Ruc Cape vs. Rap Cape John M. Brown - NOAA/ESRL/GSD 13 April 2012

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13 April 2012

The motivation for this is an email from Geoff Manikin (NCEP/EMC) concerning this subject
resulting from a conversation he had with Bill Bua (COMET).

RUC CAPE is higher than RAP CAPE for large CAPE situations (with same
temperature/moisture profile).
RUC CAPE calculation used moist static energy formulation, different from the now-
NCEP-consistent Unipost calculation with a more traditional CAPE calculation.
RUC CAPE did not use virtual temperature for its CAPE calculation, but RAP CAPE (via
Unipost) does.

When high values of moisture exist, the CAPE calculations become very sensitive to the mixing
ratio of the lifted parcel (nonlinearity of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation) and the assumptions
made in the calculations (particularly, the form of the first law of thermodynamics, and, less
importantly, the form of the Clausius-Clapeyron equation for saturation vapor pressure of water
as function of the temperature). The NMM (and prior, Eta) and RUC differ in these assumptions,
with the RUC's assumptions tending to favor larger CAPE when dew points are high.

Detailed explanation

The RUC CAPE is based on conservation of moist static energy in parcels during ascent. This
implies a more approximate form of the first law of thermodynamics than is used in the Unipost
calculation, which I believe is based on conservation of e during parcel ascent, where the
formulation of e follows Bolton (1980, Mon. Wea. Rev.).

Starting with a simplified form of the first law (already simplified from Bolton), in which the air is
assumed dry except for latent-heat release,

!" !" !!! (!,!)

- (1/)
= - Lv
, rv rs

= 0, otherwise,

where cpd is specific heat of dry air at constant pressure and assumed constant, Lv, the latent
heat of condensation, also assumed constant (i.e., not a function of temperature), is air density
(ignoring condensate and virtual temperature effects), rv is mixing ratio of water vapor, rs is the
saturation (wrt liquid water) mixing ratio, and D/Dt represents the total derivative following an air
parcel. With these assumptions,

! !!" !!!! !! ! !"

= ! !" . (2)

Next comes the approximation I believe to be the most problematic for the RUC CAPE
calculation: that the pressure change on the RHS of (2) following an air parcel can be described
using the hydrostatic relation:

!" !"
= !"
, (3)

! !!
!" + + ! ! = 0 = !" , where = !" + + ! ! , the moist static energy
as it is most commonly defined. Of course, ! = ! (, ) in a water-saturated parcel lifted
above its lifted condensation level.

The assumption (3) is that the pressure following the air parcel varies as if the parcel is in
hydrostatic balance at its particular density. But, this assumption conflicts with the fundamental
assumption made in parcel ascent, that the pressure on the parcel is the same as the pressure in
the environment, assumed to be in hydrostatic balance at (in general) a different density. So, (3)
must be considered an approximation, and the error resulting from this approximation is
proportional to the density difference. In particular, one can see that if of the parcel is less
(greater) than of the environment, then a given decrease in pressure will correspond to a larger
(smaller) increase in z than is actually the case if the pressure in environment and parcel are the

The approximation (3) does not appear explicitly in the calculations, so that the actual buoyancy
calculation doesn't know anything about this explicitly, being based strictly on the starting h of the
parcel and the comparison of this h to the h of the environment, assuming water saturation for
both. In the buoyancy calculation, the geopotential height is assumed the same in both parcel
and environment. This means that in a situation with large positive buoyancy, the larger h
resulting from (3) is pushed into the !" and ! ! (, ) terms, resulting in inflation
to the positive buoyancy.

The Unipost calculation of CAPE, which is used by the RAP, does not require (3), and also uses
virtual temperature instead of non-virtual temperature. On both counts it should be more
accurate. Frequently, particularly when buoyancy is modest and there is a rapid falloff of mixing
ratio with height in the environment, the RAP CAPE for the same parcel and environment will be
larger than the RUC CAPE. However, I doubt we will see as many extreme CAPE values (say >
6000 J/kg) in RAP as we have seen in RUC in the past.

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