C).
Bacillus VOCs caused morphological and ultra-structural abnormalities in Rsc cells observed
by SEM and TEM. TEM and SEM analysis revealed a wide range of abnormalities in pathogenic cells that
Figure 1. The effect of strains of Bacillus on the growth of Rsc. (A) The mean growth inhibition zones (mm)
produced by antagonistic Bacillus spp. (B) Antibacterial volatile activity of B. amyloliquefacians FZB42 and
B. artrophaeus LSSC22 against Ralstonia solanacearum. Error bars indicate standard deviations of the three
replicates. Different letters above error bars represent significant differences according to Duncans multiple-
range test (P=0.05) using SPSS software (SPSS, Chicago, IL).
were affected by FZB 42 and LSSC22 when compared to the untreated control. SEM of the non-treated samples
showed normal growth (Fig.2A,B), whereas the colonies of pathogenic cells were severely disrupted following
treatment with VOCs, as shown in Fig.2CF. The ultra-structural changes due to antibacterial VOCs of these
Bacilli on the pathogenic cells of Rsc were further observed using TEM. Transmission electron micrographs of
the Rsc cells obtained from the non-inoculated control showed apparently intact envelops with evenly distributed
electron-dense cytoplasmic contents (Fig.3AC). The pathogenic cells exposed to VOCs of FZB42 and LSSC22
exhibited a large number of abnormalities. These abnormalities included loosening, and even at some places
rupturing, of the cell wall, movement of the cytoplasmic content towards these ruptured wall areas, in some cells
a lack of differentiated materials in the cytoplasm and also misshapen bacterial cells (Fig.3DI).
Bacillus VOCs inhibited motility (swarming, swimming and twitching) and chemotaxis of Rsc.
The volatile compounds produced by FZB42 and LSSC22 had a negative effect on the motility of Rsc. VOCs
produced by FZB 42 significantly reduced all three motility types. Swarming motility was restricted to 8.80mm
by FZB42 and 10.00mm by LSSC22 as compared to control 17.60mm, while swimming motility was restricted
to 17.00mm by FZB42 and 21.30mm by LSSC22 as compared to control 35.00mm. Similarly twitching motility
was limited to 6.80mm by FZB42 and 8.80mm by LSSC22 as compared to control 15.80mm (Fig.4AC). The
inhibition in motility by FZB42 was 50%, 52.11% and 56.96% in swarming, swimming and twitching, respectively,
compared with the non-exposed control. Swarming motility was reduced by 43.18%, swimming by 40% and
twitching by 44.30%, compared with the control following exposure to VOCs produced by LSSC22. In the chemo-
taxis assay, Rsc showed significantly greater motility toward the hole containing root exudates in the control. FZB
42 and LSSC22 inhibited the chemotaxis of Rsc by 74.50% and 56.13%, respectively (Fig.4D). In the negative con-
trol, there was no directed motility in any direction, but slight motility of Rsc cells in all directions was observed
because sterile water was used instead of root exudates. The negative control justified that chemotaxis was present
in Rsc along with motility.
GC-MS analysis of VOCs produced by FZB42 and LSSC22. Volatiles produced by FZB42 and LSSC22
were collected by a combination of HS-SPME and GC-MS. The volatile fractions of the antagonistic bacteria
were compared with the volatiles retrieved from the control (non-inoculated medium). Mass spectra data of
the volatile compounds were analyzed using the data in the NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectrum Library. Thirteen
compounds were identified from FZB42 and 10 compounds were identified from LSSC22 (see supplementary
Figure 2. Bacillus VOCs caused a wide range of abnormalities in the morphology of the Ralstonia
solanacearumcells observed by SEM. Pathogenic cells were grown on CPG at 28C, and after three days of
exposure to VOCs of FZB 42 and LSSC22, samples were collected from the I-plates. Electron micrographs were
obtained using a Hitachi Science System SEM (Hitachi S-3000N, Tokyo, Japan). In the control (water), Rsc was
grown on CPG without exposure to VOCs. The colony morphology of the pathogen was altered in the presence
of volatiles produced by FZB 42 (C,D) and LSSC22 (E,F) and revealed several deformed pathogenic cells within
the colony of the pathogen compared with the control (A,B). Arrow heads indicating distortion of Rsc cells.
