Diet & Grahani

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ISSN: 2322 - 0902 (P)

ISSN: 2322 - 0910 (O)

International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research
Review Article


Joshi Nitesh
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Hadapsar, Pune,
Maharashtra, India.
Grahani which is the site of Agni, is so called because of its power to restrain the downward
movement of undigested food and retains food till it is fully digested. Functionally weak Agni i.e.
Mandagni, causes improper digestion of ingested food, which lead to Amadosha and it has pivotal
importance in the pathogenesis of Grahani Roga. The main symptoms of Malabsorption are
diarrhoea, loss of appetite, anorexia, and emaciation. The principle of diet for all types of Grahani is
boost the Agni and reduce the Ama with the help of Ahara Dravyas, which included mainly Kashaya,
Madhura and Katu in Rasa; Laghu, Ruksha, Grahee, Deepana and Pachana in Guna; Ushna in Veerya
and Katu or Madhura in Vipaka. The diet regime suggested by Ayurveda helps in stimulation of
Agni, which supports the digestion of food of appropriate quality, taken in required quantity and in
right time for cure of Grahani Dosha or Malabsorption. The 28 Ahara Dravyas of various classes
studied in this research can be suggested for Grahani patients. Thus we can resume the bowel habit
to normal, improve the overall nutritional status of patients and can prevent or reduce the
complications of Malabsorption with the help of Ayurvedic principles of diet.
KEYWORDS: Grahani, Agni, Malabsorption, Diet, Ahara.
Grahani (duodenum and the upper part of In the era of fast food, diet and diet timings has
small intestine), which is the site of Agni (enzymes been changed with sedentary lifestyle. Along with
responsible for digestion and metabolism), is so called change in diet and lifestyle, one is all the time under
because of its power to restrain (the downward terrific mental stress. All these causes disturbance to
movement) of undigested food and retains food till it is the digestive system; which result into many diseases,
fully digested.[1] The term Grahani dosha implies the amongst which digestion and absorption disorders
malfunctioning of Agni.[2] There is no distinction constitute an important group.
between the Ashraya (substratum i.e. Grahani) and The main symptomology as mentioned in the
Ashrayi (the substance i.e. Agni). [3] Grahani is described texts are related to Malabsorption symptoms mainly
as an Agni Adhishthan by most of the Acharyas. diarrhoea, loss of appetite, anorexia, emaciation.
As it is said extinction of Jatharagni (enzymes Digestion and absorption of nutrients is a complex,
located in gastrointestinal tract) leads to death; its highly coordinated and extremely efficient process;
proper maintenance helps a person to live a long life. [4] normally, less than 5 % of ingested carbohydrates, fats
In view of the above Anvaya Vyatireka Sambandha and protein is excreted in the faeces. Diarrhoea and
(relationship of concord and discord), Agni is weight loss in patient with a normal diet should always
considered to be sine qua non for the maintenance of lead to the suspicion of Malabsorption.[8] Observing the
Ayusha (life).[5] Mandagni (weak digestive power) is a view of significance and title role of diet and lifestyle in
root cause of Amadosha (undigested food) and it is the Grahani, this article had tried to explore the food items
crucial factor for manifestation of most of the diseases. recommended for Grahani patients by our ancient
[6] Among them, Grahani is the prime disease of Acharyas.
gastrointestinal tract and seen often in day-to-day Aim of Diet
practice. Functionally weak Agni i.e., Mandagni, causes
improper digestion of ingested food, which lead to There is nothing else except diet for sustaining
Amadosha. It has pivotal importance in the the life of living beings. One is capable to make man
pathogenesis of Grahani Roga. Grahani Roga is one of disease-free only with the congenial diet. [9] It is also
the Maharogas (major systemic diseases) affecting the true that in both the conditions, viz. health and disease,
digestion and metabolism, which is hard to diagnose the wholesomeness and the unwholesomeness is a
and difficult to be cured as it involves the entire prime factor to be thought about, as without proper
metabolic pathways. [7] diet, the use of any drug is futile.

