How To Choose Your SCENAR Device
How To Choose Your SCENAR Device
How To Choose Your SCENAR Device
As a result, I developed a certain sixth sense with regards to the device choice. It is
when you intuitively know which device will be good for a particular person or a
particular health situation. That also means that I can see certain common trends
and select certain criteria for forming happy unions.
I intend to use this knowledge now to formulate some general guidelines for those
who have made a wise decision to acquire a SCENAR or COSMODIC device - which,
in my vision, ultimately should be every person on the planet.
It is my sincere hope that my recommendations will help you find your perfect
SCENAR match, and you and your SCENAR or COSMODIC device will live happily
ever after !
Dr. Irina
P.S. The text below is partially taken from my e-book The SCENAR Fair: Second
Edition. Thats why you may see references to the other parts of the book here and
there throughout the text.
I put the most important reference material as the APPENDIX to this report
(primarily the explanation of different zones and SCENAR generations). You can find
a free download of the entire ebook at (if the site is not
there yet, check in a week or two; it will be there eventually !).
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Systemic Interactions 26
The Birth of SCENAR Generations
Evolution of SCENAR Technology 44
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When asked for advice, we always try to match a particular device to the ecology of
our clients life and health and even to his/her personality. Sometimes, it almost feels
like matchmaking and for a good reason.
In this situation 1+1=11, not 2 and thus healing miracles become possible.
First of all, lets be clear on what you are actually acquiring by purchasing a SCENAR
You are not just buying a sophisticated piece of electronics, a new gizmo, a tool, or
even a magic wand that is going to make you healthy. What you are getting is
Actually, this is not just a pretty phrase. We are talking about the essence of things.
What is a true friend? I presume, this question, for most of us, is associated with the
image of a dog the embodiment of unconditional love. No matter how good, bad, or
ugly you are, a true friend accepts you unconditionally; you can count on him under
any circumstance.
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And thats precisely what you are getting with a SCENAR device your bodys truthful
mirror (as we all know the feedback feature in SCENAR makes it possible). SCENAR
becomes your universal companion, an unconditionally devoted and intelligent
Personal Health Assistant (PHA) you can count on in any circumstances, which
also like that famous apple a day can keep the doctor away.
In other words, SCENAR is the bodys best friend (sounds almost like a song lyric!).
Any SCENAR owner can share with you that shortly after you get your first SCENAR in
your hands it becomes an extension of you.
This little electronic wonder amplifies your innate ability to heal and facilitate healing
in others. It makes you a healthier, happier, and overall better being on more than
just the physical level.
If this is not a true friend, than what is? (Actually, it is pretty common that if you
accidently forget your SCENAR when going out, you feel uncomfortable and
incomplete. Somehow SCENAR makes you feel safe and what is the word I am
looking for?.. Yes, empowered.)
All this I know first-hand. It happened to me about 14 years ago, and since then Ive
seen it happen to so many others. And you know what I want the most? That EVERY
LIVING SOUL on Earth experiences this wonderful transformation from a slave to their
diseases and a patient object of someone elses expertise into the master of ones
own physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and, consecutively, destiny.
The transformation to
Your Own Health BOSS.
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From my point of view, SCENAR is one of the very few technologies known to mankind
that is instrumental in this transformation.
That is, if you found the right match between a person and a device.
The easiest to deal with are CHENS (TENS) devices - the simple low frequency electro-
stimulators sometimes called SCENARs for
marketing purposes, or the hammers.
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Just be honest with yourself and clearly realize that this is all that the first zone
SCENARs can and will do for you. Do not expect CHENS to facilitate a healing
miracle; you are going to be disappointed. The first zone device will not help you
reverse fibromyalgia, or arthritis, or grow a new spinal disc. It will not get to the cause
of your headache but it can relieve the headache for a few hours, letting you finish
an important task. (Go to Appendix for the explanation of the first zone SCENARs.)
Therefore, the first question of the algorithm to determine which SCENAR to buy
would be:
What Do I Need
Dis-ease Pain-relief
Therapy ONLY
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If its just for symptomatic pain relief, you can go for ANY SCENAR or SCENAR-type
device on the market. They all relieve pain beautifully quickly, efficiently and, most
importantly, safely (without any complications or side-effects). In this case, you may
use secondary selection criteria, such as color, shape, size, overall look, reliability,
simplicity in operation, origin, location of the manufacturer, price, my
recommendations !, etc etc.
Unless you are a gadget-freak and want something to match your other super high-
tech toys (in which case Id suggest the elegant, mysterious-looking, beeping, and
vibrating COSMODIC 715) or something that says I possess only the best (the new
EX735Ag would definitely be a good fit, especially with gold electrodes), my
suggestion would be to buy any SCENAR intended for HOME USE.
What Do I Need
Dis-ease Pain-relief
Therapy ONLY
type device
Most of home SCENARs are small, and you can carry them wherever you go.
Most of them are also really simple in operation (not the AUTOSCENAR made
in Holland though, or its Russian twin CHENS boy, did I have a hard time
trying to figure them out!).
Home models are also quite reliable, because their construction is fairly simple
with really fragile components kept to a minimum.
We had a situation when a gentleman lost his DOVE in a reclining chair and
found it only through a terrifying sound of cracking plastic when the chair
reclined The device broke into pieces. He put the pieces together, convinced
that this is the end of his little bird, tied them with a rubber band and the
DOVE cheerfully peeped. It still worked fine all the way until he got the
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I think it is the purest SCENAR out there, so far, and the best
representation of what a home SCENAR device should be. Besides,
it has a cute personality. I tried to express it in a little drawing (see
on the left). Wouldnt you like to have this kind of energy around?
But lets go back to our algorithm. Lets imagine that you need a SCENAR device not
just for temporary pain relief, but for a more serious job dealing with various
disorders and helping the body complete the program of a slow adaptive reaction
(dis-ease) so that it can be eliminated from the system. The question that follows:
What Do I
Dis-ease Pain-relief
Therapy ONLY
ACUTE Dis-ease CHRONIC Dis-ease or SCENAR-
type device
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There may be many situations when otherwise healthy people experience injury or
trauma, an acute inflammatory process, or surgery (all these processes are usually
acute and fairly local. i.e. limited to a certain part of the body). This is especially
common in young individuals and athletes. Their healthy bodies duly go through the
healing cycle to complete it in due time Why do they need a SCENAR? I can give you
at least three strong reasons.
