High Impact Energy Dynamic Compaction

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High Impact Energy Dynamic Compaction (HIEDYC) applications in ground improvement

and earthwork
Phil Whellens1, Sukumar Suntharalingham2, Nathan Narendranathan3 & Bandula (Sam) Samarasinghe4
Infra Tech Pty Ltd, WA: phil@infratecheng.com
Infra Tech Pty Ltd, WA: ssuku@infratecheng.com
Infra Tech Pty Ltd, WA: nn@infratecheng.com
Infra Tech Pty Ltd, WA: bss@infratecheng.com
This paper presents an overview and authors experience on the technique variously called High Impact Energy
Compaction, Rolling Impact Compaction and High Impact Energy Dynamic Compaction. This technique, herein
referred to as High Impact Energy Dynamic Compaction (HIEDYC) has been in use for over 40 years. Past applications
of the HIEDYC technology and the research undertaken by Infra Tech Pty Ltd (ITPL) in using HIEDYC for improving
clay soils and deep lift compaction of 1.5m to 3m layer thicknesses are some novel techniques developed from in house
research by ITPL. The other aspects discussed are the effects of HIEDYC deep compaction on pavement stiffness and
hence the application of these techniques in economic pavement designs, limitations of the HIEDYC method, how these
limitations can be overcome and the effects of different shapes and sizes of HIEDYC compactor modules. These
aspects are discussed through examining case studies in Australia and overseas.
This paper is based on the projects undertaken by Infra Tech Pty Ltd (ITPL) in Australia and overseas. Depending on
the type of soil and the post ground improvement strength requirements, varied ground treatments are being proposed
by geotechnical engineers. The most widely used method of ground improvement is the removal of loose or soft soils
and replacing them with imported soils, spread and compacted in 300mm layers using conventional compaction
techniques such as smooth drum or vibratory rollers. This traditional approach by conventional compaction methods in
300mm layers generally achieves the contractual requirements for compaction. There are other methods such as bored
piles that can be used to achieve performance criteria for foundations, however, known to be comparatively costly. In
contrast, in situ improvement of existing loose layers by HIEDYC deep compaction has proven to be a cost effective
solution through the past project experience by ITPL, subject to the limitations of improvement depth being in the range
of 1m to 5m.
The traditional cut, replace and compact in 300mm layers type solutions involve a considerable amount of
excavation, handling and re handling, disposing of materials and all other activities associated with cutting and
replacing. These activities lead to higher costs, time, and issues arising in relation to occupational health, safety and
environmental emissions. These factors are often the catalyst to look into alternative methods of ground improvements
that are more cost effective, safer and environmentally friendly.
HIEDYC has achieved the contractual requirements of ground improvement at much shorter times and cost compared
to those for traditional techniques such as cut and replace. These benefits are attributable to the use of lesser numbers
and types of machinery over a shorter period of time. In addition, the use of HIEDYC has reduced human interactions
and human exposure times with machinery associated with ground improvement. These facts decrease occupational
health and safety risk as well as contribute to decrease carbon footprint. A comparison of HIEDYC deep compaction
and cut, replace and compact in 300mm layers method is provided in Table 1
Furthermore, placing and compaction of fill material for earthworks also has traditionally involved spreading the fill in
loose layers of 300mm, moisture conditioning to Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) and compacting with conventional
compactors to the specified density ratio. The density ratios specified range from 92% to 95% of Modified Dry Density
(MDD) for most earthworks. In contrast, Deep Lift Compaction enables the fill to be placed 1m to 2m thick loose
layers and compacting at natural moisture content. This means reduction in compaction water, earthworks time and
carbon foot print of the earthwork operation in comparison to conventional earthwork practices.
There are many techniques that use high impact dynamic energy for the compaction of ground. The methods of
delivering dynamic compaction energy to the ground include dropping heavy weights on the ground from a height
traditionally called Dynamic Compaction (DC), imparting dynamic energy on a compaction plate placed on the ground
by varied means and imparting energy on the ground by rolling a non circular drum on the ground to be compacted,
referred to as HIEDYC in this paper. The method of compaction adopted depends on many factors, such as the type of
soil, depth to water table, strength requirement and the depth of improvement required.
Non circular rollers have been used for dynamic impact energy dynamic compaction about four decades ago in South
Africa, mainly in the road construction industry. A heavy drum with a square cross section has been pulled using a
prime mover so that the roller continues to thump the ground imparting the energy as it advances. Later, rollers with
various cross sections have been adapted such as triangular and pentagonal. Triangular, square and pentagonal shaped
in their pure form can cause adverse body or machine vibration and impact effects on the operators and prime movers.
Therefore, over the years, these shapes have been refined to minimize these effects and to optimize the amount of
energy imparted on the ground when being towed at appropriate speeds.
The depth of improvement and strengths achieved in different compaction techniques depend on the type and condition
of the soil. Based on these factors, the cost and time required for compaction vary as well. There are several instances
where loose or uncontrolled fill materials occur to the depths between 1m to 4m while the soil below is competent. For
such sites, HIEDYC has proven to be cost and time effective to a great extent as evident from Table 1 below.
Table 1: Comparison of productivity between HIEDYC compaction and cut, replace and compact in 300mm layers
Number of Number of Type of QC
volume per Mode of Types of
Technique equipment operators testing Water usage
10 hour compaction machinery
involved required required
shift (m3)
HIEDYC in 10,000 Existing materials HIEDYC 1 1 LWDT, PSP, 200m3 to
situ deep in situ DCP, EFCPT, 300m3 as
compaction Grader to 1 1 Seismic surface spray
level ground Survey and for dust
Water cart 1 1 PBT for every suppression
(20,000litres 1.5m to 2m
capacity) layers

