Humana Dental Brochure

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New York
NY Preventive Plus

About your plan

Good health starts with a healthy mouth. Regular dental exams and cleanings can lower the risk of gum disease, which
is linked to heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other serious conditions.
The HumanaOne Dental Preventive Plus plan is designed for people who believe in the importance of regular dental
exams and cleanings. With no office visit copayments, the plan offers affordable coverage for preventive and basic
services like routine cleanings and exams, fillings, and extractions. The plan also provides discounts on major services
like root canals, crowns, and other services when you choose one of the more than 200,000 dentist locations in the
HumanaOne Dental Preventive Plus network. You can visit to find a participating specialist.
Who can enroll for this plan Anyone can enroll for this plan.
Date the plan starts Your start date will be the first of the month following the day you enrolled.

How your plan works

Calendar year deductible Individual Family

This is the amount you will pay out-of-pocket for basic $50 $150
services in a calendar year (excludes discount services)
Annual maximum $1,000 per individual on the plan
This is the maximum amount that the plan will pay in a
calendar year (excludes discount services)

Coinsurance options In-network coverage Out-of-network coverage

Preventive services (no waiting period)
Routine oral examinations (limit two per year)
Periodontal examinations (limit two per year)
Bitewing X-rays
(limit one set per year, excludes full mouth and panoramic) 100% no deductible 70% after deductible
Cleanings (limit two per year)
Topical fluoride treatment
(limit one per year, age 14 and under)
(limit of one per tooth per lifetime, age 14 and under)

Basic services (six-month waiting period applies)

Emergency care for pain relief
Extractions and root removal
(limit two per year, composite covered on front teeth only1) 50% after deductible 50% after deductible
Space maintainers
(age 14 and under, initial placement only)
Oral surgery
Prefabricated stainless steel crowns

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HumanaOne Dental Preventive Plus
Discount services (no waiting periods)
Major services You may receive a discount on these non-covered
Crowns services. You may contact your participating
Bridgework provider to determine if any discounts are available
Dentures including repair and adjustments on non-covered services. Out-of-pocket expenses
Periodontics such as periodontic cleanings and gum do not apply to deductible and annual maximum.
therapies Members are responsible for 100% of the
Endodontics (root canals) discounted service.

Orthodontia services
Adult and child orthodontia
Average cost for Your average discounted Your average
Examples: service: cost: savings:
Porcelain crowns fused to noble metal $877 $667 $210
Root canal (molar) $923 $765 $158
Periodontal cleanings $110 $86 $24
Dentures $1,190 $808 $382
Partial dentures $1,215 $902 $313

Examples only. These are the average costs the patient will pay per procedure with an in-network provider and are
based on averages across Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix, and Pittsburgh. Actual costs and savings may vary by
provider, geographic area, and service received. Keep in mind there are limitations and exclusions to the discount
available under this policy. For example, general anesthesia, implants, and/or cosmetic dentistry are not discounted
services. Please refer to your policy for more information on the limitations and exclusions that may apply.

Out-of-network dentists can bill you for charges above the amount covered by your HumanaOne Dental plan. To ensure
you do not receive additional charges, visit a dentist in the HumanaOne Dental Preventive Plus Network. Waiting periods
and other limitations may apply; please see your policy for coverage details.
1. Composite (white) fillings are only covered on anterior (front) teeth. An alternate benefit is allowed for composite
fillings on posterior (back) teeth where the plan will cover the cost of an amalgam (silver) filling and the member is
responsible for any cost over the covered amount.
2. Network providers are not required to offer non-covered services at a discounted rate. HumanaOne Dental encourages
all providers to extend discounts, but can not legally require. Examples of services listed may have lower than average
discounts. Check with in-network provider for details.

Important to know:

This plan requires a one-time, non-refundable application fee.