Bars; 5m.
material, TableS3), which had relatively high peak areas, e.g. 1%, and were not similar to the control.
1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H)-one (1,2-BIT), (1R)-2,6,6-Trimetyhlbicyclo[3.1.1]-hept-2-ene (TMB), Benzoic acid
(BA), Dodecane, 1-fluoro (DCF), Dodecane (DCN) and Phenol, 2-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-6-methyl (PH) were com-
mon both in FZB42 and LSSC22. Seven other VOCs: Silanediol, dimethyl (SDD), Benzeneacetamide (BAM),
Oxime, methoxy-phenyl (OMP), Benzaldehyde(BDH), Sulfurous acid, cyclohexyl-methyl isobutyl ester (SCE),
6-Tridecen, 2,2,4,10,12,12-hexamethyl-7-(3,5,5-trimrthylhexyl)-(6THT) and 2-Undecanethiol, 2-methyl
(2-UT,2-M) were found in FZB42 while four VOCs: 1,3Butadiene (1.3BDN), 1-octyn-3ol, 4-ethyl-(1OCTN),
Undecanal, 2-methyl (UDM) and Cyclohexene, 3-(1,5-dimethyl-4-hexenyl)-6-methylene-(CHN) were found in
BDH, 1,2-BITH and 1,3-BDN had strong antibacterial activity against Rsc. The results showed
that three chemicals, BDH, 1,2-BITH and 1,3-BDN, reduced the viability of the Rsc cells by 60.113%, 51.65% and
39.89%, respectively, compared with the control. These chemicals were selected for further study at different con-
centrations to find minimum inhibitory content (MIC). SDD, SCE, 2-UT2-M and PH did not inhibit the growth
of Rsc, while BAM, 1-OCTN, DCF, UDM and DCN had a moderate effect, resulting in a 23.11%, 25.73%, 25.15%,
21.54% and 23.66% inhibition rate, respectively. TMB and BA had the least inhibition (Fig.5A). BDH, 1,2-BITH
and 1,3-BDNwere further evaluated at different concentrations, which showed that BDH, 1,2-BITH and 1,3-BDN
reduced the viable cells even at 0.20mg, 0.50mg and 0.57mg, respectively (Fig.5B).
Antibacterial activity of VOCs was dependent on the concentration of VOCs. The results showed
that after five days of incubation, the 2nd partition had more growth inhibition in the form of less viable cells of
Figure 3. Bacillus VOCs caused severe ultra-structural abnormalities in the Ralstonia solanacearum cells
observed by TEM. Ralstonia solanacearum cells were collected as previously mentioned and were prepared for
TEM. Ultra-structural changes in the cells were observed using a Hitachi transmission electron microscope (H-
600, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan). Compared with the undamaged cells in the control (AC), pathogenic cells showed
a wide range of abnormalities after exposure to the VOCs of FZB42 (DF) and LSSC22 (GI). These changes
included 1. Movement of cytoplasmic contents, 2. Loosening of the cell wall, 3. Formation of inclusion bodies
and 4. Misshapen bacteria.
Rsc than the 3rd partition following inoculation with FZB42. Similar results were obtained when synthetic VOC
1,2-BITH was used. However, the most effective VOC, BDH (undiluted), inhibited the growth of Rsc completely
in both partitions, while the control did not inhibit growth (see SupplementarymaterialFig.S1).
Bacillus VOCs altered the transcriptional expression of T3SS, T4SS pili, EPS and
chemotaxis-related genes in Rsc. The transcriptional expression of genes related to extracellular poly-
saccharides (epsI, epsB, epsC, epsD, epsE, epsF, epsP), motility (motA, fliT), T3SS (hrpB), TTE (awr1, awr3, awr5),
T4SS pili (pilQ), chemotaxis (cheW), and the global virulence regulator, PhcA, were significantly altered after
exposure to VOCs of FZB42, LSSC22 and synthetic chemicals. Real-time PCR analysis elucidated that, of the 16
genes examined, 11 (epsI, epsB, epsD, epsP, motA, fliT, hrpB, awr3, awr5, pilQ, and cheW) were down-regulated at
various levels, one (phcA) was up-regulated, and 4 (epsC, epsE, epsF and awr1) were unaffected after Rsc cells were
exposed to VOCs of FZB 42 and LSSC22 for three days at 28C. BDH down-regulated 12 genes, including awr1,
which was unaffected by FZB42 and LSSC22. Similarly, 1,2-BITH and 1,3-BDN altered the expression levels of
12 genes (epsI, epsB, epsD, epsP, awr3, awr5, phcA, hrpB, pilQ, motA, fliT, and cheW). However, 1,3-BDN had no
effect on epsI along with four other unaffected genes (Fig.6).
