Cross-Sectional Properties of Complex Composite Beams: Airil Y. Mohd Yassin, David A. Nethercot
Cross-Sectional Properties of Complex Composite Beams: Airil Y. Mohd Yassin, David A. Nethercot
Cross-Sectional Properties of Complex Composite Beams: Airil Y. Mohd Yassin, David A. Nethercot
Received 22 September 2005; received in revised form 15 March 2006; accepted 25 April 2006
Available online 30 June 2006
A procedure is presented for the calculation of the key cross-sectional properties of steelconcrete composite beams of complex cross-
section. The novel feature of the procedure is the use of functions to describe the shape of the different elements in a cross-section; this permits
determination of the cross-sectional properties through appropriate integrations. The formulation is developed in a format that is directly suitable
for computer programming, i.e. in matrix forms and operations. It is completely general in terms of the shape of the cross-section. The procedure
is applied to a new type of composite beam known as the PCFC (pre-cast cold-formed composite) beam, details of which are explained herein.
This is shown to perform better than equivalent, more conventional composite beams at the ultimate condition, but is slightly less efficient when
considering some serviceability aspects.
c 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction asymmetric about its major axis, either by increasing the depth
or the width (or both) of the lower flange, as shown in Fig. 1(c)
The earliest known form of steelconcrete composite beam, and (d) [2]. Moreover, a reinforced concrete beam, shown as
dating from the late 1800s, comprised a steel beam encased Fig. 1(e), can also be loosely regarded as a composite beam but
in concrete, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The arrangement was first excluded if the definition requires that the steel element should
used in a bridge in Iowa and a building in Pittsburgh [10]. have substantial flexural stiffness when acting alone, something
The encasement provides fire protection but also enhances the that the rebar clearly does not possess.
bending strength of the steel beam. Since ultimate strength The availability of thin cold-formed steel components in the
design was not known at the time, the basis was an elastic construction industry has led to a new composite configuration,
assessment. However, with the introduction of ultimate strength consisting of a steel beam and a composite slab, as shown in
design, the eccentricity between the resultant force in the Fig. 1(f) [4]. New considerations arise for such a configuration
concrete and that in the steel was recognized as the key as the slab is no longer solid but profiled, thereby influencing
factor in determining the effectiveness of the composite action. the location of the point of action of the concrete resultant force,
Intuitively, a steel beam located beneath the concrete element the total steel resultant forces (as now there are two sources:
would result in greater eccentricity and would thus perform the steel beam and the profiled sheeting) and the behaviour of
better than the encased section. Such a configuration is shown the shear connection. Recently, other new slab systems have
in Fig. 1(b) in the form of a steel beam connected to the also been introduced into composite design such as hollow-
concrete slab by means of shear connectors [3]. As a way of cored slabs [6] and pre-cast slabs with a concrete topping [5],
further increasing the lever arm, the steel beam can be made as shown in Fig. 1(g) and (h); these lead to new considerations.
Providing the maximum lever arm results in exposure of
the steel element to compressive forces which may induce local
Corresponding address: Imperial College of Science, Technology and
buckling of the steel (although the possibility is always greater
Medicine, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, London SW7
2BU, United Kingdom. Tel.: +44 20 7594 6097; fax: +44 20 7594 6049. when the steel is acting alone), something that is avoided
E-mail address: (D.A. Nethercot). when using the encased steel beam. To provide both a large
Beam, or PCFC beam. The beam consists of a closed cold- this, the role of the concrete in tension is essentially to hold
formed steel section encased in reinforced concrete. A possible the reinforcement in place. The cold-formed steel section in a
cross-section is illustrated in Fig. 3. Such a configuration can PCFC beam replaces the reinforcement bars of the conventional
be considered as a further evolution of the profiled composite reinforced concrete beam, but the void that is created reduces
beam shown in Fig. 1( j) for which the additional benefits are: the amount of concrete in tension.
