Computations of Flows For On Demand Irrigation Systems
Computations of Flows For On Demand Irrigation Systems
Computations of Flows For On Demand Irrigation Systems
Chapter 3
Computation of flows for on-demand
irrigation systems
One of the most important problems for an on-demand irrigation system designer is the
calculation of the discharges flowing into the network. Such discharges strongly vary over time
depending on the cropping pattern, meteorological conditions, on-farm irrigation efficiency and
farmers' behaviour.
In this paper, each group of hydrants operating at a given instant is called hydrants
configuration. Each hydrants configuration produces a discharge configuration (or flow
regime) into the network. The term node includes both hydrants and junctions of two pipes,
whereas the term section is used to describe the pipe connecting any two nodes.
The design capacity is usually determined considering short-term peak demand and
considering an average cropping pattern for the whole system. But, the individual cropping
pattern may differ from the designed one, and the irrigation system may be either undersized or
In view of the difficulty of this problem, empirical methods have been used. For example, the
US Bureau of Reclamation (1967) recommends solving each case on individual basis and gives
only general indications like: the maximum demand may generally be estimated at 125-150% of
the average demand. Systems operating for a 12- month season may require a capacity large
enough to carry from 10 to 15% of the total annual demand in the peak month. Those operating
for a 7-month season may require a capacity large enough to carry from 20 to 25% of the total
annual demand during the peak month. However, the actual maximum demand should be
determined by detailed analysis of individual projects.
The advent of on-demand, large-scale irrigation systems in the early 1960s in France fostered
the development of statistical models to compute the design flows. Examples of such models are
the first and the second Clment formula (1966). But only the first demand formula has been
widely used because of its simplicity.
Although these models are theoretically sound, the assumptions governing the determination
of their parameters do not take into account the actual functioning of an irrigation system. In
view of these limitations a number of researchers tackled the problem by simulating irrigation
strategies. As an example, Maidment and Hutchinson (1983) modeled the demand pattern over a
large irrigation area taking into account the size of irrigated area, the soil type, the cropping
pattern, the irrigation strategy and the weather variation. However, they had to average out the
demand hydrograph over time to avoid unrealistic very high water demand one day and very low
the next.
Recently other approaches have been developed combining simulation of irrigation strategies,
based on the soil water balance, and statistical models (Abdellaoui, 1986; Walker et al., 1995;
Teixeira et al., 1995). The result of these methods is a single distribution of one design flow for
16 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
each pipe section of the network. They will be referred to in the following as One Flow Regime
Models (OFRM).
OFRM do not actually take into account the hydraulic functioning in an on-demand collective
irrigation network. Indeed, in such systems there is occurrence of several flow regimes
according to the spatial distribution of the hydrants that are simultaneously in operation.
Therefore, improving the design and the performance of an irrigation system operating on-
demand requires consideration of these flow regimes in the design process. The new approach,
called Several Flow Regimes Models (SFRM), is based on this concept. In this chapter OFRM
will be reviewed before presenting the process of generating flow regimes for the SFRM.
t' t' q s AT 1
p= = = (2)
T' r T R d rT
p= (3)
Therefore, for a population of R homogeneous hydrants, the probability of finding one hydrant
open is p, while (1 - p) is the probability to find it closed.
The number of operating hydrants is considered a random variable having a binomial
distribution with mean
=Rp (4)
and variance
2 = R p (1-p) (5)
Therefore, the cumulative probability, P q, that among the R hydrants there will be a maximum
of N hydrants simultaneously operating is:
Pq = C KR p K (1 p ) (R K) (6)
K= 0
C KR = (7)
K!( R K)!
is the number of combinations of R hydrants taken K at a time. When R is sufficiently large (R >
10) and p > 0.2-0.3, the binomial distribution approximates the Laplace-Gauss normal distribution
whose cumulative probability (P q) for having a maximum of x hydrants simultaneously operating
(with - < x < N) is:
U(Pq ) u
Pq = e du (8)
where U(P q) is the standard normal variable corresponding to the probability P q, and u is the
standard normal deviate given by:
u= (9)
R p (1 - p)
The integral (8) is solved developing in series the exponential function e . The solutions
of this integral have been tabulated (see Table 1) and so, according to a prefixed value P q , it is
possible to determine the corresponding value U(P q).
Knowing U(P q), it is possible to calculate the number of hydrants simultaneously operating, N,
through the relationship (9). In fact, for u = U(P q) we have:
N = R p + U( Pq ) R p (1 - p) (10)
that is the first formula of Clment.
18 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
eh= (14)
(q s A)
The ratio e R is a measure of the over-capacity of the network and is a characteristic of on-
demand operation. The ratio e h defines the freedom afforded to farmers to organize their
The values of eR refer to a network designed to supply equal flows at all hydrants. When the
hydrant design flows are unequal, the values of the ratio are slightly greater. Nevertheless,
whether the hydrants are homogeneous or not, taking into account the probability of the demand
being spread results in a network peak design flow which is very much smaller than that which
would be obtained by summating the flows at all hydrants.
The degree of freedom that is to be afforded to farmers should be selected according to
criteria such as size and dispersion of plots, availability of labor, type of on-farm equipment,
frequency of irrigation. Hydrants with capacities of one and a half to twice the value of the duty
correspond to the lowest feasible degree of freedom. With smaller values, the probability of an
hydrant being open becomes too great for the demand model to apply. Conversely, hydrant
capacities should not exceed six to eight times the value of the duty. This corresponds to a very
high degree of freedom.
Figure 10 illustrates the variation of the elasticity of the network, eR, versus the total number
of hydrants, R, for different values of the elasticity of the hydrants, e h. The curves have been
drawn for U(P q)=1.645. Considering a value of elasticity at the hydrant eh = 4.5, for a network
having R=100 hydrants, the elasticity of the network eR varies from about 1.43 (corresponding to
r = 0.9) to about 2.03 (corresponding to r = 0.6). It means that the upstream discharge in an on-
demand network (from Eq. 13):
QCl = eR qs A (15)
may increase about 45% if a coefficient r=0.6 is chosen instead of a coefficient r=0.9.
Furthermore, from Figure 10 it can be seen that, for on-demand systems, the ratio of the peak
flow in the network to the assumed continuous flow (elasticity of the network) increases as the
number of hydrants decreases. With hydrant capacities two to four times greater than the duty,
by selecting r=0.9 the peak flow in a network having 100 hydrants is only 27 to 40 percent
greater than the continuous flow; while by selecting r=0.6 the peak flow in a network having 100
hydrants is 79 to 98 percent greater than the continuous flow. It means that the coefficient r has
much more influence on the design capacity of the network respect to the elasticity of the
hydrants. Therefore, in order to give more freedom to farmers, it is more appropriate to select
higher hydrant elasticity.