Bacillus VOCs reduced the virulence and pathogenicity of Rsc and induced systemic resist-
ance. The pathogenicity assay of Rsc was performed after three days of exposure to VOCs of FZB42 and
LSSC22, which resulted in a decrease in the virulence of Rsc. A 13.33% wilt disease index was observed when Rsc
Figure 4. Effect of VOCs produced by Bacillus amyloliquefacians FZB42 and Bacillus artrophaeus
LSSC22 on motility of Ralstonia solanacearum. (A) Swarming motility (B) twitching motility (C) swimming
motility (D) chemotaxis Error bars indicate standard deviations of the means. The data were analyzed using
analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Duncans multiple-range test (P=0.05) using SPSS software (SPSS,
Chicago, IL). Error bars indicate standard deviations of three replicates and different letters describe significant
differences at P=0.05 within the same data group.
Figure 5. BDH, 1,2-BITH and 1,3-BDN showed strong antibacterial activity against Ralstonia
solanacearum. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the Duncans
multiple-range test (P0.05) using SPSS software (SPSS, Chicago, IL). Error bars indicate the mean SD
and different letters describe significant differences at P=0.05 within the same data group. The
compounds are ordered according to their retention time on a capillary GC column (Supelcowax 10).
1,3-BDN= 1,3Butadiene, SDD= Silanediol, dimethyl, 1,2-BIT=1,2-Benz isothiazol-3(2H)-one,
BAM= Benzeneacetamide, OMP= Oxime, methoxy-phenyl, TMB=(1R)-2,6,6-Trimetyhlbicyclo[3.1.1]
hept-2-ene, BA=Benzoic acid, 2-formyl-4,6-dimethoxy-,8,8-dimethoxyoct-2-yl, BDH= Benzaldehyde,
SCE=Sulfurous acid, cyclohexylmethyl isobutyl ester, 2-UT,2-M= 2-Undecanethiol, 2-methyl,
1,OTN= 1-octyn-3ol, 4-ethyl-, DCF= Dodecane, 1-fluoro, UDM= Undecanal, 2-methyl DCN= Dodecane,
PH= Phenol, 2-(1,1-dimethyl)-5-methyl.
was exposed to VOCs from FZB42, and a 25.45% index was observed for LSSC22, while the index was 92.00%
when Rsc cells were not exposed to any bacterial VOCs. FZB42- and LSSC22-derived VOCs reduced disease
development significantly (by 15.2% and 16%, respectively) when tobacco seedlings were exposed to their VOCs,
compared with the control (95%), but there was no significant difference between the treatments. Similarly BDH,
1,2-BITH and 1,3-BDN also reduced the disease development. A 14.4% and 15.2% disease index was observed by
BDH (0.1mM and 0.01mM), 18.4 and 20.8% by 1,2-BITH (1mM and 0.1mM) while 24.8 and 28. % by 1,3-BDN
(10mM and 1mM) as compared to (97.6%) water control. Reduction in disease development in the I plate system
confirmed the induced systemic resistance in tobacco against Rsc by VOCs of FZB42 and LSSC22 as well as by
synthetic chemicals (see SupplementarymaterialFig.S2). To demonstrate that the VOCs produced by FZB42
and LSSC22 induced systemic resistance at a broader level (in-vivo), we created the in planta system. The results
showed that VOCs produced by FZB42 and LSSC22 caused a significant reduction in the wilt index, confirming
the induced systemic resistance in plants against Rsc. FZB42 significantly reduced the disease and showed only
a 28% wilt index, while LSSC22 had a 43.20% wilt index, as compared with a 92% wilt index in the non-exposed
control (Fig.7). To verify the resistance in tobacco against Rsc, due to the exposure of VOCs in pot experiment,
we analyzed the genes of tobacco plant relating to resistance and defense by real time PCR. The transcriptional
expression of R gene RRS1 which is related to resistance in tobacco against Rsc was induced by FZB42, LSSC22
and also by individual chemicals; BDH, 1,2-BITH and 1,3-BDN as compared to untreated control. However
over-expression was more by FZB42 and BDH as compared to others and increased with the time, showing its
maximum at 9th days after inoculation. An up-regulation in defense related genes NPR1 and EDS1 was observed
after exposure to Bacillus VOCs. However, there was a difference in the relative expression levels of NPR1 and
EDS1 among the VOCs produced by FZB42 and LSSC22. Increased expression of NPR1 was noticed when
treated with VOCs of LSSC22 compared with FZB42, which reached the highest level at the 9th day. Expression
of EDS1 was also induced by FZB42 and LSSC22-VOCs (Fig.8A). Similarly, synthetic VOCs BDH, 1,2-BITH
and 1,3-BDN induced the transcriptional expression of genes relating to defense at varying level as compared
to control (Fig.8B). These results indicate that VOCs stimulated the resistance and defense related genes which
activated the induction of systemic resistance in tobacco against Rsc.
