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Unit 5 Leadership Version 2

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Leadership Development
Unit Description:
Students will learn the definitions of leadership, leadership characteristics and
skills, types of power for leaders. Student will be introduced to individual
differences, leadership styles, leadership principals and ethics, leadership as a
process, impact of culture and community on leadership, diversity of
leadership, and leader and follower relations. Students will develop leadership
skills through hands on participation.

General Goal:

Students will identify the basic concepts of leadership development.

They will explain the concept of leadership and what it means to be a
leader. They will also analyze different models and theories of

Materials Needed for All Modules:

Computer with internet access/projector/screen

Journals one per student
Flip chart paper / Markers
Sheet of paper one for each student

MODULE 5.1: Definition of Leadership & Discussion of

Upon completion of the unit, student will be able to:

Define leader and leadership.
Develop their personal meaning of leadership.
Identify the different models and theories of leadership.


Leadership has been described as the process of social influence in which

one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of
a task. A leader is a person who influences a group of people towards
specific result. It is not depend on title or formal authority (www. wikipedia.org, April 21,
2011). Leadership skills are essential in order for youth to be successful leaders in their
communities. Developing leadership skills among adolescents allows them to have the
ability to utilize the skills and attitudes necessary to become potential leaders in a safe
environment. It is important for youth to have the opportunity to be involved in key
programs in areas such as public health systems, schools, and the juvenile justice
system that affect them.1
At the community level, leadership development can be defined as obtaining the skills
and experiences to understand the community and its goals. It also enables a person to
offer advice and guidance to that community, to support its goals, and act on the
communitys behalf.2

Materials Needed:

Handout 1.A: Leadership Quiz

Handout 1.B: Definitions of Leadership
Handout 1.C: Popular Theories of Leadership
Handout 1.D: Theories Worksheet

1 Source: Fertman, C. I & Van Liden, J. A. (1999). Character education for developing youth leadership. The Education Digest, 65(4), 11-16.
2 Source: Davis, M. A. (1997). Latino leadership development: Beginning on campus. National Civic Review, 86(3), 227-234

Activity 5.1.1: Student Definitions of Leadership (55 min)


Students will view video the You tube: Best Motivational video ever (2:45 min)
available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOlTdkYXuzE or

Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app

scan this code to visit this web based educational resource.
The facilitator will ask students about the perception of this video


Brainstorm with students what they think a leader is. Write responses on the
board or chart paper.
The facilitator will administer the Leadership Quiz to assess students
attitudes towards the concept of leadership (1A)
In small groups, students will create their own definition of a leader, using
what they learned from discussion with the Leadership Quiz.
Distribute the Definitions of Leadership handout (1B) and read through each
one with students and explain as needed.
Have students take the definition they created with their groups and now
revise it on their own based on what was discussed on the last handout.
Students will share their final definitions with other group members. Ask some
students to share with the whole class.


The facilitator will provide students with Journals and ask students to answer
the following prompt:
Based on what we discussed today, pick one person you would consider a
good leader. Explain why you think that person fits your definition.

Activity 5.1.2: Leadership Theories Classification (30 Min)


Students will view video the following Youtube video: JFK Calls for a
Revolutions (1:46) available from

Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app

scan this code to visit this web based educational resource.

The facilitator will ask students about the perception of this video.


Watch the YouTube video and read handout 1.C explaining each one and
discussing with students they may have already seen some of this in their
everyday lives. Use real life examples to make the theories clear and
After discussing each one, have students complete the worksheet (1.D)
where they have to write their own example of each theory.
Have students discuss their examples in groups and discuss if everyones
examples are categorized correctly. Pose the question; can some situation fit
into more than one category?


The facilitator will provide students with Journals and ask students to answer
the following prompt:
Based on what we discussed today, which leadership theory do you
agree with the most? Which one do you disagree with? Support your
opinion with information from the handout and examples.

Handout 1. B:
Definitions of Leadership

The best way to define leadership is by reading many leadership definitions. Discover
fifteen well said definitions to better understand leadership. Remember, If you can't
define it, you cannot know it. If you don't know it, you cannot do it.

As part of one's process of leadership development, one needs to define leadership.

Coming up with a leadership definition is surprisingly difficult. There is even a fair
amount of confusion in the business schools where we see many professors act as
though leader and manager are the same role.

Definitions of Youth Leadership

Youth leadership is the ability to guide or direct others on a course of action, influence
the opinion and behavior of other people, and show the way by going in advance and
Youth leadership is the ability to guide or direct others on a course of action, influence
the opinion and behavior of other people, and show the way by going in advance
(Wehmeyer, Agran, & Hughes, 2008).

Definition of Management

The Management is the art of getting things done through people. They usually focus of
five areas:
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Leading
4. Coordinating
5. Controlling

Definition of A Personal Coach

A Personal Coach may use inquiry, reflection, requests and discussion to help identify
personal and/or business goals; develop strategies, relationships and action plans
indented to achieve those goals (www.wipedia.org/wiki/Coaching)

Definitions of Leader and Leadership

Bolden (2004), suggests that styles based on characteristics, traits or behaviors of
leaders are less useful than models based on leadership attributes. Additionally,
leadership needs to be flexible to suit varying situations (situational leadership) and not

restricted by the characteristics of a leaders style. Leadership skills therefore need to
be drawn from a range of abilities rather than characteristics.