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The aim of diet in person suffering from Grahani can be Typically Grahani Rog Nashaka Dravyas (food
stated as. items of choice)
1. An enhancement in the Agni can improve the Choice of Ahara Dravyas
functioning of Grahani.
The Ahara Vargas (classes), screened and
2. The reduction in Amadosha with the help of selected from different Ayurvedic classics, were based
Deepana (appetizer), Pachana (digestant) and on
Laghu (easy to digest) Dravyas.
(i) Properties (ii) Tolerance (iii) Availability of Dravyas
3. Correction in bowel habit in terms of volume and (iv) Capacity of digestive power and (v) Predominance
consistency as Prakrit (normal). of the Doshas of the patient.
4. Improvement in overall nutrition. The Ahara Vargas are
5. Prevention or reduction in complications. Shukadhanya Varga (Cereals)
Properties of Ahara Dravyas (food items) for Shamidhanya Varga (Pulses)
Grahani Shaka Varga (Vegetables)
Deepana and Pachana Dravyas Goras Varga (Milk and products)
Laghu and Grahee (absorbant) Dravyas Phala Varga (Fruits)
Diet which mitigates Vata (air), Pitta (bile) and Harit Varga (class of Greens)
Kapha (phlegm) Aharyogi Varga (Adjuvants of foods)
Mainly Kashaya (astringent), Madhura (sweet) Mamsa Varga (Meat)
and Katu (pungent) in taste
Table 1: Ahara Dravyas Recommended for Grahani Patients
English Name Sanskrit Name Rasa Veerya Vipaka Guna
Rice[10] Shashtika Madhura Sheeta (cold Madhura Laghu, Snigdha (unctuous),
in potency) Grahee
Green Gram[11] Mudga Madhura Sheeta Katu Laghu, Ruksha (creates dryness),
Lentil[12] Masoora Madhura, Sheeta Madhura Laghu, Grahee
Red Gram[13] Adhaki Kashaya, Sheeta Madhura Laghu, Ruksha, Grahee
Horse Gram[14] Kullatha Kashaya Ushna (hot Katu Laghu, Sara (mild laxative)
in potency)
Goat Curd[15] Chag Dadhi Amla (sour) Ushna Amla Laghu, Grahee, Deepana
Butter Milk[16] Takra Amla, Kashaya Ushna Madhura Laghu, Ruksha, Grahee, Deepana
Butter[17] Navneeta Madhura Sheeta Madhura Grahee, Snigdha, Agnikrit
(stimulates Agni)
Cow Ghee[18] Gavyaghrit Madhura Sheeta Madhura Guru (difficult to digest), Rochana
(enhances taste perception),
Honey[19] Makshika Madhura, Sheeta Madhura Laghu, Ruksha, Grahee, Deepana
Pomegranate[20] Dadima Madhura, Anushna Madhura Laghu, Snigdha, Grahee
Kashaya, Amla /Amla
Banana[21] Kadalee Madhura Sheeta Madhura Guru, Vishtambhee (restraining)
Bengal Quince[22] Bilva Katu, Ushna Katu Laghu, Snigdha, Grahee, Deepana,
Kashaya, Pachana
Jambool Tree[23] Jambava Madhura, Sheeta Madhura Guru, Ruksha, Rochana
Kashaya, (stimulating appetite),
Amla Vishtambhee
Wood Apple[24] Kapittha Kashaya, Sheeta Madhura Laghu, Grahee
Water Shrungataka Madhura, Sheeta Madhura Guru, Grahee
Caltrops[25] Kashaya
Kokum Butter Vrikshamla Katu, Ushna Amla Guru, Ruksha, Grahee, Deepana,
Tree[26] Kashaya, Grahanijit (cures Grahani)