The values selected for the parameter r normally lie between 16/24 (r=0.67) and 22/24
(r=0.93). The performance analysis of existing networks is the most reliable approach for
selecting the coefficient r best suited to a given irrigation context.
The parameter U(P q) defines the "quality of operation" of the network; it normally has a
values ranging from 0.99 to 0.95. It is hardly possible to go below a value of 0.95. A significant
reduction of this parameter beyond these values can lead to the occurrence of unacceptable
failures to satisfy the demand in certain parts of the network (Galand et al., 1975).
In view of the hypotheses made when formulating the on-demand model it is recommended
that a deterministic approach be adopted at the extremities of the network by cumulating the
flows at the hydrants when their number falls below a certain value which, in practice, lies
between four and ten.
20 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
Variation of the elasticity of the network, eR, versus the total number of hydrants for different
values of r and eh, for U(Pq) = 1.645.
In certain cases it may happen that the calculated discharge of a section serving five or six
hydrants is less than that of the downstream section serving four hydrants whose flows have
been summed. In this case the discharge in the upstream section will be equal the discharge in
the downstream section.
always greater than the duty so as to give the farmer a certain degree of freedom in the
management of the irrigation.
The ratio between the discharge attributed to each hydrant and the duty is a measure of the
"degree of freedom" which a farmer has to manage irrigation. The wide variety of agronomic
situations is reflected by the wide range of the value of the degree of freedom found in practice
(FAO-44, 1990):
High degree of freedom: family holdings with limited labour, low crop water requirements,
small or scattered plots, low investment level in on-farm equipment;
Low degree of freedom: large size plots, large scale farming, abundant labour, high
investment level in on-farm equipment.
Since the maximum flow at hydrants is fixed by flow regulators it is usual to opt for a
standard range of flows. Such ranges vary from country to country.
In southeastern France, for instance, a range of six hydrants has been standardized,
corresponding to the following discharges:
Class of hydrant 0 1 2 3 4 5
Discharge (l s ) 2.1 4.2 8.3 13.9 20.8 27.8
In Box 1, an example of the Clment formula is worked out and the results are shown in
Table 2 (generated by COPAM).
Discharges flowing into each section of the network under study (output of the COPAM package:
computation with the first Clment model)
Section Initial Final Number of Area 1st Clment
Number Node Node Hydrants (ha) discharge (l/s)
1 0 1 19 57.00 60.00
2 1 2 18 54.00 60.00
3 2 3 17 51.00 50.00
4 3 4 16 48.00 50.00
5 4 5 15 45.00 50.00
6 5 6 14 42.00 50.00
7 6 7 11 33.00 40.00
8 7 8 8 24.00 40.00
9 8 9 7 21.00 40.00
10 9 10 6 18.00 40.00
11 10 11 5 15.00 40.00
12 11 12 5 15.00 40.00
13 12 13 4 12.00 40.00
14 13 14 3 9.00 30.00
15 14 15 2 6.00 20.00
16 15 16 1 3.00 10.00
17 7 17 3 9.00 30.00
18 17 18 3 9.00 30.00
19 18 19 2 6.00 20.00
20 19 20 1 3.00 10.00
21 6 21 3 9.00 30.00
22 21 22 2 6.00 20.00
23 22 23 1 3.00 10.00
24 8 24 1 3.00 10.00
22 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
L=4 3 m
-1 -1
qs = specific continuous discharge (24/24 hours) = 0.327 l s ha
Ap = area of the plot to be irrigated = 3 ha
A = total irrigable area = 3 19 = 57 ha
d = nominal discharge of the hydrants = 10 l s
U(Pq ) = operation quality = 1.645
r = use coefficient = 0.667
R = total number of hydrants = 19
Nba= minimum number of hydrants in simultaneous operation = 4
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 23
BOX 1 Contd
qs A 0.327 57
p = elementary probability = = = 0.147
rRd 0.667 19 10
N1-2 = R1- 2 p +U(Pq ) R1-2 p (1 - p) = 18 0.147 + 1.645 18 0.147 (1- 0.147) = 6.11
We assume N 1-2 = 6
The design discharge downstream the section 1-2 is:
Q1-2 = N 1-2 d = 6 10 = 60 l s
3) Number of hydrants in simultaneous operation downstream the section 2-3:
N2-3 = R 2-3 p+ U(Pq ) R 2-3 p (1- p) = 17 0.147 + 1.645 17 0.147 (1- 0.147) = 4.90
We assume N 2-3 = 5
The design discharge downstream the section 2-3 is:
Q2-3 = N 2-3 d = 5 10 = 50 l s
and so on for the calculation of the discharges in the other sections.
In order to facilitate the calculation of large networks, a computer software program called
COPAM (Combined Optimization and Performance Analysis Model) has been developed by
Lamaddalena (1997). This software (enclosed) has several options that will be explained in this
All the computer programs for computation of irrigation systems require detailed information
on the pipe network transporting water from the source to the demand points (hydrants). In the
following section some general information on the use of COPAM, as well as the installation of
the program and the preparation of the input data files, are presented.
Installation of COPAM
Basic Windows knowledge is required for installing the COPAM Package.
Create an appropriate directory in the hard disk (it can be called Copam),
Insert the install disk in the appropriate drive,
Copy all files from the install disk to the directory previously created (e.g. Copam). Verify that
the *.dll files have been copied,
24 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
From Windows Explorer, open the directory Copam and create a FIGURE 11
shortcut on the desktop for the file (icon) copam.exe, COPAM icon
Click the icon label once to change the name. It is suggested to
call it COPAM (Figure 11).
Starting COPAM
Double click on the COPAM icon. Figure 12 will occur for few
seconds: COPAM
First screen of the COPAM package
Layout of the COPAM package
File menu bar and its sub-menu options
26 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
Edit menu bar and its sub menu items
By clicking on each option, the input data may be inserted using the Edit menu. It is strongly
recommended to prepare the input data before entering in the program.
First select the sub-menu Edit/Hydrants Discharge by clicking on it. Figure 16 will appear
and the list of the nominal discharges of the hydrants is inserted in the appropriate edit box. The
list of hydrants discharge is introduced in an increasing order and the user should enter any
standard values of discharge selected for the project, as used in the respective country.
The command OK will close the option and store the information.
By clicking on the option Network layout, input data are inserted in the sub-menu
Edit/network layout.
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 27
Sub menu Edit/Hydrants discharge
It is assumed the network is of the branching type. Each node (hydrants and/or linking of
sections) is positioned by a number. The node numbering is extremely important for the correct
execution of the program. It has to be allocated as follows:
The upstream node (source) must have number 0
The other nodes are numbered consecutively, from upstream to downstream. Any node may
be jumped.
