Series 3730 Electropneumatic Positioner Type 3730-2 and Type 3730-3 With HART Communication

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Series 3730

Electropneumatic Positioner Type 3730-2 and

Type 3730-3 with HART communication

Single-acting or double-acting positioner for attachment to
pneumatic control valves. Self-calibrating, automatic adapta-
tion to valve and actuator.
Reference variable 4 to 20 mA
Travels 3.6 to 200 mm
Opening angles 24 to 100

The positioner ensures a predetermined assignment of the valve

stem position (controlled variable x) to the electric input signal Fig. 1 Type 3730,
(reference variable w). It compares the control signal received direct attachment to Type 3277
from a controller to the travel or opening angle of the control Pneumatic Actuator
valve and issues a corresponding output signal pressure (output
variable y).

Special features
Simple attachment to common linear and rotary actuators
with SAMSON direct attachment interface (Fig. 1), NAMUR
rib (Fig. 2) or control valves with rod-type yokes acc. to
IEC 60534-6-1 or rotary actuators acc. to VDI/VDE 3845 Fig. 2 Type 3730,
(Fig. 3) attachment to NAMUR rib
Any desired mounting position
Simple one-knob, menu-driven operation
LCD easy to read in any mounting position due to selectable
reading direction
Configurable with a PC over the SSP interface using the
TROVIS-VIEW software
Variable, automatic start-up with four different initialization Fig. 3 Type 3730,
modes attachment according to
Preset parameters only values deviating from the standard VDI/VDE 3845
need to be adjusted
Calibrated travel sensor without gears susceptible to wear
"Sub" initialization mode (substitution) allows the positioner
to be started up in case of emergency whilst the plant is run-
ning without the valve moving through the whole travel range
All parameters saved in EEPROM (protection against power
Two-wire system with a small electrical load between 300 Fig. 4 Type 3730,
and 410 depending on the version (see Table 1) external position sensor
Adjustable output pressure limitation with Type 3510 Micro-flow Valve
Tight-closing function can be activated
Continuous monitoring of zero point Versions
Integrated temperature sensor and operating hours counter Electropneumatic positioners with LCD, operable on site, local
Two standard configurable position alarms communication using SSP interface, EXPERT diagnostics
Self-diagnostics; alarms issued over fault alarm contact or Type 3730-2 EXPERT Positioner with diagnostic functions
optional analog position transmitter Type 3730-2 EXPERT+ Positioner with extended diagnostic
Integrated EXPERT (optionally EXPERT+) diagnostics (see functions
T 8388 EN) Type 3730-3 EXPERT Positioner with HART communica-
Certified according to IEC 61508/SIL tion, diagnostic functions

Associated Information Sheet T 8350 EN Edition May 2007

Data Sheet T 8384-2/3 EN

Type 3730-3 EXPERT+ Positioner with HART communica- down by a volume restriction. The signal pressure to the actua-
tion, extended diagnostic functions tor can be limited by software to 1.4, 2.4 or 3.7 bar.
Type 3730-3 ESD Positioner with partial stroke test function A constant air stream to the atmosphere is created by the flow
for early detection of any malfunctions of ESD valves in regulator (9) with a fixed set point. The air stream is used to
safety-related systems, communication with HART protocol, purge the inside of the case as well as to optimize the air capac-
see Data Sheet T 8388-1 EN ity booster. The i/p module (6) is supplied with a constant up-
Type 3731 Ex d Positioner Communication with HART stream pressure by the pressure regulator (8) to make it inde-
protocol See Data Sheet T 8387-3 EN pendent of the supply air pressure.