excavate, 10,000 Imported Trucks, 5 5 Laboratory 1,000m3 to

replace materials in MDD and 2,000m3
excavated 300mm layers Field Density depending
soil in Excavator 1 1 testing for assuming dry
300mm every 300mm weather and
layers with wheel loader 1 1 layer addition of at
conventional smooth drum 8 8 least 5% by
compaction or vibratory weight of
at OMC roller water

water cart 5 5
(Caterpillar performance handbook, 1999)
From Table 1 above it is evident that to match the same output from HIEDYC deep compaction the number of
equipment and hence costs and the carbon emissions will be more than 3 fold.
3.2.1 Initial geotechnical conditions and performance parameters to be achieved
To decide on the most effective and efficient solution in ground improvement, it is necessary to understand the current
status of the ground and the final strength criteria that need to be achieved.
An understanding of the status of the ground can be achieved through ground investigation techniques, both invasive
and non invasive. Although it appears that ground investigations could be costly, these investigations can be great
investments on the overall project. In large projects, non invasive geophysical techniques can complement traditional
drilling, or Dutch Cone Penetrometer testing to provide useful and rapid information. There are several non invasive
techniques available such as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and Seismic Wave techniques. Before selecting
geophysical investigation techniques it is essential to have an in depth understanding of the applications and limitations
of each technique.
The required strength or compaction value to be achieved and the type of test to be used for validation and the value to
be achieved as acceptance criterion should be pre-agreed or arrived based on initial trials to avoid delays and disputes.
3.2.2 Validation and quality control of HIEDYC work
Once there is a good understanding and agreement about the final strength requirements for compaction with the clients,
various ground improvement options can be considered.
Some validation tests that can be used are Plate Bearing Test, Perth Sand Penetrometer Test, Dutch Cone Penetrometer
test and Light Weight Deflectometer Test. In addition, seismic refraction or surface wave measurements (Multi
Channel Analysis of Surface Waves - MASW) are very useful to assess existing ground conditions as well as ground
improvement during HIEDYC. Figure 1 shows the seismic wave speed versus the number of HIEDYC compaction runs
for a trial area of the reclamation sand fill at Westport, Malaysia (Infra Tech, 2004).