Leader Leadership

Driven by characteristics/traits Driven by abilities

1. Vision
2. Provides direction
1. Strong drive for responsibility
3. Resolves problems
2. Task orientated
4. Good people manager
3. Vigorous and energetic
5. Effective decision maker
4. Able to influence others
6. Good communicator
5. Self-confident
7. Information gathering/processing
6. Strong sense of self
8. Project management skills
7. Faces problems full on
9. Proven business acumen
10. Builds partnerships
Static Adaptable and flexible

Handout 1.C: Popular Leadership theories

Theories * Definitions
Great Man Theory

In this theory, leaders are born not made. Furthermore, these

leaders only take charge when the need for them is great. Of
course, this was the theory long before men and women were
seen as "equals" in the work place. When your research
subjects are men in established leadership positions, it is easy
to believe this.

Leadership Traits
Theory Again, a leader is born type of theory. Either you have the
right combination of leadership traits and leadership skills or
you do not. For example, you have to adapt to various
situations, be intelligent, and technically skilled to name a few.
Again, the basis of the theory is observation and analysis of
established successful leaders.

Finally, there is the idea that leaders are made, not born. Now
Behavioral Theory it is now believed that you can be a successful leader with
learnable and definable behaviour. Behavioral theories focus
on developing leadership rather than looking for inborn traits.
For example, role theory studies how social learning leads to
an acceptance of our roles and the roles of others in particular

Source: http://howtomanage.net/leadership/76-leadership-theory

Handout 1.D: Popular Leadership Theories Worksheet
Directions: Write down at least one leadership example for each theory of leadership in
the corresponding space in the Example column below. Be prepared to share your
examples with the group.

Theory Example

Great Man Theory

Leadership Traits

Behavioral Theory

Module 5.2: Types of Leadership

In 1939, a group of researchers led by psychologist Kurt Lewin set out to

identify different styles of leadership: autocratic, democratic and participative or laissez-
faire leader.


Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

Identify different leadership types and leadership traits.

Identify their leadership type.

Materials Needed:

Handout 2.A: Traits of Effective Leaders

Handout 2.B: Types of Leaders - Definitions
Handout 2.C: Types of Leadership Pictures and Answers
Handout 2.D. Student Leadership Type Quiz

Activity 5.2.1: Identifying Leadership Traits and Types for Personal Models of
Leaders (55 min)


Students will view and discuss the You tube video : Lesson from Geece:
Lisa4 (2:31 min)

Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app

scan this code to visit this web based educational resource.
The facilitator will ask students about the leadership main point of the video


Brainstorm with students what they feel are important characteristics of a

good leader. Write student responses on the board or chart paper.
Distribute the handout 2.A, 2.B, and on traits of effective leaders and have
students compare their answers to those on the sheet. Are there some traits
they didnt think of? Are there some they thought of thats not there?
Have students identify one famous leader and one personal leader and
explain which characteristics those leaders have that makes them effective.
(Distribute the handout 2.C)
Students can then share in small groups, discussing who they choose and
what traits they exhibit.
Review with students the three types of leaders using handout. (2.B)
Discuss with students which type of leader they think each of their people
would be. Pose critical thinking questions such as: Are that one type of leader
all the time?
Have students predict which type of leader they think they are.


Students should then complete the Leadership Quiz (2.D) to determine which
category they would fall into.
Discuss results. How many students are autocratic? Bureaucratic? Laissez-

Handout 2.A:
Traits of Effective Leaders

Honesty Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions.

Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust in your followers

Competent Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or

Your actions should be based on reason and moral principles.

Forward-looking Set goals and have visions of the future. The vision must be
owned throughout the group or organization. Effective leaders
envision what they want and how to get it. They habitually pick
priorities stemming from their basic values.

Inspiring Display confidence in all that you do. By showing endurance in

mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire your
people to reach for new heights.
Take charge when necessary.

Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.

Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the enemy of

Fair-minded justice.
Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values,
interests, and well-being of others.

Seek out diversity.
Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the
Courageous seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident
calmness when under stress.

Use sound judgment to make a good decision at the right time.

Make timely and appropriate changes in thinking, plans and

Imaginative methods.
Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and
solutions to problems.

Handout 2.B: Types of Leaders

Autocratic Leadership

Autocratic leadership style is often considered the classical approach. It is one in which
the leader retains as much power and decision-making authority as possible. The leader
does not consult followers, nor are they allowed to give any input. Followers are
expected to obey orders without receiving any explanations. The motivation
environment is produced by creating a structured set of rewards and punishments.


Rely on threats New, untrained followers who do not know Followers become
and punishment to which tasks to perform or which tense, fearful, or
influence procedures to follow resentful
followers Effective supervision can be provided only Followers expect to
Does not trust through detailed orders and instructions have their opinions
followers Followers do not respond to any other heard
Does not allow for leadership style Followers begin
follower input There are high-volume production needs depending on their
on a daily basis leader to make all
There is limited time in which to make a their decisions
A leaders power is challenged by an
The area was poorly managed
Work needs to be coordinated with another
department or organization

Bureaucratic Leadership

Bureaucratic leadership is where the leader manages by the book where everything must be
done according to procedure or policy. If it isnt covered by the book, the leader refers to the
next level above him or her. This leader is really more of a police officer than a leader. He or
she simply enforces the rules.


Followers are Followers are performing routine tasks Work habits forms
expected to just over and over. that are hard to
follow the rules Followers need to understand certain break, especially if
Leader does not they are no longer
standards or procedures.
make many critical
decisions Followers are working with dangerous or useful.
Leader only delicate equipment that requires a definite Followers lose their
monitors for right set of procedures to operate. interest in their jobs
or wrong. Safety or security training is being and in their fellow
conducted. workers.
Followers are performing tasks that require Followers do only
handling cash. what is expected of
them and no more.

Laissez-Faire Leadership

The laissez-faire leadership style is also known as the hands-off style. It is one in which the
leader provides little or no direction and gives employees as much freedom as possible. All
authority or power is given to the followers and they must determine goals, make decisions, and
resolve problems on their own.


