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Statistical analysis for JCU HR

Name: Wenxuan Chen

Student Number: 13356913 1

Who it is for Brett Vance

Table of Contents
YTable of Conte
Introduction........................................................................................................... 4
Background........................................................................................................ 4
Aims................................................................................................................... 4
Scope.................................................................................................................. 4
JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY....................................................................................... 4
The analyses in work place of whole campuses.................................................4
Data analysis for each campuses.......................................................................8
Environmental awareness.................................................................................... 10
Conclusion........................................................................................................... 13
Recommendations............................................................................................... 13
References........................................................................................................... 14
Appendix.............................................................................................................. 15
The sheet 1: Gender balance for each campuses.............................................15
Sheet 2: Classes limit of salary.........................................................................17
Sheet 3Gender relation between length of service and level of education. . .17
Sheet 4: Share of mode of transport...............................................................18
Sheet 5: Histograms of gender and salary.......................................................20

This report studies the causes of the James Cook University (JCU) and demonstrates the
application of the data analysis in the management of school.

The Vice Chancellor (VC) of the JCU attempt to create an equal working environment for the
JCU workforce. Meanwhile, she wants to improve the staffs environmental awareness which
will make the university became an environmentally sound work place. Therefore, the VC
requires the professionally objective report to analysis the data set containing all the staffs

This report will assist the Vice Chancellor to make an inform planning for the future human
resource management, for the more find out significant information form the staff data.

This report includes quantitative and qualitative data relating to the details of 100 elements
from four different campuses. The data contain several details of staffs information, such as,
gender, age, academic division, and education, and salary, length of employment,
employment type, job role, and mode of transport to work.

The analyses of the environment of JCU

Overview of the whole university

To create a gender neutral work place, as the manager have to understand several main types
of discrimination of workplace, for these kind discrimination not only generate more job
dissatisfaction, but also they can infringe the legitimate rights and interests of employees
seriously. According to the Human Rights Commission, staffs rights could be infringed by
several reasons that contain age, parental and carer status, sex. Therefore, these phenomenon
of different campuses will be analysed and then consider whether there are any kind
discrimination in each campuses.

In the first place, the whole circumstance of the JCU should be analysed. Besides, the
relationship of salary , age range, gender length of service and level of education have to
be analysed. And then the elements reasonability have to be demonstrated with the
Coefficient of Variation (CV), for the CV is used to measure the dispersion of data points in a
data series around the mean (Investopedia, 2016).

In the first step, the data of salary and age need to be classified as either categorical or
quantitative. As the data of salary and age are the specifically quantitative, they will be
basically analysed with interval or ratio scales. And then the Excel can support different
results about the data. In the below two charts have shown the regarding results.

Furthermore, to indicate how large the standard deviation (SD) is relative to the mean, the
coefficient of variation (CV) has to be calculated with the formula in the below chart.

(N Calculators,

It should be considered that there are any outliers in the data of salary and age. In order to
demonstrate existence of outlier, the theory of box plot has to be used. Due to, Q1= first
quartile and Q3= third quartile (David, Dennis, Thomas, Statistics for Business & Economics,
2012), Q1 is 66 and Q3 is 141. And then, IQR=Q3-Q1=141-66=75. Thus, the lower limit are
66 -1.5*75= -46.5 and upper limit are 141 +1.5*75= 253.5. Obviously, all the data of salary
have been contained in the limited for there are not any data outside the limit. By the same
way, the ages Q1= 35.50, Q3=57.5. Then, IQR=57.5-35.5=22. Thus, the limits of age are
35.5-1.5*22= 2.5 and57.5+1.5*22= 90.5. For this reason, all the data of the age are inside the
limit. In wards, in the whole university there are not any extremely older and younger
employees, besides there also are not anyone got pretty higher and lower payment. This
means that the university does not giving any staff specially treatment which could help to
prevent the occurrence of pay compression (Stone, 2013).