P-Waves S-Waves


375 371 373
351 361
370 339
Velocity (m/sec)



196 205
220 193

5 10 15 20 25 30
No of Runs/Passes (HIEDYC)

Figure 1: The seismic wave velocity versus the number of HIEDYC compaction runs
The data for Figure 1 was collected from the field HIEDYC compaction trial to establish optimum number of passes for
site sub soils.
The frequency of testing depends on the magnitude of the project, type of loads and the structures to be supported and
the settlement acceptance limits for the structure concerned in general. Testing frequencies are based on the guidance as
per AS3798:2007.
3.3.1 Running surface traction issue
With regard to application of HIEDYC process, the general practice is to use a bed of crushed limestone of about
300mm 500mm thickness on the loose ground area where the HIEDYC compactor are to be operated. This means the
requirement of having to import up to about 5,000m3 of lime stone per hectare to carry out HIEDYC compaction work.
However, by selecting the appropriate HIEDYC module shape and weight, along with the appropriate prime mover, the
costly requirement of having to use a limestone running layer can be eliminated. Therefore, it is essential that, in the
application of HIEDYC, the equipment should be selected after adequate consideration of ground conditions and
assessing the types of HIEDYC rollers available from the ground improvement companies to avoid high preparation
costs such as limestone running layers. This means that the HIEDYC rollers must come in a range of modules that can
impart varying amounts of energy and compaction forces as well as high levels of ground traction in loose soils.
3.3.2 Range of soils applicable to HIEDYC compaction
HIEDYC compaction has been applied to sands, silts, silty sands, sandy clays and clays at moisture contents not
exceeding OMC +4%. In general, it was assumed that HIEDYC process is applicable to sands only. However, HIEDYC
has been applied successfully for the compaction of clay fill according to ITPL past project experience.
Figure 2 shows the application of HIEDYC in clay fills at Senai Desaru Expressway in Malaysia, a 77km long highway
in the Malaysian road network (Infra Tech 2008) and Cowal Gold Mine in Australia.

Figure 2: Application of HIEDYC on clay fills at Senai Desaru Expressway in Malaysia and Cowal Gold Mine, New
South Wales
A summary of typical soil properties from some projects where the successful compaction achieved using HIEDYC
deep compaction is presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Summary of typical soil properties from some ITPL projects where the compaction was successfully achieved
using HIEDYC deep compaction.
Plastic Liquid
Project type of soil PI % fines OMC MDD moisture Remarks
limit limit
Senai Desaru Light 36 51 15 50 15.0 1.81 17% to 21% HIEDYC 5 sided
Expressway, yellowish red module mostly
Malaysia motled white compacted in
sandy silty wetter than
clay OMC
AMC GW NP NP NP 7 10.5 2.03 4% to 6% HIEDYC 5 sided
Henderson, module mostly
WA, Australia compacted very
ML dry
22 35 13 95 NT NT
25 32 7 9 NT NT
Cowal Gold Orange 14 35 21 Natural HIEDYC 5 sided
Mine, NSW, brown silty moisture module mostly
Australia clay, trace compacted in
gravel wet state

Mermaid Sandy clay 18 31 13 62 NT NT Natural HIEDYC 3 sided

Marine Supply moisture module mostly
Base, compacted in
Dampier, WA, dry state
Australia Silty clay
NP NP NP 5 10.1 1.92
18 52 34 99 NT NT
NP Non plastic
NT Not tested
Source: Project geotechnical reports
The data in Table 2 demonstrates the applicability of HIEDYC compaction for sands, clays and silts provided the
appropriate HIEDYC module is used.
It was also noted that the soils were compacted at moisture contents ranging between 5% wetter to very dry natural
moisture state.
In addition to soils, HIEDYC has also been used to compact old landfills filled with building rubble.
3.3.3 Precautions to avoid over compaction
When deciding on the amount of compaction to be provided in a particular situation, it is essential that the initial ground
conditions and the final performance criteria are understood. The amount of HIEDYC energy and the HIEDYC module
should then be decided accordingly based on established empirical information through applied research. It has been
established through ITPL in-house applied research that the ground strength due to compaction plateaus out in sands
and there will be no significant increase in the ground strength beyond a certain point.
Figure 3 shows the variation of ground strength against the amount of compaction recorded during a compaction trial.
Also Figure 1 shows a similar tendency when measured with seismic velocity values.