The evolution of the PCFC beam from its four sources is
(i) The cold-formed sheeting provides a hollow core for shown in Fig. 4. However, based on Fig. 3, it is to be expected
the beam and is no longer located at the perimeter of that the design of a PCFC beam will be more complex than is
the concrete section; therefore, the eccentricity between the case for most of the beams shown in Fig. 1.
resultants can be adjusted without affecting the beams
The first complication arises from the absence of
outer section.
rectangularity for the cross-section. The void, the corners and
(ii) Since the cold-formed steel contains no concrete, it does
the irregular steel shape are the cause of this irregularity.
not have to be present throughout the depth of the beam,
Also, the stretching of the sheeting during the forming
thus reducing the exposure of the steel to compressive
process creates nonuniform thicknesses between corners and
stresses. Also, the rigid medium provided by the concrete
flat regions. The immediate effects of these are difficulties in
allows only one-way buckling, a benefit also shared by the
determining the action point of the force resultants for the
profiled composite beam.
various components and in transforming the components into
(iii) The encasement eliminates any bearing problem of the
a single unit (required to evaluate the cross-sectional properties
cold-formed steel due to the introduction of the load.
used for the serviceability checks).
(iv) The hollow core can act as a service duct.
The hybrid properties of cold-formed steel are the next
The arbitrary shape of the steel section is chosen deliberately complication. To incorporate the higher strength at the corners
to emphasize the freedom in geometry that is available when in design, these elements need to be treated individually,
using cold-formed steel sections. From the composite beam increasing the scope of the problem. The simple assumption of
point of view, this freedom allows for optimization by matching average values, on the other hand, reduces the effectiveness of
the supply and demand based on the composite beam concept. the cold-formed steel.
The extended steel elements are not only part of the steel The third complication is due to overlapping between the
element but also act as L-rib connectors, making external steel and concrete elements except in the upper part of the
shear connectors unnecessary. Although PCFC beams may not beam. If the plastic neutral axis locations intersect both the steel
exhibit the advantage of providing the permanent formwork of and concrete elements, the determination of the location of the
a profiled composite beam, the prefabricated nature of the beam plastic neutral axis requires an iteration process. Partial shear
may be retained by using pre-cast concrete. connection introduces a further complication.
Obviously, the PCFC beam also resembles the encased steel
beam and the slim floor type of composite beam. Besides the 1.3. Objectives of the paper
void, the PCFC beam differs from the other two by the use of a
cold-formed section instead of a hot-rolled or built-up section.
Based on the foregoing discussion, the objectives of this
Cold-formed sections provide more options in terms of shape.
paper are:
Also, since the cold-formed section is relatively thin, then the
over-reinforced condition, if not desired, can be more easily (i) to develop a general procedure for the determination of the
avoided. cross-sectional properties of complex beam cross-sections,
At the other extreme, the PCFC beam can be considered such as the PCFC beam, that is systematic and suitable for
as evolving from a conventional reinforced concrete beam. In computer-aided calculation;
198 A.Y. Mohd Yassin, D.A. Nethercot / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 195212
(ii) to use this procedure to compare the flexural performance in most cases because of the enhancements provided by the
of the proposed PCFC beam with that of a similar profiled configuration of the cross-section, i.e. only one-way local
composite beam. buckling is possible, and the location of the neutral axis is most
likely to be relatively high, leaving only a small amount of
2. Design basis of PCFC beam steel in compression. Should the neutral axis lie above the steel
section, then there will be no possibility for local buckling.
The key feature of the procedure is the use of functions The procedure is also based on the assumptions inherent in
to describe the shape of the elements in a cross-section standard composite beam design, listed as follows:
(definitions of elements and function are given in Sections 3.3 (i) Steel elements are assumed to be fully stressed to their
and 3.4), leading to the determination of the cross- design strength, p y , in both tension and compression, and
sectional properties through appropriate integrations. This is concrete elements are assumed to be stressed to a uniform
presented symbolically, since it is intended for computer-aided compressive stress of 0.85 f c throughout the compression
calculation. Such a procedure has the following advantages: depth.
(i) A systematic procedure reduces calculation and thus (ii) Concrete in tension has negligible strength and is thus
reduces the possibility of clumsy errors. neglected.
(ii) A computerized procedure provides the basis for a rapid (iii) Slip is insignificant (full interaction assumption).
design when passing through the various design checks. (iv) Plane sections remain plane.
(iii) A procedure that is both systematic and computerized
2.3. Approximation error
encourages a comprehensive analysis without the need to
simplify the problem (as was inevitably the case for the Approximation errors will occur if the chosen function does
design of profiled composite slabs and profiled composite not describe the shape of an element exactly. Suitable functions
beams when using existing approaches). are proposed in Section 3.4.
(iv) The proposed procedure is suitable for mass-production
manufacturers where products are materially similar but 3. Physical stage
different in scale and shape.
