Doubt: 2 Impact On Society
Doubt: 2 Impact On Society
Doubt: 2 Impact On Society
This article is about the mental state. For other uses, see 2 Impact on society
Doubt (disambiguation).
Tenuous redirects here. For other uses, see Doubt sometimes tends to call on reason. Doubt may en-
wiktionary:tenuous. courage people to hesitate before acting, and/or to apply
more rigorous methods. Doubt may have particular im-
Doubt characterises a status in which the mind re- portance as leading towards disbelief or non-acceptance.
mains suspended between two contradictory propositions Politics, ethics and law, with decisions that often deter-
and unable to assent to either of them.[1] Doubt on an mine the course of individual life, place great importance
emotional level is indecision between belief and disbelief. on doubt, and often foster elaborate adversarial processes
Doubt involves uncertainty, distrust or lack of sureness of to carefully sort through all available evidence.
an alleged fact, an action, a motive, or a decision. Doubt
questions a notion of a perceived "reality", and may in- Societally, doubt creates an atmosphere of distrust, be-
volve delaying or rejecting relevant action out of con- ing accusatory in nature and de facto alleging either fool-
cerns for mistakes or faults or appropriateness. (Compare ishness or deceit on the part of another. Such a stance
paradox). has been fostered in Western European society since the
Enlightenment, in opposition to tradition and authority.
? ?? 3 Psychology
Psychoanalytic theory attributes doubt (which may be in-
terpreted as a symptom of a phobia emanating from the
periences, these theories maintain, can plant doubt about
ones abilities and even about ones very identity.
Cognitive mental as well as more spiritual approaches
abound in response to the wide variety of potential causes
for doubt. Behavioral therapy in which a person sys-
tematically asks his own mind if the doubt has any real ba-
sis uses rational, Socratic methods. This method con-
trasts to those of say, the Buddhist faith, which involve
a more esoteric approach to doubt and inaction. Bud-
dhism sees doubt as a negative attachment to ones per-
ceived past and future. To let go of the personal history of
ones life (arming this release every day in meditation)
Doubt plays a central role in releasing the doubts developed
in and attached to that history.
Partial or intermittent negative reinforcement can create
1 Denition an eective climate of fear and doubt.[3]
2 6 LAW
5 Theology
Methodic doubt
Philosophical skepticism
Reasonable doubt
11.2 Images
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File:Caravaggio_-_The_Incredulity_of_Saint_Thomas.jpg Source:
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images/carav10.jpg Original artist: Caravaggio
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