Jataka Ratnakaram
Jataka Ratnakaram
Jataka Ratnakaram
Beneficial results come during the main periods and sub-periods of beneficial planets
always; during the sub-periods of malefic planets malefic (harmful) results come most of
the period; during the last phase, good results always come due to the effect of the
good-nature of the planet of main period.
Beneficial results come during the main periods and sub-periods of beneficial planets
always; during the sub-periods of malefic planets malefic (harmful) results come most of
the period; during the last phase, good results always come due to the effect of the
good-nature of the planet of main period.
If the lords of kendrams (1,4,7,10 houses) and the lords of konams (1,5,9 houses) have
no relation and they do not have lordships of malefic houses, the person enjoys very
good results during the main period of the lord of kendram, during the sub-period of the
lord of konam; and also during the main period ofthe lord of konam, during the sub-
period of the lord of Kendram.
If the lord of lagnam (1st house) is in the house of malefic (evil) (or enemy) planet or in
debilitated house, or the lord of 1st house stays with malefic (evil) planet in the same
house or the lagna-lord has aspect of (dhrusti) malefic (evil) planet on it, or the lord of
1st house is in 6th, or 8th or 12th house, the man can not have health & comfort.
Raakshasa Yoga in his horoscope. This made him a highly notorious demon ruler and
devil king who massacred millions of Hindus and Sikhs. According to the great
astrological text Sambhu Samhitha, Rakshasa Yoga arises when the malefics are
dominant in Kendras and when benefics, though occupying Kendras are in the malefic
Nakshtras (constellations) or Nava Amsas of malefics. When this yoga is present in the
horoscope of an ordinary man, he destroys his own family by his violent or
unscrupulous behaviour. While in the horoscope of an emperor like Aurangazeb, the
consequences of this yoga become fatal to the interests of the empire and lead to the
downfall of the nation. Aurangazebs horoscope is an appropriate