Although the school did not give special treatment, whether all age level staff have enjoined
equity wages in the school. For this, a scatter diagram will be used to prove whether there are
any kind relationships between age and salary, for scatter diagram usually is recognised as a
graphical way to find out the relationship between two quantitative variables (David, ital.;
2012). By using the Excel, a mode of scatter plot about salary and age can be created in the
below chart. The scatter diagram shows no apparent relationship between salary and age. In
wards, the staffs payment will never be affected by their age. Which means the university
treats the older and younger works with equity principle that is significant attraction for all
age applicants, especially for older workers. Furthermore, this situation could help the school
to create more advantage for comparing with younger employees the older staffs usually are
more patient and reliable. In addition to, they are greater able to deal with complex problems
(Long, S, 2000).
The other point needs to take into consideration is that whether the gender will affect the
recruitment? But, the sex is the typical example of nominal variables for nominal variables
does not imply any continuum or sequence of categories.

The Excel is able to graphically represent the percentage of gender in the below graph.

Firstly, we can use the formula of limits= x 3S=np3*(np(1-p)) to demonstrate the

collected data is not outlier. For the n = 100, p=52%, thus, limits=100*52%3*100*52% (1-
52%), the value of limits are 67% and 37%. Therefore, 52% is not over the limits and the
gender balance is 50%, which means the overview gender ratio of the JCU represented an
outstanding performance. This means the universitys gender policies of recruitment are quiet
well to help the HR keep the gender balance. The main reason is that a recent survey shows
that there are 35% firms are unwilling to hire women for they believe that female workers
cannot totally focuses on their job when they have baby (DAngelo Fisher, L, 2011).
Increasingly, most large enterprises attempt to keep a better gender balance with extra gender
policies. For instance, Woolworths has set up a target to ensure female staffs can account to
34% executive positions (AHRI Web Poll, 2014). Obviously, JCU has the ability to maintain
a good gender balance, which means their gender policies could be advanced.

Although, from the overall data, the JCU gave a great performance, different campuses have
unique situation, therefore the following step is that to find out the sex could affect the staffs
Data analysis for each campuses
The first point regarding these campuses is that the gender balance in the salary, length of
service and level of education should be researched. The data of salary belong to quantitative
variable so a frequency distribution will be used to summarise the data. Then Sturges Rules
formula (1 + 3.3 log n) will be used to determine the number of classes. After that, width of
the classes needs to be calculated for developing a frequency distribution of each class.

Because there are 100 elements and the minimum value is 41, thus the number of classes=1 +

3.3 log100=7.644 8 . Then, the maximum is 170, thus class width= 17. By

using the Excel with the formula introduced before the salary char in Sheet 2 can be

When the salary classes have been created, we can collect gender frequency with the salary
classes in each campus. The following tables show the situation of each campus regarding to
gender and salary.
Then, the data from the above the chart can be used to create histogram for displaying the
shape of the gender distribution in salary classes. These histograms have been shown in Sheet
5. Most data skewed to the right or life, and different gender the situation present different
skewed level. This means that the gender pay gap has occurred in the universitys
remuneration structure. There are several reasons could cause this kind situation. The first
possible reason is that there are some gender biases in the job evaluation system. For
instance, the payment system rewards a wage for mens work as more than womens
work (Stone, 2014). Furthermore, the glass ceiling could make staffs hardly possess a
promotion opportunities (Stone 2014). Which will make the staffs feel so depression that
their fellow and employers may be unwilling to work with them (Stone, 2014, p548).

The other points could occur the issue of gender balance are about the level of education and
length of service. The data have been summarised in the Sheet 3. According to the data has
been shown most staffs in JCU working over 3 years. And most staffs have got the master
degree, which enable the university to keep a high educational level.

Environmental awareness
The other point VC want to take into consideration is that personal behaviours of staff that
show environmental awareness. Therefore, the data of mode of transport have been
summarized with the charts across the all the JCU and campus by campus in Sheet 4. There a
Green Transportation Hierarchy to help identify the green transport modes (Conserve-energy-
future, 2016). It looks like below:
Evidently, personal vehicles are not good for the environment by comparing with the public
transport, bicycle and foot. Basing on the result of the Sheet 4, p of the car is 61% and n is

100, limit= x 3 S=n p 3 n p(1 p) = 100*61% 10061 (161 ) , thus, the

limits are 76% and 46%. A notable fact about this phenomenon is that 61% staffs not have
strong environmental awareness. Apparently, In Singapore, there are no other choices but car

for p of the car is 100% and n is 20, thus, S= n p (1 p) = 20100 (1100 ) = 0.