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Dental limitations and exclusions
This is an outline of the limitations and exclusions for the plan listed 3. Cosmetic dentistry, except that cosmetic dentistry shall not
above. It is designed for convenient reference. Consult the policy for include reconstructive surgery when such service is incidental
a complete list of limitations and exclusions: to or follows surgery resulting from trauma, infection or other
1. Treatment provided in a government hospital; benefits diseases of the involved part, and reconstructive surgery
provided under Medicare or other governmental program because of congenital disease or anomaly of a covered
(except Medicaid), and state or Federal workers compensation dependent child which has resulted in a functional defect.
or occupational disease act or law; benefits to the extent However, if the policy provides hospital, surgical or medical
provided for any loss or portion thereof for which mandatory expense coverage, including a policy issued by a health
automobile no-fault benefits are recovered or recoverable; maintenance organization, then coverage and determinations
services rendered and separately billed by employees of with respect to cosmetic surgery must be provided pursuant to
hospitals, laboratories or other institutions; services performed Part 56 of this Title (Regulation 183);
by a member of the covered persons immediate family; and 4. Any service that:
services for which no charge is normally made; A. Is not a dental necessity;
2. Any loss caused or contributed by: B. Does not offer a favorable prognosis; or
war or act of war, (whether declared or not); participation C. Does not have uniform professional endorsement;
in a felony, riot or insurrection; service in the Armed Forces 5. Service while you are outside the United States, its possessions
or units auxiliary thereto; or the countries of Canada and Mexico;
suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted 6. Any expense incurred to which a contributing cause was your
injury; and commission of or attempt to commit a felony or to which
aviation, other than as a fare-paying passenger on a a contributing cause was your being engaged in an illegal
scheduled or chartered flight operated by a scheduled occupation; or
airline; 7. Any expenses incurred in consequence of your being
intoxicated or under the influence of any narcotic unless
administered on the advice of a physician.

Insured by Humana Insurance Company of New York

Applications are subject to approval. Waiting periods, limitations and exclusions apply.
This document contains a general summary of benefits, exclusions and limitations. Please refer to the policy for
the actual terms and conditions that apply. In the event there are discrepancies with the information given in this
document, the terms and conditions of the policy will govern.
Policy number: HUMD-IP.002-NY PRV 6/10

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Multi-Language Interpreter Services
English: ATTENTION: If you do not speak English, language assistance services, free of charge, are
available to you. Call the number on your ID card (TTY: 711).
Espaol (Spanish): ATENCIN: si habla espaol, tiene a su disposicin servicios gratuitos de asistencia
lingstica. Llame al nmero que figura en su tarjeta de identificacin (TTY: 711).
(Chinese): TTY711

Ting Vit (Vietnamese): CH : Nu bn ni Ting Vit, c cc dch v h tr ngn ng min ph dnh

cho bn. Gi s in thoi ghi trn th ID ca qu v (TTY:711).
(Korean): : , . ID
(TTY: 711).

Tagalog (Tagalog Filipino): PAUNAWA: Kung nagsasalita ka ng Tagalog, maaari kang gumamit ng mga
serbisyo ng tulong sa wika nang walang bayad. Tawagan ang numero na nasa iyong ID card (TTY: 711).
(Russian): : ,
. , - (: 711).
Kreyl Ayisyen (French Creole): ATANSYON: Si w pale Kreyl Ayisyen, gen svis dpou lang ki disponib
gratis pou ou. Rele nimewo ki sou kat idantite manm ou (TTY: 711).
Franais (French): ATTENTION : Si vous parlez franais, des services daide linguistique vous sont
proposs gratuitement. Appelez le numro figurant sur votre carte de membre (ATS : 711).
Polski (Polish): UWAGA: Jeeli mwisz po polsku, moesz skorzysta z bezpatnej pomocy jzykowej.
Prosz zadzwoni pod numer podany na karcie identyfikacyjnej (TTY: 711).
Portugus (Portuguese): ATENO: Se fala portugus, encontram-se disponveis servios lingusticos,
grtis. Ligue para o nmero presente em seu carto de identificao (TTY: 711).
Italiano (Italian): ATTENZIONE: In caso la lingua parlata sia litaliano, sono disponibili servizi di
assistenza linguistica gratuiti. Chiamare il numero che appare sulla tessera identificativa (TTY:711).
Deutsch (German): ACHTUNG: Wenn Sie Deutsch sprechen, stehen Ihnen kostenlos sprachliche
Hilfsdienstleistungen zur Verfgung. Whlen Sie die Nummer, die sich auf Ihrer Versicherungskarte
befindet (TTY: 711).
(Japanese): ID

( Farsi):
. :
.(TTY: 711)

( Arabic):
. :
.(711 : (

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