Results Press Release For December 31, 2016 (Result)
Results Press Release For December 31, 2016 (Result)
Results Press Release For December 31, 2016 (Result)
W 8eu
& Exporters; ERWSfeel
Manufacturers (Black & Galvanised)
CIN : 127201 DL1974PLC007114
Regd. Office
No. 7, 1st Ftoor, Surya Niketan, Vikas Marg, New Delhi.110092 Ph. : 01143656667,43656668 Fax:
AN ISO 9001 :2008 CO.
E-maii :,, Website :
February 1,0,20L7
Thanking you,
Encl.:As above.
Works : B-21, 8-25/1, Slte A/o. 4lndustrialArea, Sahibabad (U.P.) Ph. :0120-4569788
Rama Steel Tubes Ltd.
(Black & Galvanised)
Manufacturers & Exporters: ERWSteel Tubes
CIN : L27201 DL1974PLC007114
BnuN Regd. Office
AN ISO 900't : 2008 CO. No. 7, 1st Floor, Surya Niketan, Vikas Marg, New Delhi-110092 Ph. : 011-43656667,43656668 Fax:01143656699
E-mail :,, Website
Media Release
Mumbai, February LO,2OL7: Rama Steel Tubes Limited (BSE: 539309, NSE: RAMASTEEL), a leading
player in the manufacturing of ERW pipes, announced its un-audited results for the quarter and
nine months ended December 31.,20'J,6.
Management Comme_nls
"This quarter we hove delivered strong growth ocross all product segments, despite being briefly
impacted by demonetization. Our operoting efficiency combined with fovoroble raw moterial
conditions hove benefited us a lot. Our continuous efforts to control the working capitol requirement
contributed to the improved performonce of the Compony.
Works : B-21, 8-25/1, Slfe Atc. 4lndustrialArea, Sahibabad (U.P.) Ph. :0120-4569788
We are happy to stqte that we ore well on trock with our strotegic plan of copocity expansion ond
increosing our geogrophicol presence. This expansion will enable us to coter to o wider range of
customers by increasing the ovoiloble SKUs significantly. Going forword, we continue to look ot
opportunities by exploring the high demond morkets of South lndio.
We plan to increose our copocity olong with increasing the number of our dealers ond distributor
network, driving the growth of our Compony. We also plon to venture into value odded products like
Pre-Golvonized Tubes. With lncrease in our copocity utilizotions ond foroying into volue odded
products will bring in improved morgins."
Q3 FY17 Hiehliehts: -
Revenue stood at Rs. 55.78 crore in Q3 FY17, as'against Rs. 47.48 crore in the corresponding
previous period
EBITDA stood at Rs. 5.01 crore in Q3 FY17 as against Rs. 4.L7 crore in the corresponding
previous period and grew by 44%YoY
Profit After Tax stood at Rs. 2.53 crore in q3 FY17 as against Rs. L.63 crore in Q3 FY16, YoY
growth of 6L%
PAT margin at3.94o/o, an improvement of 50 basis points YoY
9M FY17 Hishliehts: -
Revenue stood at Rs. 191.17 crore in 9M FY17, as against Rs. 162.61 crore in the corresponding
EBITDA stood at Rs. 15.60 crore in 9M FY17 as against Rs. 1-0.28 crore in the corresponding
previous period and grew by 51% YoY
a EBITDA margin at8.68%o, an improvement of 236 basis points YoY
a Profit After Tax stood at Rs. 7.85 crore in 9M FYl-7 as against Rs. 3.73 crore in 9M FY16, YoY
growth of LIL%
lncorporoted in 7974, Roma Steel Tubes is o pioneer in the steel tubes industry and well established
strong brond known for its high quality omongst customers. The Company has two stote
manufocturing facitities in sohibobod ond Khopoli with
o totol instotled capocity of 1'32'000 MT'
wide product suite, with presence in key sectors
Romo, under its strong brond of 'TTT Roma' ffirs o
infrostructure, reol estote ond furniture
and cotering to diverse oppticotions in sectori-of outomobile,
currently contribute to -15% of revenues
amongst others. The company has robust exports, which
ond spreod offoss 76 countries.