Statistical Process Control
7. Exercises........................................................................................ 62
Figure 1-27 Normal Distribution Exercises.................................... 63
G. SAMPLE VERSUS POPULATIONS......................................................... 64
Figure 1-28 Plotted Graph........................................................................ 64
Figure 1-29 Completed Histogram............................................................ 65
1. Central Limit Theorem.................................................................... 66
Figure 1-30 Control Limits.............................................................. 67
Figure 1-31 Factors for Control Charts.......................................... 68
Figure 1-32 Sampling Distribution of Averages.............................. 69
Figure 1-33 Sampling Distribution of Averages.............................. 70
2. Sample Versus Population Exercises............................................ 71
H. CONTROL CHARTS................................................................................. 71
Figure 1-34 Sampling Data Sheet 2......................................................... 72
1. Preparation.................................................................................... 74
2. Process Control Charts.................................................................. 74
3. Control Chart Functions................................................................. 75
4. Variables Control Charts................................................................ 76
Average-Range Charts.................................................................. 76
Construction Steps for X-R Charts................................................. 77
Figure 1-35 Factors For Control Charts......................................... 80
Exercises........................................................................................ 82
Figure 1-36 Sampling Data Sheet 2............................................... 83
Figure 1-37 X-R Chart Exercise 1.................................................. 84
Figure 1-38 X-R Chart Exercise 2.................................................. 85
Median-range Charts..................................................................... 86
Summary of Median Range Charts Steps..................................... 87
Median-range Charts Exercises..................................................... 88
Figure 1-39 Sampling Data Sheet 2............................................... 89
Figure 1-40 X-R Chart Exercise..................................................... 90
Average-Standard Deviation Charts.............................................. 91
Average-Standard Deviation Charts Summary.............................. 91
5. Attribute Control Charts................................................................. 92
p Charts.......................................................................................... 93
Construction Steps For Constructing p Charts.............................. 93
Figure 1-41 p Chart Conversion Chart........................................... 93
p Chart Exercise............................................................................. 97
Figure 1-42 Attribute Data Sheet 1................................................ 97
Figure 1-43 Attribute Control Chart................................................ 98
I. INTERPRETATIONS................................................................................. 99
1. Nonrandom Patterns...................................................................... 99
Figure 1-44 Random Pattern........................................................100
2. Freaks...........................................................................................101
Figure 1-45 Freaks........................................................................101
3. Sudden Shift In Level....................................................................102
Figure 1-46 Sudden Shift In Level................................................102
4. Trends...........................................................................................104
Figure 1-47 A Trend......................................................................104
5. Cycles...........................................................................................105
Figure 1-48 Cycles........................................................................105
6. Grouping.......................................................................................106
Figure 1-49 Grouping....................................................................106
7. Instability.......................................................................................107
Figure 1-50 Instability....................................................................107
8. Mixtures.........................................................................................108
Figure 1-51 Mixture.......................................................................109
9. Stratification..................................................................................110
Figure 1-52 Stratification...............................................................110
10. Process Capability........................................................................111
11. z Scores........................................................................................113
Figure 1-53 z Scores.....................................................................113
Figure 1-54 Capability Index.........................................................114
12. Capability Options.........................................................................115
A. Introduction
Through the use of Statistical Process Control (SPC) industry can improve
productivity, quality, human relations and profit. These results take time,
patience, and commitment on the part of everyone in an organization - from
management to manufacturing personnel.
1. Concepts
2. What Is SPC?
3. The Terms
4. Control Methods
The Classic Control Cycle
The SPC Control Cycle (Figure 1-2) is different. In SPC, the process
is monitored during the production and adjustments are made to the
process before it produces out-of-specification parts or products.
This reduces variability, scrap, and inspection costs while improving
The SPC Control Cycle
5. SPC Benefits
6. For Success
The ability and method to control the process over a long period
of time.
We know how the process acts normally, and we know how each cause
affects the process; then we can make educated corrections when the
process strays from the norm.