Ground Dynamic Modulus in MPa





0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Number of HIEDYC Passes

Figure 3: Variation of ground strength against the amount of compaction.

Further, it has been established that there is a tendency for some soils to lose strength due to over compaction under
HIEDYC. This phenomenon is more pronounced in fine grained silts and clays. In such situations, it is essential that
the properties of soil to be compacted are assessed and the appropriate amounts of dynamic energy are established prior
to application.
Figure 4 shows a situation where ground strength has dropped with compaction recorder during a HIEDYC compaction

Ground Dynamic Modulus (MPa)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Number of HIEDYC Passes

Figure 4: Reduction of ground strength due to over compaction in fine grained soils
The trend in Figure 4 highlights the importance of optimizing the compaction by initial filed trials. In fine grain soils
strength drop by over compaction is common and hence care must be taken to have adequate quality control during the
HIEDYC compaction. The over compaction issue is not so prominent with conventional compactors, since the energy
input is much less.
To avoid issues arising from over compaction, real time ground response measurements using a Compactometer are
useful since this measures in real time the ground response. This comprises of a ground response sensor on the
compaction drum axle, onboard data processing unit, display screen and a modem for data transfer. The Compactometer
is useful to identify the compacted area on a real time basis by the operator so that already compacted areas can be
avoided and areas that require compaction can be worked on. This also facilitates monitoring by supervisory staff from
a remote location and make recommendations to the operators where necessary.
In high impact energy dynamic compaction, consideration is required not only of the amount of compaction energy that
need to be imparted, but also the threshold forces required to facilitate compaction of different soils. If compaction
equipment used is unable to deliver the threshold force relating to a particular soil, then these soils cannot be compacted
to achieve the desired outcomes using this particular compaction equipment. This issue can be addressed by having a
range of HIEDYC modules with varying configurations and weights. The required threshold values that initiate
compaction at depth can be recorded by Compactometer measurements.
To decide on the most optimum high impact energy ground improvement solutions, it is necessary to have not only an
understanding of the operational aspect of HIEDYC rollers, but also a sound understanding of geotechnical engineering.
Due to the requirement of matching the equipment to the ground to be compacted to achieve performance criteria, there
are several configurations of HIEDYC modules that have been deployed in the projects that are used as case studies in
this paper. Figure 5 shows different types of HIEDYC modules with 3, 4 and 5 sided compaction drums.

Figure 5: Photographs of 3, 4 and 5 sided HIEDYC modules (L to R)

Depending on the type of application, the compaction surfaces of these rollers are fitted with variety of attachments. For
example on rocky surfaces in mines Rod Crusher Bars are attached to the drum to break large rocks from 500mm size
to 75mm size. Figure 6 shows the effects of crushing of large rocks in mine pit floors making conducive running
surfaces for heavy haul trucks, resulting savings in fuel costs, tyre costs, haul fleet maintenance costs, improvements in
operator health and safety performance and environmental performance.

