Article Fil Conducteur Eautarcie

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EAUTARCIE www.eautarcie.

its Guiding Principle

By Joseph Orszgh
(adapted and translated by Andr Leguerrier)


The EAUTARCIE System is distinctive in the way it recognizes the intimate interactions between fields
as diverse as water supply & water quality, wastewater management, biomass management,
energy & food production, soil formation, climate & soil, climate change & the state of the
biosphere, for which is required a different perspective on hygiene and health. In this sense, the
EAUTARCIE approach is highly multidisciplinary.

First consider current observations that the existing all-to-the-sewer system, better known as
mains sewerage, follows the same logic as consumer societys all-to-the-trash logic, yet with
graver consequences. A first conclusion immediately follows: we need to collect and selectively
treat grey (soapy) water, separately from black (faecal) water. This is the starting point that lays the
foundation for a new science, that of wastewater management , to replace its outdated
predecessor, known as sanitary engineering. 1

Findings and Conclusions

Close examination of current problems in the fields of water, energy and climate change leads to
a series of startling observations in various sectors:


Household wastewater (and wastewater from the agro-food industry) is not waste . Rather, it
is a precious resource that is essential to the proper functioning of the biosphere. Wastewater
only becomes waste when its core components, greywater and black water, are mixed
together. Thereafter, wastewater treatment/purification as done today transforms this mixture
into hazardous waste (e.g. sewage sludge, toxic residues discharged with sewage into sensitive
aquatic environments, etc.).
From this observation follows another: the worst thing you can do with wastewater containing
human and animal dejecta is any treatment run under pretence of purification. This even
applies to phytoremediation as a purification technique. In sharp contrast to all existing
treatment/purification techniques, the EAUTARCIE approach outlined here is much less
expensive and certainly more efficient in how it improves, even regenerates the environment,
instead of just protecting it. The greywater component also constitutes a resource for crop
irrigation and groundwater recharge.
So in the new system that we have called SAINECO , for EAUTARCIEs version of ECOSAN 2, all
urban wastewater is recycled. Water bodies such as rivers are no longer polluted by domestic

1 Sanitary engineering made sense at a time when it was necessary to sanitize unsanitary cities. This objective has been
attained thanks to the implementation of city sewers. Now we must focus on managing the wastewater collected. The
new objective should be to fully recycle wastewater towards regenerating the biosphere, not purify wastewater. See
2 SAINECO is an acronym that comes from the French expression asSAINissement ECOlogique , known in English as

Ecological Sanitation or ECOSAN, a carryall term from which EAUTARCIEs version is distinctive.
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Water supply

Our water resources are as they are: polluted to varying degrees. Instead of tackling this
problem head on and inventing complex and expensive systems to purify water, it is more
reasonable and especially more efficient to take a sideway approach. When one applies
the principle of adapting water quality to its end-use 3, one discovers that however polluted
our water reserves may be, we have at our disposal effective and inexpensive decentralized
techniques that can ensure we get high quality drinking water for the home, reserved only for
the most noble uses (drinking and cooking). Next to this, mains water supply can provide lesser
quality water (non-potable, yet safe) for less noble uses such as personal hygiene, laundry,
dishes, etc. High quality drinking water would be produced from mains tap water within each
household. The result is a more efficient means of protecting public health.
One of the cornerstones of sustainable water supply is rainwater harvesting for whole-house
reuse, as per the PLUVALOR System 4. Here too, the starting point comes from observations.
Throughout the water cycle, water that falls from the sky is by far the cleanest. Given the diffuse
pollution of our water reserves, the only source of high quality freshwater that is currently
accessible to all comes from precipitation. Besides, all freshwater available on the planet
comes from this resource, not to worry.

Green energy production fueled by biomass

Contrary to preconceived notions, current green energy sectors are also contributing to the
destruction of the biosphere while also fueling the atmosphere with carbon dioxide. An
alternative solution is a form of thermogenic composting that produces low temperature
energy, useful for heating homes (based on the work of Jean Pain). It produces more energy
per kg of biomass consumed 5 than other sectors: at the end of the process, the residual
compost can be used to regenerate soils. This dual technique has the potential of becoming a
powerful carbon sink. Combined with the abolition of conventional sanitation (i.e. the all-to-
the-sewer system), this could become a key to curbing climate change 6.

Climate change

A stunning observation: the atmospheres increasing carbon content constitutes a resource,

even an opportunity for humanity to expand the planets areas of life at the expense of deserts
and arid regions. Our underlying idea to curbing climate change is the result of another
observation. The planets atmosphere is the fruit of the biosphere. Thanks to photosynthesis, the
living world regulates the atmospheres carbon dioxide content. The atmosphere is the result of
two processes that spontaneously come into balance: first the power of photosynthesis itself,
and second the atmospheres CO2 content, which is regulated by atmospheric temperature.
Any imbalance must be addressed through the biosphere itself. The biosphere is by far the most
powerful carbon sink. To reduce the CO2 content, you need to increase the quantity of active
biomass within the biosphere. The process is autocatalytic: once triggered, it accelerates
spontaneously as it advances. It is also self-regulating, because a reduction of the CO2 content
entails a reduction of the temperature, which in turn slows down photosynthesis; and vice versa.
Two hundred million years ago, the carbon of todays fossil fuels was part of the biospheres
continents. Restoring this carbon to the biosphere (not the atmosphere!) by stimulating
photosynthesis to increase the quantity of active biomass will in itself constitute a carbon sink.