The number of the section is equal to the number of its downstream node.
All terminal nodes of the branches must have a hydrant.
No more than two sections may be derived by an upstream node. If so, an imaginary section
with minimum length (i.e.: lmin = 1 m) must be created and an additional node must be
considered. This node must have a sequential number.
No hydrants may be located in a node with three sections joined. If so, an additional node
with a sequential number must be added.
If hydrants with two or more outlets exist in the network, one number for each outlet needs to
be allocated by creating an imaginary section with minimum length.
When the numbering has been completed, the following information has to be entered in the
Edit/Network layout:
28 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
Examples of node numbering
area irrigated by each hydrant (in hectares); if no hydrant occurs in the node, Area=0 has to
be typed,
hydrant discharge (in l s-1). It may be selected by clicking in the combo box,
section length (in m),
land elevation of the downstream node (in m a.s.l.),
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 29
nominal diameter of the section pipe (in mm). This information is needed when the program is
used for the analysis of the network. In the design stage, Diameter=0 must be considered.
In Figure 18, an example of the sub-menu Edit/network layout is reported. Additional
options are available on the bottom of the screen. They may be activated by clicking on the
button: Add Node, Canc Node, Ins Node and Find Section, respectively for adding a new node,
delete a node, insert a node and for finding a section. The exit button closes the sub menu.
Edit/network layout sub-menu
When the network layout is completed, the Edit/list of pipes sub menu is selected and
Figure 19 will appear.
The list of commercial diameters (in mm) is inserted in the Edit/list of pipes sub-menu. The
list has to be completed by the thickness (in mm) of the pipes, the roughness (, Bazin
coefficient) and the unitary cost of the pipe. An internal procedure of the COPAM package will
link, automatically, the currency to the regional setting properties of your computer. The pipes
unitary costs are typed in increasing order. The nominal diameters are typed in the grid. When
the nominal diameter corresponds to the internal diameter, the pipe thickness is considered equal
to zero. The types of pipes are identified by the Bazin roughness coefficient.
In the sub-menu Edit/Description (Figure 20), the description of the file may be typed. This
information is important when a large number of data files are managed to aid with recognition.
30 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
Edit list of pipes sub-menu
Edit description sub-menu
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 31
Toolbar buttonCheck input file
FIGURE 22 st
Clment parameters: 1 Clment formula
32 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
An additional option is available in the COPAM package: the toolbar button Check input
file (see Figure 21). It checks for the most common errors in the input file.
Computation of discharges
When the set Discharge computation is selected, two different programs are available:
Clment and Random. The program Clment allow the computation of the discharges flowing
into the network through the first and the second Clment models. When the first one is selected,
additional parameters have to be typed in the Clment parameters/sub-menu (Figure 22). They
are the:
specific continuous discharge (in l s-1 ha-1)
minimum number of terminal open hydrants
percentage of uncultivated land (in %)
Clment use coefficient (r)
Clment operation quality, U(P q).
An example of the output file of the program Clment is the one reported in Table 2. The
name of the output file is typed in the appropriate edit box and the extension .cle is
automatically assigned to the file.
Define PSAT as the probability of saturation of a network equipped with (R-1) hydrants and u'
the standard normal variable. It may be demonstrated (Clment, 1966; Lamaddalena, 1997) that:
N R p
u' = (16)
R p (1 - p)
1 ( u' )
PSAT = (17)
R p (1 - p) ( u' )
where (u') and (u') are, respectively, the Gaussian probability distribution function and the
Gaussian cumulative distribution function. Making:
( u' )
F(u' ) = (18)
( u' )
the Equation 17 becomes
P SAT = F(u' ) (19)
R p (1 - p)
At this stage, it is easy to fix the standard normal variable, u', according to the target
probability, p, and to determine the corresponding values of (u') and (u') and also the value of
F(u')1. In fact, p is given by the Equation 2, P SAT can be selected (usually, P SAT = 0.01 is
suggested) and F(u') can be calculated using:
N = R p + u' R p (1 - p) (21)
where Equation 21 represents the second formula of Clment.
It is possible to use the statistical tables giving, for each value of u', the corresponding values of (u')
and (u') and the corresponding functions. For the present work the functions (u') and (u') have
been calculated and introduced in a computer program for solving the discharge calculation by using
the 2nd Clement's formula.
34 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
Diagram representing u' as a function of F(u')
The structure of this second formula of Clment is similar to the first Clment formula but, in
this case, u' is not a constant depending on the selected cumulative probability (corresponding to
the quality of operation of the network), but it is a function of PSAT, p and R.
The second Clment model is based on the theory of birth and death processes. This
hypothesis limits its applicability. In fact, this theory is well applied for designing telephone lines,
where if the busy line is engaged (saturation) the customer has to call later. But for irrigation
systems it is not so easy to establish saturation conditions. Furthermore, also when the system is
saturated farmers may decide to irrigate with a lower pressure and/or discharge at the hydrant.
Finally, the complexity in mathematical approach and the negligible differences in results pushed
all designers to apply anytime the first model instead of the second one. In Table 3, the
discharges flowing into each section of the network in the example are reported.
Applicability of the 2 Clment model
The computer package COPAM may be used for computing the discharges into each section of
an irrigation network by using the 2nd Clment model. The Clment parameters/sub-menu of
the Clment program (see Figure 24) is filled with the parameters described above.
The application of the 1st and the 2nd Clment models for computing the discharges into an
large Italian irrigation network (the one illustrated in the Annex 1) is shown hereafter. The
following design data were used for these calculations. The network is equipped with 660
hydrants of 10 l s-1 and the design values of the irrigated area Ai, the specific continuous
discharge, qs, and the coefficient of utilization of the network, r, are respectively: Ai = 2030 ha,
qs = 0.327 l s-1 ha-1 and r = 0.66. The 1st Clment's model was applied using the cumulative
probability Pq=95% (corresponding to U(P q) = 1.645), while the 2nd Clment's model was applied
using the probability of saturation PSAT =1%.
