Enhancement of DNVME Device Driver
Enhancement of DNVME Device Driver
Enhancement of DNVME Device Driver
Abstract- The device driver is the interface between hardware and software applications. It includes all the functionality for handling the devices
connected to it. The drivers are device-specific. The storage devices like SSD and HDD use dNVMe driver for handling them. This driver can be
enhanced for supporting various features. The enhancement helps in development of storage devices. The main areas for modification includes
enhancing IOCTL calls, allowing register level changes and allowance for negative testing. These features will enrich the storage devices for all
the qualifications.
Keywords: Device Drivers, Non-Volatile Memory express (NVMe, Submission Queue (SQ), Completion Queue (CQ), Interrupts.
NVMe Driver
Kernel other
3% Application
NVMe Device with native driver NVMe Device with modified driver
The time spent by devices in driver is important factor to be overall time while in the modified driver it spends half the
considered. The device in native driver spends 1.5% of time of native driver.
IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 5 333 - 336
The attention for developing Linux device drivers
gradually upsurges as the admiring of Linux system endures
to grow. Many users are unaware of issues regarding
hardware, and majority of Linux is autonomous of the
hardware it runs on. However, the driver exists without
which there is no functioning system. The enhancement of
device drivers provides various advantages with new
features. These help in development of storage devices with
even more less time and efforts.
Any achievement, be it scholastic or otherwise does not
depend solely on the individual efforts but on the guidance,
encouragement and cooperation of intellectuals, elders and
friends. We thank Department of Information Science and
Engineering, RVCE for their constant support and
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IJRITCC | May 2016, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org