The healing process as it is programmed by Mother Nature is too slow for our speed of
life. We cannot take the time necessary for healing from our social engagements and
Result: we do not give our body a fair chance to heal by repeatedly injuring the weak
link until the damage becomes permanent. Economically speaking, such temporary
incapacitation can severely damage your wallet, especially if your income derives from
activities involving the damaged part of the body.
As our bodies become progressively incoherent and weak (with age, or from
generation to generation), our ability to heal declines. It means that very often the
body does not complete the healing process. It does just enough to ensure function of
the system and then relocates energy resources elsewhere, where they are more
needed at the moment.
Result: the damaged part remains a bit dysfunctional for a very long time (if not
forever) becoming a weak link in the body. As we go along, more and more of these
old wounds start whispering inside, slowly turning our strong beautiful bodies into
aching messes. These days this is common even for teenagers.
Our body is genetically programmed to follow the principle of economy of energy. That
means, out of several possible scenarios, it will choose the one that requires the least
amount of energy to get a satisfactory outcome. Being applied to healing, it means
that the body would rather form a scar than regenerate tissue. Regeneration requires
a lot of effort and a lot of energy, which we are lacking.
Result: Scars affect the energy flow in the body, slowing down the information
transfer and further contributing to transforming of our body into an aching mess.
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Can SCENAR help? Absolutely. The SCENAR technology can eliminate reason #1 and
#2, COSMODIC can help with #3 (as well as with #1 and #2).
Do not expect the first zone CHENS, even if they are called SCENARs in promotional
literature, to do the above-described for you. They are not capable of cooperating with
the body. Pay more money, spend more time doing in-depth research, but get the real
thing. This is an investment with a very high ROI.
So I improvised a splint for the finger, to minimize function and let healing
happen uninterruptedly, and then observed the process day by day, in awe
of our bodys wisdom.
I used only the 715, just once or twice a day. It took about a week for my
finger to heal enough to restore function - and another couple weeks (the
715 every other day) to show that there is not going to be any scar.
COSMODIC eventually eliminated all traces of injury and isnt that what
we all want? That our injured body, mind, or spirit can heal without leaving
painful memories affecting our being for the rest of our life?
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The second choice would be a true SCENAR device. Again, any model, as long as it is
a second zone machine (* see APPENDIX for explanation of the zones).
I would suggest going for a simple home version. All the bells and whistles of
professionals SCENARs are not necessary when you are dealing with something the
body is already focused on and trying to fix. There is no confusion to clear; you are
just assisting the body in doing its job right and for that a home SCENAR is just as
good as a professional one.
What Do I
Dis-ease Need SCENAR Pain-relief
Therapy for? ONLY
ACUTE Dis-ease CHRONIC Dis-ease or SCENAR-
type device
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Now lets review the third, the most difficult scenario: you need a SCENAR device to
deal with chronic systemic disorders.
If our system is coherent and adaptation works well, we easily ADAPT to any changes
and challenges in our environment spending minimum time and energy on
completing the cycle of adaptive reaction that starts and ends at 0 point (Fig. A).
If our system is not so coherent and healing programs work slow, the adaptive
reaction will take MORE time and MORE energy (a larger cycle), but will still be
completed at the 0 point in the process of recovery from an ACUTE disease (Fig. B).
The dis-ease becomes CHRONIC only when communication and healing programs in
the body is corrupted so badly that adaptive (healing) reactions cannot be completed
at all. The system turns the healing program over and over again as soon as it
accumulates a little more energy, trying to move it through a certain dead point -
usually to no avail (Fig. C).
Recognizing the uselessness of its efforts and following the principle of economy of
energy, the system isolates the dysfunctional area, hiding it behind powerful energetic
barriers. This way the rest of the body is less affected, and it takes substantially less
energy to do than trying to resolve the problem.
In other words, the body forms what I call the ENERGY CYST.
The energy cyst (a peripheral part of what is called the Pathologic System) is the
bodys wisdom in action and also its curse.
It is a compromise the body needs to make in order to preserve energy and continue
function as a whole, and yet this structure is almost impossible for the body to get rid
of without outside help.
The problem is that while hidden behind energetic barriers, the pathologic process
becomes invisible to the body. Out of sight, out of mind and so the body stops any
further healing efforts in this area.
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Needless to say, the described process does not help the overall bio-dynamics in the
body. The energetic cyst further affects the energy flow (which is already suffering
from multiple blockages), creating one more blockage and further slowing down
The vicious circle continues, slowly but surely decreasing the systemic coherency
and increasing chaos.
The entire system experiences a severe imbalance that leads to the formation of
energetic cysts; the systemic management center makes a decision to isolate the
pathology; the entire system re-distributes energy to accommodate the formation of
the cyst; and so on, and so forth.
Besides, every energetic cyst has a representation in the central nervous system
(C.N.S.), which supports the life of the energetic cyst, keeping in place its protective
barriers. Direct involvement of the central nervous system in a chronic process
also makes this process systemic. Therefore,
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What Do I
Dis-ease Need SCENAR Pain-relief
Therapy for? ONLY
ACUTE Dis-ease CHRONIC dis-ease or SCENAR-
type device
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Any disorder means that your system became incoherent, to some degree. Chronic
systemic disorders signify a severe incoherence of the system; your orchestra is in
dissonance and the symphony is not happening.
Thats what COSMODIC will do for your system. It will be consecutively tuning up
every part of your body, so that it can restore its coherent state and blend with other
parts in harmony.
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Give it time and in exchange it will smoothly move you through the healing cycle
without any exacerbations of your chronic problem, or healing crises (which are very
unwelcome with self-care).
The only downfalls that I can see are the required regularity of use and a relatively
long healing time.