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 35
-1 -1
qs = specific continuous discharge (24/24 hours) = 0.327 l s ha
Ap = area of the plot to be irrigated = 3 ha
A = total irrigable area = 3 19 = 57 ha
d = nominal discharge of the hydrants = 10 l s
PSAT = probability of saturation = 0.01
r = use coefficient = 0.667
R = total number of hydrants = 19
Nba= minimum number of hydrants in simultaneous operation = 4
36 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
BOX 2 Contd
qs A 0.327 57
p = elementary probability = = = 0.147
rRd 0.667 19 10
u = standard normal variable = 3.9715 4.1693 ( PSAT Rp (1 - p) )
{ [
19 0.147 + 3.9715 - 4.1693 ( 0.01 19 0.147 (1- 0.147) ]0.2623 } 19 0.147 (1 - 0.147)
= 6.77
We assume N 0-1 = 7
The design discharge downstream the section 0-1 is:
Q0-1 = N 0-1 d = 7 10 = 70 l s
2) Number of hydrants in simultaneous operation downstream the section 1-2:
{ [
18 0.147 + 3.9715 - 4.1693 ( 0.01 18 0.147 (1- 0.147) ]0.2623 } 18 0.147 (1 - 0.147) =
= 6.53
We assume N 1-2 = 7
The design discharge downstream the section 1-2 is:
Q1-2 = N 1-2 d = 7 10 = 70 l s
3) Number of hydrants in simultaneous operation downstream the section 2-3:
{ [
17 0.147 + 3.9715 - 4.1693 ( 0.01 17 0.147 (1- 0.147) ]0.2623 } 17 0.147 (1 - 0.147) =
We assume N 2-3 = 6
The design discharge downstream the section 2-3 is:
Q2-3 = N 2-3 d = 6 10 = 60 l s ,
1 In this example the mathematical approximation was used for computing the discharges in each section of the
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 37
Discharges flowing into each section of the network under study (output of the COPAM package:
computation with the second Clment model)
Section Initial Final Number of Area 2nd Clment
Number Node Node Hydrants (ha) discharge (l/s)
1 0 1 19 57.00 70.00
2 1 2 18 54.00 70.00
3 2 3 17 51.00 60.00
4 3 4 16 48.00 60.00
5 4 5 15 45.00 60.00
6 5 6 14 42.00 60.00
7 6 7 11 33.00 50.00
8 7 8 8 24.00 40.00
9 8 9 7 21.00 40.00
10 9 10 6 18.00 40.00
11 10 11 5 15.00 40.00
12 11 12 5 15.00 40.00
13 12 13 4 12.00 40.00
14 13 14 3 9.00 30.00
15 14 15 2 6.00 20.00
16 15 16 1 3.00 10.00
17 7 17 3 9.00 30.00
18 17 18 3 9.00 30.00
19 18 19 2 6.00 20.00
20 19 20 1 3.00 10.00
21 6 21 3 9.00 30.00
22 21 22 2 6.00 20.00
23 22 23 1 3.00 10.00
24 8 24 1 3.00 10.00
Clment parameters: 2 Clment formula
38 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
st nd
Comparison between discharges computed with the 1 and the 2 Clment equations applied to
the Italian irrigation network illustrated in Annex 1
Probability of saturation versus the 1 Clment model discharges
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
DISCHARGE (1st Clement's formula) [l/s]
The results of the application are summarized in Figure 25 which shows that, for the case
under study, using the second model slightly higher discharges are obtained. Further analyses
have shown that when the probability of saturation PSAT is computed using the discharges given
by the 1st Clment model (using the above design parameters) it becomes evident (Figure 26)
that PSAT would be near to 5% for low discharges but would approach PSAT= 1% for higher
discharges. When U(P q) is computed from the discharges corresponding to the 2nd Clment
model, similar results are obtained with a limit value of U(P q) close to U(P q) = 1.645 (Figure 27).
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 39
Operation quality, U(Pq) versus the 2 Clment model discharges
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
DISCHARGE (2nd Clement's formula) [l/s]
This example calculation showed that results from both Clment equations are compatible
and differences are negligible in practice. Because of the limitation of the theory of birth and
death processes applied to the irrigation networks and the mathematical complexity almost all
designers use the first model instead of the second.
There exists a body of random number generators which mutually do satisfy the definition
over a very broad class of application programs. But what is random enough for one application
may not be random enough for another. The chi-square test may be used to verify the goodness
of the random generation for a particular application (Press et al., 1989; Knuth, 1981).
For generating random discharge configurations, uniform deviates are applied. The uniform
deviates are just random numbers which lie within a specified range, with any one random
number in the range just as likely as any other (Press et al., 1989).
The procedure utilized is as follows (see Figure 28):
1- Every node of the system receives an identification number, j.
2- Since some nodes do not correspond to hydrants, a code identification of the hydrants is
assigned (ch=0 when there is no hydrant at the node, ch=1 when there is a hydrant with
nominal discharge of 5 l s-1, ch=2 when there is a hydrant with nominal discharge of 10 l s-1,
ch=3 when there is a hydrant with nominal discharge of 20 l s-1).
3- Definition of a list of discharges to be tested.
4- Definition of the number of hydrants configuration to be generated, corresponding to the
discharges defined in the previous list.
5- Aggregation of the hydrants discharges in each configuration, in order to calculate the
discharges flowing into the sections of the network (discharge configuration).
Typical layout of a network
A computer program written in Turbo Pascal, version 6.0 generates random sequences using
the internal procedure called Random (Schildt, 1986). The random number generator is
initialized by the procedure Randomize. The reliability of the Turbo Pascal random number
generator has been verified by Schildt (1986). Additional tests have been also performed by El
Yacoubi (1994) and Lamaddalena (1997). The program for the random generation of discharge
configurations (RGM: Random Generation Model) is integrated in the COPAM package. It is
selected by clicking on the appropriate button (Figure 29). Then Figure 30 will appear on the
screen. The input data for the irrigation network were illustrated in the previous section.
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 41
Random generation program
Other models for generating the upstream discharges are under study. Nevertheless, despite the good
improvements that have been made in the generation of the upstream withdrawn volumes, the problem
of transformation from volumes to discharges has still not been solved because of a number of
42 Computation of flows for on-demand irrigation systems
Random generation parameters
package as explained in the previous section. The discharge value is allocated in the edit box
Upstream discharge of the Random generation parameters. After including the number of
configurations to be generated in the appropriate edit box (it must be multiple of 10), operation of
the network is simulated by generating the hydrants configurations. These hydrants
configurations, stored in a pre-selected output file, are taken into account for computing the
optimal pipe size of the network by using the approach illustrated in the chapter 4. Applications
of the above methodologies for design and analysis of Italian irrigation networks are reported in
Lamaddalena (1997).
uncertainties involved in that process. Some authors (Abdellaoui, 1986; El Yacoubi, 1994; Pereira et al.,
1995; Lamaddalena, 1997) presented interesting approaches for the solution of such a problem but only
a few applications are available and additional tests are needed for validation and for generalizing the
applicability of such models. For this reason, the first Clement model is preferred for the computation of
the discharge at the upstream end of the network and, in correspondence of such discharge, a large
number of hydrant configurations may be generated. In this way, the actual operation conditions are
simulated and are taken into account for the design (and/or the analysis) of the irrigation system.