Little to no leader Followers are highly skilled, experienced, It makes followers feel
supervision for and educated. insecure at the
small tasks Followers have pride in their work and the unavailability of a
Followers are drive to do it successfully on their own. manager.
allowed to make Outside experts, such as staff specialists The leader cannot
decisions or consultants are being used provide regular
Not always a right Allows followers to have complete freedom feedback to let
or wrong way to to make decisions concerning the followers know how
do things. completion of their work or ask questions well they are doing.
No set rules to of the leader. Leaders are unable to
follow. The leader provides the followers with the thank followers for
materials they need to accomplish their their good work.
goals and answers questions to the The leader doesnt
follower's questions understand his or her
Followers are trustworthy and responsibilities and is
experienced. hoping the followers
can cover for him or

Handout 2.C:

Types of Leadership

1. The facilitator will divide the class into small groups of 4 or 5. Each group will discuss
the results.
2. Write in the blank space. Identify different leadership types (explain).

1 ___________________________

2 _____________________________

3 _____________________________

4 ______________________________

5 _______________________________

6 ________________________________

7 _________________________________

8 __________________________________

Answers: 1. Lassie Fair, 2. Democratic, 3. Autocratic, 4. Autocratic, 5.

Autocratic, 6. Democratic, 7. Lassie Fair & 8. Democratic.

Handout 2.D:
Student Leadership Type Quiz

Instructions: Circle the response that reflects your first reaction. Remember: There is
no right or wrong answer.

As a leader, I tend to

Questions Always Often Sometimes Never

1. Make my own decisions 4 3 2 1
2. Tell others what to do 4 3 2 1
3. Suggest a decision to others 4 3 2 1
4. Persuade others to do things 4 3 2 1
my way
5. Participate just like any other 4 3 2 1
6. Provide resources to others 4 3 2 1
7. Gather others feedback before 4 3 2 1
8. Rely on my own judgment 4 3 2 1
9. Make sure the majority rules 4 3 2 1
10. Turn decision over to others 4 3 2 1
11. Ask others to brainstorm 4 3 2 1
12. Share my own ideas 4 3 2 1

Add the numbers you circle for the following Total Leadership
questions Type
Questions: 1, 2, 4, 8 Autocratic
Questions: 3, 7, 9, 11 Bureaucratic
Questions: 5, 6, 10, 12 Laissez-faire

MODULE 5.3.3: Leader and Follower Relations

Good leaders generally have a clear vision and can turn that vision into a
vivid picture that others can see. They have passion in their hearts, that
when shared create enthusiasm in others. When major decisions need to
be made, they encourage collaboration. As leaders, they continually assess their own
character and never stop growing, personally or professionally.
Group Dynamics is the study of group behavior, especially the interactions that occur
among persons in small groups involved with education, business or social activities.
Group dynamics is concerned with the structure and functioning of groups and with the
types of roles played by members. The study of group dynamics in ASPIRAs leadership
development program is important in order to understand and facilitate this process so
that Club members can have productive and beneficial meetings.

Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

Recognize the dynamics between leaders and followers.

Identify the skills to lead both individuals and groups.

Recognize the difference between power and influence.

Materials Needed:

Handout 3.A: Leadership Roles

Handout 3.B: Follower Roles

Activity 5.3.1: The Leader (30 min)


Students will view and discuss the YouTube video : The leader in you (1:01
min) available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9emcDEhDhoo

Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app

scan this code to visit this web based educational resource.
The facilitator will ask students about main point of leadership in the video


YouTube: An Interview with Sammy Sosa (3:33 min)

Discuss with students their thoughts on the video.
The facilitator will provide and review the handout on Leadership Roles (3.A).
Have students work in small groups to define in their own words each type of
role and the importance of each role.


Have each group share one definition until all 6 roles have been defined.

Activity 5.3.2: Group Dynamics (30 min)


Students will view and discuss the Youtube video: The meaning of Team.
Together Everyone Achieves More! (3:49 min).

Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app

scan this code to visit this web based educational resource.
The facilitator will ask students about the perception of this video.


Students will discuss group assignments on which they have worked in the
past the good and bad things!
Brainstorm with students those things that make working in a group easier.
Record students responses on board or chart paper.
Review Handout on Followers.


In small groups, have students write a paragraph that describes the

importance of the followers in a group and how they support the leader.

Handout: 3.A: Leadership Roles


Think about the captain or commander of a ship. Similarly all leaders have
a crucial role as the captain or commander of your team. The commander
creates the rules, maintains order and ensures that what is beneficial for the whole team
is accomplished safely and effectively.


Picture the conductor of a band or an orchestra. He or she must select the

right person for each position a great drummer may be a poor trumpet
player and then orchestrate exactly when each member plays their part.
Similarly, every leader must play this role to select the right person for each
position. This role is also responsible for directing the assignment and flow
of people and tasks. It is the leaders responsibility to see that each person
is assigned the roles and tasks that best match his or her talents, skills, experience and

Team Builder:

Think about sports for a second. Does the team with the most
talented players always win? The answer is NO. Winning
sports team must have talent AND they must work together as a
team. Team success requires that the totality of the team
accomplishments far exceed what the individuals could have
accomplished alone. Teams whether in sports or in business do not succeed by
accident. The team leader must instill in the team a commitment to a common end
vision, goal, outcome and a team spirit such that they strive to meet both team and
individual goals.

Supervisor and Coach:

Leaders soon realize that their success depends on the people they lead.
In the role as supervisor and coach, the leader must nurture the teams self
motivation, be clear about performance expectations, provide abundance
feedback and continually provide opportunities for the employee to
develop. This role is one that guides the team to not only perform at its
best, but constantly working towards becoming better.

