5-3 Solving Trigonometric Equations PDF
5-3 Solving Trigonometric Equations PDF
5-3 Solving Trigonometric Equations PDF
interval ( , ), are found by adding integer this interval are , , , and . Solutions on
multiples of 2.Therefore, the general form of the
the interval ( , ), are found by adding integer
solutions is +2n, +2n, . multiples of 2.Therefore, the general form of the
solutions is + 2n, + 2n, + 2n, +
2.5=sec2 x + 3 2n, .
SOLUTION: 4.4 tan x 7 = 3 tan x 6
The period of secant is 2, so you only need to find The period of tangent is , so you only need to find
solutions on the interval . The solutions on solutions on the interval . The only solution on
this interval are , , , and . Solutions on the this interval is . Solutions on the interval ( , ),
interval ( , ), are found by adding integer
multiples of 2.Therefore, the general form of the are found by adding integer multiples of .
solutions is + 2n, + 2n, + 2n, + Therefore, the general form of the solutions is +
2n, . n, .
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero interval are and . Solutions on the intervalPage
( 1
The period of cosine is 2, so you only need to find , ), are found by adding integer multiples of .
solutions on the interval . The solutions on
are found by adding integer multiples of . interval ( , ), are found by adding integer
Therefore, the general form of the solutions is + multiples of 2.Therefore, the general form of the
5-3 Solving Trigonometric Equations solutions is + 2n, + 2n, .
n, .
The period of cotangent is , so you only need to find on this interval are and . Solutions on the
solutions on the interval . The solutions on this
interval ( , ), are found by adding integer
interval are and . Solutions on the interval ( multiples of 2.Therefore, the general form of the
The period of tangent is , so you only need to find The period of cotangent is , so you only need to find
solutions on the interval . The solutions on this solutions on the interval . The only solution on
interval are and . Solutions on the interval ( this interval is . Solutions on the interval ( , ),
, ), are found by adding integer multiples of . are found by adding integer multiples of .
Therefore, the general form of the solutions is + Therefore, the general form of the solutions is +
n, .
n, + n, .
12.7 cos x = 5 cos x +
10.9 + sin2 x = 10
this Manual
eSolutions interval- Powered
is . Solutions
by Cogneroon the interval ( , ), Page 3
On the interval [0, 2), when x = and
are found by adding integer multiples of .
interval ( , ), are found by adding integer The equation cos x = 2 has no real solutions since
multiples of 2.Therefore, the general form of the the maximum value the cosine function can obtain is
5-3 solutions
Solvingis Trigonometric Equations 1. On the interval [0, 2), the equation has
+ 2n, + 2n, .
solutions 0 and .
Find all solutions of each equation on [0, 2 ). 15.4 cot x = cot x sin2 x
4 2
13.sin x + 2 sin x 3 = 0
solutionsof and .
The equation cos x = 2 has no real solutions since
the maximum value the cosine function can obtain is
1. On the interval [0, 2), the equation has 17.cos3 x + cos2 x cos x = 1
solutions 0 and .
15.4 cot x = cot x sin2 x
solutionsof and .
If the distance to the net is 50 feet, then the angle
19.TENNIS A tennis ball leaves a racquet and heads wouldbe19.9or70.1.
toward a net 40 feet away. The height of the net is
the same height as the initial height of the tennis ball. 20.SKIING In the Olympics aerial skiing competition,
skiers speed down a slope that launches them into
the air, as shown. The maximum height a skier can
reach is given by h peak = ,whereg is
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 5
b. The skiers initial speed was 11.67 meters per
5-3 If the distance
Solving to the net is 50 feet,
Trigonometric then the angle
Equations The time it took the skier to reach the maximum
wouldbe19.9or70.1. height was about 1.0 seconds.
20.SKIING In the Olympics aerial skiing competition, Find all solutions of each equation on the
skiers speed down a slope that launches them into interval [0, 2 ).
the air, as shown. The maximum height a skier can 21.1 = cot 2 x + csc x
reach is given by h peak = ,whereg is SOLUTION:
the acceleration due to gravity or 9.8 meters per
second squared.
a. If a skier obtains a height of 5 meters above the
end of the ramp, what was the skiers initial speed?
b. Use your answer from part a to determine how
long it took the skier to reach the maximum height if
tpeak = .