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 43
Chapter 4
Pipe-size calculation
The problem of calculating the optimal pipe size diameters of an irrigation network has attracted
the attention of many researchers and designers. Many optimization models based on linear
programming (LP), non-linear programming (NLP) and dynamic programming (DP) techniques
are available in literature. These models give important improvements to practical problems
through less costly solutions and less computation time respect to the classical approaches.
One limitation of the optimization models is that they consider only One Flow Regime
(OFR) during the process of the pipe size computation. With this kind of approach, there is no
assurance that the system selected is the least costly and compatible with the required
performance. Indeed, in on-demand irrigation systems, the distribution of flows in each section
may strongly vary in time and space. Thus, several flow regimes (SFR) should be taken into
account during the computation process.
In this chapter an optimization model using the Labye's Iterative discontinuous algorithm is
presented and applied for the case of One Flow Regime and extended to the case of Several
Flow Regimes.
In view of the concerns sometimes expressed about the use of linear programming when
large networks are designed, other approaches have been developed (Labye, 1966 and 1981)
using the dynamic programming formulation. Later, another approach was developed (Ait Kadi,
1986) to optimize the network layout and the pipe sizes simultaneously for a network composed
by a mainline and secondary parallel branches. This approach (Ait Kadi, 1986) involves two
stages. In the first one, an initial solution is constructed by obtaining the optimum layout of the
mainline, with each pipe of the network having the smallest allowable diameter. In the second
stage, the initial solution is improved by reducing, iteratively, the upstream head and,
consequently, varying the layout of the mainline and pipe sizes simultaneously. This iterative
process is continued until the optimum head giving the minimum cost of the network is reached.
In recent years, several comprehensive reviews on the state-of-the-art in this field were
undertaken (Walsky, 1985b; Goulter, 1987; Walters, 1988). Furthermore, a number of
optimization models were assessed (Walsky et al., 1987). An interesting result of the analysis
by Walsky et al. (1987) was that models produce similar design, both in terms of costs and
hardware components selected. The cost associated with the solutions determined by different
models only varied by 12%. In addition, the most expensive systems were those with increased
level of reliability, imparted by additional storage in the system. Linear programming and
dynamic programming for calculating the optimal pipe diameters in irrigation networks have
also been compared (Di Santo and Petrillo, 1980a,b; Ait Kadi, 1986).
Di Santo and Petrillo (1980a) demonstrated that a network solved by using both LP and the
DP with Bellman's formulation has the same optimal solution. Results obtained by Ait Kadi
(1986) for networks solved by using both LP and the Labye's Iterative Discontinuos Method
(LIDM) were similar.
The above analyses (Di Santo and Petrillo, 1980a,b; Ait Kadi, 1986; Walsky et al., 1987)
indicate that the optimization models utilized were relatively robust and that the optimization is
not sensitive to the technique itself. However, it is useful to improve the ability to design and
analyze water distribution systems. In fact, system design must consider various critical demand
hydrographs to ensure system reliability (Templeman, 1982; Hashimoto et al., 1982). This is
valid for both branched and looped networks where the same daily pattern demand may
correspond to several configurations of flows in the pipes. In addition, it is useful to examine the
extent to which the model techniques and approaches are incorporated into engineering practice.
Better designs have been obtained through optimization models but there has been no
guarantee of global optimality, i.e. on what should be the objective of an optimal design.
Assuming that an optimal design is the one which meets the applied demands at the least cost
(Goulter, 1992), it should incorporate multiple demand conditions, failures in the system
components and reliability.
For considering the reliability of the network, a definition of "failure" is necessary. In
general, a network failure is an event in which a network is not able to provide sufficient flow or
sufficient pressure to meet the demand. Under this definition, failure can occur either if a
component (e.g., a pipe) is undersized, or if the actual demand exceeds the design demand.
These two cases are independent for practical purposes. A considerable effort has been directed
to the reliability question over the last few years.
Relatively little success has been achieved in obtaining comprehensive measures of network
reliability that are computationally feasible and physically realistic (Goulter, 1987; Lansey and
Basnet, 1990).
The measures that give good representation of reliability are computationally impractical,
like the model by Su et al. (1987) where 200 min. of computer time is needed for solving a three
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 45
loop example. On the other hand, those approaches that are computationally suitable provide
very poor description of the network performance. Also, empirical solutions may be considered
for improving reliability performance, like the one by Bouchard and Goulter (1991) which
proposed to add valves to the links in order to isolate branches during failure for repair.
Despite the efforts in developing optimization models, they are not widely used in practice.
The main reasons for this are: they are often too complex to be used and designers are not
comfortable with the optimization approaches.
Indeed, Walsky et al. (1987) have shown that, by using optimization models, important
answers to practical problems are possible which can be verified using simulation techniques.
Furthermore, optimization models require less computation time than the classical approaches.
Usually, optimization models are difficult to use. The main reason is that they are developed in
academic environments where the algorithm is much more important than the input-output
interface. In addition, many older engineers have not had opportunity to study formal
optimization techniques.
Considering the effort in developing optimization models, it seems reasonable to assert that
research should be oriented to integrate simulation and optimization models rather than to
develop new optimization algorithms. Techniques for designing optimal pipe diameters for
irrigation networks under several discharge configurations need to be improved and tested.
Furthermore, reliability of systems need to be well defined in order to be included in the
optimization process. Finally, the need for improving the user interface in optimization models
software is important (Walsky et al., 1987).
An interesting commercial program for the calculation of the optimal pipe diameters for
irrigation networks has been developed by CEMAGREF (1990). This program (XERXES-
RENFORS, vers. 5.0) has a user-friendly interface. It computes the discharges with the first
Clment formula, or by adding hydrants' discharges, while Labye's discontinuous method is
used to compute the optimal diameters. Also, optimal pumping station and optimal
reinforcement of the networks may be calculated. This program has interfaces in French and
head losses are computed using the Calmon and Lechapt formula.
In the present publication, an effort has been made to develop and distribute the computer
program (COPAM). It has an English user-friendly interface and all the calculations are easy. It
integrates models for the optimal pipe size computation with models for the analysis of
irrigation systems and allow to present the outputs under form of files and graphics. The
program facilitates full understanding by the user with the capability to verify the results.
When the design of the pumping stations is required the economic aspects are an important
component but the performance analysis of the network is also required. This latter aspect is
covered in Chapter 5.