First of all, any good healing technology, in order to be effective, needs regularity in
application. No matter how I would like to, I do not believe in magic wands and
Kremlin pills. In my opinion, the confused, compromised, and weak system cannot
just spring up and become strong and coherent. The transformation is possible, but it
is a step-by-step process; it is a deep re-organization of all systemic elements on all
levels, which needs to be done in stages, so that the system has time to stabilize on
every stage and not slip back to square one as soon as you cease to support it from
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Therefore, the second COSMODIC downfall the long healing time, is also not
really a downfall but a necessity in proper healing.
Thank God, there IS a healing time. For most bearers of chronic systemic disorders
hope for actual healing has been lost, for some of them from the very moment when
they were diagnosed with diabetes, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, osteoarthritis and other
chronic conditions that, as we are programmed, once acquired, will accompany you for
the rest of your life.
Am I saying that just by self-care with COSMODIC you WILL completely get rid of
these dreadful conditions?
No, unfortunately, I am not. What I am saying is that you CAN get rid of them, and
COSMODIC is very instrumental in this process (if used correctly).
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If the check is negative and the thing is incoherent, try to change it - and if the
change is impossible, DO NOT LET IT INTO THE SYSTEM.
After a little while you will see how your world is changing and things that your system
is giving and projecting to the world become more coherent as well
Please, do not misinterpret the last sentence. Certainly, the first manifestations of
healing with SCENAR/COSMODIC usually appear on the physical level, and that
helps to evoke positive changes on deeper levels.
Unless, however, healing on those deeper levels actually occurs, physical relief will be
only temporary (as was already mentioned). Mental/emotional/spiritual incoherency
will find a way to reflect itself in dysfunctions of the physical body and its endless
pains and aches, and COSMODIC alone may not be enough in resolving the
chronic issue (we will discuss this a little more later on).
But what about SCENAR? Can a true SCENAR be used to self-treat chronic conditions?
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It can definitely be used. The real question is, will it facilitate healing sufficiently?
In our experience, only one SCENAR model, The DOVE, is fairly sufficient for self-
treatment of chronic systemic disorders. The other SCENARs will help in improving the
condition, but rarely provide for full recovery. Please, note: at this point, we are
talking only about self-care.
They are great connectors between two systems and if you have this other system
around willing to temporarily compromise its own coherency in order to re-establish
yours, the second zone SCENARs are indeed very powerful in dealing with chronic
problems (we will talk about it more discussing the professional use of SCENAR).
So, if you are on your own, you better get The DOVE or COSMODIC.
More yet, the second zone SCENARs, by their very nature, are challenging and
provocative. These qualities may be very valuable at certain stages of the healing
process, and yet the bodys response to a challenge in case of a chronic systemic
disorder often takes the form of a HEALING CRISIS which is certainly not
something you want to have, unless you are under the care of an experienced
SCENAR therapist.
So, if you are on your own, you better get The DOVE or COSMODIC
(have I already said that recently? Must be a glitch in the Matrix !).
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It is softer and does not provoke healing crises as much as the first generation
It is very effective for self-care;
It does not demand much training;
It does not need complicated protocols;
It detects a small asymmetry as SCENAR and Doses as COSMODIC;
This is the only SCENAR/COSMODIC device on the market that can be
effectively used in a manner typical for both SCENAR generations:
- in constant motion following classical SCENAR techniques and protocols,
- but also being kept steadily on one spot, as COSMODIC.
I still suspect that Alexander Karasev included some COSMODIC elements into his
little creation, somehow bridging the two SCENAR generations. He doesnt admit it,
but there is something in the way that he denies it My father, an eye surgeon by
trade, as myself, would often say, One of the main skills of a surgeon is to offer a
patient surgery in a way that he firmly refuses it and to talk him out of surgery in a
way that he strongly insists on it.
What Do I
Dis-ease Need SCENAR Pain-relief
Therapy for? ONLY
ACUTE Dis-ease CHRONIC dis-ease type device
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So now that you know that self-therapy of chronic systemic disorders more often than
not will require more than just SCENAR or COSMODIC alone, the question is:
It is outside of the scope of this report to talk about what we call the Health BOSS
System, or the program designed to facilitate the optimum healing transformation
and make you Your Own Health Boss, but I still want to briefly introduce it.
There are many other programs with the same agenda out there; ours is different in a
way that it incorporates three healing technologies, which we in theory and in
practice are found to be extremely complementary and mutually enhancing:
This is the 1+1+1=111 vs. just 3 combination. We call it The Healing FUSION.
Each system comes to a state of incoherency expressed through chronic disorder in its
own unique way. It happens despite the titanic efforts of the natural healing system
to keep the inherent systemic coherency state, which harmonizes the living system
with the Universe.
What works as a charm for one person, may take months for another. But for this
other person another technology will work as a charm
In our experience, The Healing FUSION provides for the most universal coverage
facilitating the rapid healing in the widest variety of health conditions.
Can the same results be eventually achieved with only one particular technology, say,
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I believe that it is possible, but in some situations it may take a really long time, while
in others, as already mentioned, it will work as a charm. The problem is that there is
no way of knowing beforehand how the particular system will respond.
Besides, on different stages of the healing process the system may need a different
technology. Someone who started as a laser person, after two-three weeks may
become a SCENAR person, and then a COSMODIC person (everyone is always a
Blanket person, though !).
So, if you have a strong intention of self-healing from a chronic condition (and a
conviction that it is possible for you), technology-wise having The Healing FUSION in
your possession would be the best.
If, however, you have to choose only one technology (hopefully, just to begin with),
the general recommendation would be:
If your OVERALL ENERGY LEVEL is LOW, get the Soft LASER first;
if it is GOOD enough, go for the SCENAR/COSMODIC.
If you would like to know WHY we recommend the above, as well as learn more about
The Healing FUSION tools, go to
You will find there quite a bit of information on each separate Healing FUSION
technology and their various combinations along with our more detailed
recommendations on how to choose the right technology in your circumstances.
