2710 Tests On Sludges : 1. General Discussion
2710 Tests On Sludges : 1. General Discussion
2710 Tests On Sludges : 1. General Discussion
2710 A. Introduction
This section presents a series of tests uniquely applicable to for solids separation and concentration and for assessing opera-
sludges or slurries. The test data are useful in designing facilities tional behavior, especially of the activated sludge process.
TESTS ON SLUDGES (2710)/Settled Sludge Volume
Calculate specific oxygen consumption rate in milligrams per 5. Precision and Bias
gram per hour as follows:
Bias is not applicable. The precision for this test has not been
Specific oxygen consumption rate, (mg/g)/h determined.
oxygen consumption
rate, (mg/L)/min 60 min 6. Bibliography
volatile suspended solids, g/L h
UMBREIT, W.W., R.H. BURRIS & J.F. STAUFFER. 1964. Manometric Tech-
niques. Burgess Publishing Co., Minneapolis, Minn.
1. General Discussion
2. Apparatus
3. Procedure Figure 2710:1. Schematic diagram of settling vessel for settled sludge
volume test.
Place 1.0 L sample in settling column and distribute solids by ture, sampling and agitation methods, dimensions of settling
covering the top and inverting cylinder three times. Insert stirring column and stirring rods, stirring speed, and time between sam-
rods, activate stirring mechanism, start the stopwatch, and let pling and start of the determination.
suspension settle. Continue stirring throughout test. Maintain
suspension temperature during test at that in the basin from 4. Precision and Bias
which the sample was taken.
Bias is not applicable. The precision for this test has not been
Determine volume occupied by suspension at measured time
intervals, e.g., 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, and 60 min.
Report settled sludge volume of the suspension in milliliters 5. Reference
for an indicated time interval.
Test results are applicable to a particular test site and are 1. DICK, R.I. & P.A. VESILIND. 1969. The SVIWhat is It? J. Water
significantly affected by variables such as suspension tempera- Pollut. Control Fed. 41:1285.
TESTS ON SLUDGES (2710)/Zone Settling Rate
2. Procedure 1. DICK, R.I. & P.A. VESILIND. 1969. The SVIWhat is it? J. Water
Pollut. Control Fed. 41:1285.
2. FINCH, J. & H. IVES. 1950. Settleability indexes for activated sludge.
Determine the suspended solids concentration of a well-mixed
Sewage Ind. Wastes 22:833.
sample of the suspension (See Section 2540D).
Determine the 30 min settled sludge volume (See Section
2710C). 6. Bibliography
DONALDSON, W. 1932. Some notes on the operation of sewage treatment
3. Calculations works. Sewage Works J. 4:48.
MOHLMAN, F.W. 1934. The sludge index. Sewage Works J. 6:119.
settled sludge volume (mL/L) 1000 RUDOLFS, W. & I.O. LACY. 1934. Settling and compacting of activated
suspended solids (mg/L) sludge. Sewage Works J. 6:647.
TESTS ON SLUDGES (2710)/Specific Gravity
Bias is not applicable. The precision for this test has not been
6. References
7. Bibliography
1. General Discussion or container. Weigh and record mass, Q. Measure all masses to
nearest 10 mg.
The specific gravity of a sludge is the ratio of the masses of
equal volumes of a sludge and distilled water. It is determined by 4. Calculation
comparing the mass of a known volume of a homogeneous
sludge sample at a specific temperature to the mass of the same Use a or b, matching choice of procedure above.
volume of distilled water at 4C. a. Calculate specific gravity, SG, from the formula
weight of sample SW
2. Apparatus SG T/4C F
weight of equal volume R W
of water at 4C
Container: A marked flask or bottle to hold a known sludge
volume during weighing. The values of the temperature correction factor F are given in
Table 2710:I.
3. Procedure
Follow either a or b.
a. Record sample temperature, T. Weigh empty container and Temperature Temperature Correction
record weight, W. Fill empty container to mark with sample, C Factor
weigh, and record weight, S. Fill empty container to mark with 15 0.9991
water, weigh, and record weight, R. Measure all masses to the 20 0.9982
nearest 10 mg. 25 0.9975
b. If sample does not flow readily, add as much of it to 30 0.9957
container as possible without exerting pressure, record volume, 35 0.9941
weigh, and record mass, P. Fill container to mark with distilled 40 0.9922
water, taking care that air bubbles are not trapped in the sludge 45 0.9903
TESTS ON SLUDGES (2710)/Capillary Suction Time
b. Calculate specific gravity, SG, from the formula For values of F, see Table 2710:I.
weight of sample (P W)
weight of equal volume (R W) (Q P)
of water at 4C
1. General Discussion
2. Apparatus
TESTS ON SLUDGES (2710)/Time-to-Filter
tions, subtract times for distilled water blanks from sample times average standard deviation of 1.0 s with means between 5 and
to improve comparisons. 80 s. Method bias cannot be determined.