As far as the regulation of the pumping stations is concerned, the reader is referred to
Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 44 (page 128) where the subject is treated in detail. However,
the regulation by variable speed pumps is a promising approach concerning energy saving and
has been detailed in Chapter 5 (page 74).
In the first stage, an initial solution is constructed giving, for each section k of the network,
the minimum commercial diameter (Dmin) according to the maximum allowable flow velocity
(vmax) in a pipe, when the pipe conveys the calculated discharge (Qk ). The diameter for the
section k is calculated by the relationship:
4Q k
(Dmin)k = (22)
p v max
After knowing the initial diameters, it is possible to calculate the piezometric elevation (Z0 )in
at the upstream end of the network, which satisfies the minimum head (Hj,min) required at the
most unfavorable hydrant (j):
(Z0 )in = Hj,min + ZTj + Yk (23)
0 M j
where Yk are the head losses along the pathway (Mj) connecting the upstream end of the
0 M j
network to the most unfavourable hydrant.
The initial piezometric elevation (Z0 )in relative to the initial diameters solution is therefore
calculated through the relationship (23).
In the second stage, the optimal solution is obtained by iteratively decreasing the upstream
piezometric elevation (Z0 )in until reaching the effectively available upstream piezometric
elevation, Z0 , by selecting, for each iteration, the sections for which an increase in diameter
produces the minimum increase of the network cost. The selection process at each iteration is
carried out as described below.
At any iteration i, the commercial pipe diameters (at most two diameters per section (Labye,
1966)) Ds+1 and Ds (with Ds+1 > Ds) are known. The coefficient:
Ps+1 Ps
s = (24)
J s J s+1
is defined (Fig. 31), where P s [ITL] and Js [m m-1] are, respectively, the cost and the friction
loss per unit length of pipe diameter Ds [m], and Ps+1 [ITL] and Js+1 [m m-1] are, respectively, the
cost and the friction loss per unit length of pipe diameter Ds+1 [m].
Characteristic curve of a section
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 47
Using the LIDM, compute the optimal pipe sizes for the network in figure. The following range of flow
velocity is considered: vmax = 2.5 ms-1, vmin = 0.2 ms -1. The available upstream piezometric elevation
is: Z0 = 165 m a.s.l.
Characteristic of the network
Section Initial Final Discharge Length Land Elevation Hmin
Number Node Node (l s -1) (m) (m a.s.l.) (m)
1 0 1 35 1000 110 20
2 1 2 15 1000 120 30
3 2 3 20 1000 122 30
List of commercial pipes
Thickness Bazin Cost
( mm ) (mm) (m 0.5 ) (ITL m -1)
110 5.3 0.06 14 000
160 7.7 0.06 29 300
200 9.6 0.06 55 000
225 10.8 0.06 65 000
250 11.9 0.06 80 000
315 15.0 0.06 105 000
Darcy's equation was used for calculating the friction slope J [m m-1] in the pipes:
J = u Q2
u = 0.000857 (1 + 2 D-0.5 )2 D-5
is the roughness parameter of Bazin, expressed in m 0.5. Q (m 3 s -1) is the discharge flowing into the
section and D (m) is the diameter of the section.
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 49
BOX 3 Contd
( mm ) u
110 168.343079
100 23.462156
200 7.293085
225 3.945896
250 2.269560
315 0.683712
The list of the commercial pipe diameters available for each section, according the allowable range
of flow velocities is:
Number (mm ) (mm ) (mm ) (mm ) (mm ) (mm )
1 - 160 200 225 250 315
2 110 160 200 225 250 315
3 - 160 200 225 250 315
BOX 3 Contd
The values of the coefficient are:
Ps+1 Ps
s =
J s J s+1
- Initial solution
For each section k of the network, the initial solution is constructed giving the minimum commercial
diameter (Dmin ) according to the maximum allowable flow velocity (vmax) in the pipe.
After knowing the initial diameters, it is possible to calculate the piezometric elevation (Z0)in at the
upstream end of the network, which satisfies the minimum head (Hj,min) required at the most unfavourable
hydrant (j):
The most unfavourable hydrant in this example is number 2 and, therefore, the initial solution is
represented by the upstream piezometric elevation Z0,in = 216.62 m a.s.l. and the initial minimum
Section min
Number (mm )
1 160
2 110
3 160
By starting from the node 0 along the path 0 3, it is possible to compute the pressure head on the
node 2 and 3. On the node 2 there is no excess head, while on the node 3 there is excess equal to:
This implies that 3=0. According to the theory of LIDM, we have to compare 1=1297 and 2=469 in
series. The minimum value correspond to 2, so we have to change the diameter of the section 2 from =
110 mm to = 160 mm.
At this stage, we have to decrease Z0,in, so we select the minimum value among:
- Excess head on node where the head change: excess on node 3 = 26.49 m
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 51
BOX 3 Contd
- Z0,in Z 0 = 216.62 - 165 = 51.62 m
Section min
Number (mm )
1 160
2 160 *
3 160
* By changing the whole diameter on the section 2 we would recover 32.60 m and, in fact, we decrease
the upstream piezometric elevation only 26.49 m. This implies that we have a mixage on section 2
between the diameters = 110 mm and = 160 mm. The lengths of such mixage are:
1000 26.49
X = = 813 m
This means that 813 m of the section 2 needs a diameter = 160 mm and (1000-813) = 187 m needs a
diameter = 110 mm.
At this stage, there is no excess head on the nodes 2 and 3. Therefore, the sections 2 and 3 are in
parallel, and the values of the coefficients for identifying the sections to be changed are
- for the sections 2 and 3: = 2 + 3 = 469 + 3974 = 4453
- for the sections 1: 1=1297
The minimum value is 1, therefore we have to increase the diameter on the section 1 from = 160 mm to
= 200 mm.
52 Pipe-size calculation
BOX 3 Contd
We select a the minimum value for Z0,1 among:
- Excess head on the nodes where the head change: no head variations on the nodes 2 and 3
- Z0,1 Z 0 = 190.13 -165 = 25.13 m
The minimum value is 19.81 m, therefore we have to change diameter on the whole section 1 from =
160 mm to = 200 mm.
Section min
Number (mm )
1 200
2 160-110
3 160
At this stage, there is no excess head on the nodes 2 and 3. Therefore, the sections 2 and 3 are
considered in parallel, and the values of the coefficients for identifying the sections to be changed are
- for the sections 2 and 3: = 2 + 3 = 469 + 3974 = 4453
- for the sections 1: 1=2439
The minimum value is 1, so we increase the diameter on the section 1 from = 200 mm to = 225
We select a minimum value Z0.1 among:
- Excess head on the nodes where the head change: no head variations on the nodes 2 and 3
- Z0,1 Z 0 = 170.32 -165 = 5.32 m
The minimum value is 4.10 m, so we change the diameter on the whole section 1 from = 200 mm to
= 225 mm.