Alternatively, you can always contact our office (the contact information is on the
bottom of the page), and our knowledgeable customer service agents will help you
choose your FUSION device or a combination of devices, as well as possibly suggest a
Healing FUSION practitioner in your area who you can talk to. There is already a fair
amount of us around.
P.S. No, I do NOT try to talk you out of getting a SCENAR or COSMODIC device, far
from it ! I just want you to know your options. Thats where you begin your
transformation to becoming a Home Healer and Your Own Health BOSS.
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Lets assume your mind is set on either SCENAR or COSMODIC device (after all,
thats probably why you are reading this report in the first place !). Great.
I hope I did not disappoint those who count on these truly wonderful technologies for
helping them out of the dread of chronic disorders, when I said that having just one
technology in your possession may not be enough with self-care.
Or let me paraphrase.
So if you have a chronic dis-ease and, say, a COSMODIC device in your hands to use
on yourself, can it still be your ticket to the land of Optimum Health, even if it is going
to take longer than with all the FUSION components?
Oh, this little but it can spoil the most pleasant of dreams and expectations. In our
case, it is not really spoiling, it is just facing reality.
There are no magic wands that are going to make you healthy.
Pursuit of health is a personal journey, different for everyone, that includes re-
thinking, re-feeling and re-structuring your life, your outlook, and maybe even your
system of beliefs and moral codes and a strong willpower to follow the new path.
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This is far beyond capabilities of any technology, and even of a FUSION of them. Is
this something you feel you can do? Then our technologies will be your best allies,
and the little but will disappear from the above answer to the burning question.
In the almost 35 years of me being a healer (the last 10 of which being a holistic
healer), Ive met many incredible people who made their journey to health. Ive also
heard enough success stories to know:
I want everyone who reads this report to meet DJ Geisler an amazing and beautiful
woman from California, who healed from four cancers (the last one a fourth stage
bone cancer), survived 37 surgeries - and who is now cancer-free since 2003 and full
of life, still running her day care and helping other cancering people find their way
back to health.
She described her personal journey in a book Lets Put an End to Cancer. Please,
take a moment to get to know her after this acquaintance you may start seeing your
own problems differently. You may also start seeing your future differently.
Unfortunately, DJ didnt know anything about SCENAR or COSMODIC until 2004; her
major helper was the Soft Laser. I am sure that her healing process would have been
much faster with SCENAR/COSMODIC (which she now very successfully uses to deal
with consequences of her surgeries, with kids in her daycare center, and with her
many friends and clients).
I am also sure that DJs healing path could have been quicker and easier, if she
wouldnt have had to walk it alone.
By that I do not mean her support system of friends and family; DJ has a great one. I
mean a health coach, a wise guide and assistant along the healing path; another
system, whose stable coherency supports less stable and less balanced systems
Thats why health practitioners will be always needed; even when everyone becomes
their own Health Boss. Just like we always need a friend.
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Systemic Interactions
The truth of the matter is, even though I believe that it is possible for a person to
make the journey to health alone, I also believe that it should never be the case. I
believe in Systemic Interactions.
Whether we accept it or not, we are born into a world of systems; thats how our
Universe is constructed.
Systems of various sizes and levels of complexity give birth to one another, live, die
and interact continuously. Smaller systems form parts of bigger ones, and then even
bigger ones, to ultimately become the Universe, which is a living system in its own
Universe is holographic, repeating itself in every single part of the whole (for
example, the atom very much resembles the Solar system).
Thats why each and every system has a similar basic structure, goes through the
similar cyclical processes, and lives according to the similar rules and principles.
These rules apply to us regardless of our awareness of their very existence, because
we are also living systems - size-wise somewhere in the middle of the continuum, I
guess; between atoms cells organ systems on one end and family society
Mother Earth Solar System Universe on the other end.
And we carry the entire Universe inside as a microcosm reflecting macrocosm (the
holographic principle also states that every part of the whole contains information
about the entire whole).
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I hope you will forgive me for this sidetrack. Ive always believed that in order to
understand something, one should always consider the bigger picture and I cannot
imagine a bigger picture than the Universe.
In order to ensure normal functioning of the bigger system, all living systems are
designed to support its own healthy state by being
and self-reproductive.
In other words,
(I havent lost you yet, have I? Bear with me just a little bit longer.)
But what if a system cannot correct its own incoherence? What if it is so weak or
confused that it cannot heal properly?
The bigger systems usually have several mechanisms in place to help its sub-systems
correct themselves, even if for just purely egotistical reasons: it is very uncomfortable
to have a malfunctioning subsystem, no matter how small it is. Remember how
annoying and distracting that small splinter in your finger can be and how can it affect
your life and performance? Almost like a mosquito in a room when you are trying to
fall asleep
Applied to human beings this means that when we face a serious problem, such as a
chronic systemic disorder or some dysfunction that we obviously could not adequately
correct in time,
We can immerse ourselves into the coherence of the Earth by connecting to it (walking
barefoot, swimming in the ocean, hugging trees etc.). We can absorb the vital Sun
energy and the energy of organic food and living water. We can enjoy the beauty of
the world we live in through all our five senses and strengthen our spiritual
connection to the Universe.
Yet one of the most powerful and efficient ways to regain the state of balance and one
of the Universes greatest gifts to its favorite children we rarely consciously utilize.
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They say the biggest luxury in this world is the wealth of human communication. Is
this ever true
Just imagine yourself venting to a friend after a stressful day; hugging your loved
ones during moments of grief or happiness; holding your sick child These are
systemic interactions in action. We instinctively seek connections with others to
balance ourselves. Other systems become our mirrors and often a source of
unconditional love, which is the most coherent state there is. (Pets and imaginary
friends count !.)
This is the reason I do not favor dealing with chronic systemic disorders on your own.
For effective healing, you need systemic interactions, and at least one of those should
be an interaction with a knowledgeable practitioner, who addresses this natural
process consciously, can regulate it, and guide you on a healing path.
Step 1.
When two living systems come in contact with each other, their energy and
informational fields blend.
This does not happen right away though. First, the stronger system (system B- the
more coherent one) in order for a blend to happen mirrors the one in need (system A
- the one with scrambled frequencies). Familiar information makes the hurting
system feel comfortable and at ease and provides for a better connection.