Remember: If the effect each cause has on the process and what can
be expected from that process are known, then corrective action can
be taken when the results are not those desired. This is a key concept
in SPC.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming has been called the Father of SPC because
his work in developing and promoting its basic concept played an
important role in SPCs growing use.
Despite his success, Demings course had little effect on the quality
control functions of most organizations because it failed to involve
and educate top management in the use of these techniques. As a
result, control charts had appeared in many organizations, and were
very effective to a point. Management did not want to hear the bad
news the charts often brought, and gradually the charts disappeared
from use.
In 1945, the Japanese government asked Deming for help in its studies
of nutrition, housing, agriculture, and fishing. He was invited back
for the same reasons in 1948. Then, in 1949, the Japanese Union of
Scientists and Engineering asked him to teach statistical methods to
industry. Deming had his doubts, and feared that SPC would be used
for a short time before burning itself out.
8. Obligations of Management
9. Deming's 14 Points
8. Drive out fear so that everyone can work well for the
10. Use slogans and targets that are realistic for the work force.
Unrealistic targets, such as "zero defects" or production levels
that are too high, only create bad feelings between management
and workers. Most of the causes of low quality and low
productivity belong to the system, and cannot be corrected by
the work force alone.
Because calculators differ, this manual will not attempt to detail steps
for computing the formulae used in SPC. The calculators functions as
described in its individual users manual or handbook, or as outlined
by the instructor, should be understood.
1. SPC Terms
Attribute Data - Qualitative data that typically shows only the number
of articles conforming and the number of articles failing to conform to
a specified criterion. Sometimes referred to as Countable Data.
Bar Chart - A chart that uses bars to represent data. This type of chart
is usually used to show comparisons of data from different sources.
Control Chart - A chart that shows plotted values, a central line, and
one or two control limits and is used to monitor a process over time.
The types of control charts are:
d. p chart Used for data that consists of the ratio of the number
of occurrences of a defect as compared to total occurrences.
Generally used to report the percent non-conforming.
f. c chart - Used for data that counts the number of units that
contain one or more occurrences of a characteristic.
Median - The middle value (or average of the two middle values) of
a set of observations when the figures have been arranged according
to size.
Run Chart - A line chart that plots data from a process to indicate
how it is operating.
Upper Control Limit - The line above the central line on a control
Vertical Axis - The line that runs up and down on the left side of a
chart or graph.
z Score - The number of sigma units between the process average and
the specification limits.
2. Basic Symbols
Standard deviation.
X Sample median.
No two snowflakes examined closely under a magnifying glass have exactly
the same structure or dimensions. They will melt at different rates when
exposed to heat. It cannot be predicted, based on observing two snowflakes,
what the next one will look and act like if it is observed for the characteristics
mentioned above.
No two things are exactly the same, neither in nature nor in a manufacturing
process, due to the law of variability. Understanding how variability works is
vital to producing products that meet some standard of acceptance.
1. Variability Defined
2. Distributions
In any manufacturing process, pieces vary from each other. If only one
measurement is taken, very little about the variability of the process
can be learned. By continuing to take measurements, however, and
plotting the individual measurements on a chart or graph, a form
of distribution occurs that resembles a bell-shaped curve. This
distribution could be displayed as a point-to-point distribution, a
histogram (which will be discussed later) or a normal bell-shaped
3. Causes of Variability
The causes of variability can be categorized into those causes that are
inherent and those that are assignable.
Inherent Causes
Inherent causes are those, which randomly affect the system. They
are always present and built into the process itself. Inherent variation
represents random changes in the manufacturing process, equipment,
environment, etc. Inherent variation is also called common or chance
Assignable Causes
Any process can vary due to inherent causes and assignable causes.
SPCs job is to help determine when the variation is only due to the
small, random causes that are inherent, or common, in any system, or
to signal the operator when assignable causes are at work adding to
the overall variation.
6. Summary
1. Tabulated Data
Sample Data Sheet
2. Frequency Tally
Frequency Tally
3. Histograms
One of the problems with using histograms is that the data may be
distorted if the sample is large with small frequencies for some values,
or if the sample is small with a large spread of data values.