Additional options Operation

Inductive limit switch with proximity switch The positioner is operated with a user-friendly rotary
pushbutton. The parameters are selected by turning the knob,
Analog position transmitter with two-wire transmitter
pushing it activates the required settings. In the menu, all pa-
Forced venting function with solenoid valve rameters are listed in one level, meaning there is no need to
External position sensor (Fig. 4) search through submenus. All parameters can be checked and
Extended EXPERT+ diagnostics (see T 8388 EN) changed on site.
Stainless steel housing All values are displayed on the LCD. The reading direction of
the LCD can be rotated by 180 at the push of a button.
Principle of operation The closing direction of the control valve is indicated to the
The electropneumatic positioner is attached to pneumatic con- positioner by the DIP switch "Air to open/Air to close". It assigns
trol valves. It is used to assign the valve stem position (controlled the CLOSED position of the control valve to the 0 % reading.
variable x) to the input signal (reference variable w). The input The INIT key activates initialization, which is started according
signal received from a control system is compared to the travel to (pre)set parameters (autotune). After initialization has been
or opening angle of the control valve and an output signal pres- completed, the positioner immediately starts control operation.
sure (output variable y) is produced.
To configure the positioner with SAMSONs TROVIS-VIEW con-
The positioner consists of an electric travel sensor system (2), an figuration software, the positioner is equipped with an additional
analog i/p converter with a downstream booster and the elec- digital interface to be connected to the RS-232 interface of a PC.
tronics unit with microcontroller (5).
Additionally, all parameters of the Type 3730-3 Positioner can
When a deviation occurs, the actuator is pressurized or vented. be accessed using HART communication.
If required, the changes in the signal pressure can be slowed

17 FSK %
mm mm
S 15
4 5
w 14 GW1

14 GW2
w Legend
PD 1 Control valve
x 2 11 2 Travel sensor
3 3 Controller
4 A/D converter
5 Microcontroller
12 6 i/p module
7 Pneumatic booster
6 8 Pressure regulator
9 Flow regulator
10 Volume restriction
11 Inductive limit switch (optional)
8 1 12 Solenoid valve (optional)
y 13 Position transmitter (optional)
Q 10 x 14 Software limit switches
7 15 Fault alarm output
16 LCD
17 HART connection
(Type 3730-3 only)

Fig. 5 Functional diagram of Type 3730-2/-3 Positioner

2 T 8384-2/3 EN
Table 1 Technical data for Type 3730 Positioner

Common data for Type 3730-... Positioner

Travel, adjustable Direct attachment to Type 3277 Actuator: 3.6 to 30 mm
Attachment acc. to IEC 60 534-6-1: 3.6 to 200 mm
Attachment to rotary actuators: 24 to 100 opening angle
Travel range Adjustable Within the initialized travel/opening angle Can be restricted to maximally 1/5
Signal range 4 to 20 mA Two-wire device with reverse polarity protection Minimum span 4 mA
Reference Static destruction
variable w 100 mA
Minimum current 3.6 mA for display 3.8 mA for operation
Supply air Supply pressure 1.4 to 7 bar (20 to 105 psi)
Air quality acc. to Max. particle size and density: Class 4 Oil content: Class 3
ISO 8573-1 (2001) Pressure dew point: Class 3 or at least 10 K below the lowest ambient temperature to be expected
0 bar up to the capacity of the supply pressure Can be limited to 1.4 bar/2.4 bar/3.7 bar 0.2 bar
Signal pressure (output)
using software
Characteristics Adjustable Linear/equal percentage/reverse equal percentage
User-defined (over operating software and communication)
Butterfly valve, rotary plug valve and segmented ball valve: Linear/equal percentage
Deviation 1 %
Hysteresis 0.3 %
Sensitivity 0.1 %
Transit time Up to 240 s separately adjustable for exhaust and supply air via software
Direction of action Reversible
Air consumption, steady-state Independent of supply air approx. 110 ln/h
Air output Actuator pressurized At p = 6 bar: 8.5 mn3/h At p = 1.4 bar: 3.0 mn3/h KVmax (20 C) = 0.09
capacity Actuator vented At p = 6 bar: 14.0 mn3/h At p = 1.4 bar: 4.5 mn3/h KVmax (20 C) = 0.15
Permissible ambient temperature 20 to +80 C 45 to +80 C with metal cable gland
The limits in the EC Type Examination Certificate additionally apply for explosion-protected devices.
Influences Temperature 0.15 %/10 K
Supply air None
Vibrations 0.25 % up to 2000 Hz and 4 g acc. to IEC 770
Electromagnetic compatibility Complies with EN 61000-6-2, EN 61000-6-3 and NAMUR Recommendation NE 21 requirements
One M20x1.5 cable gland for 6 to 12 mm clamping range Second M20x1.5 threaded connection
Electrical connections
additionally available Screw terminals for 0.2 to 2.5 mm wire cross-sections
Degree of protection IP 66 / NEMA 4X
Probability of failure on demand of safety functions PFD < 2.8 x 107 for a confidence level of 95 %.
Use in safety-related systems in The safe failure fraction (SFF) according to Table A1 in IEC 61508-2 is greater or equal to 0.99.
compliance with IEC 61508/SIL Suitable for implementation in safety-related systems with a hardware fault tolerance of 1 or 2 up to
and including SIL 4.
Explosion protection
ATEX, IECEx, FM/CSA etc. See summary of explosion protection certificates
Binary contacts
Two software limit switches with reverse polarity protection, configurable switching behavior, default settings as according to table
Signal status Version Without explosion protection With explosion protection
No response Effectively non-conducting 1.2 mA
Response Conductive = 348 ) 2.1 mA
One fault alarm contact
Signal status Version Without explosion protection With explosion protection
No alarm Conductive = 348 ) 2.1 mA
Alarm Effectively non-conducting 1.2 mA
Operating voltage For connection to binary input of a PLC acc. to Only for connection to NAMUR switching amplifier
EN 61131, Pmax = 400 mW acc. to EN 60957-5-6
or for connection to NAMUR switching amplifier
acc. to EN 60947-5-6