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Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
If you are a health practitioner or a caregiver, you can trace this dynamics of systemic
interactions with every client. No matter if you believe in energy medicine or not (and
if you are reading this report, you probably do), the phenomenon of energy and
informational transfer between a practitioner and a client happens EVERY TIME.
In most cases though there is no actual energy transfer only information and a
temporary disturbance of your frequencies and vibrations with an imprint of the
incoherent vibrations of your client.
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If your system is strong and coherent, it quickly tunes itself back in and restores the
balance. If, however, at the moment you are not strong, the clients incoherencies
can throw you further out of balance for a fairly long time
Are you seeing now where the old credo Physician, health thyself came from?
And why sometimes you are temporary experiencing your clients symptoms?
And why you should not treat someone you feel incompatible with?
And why you feel so joyful when your clients get well?
It optimizes the energy and information exchange between the client and the
therapist, helping to blend their energy fields. It is capable of turning anyone into a
miracle worker by becoming an extension of the therapists hand and amplifying
his/her powers as an energy healer. Many other healing practices rely on energo-
informational exchange between two systems, but SCENAR provides for it far more
Every COSMODIC device contains a mirror effect, which closes the energo-
informational freeway. In my opinion, this is a very valuable feature, which gives the
therapist freedom of choice. If you, as a therapist, feel imbalanced (and we all do once
in a while), if you are tired, if it is your tenth client in one day, you don't have to
engage your own weakening energy field in the treatment process, the device will do a
good enough job. Yet, if you feel strong, you can always find other ways of connecting
to the client's energy field and supplement the COSMODIC effects with your own
healing powers.
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What Do I
Dis-ease Need SCENAR Pain-relief
Therapy for? ONLY
ACUTE Dis-ease CHRONIC dis-ease type device
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This is for those who will be using the SCENAR technology in its pure form.
As an owner of the second zone SCENAR, you will have to LEARN IT ALL in order for
your device to show what it is capable of.
COSMODIC makes all of the above not so vitally important for achieving good
results. Its methodology is simplified to the extreme. Basically, it is place the device
somewhere in the area that bothers you, keep it there as long as you can and do it
as often as you can. This certainly does not give the practitioner a lot of motivation to
study and practice, nor does it support any creativity in the treatment approach.
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So, my repeated advice to a novice SCENAR therapist is: as your first SCENAR, get the
first generation one, a professional version. It will be a wonderful introduction to the
SCENAR world and good practice in Systemic Interactive Medicine, as you train
yourself to dynamically work with the human system simultaneously on all levels and
handle the powerful two-way transfer of energy and information between two systems
without losing the state of coherency.
STAGE 2. After you get familiar with the first generation SCENAR, you will fully
appreciate COSMODIC.
SCENAR and COSMODIC approach the body differently, and the body may need one
or the other, depending on the circumstances.
In another example, take the Little Wings a wonderful and a very popular
SCENAR technique. I can hardly imagine doing it with COSMODIC; it feels almost
like attempting to use a purebred racehorse for moving logs.
There is a time and place for everything (my son Denis would add, and its called
college !). SCENAR and COSMODIC are both important and both needed.
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That proves the above point that for maximum benefits of his/her clients a SCENAR
therapist needs to have both technologies represented in their toolkit.
STAGE 3. Our SCENAR therapists also recommend always keeping a few DOVEs on-
hand in your SCENAR practice.
Some of our practitioners have as many as 5 DOVEs on the same client at the same
time, often as preparation for the main SCENAR session, and swear by the results (I
cannot quite imagine a client simultaneously keeping 5 devices on the body, but lack
of imagination should not stay in the way of progress, right?)
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SCENAR is such a universal tool that it can enrich and transform pretty much any
health practice or profession. There are a countless number of people who, against all
odds, after SCENAR/COSMODIC therapy did not need surgery any more, or grew
new spinal discs, or healed without scars after stomach ulcers and severe heart
We often, jokingly, say that we have such high success rate with
SCENAR/COSMODIC because we only take spontaneous healers as clients. Actually,
this is true.
So, if you want your practice to be full of spontaneous healers, get a SCENAR.
Since the first day The DOVE was released into general practice, it proved itself to be
the best buy for any applied SCENAR practitioner. Chiropractors, massage
therapists, dentists, general surgeons, acupuncturists, naturopaths, even
psychotherapists happily use The DOVE in the widest variety of situations. Combining
a lot of the benefits of SCENAR and COSMODIC, it definitely fulfills the requirements
of a device for an applied SCENAR practitioner.
If not The DOVE, however, then the choice will depend a lot on the main practice of
the SCENAR therapist, as well as on their individual preference.
Chiropractors, surgeons, and massage therapists, for example, prefer first generation
SCENARs; acupuncturists, naturopaths, and psychotherapists like COSMODIC etc.
It does not really matter what make and model of the SCENAR device you will use as
an addition to your practice (providing it is a true SCENAR/COSMODIC), because
what you are actually adding is another system that will be working side-by-side
with you on re-establishing the clients coherency.
Different SCENARs do it slightly differently, but it does not change the essential nature
of the SCENAR/COSMODIC as your team-mate.
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If, however, this Lamborghini of SCENARs is slightly beyond your means at the
moment, apply the recommended algorithm.
Here it is in full:
What Do I
Dis-ease Pain-relief
Therapy ONLY
ACUTE Dis-ease CHRONIC Dis-ease type device
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Here we go, now you have it - the algorithm to finding your SCENAR match and,
ultimately, to your success with the SCENAR.
It does not really matter how people find their match as long as the new union is
strong and healthy (read coherent).
(SIDE NOTE. Actually, there is a fairly accurate and simple way of finding your
SCENAR-match. Believe it or not, it is Muscle testing. Of course, it requires on-hand
access to several SCENAR/COSMODIC devices, but if you have that option, please
do not forget about this simple age-old practice that proves to be useful in the widest
variety of circumstances: from assessing the bodys condition to choosing a future life
Also, please dont feel limited by my recommendations. They only paint the overall
picture and cannot cover all colors and details of reality. There will always be
exceptions and unique situations requiring special considerations.