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Joshi Nitesh. A Conceptual Study of Diet in Grahani with Special Reference to Malabsorption
Nutmeg[27] Jatiphala Tikta, Katu, Ushna Katu Laghu, Grahee, Rochana, Deepana,
Kashaya Maladaurgandhyahara
(destroying bad smell of faeces)
Water Lily[28] Shaluka Madhura Sheeta Madhura Guru, Ruksha, Grahee
Prickly Tanduliya Tikta Sheeta Madhura Laghu, Ruksha, Deepana, Rochana
Indian Sorrel[30] Changeri Amla Ushna Amla
Ruksha, Deepana, Rochana,
Grahaninashini (cures Grahani)
Radish[31] Moolaka Katu Ushna Katu Laghu, Rochana,Pachana
Dry Zingiber[32] Shunthi Katu Ushna Madhura Laghu, Snigdha, Pachana,
Long Pepper[33] Pippali Katu Anushna Madhura Laghu, Snigdha, Deepana
Cumin Seed[34] Jeeraka Katu Ushna Katu Laghu, Ruksha, Grahee, Deepana,
Coriander Dhanyaka Kashaya, Ushna Madhura Laghu, Snigdha, Grahee, Deepana,
Fruit[35] Tikta, Katu Pachana
Indian Hare[36] Shasha Mamsa Madhura Sheeta Madhura Laghu, Ruksha, Grahee, Vanhikrit
(stimulates Agni)
Partridge[37] Tittira Mamsa Madhura, Sheeta Katu Laghu, Grahee, Pathya
Kashaya (wholesome)
Also Ayurveda has mentioned Pathya and hands, pain in bones and phalanges, vomiting,
(wholesome) diet according to the Dosha fever and eructation having metabolic smell, smell of
predominance in Grahani as - Ama and bitter as well as sour tastes. [46]
Vataj Peya (thin gruel) prepared from decoction of The symptoms of Malabsorption are in nature
Panchakola. [38] Yusha (soup) of Panchakola, Moolaka variable in severity. A few patients have apparently
with Marich (black pepper) and Ghee, Yusha of meat of normal bowel habit but diarrhoea is usual and may be
birds and animals inhabiting arid and prepared by watery and voluminous and is bulky, greasy, frosty,
sizzling with ghee, or Yusha of meat of Kravyada (meat- pale, and unusually offensive. It can be guessed on the
eating) types of birds and animals, by adding Dadima basis of nature of stool as - Bulky, pale and offensive
and butter milk, Aranala (a sour drink), Arishtha (a stools which float in the toilet (steatorrhea) signify fat
type of alcoholic drink) as drinks [39], Yusha of Shigru Malabsorption. Stool is bulky in Malabsorption of
(drum stick) prepared with butter milk. [40] carbohydrate and water, floating in water in either high
Pittaj Jangal Mamsa (meat of animals of arid zone). fat content or high gas, and explosive diarrhoea is
Yusha of Mudga, Khada (a sour drink), added with classical of carbohydrate Malabsorption. Abdominal
Dadima and ghee. [41] distention, borborygmi, cramps, weight loss and
undigested food in stool may be present. Some patients
Kaphaj Yusha of dried Moolaka or Kullatha[42]Yusha complain only malaise and lethargy. These patients
of Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) and Moolaka. [43] Peya dont have rectal symptoms, mucus or blood in stool.
of Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum) with Shunthi Sometimes there is pain in periumbilical region.
made sour. [44] Pathophysiological basis of diarrhoea in Malabsorption
According to Sushruta drinking of Gomutra (cow urine) is due to decreased absorptive surface, secretary
or Ajamutra (goat urine) early morning, drinking of activity of bile acids and osmotic activity of short chain
Sukhambu (lukewarm water), and butter milk is helpful fatty acid. Dull, vague poorly localized pain is due to
in Grahani. [45] excess flatulence. When flatulence is none foul it is
carbohydrate Malabsorption and when foul it is
DISCUSSION protein. [47] [48]
As far as the aetiopathology of the disease is Aetiology and pathogenesis[49]
concerned, due to various unhealthy causes vitiation of
Pitta(Agni) situated between Amashaya (stomach) and 1. Intraluminal Malabsorption occurs when deficiency
Pakwashaya (intestine) is responsible for the of bile or pancreatic enzymes results in inadequate
manifestation of the symptoms. solubilisation and hydrolysis of nutrients. As a result
fat and protein Malabsorption occurs. This may also
Symptoms In Grahani the entire food material occur in the presence of small bowel bacterial
usually remains in the state of Vidagdha (i.e. part of it overgrowth.
gets digested, the other part remaining undigested), in
association with Trishna (morbid thirst), Arochaka 2. Mucosal Malabsorption results from small bowel
(anorexia), Vairasya (distaste in mouth), Praseka resection or conditions which damage the small
(excessive salivation) and Tamaka (asthma), the intestinal epithelium, thereby diminishing the surface
affected person voids stool in large quantity either in area for absorption and depleting brush border enzyme
solid or liquid form. Also suffers from oedema in leg activity.
Available online at: 30
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2015;3(11):28-33

3. Post mucosal Malabsorption lymphatic obstruction timings, holistic Ayurvedic principles of diet,
prevents the uptake and transport of absorbed lipids. Pathyapathya, etc., is certainly in a state where it is
Into lymphatic vessels, increased pressure in these very indispensible to focus, if the complete health is to
vessels results in leakage into the intestinal lumen, be maintained.
leading to protein-losing enteropathy. REFERENCES
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Dr. RK Sharma. Vd. Bhagwan Dash, Vol. IV, edition Grahani chikitsa adhyaya 15, ver. no. 51-54, edited
2nd, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, Varanasi, by Dr. RK Sharma. Vd. Bhagwan Dash, Vol. IV,
2000; p 34. edition 2nd, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office,
39. Agniveshs Charaka Samhita with Ayurved Dipika, Varanasi, 2000; p 28.
commentary of Chakrapanidatta, Chikitsa sthana, 47. Davidsons Principles and Practices of Medicine,
Grahani chikitsa adhyaya 15, ver. no. 115-116, edition 20th, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2006;
edited by Dr. RK Sharma. Vd. Bhagwan Dash, Vol. p 870.
IV, edition 2nd, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 48. Clinical Gastroenterology, edited by Rajiv Mehata,
Varanasi, 2000; p 46. edition 2nd, Paras publishing Hyderabad, 2008; p
40. Kashyap Samhita, Vriddhajivaka Tantra, Khila 176.
sthana, Yushanirdeshiya adhyaya 4, ver. no. 83, 49. Davidsons Principles and Practices of Medicine,
edited by Prof. PV Tewari, edition reprint, edition 20th, Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier, 2006;
Chaukhamba Vishwabharati, Varanasi, 2008; p p 871.
50. Elizabeth Upton, Barbara McLaren, Canada
41. Agniveshs Charaka Samhita with Ayurved Dipika, Medical Association Journal, Feb. 1963, vol. 88; p
commentary of Chakrapanidatta, Chikitsa sthana, 325.
Grahani chikitsa adhyaya 15, ver. no. 123-24,
edited by Dr. RK Sharma. Vd. Bhagwan Dash, Vol.

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Cite this article as: Dr. Nitesh R Joshi
Joshi Nitesh. A Conceptual Study of Diet in Grahani with Special Assistant Professor,
Reference to Malabsorption. International Journal of Ayurveda and Dept. of Swasthavritta and Yoga,
Pharma Research. 2015;3(11):28-33. Sumatibhai Shah Ayurved
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IJAPR | November 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 11 33

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