This stage is concerned with the identification of the physical
The design basis for the PCFC beam described herein (but components of the cross-section, their definition and symbolic
which is also sufficiently general for use on other complex beam expression; it has the following components:
cross-sections) is developed for a beam in positive bending. (i) symmetricality;
It covers the determination of the second moment of area of (ii) strips;
the cross-section, assuming full interaction and the ultimate (iii) elements;
moment capacity of the beam for both full and partial shear (iv) functions;
connection conditions. (v) geometrical points.
The procedure is presented in two stages: the physical Since the great majority of composite beam cross-sections,
stage and the application stage. The physical stage deals with especially the forms for which this process has been
the identification of the physical components of the cross- devised, are symmetrical about their minor axis, the following
section, their definitions, and their subsequent representation development is based on this assumption. It permits significant
by symbolic expressions. The physical stage provides the simplifications to be made.
understanding, including identifying the required data and how
3.2. Strips
to input them. It provides guidance on exactly how to break
down the complex cross-section into discrete entities which The cross-section is first discretized into a total of S
later can be prescribed in matrix form. The application stage rectangular strips, as shown in Fig. 5. Individual strips are
represents these with standard mathematical formulations, numbered from 1S, with a typical strip being referred to as
arranged to suit computer programming; this stage is intended strip s. Each strip may contain a mix of:
for the implementation. Thus the concepts developed in the (i) line elements;
physical stage underpin the mathematical formulations of the (ii) bar elements;
application stage. A detailed discussion of both stages is given (iii) area elements.
in Sections 3 and 4 of this paper.
Each of these is then represented by a 1-rule continuous
2.2. Design assumptions function, as explained in Section 3.4. The different types of
elements are described below.
The procedure is based on the assumption that beam design 3.3. Elements
is governed by flexure, thus shear-related failures are not
considered. Also, it is assumed that local buckling does not An area element, a typical example of which is identified
occur in the steel elements. The latter assumption holds true in Fig. 5, is defined as having significant dimensions in both
A.Y. Mohd Yassin, D.A. Nethercot / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 195212 199
Fig. 6. The matrix representation of element notation in a cross-section (given in Fig. 5).
200 A.Y. Mohd Yassin, D.A. Nethercot / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 195212
4. Application stage
3.4. Functions
(vi) centroid of beam (location of elastic neutral axis (ENA));
The function used to represent a line element must be a 1- (vii) second moment of area of uncracked section;
rule continuous function and must span the height of the strip (viii) second moment of area of cracked section;
throughout. Using a Cartesian coordinate system, the bottom- (ix) plastic moment capacities.
left corner of the strip is taken as the origin. The independent
variable of the function is the symmetrical axis direction, y.
4.1. Area of element
Observing the rules of Section 3.3, the function is abbreviated
as f e> f (y). A function may be exact or an approximation,
depending on the complexity of the actual shape of the line The area of an area element is obtained as:
elements. For example, as shown in Fig. 7, which refers to Z yn Z fe+ f +1
strip s + 1 of Fig. 5, f 5 and f 9 are constants and f 6 is a Ae f = dx dy (4.1)
0 f e+ f +te+ f
linear function, while f 7 and f 8 can be approximated (say) by
a linear expression and a polynomial expression, respectively. while the area of a line element is obtained as:
However, for one particular condition, the function cannot be s
Z yn 2
expressed in terms of the symmetrical axis direction. This
d f e
occurs when a straight line element or a series of line elements Ae> f = 1+ dy te (4.2)
0 dy
is positioned perpendicularly to the y-axis, for example element
e2,5 in Figs. 5 and 6. As an approximation, however, such line where t is the thickness of the line element and f e+ f and
elements may still be represented by treating the line element f e+ f +1 are the functions of two successive line elements
as being very slightly inclined with respect to the x-axis, as bordering area element ee .
shown in Fig. 8. The element is then expressed as having a The area of a bar element is defined as:
gradient of le /te , where le is the elements length and te is the
elements thickness. Using the approach outlined in Section 3.3, A g = r g2 (4.3)
the complete set of functions can be arranged into a matrix,
where r g is the radius of the bar element.
termed the FE matrix. Since functions relate directly to line
elements, the first f columns and the last g columns of the
matrix will be filled with null elements. 4.2. Centroid of element
f e+ f +1 f e+ f + te+ f
. (4.8)
e f
respectively. Such a formulation is intended for materials such Therefore, for the determination of the second moment of
as concrete, for which the strength in tension is neglected. area of the cracked concrete section, I x,cr , it is assumed that
Therefore, for most cases, e,c can be taken as unity. the ENA and the centroid of Eq. (4.15) remain coincident.