Microbial volatiles have been increasingly studied during the last two decades for their beneficial and environ-
mentally friendly roles, such as induced systemic resistance against plant pathogens and abiotic factors21,44, plant
growth enhancement15,20 and antagonistic action against plant pathogenic fungi and nematodes8,14. However,
most investigations have been conducted using plant pathogenic fungi15. Recently, antibacterial activity of VOCs
produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR-9 and Pseudomonas fluorescens WR-1 was demonstrated against the
tomato wilt pathogen, although this study did not further investigate the induction of systemic resistance against
Rsc45,46. In our study, we demonstrated that bacterial VOCs not only control bacterial pathogens but can also
induce systemic resistance. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 is well known for plant growth regulation and the
synthesis of complex bioactive molecules such as microcin B17, streptolysin S and amylocyclicin that inhibit the
growth of plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria4749. Rsc requires swimming motility and twitching motility for
virulence31,50, as non-motile mutants of Rsc have been demonstrated to be significantly less virulent. There is a
strong relationship between swimming motility and virulence, as swimming motility is a virulence trait of Rsc and
is required for the wilt pathogen to properly invade and colonize the host plant50. Rsc not only requires motility
but also chemotaxis toward root exudates to efficiently colonize and enter into plant roots for disease
development51. Our results revealed a reduction in both motility and chemotaxis of Rsc following exposure to
VOCs of FZB42 and LSSC22 (Fig.4). This phenomenon was confirmed in the pathogenicity assay and the tran-
scriptional expression of motility-related genes. Twitching motility is a form of bacterial translocation over firm
surfaces that requires T4SS pili. Our results revealed down-regulation of pilQ, fliT, motA and the
Figure 7. Volatiles produced by B. amyloliquefacians FZB42 and B. artrophaeus LSSC22 reduced the
virulence of Ralstonia solanacearumand and induced systemic resistance. %Wilted plants was calculated
after 21 days of inoculation according to the Winstead formula. Five tobacco plants were inoculated at the
three to four leaf stage by puncturing the stem at the third fully expanded leaf from the apex with the help of an
inoculum-dipped needle. Then, 100l of the VOC-treated Rsc suspension was injected into each plant stem.
In the control, plants were inoculated with sterile water, and in the non-treated group, plants were inoculated
with a suspension of Rsc cells that were not exposed to VOCs. For the Petri plate experiment (B2), 5-6-day-old
emerging tobacco seedlings inoculated with Rsc were transplanted into one compartment, bacterial strains were
cultured in other compartment of I-plate. In the non-inoculated control, the roots were dipped in sterile water.