The bases of the histogram rectangles are always equal, and one class
interval in width. All measurements within any class are characterized
by the midpoint of the interval. Each rectangle height is proportional
to the class frequency in such a way that the histogram total area is
proportional to the total frequency.
4. Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution
Normal Distribution - Few Classes
5. Constructing a Histogram
The K-Graph
Example Data
61.5 1
61.4 -
61.3 -
61.2 -
61.1 1
61.0 -
60.9 3
60.8 3
60.7 -
60.6 3
60.5 -
60.4 -
60.3 7
60.2 5
60.1 -
60.0 -
59.9 3
59.8 -
59.7 -
59.6 -
59.5 3
59.4 -
59.3 -
59.2 -
59.1 1
AIDT - Statistical Process Control - October 5, 2006 37
Statistical Process Control
If the data is plotted on a histogram that has on the horizontal axis all
the data points that might be encountered, the histogram would be like
the plot in Figure 1-9.
Conventional Histogram or Frequency Tally
- 59.1"
Use 0.5"
b. Determine the class limits by dividing the class width
by 2 and adding and subtracting the result from the mid-
Completed Histogram
6. Interpretation
Variation Example (Ideal Situation)
An ideal situation where the process
spread is substantially within the specified
limits and is well-centered.
Variation Example (Off Center)
Variation Example (Well Centered)
A process with a spread approximately
the same as the specification limits and is
Variable Example (Out-Of-Limit Pieces)
Variable Example (Parts Outside Both Limits)
A process with a spread greater than
the specification limits producing parts
outside both limits.
Variable Example (Double Distribution)
A double distribution suggesting that two
different machines or two different set-
ups are involved.
Variable Example (Total Spread Greater)
A double distribution with total spread
greater than Figure 1-16 resulting in
increased rework and/ or scrap.
Variable Example (Off-Center)
Variable Example (100% Inspection Ineffective)
Variable Example (Salvage Limit, Incorrect Gage Set-Up,
Operator Difficulties)
Variable Example (Well Centered Principle Distribution)
Variable Example (Favorite Readings)
7. Histogram Exercise
Using the data provided in Sample Data Sheet 1 (see Figure 1-23),
construct a histogram of the data following all steps. Blank graph
paper on which to draw the histogram is also provided on back of this
Sample Data Sheet 1
Basic statistics are used to define how like items compare with each other
- that is, how they tend to be the same as a group and, at the same time, how
they differ from each other individually. For example, one group of people
will have an average age, yet each person will have a unique age which is
probably different from all the others.
These concepts will be important in the next sections dealing with normal
distributions and control charts.
The three measures of central tendency are the mean, median and
mode. Of the three, the most frequently used is the mean, also called
the average.
Is easy to compute.
Is easily understood.
X = nX
The sample mode is defined as the value that has the largest frequency.
In most cases this value can be read directly from the frequency
60 58 60 60 59
62 58 57 61 58
59 61 63 61 59
60 62 62 60 59
63 60 60 61 61
57 1
58 3
59 4
60 7
61 5
62 3
63 2
The sample mean can be found by adding all the Xs and dividing by
the number of measurements (in this case 25).
X = (60 + 62 +... 61 25
X = 60.16
The sample median can be found by finding the value, n/2+.5, in the
data listed above. The sample median is the 13th value. Counting
down from the tabular frequency distribution, the 13th value is 60.
Since the sample mode is the value that has the highest frequency,
it can be read directly from the frequency distribution. The sample
mode is 60.
2. Measures Of Dispersion
The most important measurements of dispersion are the range and the
standard deviation.
It is easily understood.
It is easily calculated.
The disadvantages are that the range is affected by extreme values and
is inefficient because it ignores some information.