Strip resistance is the total of the element resistances within I x,cr is thus taken as I x,un , with the second moment of area
the strip. To take into account the sensitivity to stress direction, of the concrete in tension subtracted from it. By assuming that
the strip resistance is again categorized into: the centroid of the beam lies in strip q, and if all active area
X elements are concrete elements, the second moment of area of
(i) compressive strip resistance, Rc = Pe,c (4.14a) a cracked section, I x,cr , about the centroid of the beam parallel
X to the x-axis is obtained as:
(ii) tensile strip resistance, Rt = Pe,t . (4.14b) !
X Ae f
I x,cr = I x,un 2 Ie f,cen + (Y ye z n )2
4.6. Centroid of beam
e f
The determination of the centroid of a cross-section also Ae f
2 Ie f,cen + (Y ye z n )2 (4.18)
locates the position of the elastic neutral axis since, under e f q,t
the elastic and full interaction assumption, both points are
where the subscript cr refers to cracked. The first bracket
contains concrete terms extracted from strips lower than strip
The centroid of the cross section, Y , measured from the x-
q and the second bracket contains concrete terms in tension for
axis is defined as:
strip q. All the terms in the first bracket have been calculated
S previously as Eqs. (4.1) and (4.4). These equations are also
Ae (ye + z n )
reused to determine the terms in the second bracket by replacing
Y = . (4.15) the upper integration limit in the y-direction, yn with Y z n .
s=1 4.9. Plastic moment capacities
4.7. Second moment of area of beam (uncracked section) The plastic moment capacity of a composite beam is
calculated using the rectangular stress block approach. The
The second moment of area of an uncracked section, I x,un , ultimate condition of the beam is governed by the degree
about the centroid of the beam parallel to the x-axis is of shear connection, defined as the ratio of the longitudinal
determined using the Parallel Axes Theorem. This is defined shear strength provided compared to that required for full shear
as: connection. Herein, the determination of the plastic moment
capacity of the composite beam is explained first for the general
X Ae 2
I x,un = 2 Ie,cen + d (4.16) case of partial shear connection and is then specialized for the
e e two extreme cases, i.e. full and zero shear connection.
where the subscript un refers to uncracked. For an element In a conventional steelconcrete composite beam, partial
having its centroid higher than or coincident with the centroid shear connection occurs when the resultant force from the
of the cross-section (i.e. ye + z n > Y ), shear connectors, termed Fb , is smaller than the weaker of the
axial resistance of the concrete section or the steel section,
de = z n Y + ye . (4.17a) respectively termed Fc and Fs . Fc and Fs are obtained as
For an element having its centroid lower than the centroid of the product of the material strength and the whole cross-
the cross-section, (i.e. ye + z n < Y ) sectional area of the concrete or the steel. Such easy checking
of the partial shear connection condition is possible because
de = Y ye z n . (4.17b) the concrete and the steel elements are placed at different
levels, as shown in Fig. 10(a) for a beam in positive bending.
4.8. Second moment of area of beam (cracked section) The condition requires that, to obtain the full shear connection
condition, at least one material must have fully yielded in one
For a cracked concrete section, the elastic neutral axis direction. Although there can be two full shear connection
(ENA) no longer coincides with the centroid of Eq. (4.15). The conditions, i.e. PNA in the concrete or in the steel, because
determination of the location of the ENA can be carried out by both elements must yield in both directions there is a unique
equating the first moment of area between the upper region partial shear connection condition for the beam, as shown in
and the lower region of the cross-section. This requires an the figure, and since neither of the elements yields completely
iteration process to locate the strip within which the ENA falls. in one direction, there exists two locations for the plastic neutral
However, this is thought to be unnecessary, as the exact location axis (PNA).
of the ENA will most likely remain close to the centroid In a profiled composite beam, on the other hand, the
and a simplified approach is adopted here. (A full procedure elements are placed largely at the same level, thus making such
involving iteration is devised for the plastic neutral axis (PNA) a check impossible because, even for the full shear connection
later.) condition, each element is subjected to both compression and
A.Y. Mohd Yassin, D.A. Nethercot / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 195212 203
full shear connection condition for the beam. For a PCFC beam,
however, since Case 2 for full shear connection resembles the
condition of the conventional composite beam, Fb must in
addition be less than the steel axial resistance Fs .
