CAE at A Glance (Overview + Resources) 2
CAE at A Glance (Overview + Resources) 2
CAE at A Glance (Overview + Resources) 2
Use of English (Grammar)
Multiple choice Open cloze Word formation Key Word Transformation
Forming nouns from verbs Comparative/Superlative
Parts of speech Forming adjectives from noun Passive & impersonal passive
Pronouns/Relative pronouns Forming adverbs from adjectives
Synonyms Forming adjectives from verbs
Phrasal verbs
Forming opposite meanings Causative verbs
Collocations Modal/Auxiliary Verbs
Conjunctions Difficult spelling Modals of speculation
Phrasal verbs Prepositions Reported speech
Phrases & expressions Download this ebook : Download this ebook : Auxiliary verbs
Linking words http://www.aprendeinglesenleganes. http://www.aprendeinglesenl Conditionals
com/open-cloze---tips-and-tricks.php Unreal past tenses
guide.php Verbs followed by ing or to infinitive
Which writer: Paraphrasing. Look for clue word at the Tests understanding of the text.
has a different opinion beginning and end of every paragraph and Scanning for meaning
on to all the others? before and after the gaps. Paraphrasing.
Tests understanding of the text.
says the same thing Watch out for phrasal verbs, set
Paraphrasing about as writer C?
Download this ebook : phrases and idioms.
Always double-check
your answers ed-text-made-easy.php Download this book :
MULTIPLE MATCHING Techniques and strategies
Multiple choice Sentence completion Multiple choice Multiple matching
Questions in both types of task follow the
Identify: Place, function, addressee, same sequence as the information heard on You hear the answers in the order of
opinion, speaker, topic, content or the recording. the questions.
Be very suspicious of 'exact match'
Be careful of distractors.
feeling. Between one and three words for each
Pay attention to the stress and answer.
phrases. Eliminate answers that are Pay attention to words that
clearly wrong. Often it's possible to
intonation, the speed at which the You will not lose a mark for incorrect spelling.
eliminate 3 of the 4 choices, so you can express emotion.
speakers speak and/or their sex, Answers have to be grammatically correct get the answer even if you don't know the
role, age, manner, hesitation, etc. within the sentence. meaning of a certain word.
Example: I was burnt out, it
Listen for information which helps There will be words you don't know. You was amazing, I hated it, etc.
you to eliminate wrong options as Download this book : have to develop the skill of guessing what
well as identify correct ones. SENTENCE COMPLETION BOOK words mean based on context.
Essay Proposal, Review, Email ,Letter, Report
Warm up Comparing pictures Collaborative task Final questions