Before Crushing by HIEDYC After Crushing by HIEDYC

Figure 6: Effects of crushing of large rocks in a mine pit floor
In house applied research by ITPL has shown that HIEDYC can achieve compaction depths up 5m maximum with the
correct matching of the compaction module to the soil to be compacted. This depth depends on type of soil, water table
depth, weight and shapes of HIEDYC module and the speed of HIEDYC operation. If compaction requires depths in
excess of 5m, then the HIEDYC application is not recommended.
Application of high impact energy compaction when used in combination with other techniques can be effective and
also the application of this technique can be made much broader, facilitating the compaction of varied types of soils.
One possible application is the use of prefabricated vertical drains in conjunction with HIEDYC for deep compaction of
clay soils.
Use of HIEDYC provides not only faster and cost effective compaction solutions that eliminate cut, removal, disposal
and import of materials, but also increases the sub grade modulus and hence pavement stiffness provided the
geotechnical conditions are approved This in turn means pavement thickness can be reduced to achieve the same
stiffness provided issues relating to drainage are adequately addressed.. One such example is the reduction of pavement
thickness of Senai Desaru Expressway in Malaysia from 750mm to 530mm. Table 3 shows the deflection of the centre
of the Falling Weight Deflectometer plate (D0) values measured for different segments of the Expressway compacted
using HIEDYC and conventional compaction. Measurements were taken using Falling Weight Deflectometer
Table 3: D0 values measured for different pavement thickness compacted using HIEDYC and conventional compaction
Layers Tender Alternative
Pavement thickness
ACWC14 40mm
ACBC28 50mm Do - 0.45mm Sub grade compacted by HIEDYC
BMR28 60mm
CRB 300mm
Layers Tender Alternative
Pavement thickness
ACWC14 40mm
P2 ACBC28 50mm
D0 - 0.46mm Sub grade compacted by HIEDYC
480mm BMR40 90mm
CRB 300mm
ACWC14 40mm
ACBC28 50mm D0 - 0.47mm Sub grade compacted by HIEDYC
BMR40 90mm
CRB 350mm
ACWC14 40mm
ACBC28 50mm D0 - 0.58mm Sub grade compacted by HIEDYC
BMR40 100mm
CRB 400mm
ACWC20 50mm
ACBC28 60mm
DBM40 100mm D0 - 1.29mm Sub grade compacted with conventional compaction
WMM 280mm
SB 300mm
D0 deflection of the centre of the deflectometer plate
ACWC 14 Asphaltic Concrete Wearing Course (aggregate size is 14mm)
ACBC 28 Asphaltic Concrete Base Course (aggregate size is 28mm)
BMR 28 Bituminous Macadam Road (aggregate size is 28mm)
CRB Crushed Aggregate Base
DBM 40 Dense Bituminous Macadam (aggregate size 40mm)
WMM Water Bound Macadam
SB Sub Base
The measurements in Table 5 taken on a trial section of the expressway enabled the entire 77km, 4 lane dual
carriageway pavements to be reduced in thickness to 530mm with some sections only 480mm thickness. The typical
properties of the sub grade clays are shown in Table 2. The pavement construction was subsequently tested by Falling
Weight Deflectometer at every 50m intervals for quality control and validation.
Conventional compactors are capable of compacting clays in 200mm thick lifts and sands in 300mm thick lifts, with
moisture levels maintained at or near OMC. However, HIEDYC can compact most types of soils in loose thicknesses
of 1m to 2.5m at natural moisture content. These thicknesses vary depending on the soil types, compaction conditions
and compaction requirements. The process of compaction in thicker (than conventional) layers can be termed Deep Lift
The advantages in the use of Deep Lift Compaction are listed below.
Layer thickness of fill is 1.5m to 2m thick as against 300mm thick layers used in conventional rolling.
These 1.5m to 2m thick layers are compacted at the natural in place moisture content and therefore, there will
be no need for large quantities of compaction water - as would be required for conventional earthworks -
which is not only difficult to obtain but can be very expensive. This leads to environmental benefits.
Quality control is performed using Light Weight Deflectometer Test (LWDT) which provides on the spot
results rather than traditional tests where 24 hours of waiting may be required. (alternatively DCP testing or
PSP testing can also be performed with or without Plate bearing tests to correlate the readings)
The earthworks completion time can be slashed by more than half, this would mean a reduction of several
months off the construction schedule. Table 4 shows a comparison of productivity in conventional
compaction and deep lift compaction.
The compacted earth platform will be stronger (can be up to about 3 times the required bearing capacity)
which means the foundations cab be (re) designed to be more economical
The emissions associated with deep lift compaction are less than 20% of emissions from conventional
compaction techniques.
With regard to recent applications of Deep Lift Compaction technique, this has been used for several projects in
Australia such as the LNG Pluto (with BGC Contracting & Worley Parsons), Apache Energy Devil Creek LNG project
(with John Holland & Arup Geotechnics), Beenyup Sewerage Digesters 6 and 7 project (Thiess/SKM Consulting and
Water Corporation of WA) (Infra Tech, 2009-1) and several overseas projects involving a range of soils from sands to
Table 4: Comparison of productivity between conventional compaction and deep lift compaction of earthwork fill
Number of Number of Type of QC
volume per Mode of Types of
Technique equipment operators testing Water usage
10 hour shift compaction machinery
involved involved required
HIEDYC deep Varies Erath spread HIEDYC 1 1 LWDT, PSP, 100 to 200m3
Lift compaction between in 1.5m to 2m DCP, as surface
using a 5 sided 8,000m3 to loose layers Grader to 1 1 EFCPT, spray for dust
module in 1.5m to 10,000m3 at natural level ground Limited PBT suppression
2m layer thickness moisture for every
at natural moisture content Water cart 1 1 1.5m to 2m
content (20,000litres layers
Conventional 8,000m3 to Earth spread Compactor 8 to 10 8 to 10 Laboratory 1,000m3 to
compaction using 10,000 m3 in 200mm to MDD and 2,000m3
a 12tonne 300mm Field Density depending
vibratory layers at testing for assuming dry
compactor, to OMC Water cart 6 to 8 6 to 8 every weather and
match production 300mm layer addition of at
of Deep Lift least 5% by
compaction by weight of
HIEDYC water