An established approach to determining Fb,min is to equate
the location of the PNA in the concrete section to the location
of the PNA in the steel section. This approach has been outlined
by Oehlers et al. [12]. Their argument is that, since, in this
type of beam, the full shear condition and full interaction are
not distinguishable, at these conditions slip strain must be zero
and hence the PNA in both elements must be coincident. This
approach is suitable for their simplified arrangement, since Fig. 12. Shape/perimeter of ribs.
there is only one possible location for the PNA, i.e. within
the depth of the steel web. In the present procedure, since force required for the concrete section to obtain its maximum
there are more possibilities for the location of the PNA due resultant Fc,full , which in turn depends on the unique concrete
to the discretization of the cross-section into strips, a different crushing depth, i.e. the location of the PNA at the full shear
approach for the determination of Fb,min is adopted. connection condition. Based on this, Fb,min can be calculated by
Since the plastic moment capacity of a composite beam with determining first the location of the PNA for this full condition.
partial shear connection cannot exceed the capacity obtained The determination of the location of the PNA for the full
for full shear connection, the latter condition requires that shear connection condition requires an iteration process. As
all elements must have yielded, since the presence of any mentioned in Section 1.1, for a conventional composite beam,
unyielded portion of material would imply a possibility for the there are three possible locations for the PNA: in the concrete
capacity to increase. Examining this by referring to Fig. 12, section, in the upper steel flange or in the steel web. For a PCFC
which shows the force distributions in both the concrete section beam, there are more options, so it is necessary to derive an
and steel section for full and partial shear connection, identifies algorithm to drive the iteration process for locating the strip
eight force components as follows: within which the PNA lies. PNA falls in strip p when:
the extracted terms is then balanced by an equal resultant The exact location of the PNA can then be determined
force in the opposite direction, contributed by the composite as follows. The height of the PNA in the concrete section
action. Since this resultant is the force required for the concrete measured from the lowest local point of strip pc , h pc , can be
section to maintain its full shear connection equilibrium, this obtained by solving the following equality:
countering resultant is therefore the desired Fb,min , which can X X
now be given as: Pe f /g,c p +i+1S + Pe f,c + Fb
c pc ,c
X X i=0
Fb,min = Pg,t pi11 + Pg
p = Pg,t pc i11
X X i=0
Pg,c p+i+1S
Pe f,c p+i+1S while the equality for determining the height of the PNA in the
i=0 i=0
X steel section h ps is given as:
Pe f,c . (4.21) X X
p,y p h f
Pe> f,c p +i+1S + Pe> f,c
s ps ,c
Eq. (4.21) states that Fb,min is equal to the residual i=0
between the compressive forces and the tensile forces in
= Pe> f,t ps i11
+ Pe> f,t + Fb (4.25)
the concrete section. ps ,t
PThe fourth
term on the right-hand side i=0
of the equation, Pe f,c p,y h , represents the partial
p f where the partial values can be determined by replacing the
compressive resistance of strip p. The height of the compressive
integration limit, yn , with yn h pc and h pc of the compressive
region of strip p is given by the subscripts y p h f , where
part and the tensile part of the concrete, respectively, or yn h ps
y p is the local height of strip p and h f is the height of the
and h ps of the steel part, respectively.
PNA measured from the bottom of strip p, a known value.