The skiers initial speed was 11.67 meters per 22.sec x = tan x + 1
The time it took the skier to reach the maximum
height was about 1.0 seconds.
is an extraneous solution. Therefore, on the
interval [0, 2) the only solution is 0.
Therefore, on the interval [0, 2) the solutions are 0,
23.tan 2 x = 1 sec x
, and .
24.csc x + cot x = 1
eSolutions Manual - on the interval
Powered [0,
by Cognero 2) the solutions are 0, Page 7
, and .
Therefore, on the interval [0, 2) the solutions are 0, x= isanextraneoussolution.Therefore, on the
5-3 Solving
, and Trigonometric
. Equations interval [0, 2) the only solution is .
x= isanextraneoussolution.Therefore, on the
interval [0, 2) the only solution is .
26.cos x 4 = sin x 4
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 8
Therefore, on the interval [0, 2) the solutions are Therefore, on the interval [0, 2) the only valid
5-3 Solving
, Trigonometric
, and . Equations solutions are and .
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 9
are On the interval , there are no real values of x
for which , but for
5-3 Solving Trigonometric Equations
29.sec2 x 1 + tan x tan x =
eSolutions Manual - Powered by Cognero Page 10
interval [0, 2) at and .
Therefore, on the interval [0, 2) the solutions are Therefore, the components will be equivalent when
5-3 Solving
, , Trigonometric
and . Equations .
30.sec2 x tan2 x + 3 sec2 x 2 tan2 x = 3 Find all solutions of each equation on the
interval [0, 2 ).
32. + cos x = 2
35.cot x cos x + 1 = +
On the interval , the only solution is when x =
38.x2 = 2 cos x + x
Manual - Powered Solve each
by Cognero Page 12
Therefore, the temperature on January 31 is about The maximum value is 75 when x6.Therefore,
61.3. the maximum average monthly temperature is 75
May, June, and July. Therefore, the average
temperature was higher than 70 for three months. On the interval [0, 2) cos x = 0 when x = andx
5-3 c. Use the maximum
Solving feature under
Trigonometric the CALC
Equations = .
menu to find the maximum value of the function on
[0, 12].
The maximum value is 75 when x6.Therefore,
the maximum average monthly temperature is 75 SOLUTION:
during the month of June. Let y = 0 and solve for x.
41. On the interval [0, 2) sin x = 0 when x = 0 and x =
Let y = 0 and solve for x.
On the interval [0, 2) cos x = 0 when x = andx SOLUTION:
Let y = 0 and solve for x.
= .
On the interval [0, 2) cot x = 1 when x = andx
= .
Let y = 0 and solve for x.
On the interval [0, 4) the solutions are , ,
On the interval [0, 2) cot x = 1 when x = andx
Let y = 0 and solve for x. On the interval [0, 4) the solutions are , ,
, , , and .
= 1 when x = andx = .
, and .
48.sec x + 5 = 2 sec x + 3
46.2 sin2 x + 1 = 3 sin x
5-3 Solving
, , Trigonometric
, , , and Equations
. On the graphing calculator, find the intersection of
Y1 = 18sin and Y2 = 14.
48.sec x + 5 = 2 sec x + 3
Using a graphing calculator, find the intersection of
a. The length s of isgivenbys = r(2 ) where 0 Y1 = 2.88 and Y2 = sin .
. When s = 18 and AB = 14, the radius is r
= . Use a graphing calculator to find the
measure of 2 in radians.
b. The area of the shaded region is given by A =
The graphs intersect at about 0.524 or andabout
The zeros of y = 2 cos x are about 0.785 or
2.618 or . The graph of y = 1 is above the other andabout5.498or . The graph of y = 0 is
graph when x < and when x > . Therefore, 1 belowtheothergraphwhen0x < or <x <
> 2 sin x on 0 x< or <x < 2. 2.
Therefore, 0 < 2 cos x on0x < or <
Graph y = 2 cos x on [0, 2). Use the zero
feature under the CALC menu to determine on SOLUTION:
what interval(s) 0 < 2 cos x .