Motivator and Cheerleader:

The leader sets the tone and nurtures morale, commitment, and
motivation. The leader is the motivator for the team. This role requires that
the leader be positive, upbeat, and proactive even in difficult times.

Promoter and Spokesperson:

The leader is the face of the team to the outside world. How the leader
presents the team to others is very important. The leaders ability to
communicate to others how well the team has worked together and what
they were able to produce will only help improve both outside perception of the team as
well as team members morale and self-esteem about themselves.

Handout 3.B: Follower Roles

Followers are an essential component to the leadership process. Without followers, a

leader cannot exist. Furthermore, effective followers produce effective leaders.
According to Robert E. Kelley, who has conducted extensive research on followership,
"An effective follower portrays enthusiasm, intelligence, and self-reliant participation in
the pursuit of an organizational goal. They think for themselves and carry out their
duties and assignments with energy and assertiveness. They are risk takers, self-
starters and independent problem solvers. Effective followers can succeed without
strong leadership". Furthermore, effective followers are critical thinkers who will allow
their talents to be utilized, but who will refuse to be used and abused by leadership.

Characteristics of Effective Followers

They manage themselves well.

They are committed to the organization and to a purpose, principle or person
outside themselves.
They build their competence and focus their efforts for maximum impact
They are courageous, honest, and credible.
They do not have to be on constant observation.
Effective followers see themselves as the equals of the leaders they follow.
The effective follower is enthusiastic, well balanced, and responsible.

Followers can take on multiple roles within the team as well. Look at the chart below to
see the various roles that followers must take on in order for the team to be successful.

MODULE 5.4: Diversity of Leadership

Because we are so diverse in the United States, it is especially important

that our leaders bridge cross-cultural gaps to speak to every member of
society. By acknowledging the power of youth to impact social movements, we can
understand the challenges faced by Latino leaders today in order to conquer such
challenges in the future, to more thoroughly represent the Latino community among
many different communities. The concept of diversity in leadership not only includes
race, creed, ethnicity and gender, but it also includes diversity of thinking that results
from the differences in experiences, knowledge and background of all people.


Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

Evaluate the importance of diversity in leadership.
Examine cross-cultural and gender issues in leadership.
Recognize the power of youth involved in social movements.
Determine the unique styles of Latino leadership in the United States.
Review the challenges faced by many Latino leaders.

Materials Needed:

Handout 4.A: prominent Latino Leaders

Handout 4.B: Dimensions of Diversity
Handout 4.C: Gender Differences

Activity 5.4.1: Profile of Latino Leaders (30 min)


View the YouTube video : Justice Sotomayor interview The call from the
President (CSPAN 2:47 min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3gW4MzmO-k

Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app

scan this code to visit this web based educational resource.
The facilitator will ask students their reactions.


Divide students into 6 groups. Distribute Handout 4A: Prominent Latino Leaders.
Assign each group one person to read about and have them create a brief one
minute presentation summarizing that person. Give groups approximately 10-15
minutes to read their paragraph and prepare presentation.
Each group will then share with the whole group about their assigned leader.


Discuss as a whole group their perception of these people as Latinos and as


Activity 5.4.2: Dimensions of Diversity (30 min)


The facilitator will divide the class into small groups. Each small group will
brainstorm at least 5 nouns or phrases that describe who they are and how they
are similar to or different from other people or groups (5 min).


Students will share their list with the class. The facilitator will instruct students
listen actively to other groups. As a class, students will list similar characteristics.
Students will categorize these nouns into the various dimensions represented
such as race, religion, ethnicity, sex, occupation, interests, values, etc.
Students will identify any other categories or dimensions that are important in
describing and understanding the similarities and differences among people and
Facilitator will guide the discussion in helping students decide which of these
categories are primary or very difficult to change, and which are secondary or
possible to change?
Use handout 4B to review the various dimensions and introduce the terms
primary dimensions and secondary dimensions.


Discuss with students as a whole group how these many dimensions of diversity
can affect ones leadership and decisions.

Activity 5.4.3: Gender Issues (45 min)


Pose this question to the group: Are men better leaders than women or visa
versa, women better than men?
Have student share their opinions and records student responses on board or
chart paper.


Use handout 4.C: Gender Difference, to discuss how leadership styles and
traits may differ depending on gender.
Split students into boys and girls and have students debate about how these
difference may make one gender a better leader than the other. Girls will
debate that women are better, boys will defend that men are better. Students
can use the handout to help them argue their points.


Watch the YouTube: Are Women better Leaders? (2:13minutes)


Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app

scan this code to visit this web based educational resource.

This video actually states about how both are equal when it comes to
leadership and there is no better.

Debrief with students about video and closing thought, there is no difference
between men and women when it comes to ability to lead.

Handout 4.A: Prominent Latino Leaders

Chavez, Cesar Estrada March 31, 1927 April 23, 1993) was an
Labor Leader American farm worker, labor leader, and
civil rights activist who, with Dolores
Huerta, co-founded the National Farm
Workers Association, which later became
the United Farm Workers (UFW).