If the first two terms on the right-hand side of the equation
are represented as Fg,ten , the third term as Fg,com and the last 4.9.3. Plastic moment capacity for partial shear connection
two terms as Fc,full , then Eq. (4.21) actually expresses the Once h pc and h ps are determined, the individual section
equilibrium condition of the concrete section of Fig. 11(a). contributions to the plastic moment capacity, Mconc and Msteel ,
Based on Eq. (4.21), Fb,min , and thus Fb , can be compressive or can be determined, as follows:
tensile. Although the direction of Fb,min , (or Fb ) in the concrete X
Mconc = Pe f /g,c z e f /g p +i+1S
section would not have any effect on the behaviour of the beam, c
because it will be equated by a force of equal magnitude acting X
+ Pe f,c z e f,c
at the same point but in the opposite direction from the steel X pc ,c
section, the present procedure requires the direction obtained Pg,t z g p i11 (4.26)
from Eq. (4.21) to be maintained. To note, the direction of i=0
Fb,min is also the direction of Fb . X
Msteel = Pe> f,c z e> f ps +i+1S
4.9.2. Location of PNA for partial shear connection X
+ Pe> f,c z e> f,c
In determining the plastic moment capacity of a composite X ps ,c
beam with partial shear connection, the locations of the plastic Pe> f,t z e> f p i11
neutral axis (PNA) must be determined first. The determination i=0
requires knowledge of the magnitude and direction of Fb , for Pe> f,t z e> f,t (4.27)
ps ,t
which a method has been outlined in Section 4.9.1. Once these
are known, the next step is to identify the strip in which the PNA in which the zs are the lever arm of an element measured from
is located. For longitudinal equilibrium in the concrete section, the bottom of the cross-section. These lever arms are given in
the PNA lies in strip pc when: general terms as follows. To obtain the value for a particular
group of elements, just add to the subscript e the relevant
X Sk
X range, either f or > f , and add to the subscript p the relevant
+ Fb >
Pe f /g,c s
Pg,t s
(4.22) subscript, either c or s:
s=Sk+1 s=1
5.1. Example 1
4.9.5. Plastic moment capacity of extreme conditions
The plastic moment capacity of the full shear connection and The first example deals with the properties of the single
zero shear connection conditions can be determined by setting strip illustrated in Fig. 14; this is strip s + 1 from Fig. 7. The
the value of Fb in each of Eqs. (4.22)(4.25) equal to Fbmin or input data for the calculation are prescribed directly in matrix
to zero, respectively. form. These input data are obtained from the physical stage. In
A.Y. Mohd Yassin, D.A. Nethercot / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 195212 207
Table 5.1
Summary of the prescribed matrices of Example 1
ACTIVE (S, G) 3.3 1 or 0 used to distinguish between active and passive elements
set 1 for active elements
set 0 for passive elements
5.2. Example 2
Fig. 14. Geometries of the (s + 1)th strip (previously shown in Fig. 7).
Herein, the iteration used to determine the strip within which
determining the element areas and the centroid, the following the PNA is located is demonstrated by the use of Eq. (4.19). The
prescribed matrices are required: program script is given below.
Assume a cross-section discretized into five strips, as shown
(i) element function matrix, FE; in Fig. 15. The assumed compressive and tensile resistances of
(ii) element thickness matrix, TE; each strip, calculated by the use of Eqs. (4.14a) and (4.14b), are
(iii) element activeness matrix, ACTIVE; shown in the figure and are assembled below as column vectors,
(iv) element local height vector, YN. RC and RT, respectively (units of N ):
These prescribed matrices are given in Table 5.1. In forming 255 000 0
the element function matrix, FE, the functions that describe the 110 000 110 000
shape of the steel sheeting ( f 6 , f 7 and f 8 ) and the borders ( f 5 RC = 1054 200
RT = 442 190 .
and f 9 ), as shown in Fig. 14, are defined as (units in mm): 345 020 128 270
(i) f5 = 0; 510 000 0
(ii) f6 = 0.49y 43; The iteration process for determining the location of the PNA
(iii) f7 = 0.34y + 43; is:
(iv) f8 = 0.0188y 2 + 0.1031y + 75.934;
(v) f9 = 100. 1st attempt (k = 1)
S 5
The terms f 5 , f 6 , f 7 and f 9 are straightforward functions; X X
Rc = Rc = RC(5, 1) = 510 000
f 8 is approximated by first obtaining the coordinates of the
Sk+1 51+1=5
curve at several locations using AutoCAD/2000i [1] drawing.
Sk 51=4
These are plotted and used in a regression analysis written in X
Rt =
Rt = RT(1, 1) + RT(2, 1) + RT(3, 1)
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 [9] to generate the equation for f 8 . 1 1
These functions are then assembled in the FE matrix by + RT(4, 1) = 680 460
placing them in the s + 1 row. FE is an S G matrix, where
since SSk+1 Rc < 1Sk1 Rt , proceed with the iteration.
G is the highest numbered element possible in a strip within
208 A.Y. Mohd Yassin, D.A. Nethercot / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 195212
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
FE = s + 1 0 0 0 0 0 (0.49y 43) (0.34y + 43) (0.0188y 2 + 0.1031y + 75.934) 100 0 0
f f +1 g
Box I.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
TE = s + 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0
f f +1 g
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
ACTIVE = s + 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
f f +1 g
YN = s + 1 36.69
Box II.
Matlab7 script
for k=1:S
Fig. 15. Assumed cross-section resultants (units in N).