However, the result is so abnormal that the extra data had to be taken into account. According
to the result form Passenger Transport Mode Shares in World Cities (LTA, Academy, 2011).
The phenomenon of Singapores transportation looks like this:

By comparing with the real situation, we can fully aware that there an error in the sample. As
our sample data not correctly present the real situation of transportation in Singapore.

In Townsville, p of the car = 87%, n=37, the limits= x 3 S=n p 3 n p(1 p) =

37*87% 3 3787 (187 ) , thus, the limits are 38 and 26, besides, the value of the

car is not an outlier. This means that there 87% staffs prefer using the car as main
transportation. Besides, the data of bike and foot is zero. Therefore, the extra data have to be
collected. According the result of Queensland research (Department of Transport and Main
Roads, Household Travel in Townsville, August 2012) about the primary mode for the trip,
look like below chart:

Comparing results of the real situation, we can find that our sample statistic only present the
similar situation of the vehicle. However, the sample not presents the situation of public
transport, cycle and walk.

In this report, data analyses have been used to help the Vice Chancellor to understand the main
characteristic about remuneration, retention and employment level. And we have found out some
problem about the HR remuneration system about gender balance, the lack of environmental
awareness and errors in survey. Then support three suggestions for the HR to solve the problems.

According to the above analysis and findings, there are several recommendations for the
future working and developing of HR department.

Firstly, there are several sampling errors occurred in the data of survey research of transport
mode. In the future, therefore, the HR department should attempt to make a new investigation
for collecting more useful and correct data. Besides, this time, they can try to use a stratified
random sample to reduce sample errors (Coloss, 2016).

Secondly, The HR department have to realise that there are gander pay gap occurred in the
university, so the HR department have to set up a fair payment system for variety employees.
The school can use the Seniority-based pay to keep a long-term relationship (Stone, 2013).
But this method will affect employees motivation for working; the school should build up an
extra remuneration system for encouraging staff to be full of enterprise and initiative. In this
system the individual employees can earn extra income with their contribution (Stone, 2013).
For the team, the school can use an at-risk remuneration to reward any group that manage to
achievement of specific performance targets.

The final thing has to be considered is that staffs environmental awareness has been
improved. The employees behaviour has connected with the firm brand building (Daniel
Wentzel, 2009), which means the individual staffs behaviour will affect the whole image of
the university. HR has to consider that the future development of university is basing on the
brand power. Therefore, the HR department handle out the lack of environment awareness
among staffs.

David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney Thomas A. Williams, Jeffrey D. Camm Jaes J. Cochran,
Ronald M. Weiers, BU1007 Business Data Analysis and Interpretation 1 st Edition, Annabel
Dawson, 2014, p 217.
Raymond J. Stone, Managing human resources 4th ed. Wiley, 2013, p229-234.
Investopedia, 2016
Humanrightscommission, Types of discrimination Workplace, 2016
Slichter, Science.Halley Hosting ,
Ready Ratios, 2016
N Calculators, 2016
Conserve-Energy-Future, 2016
David R. Anderson (Author), Dennis J. Sweeney (Author), Thomas A. Williams (Author),
Jeffrey D. Camm (Author), James J. Cochran (Author). Statistics for Business & Economics
(with XLSTAT Printed Access Card) 13th Edition, 2013, p334-p555.
LTA Academy ,Passenger Transport Mode Shares in World Cities November,2011.
The State of Queensland, Household travel in Townsville, August 2012.
The State of Queensland, Household Travel in Cairns (Department of Transport and Main
Roads), 2015.
AHRI Wb Poll reported in Breaking the bias, HR Monthly, September, p.7
The sheet 1: Gender balance for each campuses

sum of male; 31%

sum of female; 69%


sum of male; 48%

sum of female; 52%


sum of female; 30%

sum of male; 70%


sum of male; 54%

sum of female; 46%
Sheet 2: Classes limit of salary

Sheet 3Gender situation in Length of Service and Level of

(A: 3 years; B: > 3 years and 6 years, C > 6 years and 10 years, D > 10 years.)

Sheet 4: Share of mode of transport

The whole of University





Sheet 5: Histograms of gender and salary


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