Wilt symptoms were observed after 7 days of inoculation, and the data were recorded as described earlier. In
B3, plastic pots, fixed on glass jars, having a Petri dish inoculated with FZB42, LSSC22 or sterilized water were
used. All three pots were inoculated with a suspension of Rsc by the root dip method, except the non-inoculated
control, and were kept in a growth chamber at 28/22Cday/night temperature for a 16-h light/8-h dark
photoperiod at 85% relative humidity. Error bars indicate standard deviations of the means. Different letters
above error bars represent significant differences according to Duncans multiple-range test (P= 0.05) using
SPSS software (SPSS, Chicago, IL).
chemotaxis-related gene cheW (Fig.7). T3SS, T4SS pili, EPS and chemotaxis are major pathogenicity determi-
nants of Rsc. In Rsc, the expression of Hrp-T3SS-related genes is regulated by an AraC-type transcriptional acti-
vator, HrpB, which is down-regulated by VOCs from FZB42 and LSSC22. Thirty HrpB-regulated hpx
(hrpB-dependent expression) genes and three hrpB-regulated genes, popA, popB and popC, have been identified
in Rsc32. HrpB acts as a master regulatory gene, and the down-regulation of hrpB might ultimately affect these
genes. T3SS encoded by hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (hrp) genes delivers bacterial effector proteins
called type three effector proteins (TTE) directly into the host cell cytosol to promote disease30,52. AWR
(alanine-tryptophan-arginine tryad) effectors are involved in virulence or avirulence in Rsc upon interaction with
the host plant. Our results showed down-regulation of awr3 and awr5. Transcriptional expression of awr (type III
effecter proteins) requires HrpB53 which was down-regulated in our study, justifying the down-regulation of awr3
and awr5. A complex regulatory network is required for the transcriptional expression of virulence or avirulence
factors, and PhcA is the control center of this system33. PhcA is directly or indirectly involved in the regulation of
genes, resulting in the expression of several virulence factors such as EPS, plant cell wall-degrading enzymes,
TTSS and bacterial motility54. Results showed that transcriptional expression of PhcA was up-regulated up to
3-fold following treatment with VOCs of FZB42 and LSSC22. The global virulence regulator, PhcA, negatively
regulates the expression of T3SS genes, supporting our results. Similarly, Hrp pili in Rsc were also repressed by
phcA in cells grown in rich medium54. VOCs from FZB42 and LSSC22 repressed epsI, epsB, epsD and epsP, while
epsC, epsE and epsF were not affected. EPS is the one of the most important virulence factors because EPS
I-deficient mutants are nearly avirulent and do not colonize plant xylem vessels as efficiently as wild-type patho-
gens5. Our results are in conformity with previously reported results in which repressed transcriptional expres-
sion of virulence-associated genes in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae were noted55. Similarly VOCs produced by
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens SQR-9 and Pseudomonas fluorescens WR-1 down regulated the expression of RSc pro-
teins related to virulence46,47. At high concentrations, VOCs might damage the cell membrane, causing the move-
ment of intracellular material out of the cell and resulting in cell death. Electron micrographs of the untreated Rsc
samples revealed normal growth of the cells, while the Rsc colonies were disturbed, in the presence of VOCs of
FZB42 and LSSC22. The transmission electron micrograph showed that VOCs caused damage to the pathogenic
cells at high concentrations, while the non-inoculated control displayed normal cell growth. These abnormalities
included loosening of the cell wall and, in some cells, rupturing of the cell wall and movement of the cytoplasmic
contents towards the ruptured walls, resulting in the formation of misshapen cells and sometimes cell death
(Figs2 and 3). These results are consistent with previously reported studies in which altered morphology of fungal
hyphae and conidiophores of Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium italicum were observed after exposure to microbial
VOCs56. Similarly SEM and TEM analysis showed abnormal surface morphology in cells of Xanthomonas oryzae
pv. oryzae after exposure to VOCs produced by Bacillus cereus D1355. One prominent finding of our study was
that VOCs from FZB42 and LSSC22 negatively affected disease development and induced systemic resistance in
tobacco plants. However, disease development appeared to be greater in the Rsc inoculated plants that were
treated directly with VOCs. This observation might be due to the hindered contact of VOCs with Rsc cells
(Fig.7B1 and B3). The tobacco seedlings grown in divided Petri plates displayed a greater level of induced sys-