R = X (max) - X (min)
Standard Deviation
(X2 - X )2
Find the median, mean, mode, range and standard deviation of the
following sample data:
Mean _________________
Median _________________
Mode _________________
R _________________
Many things in nature, such as the heights of all males in the United States,
follow what has become known as the normal distributions. In the late 1800s,
a group of scientists in Great Britain who were studying the human anatomy
discovered that the data they collected followed a certain pattern. As the
researchers recorded other data, such as the length of the thigh bones, they
again found that the data displayed similar patterns. Many other researchers
studying different subjects discovered the same types of patterns in their
All data sets, however, do not follow the normal distribution. For example,
the distribution of all the heights of the people in the United States, both
male and female, would have two separate groupings. One grouping would
be for females, who are typically smaller than males, and another grouping
for males.
In industry, a machine might run to the high side and produce a distribution
that would have a larger number of higher values. The data collected from
this machine would not follow a normal curve.
1. General Shape
Normal Distribution Curve
2. Symmetry
Symmetrical Distributions
3. Probability
When a single die is tossed, the probability of getting a one is 1/6; the
probability of getting a two is 1/6; the probability of getting a three is
1/6 and so on. In fact, the probability of getting any number between
one and six is 1/6, and if all of the probabilities are added together, the
total would be 1. This characteristic of the normal distribution can be
applied to a variety of situations.
If the mean, or average, and the standard deviation are known (each
is described in the previous section), the normal distribution can be
fully described.
5. Capability
The curves in Figure 1-26 are the percentages of area under the curve
for 1, 2 and 3 standard deviations for a distribution with a mean of
0 and a standard deviation of 1.
Standardized Normal Distributions
Since almost all of the area under the curve is included within 3
standard deviations from the mean, American industry has defined
capability as 3 standard deviations, or 6 standard deviations. This
6-sigma rule of capability will be discussed in greater detail in the
section covering Control Chart Interpretation.
7. Exercises
figure 1-27
Normal Distribution Exercises
80 PCS
75.25 mm
75.35 mm
45 PCS 75.25
1.249 1.250 75.28
1.250 1.255 75.29
1.251 75.30
1.252 75.31
1.253 75.32
1.254 75.33
1.255 75.34
1.256 75.35
( x ) Mean 75.36 ( x ) Mean
( ) STD. DEV 75.38 ( ) STD. DEV
x+3 75.39 x+3
x -3 75.40 x -3
.8 mm
20 PCS
.4 mm
80 PCS
.868 .6 .4 .5 .7
.869 .8 .8 .6 .8
.870 .7 .9 .7 .5
.871 .5 .6 .5 .7
.872 .6 .4 .6 .6
.874 ( x ) Mean ( x ) Mean
.875 ( ) STD. DEV ( ) STD. DEV
x+3 x+3
x -3 x -3
The chart above really does not provide much information about the data.
Few conclusions can be drawn from it. The data is simply a group of numbers
with little meaning.
The same data can also be plotted on a graph. A graph of the above data is
shown in Figure 1-28.
Plotted Graph
A plotted graph provides a little more information about the data, but
still not enough for many conclusions to be drawn. How often each
number occurs is, however, more readily seen.
Completed Histogram
If the same average (mean) and the standard deviation (sigma) are
calculated, there is even more information which can be used to
analyze the data. For the data discussed here, the average is 357.4 and
the standard deviation is 3.73.
After the data has been seen in several different forms, and the average
and standard deviation have been calculated, conclusions about both
the sample itself and the population from which it can be drawn. In
order to draw conclusions about an entire population based on sample
data, it is important to understand the applications of the Central
Limit Theorem.
Samples and populations from which they are taken are related by a
mathematical law called the Central Limit Theorem. Because of this
relationship, the population actually determines the center and spread
(mean and standard deviation) of the sample, and to a certain extent,
the sample distributions shapes.
Some of these relationships are beyond the scope of this SPC manual,
but it is important to understand the concepts behind the sample
distribution of averages. The most common control chart used in SPC,
the average-range chart (X-R chart) is based on sample averages, the
average of sample averages, and the standard deviation of sample
averages (standard error of the mean, or x ).
