Section - A Attempt Any Four Questions From Attempt Any Two Questions From

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Roll No. ......................

Total No. of Questions: 09 Total No. of Pages: 02

B.Tech. (EEE) 7th Sem


Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks:


Instruction to Candidates:
1) Section - A is Compulsory.
2) Attempt any Four questions from Section - B.
3) Attempt any Two questions from Section - C.

Section - A

(10 2 = 20)
i) What are the Limitations of conventional energy sources?
ii) What is tidal energy? Give its applications.
iii) How the Seeback coefficients vary with temperature?
iv) What is the difference between biomass and biogas?
v) What do you mean by practical MHD generator?
vi) What is the basic principle of hydro-electric energy conversion system?
vii) What is the significance of Gibbs free energy?
viii) Define Thomson effect.
ix) State the limitations of solar furnaces.
x) Give the applications of direct energy conservation.

Section B

(4 5 = 20)
Q2) Write a short note on the need and growth of alternative energy source.
Q3) Explain the working principle of fuel cell with suitable diagram.
Q4) Explain with suitable diagram the construction of thermoelectric generators.
Q5) What type of storage schemes can be used for tidal energy? Also state the advantages and
limitations of tidal power generation.
Q6) Define and give the classification of photovoltaic cells. What are the various characteristics of
photovoltaic cells?

Section C
(10 2 = 20)
Q7) (a) What are various types of solar collectors? Explain in brief.
(b) Derive the expression for the conversion efficiency of solar energy based systems.
Q8) (a) How MHD systems are classified? Describe them in brief.
(b) An MHD generators has the following parameters:
Plate area = 0.20 m2
Distance between plates = 0.4 m2
Flux density = 2 Wb/m2
Average gas velocity = 1000 m/s
Conductivity of the gas = 10 mho/m
Calculate the open circuit voltage and maximum power output.
Q9) Write short notes on:
(a) Geothermal system
(b) Wind Power Generation

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