Humana Dental Brochure
Humana Dental Brochure
Humana Dental Brochure
New York
NY Preventive Plus
Orthodontia services
Adult and child orthodontia
Average cost for Your average discounted Your average
Examples: service: cost: savings:
Porcelain crowns fused to noble metal $877 $667 $210
Root canal (molar) $923 $765 $158
Periodontal cleanings $110 $86 $24
Dentures $1,190 $808 $382
Partial dentures $1,215 $902 $313
Examples only. These are the average costs the patient will pay per procedure with an in-network provider and are
based on averages across Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Phoenix, and Pittsburgh. Actual costs and savings may vary by
provider, geographic area, and service received. Keep in mind there are limitations and exclusions to the discount
available under this policy. For example, general anesthesia, implants, and/or cosmetic dentistry are not discounted
services. Please refer to your policy for more information on the limitations and exclusions that may apply.
Out-of-network dentists can bill you for charges above the amount covered by your HumanaOne Dental plan. To ensure
you do not receive additional charges, visit a dentist in the HumanaOne Dental Preventive Plus Network. Waiting periods
and other limitations may apply; please see your policy for coverage details.
1. Composite (white) fillings are only covered on anterior (front) teeth. An alternate benefit is allowed for composite
fillings on posterior (back) teeth where the plan will cover the cost of an amalgam (silver) filling and the member is
responsible for any cost over the covered amount.
2. Network providers are not required to offer non-covered services at a discounted rate. HumanaOne Dental encourages
all providers to extend discounts, but can not legally require. Examples of services listed may have lower than average
discounts. Check with in-network provider for details.
Important to know:
Tagalog (Tagalog Filipino): PAUNAWA: Kung nagsasalita ka ng Tagalog, maaari kang gumamit ng mga
serbisyo ng tulong sa wika nang walang bayad. Tawagan ang numero na nasa iyong ID card (TTY: 711).
(Russian): : ,
. , - (: 711).
Kreyl Ayisyen (French Creole): ATANSYON: Si w pale Kreyl Ayisyen, gen svis dpou lang ki disponib
gratis pou ou. Rele nimewo ki sou kat idantite manm ou (TTY: 711).
Franais (French): ATTENTION : Si vous parlez franais, des services daide linguistique vous sont
proposs gratuitement. Appelez le numro figurant sur votre carte de membre (ATS : 711).
Polski (Polish): UWAGA: Jeeli mwisz po polsku, moesz skorzysta z bezpatnej pomocy jzykowej.
Prosz zadzwoni pod numer podany na karcie identyfikacyjnej (TTY: 711).
Portugus (Portuguese): ATENO: Se fala portugus, encontram-se disponveis servios lingusticos,
grtis. Ligue para o nmero presente em seu carto de identificao (TTY: 711).
Italiano (Italian): ATTENZIONE: In caso la lingua parlata sia litaliano, sono disponibili servizi di
assistenza linguistica gratuiti. Chiamare il numero che appare sulla tessera identificativa (TTY:711).
Deutsch (German): ACHTUNG: Wenn Sie Deutsch sprechen, stehen Ihnen kostenlos sprachliche
Hilfsdienstleistungen zur Verfgung. Whlen Sie die Nummer, die sich auf Ihrer Versicherungskarte
befindet (TTY: 711).
(Japanese): ID
( Farsi):
. :
.(TTY: 711)
( Arabic):
. :
.(711 : (