30) are actually the 3 sigma limits for the sampling distribution
of averages, or 3 x . This factor has already been calculated
for different subgroup sizes and included in the Table of
Control Chart Factors in Figure 1-31. This table will be used in
calculating control limits on control charts.
Control Limits
The Central Limit Theorem holds true in almost all cases when
samples of 30 or more are selected from a population, regardless of
the populations distribution. As the sample size increases, the bell-
shaped pattern or the normal distribution becomes more evident when
the samples are plotted onto the graph.
Factors For Control Charts
Sampling Distribution of Averages
Sampling Distribution of Averages
For the 125 data points on Sample Data Sheet 2 (Figure 1-34),
The Control Chart is one of the most important tools of SPC. Control charts
are simple, yet powerful tools for checking the stability of a process over
time, as well as verifying the results of any improvement actions taken.
The power of the control chart is in its ability to separate these assignable
causes of quality variation from inherent, unavoidable causes.
Sampling Data Sheet 2
Evidence that the inherent process variability and the process average
are no longer operating on stable, controlled levels.
While the term control chart is widely accepted and used, it must be
remembered that the control chart does not actually control anything. It
simply provides a basis for taking action. It is effective only if those who are
responsible act on the information the chart reveals.
1. Preparation
If the control chart shows no points outside the control limits, and no
unusual patterns within the control limits, then the process is under
control and there are no assignable variations present.
The remainder of this section will discuss the two categories of control
charts: Variables Control Charts and Attribute Control Charts.
Average-Range Charts
e. Identify department.
5. Establish scales.
6. Plot data.
On the chart form, there are lines drawn from the center of the
piece number data blocks to the bottom of the chart. These lines
are used to plot the average and range data calculated from the
samples taken previously. Plot the data points, both average
and range, on their respective charts. Connect the points with
lines so that patterns and trends can be seen.
7. Determine centerline.
Control limits are based on the subgroup sample size and the
amount of variability reflected in the range.
The upper and lower control limits are based on moving out 3
standard deviations from the average. Since a subgroup sample
that exceeds the upper or lower control limits is a signal to
look for assignable causes in the process, control limits must
be wide enough so that time will not be spent searching for
assignable causes when the signal is false. If the limits are too
widely spread, there is a risk that a timely or significant change
in the process will not be found.
Factors For Control Charts
The values for X and R have already been calculated. The other values
in the formulae are found in Figure 1-35 and depend on the size of the
sample subgroup.
The control limits are drawn as dashed horizontal lines starting at the
corresponding points on the chart scale. These lines should be labeled
UCL an LCL respectively.
Summary of Steps
3. Select scales.
4. Plot data.
6. Develop X chart:
a. Establish centerline (X).
b. UCL X = X + A2R
LCL X = X - A2R
8. Interpret chart.
a. Construct a histogram.
b. Complete X - R chart.
Sampling Data Sheet 2
X - R Chart Exercise 1
X - R Chart Exercise 2
Median-range Charts
1. Label chart.
4. Establish scales.
UCL X + X + A2R
LCL X = X - A2R
n = 3 n=5
A 2 1.19 0.69
D 3 0.00 0.00
D 4 2.574 2.114
The control limits are drawn as dashed lines on the chart and
labeled UCL and LCL respectively.
1. Label chart.
4. Develop X chart.
a. Centerline = R
b. UCL = X + A2 R; LCL = X - A2 R
6. Interpret chart.
Sampling Data Sheet 2
X - R Chart Exercise
X - S charts are used for sample sizes greater than 10, and are seldom
used by operators in production facilities. The X - S chart is used
primarily in laboratories and in research and development work.
1. Label chart.
4. Calculate the control limits. The values for the constants in the
formulae below are found in special tables for X - S charts.
Those tables are not included in this manual.
UCL X = X + A2S
LCL X = X - A2S
There are several different types of attribute control charts, which may
be used in these cases:
This manual will outline the steps for constructing p charts, because
they are the most widely used attribute charts.
p Charts
p Chart Conversion Chart
1. Gather data.
2. Calculate p.
p = 12 500
p = .024
p = np n
p = 405 12,500
p = .0324
Next, the control limits for the process are calculated. UCL is
the upper control limit for the fraction of nonconforming items.
