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Contract Leasing Out of Space For Food Stalls

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The Contract made and entered into the City of Manila, Philippines, this ____ day of
________ 2015 by and between:


higher learning created by and operating pursuant to Republic Act
_______, with principal address at Arroceros St., Manila. Represented
herein by ROBERT PAUL MORENO Vice-President for
Administration, hereinafter referred to as ___________________


HAKUBOS SHAWARMA, a duly registered business and

existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Philippines, with office
address at 1137 Hermosa St., Tondo represented herein by DONALD
TRUMP, Owner/Sole Proprietor, and hereinafter called the Lessee;


WHEREAS, the ______________________ advertised the invitation for the

interested proponents to submit letter of Intent for the project Leasing out of Space fort Food
Stalls starting ________ at conspicuous place within the premises of the
___________________ and at ________________ with Attached herewith is the
advertisement for the invitation to Bid marked as ANNEX __ and made an integral part of
this contract;

WHEREAS, a submission of best and final offer was held on ______________ by the
_____________ for the above project;

WHEREAS, after due consideration of the bids submitted and upon recommendation
of the __________ dated _________, the proposal of the LESSEE was accepted by
__________ as the winning bid provided in the Notice of Award, subject to accounting and
auditing rules and regulations. Attached herewith is the recommendation for award marked as
ANNEX __ and made an integral part of this contract;

NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and of the
conditions hereinafter set forth, the parties have agreed, as they hereby agree, as follows:
1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contracts referred to;

2. PERIOD AND RENTALS; The term of this Lease is for one (1) year , from
_________ to __________ at the rate of Php17,000.00 per month or an
204,000.00) for one (1) year, for Food Stall No. __.

3. MODE AND RENTAL OF PAYMENT: The monthly rental shall be due and
payable on or before the first week of the month without the necessity of
demand at the office of the Vice-President for Finance and Management. The
LESSES shall issue post dated cheques to cover the monthly payment of rental
every first week of the month for each year until the end of the period. Failure
to pay rentals due for everyday of delay computed from the first day of delay
up to the time payment is made. Payment of penalty interest shall be done at
the time of payment of rentals. Penalty imposed by banks in the case of
bouncing cheques shall be chargeable against the accounts of the LESSEE.

4. DEPOSIT REQUIREMENT: Upon the signing of the Contract, the LESSEE

shall pay unto the __________ one-month deposit and one month advance.
The one-month deposit shall be applied as payment for accrued rentals upon
termination of this Contract, if any, and to such other unpaid charges billed
against the LESSEE for actual water, electric, telephone and other utility
consumption. Said amount shall likewise answer for such damages incurred by
the ____________ due to breach of Contract.

5. USE AND PURPOSE: The LESSEE expressly agrees and warrants that the
leased premises shall be used exclusively for selling cooked food, snacks,
candies, and beverages subject to approval of ___________________ .
Further, said LESSEE is hereby prohibited to sublease and to use said
premises for any other purposes without the prior written consent of the


a) The leased premises shall be operated under the following


1. DAYS AND HOURS: 7:00 am to 7:00 pm from

Monday to Saturday. However, the LESSEE has the
option, subject to the consent of the President or his
duly authorized representative, to open during Sundays
and Holidays whenever it deems necessary to do so.
2. No beer or any form of alcoholic beverages and
cigarettes shall be sold in the leased premises.
3. Prices of food shall be competitive and, if possible
within the buying capacity of the employees. Therefore,
all prices of items sold by the LESSEE shall be
submitted to the ______________ for approval.

b) The LESSEE shall perform the following:

1. To monitor the prices of the foods and all other items being
sold to the canteen to protect the interest of the students and
other customers. In any event that there is need to increase
the prices, the LESSEE shall not be allowed to increase
without prior notice to and approval of the

2. The LESSEE shall always maintain cleanliness within the

premises. In doing so, the LESSEE shall assign on hourly
basis a personnel to monitor and maintain the cleanliness of
the premises especially before and after the peak hour of the

3. The LESSEE shall likewise monitor and ensure the

cleanliness of the stall.

4. That the LESSEE shall strictly comply with all the

applicable laws and regulations issued by the City
Government of Manila pertaining to the sanitation of the
leased premises.

5. That the LESSEE shall in compliance with the sanitation

and safety in food service, must require all canteen staff to
wear proper attire, the use of gloves, hair net and mask, the
proper serving of foods and other safety procedures. The
LESSEE must also guarantee that the food handlers and
servers are in good health condition by submitting to the
_________________ their current and valid medical
clearances and health cards.

7. REPAIR AND IMPROVEMENTS: The LESSEE shall assume responsibility

over ordinary repairs necessary to maintain the leased premises in good condition to
serve its intended purpose, while major repairs should be shouldered by the _____. It
expressly agreed and understood, however, that the LESSEE shall not commence or
proceed with any repair works nor in any case undertake any subsequent renovations
or make any alterations in the leased premises without the prior written consent of the
________________; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that all improvements or alteration,
of whatever nature, that may be produced therein shall form an integral part of the
leased premises and should not be removed except where the improvements may be
removed without causing damage to the leased premises; otherwise, they shall belong
to and become exclusive property of the __________________ upon termination of
the lease without need for reimbursement of the cost thereof. Where, however, it
should become necessary to make urgent repairs and improvements upon the leased
premises, and if failure to do so immediately will result or cause damage to or hamper
the operation of the business, the LESSEE may introduce such repair.

