WWI Rules Roundup
WWI Rules Roundup
WWI Rules Roundup
CONTEMPTIBLE LITTLE ARMIES A very simple set supported by army lists. Non-
HLBS Publishing specific about scales, but ideal for small scale
www.hlbs.co.uk gaming, forty or fifty figures a side. Has a very
bloody firing and combat system and uses
random movement distances and could be
Price *** considered as a fast play set. Some aspects of
Production ** the rules might need agreement on interpretation.
WWI Rules Roundup:Layout 1 4/9/09 12:41 Page 2
World War I
Too Fat Lardies
1914 - 1918
www.toofatlardies.co.uk Price ***
Production **
Price **
Production *** Small unit action set of rules, ideal
for trench raiding with up to 20
Mud and Blood is Richard Clarkes best set figures a side or for larger actions
to date. They are quick to pick up, with with around 100 figures a side, the
some neat quirky bits and some clever little basic unit being up to 10 figures.
mechanics. Works well with four or five 10 This is a flexible system that allows
man units a side, but can cope with larger you to slowly build up your armies.
actions too. These are my personal
favourite and I use them for ECW3 all the
time. If The Lord Spares Us has familiar
mechanisms and are designed actions in the
Middle East, bring on Lawrence of Arabia.
These are a little board game like, abstract in many ways, but Another skirmish set by Chris Peers,
quick and exciting. Once you get to grips with the attack and designed for section or platoon
defence values, you will soon realise that certain weapons level gaming. They are fast and furious, and can be used for any of the
and troop types are useless in particular circumstances. You WWI theaters. A little more free-form in design, no army lists as such,
might find the concept of playing the game on a surface the emphasis being on game play and fun rather than ponderous
which is effectively a series of boxes a little odd. mechanics. Quite a step up in production terms for one of Chriss sets.
The war saw the first aerial combat and some of the largest fleet actions for
many years. These are also reasonably well served by sets of rules; the
following is a limited selection of the best. Although Ive written a book on
Jutland, to be honest naval warfare leaves me a bit cold, but writing one
about the Gotha bomber offensive certainly tempted me to try dogfights.
Price *** Aerial wargaming baffles me, but you cant ignore the time and
Production ** effort that has gone into this system. Beautifully produced, superbly
supported and no painting either. Has many of the characteristics of
These are available as a download from www.wargamevault.com. a collectible card system, lots of supplements and play aids. It is fun
Quick and easy to learn the basics, there is an expansion set to to play and oddly addictive. The ready painted aircraft are little
cover the Russo-Japanese war. masterpieces and rule books and play aids are sumptuous.