Thats what were here for, the HealthBoss Coaches. It is our job to make sure that
you find your SCENAR match, that a new system is born, that will make our world a
better place, one microcosm at a time.
I started this chapter with saying that by acquiring a SCENAR device, you are not
simply adding a new tool to your health toolbox; you are getting yourself A FRIEND.
Please treat it as such respect it, do not neglect it, and never take it for granted.
Just imagine how many people in this world are doomed to suffer only because they
do not even know that SCENAR exists or they are too blinded by their ignorance to
see the chance to heal themselves and those they care for.
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There are two main and distinctly different groups of SCENAR devices on the market
SCENAR = the first generation SCENARs and
COSMODIC = the second generation SCENARs.
What is the difference and how the second generation came to existence?
Alexander Karasev, the SCENAR inventor, first came up with the COSMODIC idea in
1992 and partially implemented it in his SCENAR VX735v5Ag model, which just a few
years ago was the most expensive and the most sophisticated SCENAR on the market
(before the EX735Ag was created). This model presented a blend of SCENAR and
COSMODIC technologies.
In 2005 the 715 model came to existence as the first fully COSMODIC device. Since
then, he also built the C-DOVE and re-designed the 705 and the 735Ag. This last
electronic wonder is called the EX735Ag and combines SCENAR and COSMODIC as
two separate devices in one body.
There are certain differences and particularities in the ways different generation
SCENARs interact with the body and in the ways they need to be used (we will touch
on that a little later).
When I asked Alexander Karasev how he came up with the COSMODIC idea in the
first place, he surprised me with the answer. My new age-prone brain expected
something like that was channeled information or it came to me in the altered state
of consciousness Nothing of that sort. It was the natural progression and
development of an idea that Alexander formulated way back in the 80th.
Here is the elevator pitch for this idea, or a very brief and simplified to the extreme
description of the concept just to give you an overview before we dive into the depth
of the matter.
There are three ways of dealing with pain in the human body (I am using pain here
as a generic term meaning any bodily dysfunction).
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You can overpower the pain, putting the stronger signal on top of the pain
signal. This is the way the TENS unit works.
You can also add to the pain, blending the device signal with the pathology
signals and making the pain signal more visible or perceivable. That way the
body gives a stronger re-action on your action, activating its adaptive
mechanisms and producing a stronger healing response. This is the way
homeopathy works and the first generation SCENAR, which we often call the
electronic homeopathy. There is also a third way.
You can directly strengthen the adaptive response, not challenging the
body by increasing the pathologic signal, but simply helping it by adding to its
healing efforts. Thats COSMODIC.
Now lets start all over again, but this time more in-depth, somewhat more scientific.
You just shout at the body, overpowering the pain it is experiencing with a
hammer-like signal. It does not do much for healing, but it certainly kills the pain, fast
and without fail.
BTW, CHENS was the first electro-stimulator that Alexander Karasev built - and he
never stopped since. According to him, there was a good reason behind Dr.
Frankenstein using electricity to revive the dead matter, a reason worth exploring. !
Electro-stimulation devices built to work in the first zone do not require much
engineering or sophisticated fine-tuned electronics. In order to hammer the nervous
fibers, the dynamic characteristics of the device signal (or the signal changes
corresponding to the bodys dynamic response) are not very important. Even a slight
change in the signal shape beats the bodys tolerance effect, providing for increase in
neuropeptide release.
That allows for incoherency in the characteristics of the output cascade (dont ask me
to explain what this electronic term means; I have only a vague idea that it has
something to do with the quality of a feedback feature) - if electronics are not
precisely matched and tuned, even if coefficients are lost, the device will still work
how it was intended to, for symptomatic pain relief.
This is important from a business perspective, because this way, relatively effective
devices can be produced quite cheaply. And boy, are they ever being produced
Unfortunately, lots of these devices are being incorrectly called SCENARs.
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The organism itself works on the second level of sensitivity, and if we want our signal
to be recognized in the ocean of other signals the body is swimming in, it has to be
somehow different and as dynamic as the body itself, changing in perfect concordance
with the bodys response.
This is the zone SCENAR was invented for. Here, you dont shout at the body, you
dont use too much energy. It is enough to speak on the same level with the
body, engaging it in the dialog and provoking towards taking care of the problem.
What would our life be without challenges? SCENAR presents such a challenge,
increasing information about a problem (in other words, adding to the pain).
Responding to the challenge, the body heals. All SCENAR needs to do is to support the
constructive dialog with the body while it goes through the healing cycle.
It is, however, easier said than done. The above task requires:
sophisticated mathematics, precisely describing dynamic changes of the
impulses in interaction with the skin,
and finely tuned electronics providing for the functioning of a feedback loop,
which would constantly monitor the body response and synchronize it with the
signal changes.
And here we go again with the characteristics of the output cascade, which in this
case have to be coherent. Inevitable in production dispersion of the characteristics
of the output cascade (30% on average) leads to a situation when a good amount of
produced devices falls out of the zone, becoming less (if at all) clinically effective.
The better the devices are tuned the less the percentage. Tuning, though, is a long
and exhausting process, requiring many man-hours. That becomes nearly impossible
in mass production.
To summarize, it is difficult and expensive to produce a good device for working in the
second zone; good SCENARs are rare.
Quoting Dr. Karasev, In order to preserve the particularities of a neuro-like signal, all
components and parts in a SCENAR device need to be harmonized and coordinated;
they have to have the same exponent.
If you want to build a real SCENAR, you need to know all coefficients that are
implemented in the electronics; you need to make sure that every detail is compatible
with the others. Plus you need to know how to register and measure the bodys
responses and how to let these feedbacks lead the device functioning.
For the second zone, it is also very important to be in the right place at the right
time. Therefore, methodology becomes paramount to efficiency. If you miss the spot,
or chose the inappropriate time, the body will not hear you and will not respond. This
is why we occasionally need complicated techniques and protocols, which ought to be
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precisely followed; and thus the need for extensive training. In other words, the
therapeutic effect of the device in the second zone becomes rather conditional and
depends a lot on the operator. Tricky.