8. WATER AND ELECTRICITY: Charges for water and electricity shall be

shouldered by the LESSEE.


be responsible for the monitoring of the employed personnel, including their
compliance with health and sanitary laws, rules and regulations promulgated by the
proper government authorities and rules and regulations promulgated by the
_______________ arising from or regarding the use, occupation and sanitation of the
leased premises, and non-compliance therewith shall be dealt with accordingly, after
conducting a thorough investigation by one (1) representative of the LESSEE, the
VPA of the _________________ and the ULC of the _______________.

10. DISPLAY OF IDS AND CAR STICKERS: All stall personnel shall secure an
Identification Card from the Office of the Vice-President for Administration which
shall be displayed at all times while inside the University. All delivery vehicles shall
secure a valid car, No sticker, No entry policy shall be strictly implemented.


UTENSILS; The LESSEE shall prepare an inventory list/report for all equipments,
tools, fixtures, utensils and other similar items brought inside the ___________
premises. The list/report must be submitted to the Property and Supplies Office within
three (3) days upon its entry for proper documentation. For the exit of such items
outside the university premises, the LESSEE shall first secure a gate pass from the
Property and Supplies Office. The issuance of a gate pass shall be based on the
inventory list/ report submitted to the Property and Supplies Office. No gate pass will
be issued if such items are not included in the submitted inventory list/report.

12. GARBAGE DISPOSAL: The LESSEE shall implement a garbage disposal

system in coordination with the Physical Facilities and Management Office. Such
system must be in accordance with the existing waste management rules and
regulations of the City Government of Manila.

13. FIRE HAZARDS: The LESSEE shall be prohibited from bringing or

storing in the leased premises any inflammable or explosive goods or articles, which
may exposed the leased premises to fire or increase the fire hazards, except those
reasonably required or desirable for the business. The LESSEE shall only use electric
stoves for food preparation. Use of gas for cooking shall be prohibited. The LESSEE
shall provide at least one (1) standard size fire extinguisher.

14. INSPECTION OF THE LEASED PREMISES: The ________________ shall

have the authority to inspect the leased premises at any day within reasonable hours in
order to make sure that the LESSEE is complying with all law, ordinances,
regulations and orders promulgated by proper government authorities. The
________________ may appoint two (2) inspectors to monitor the safety of the leased
premises and ensure the cleanliness of the food, snacks, candies, and beverages being
sold. Any violation by the LESSEE of any law, ordinance, regulation or order shall
result in automatic termination of this lease contract.

15. INSOLVENCY OF THE LESSEE: Subject to No. 1 hereof, if the rentals

herein stipulated shall be in arrears or unpaid for one month, or if the LESSEE shall at
any time fail or neglect to perform or comply with any of the covenants, conditions,
agreement or restrictions, or if the LESSEE shall become automatically terminated by
the _________________ to take over the possession thereof, in which event, it shall
be lawful for the latter or any of its duly authorized representatives to enter into and
upon the leased premises as though the term of the lease contract has expired, without
prejudice on the part of the said _____________ to exercise any or rights arising from
this Contract of Lease and those granted by law. PROVIDED, HOWEVER,
that if for any valid reason it shall become necessary for the
_____________________ to institute appropriate court action for the enforcement of
his right under this Contract, the LESSEE shall be liable for attorneys and costs of
suit, the sum of which shall not be less than P75,000.00


expiration of the term of this lease or upon cancellation thereof as herein provided, the
LESSEE shall promptly surrender the premises to the ______________ in a good and
tenable condition as when taken, except for ordinary wear and tear, devoid of all
occupants, furniture, articles and effects of any kind.

17. At the expiration of the term of the lease, the stall premises shall be
surrendered peacefully by the LESSEE to the ________________ free and clear of all
furniture, fixtures, and equipment. If there are any unpaid rentals of this lease, the
_______________ has the lien or right to retain the furniture, equipment, supplies,
fixtures, and articles of whatever kind and nature until the unsettled amount is fully

18. Upon the termination of the term of the lease or earlier thereof as above
provided, the LESSEE hereby expressly appoints the ___________________ as his
agent and authorized to enter upon the leased premises, removed all personal property
that may be found therein, and deposit the same in a bodega, and the LESSEE further
agrees to defray all costs for the transfer and storage thereof.

19. That all request and concern for the operation of the leased premises by the
________________ should be officially addressed to the LESSEE, the LESSEE shall
in turn, coordinates with the _______________ designated representative so as to
maintain close monitoring and proper communication.
20. The _______________ has the right to terminate the lease contract if the
LESSEE violates any provision hereof without need of notice to the LESSEE.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands on the place and
date first above-written.

______________________________ __________________________

Signed in the presence of:

___________________________ ________________________



BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the (Province/City/Municipality) of

_____________, personally appeared _____________ with Community Tax Certificate No.
_____________ issued on _____________ at _____________ (and Tax Identification No.
(T.I.N.) _____________), known to me and to me known to be the same person who
executed the foregoing instrument which (he/she) acknowledged to me as (his/her) free and
voluntary act and deed, consisting of only ______ (____) page/s, including this page in which
this Acknowledgement is written, duly signed by (him/her) and (his/her) instrumental
witnesses on each and every page hereof.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this _____________ at _____________, Philippines.


Doc. No. ______;

Page No. ______;

Book No. ______;

Series of ______;

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