William Blaine "Bill" Richardson III Born November 15, 1947) is an American
Mexico American Politician politician, who served as the 30th
Governor of New Mexico from 2003 to
2011. Before being elected governor,
Richardson served in the Clinton
administration as U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations and Energy Secretary
Sonia Sotomayor Born June 25, 1954) is an Associate
First Hispanic justice, and its third Justice of the Supreme Court of the United
female justice States, serving since August 2009.
Sotomayor is the Court's 111th justice, its
first Hispanic justice, and its third female
Antonia Coello Novello, M.D. Born August 23, 1944) is a Puerto Rican
U.S. Surgeon general physician and public health administrator.
She was a vice admiral in the Public
Health Service Commissioned Corps and
served as fourteenth Surgeon General of
the United States from 1990 to 1993.
Novello is the first woman and first
Hispanic to serve as Surgeon General.
Franklin Ramon Chang-Diaz (Born April 5, 1950) is a Costa Rican-
Astronaut American engineer, physicist . He is
currently President and CEO of Ad Astra
Rocket Company. He is a veteran of seven
Space Shuttle missions, making him the
record holder as of 2008 for the most
spaceflights (a record he shares with Jerry
L. Ross). He was the second Latino
American to go into space, (first Latino
American was Arnaldo Tamayo Mndez)
and is the first naturalized US citizen to
become an astronaut.
Nydia Velzquez
U.S. Representative. Born 3/28/7953-
U. S. Representative Yabucoa, Puerto Rico. In 1992 Nydia
Velzquez became the first Puerto Rican

woman elected to Congress (Democrat,
New York). Velzquez was an activist as a
teenager in rural Puerto Rico and came to
the U.S. to earn a master's degree in
political science at New York University
Melquiades Rafael Martinez
George W. Bush's first secretary for
First secretary for Housing and Urban Housing and Urban Development. Born
Development 10/23/1946. Cuban-born Martinez came to
the United States in 1962, as a participant
in an airlift operation in which about 14,000
Cuban children entered the country in the
early 1960s.

Handout 4.B: Diversity Dimensions

What is Diversity?

We define diversity as all aspects in which people differ'. This is a very broad definition
that is not shared by all experts in the field. Some focus on only a few aspects of
diversity, usually gender, age and ethnic or national background. We choose the broad
definition since we believe that a person is more than just this, all other aspects are part
of them as well. We cannot fully understand people and their behavior without taking all
these aspects into account.

Dimensions of Diversity

Often, the different aspects of diversity are divided into primary and secondary
dimensions. The primary dimensions are basic and cannot be changed by the person.
Secondary dimensions can be influenced more easily.

Aspects of diversity are not only grouped into primary and secondary dimensions.
Another dimension to group them is their visibility. The more visible an aspect is, the
stronger its influence on how others see you. It is hard to escape from highly visible
aspects of diversity. One can put on a ring and pretend to be married, but pretending to
be white when your skin is black is much harder.

Effects of Diversity

Both primary and secondary dimensions, visible and non-visible aspects, are part of the
personal identity of a person. They have a strong influence on our values, needs,
priorities, aspirations and perceptions. They influence how we see our environment and
how we behave. They also have a strong influence on how others see us, and this, in
turn, influences how we see ourselves.

Handout 4.C: Gender Differences

Use the Power Point presentation entitle: Gender Differences

MODULE 5.5: Defining Leadership Styles


Leadership style refers to a leaders behavior. It is the result of the

philosophy, personality and experience of the leader (Leadership style is the
manner and approach of providing direction, motivating people and
achieving objectives. They are behavioral models used by leaders when working with
others. Youth leadership includes both transactional and transformational leadership.
Transactional leadership includes the skills and tasks related to leadership, such as
public speaking and decision making. Transformational leadership includes the process
of leadership. It focuses on the personal qualities of leadership. It is necessary for youth
to understand that it takes time to interact, learn, and share their leadership
responsibilities because it is part of learning to be a leader.


Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

Identify the various leadership styles and to advantages and disadvantages of
Recognize and respect other peoples opinions.

Materials Needed:

Handout 5: Leadership Styles

Activity 5.51: Leadership Style vs Types (30 minutes)


Students will View: YouTube: Ultimate leadership-team activity (morale solution

2:56 min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGvlQL7kIQQ

Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app scan

this code to visit this web based educational resource.
Review the theories, models and types of leadership discussed in previous
Explain the different between a theory and a model. Explain the difference
between a type and a style.
o Theory A hypothesis that a group of people believe to be the most
effective way to lead based on experience or research.
o Models An individuals way to actually represent the theory in easy to
understand language.
o Type A defined structure to the way that someone leads that fits into
one category out of three.
o Style How a person choices to actually implement the leadership based
on preference, skills, interest, or situation. Not all styles fit with every type.


Have students identify themselves as a certain type of student out of the 3

choices: Hard Working, Average, or I just do what I got to do. You should get
a least a few in each category.
o Make a connection to the 3 types of leaders previously discussed, that
everyone can be put into one of the 3 categories.
Then ask students to identify their learning style. Do they like to work in groups
or by themselves? Do they read books or use the internet? Do they ask a lot of
questions or just listen? Do they ask for help or figure it out on their own? Etc.
o Make the connection that many students in all three categories could have
the same style in terms of their learning, example: Both a Hard working
student and a I do what student might both like working in groups.
o This would represent the leadership styles, how even though people are
one of three types, there are many styles of leadership that they can
choose to implement.


Engage students in Game using the Learning Styles and Types of Learners
discussed in class to help students understand better the difference between
types and styles.
o Students all sit in a circle with one less chair than there are students. One
student stands in middle and says the phrase, The wind blows for people
who are (uses something from lesson like a hard worker)
o All the students that the phrase applies to, stands up and tries to find
another empty seat including the student that was in the middle no one
can sit in the same seat they got up from.
o The student left in center without a seat is the one to say the next phrase
such as The wind blows for those (who like to work in groups.)
o Keep repeating procedure for about 10 minutes.
o Reiterate to students how students that got up for some phrases didnt
always get up with the same students. Point out any other connections
you may see as they play.