LCL is the lower control limit for the fraction of nonconforming
items. These are the 3 sigma limits previously discussed. UCL
and LCL are calculated using the following formulae:
UCL = p + 3 p(1-p)
LCL = p + 3 p(1-p)
In a case where the sample size varies, if the sample size does
not vary more than 25 percent, then the average sample size
could be used for n.
1. Plot the upper and lower control limits on the chart using
dashed lines.
p Chart Exercise
Attribute Data Sheet 1
1 80 3
2 80 2
3 80 2
4 95 7
5 95 2
6 95 2
7 95 1
8 60 3
9 60 0
10 60 2
11 60 3
12 60 2
13 115 4
14 115 0
15 115 3
Attribute Control Chart
I. Interpretations
1. Nonrandom Patterns
A run.
A change in the process can occur even when no points fall
outside the control limits. The change can be observed when
successive points are on one side of the centerline but still
within the control limits, a rule of thumb for detecting a run is
7 or more points on the same side of the centerline.
A trend.
Sometimes there is a steady, progressive change in the
performance of the process. This is called a trend, and may be
caused by wear or deterioration. A rule of thumb for detecting
a trend is 6 or more points moving upward or downward.
Random Pattern
When a process is in control, no point will fall outside the control limits
and the points within the control limits will not exhibit any unusual
patterns. A process that is in control will also show the following
characteristics on a control chart:
Freaks Grouping
Trends Mixture
Cycles Stratification
2. Freaks
Freaks (Figure 1-45) are the result of a single unit or a single measurement
being greatly different from the other units or measurements. Freaks
are generally due to outside causes. On rare occasions, measurements
that appear to be freaks are in reality a normal part of the process.
Sudden Shift In Level
Inadequate maintenance.
Improved workmanship.
Improved materials.
4. Trends
A Trend
5. Cycles
Cycles (Figure 1-48) are short trends in data which occur in repeated
patterns. Any tendency of the pattern to repeat by showing a series of
high points interspersed by a series of low points is called a cycle.
6. Grouping
7. Instability
For both X and p charts, the common causes can be broken into simple
and complex categories.
Simple causes
Over-adjustment of machine, fixtures not holding work in place
properly, carelessness of operator in setting temperature or time
device, different lots of material mixed in storage, different
codes, difference in test equipment, deliberately running on
high or low side of specification, erratic behavior of automatic
Complex causes
Effect of many process variables on the characteristic, effect of
screening and sorting at different stations, effect of experimental
or development work being done.
8. Mixtures
9. Stratification
But because the control chart contains only the average and range of
samples taken from the process, the average and range of the total
process output (the process population) is not known. To estimate the
possible range of values for the total process output, the standard
deviation (sigma) must first be calculated. The standard deviation was
discussed in detail in the sections on Descriptive Statistics, Normal
Distributions and Samples Versus Populations.
X = .2 = 1.7
.2 .2
-1.7 + 1.7
-1.5 1.9
There is a risk of not knowing where 32 percent of the values will
.2 .2
-3.4 +3.4
-3.2 3.6
Still, there is a risk of not knowing where 5 percent of the values will
.2 .2
-5.1 +5.1
-4.9 5.3
There is risk of not knowing where only .3 percent of the values will
Each time another sigma is added to both sides of the curve, the risk of
finding values outside the range is reduced. Most American industries
are satisfied with a 6-sigma range (3-sigmas on either side of the
average). With 99.7 percent of the values falling within this range,
a manufacturer may produce 1,000 pieces using a process with this
capability, and only three could potentially fall beyond the 6-sigma
11. z Scores
z Scores
z min. 3 = Cpk
3.007 3 = 1.002
1 < 1.002
Capability Index
The process in Figure 1-54 is not capable, because neither the lower
nor the upper z score is greater than 3-sigma. Either z score divided by
3 gives a capability index of less than 1.