Table 5 summarises the typical soil properties obtained after Deep Lift Compaction in some projects
Table 5: Typical soil properties after Deep Lift Compaction at natural moisture content
Elastic LWDT DCP Compacted
Modulus Modulus PSP blows
Project Type of soil blows moisture Remarks
MPa MPa /300mm content

Senai Desaru Light yellowish 86* NT NA 15 17% to 21% HIEDYC 5 sided

Expressway, red motled white module mostly
Malaysia sandy silty clay compacted in
wetter than OMC
AMC silty sands 70 60 NT NT 4% to 6% HIEDYC 5 sided
Henderson, module mostly
WA, Australia compacted dry
Cowal Gold Orange brown silty NT 80 NA > 60 Natural HIEDYC 5 sided
Mine, NSW, clay, trace gravel moisture module mostly
Australia compacted in wet
Elastic LWDT DCP Compacted
Modulus Modulus PSP blows
Project Type of soil blows moisture Remarks
MPa MPa /300mm content

Mermaid Sandy clay NT 35 17 NT Natural HIEDYC 3 sided

Marine Supply moisture module mostly
Gravelly sand
Base, compacted in dry
Dampier, WA, Silty clay state
Devil Creek Clayey gravel 60 70 NA NT Natural Same soil
LNG facilities, moisture compacted in
WA 300mm layers
with 15onne
padfoot roller
gave a soil
modulus of
(Infra Tech, 2009-2)
* Elastic modulus was back calculated from Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) results on subgrade.
NT Not Tested
NA Not Applicable
Table 7 demonstrates the various types of soil can be compacted in deep lift compaction mode to save time, compaction
water and to reduce the carbon foot print. At Devil Creek project shown above, the Deep Lift Compaction by HIEDYC
work was also compared to conventional compaction with a 15tonne padfoot compactor, compacting the soil in 300mm
layers to lift height of 1.5m and then testing with Plate Bearing tests. It can be seen that Deep Lift Compaction provides
a platform that is more than double the modulus of conventional compaction.
The HIEDYC Ground improvement can be used in many ground conditions, ranging from silts, loose sand, gravel,
sites comprising of mixtures of different types soils such as landfills.
Deep Lift Compaction provided through HIEDYC reduces compaction water, accelerate earthworks and reduce
emission and improves safety compared to conventional compaction..
Optimisation by real time ground response measurements using the Compactometer can also eliminate issues like over
Depth of compaction that can be achieved through HIEDYC is generally less than 5m and where deeper compaction is
required other compaction techniques need to be considered.
Caterpillar Performance handbook, edition 30 (1999).
Infra Tech Pty Ltd (2004), Closure report for Westport Container Terminal CT4, Malaysia (unpublished).
Infra Tech Pty Ltd (2008), Closure report for Senai Desaru Expressway Project, Malaysia for Randhill Engineers.
Infra Tech Pty Ltd, (2009 -1), Closure Report for Digesters 6 & 7, Beenyup, WA for Thiess, SKM Consulting and
W2WA Alliance. (unpublished).
Infra Tech Pty Ltd (2009-2), Closure Report for Mermaid Marine, Dampier, WA for Ertech Contractors. (unpublished).

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