Activity 5.5.2: Leadership Styles (30 minutes)


Icebreaker: Students will view the YouTube video: The power of one (1:42 min)

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this code to visit this web based educational resource.
Give students a few minutes to write in their journals responding to this prompt:
Leaders should be .
Have some student share what they wrote.


Distribute Handout 5 and review with the group the 7 styles listed.
In the what it looks like box, have students highlight key words that they think
make that style unique. Facilitator may want to read the boxes out loud as
students highlight, or can have them work in small groups.
Discuss some of the key words and how some styles are very similar to each
other, while others are very different.


Have students identify the style they like the most and in their journal explain
their answer with why they think they style is the best.

Handout 5: Leadership Styles


There are different types of leadership styles, each proving effective depending on the
given circumstances, attitude, beliefs, preferences and values of the people involved.

Charismatic Charismatic Leadership is one of the modern leadership

Leadership styles in the changing world. In this kind of leadership, the
leader uses charm to get the admiration of their followers.
They show concern for their people and they look after their
people's needs. They create a comfortable and friendly
atmosphere for their followers by listening to them and
making them feel that they have a voice in the decision

Famous examples of charismatic leaders are Winston Churchill,

Bill Clinton, Mother Teresa and Adolph Hitler
Participative This kind of leadership is usually seen in corporate settings.
Leadership Leaders act more like facilitators rather than dictators. They
facilitate the ideas and the sharing of information with the end
goal of arriving at a decision. The final decision ultimately rests
on the leader but all considerations and factors of a decision
come from the collective mind of the group under this

A famous example of a participative leader is Donald

Situational In situational leadership, three factors affect the leader's
Leadership decisions: the situation, the capability of the followers and the
capability of the leader. The leader adjusts to whatever limitation
is laid out in front of him by his subordinates and the situation
itself. Adaptability is key here. The leaders need to be as
dynamic as the different situations they are faced with.

A famous example of this leadership style is Dwight

Transactional Transformational leaders lead by motivating by their followers.
Leadership Leaders appeal to their followers' ideals and morals to motivate
them in accomplishing their tasks. Basically, these kinds of
leaders empower their followers using their own beliefs and
personal strengths. Simply put, they inspire their followers.

Famous transformational leaders include Martin Luther

King Jr. and Walt Disney

Transformational The quiet leader leads by example. They do not tell people what
Leadership to do. They do not force people to do things that they are not
willing to do. They do not give loud speeches, sweeping
statements and clear cut orders. They do what needs to be
done, inspiring their followers to do the same.

Famous examples of the Quiet Leader are Rosa Parks, King

George VI, Abraham Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson.

The Quiet Leader The quiet leader leads by example. They do not tell people what
to do. They do not force people to do things that they are not
willing to do. They do not give loud speeches, sweeping
statements and clear cut orders. They do what needs to be
done, inspiring their followers to do the same.

Famous examples of the Quiet Leader are Rosa Parks, King

George VI, Abraham Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson.
Servant In servant leadership, the leader takes care of the needs of his
Leadership followers first before they take care of their own. Instead of
acting like a king to their subordinates, leaders act as servants.
The leader feels that they need to serve their followers rather
than force upon them what they want.

Famous examples of servant leaders include George

Washington, Gandhi and Cesar Chavez.

MODULE 5.6: Types of Power for Leaders

In examining a number of historical events, the different types of powers

for leaders are salient. In many cases, excessive use of power has led to
the most devastating tragedies committed by human kind.


Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

Recognize different types of power that leaders may have.
Identify the techniques to build leadership skills.

Materials Needed:

Handout 6.A: Types of Power

Handout 6.B: Types of Power Practice Scenario

Activity 5.6.1: Recognizing Types of Power (45 minutes)


Icebreaker: Students will view the YouTube video: Tale of Power & vision
(movement vision 1:42 min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZVIWZGheXY

Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app scan

this code to visit this web based educational resource.
Have student brainstorm what the word Power means. Write responses on
board or chart paper.
Pose questions like: Are there different kinds of power? Are you given power?
Can you earn power? Who has power?


Distribute handout 6A: Types of Power and review with students what each one
means from both the leader perspective and the follower perspective.
Distribute handout 6B: Practice Scenario. Read the scenario out-loud and give
students a few minutes to choose their answers. Then review the correct
answers with the students.
o ANSWERS: 1. b, 2. c, 3. a, 4. d, 5. b
Divide students into small groups and have them complete the worksheet 6A by
filling in an example for each type of power.


Have each groups share some of their examples. Make corrections as needed to
fix misconceptions.

Handout 6.A: Types of Power

Type Of Power Description

From Leader Aspect From Follower Aspect3 Example

Reward power is power that a The target person complies in

person has because he or she order to obtain rewards he or she
has control of the resources. believes are controlled by the

Coercive power is power that a The target person complies in

person has because he or she order to avoid punishments he or
has control of the punishments or she believes are controlled by the
demotions. agent.