For this zone, it does not really matter where or when you apply the device it will be
equally effective. Methodology becomes unimportant.
This is nice, of course, but there is one problem it is EXTREMELY difficult and very
expensive to build a device for working in the third zone.
Mathematical analysis becomes way more complicated than for the second zone (try
to handle 46 feedback loops at the same time!), and the device cannot even be
tuned. Human minds cannot outsmart it enough to handle its fine tuning the device
has to be built in the way that it tunes itself; only this can ensure that it is actually
in the zone.
Alexander Karasev was contemplating the idea of COSMODIC since 1992 and only
in 2005 has released the first device built entirely on COSMODIC technology, the EX
715Ag. In his opinion, every idea has to go through its natural evolution, and it is not
good to skip one or two turns of the evolutionary spiral; it is almost like cheating
Mother Nature. Let the idea ripen, and when the time is right, a new quality will come
to existence without struggling or beating your head against a brick wall.
Both SCENAR and COSMODIC use dynamic electrical impulses. These impulses
even look similar on the oscillograph screen. The COSMODIC impulse is not as high-
amplitude as the SCENAR one though; it is smoother and softer - working in the third
zone requires whispering, not talking loudly.
This is, however, not the only difference; its not even the main one. The major
difference is the spectral saturation of the COSMODIC signal.
It is just like a radio station: its main wave, which has a fixed frequency, carries
information in the form of various other frequencies put on top and perceived as
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Just as you would have a hard time trying to graphically display signals of your
favorite radio station without losing the richness of reality, the real COSMODIC
signal cannot be shown on a two-dimensional screen.
Pure joy was pouring out of Alexander when he informed me that their lab has just
purchased a top of the line piece of equipment (a spectral analyzer, I presume), which
allows him to finally SEE the signal of the device that he created. Until that point, the
COSMODIC signal was pretty much imaginary and now Alexander can thoroughly
enjoy the endless rows of figures the analyzer spits out. Those figures would probably
not make much sense to most of us, but for Alexander Karasev they mean the world
a world beyond scientific paradigms, full of possibilities and excitement, where no one
has gone before
At the same time, an assessment (or, as we habitually say, diagnostics) of the body
condition and the feedback feature in COSMODIC cardinally differs from all first
generation SCENARs and SCENAR-like devices.
In other words, in processing information COSMODIC acts like a living system (more
so than SCENAR). Furthermore, it acts like a coherent living system (that supports
its own coherency by constantly tuning itself up) willing and able to share its
coherency with another living system in need.
At this point you are probably asking yourself: why would anyone want to go into
troubles of creating such a sophisticated (read: fragile) system and the signal that is
so complex that cannot even be visualized?
They say, if you want things effectively done, go right to the top and talk to the
management. The COSMODIC signal is created for us to be able to work directly
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with the CNS (central nervous system), or the bodys management, versus working
through peripheral nerves, as SCENAR does. As we are working through the
management, there is a much greater chance that the body will cooperate and follow
the corrective COSMODIC influence.
The above becomes possible because of the particularities of the COSMODIC signal,
or rather a series of signals.
Unlike SCENAR (which stimulates the body with single impulses or pre-set batches of
them), COSMODIC forms adaptive regulatory bundles of impulses, which cannot
be pre-set. The body itself determines the formation of these bundles when
responding to the influence; hence, they constantly change, or float.
The main quality of these bundles is the ability to carry information, mimicking
normal regulative activity of the body.
In the body, the nervous system constantly sends bundles of impulses, which contain
stimulating, as well as sedating information. It is called the dual regulation of
functions, and is mandatory for normal functioning of all of our organs and systems.
COSMODIC does just that sends both stimulating and sedating signals,
depending on the situation and on the nervous system response.
It exposes the body to a harmonious tuning system, and if the device has a floating
signal spectrum, it can tune itself into frequencies of any organ or tissue in the body,
re-establishing healthy vibrations and a coherent state of functional structures.
As in any systemic interaction, the more coherent system (COSMODIC) first tunes
itself into the state of a less coherent system (the bodily structure) and mirrors it
blending vibrations of both systems and creating a new, stronger functional unit
(microresonances in COSMODIC make it possible).
This new unit then regains the state of coherency, as COSMODIC rebalances itself
carrying the body along. The healthy healing and coherent vibrations in this process
will be amplified (microresonances again) and when it is achieved, COSMODIC
tells you, enough.
This delicate process requires piece, quiet, and concentration. With COSMODIC, it is
not recommended to move the device along the skin during the treatment session.
Just leave it on the selected spot; it will systematically tune itself into different parts
of the body perceptive clients can actually feel which part of the body the
COSMODIC device is currently working on. It will consecutively screen the bodily
structures, revealing pathologic causative chains (chronologic chains of events in the
body that brought it into the current pathologic state).
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SCENAR Self-Controlled Energo-Neuro-Adaptive Regulation
Technology of Treatment
AGENDA: Lasting Pain Relief and Accelerated Healing based on add-to-the-
pain signals aimed at attracting the bodys attention to the problem (the body
reads the artificially amplified SCENAR impulse as its own strong pain
signal and gives a strong healing response).
The DOVE (Device Organizing Vital Energy) PROS: The same as in the Frist Generation SCENARs +
is the ONLY second generation SCENAR Electrical impulses are ACTUALLY neuro-like, i.e. originally distorted on
that embodies solely the SCENAR the output to become neuro-like when reaching nervous structures;
technology; the rest of second generation
Second generation SCENARs are fully automated and do NOT require
COSMODIC Hybrids. difficult treatment protocols; no need for extensive training;
Can be used effectively by end users and practitioners alike.
Can be used both a SCENAR or as a COSMODIC device.
Cheaper than the first generation SCENARs and made for home use.
TENS + Biofeedback +
DYNAMIC ADAPTATION of DOVE being a SCENAR device can sometimes create healing crises;
REGULATORY BUNDLES = Only 1 feedback loop is incorporated into the design.