3 T 8384-2/3 EN
Housing Die-cast aluminum EN AC-AlSi12 (Fe) (EN AC-44300) acc. to DIN EN 1706 Chromated and powder
paint coated Special version in stainless steel 1.4581
External parts Stainless steel 1.4571 and 1.4301
Cable gland Polyamide, black, M20 x 1.5
Weight Approx. 1.0 kg

Additional data for Type 3730-2

Load impedance Without explosion protection: 6 V With explosion protection: 7 V
(corresponds to 300 at 20 mA) (corresponds to 350 at 20 mA)
Communication (local) SAMSON SSP interface and serial interface adapter
Software requirements (SSP) TROVIS-VIEW with database module 3730-2

Additional data for Type 3730-3

Load impedance 8.2 V (corresponds to 410 at 20 mA)
Communication (local) SAMSON SSP interface and serial interface adapter
Software requirements (SSP) TROVIS-VIEW with database module 3730-3
Communication (HART) HART field communication protocol
Impedance in HART frequency range: Receiving 350 to 450 Sending approx. 115
Software Handheld communicator Device description for Type 3730-3
requirements DTM file acc. to Specification 1.2, suitable for integrating the positioner into frame applications that
support the FDT/DTM concept (e.g. PACTware); other integration options (e.g. AMS, PDM) available

Table 1a Options for Type 3730-2 and Type 3730-3 Positioners

Solenoid valve Approval acc. to IEC 61508/SIL

Input 24 V DC Reverse polarity protection Static destruction limit 40 V
U 5.6 V
Current consumption I = (corresponds to 4.5 mA at 24 V)
Signal 0 no pick-up 15 V
Signal 1 safe pick-up > 19 V
Service life > 5 x 106 switching cycles
Use in safety-related systems in
Same as positioner pneumatics
compliance with IEC 61508/SIL
Analog position transmitter Two-wire transmitter
Power supply 12 to 30 V DC Reverse polarity protection Static destruction limit 40 V
Output signal 4 to 20 mA
Direction of action Reversible
Operating range 10 to +114 %
Characteristic Linear
Hysteresis Same as positioner
High-frequency influence Same as positioner
Other influences Same as positioner
Fault alarm Issued as status current < 3.8 mA or > 20.5 mA
Inductive limit switch
SJ-2SN proximity switch For connection to switching amplifier acc. to EN 60947-5-6.
Can be used in combination with a software limit switch.
External position sensor
Travel Same as Type 3730 Positioner
Cable 10 m Flexible and durable With M12x1 connector Flame-retardant acc. to VDE 0472
Resistant to oils, lubricants and coolants as well as other aggressive media
Permissible ambient temperature 60 to +105 C The limits in the EC Type Examination Certificate additionally apply for
explosion-protected devices.
Immunity to vibration Up to 10 g in the range of 5 to 2000 Hz
Degree of protection IP 67