Legitimate power is based on the The target person complies

position or title that one person because he or she believes the
may have. agent has the right to make the
request and the target person has
the obligation to comply.
Expert power is based on some The target person complies
knowledge that a person may because he or she believes that
have that others may not. the agent has special knowledge
about the best way to do
Referent power is based solely The target person complies
on attractive characteristics that a because he or she admires or
person may have. identifies with the agent and
wants to gain the agents

Adapted from: J. French & B.H. Raven, Studies of Social Power, Institute for Social Research, Ann Arbor, MI (1959). Available

online Jan. 20, 2006 at: http://www.apmp.org/pdf/fall99/54leadership.pdf
Handout 6B: Types of Power Practice Scenario

Crazy Powermakers, Inc. (Scenario)

Crazy Power makers, Inc., was a unique company in that its philosophy was to prevent
any one person from having too much power in the company. Therefore, any power
found to exist in the company was distributed to someone who did not have any power
yet. As a result, Tamera was the person employees went to when disciplinary action
had to be taken; Kayse was the supervisor that the employees went to for general
decisions that needed to be made; Clay was the person employees went to when they
were to receive special recognition; Juan was the person employees went to when
knowledge of a topic was needed; and Franklin was the person employees went to
when they needed resources or sought his charisma.
1. Tamera held ___________ power.
a. legitimate
b. coercive
c. reward
d. expert

2. Kayse held ______________ power.

a. reward
b. expert
c. legitimate
d. coercive

3. Clay held ___________ power.

a. reward
b. legitimate
c. coercive
d. referent

4. Juan held ______________ power.

a. legitimate
b. reward
c. referent
d. expert

5. Franklin held _______________ power.

a. legitimate
b. referent
c. reward
d. expert

MODULE 5.7: Individual Differences

Research indicates that individual characteristics such as individuals level

of cognitive ability, self-consciousness, energy/activity level, values, and
tolerance for stress are correlated with the effectiveness of leadership. 4


Upon completion of the unit, students will able to:

Identify generic leadership traits for personal leadership models.
Identify personal strength and opportunities for growth with leadership
characteristics and skills.

Materials Needed:

Handout 7.A: Leadership Self-Assessment Activity

Handout 7.B: Score Sheet

Source: Atwater, L . E et al. (1999). A longitudinal study of the leadership development process: Individual differences predicting leader
effectiveness. Human Relations, 52(12), 1543-1562

Activity 5.7.1: Identifying Personal Comfort with Leadership Traits (45 min)


Icebreaker: Students will View: YouTube: Celebrating differences (3:59 min)


Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app scan

this code to visit this web based educational resource.
Have students make a list of the traits they think they have that are beneficial to
Have some students share a few of their traits.


The facilitator will provide and review Handout 7A: Leadership Characteristics
and Skills Survey.
Students will rate their comfort level with leadership characteristics and skills as
instructed in the self-assessment survey. Once students are finished, proceed to
score the survey using the scoring sheet to interpret the results (Handout 7B).
Students will identify personal preference or comfort with commonly identified
leadership traits.


The facilitator will divide the class into small groups of 4 or 5. Each group will
discuss the results.

Handout 7.A Leadership Self-Assessment Activity

Notes: This self-survey will provide you with feedback as to your feelings of leading
others. Rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being a definite YES and 1 being a
definite NO. Be honest about your answers as this survey is only for you own self-
assessment. Circle the number which you feel most closely represents your feelings
about the task.

No Yes Asseverations

1 1 2 3 4 5 I enjoy working on teams.

2 1 2 3 4 5 I am able to speak clearly to others.
3 1 2 3 4 5 I enjoy relating to others on an interpersonal basis.
3 1 2 3 4 5 I am good at planning.
5 1 2 3 4 5 I can interpret rules and regulations.
6 1 2 3 4 5 I feel comfortable asking others for advice.
7 1 2 3 4 5 I enjoy collecting and analyzing data.
8 1 2 3 4 5 I am good at solving problems.
9 1 2 3 4 5 I am comfortable writing memos/complaints to
10 1 2 3 4 5 I can delegate work to others.
11 1 2 3 4 5 I am effective at handling employee complaints.
12 1 2 3 4 5 Giving directions is comfortable for me.
13 1 2 3 4 5 I know how to develop goals and carry them out.
14 1 2 3 4 5 I am comfortable at implementing new
15 1 2 3 4 5 I enjoy appraising performance and giving
16 1 2 3 4 5 If I made a mistake, I would admit it and correct it.
17 1 2 3 4 5 I am able to resolve conflict in the workplace.
18 1 2 3 4 5 I believe in diversity in the workplace.
19 1 2 3 4 5 I thrive on change.
20 1 2 3 4 5 One of my greatest desires is to become a leader.

Handout 7.B Scoring Sheet

Score the survey by adding the numbers that you circled: ________

A score of fifty or higher indicates a desire to become a leader and a perceived ability to
perform the tasks required of a leader.

A score of fifty or less indicators a general dislike of wanting to become a leader or a

perceived inability to perform the tasks required of a leader.

BUT, no matter what your score is, your commitment, desire, and determination are the
biggest indicators of you ability to become a leader.

My reflection about my score:


MODULE 5.8: Leadership as a Process

Today experts are defining leadership as a process whereby an individual

influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Defining
leadership as a process means that it is a transactional event that occurs
between a leader and his followers. Leadership is a process, not a role.


Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

Review the process of leadership.
Complete a self-assessment to categorize themselves as leaders and/or
Engage in a debate on the topic: Are leaders born or made?


Handout 8.A: Process of Great Leadership

Activity 5.8.1: What is the Process? (45 min)


Icebreaker: Students will view YouTube video: The Leadership Management

Process (4:34 min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3ciUAl6Evo

Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app scan

this code to visit this web based educational resource.
Have students write in their journal in response to these questions: Once
someone learns the necessary leaderships skills are they now and forever a
great leader no matter what? What does it take to stay an effective leader?
Discuss students answers.


Distribute and review handout 8A. Discuss with students what each step means.


Have students share their responses.

Handout 8.A: The Process of Great Leadership

Here are five traits that contribute to effective leadership Process:

1. Learn From Your Mistakes

To be a good leader you have to take calculated risks and you will certainly make
some mistakes along the way. Admit them. Learn from them. Don't repeat them!
These mistakes can be in the classroom or on the court.