COSMODIC Technology of Restoration
AGENDA: Combine in one device benefits of both SCENAR and COSMODIC
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TENS + Biofeedback +
Dynamic adaptation of
SCENAR + COSMODIC = 735 devices (Hybrids)
Regulatory Bundles +
EX735Ag Modific The EX735Ag Modific combines both SCENAR and COSMODIC technologies
and puts therapy on autopilot by switching between them at the right moment (or
combines them in correct proportions in the Slider version).
EX735Ag Modific
Artificial intelligence in the palm of your hand.
NEW FEATURES (there is no other device which allows you to achieve the
EX735Ag Slider 2011
Automatic selection of a healing technology or the correct ratio in
combination of them (as in EX735Ag Slider), which helps you achieve the
optimal treatment effect;
automatic regulation of energy levels in both SCENAR and COSMODIC,
which excludes defence reaction of the body;
correction of manual settings of action modes if they are wrong;
start of a treatment immediately using all functions of automatic control (turns
on itself, tunes itself, etc)
maintenance of perfect fine-tuning via user mode for automatic correction;
keeping of accurate records and regulation of time of use of the device.
TENS + Biofeedback +
Dynamic adaptation of
Regulatory Bundles + WHATS NEXT?
Dynamic spectrum +
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In North America, Dr. Irina Kossovskaia holds a title of Doctor of Natural Medicine and
runs three successful businesses.
In 1996, while still in Russia, Dr. Irina was introduced to the cutting-edge integrative
medical research in bioenergy and informatics SCENAR technology, developing within
the Russian Space Program. She joined the original SCENAR research team, which
included Dr. Alexander Revenko, Dr. Yuri Gorfinkel, Dr. Alexander Karasev and other top
Russian scientists the developers of SCENAR technology and methodology.
SCENAR became Dr. Irinas passion. She attributes her own only sons healing miracle to
SCENAR, and she made it her mission to make this technology available to every family
worldwide. Dr. Irina Kossovskaia became a pioneer in taking the SCENAR technology to
outside of Russia. After relocating to the Bahamas in 1997, she worked extensively on
adapting the Russian SCENAR training to Western standards in cooperation with her
Russian colleagues.
She is the author of many publications on SCENAR and of the first English translations of
SCENAR literature. Her landmark works The SCENAR Fair and The SCENAR Fair:
Second Edition are considered to be the industry standard and serve as the ultimate
guide in the SCENAR world for any practitioner or layman.
In January 1998, in the Bahamas, Dr. Irina directed the first SCENAR training
program outside of Russia conducted by the RITM team Dr. Alexander Revenko and
Dr. Yuri Gorfinkel, the legend of the SCENAR world. In attendance were Dr. James
Colherst, who went on to establish the SCENAR movement in the U.K., Mr. Jan De Jong,
currently the manufacturer of SCENAR devices in Holland, and Mr. Leo De Jong, who
supported the SCENAR movement in the USA. Considering this interesting history, Dr.
Irina is often informally called The First Lady of SCENAR.
For Dr. Yuri it was his last program he passed away three months after the event. Dr.
Irina Kossovskaia, the hostess and the interpreter at that historic program that
introduced scenar to the Western world, has lately agreed to release the tapes made at
that event. We believe, these are the only tapes ever made of Dr. Yuris trainings
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To this day Dr. Irina continues to work with the originators of SCENAR in Russia,
facilitating development of this revolutionary technology. She focuses her attention on
supporting and promoting COSMODIC technology as the second generation SCENAR.
Her company Mediscen distributes such devices as the EX735Ag, the COSMODIC 715,
the C-DOVE, the DOVE scenar and offers extensive training it their use. At the moment,
the Mediscens unique COSMODIC Training and Support Program is the most
comprehensive second generation SCENAR training in the world.
Dr. Irinas ongoing research ultimately resulted in the development of a new health
concept, Systemic Interactive Medicine (SI Medicine), which integrates SCENAR with
other advanced medical technologies. The found synergistic blend of three energy healing
technologies (SCENAR/COSMODIC - Solaris Blanket - Soft Laser), or The Healing
FUSION, treats any acute or chronic pain and the disorders that cause it, whether
physical, mental, or emotional in nature, with 90% efficacy.
Dr. Irina Kossovskaia is not only a DOCTOR; she is also a serial entrepreneur. The first
Dr. Irinas company, MediSCEN (Canada), was formed in 1998 followed by formation of
Mediscen (Niagara) in 2000. Mediscen (Niagara) has operated a Healing Center in
Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada for over 7 years. The Center served as a treatment
and a training facility in the art and science of SI Medicine and a resource centre for
health care practitioners and general public. Between friends and clients, it was known as
Dr. Irinas Healing Garden.
As the business grew and acquired a widely international aspect, new business structures
were added to support the building. The newest Dr. Irinas company HealthBoss was
born in 2010 with the agenda to support the development of a parallel healthcare system,
which provides every person with knowledge and tools to become a Home Healer and
his/her own Health Boss.
Dr. Irina generously shares her knowledge and experience with others during
teleconferences, webinars, in her videos, and in her writings.
Dr. Irina Kossovskaia continues to maintain a rigid stance of impartiality with regard to
the complex technologies that she is continuously evaluating. Her reputation as an
independent expert in the field allows her to provide consumers with invaluable guidance
in locating true value among the various Self-Healing and Energy Medicine
Technologies in the marketplace. She is convinced that, if given right tools, we can get
back the power to heal and regenerate as we were designed to do.
Check out Dr. Irinas pilot project Inbox Magazine HomeHealerToday that brings
you the latest in self-healing helping you to keep the Doctor away and sign up for her
weekly Newsletter at!
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All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal
medical advice. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information;
instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their
health and well-being. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is
not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other healthcare profession and does not enter
into a healthcare practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. We are not responsible for any
health problems that may result from incorrect use of products mentioned in this this publication.
The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. None of the information or products
discussed in this publication is intended to diagnose or cure any disease.
HealthBOSS Publishing 905-468-0033 toll-free 855-468-0033