Therefore, the solution at the second iteration is:
Z0,2 = 170.32 4.10 = 166.22 m a.s.l.
This gives the diameters shown below:
Section min
Number (mm )
1 225
2 160-110
3 160
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 53
BOX 3 Contd
At this stage, there is still no any excess head on the nodes 2 and 3, so sections 2 and 3 are
considered in parallel, and the values of the coefficients for identifying the sections to be changed are
- for the sections 2 and 3: = 2 + 3 = 469 + 3974 = 4453
- for the sections 1: 1=7304
The minimum value is = 2 + 3, so we increase the diameter on the sections 2 and 3.
We select the minimum Z0,2 value among:
- Excess head on the nodes where the head change: no head variation on the nodes 2 and 3 occur;
- Z0,2 Z 0 = 66.22 -165 = 1.22 m
Y by changing the whole diameter of the section 2 from = 110 mm to = 160 mm:
Section min
Number (mm )
1 225
2 160-110
3 200-160
1000 1.22
X = = 189 m
This means that 189 m of the section 3 needs a diameter = 200 mm and (1000-189) = 811 m
needs a diameter = 160 mm.
54 Pipe-size calculation
BOX 3 Contd
Mixage on the section 2:
187 1.22
X = = 37 m
This means that additional 37 m of the section 2 needs a diameter = 160 mm, so that (813+37)= 850
m needs a diameter = 160 mm, and (1000-850)=150 m needs a diameter = 110 mm.
into account the hydraulic happenings in the network which consists of Several Flow Regimes
(SFRM). Using a computer program, flow regimes were generated using the RGM approach
presented in chapter 3.
4 Q max ,k
(Dmin ) k = (34)
v max
After knowing the initial diameters, it is possible to calculate, for each configuration r, the
piezometric elevation (Z0 )in,r [m a.s.l.] at the upstream end of the network, satisfying the
minimum head, Hj,min [m], required at the most unfavorable hydrant, j:
(Z0 )in,r = Hj,min + ZTj + Yk ,r (35)
0 M j
where Yk ,r are the head losses along the pathway (Mj) connecting the upstream end of the
0 M j
network to the most unfavorable hydrant when the flow regime occurs.
Within all the configurations of discharges, only those requiring an upstream piezometric
elevation, (Z0 )in,r, greater than the effectively available one, Z0 , are considered.
With the first of C possible configurations (r1 ), the initial piezometric elevation (Z0 )in,r1 ,
relative to the initial diameters solution, (Dmin)k , is calculated through the relationship (35). The
optimal solution for r1 is obtained by iteratively decreasing the upstream piezometric elevation.
For each iteration, select sections for which a change in diameter produces the minimum
increase in the network cost. The selection process for each iteration is described below.
At any iteration (I), the commercial pipe diameters are known. There are no more than two
diameters per section (Labye, 1966) with Ds+1 > Ds. The coefficient:
Ps+1 Ps
s = (24)
J s J s+1 FIGURE 33
-1 Elementary scheme
is defined, where Ps [ITL] and Js [m m ] are, respectively, the
cost and the friction loss per unit length of pipe diameter Ds [m],
and Ps+1 [ITL] and Js+1 [m m-1] are, respectively, the cost and the
friction loss per unit length of pipe diameter Ds+1 [m].
The minimum cost variation, dP, of the elementary scheme
(SN)* (Figure 33) of any sub-network, (SN), and a section k in
series with (SN), for any given variation, dH', of the head H' [m],
at the upstream end of (SN)* , is obtained by solving the
following "local" linear programming (Ait Kadi et al.,1990):
min. dP = - s,SN dH - s,k dYk (36)
56 Pipe-size calculation
subject to:
dH + dYk = dH (37)
where dH [m] and dY k [m] are, respectively, the variation of the head at the upstream end of
(SN) and the variation of the friction loss in section k. The optimal solution of the equations
(36) and (37) is:
dH = dH' and dY k = 0 if s,SN < s,k (38)
dH = 0 and dY k = dH' if s,SN > s,k (39)
Therefore, the minimum cost variation, dP, of (SN) can be written as:
dP = - *
dH' with (40)
A computer program for calculating the optimal pipe size of an irrigation network under both
several discharge configurations and in case of single flow regime has been developed
(Lamaddalena, 1997) and integrated into the COPAM package. The ELIDM has been validated
using the linear programming formulation extended for several flow regimes (Ben Abdellah,
1995; Lamaddalena, 1997). The commercial computer package (LINDO) was adapted for
calculating the optimal solution for the irrigation network with linear programming.
Darcy's equation was used in ELIDM for calculating the friction slope J [m m-1] in the pipes:
J = 0.000857 (1 + 2 D-0.5 ) 2 Q2 D-5 = u Q2 (45)
where is the roughness parameter of Bazin, expressed in m0.5 . The other variables have been
already defined in the text. In Table 4 the values of the roughness Bazin parameters for different
types of pipes are reported. They are compared with the values of the equivalent homogeneous
roughness (mm). Information on the different types of pipes is reported in Annex 2.
Bazin roughness parameter () for different types of pipes
TYPE OF PIPE homogenous
roughness ( m 0.5 )
( mm )
1- Technically smooth tubes ( glass, brass, drawn copper, resin ) 0 0.02 --
2- Steel pipes
A ) Time degradable coverings
- New pipes, varnished by centrifugation 0.05 --
- Bitumened by immersion 0.1 0.015 0.06
- In current duty with light rust 0.2 0.4 0.10
- With asphalt or tar applied by hands 0.5 0.6 0.16
- With diffused tubercolisation 13 0.23
B ) Non degradable coverings
- Cement applied by centrifugation 0.05 0.15 0.06
3- Welded sheet-pipes
- In good conditions 0.2 0.3 0.10
- In current duty with crusting 0.4 1.0 0.16
4- Nailed sheet-pipes
- 1 line of longitudinal nails 0.3 0.4 0.10
- 2 lines of longitudinal nails 0.6 0.7 0.16
- Idem with crusting Till 3.0 0.30
- 4-6 lines of longitudinal nails 2.0 0.23
- 6 lines of longitudinal nails + 4 transversal 3.0 0.30
- Idem with crusting Till 5.0 0.36
5- Cast iron pipes
- With centrifuged-cemented covering 0.1 0.06
- New, covered internally with bitumen 0.15 0.06
- New, not covered 0.2 0.4 0.10
- With light crusting 0.4 1.0 0.16
- In current duty, partially rusted 1.0 2.0 0.23
- strongly encrusted 3.0 5.0 0.36
6- Cement-pipes
- Asbestos cement 0.1 0.06
- New reinforced concrete, plaster perfectly smooth 0.1 0.15 0.06
- Reinforced concrete with smooth plaster, in work for many years 2.0 0.23
- Tunnels with cement plaster, depending on the degree of finish 2.0 5.0 0.23 0.36
The applicability of the ELIDM in the case of a network with SFR is presented in the next
58 Pipe-size calculation
Applicability FIGURE 34
In this section, the applicability of Costs (106 ITL) of the network in the example, calculated
by using the ELP and the ELIDM for different sets of flow
the Labye iterative discontinuous
method has been verified through
the linear programming formula-
tion. Both the methods have been
applied to a network under several
flow regimes.