"Success comes from good decisions. Good decisions come from experience.
Experience comes from bad decisions."

2. Lead by Example
The old adage "do as I say, not as I do" doesn't fly in today's world. If you expect
it from the people you are leading, you have to expect it from yourself. You must
hold yourself accountable before you can hold anyone else. If you expect your
players or teammates to be on time, then you need to be on time. If you expect
them to know every play in your playbook, then you need to know them too. If
you want to be a leader, people notice.

"Do what has to be done. Do it when it has to be done. Does it as well as you can.
Do it this way all of the time."

3. Put Others' Needs First

Compassion and empathy are extremely important to quality leadership. It is
impossible to be selfish and be an effective leader. If you are a player, are you
playing for the scoreboard or the scorebook? Are you playing for the name on the
front of the jersey or the back? If you are a coach, do you listen to your players'
feedback and thoughts? Treat your teammates and players right and genuinely
care about them.

"No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care."

4. Have Confidence
Your attitude is something you have complete control of and will influence
everything you do in life. A positive attitude helps build confidence. You must
have a strong self-worth and be confident in your abilities, without being arrogant
or cocky. It sounds corny, but you have to feel good about yourself to be a good
leader. No one is going to follow someone who doesn't believe in themselves.
Confidence comes from a sound work ethic and from being prepared. If you are
going into a game and aren't confident you can win; it's because you know you
didn't do what was necessary to prepare!

"Don't ever take a shot you aren't confident you are going to make."

5. Set a High Standard

If you do everything to the best of your ability, then you can expect it from those
you lead. If you are always on time, always work hard, and always put your heart
and soul into every practice, workout, and game--then you can expect your
teammates and players to do the same. But you have to believe your teammates
and players can meet this standard. A good leader will motivate those they are
leading to do so. You want to be the type of leader who raises the level of
everyone around you. Set the bar high and then lead them to it!

"It is a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you
often get it."

MODULE 5.9: Conflict Resolution

Youths must develop a clear understanding of themselves in the context of

their family legacy and local and world communities. This self-awareness
will improve self-definition and build healthy self-confidence. Youth need to
develop the ability for effective communication to speak clearly and write
well to successfully meet future challenges and roles. Developing
multilingual, creative and critical skills will be competitive in the workplace and will
increase their capacity for leadership responsibilities within any arena.


Upon completion of the unit, students will be able to:

Identify the styles, mode, and techniques of conflict resolution
Learn how to problem solve during difficult situations..
Develop empathetic listening skills.


Handout 9.1: Empathetic Listening

Activity 5.9.1: Conflict Resolution Styles (45 minutes)


Icebreaker: Students will view the Youtube video: Conflict Resolution - resolving
bullying issues in Irish schools (2:03 min)

Using your mobile phone QR Code Reader app scan

this code to visit this web based educational resource.
Ask students to brainstorm about what is conflict? In their journals, have
student write about how they typically deal with conflict in their lives.


Visit the website: http://www.cccoe.net/social/skillslist.htm and click on skills

with peers (blue column) and click on conflict resolution.

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this code to visit this web based educational resource.
Follow instructions.
Ask students to think about how the methods they use for conflict resolution in
the past match up to these styles. Have student identify the style they use the


Discuss with students the importance of using the appropriate type of conflict
resolution for the situation and how each style may get different outcomes.

Activity 5.9.2: Conflict Resolution Techniques and Problem Solving (20 minutes)


Icebreaker: Students will view the Youtube video: Conflict Resolution (4:06 min)

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this code to visit this web based educational resource.
Have students write in their journal what they believe the phrase win-win means
and can their always be a win-win solution to a problem?
Have students share their responses.


Visit: Practicing Problem Solving at http://www.teachervision.fen.com/problem-

solving/lesson-plan/3025.html ixzz1PMELEWX2

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Divide students into small groups. Within their groups they should discuss
conflicts that they had and how they could have handled it better using these
techniques. They should also identify how the outcome may have been different
if they used different techniques.


One student from every group should share one conflict that was discussed.

Activity 5.9.3: Empathetic Listening (30 minutes)


Empathic Listening is listening in such a sincere and focused way that you put
yourself in the other persons shoes, try to understand what theyre saying from
their point of view, feeling their feelings. You forget about yourself and are
focused totally on them.
Icebreaker: Students will view the Youtube video: How to be a good listener:
Good listeners: Cultural Differences (1:57 min)

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this code to visit this web based educational resource.
Have students watch the YouTube video Empathic Listening- Video 1 (4:04min)
(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viuFhVd9Okw&feature=relmfu )

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scan this code to visit this web based educational resource.
Discuss with students their thoughts on why Ray was having trouble running his
Students should brainstorm all of the ways that someone can appear less than
Students can analyze all of the ways that the videos character failed to listen
with empathy.


Have students list all of the ways they feel heard when someone is listening to
Divide these ways into verbal feedback and physical feedback.
o Verbal feedback includes the things that the listener says.
o Physical feedback is equally if not more important and includes the
person's body language, eye contact, and even touch.
Review handout 9C with students to give them techniques for both verbal and
physical feedback that denotes empathetic listening.
Watch the second YouTube video Empathic Listening - Video 2 (4:13 min)

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scan this code to visit this web based educational resource.


Lead a discussion about what was different in the second video. What were the
improvements in Rays behavior? How does the employee respond? Did it get
better results? What are some examples of the words or actions that showed
Empathetic Listening?

Activity 4: Quiz - What's Your Leadership Style?

To learn more about your leadership style visit the website:

http://psychology.about.com/library/quiz/bl-leadershipquiz.htm and take the leadership

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