Record CST model used, paper type, sludge type, sludge
temperature, and capillary suction time. Measure solids concen-
tration and CST of distilled water using the same paper to 5. Bibliography
provide useful information.
BASKERVILLE, R.C. & R.S. GALE. 1968. A simple automatic instrument
4. Precision and Bias for determining the filtrability of sewage sludges. J. Inst. Water
Pollut. Control 67:233.
KAVANAGH, B.A. 1980. The dewatering of activated sludge: measure-
Ten tests conducted on an anaerobically digested pulp mill
ments of specific resistance to filtration and capillary suction time.
sludge resulted in a mean CST of 363.2 s with a standard Water Pollut. Control 79:388.
deviation of 36.2 s. Twenty tests using an anaerobically digested VESILIND, P.A. 1988. Capillary suction time as a fundamental measure of
municipal wastewater sludge gave a mean of 85.2 s with a sludge dewaterability. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 60:215.
standard deviation of 14.12 s. Triplicate analyses of 30 sample TILLER, F.M., Y.L. SHEN & A. ADIN. 1990. Capillary suction theory for
sets of conditioned and unconditioned alum sludge resulted in an rectangular cells. Res. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 62:130.
2710 H. Time-to-Filter
1. General Discussion
The time to filter (TTF) correlates with capillary suction time (CST)
and is similar to the specific resistance to filtration if sludge solids
content and filtrate viscosity do not vary among compared samples.
The test requires approximately 200 mL sludge and can be used to
assist in the daily operation of sludge dewatering processes or to
evaluate sludge-conditioning polymers and dosages.
Testing with a smaller volume is possible in applications to
evaluate water drainage rate subsequent to jar tests and settleable
solids determination (see Section 2540F). In this case, drain col-
lected sludge from one or more Imhoff cones after decanting as
much supernatant as possible; use a small-volume TTF apparatus.
The test consists of placing a sludge sample in a Buchner funnel with
a paper support filter, applying vacuum, and measuring the time re-
quired for 100 mL filtrate (or, for reduced sample volumes, 50% of
original sample) to collect. While similar to the specific resistance to
filtration test, the time-to-filter test is superior because of its ease of use
and simplicity.
2. Apparatus
a. Time-to-filter large-volume or small-volume (Figure Figure 2710:4. TTF equipment. Large-volume equipment requires a 9-cm-
2710:4) assembly. diam Buchner funnel and a 250-mL graduated cylinder.
b. Filter paper* Small-volume equipment requires a 2.5-cm-diam funnel and
c. Stopwatch. a 10-mL cylinder.
3. Procedure
graduated cylinder. This is the time to filter. Make a minimum
Place paper filter in funnel and make a firm seal by pre- of three replicate determinations.
wetting with a small volume of water with vacuum on. If For the small-volume test, use 7 to 10 mL sludge. Record time
using large-volume apparatus, take a 200-mL sample of required for 50% of sample to collect in graduated cylinder.
sludge. With vacuum pump providing a constant vacuum of Compare this time to filter only to other results using the same
51 kPa, pour sample into funnel. Start stopwatch or timer and sample volume.
determine time required for 100 mL of sample to collect in Sludge suspended solids concentration has a significant
effect on test results. In evaluating sludge-conditioning prod-
ucts, compare results for which initial suspended solids con-
* Whatman No. 1 or 2 or equivalent. centrations are comparable. Make a rough correction for
TESTS ON SLUDGES (2710)/Modified Settled Sludge Volume
different solids contents by dividing the time-to-filter value sets of conditioned and unconditioned alum sludge resulted in a method
by its corresponding solids concentration. However, varia- precision of 9 s (approximately 6% of the average value) for the
tions in solids concentration occur in full-scale applications, small-volume TTF test. Method bias, which refers to the agreement
and the time-to-filter results may be interpreted as indicating between the value determined by the test method and the real value,
the overall rate of water release from sludges, including the cannot be determined.
effect of differing solids concentrations.
5. Bibliography
4. Precision and Bias
KNOCKE, W.R. & D.L. WAKELAND. 1983. Fundamental characteristics of
Variations in vacuum pressure, support filter type, sludge tempera- water treatment plant sludges. J. Amer. Water Works Assoc. 113:516.
ture, and sample volume can affect test results. Triplicate analyses of 18 DENTEL, S.K., T.A. BOBER, P.V. SHETTY & J.R. RESTA. 1986. Procedures
sample sets of conditioned and unconditioned alum sludge resulted in Manual for Selection of Coagulant, Filtration, and Sludge Condi-
an average method precision of 19 s (approximately 4% of the average tioning Aids in Water Treatment. Publ. 90515, American Water
value) for the large-volume TTF test. Triplicate analyses of 9 sample Works Assoc., Denver, Colo.
1. General Discussion
2. Apparatus
TESTS ON SLUDGES (2710)/Modified Settled Sludge Volume