temic resistance compared with the potted experiment, as in Petri plates, higher levels of VOCs were available
(Fig.7B1 and B2). The decreased disease development in plants inoculated with VOCs-treated Rsc cells might be
a consequence of the VOCs not only reducing pathogen growth but also restricting the movement of the patho-
gen into tobacco plant roots. VOCs from FZB42 and LSSC22 might be influenced in two positive ways: promot-
ing plant growth and inhibiting pathogen growth, and thus inducing systemic resistance. Our results suggested
that FZB42 and LSSC22 emit VOCs that can elicit plant defense mechanisms. The results showed the
up-regulation of transcriptional expression of R gene RRS1 along with the overexpression of NPR1 and EDS1
when exposed to VOCs after inoculation with Rsc. The over-expression of RRS1 confirmed the induction of sys-
temic resistance in tobacco as the RRS1 is specifically the bacterial wilt resistance gene isolated from Arabdiopsis
and detected in tobacco34. The R gene (RRS1-R) isolated from Nd-1 showed a significant enhancement of resist-
ance when overexpressed in Col plants57,58. Overexpression of R gene, RE-bw in eggplant confirmed that the
RE-bw was an important R gene against bacterial wilt. Furthermore, results showed the involvement of RE-bw in
enrichment of SA content, ROS-scavenging enzymatic activities, cell wall, and lignin to minimize the Rsc coloni-
zation to roots. The up-regulation of transcriptional expression of NPR1 and EDS1 suggested that the induction
of systemic resistance might be motivated by SA signaling path way as EDS1 and NPR1 are the main components
of SA pathway35. The chemical compounds, BDH, 1,2-BITH and 1,3-BDN, are responsible for eliciting the
defense response. Tobacco seedlings receive a sufficient amount of airborne chemical information to trigger ISR,
as measured by the ability of the seedlings to resist infection. These results suggest that induced systemic resist-
ance can be achieved without any contact between PGPRs and plants, indicating that VOCs might be involved
normally in the process of induced systemic resistance59. These results are consistent with previous findings in
which Bacillus amyloliqefaciens IN937a, B. subtilis GB03, Escherichia coli DH5a and Pseudomonas fluorescens
89B61 produced BDH, inducing systemic resistance in plants against pathogens and inhibited the growth of var-
ious pathogenic fungus mycelia and spore germination21,60,61. Similarly, benzothiazole inhibits mycelial
growth14,62. BDH is an aromatic aldehyde with strong antimicrobial activity, but it is a generally regarded as safe
(GRAS)-compound without any toxic effect in humans or on the environment63. In conclusion, our study showed
the following novel results: (1) VOCs produced by FZB42 and LSSC22 inhibited colony growth, motility and
negatively influenced the chemotaxis of Rsc, (2) caused morphological and ultra-structural abnormalities in Rsc
cells, (3) decreased virulence levels both when Rsc cells were directly treated with VOCs and when plants inocu-
lated with Rsc were exposed to VOCs, inducing systemic resistance, (4) altered the transcriptional expression of
virulence related genes (T3SS, T4SS, EPS, motility and virulence regulator PhcA) and over-expressed genes
related to wilt resistance and pathogen defense (5) BDH, 1,2-BIT, 1,3-BDN were not only the key inhibiting fac-
tors of Rsc, but also eliciting ISR. These results provide new insight into the inter-communication among the
pathogenic bacteria Rsc and antagonistic bacteria, FZB42 and LSSC22 and tobacco plants in terms of the suppres-
sion of the wilt disease index and induction of systemic resistance in plants. This is the first report on the produc-
tion and systemic resistance activity of VOCs derived from FZB42 and LSSC22 against bacterial wilt disease.
VOCs produced by FZB42 and LSSC22 are good antibacterial compounds, providing an alternative to pesticides,
and they can be used as an environmentally friendly biocontrol mechanism.
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This work was supported by the grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31471811), the
Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest (20130315), and the Key research and development program of
Jiangsu Province (BE2015354).
Author Contributions
H.A.S.T., H.J.W., Q.G. and X.W.G. conceived and designed the experiments. H.A.S.T. conducted most of the
experiments. Y.N. and R.H. performed the quantitative real time-PCR. H.A.S.T. analyzed the experimental data
and wrote the manuscript. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
How to cite this article: Tahir, H. A. S. et al. Bacillus volatiles adversely affect the physiology and ultra-structure
of Ralstonia solanacearum and induce systemic resistance in tobacco against bacterial wilt. Sci. Rep. 7, 40481;
doi: 10.1038/srep40481 (2017).
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