4 T 8384-2/3 EN
Summary of explosion protection certificates
Type of approval Certificate number Date Type of protection/Comments
Type 3730-2 Positioner
EC Type Examination Certificate PTB 00 ATEX 2158 2001-03-01 II 2 G EEx ia IIC T6
First Addendum 2002-03-01 Position transmitter
Second Addendum 2004-02-16 II 2 D IP 65 T 80 C, Zone 21 dust, device index .01
Statement of Conformity PTB 03 ATEX 2016 X 2003-03-07 II 3 G EEx nA II T6; Zone 2; Type 3730-28
First Addendum 2005-05-03 II 3 G EEx nL IIC T6; II 3 D IP 54/IP 65 T 80 C
IECEx IECEx PTB 05.0007 2005-02-21 Ex ia IIC T6/T5/T4; IP 54 and IP 65 T 80 C; Type 3730-21.9...
GOST approval PPC 00-19324 2006-01-18 1 Ex ia IIC T6 X, valid until 2009-01-18; Type 3730-21
FM approval ID 3012394 2002-10-30 Intrinsically safe, Class I, II, III; Div. 1, Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G;
Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T6;
Non-incendive, Class I, Div. 2, Group A, B, C, D; NEMA Type 4;
Type 3730-23
Revision 2004-02-04 Div. 2 Gr. F and G
CSA approval 1330129 2003-03-17 Ex ia IIC T6, Cl. I, Zone 0;
Intrinsically safe, Class I, Group A, B, C, D;
Class II, Group E, F, G;
Non-incendive, Class I, Div. 2, Group A, B, C, D;
Type 4 Enclosure; Type 3730-23
Revision to 1330129 1500997 2004-03-05 Class II, Div. 2, Group E, F, G
JIS approval C16679 2003-11-25 Ex ia IIC T6; Type 3730-27
SIL 4 acc. to IEC 61508 V 60 2004 T1 2004-07-05 Test report by TV Rheinland, valid until July 2009
Type 3730-3 Positioner
EC Type Examination Certificate PTB 02 ATEX 2174 2002-11-15 II 2 G EEx ia IIC T6; without position transmitter
First Addendum 2003-06-18 Forced fail-safe venting function
Second Addendum 2004-02-16 II 2 D IP 65 T 80 C, Zone 21 dust, model index .01
IECEx IECEx PTB 05.0008 2005-02-21 Ex ia IIC T6/T5/T4; IP 54 and IP 65 T 80 C; Type 3730-31.9...
GOST approval POCC DE. 04.B00267 2005-01-24 0 Ex ia IIC T6 X; 2 Ex nA II T6 X;
C3-409/05 DIP A21 Ta 80 C; IP 65; valid until 2008-01-24; Type 3730-31
NEPSI approval GYJ04133 2004-02-27 Ex ia IIC T4...T6; valid until 2007-02-27; Type 3730-31
GYJ04134 and Ex nA II T4...T6; Ex nL IIC T4...T6
GYJ04135 Valid until 2007-02-27; Type 3730-38
Statement of Conformity PTB 03 ATEX 2180 X 2003-09-30 II 3 G EEx nA II T6; Zone 2; Type 3730-38
First Addendum 2005-04-26 II 3 G EEx nL IIC T6; II 3 D IP 65 T 80 C; Zone 22
EC Type Examination Certificate PTB 03 ATEX 2211 X 2003-10-22 II 2 G EEx d ia IIC T6;
Type 3730-39 with Type 3770-1 Field Barrier
FM approval 3018702 2004-02-02 Intrinsically safe; Class I, II, III; Div. 1, Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G;
Model index 01 and higher Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T6; NEMA Type 4
Non incendive, Class I; Div. 2, Group A, B, C, D;
Class II, Div. 2, Group F, G; Type 3730-33
CSA approval 1508990 2004-03-05 Ex ia IIC T6; Cl. I, Zone 0
Model index 01 and higher Intrinsically safe, Class I, Group A, B, C, D; Type 4 Enclosure
Class II, Gr. E, F, G;
Non-incendive, Class I, Div. 2, Group A, B, C, D
Class II, Div. 2, Gr. E, F, G; Type 3730-33
SIL 4 acc. to IEC 61508 V 60 2004 T1 2004-07-05 Test report by TV Rheinland, valid until July 2009

The test certificates are included in the mounting and operating instructions or are available on request.
Refer to Data Sheet T 8379 EN for EEx d certificates for the Type 3770 Field Barrier.

