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Strip Footing Design Page 1 of 9


Design For Combined Footing 1

Result Summary
Left Overhang Right Overhang Length Width Thickness
Footing No.
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
1 0.550 1.050 4.760 2.600 0.500

Footing No. Footing Reinforcement

- Main Steel Top Main Steel Bottom Secondary Steel Top Secondary Steel Bottom
1 #16 @ 205 mm c/c #16 @ 205 mm c/c #16 @ 200 mm c/c #16 @ 200 mm c/c

Combined Footing 1
Input Data

Geometry of Footing
For Column 110

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Dcol) : 0.400m

Column Width - Z (Bcol) : 0.400m


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Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 111

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Dcol) : 0.400m

Column Width - Z (Bcol) : 0.400m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

For Column 116

Column Dimensions

Column Shape : Rectangular

Column Length - X (Dcol) : 0.400m

Column Width - Z (Bcol) : 0.400m


Include Pedestal? No
Pedestal Shape : N/A
Pedestal Height (Ph) : N/A
Pedestal Length - X (Pl) : N/A
Pedestal Width - Z (Pw) : N/A

Length of left overhang : 0.500m

Length of right overhang : 1.000m
Is the length of left overhang fixed? No
Is the length of right overhang fixed? No
Minimum width of footing (Wo) : 2.500m
Minimum Thickness of footing (Do) : 500.000mm
Maximum Width of Footing (Wo) : 40000.000mm
Maximum Thickness of Footing (Do) : 1500.000mm
Maximum Length of Footing (Lo) : 40000.000mm
Length Increment : 50.000mm
Depth Increment : 50.000mm

Cover and Soil Properties

Pedestal Clear Cover : 50.000mm

Footing Clear Cover : 50.000mm
Unit Weight of soil : 22.000kN/m3

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Soil Bearing Capacity : 120.000kN/m2

Soil Bearing Capacity Type: Gross Bearing Capacity
Soil Surcharge : 0.000kN/m2
Depth of Soil above Footing : 0.000m
Depth of Water Table : 10.000m

Concrete and Rebar Properties

Unit Weight of Concrete : 24.000kN/m3

Compressive Strength of Concrete : 20.700N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel : 275.000N/mm2
Minimum Bar Size : #16
Maximum Bar Size : #16
Minimum Pedestal Bar Size : #32
Maximum Pedestal Bar Size : #6
Minimum Bar Spacing : 100.000mm
Maximum Bar Spacing : 450.000mm


Design Calculations

Footing Size Calculations

Reduction of force due to buoyancy = 0.000kN

Area from initial length and width, Ao = Lo X Wo = 11.650m^2

Min. area required from bearing pressure, Amin = P / qmax = 11.018m^2

Note: Amin is an initial estimation.

P = Critical Factored Axial Load(without self weight/buoyancy/soil).
qmax = Respective Factored Bearing Capacity.

Final footing dimensions are:

Length of footing, L : 4.760m

Width of footing, W : 2.600m
Depth of footing, Do : 0.500m
Area, A : 12.376m^2
Length of left overhang, Lleft_overhang : 0.550m

Length of right overhang, Lright_overhang : 1.050m

Footing self weight : 148.507kN

Soi weight on top of footing : 0.000kN


Load Load Soil Self

Combination Load Combination Title Combination Bearing Weight
Number Factor Factor Factor
5 Generated ACI Table1 2 1.00 1.00 1.00

Load Load Soil Self

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Combination Combination Bearing Weight

Load Combination Title
Number Factor Factor Factor
5 Generated ACI Table1 2 1.00 1.00 1.00

Applied Loads - Service Stress Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 110
5 281.630 0.178 -0.598 0.000 0.000
Column Number : 111
5 351.208 -0.687 -0.515 0.000 0.000
Column Number : 116
5 549.559 -2.006 -0.718 0.000 0.000

Applied Loads - Strength Level

Axial Shear X Shear Z Moment X Moment Z
(kN) (kN) (kN) (kNm) (kNm)
Column Number : 110
5 281.630 0.178 -0.598 0.000 0.000
Column Number : 111
5 351.208 -0.687 -0.515 0.000 0.000
Column Number : 116
5 549.559 -2.006 -0.718 0.000 0.000

Calculated Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Area of footing in

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4) uplift (Au)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (sq. m)

5 95.5441 119.8756 119.5342 95.2027 0.000

5 95.5441 119.8756 119.5342 95.2027 0.000

5 95.5441 119.8756 119.5342 95.2027 0.000

5 95.5441 119.8756 119.5342 95.2027 0.000

If Au is zero, there is no uplift and no pressure adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, to account for uplift, areas of
negative pressure will be set to zero and the pressure will be redistributed to remaining corners.

Summary of Adjusted Pressures at Four Corners

Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at Pressure at

Load Case corner 1 (q1) corner 2 (q2) corner 3 (q3) corner 4 (q4)
(kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2) (kN/m^2)

5 95.5441 119.8756 119.5342 95.2027

5 95.5441 119.8756 119.5342 95.2027

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5 95.5441 119.8756 119.5342 95.2027

5 95.5441 119.8756 119.5342 95.2027


Check for stability against sliding

Resultant Resisting
Shear X Shear Z Resultant
Load Case Shear Sliding Force Ratio X Ratio Z
(kN) (kN) Ratio
(kN) (kN)

5 -2.515 -1.831 3.110 532.362 211.712 290.793 171.156

Check for stability against overturning (Moments printed against Local axis)
Resisting Resisting
Moment X Moment Z
Load Case Moment X Moment Z Ratio X Ratio Z
(kNm) (kNm)
(kNm) (kNm)