3 See relevant text on webpage

4 See relevant text on webpage
5 Download the pdf file
6 See webpage
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The link between wastewater management and climate change is to be found in soils and
plant life first the increased humus content of soils and second the expansion of plant life
bourgeoning and thriving from the first whereby the recycling of livestock manure and human
dejecta can be used to store carbon in the form of humus and plant biomass. Indeed, by
eliminating all-mains sewerage as well as conventional wastewater treatment, a new
infrastructure 7 would arise, through which excess CO2 would be stored by harnessing all plant
and animal biomass available. Thus a new world-scale industry will be created for the
production of humus.

Public Health

As previously mentioned, sustainable water supply provides more efficient protection of public
health. Pushing further, it has become necessary to reassess the relationship between water
quality and health. The dominant hygienics ideology 8 has a reduced perspective on the
correlation between these, a shortfall that is rooted in the fact that electrochemistry is a
neglected area of medicine. To set the record straight, you need to recognize the works of
William Mansfield Clark 9 and Louis-Claude Vincent 10. The key concept underlying the works of
these two pioneers is hydrogen activity, also called electron activity. It became necessary to
examine their work and re-establish the validity of Clarks rH concept (rH 2 under Vincent) as well
as the science of Bio-Electronic Vincent (BEV), the medical applications of which open up
promising perspectives in the healing arts. The reinstatement of the rH 2 parameter (in many
respects equivalent to the well-established pH) was only made possible through the
establishment of the Unitary Theory of Redox and Acid-Base Reactions 11. This work, published in
1991 12, is now at the forefront since the discovery of apparatuses that produce water having
high hydrogen activity 13. We have shown that ignorance of the unitary theory leads to errors in
assessment as to the oxidative or antioxidative character of therapeutic beverages.

Water management at an individual scale

This constitutes the essential work of our small team of EAUTARCIE volunteers: responding to
hundreds of messages received each year from the world over. The EAUTARCIE system also
includes a technical side, namely the development of simple, inexpensive and effective water
management solutions, even at the household level. (N.B. Some perceive the EAUTARCIE
website as strictly limited to these technical solutions, which is a tremendous oversimplification).
What is remarkable is precisely the way these solutions tend to evolve towards simplicity,
reduced cost and increased environmental performance. In this respect, the main obstacle is
current legislation that ignores or disregards and often penalizes such technical solutions.


Despite progress made in alternative farming techniques (organic farming, permaculture, the
Jean Pain method, etc.), the dominant view remains the N-P-K concept (nitrogen phosphorus

7 Download the pdf presentation at and the corresponding text at (or alternately, see the video on Youtube at
8 See relevant text on webpage
9 See webpage
10 See webpage (in French only): for an overview in English of Louis-

Claude Vincents work, see webpage

11 See webpage
12 Published in French only: The webpage cited at

the preceding note provides a complete and updated overview of the Unitary theory.
13 See webpage
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potassium) specific to intensive chemical-based agriculture. In the face of observed
nuisances recurring with a fervour intensified after each lapsing year, both on health and the
environment, the dominant view is increasingly challenged. Unfortunately, this challenge is in
turn countered by a scientific stand that is inspired by an erroneous and incomplete picture of
life of the soil. Thus, the dominant view is applied to all other techniques using those analytical
methods developed for chemical agriculture, thereby restraining innovative techniques and
poising the future of agriculture in a fatal gridlock.
The key technique to curbing climate change is composting. Unfortunately, the N-P-K concept
is still considered de rigueur for soil and compost analyses. The development of new analytical
techniques is likely the next EAUTARCIE undertaking.

How EAUTARCIE is perceived

The topics covered by EAUTARCIE are highly controversial. The prospect of shifting out of the all-
to-the-sewer system can be perceived by some 14 as a threat to an entire industry and its
concomitant branch of science sanitary engineering when in fact the implementation of
EAUTARCIEs version of ECOSAN would only shift activities towards other more environmentally-
friendly techniques. For example, the concept of remediating environmental damage/pollution
after the fact would be replaced by that of preventing it at source; the destructive techniques that
culminate in wastewater treatment/purification would be replaced by the constructive synthesis of
humus to regenerate soils.

On the other hand, the techniques recommended in the EAUTARCIE website are neither known,
nor taken into account by both policy makers and regulating authorities. Significant changes in
water legislation will become necessary in the near future. And this will require a definite support in
overcoming staunch and ever-present resistance from sanitation and water management lobbies.

Prospective Criticism

The EAUTARCIE System is constantly evolving. Techniques pop up from day to day, so to speak,
benefiting from field experiences from our correspondents. Demands that we put forth scientific
papers to be published in major international journals to justify our theories become pointless when
a monopoly of rigid, even biased scientific views systematically rules out ideas that go against
established views. All the more so, considering that papers we did try to submit were too easily
shrugged off because they went against the mainstream. Finally, consider that our experiments 15
were continuously hampered by the authorities rather than being sponsored, under pretence, for
example, that the proposed techniques are unknown to the administration or are prohibited by
applicable laws .

Consequently, the experiments we did manage to carry out, against all odds, were ultimately
shelved, neither approved, nor challenged. The experiences/experiments of our correspondents
are amongst the contributing factors that will lead to a validation or dismissal of any advice later
provided on our site. Some indications are in fact working hypotheses that need to be verified
experimentally. As for some conclusions drawn, their validity is justified by indirect observations 16 as
well as by long proven chemical evidence very much like how it is done in mathematics
working with, and building up from a few axioms.

14 See relevant text on webpage

15 Refer to sixth paragraph of webpage
16 Download the pdf presentation at .
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Joseph Orszgh, Mons (Belgium), March 15 2016.
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