Audition Form Youth Series

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Youth Series Audition Form (Please print clearly!)

Production: ____________________________________Audition Date:____________

Role Preference(s): ______________________________________________________

Will you accept any other role? _____ Did you complete Conflict Sheet? _____
Are you able to take off from school/work for School Performances? ____

Name:________________________ ______________________________ Age:____

(Last) (First)

Gender: _____ Grade: _____ Height: _____ Weight: ____ Hair color: ______

Address: ________________________________ _____________________________

(street) (city/state/zip)

CONTACT IFORMATION (For applicants 18 years and older)

Phone(s): ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
(Home) (Work) (Cell)

Email Address(es): ______________________________________________________

CONTACT INFORMATION (For applicants under18)

Mother/Father/Guardian Name:

Phone(s): ____________________ ____________________ ___________________

(Home) (Work) (Cell)

Email address(es): ______________________________________________________

Are you or your parent/guardian able to insure reliable transportation to and from
all rehearsals and performances? ______

Some roles may dictate that an actor change his/her appearance. If the role requires
would you:
Cut/grow hair?: ______ Dye hair?: ______ Cut/grow beard/moustache?: ______

WARNING: Please DO NOT change your appearance during the audition process.
That long hair or full beard may be just what we are looking for!

ANOTHER WARNING: Please DO NOT change your appearance if you are cast
without the consent of the Director and Costume Designer!
Have you received any training in performing arts? _____.
(Acting, Voice, Dance, Other)

Has any of that training been at Raleigh Little Theatre? _____

If yes, please list classes you have taken at Raleigh Little Theatre. (or attach resume)

Please list any training in the performing arts you received elsewhere:
(or attach resume)

Do you have performance experience? If yes, please list or attach resume.


______________ _____________________ _____________________ ______
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______________ _____________________ _____________________ ______
______________ _____________________ _____________________ ______
______________ _____________________ _____________________ ______
______________ _____________________ _____________________ ______

Do you have any special talents? _______.

(singing, musical instrument, juggling, stage combat, language, dialects, other?)
If yes, please list:
Additional info if known:
Pants size: ______ Dress Size: _____ Shirt Size: _______ Shoe Size: ______

Would you like to be added to the e-mail list for audition notices? Yes No

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