Positioner attachment
The Type 3730 Electropneumatic Positioner can be attached external piping. Using the appropriate bracket, the positioner
directly to the Type 3277 Actuator over a connection block. In can also be attached according to IEC 60534-6-1 (NAMUR
actuators with fail-safe action Actuator stem extends and recommendation). The positioner can be mounted on any side
Type 3277-5 Actuator (120 cm), the signal pressure is routed of the control valve.
over an internal bore in the actuator yoke to the actuator. In A pair of universal brackets is used for the attachment to
actuators with fail-safe action Actuator stem retracts and in Type 3278 Rotary Actuators or other rotary actuators
actuators with effective diaphragm areas of 240 cm or larger, according to VDI/VDE 3845. The rotary motion of the actuator
the signal pressure is routed to the actuator over ready-made is transferred to the positioner over a coupling wheel.

5 T 8384-2/3 EN
Dimensions in mm

Direct attachment
M 20x1.5

40 28

Output (38) Supply (9)


Pressure gauge bracket or connecting plate

G or NPT
Attachment acc. to
IEC 60534 and NAMUR
S = 17 mm
M = 50 mm
L = 100 mm
XL = 200 mm




Output A1
Attachment to rotary actuators 50 Supply (9)

A1 Z

Connecting plate A2

G or NPT


Reversing amplifier
80 Output A2

Connecting plate


6 T 8384-2/3 EN
Dimensions in mm

External position sensor

28 70

Article code
Positioner Type 3730- x x x x x x 0 0 x 0 x 0 0 x x x x
Version with LCD and autotune, 4 to 20 mA reference variable, 2
two software limit switches, one fault alarm contact
Version with LCD and autotune, HART communication, 4 to 20 mA, 3
two software limit switches, one fault alarm contact
Explosion protection
Without 0
II 2 G EEx ia IIC T6 and
II 2 D IP 65 T 80 C acc. to ATEX 1
CSA/FM intrinsically safe/non-incendive 3
II 3 G EEx nA/nL II T6 and II 3 D IP 65 T 80 C 8
Additional equipment
Inductive limit switch
Without 0
Type SJ2-SN 1
Solenoid valve
Without 0
With, 24 V DC 4
Position transmitter
Without 0
With 1
External position sensor
Without 0
With 0 1 0
EXPERT (standard) 1
EXPERT+ (extended) 2
Housing material
Aluminum (standard) 0
Stainless steel 1.4581 0 1
Special application
Without 0
Device free of any substances that might impair paint adhesion 1
Exhaust air connection with -18 NPT thread 2
Special version
None 0 0 0

7 T 8384-2/3 EN
Ordering text
Type 3730-x... Positioner
Without pneumatic connecting rail (only for direct attachment
to Type 3277 Actuator)
With pneumatic connecting rail ISO 228/1-G
With pneumatic connecting rail -18 NPT
Without/with pressure gauge up to max. 6 bar
Additional cover plate with list of parameters and operating
instructions in English/Spanish or English/French (standard
version in German/English)
Attachment to Type 3277 Actuator (120 to 700 cm)
Attachment according to IEC 60534-6-1 (NAMUR)
Travel: ... mm; if applicable, stem diameter: ... mm
Attachment to Type 3278 Rotary Actuator (160/320 cm)
Attachment to rotary actuators acc. to VDI/VDE 3845
Pneumatic reversing amplifier for double-acting actuators
with connection acc. to ISO 228/1 - G or -18 NPT
Adapter M20 x 1.5 to NPT
Metal cable gland
Special version with CrNiMo steel housing

Specifications subject to change without notice.


Weismllerstrae 3 60314 Frankfurt am Main Germany

Phone: +49 69 4009-0 Fax. +49 069 4009-1507

Internet: T 8384-2/3 EN

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