Graph y = and y = on [0, 2). Use
Graph y = and y = on [0, 2). Use Graph y = and y = tan x cot x on [0, 2).
the intersect feature under the CALC menu to Use the intersect feature under the CALC menu to
determine on what interval(s) tanx cot
determine on what interval(s) .
The graphs intersect at about 3.142 or . The graph
of y = tan x cot x is at or below the other graph
when0x < 2.
Therefore, tanx cot xon0x < 2.
The graphs intersect at about 1.047 or andabout
54.cos x
2.094 or . The graph of y = is below the
othergraphwhen SOLUTION:
x .
Graph y = cos x and y = on [0, 2). Use the
Therefore, on x . intersect feature under the CALC menu to
The zeros of sinx 1 are about 0.785 or and
b. If the angle of incidence is doubled to 80 , will b. Find the angle of refraction for one of the
the resulting angles of refraction be twice as large as mediums using an angle of incidence of 80 .
those found in part a? glass:
a. glass:
On [0, 2) tan x = 1 when x = andx = and
57.ERROR ANALYSIS Vijay and Alicia are solving CHALLENGESolve each equation on the
2 interval [0, 2].
tan x tan x + = tanx. Vijay thinks that
58.16 sin5 x + 2 sin x = 12 sin3 x
the solutions are x = +n , x = +n , x =
+n , and x = +n . Alicia thinks that the
59.4 cos2 x 4 sin2 x cos2 x + 3 sin2 x = 3 60.REASONING Are the solutions of csc x = and
SOLUTION: cot x + 1 = 2 equivalent? If so, verify your answer
algebraically. If not, explain your reasoning.
On [0, 2 ) sin x = 1 when x = , sin x=1 when
. So, the solutions of csc x = andcot x + 1
= 2 are not equivalent.
Sample answer: When sin x = 0, x = 0 and x = .
eSolutions solutions to cscbyxCognero
- Powered = are and . Using When sin x = ,x= andx = Page 22
. So, one
a Pythagorean identity, cot x + 1 = 2 simplifies to
2 equation that has solutions of 0, , , and is
two additional solutions when csc x = : and 2
and is = 0 or cos x
. So, the solutions of csc x = andcot x + 1
5-3 Solving Trigonometric Equations
=0. This can be rewritten as 4 cos x = 3.
= 2 are not equivalent.
OPEN ENDED Write a trigonometric equation 63.Writing in Math Explain the difference in the
that has each of the following solutions. techniques that are used when solving equations and
verifying identities.
When solving an equation, you use properties of
equality to manipulate each side of the equation to
isolate a variable. For example:
Sample answer: When sin x = 0, x = 0 and x = .
can be rewritten as 2 sin x = sinx. Verify = .
=0. This can be rewritten as 4 cos x = 3.
When solving an equation, you use properties of
2 2
5-3 Solving Trigonometric Equations = cos + sin Reciprocal Identities
Verify each identity. Find the value of each expression using the
given information.
64. = 67.tan ; sin = , tan >0
Use the Pythagorean Identity that involves sin .
65. =
66. + =1
2 2 68.csc ,cos = , csc <0
= cos + sin Reciprocal Identities
Find the value of each expression using the
Use the Pythagorean Identity that involves cos .
given information.
67.tan ; sin = , tan >0
Use the Pythagorean Identity that involves sin .
Given f (x) = 2x 2 5x + 3 and g(x) = 6x + 4, find 74.BUSINESS A small business owner must hire
each of the following. seasonal workers as the need arises. The following
71.(f g)(x) list shows the number of employees hired monthly
for a 5-month period.
73. (x)
74.BUSINESS A small business owner must hire
seasonal workers as the need arises. The following B
list shows the number of employees hired monthly
for a 5-month period.
75.SAT/ACT For all positive values of m and n, if 77.Which of the following is not a solution of 0 = sin
=2,thenx = +cos tan ?
C 2
Try choice A.
Try choice B.
The correct answer is D.
C 2 F
5-3 Solving Trigonometric Equations
The correct answer is D.
Choice F: No
Choice G: No
Choice H: Yes
Choice J: No
The correct answer is H.