5.3. Example 3 (validation of the procedure)
2nd attempt (k = 2)
Application to an actual beam cross-section is demonstrated
X 5
X and validated by analyzing the profiled composite beam cross-
Rc = Rc = RC(4, 1) + RC(5, 1) = 855 020 section shown in Fig. 1( j). Results are then compared with those
Sk+1 52+1=4 obtained from the original formulation [12]. This formulation
X 52=3
X did not allow for the actual shape of the cross-section
Rt = Rt = RT(1, 1) + RT(2, 1) + RT(3, 1) and required the cross-section be simplified. Compression
1 1 reinforcement was not included. The cross-section is the one
= 570 460 previously studied by Uy and Bradford [13,14] shown in
Fig. 13. Full shear connection is considered (the values of
since SSk+1 Rc > 1Sk1 Rt , stop iteration. kh = 2 hence
Fb min are as calculated in Example 5 for a partial shear
p = S kh + 1 = 4 (PNA lies in strip 4). connection analysis). It is also assumed that the concrete
A.Y. Mohd Yassin, D.A. Nethercot / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 195212 209
Element area
The following is the program script for the determination of the element area written in Matlab7.
for e=1:f
for s=1:S
ae=(int(FE(s,e+f+1)-(FE(s,e+f)+TE(s,e+f)),0,YN(s,1))) % - - - - - - - - - Equation (4.1)
Ae=[zeros(s-1,G);zeros(1,e-1),ae,zeros(1,G-e); zeros(S-s,G)]+Ae
for e=f+1:2*f+1
for s=1:S
aef=(int((1+(diff(FE(s,e))2)) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Equation (4.2)
for e=2*f+2:G
for s=1:S
ag=pi*(RE(s,(e))) 2% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Equation (4.3)
Effective area
AE contains the areas of all elements including the passive elements. To remove these, AE is multiplied, element-by-element (using operator (. ))
by the ACTIVE matrix, as follows:
Element centroid
The script for the determination of the element centroid is given below.
for e=1:f
for s=1:S
ye=((int(FE(s,e+f+1)*y-(FE(s,e+f)+TE(s,e+f))*y,0,YN(s,1)))/AE(s,e)) % - - - - - - - - - Equation (4.4)
for e=f+1:2*f+1
for s=1:S
yef=YN(s,1)/2% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Equation (4.5)
for e=2*f+2:G
for s=1:S
yg=YB(s,1) % - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Equation (4.5)
Since AE contains zero elements, YE obtained above contains NaN (not-a-number) and/or inf (infinity) elements; terms used by Matlab7. The
former occurs when zero is divided by zero, whilst the latter occurs when a number is divided by zero. To omit these elements from YE, the
following script is written for the program.
for e=1:G
for s=1:S
if YE(s,e)== NaN
if YE(s,e)== Inf
Box III.
210 A.Y. Mohd Yassin, D.A. Nethercot / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 195212
AE = s + 1 0 2.981e3 0 1.0497e3 0 81.7 77.5 88.8 0 0 0
YE = s + 1 0 18.1379 0 20.6453 18.3450 18.3450 18.3450 18.3450 0 0 0
Box IV.
Table 5.3
Calculated plastic moment capacities (Example 3)
Properties Concrete Steel Reinforcement bar The efficiency of the proposed PCFC cross-section in terms
sheeting of second moment of area and plastic moment capacity is
Modulus of elasticity, E 33 100 205 000 200 000 demonstrated by comparing its capacities with the profiled
Cylinder compressive 36.89 composite beam analyzed previously. The PCFC beam has the
strength, 0.85 f c same width, height, material properties and amount of steel as
Yield strength, p y or 0.87 f y 552 378.45
the profiled composite beam. The geometrical properties of the
PCFC beam are shown in Fig. 16. The simple shape of the cold-
formed section is provided for readers who are interested to
crushes throughout its compressive depth and that the steel verify the calculation.
does not buckle locally. For the simplified cross-section, the The results of the analyses are tabulated in Table 5.4. Based
compressive reinforcements are ignored. The geometrical and on these, it is found that, for the same amount of steel, the PCFC
material properties of the cross-section are given in Table 5.2. beam possesses a higher plastic moment capacity by about
Geometry of the simplified cross-section (units in mm): 7% for a reduction in concrete volume of about 23.5%. The
increase in strength is due to the former section having greater
te = 1.63 De = 388.76 de = 345 we = 283.4.