The RGM presented in chapter
3 was previously used for
generating different sets of
random discharge configurations.
These sets of configurations have
been utilized for the calculation of
the optimal diameters using the
ELP and ELIDM programs.
The difference in cost of the
network under study is shown in
Figure 34. It is always less than
2% because in the ELP
formulation all the discharge
configurations are considered as a unique block and, thus, the exact solution is obtained. In the
ELIDM program the configurations are considered one by one, with the final solution for the
configuration ri being the initial solution for the ri+1 configuration. Therefore, diameters of the
sections can only increase or remain constant when the configurations change. For this reason,
the order of the discharge configurations during the calculation has little effect on the optimal
The differences between the ELP and the ELIDM are small. When several discharge
configurations are considered, the latter method is preferred because it is more flexible and the
computation time is very short (a few seconds for each discharge configuration). Furthermore,
the computer software integrated in the COPAM package is user-friendly and allows the
calculation of networks up to 1000 nodes under more than 1000 flow regimes.
Optimization of the pumping station costs
Total Cost 2
C min,2
Total Cost 1
C min,1
Pipe Network
Z opt,2 Z opt,1 Z
Pipe size computation program
Optimization program: Options Tab control
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 61
Optimization program: MixageTab control
The name of the output file is typed in the appropriate edit box. The extension .opt is
automatically assigned to this output file. All information concerning the computation is stored
in that file (see the example of the output file in Annex 3). Finally, two additional design
options are available in the program: new design and rehabilitation. In the first case, the
program computes the optimal pipe size diameters starting from an initial solution obtained by
using the smallest diameters respecting the maximum flow velocities constraints (as explained
in the chapter 4). In the case of rehabilitation, the initial solution is given by the actual diameters
of each section of the network.
The program, within the Mixage tab control (Figure 38), gives the possibility to select one
diameter for each section or to consider the mixage with two diameters for each section where
required. From a practical point of view, one diameter should be selected in order to avoid
possible mistakes during the construction phase.
In the Data Tab control (Figure 39), all the parameters related to the 1st or 2nd Clment
formula are introduced. These parameters were illustrated in chapter 3. The upstream
piezometric elevation and the minimum pressure head required at the hydrants are typed in the
appropriate edit boxes.
The software allows also the computation of the optimal pipe size diameters when the
minimum pressure head at the hydrants is not a constant. In this case, the radio button variable
is selected and, in the last column of the input file, the appropriate minimum pressure heads
(Hmin) are typed in correspondence of each hydrant (Figure 40).
62 Pipe-size calculation
Optimization program: Data Tab control
Input file: Edit network layout
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 63
Optimization program: Options Tab control
When Several flow regime is selected within the Options Tab control (Figure 41), the
final solution or the analytical solution for each flow regime may be printed on the output file
by clicking on the appropriate radio button. The name of the output file is typed in the edit box.
In this case the final solution is recommended, especially when many flow regimes are
generated and the output file might be too long.
When the option Several flow regimes is selected, only the upstream piezometric elevation
and the minimum pressure head are typed in the appropriate edit boxes in the Data Tab
control (Figure 42).
In the case of flow regimes generated directly by the program (Option: Several-random
generation in Figure 41), the name of the file where the flow regimes are stored needs to be
specified in the appropriate box (Figure 41). Also, the maximum upstream discharge and the
number of flow regimes to be generated (remember that this number must be multiple of 10) are
specified in the appropriate boxes (Figure 41).
These last two inputs are not required when the flow regimes are read from a file (Option:
Several-read from file, in Figure 43). Only the name of the file for reading the flow regimes is
specified in the appropriate edit box.
Sensitivity analysis of the ELIDM
The actual number of flow regimes in an irrigation network is large and the optimal solution
varies according to the number of flow regimes considered (see Figure 34). Consequently, a
sensitivity analysis is required to examine the variation of the optimal solution for several sets
of flow regimes.
64 Pipe-size calculation
Optimization program: Data Tab control
Optimization program: Options Tab control
Performance analysis of on-demand pressurized irrigation systems 65
Layout of the network
The ELIDM was used for the irrigation network in Figure 44. Fifty different sets of flow
regimes, corresponding to 50 l s-1, were randomly generated by the RGM (described in the
chapter 3), and used for investigating the sensitivity of the optimal solution versus the number
of flow regimes. The input file of the network is reported in the Annex 3, as well as an example
of the output file for one random flow regime.
Initially, ten random discharge configurations were generated for calculating the cost P1,10.
Subsequently, another ten random discharge configurations were generated for calculating the
cost P 1,10 , and so on for every P 1,10 up to a total of 50 sets of flow regimes. This procedure was
repeated for an increased number of configurations in each set, from 20 up to 100. Therefore, if
C is the number of configurations in each set, varying from 10, 20, ...., 100, the average cost for
each C is:
Pi, C
PC = i =1 (46)
66 Pipe-size calculation
In Figure 45, the average cost of the network and the relative confidence interval at 95% of
probability is reported for each set of discharge configurations.
Figure 45 shows that when a larger number of flow regimes is considered a more stable
solution is obtained. When the number of flow regimes increases, the designed network is able
to satisfy a larger population of possible configurations. Figure 45 also shows that when a larger
number of flow regimes is considered, the optimal solution obtained for different repetitions of
the same number of flow regimes falls within a narrower range of confidence interval. The
results indicate that a minimum of 50 discharge configurations (C = 50) is needed for
calculating the network in the example.
Cost of the network as a function of the number of configurations. The average costs and the
confidence interval concern 50 sets of discharge configurations.
215 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
The sensitivity analysis (Figure 45) shows how the cost of the network depends upon the
number of flow regimes. Thus, the need to establish criteria for selecting the most suitable
solution arises. We can define it as a Satisfactory Solution instead of an Optimal Solution.
This satisfactory solution is related to performance criteria. In the next chapter, models for the
analysis of on-demand irrigation systems and performance indicators are presented and applied.