5 -0.915 -119.445 1730.144 3167.495 1890.154 26.518


Calculations of Footing Thickness

Footing thickness is calculated based on the ultimate load cases

Check for Punching Shear

For Column 110

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 5
Total Footing Depth, Do = 0.500m

Calculated Effective Depth,deff = 0.442m

For rectangular column, = Bcol / Dcol : 1.000

Slab Edge Factor : 40.0

Effective depth, deff, increased until 0.75*Vc Punching Shear Force

Punchng Shear Force, Vu = 220.528kN

From ACI Cl., for 3.368m


Equation 11-33, Vc1 3374.352kN

Equation 11-34, Vc2 = 4077.008kN

Equation 11-35, Vc3 = 2249.568kN

Punching shear strength,Vc= 0.75 x minimum of (Vc1,Vc2,Vc3) = 1687.176kN

0.75 * Vc > Vu hence, OK

For Column 111

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 5
Total Footing Depth, Do = 0.500m

Calculated Effective Depth,deff = 0.442m

For rectangular column, = Bcol / Dcol : 1.000

Slab Edge Factor : 40.0

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Effective depth, deff, increased until 0.75*Vc Punching Shear Force

Punchng Shear Force, Vu = 284.453kN

From ACI Cl., for 3.368m


Equation 11-33, Vc1 3374.352kN

Equation 11-34, Vc2 = 4077.008kN

Equation 11-35, Vc3 = 2249.568kN

Punching shear strength,Vc= 0.75 x minimum of (Vc1,Vc2,Vc3) = 1687.176kN

0.75 * Vc > Vu hence, OK

For Column 116

Critical Load case for Punching Shear Check : 5
Total Footing Depth, Do = 0.500m

Calculated Effective Depth,deff = 0.442m

For rectangular column, = Bcol / Dcol : 1.000

Slab Edge Factor : 40.0

Effective depth, deff, increased until 0.75*Vc Punching Shear Force

Punchng Shear Force, Vu = 477.005kN

From ACI Cl., for 3.368m


Equation 11-33, Vc1 3374.352kN

Equation 11-34, Vc2 = 4077.008kN

Equation 11-35, Vc3 = 2249.568kN

Punching shear strength,Vc= 0.75 x minimum of (Vc1,Vc2,Vc3) = 1687.176kN

0.75 * Vc > Vu hence, OK


Check for One-Way Shear

Shear Plane Parallel to Foundation Width

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Critical load case for maximum shear force along the length of footing : 5

Critical Shear force,Vu For the critical load case: 113.148kN

Point of occurance of Vu Critical one-way shear position: 4.352m

From ACI Cl., Vc = 868.301kN

0.75 x Vc = 651.226kN

Since 0.75 * Vc > Vu hence, OK

Shear Plane Parallel to Foundation Length

Critical load case for maximum shear force along the width of footing : 5

Critical Shear force,Vu For the critical load case: 299.637kN

From ACI Cl., Vc = 1589.659kN

0.75 x Vc = 1192.244kN

Since 0.75 * Vc > Vu hence, OK


Design of flexure

Bottom Reinforcement

Critical load case : 5

Required Effective Depth : 0.442m

, from ACI Cl. 0.8500

From ACI Cl. 10.3.2, 0.03729

From ACI Cl. 10.3.3, 0.02797

From ACI Cl. 7.12.2, 0.00200

Modular Ratio,m 15.6294

Ultimate Moment : 105.616kNm

Point of occurrence of the ultimate 3.510m
moment along the length of footing :
Nominal Moment Capacity : 117.351kNm
Required (based on effective depth) : 0.0023

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x deff / Depth (based on gross depth) : 0.0020

Area of main steel required, As = *W* 2600.000mm2

deff :

Top Reinforcement

Critical load case : 5

Required Effective Depth : 0.442m

, from ACI Cl. 0.8500

From ACI Cl. 10.3.2, 0.03729

From ACI Cl. 10.3.3, 0.02797

From ACI Cl. 7.12.2, 0.00200

Modular Ratio,m 15.6294

Ultimate Moment : 23.308kNm

Point of occurrence of the ultimate moment 1.228m
along the length of footing :
Nominal Moment Capacity : 25.898kNm
Required (based on effective depth): 0.0023
x deff / Depth (based on gross depth) : 0.0020

Area of main steel required, As = *W* 2600.000mm2

deff :

Distribution Reinforcement

Critical load case : 5

Critical Moment for distribution steel : 275.4826 kNm
Nominal moment Capacity : 306.0918 kNm
Point of occurance of the critical moment 1.5000 m
along length:
Required (based on effective depth): 0.0023
x deff / Depth (based on gross depth) : 0.0020

Area of distribution steel required, As = *L 4760.000 mm2

* deff :
Top surface disribution reinforcement
Moment at column face : 34.5557 kNm
Provided Area for distribution steel along Z 4760.000 mm2
(Top reinforcement):

Provided Reinforcement

Main bar no. for top Reinforcement: #16

Spacing of top reinforcement bar : 208.333 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

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#16 @ 205mm o.c.

Main bar no. for bottom Reinforcement: #16

Spacing of bottom reinforcement bar : 208.333 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

#16 @ 205mm o.c.

Distribution bar no. (Bottom): #16

Spacing of distribution bars (Bottom): 202.609 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

#16 @ 200mm o.c.

Distribution bar no.(Top): #16

Spacing of distribution bars(Top) : 202.609 mm

Based on spacing reinforcement increment; provided reinforcement is

#16 @ 200mm o.c.

Print Calculation Sheet

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