eccentricity of force resultants compared to the latter. However,
For validation, a direct comparison is made between the this improvement in the ultimate performance of the beam is
proposed procedure and the original formulation by first accompanied by a reduction in the second moment of area. As
determining the plastic moment capacity of the simplified tabulated, the uncracked second moment of area of the PCFC
cross-section. To demonstrate the advantages of the proposed beam is 14.6% lower than that of the profiled composite beam.
procedure, the cross-section is then analyzed for its actual This reduction is due to the hollowness of the PCFC beam.
shape. The results of the analyses are given in Table 5.3. The reduction is even greater for the cracked second moment of
A.Y. Mohd Yassin, D.A. Nethercot / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 195212 211
Table 5.4
Calculated flexural properties of the beams (Example 4)
Beam ENA height (mm) PNA height (mm) Second moment of area (mm4 ) Plastic moment capacity (N mm)
Uncracked Cracked
Uy and Bradford [13] 204.4843 326.2980 2.6348 108 1.4927 108 2.3851 108
PCFC 220.7515 310.5771 2.2984 108 1.1784 108 2.5627 108
Note: ENA and PNA heights are measured from the bottom of cross-section.
Table 5.5
Results of analysis (Example 5)
area, where a reduction of about 27% is calculated. The greater direction of 4105 N is chosen as an input for the calculation
reduction is due to the fact that the height of the ENA in the of Mpartial for both beams using the proposed procedure, and the
profiled composite beam is lower than for the PCFC beam. results are given in Table 5.5. The value selected for Fb is less
Since the cracked second moment of area is calculated based than the full steel axial resistance, Fs , which is calculated to
on the assumption that concrete cracks up to the ENA, PCFC be more than 950 kN. Mpartial of the PCFC beam is about 15%
contains more cracked concrete than the profiled composite lower than Mpartial of the profiled composite beam. However,
beam. the former uses 23.5% less concrete, with the provision of
The above discussion highlights the efficiency of PCFC only 40% shear connection (calculated as Fb /Fb,min 100) as
beams in the ultimate condition, compared to the profiled compared to the 50% in the latter.
composite beam, although the former appears to be less
efficient at the serviceability condition. However, it is necessary 6. Conclusions
to recall all the advantages that a PCFC beam can offer as
outlined previously. For example, from the cold-formed steel A procedure has been presented for the calculation of the key
point of view, notwithstanding the increase in the strength due cross-sectional properties of steelconcrete composite beams
to the composite action and the solution of the stability and having complex cross-sectional forms. The procedure is general
bearing problem due to the load introduction, the increase in the in terms of the shape of the cross-section. It is specifically
second moment of area of the PCFC beam is 77% compared to derived in a format suitable for simple computer programming.
the cold-formed section acting alone. By changing the shapes, The key feature of the procedure is the use of functions to
a better balance between serviceability and ultimate capacities describe the shape of each element within the cross-section,
is possible. leading to the determination of the various cross-sectional
properties through appropriate integrations. Motivation for the
5.5. Example 5 (Partial shear connection) development came from the need to deal with a new type of
composite beam known as the PCFC beam. This consists of a
The profiled composite beam from Example 3 is re-analyzed closed cold-formed steel section encased in reinforced concrete.
for the partial shear connection condition. The analysis is The beam has been shown to perform better than the equivalent,
initiated by first determining the minimum magnitude of Fb more conventional profiled composite beam at the ultimate
for full shear connection, denoted Fb,min . Once this has been condition, although it is slightly less efficient when considering
obtained, a lower magnitude can be specified for the partial some serviceability aspects.
connection analysis of the beam. Fb,min is determined using
both the existing method [12] and the proposed procedure, so Acknowledgements
that a check can be made. The results are compared in Table 5.5;
the values of Fb,min and Mpartial of the simplified shape are The first author would like to thank his sponsors, the Public
identical, hence the validation of the present procedure. The Service Department of Malaysia and Universiti Teknologi
existing method is not able to analyze the beam based on its Malaysia, for their financial support in his Ph.D. studies at
actual shape, hence the missing value in the appropriate box. Imperial College London. The authors would also like to thank
Repeating the analysis, Fb,min for the PCFC beam is found to Dr. Vellasco, Mr. Soleiman Fallah and Mr. Mohamed Ali for
be 9.5666 105 N. Details of the PCFC beam are given in helpful technical discussions during the preparation of the
Example 4. Based on the results, Fb with a magnitude and a papers.
212 A.Y. Mohd Yassin, D.A. Nethercot / Engineering Structures 29 (2007) 195212
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