B W Glossary
B W Glossary
B W Glossary
Attributes (Master Data Attributes): Are not stored in an InfoCube. They are joined to
the master data.
Free Characteristic: Characteristics not displayed on the initial report, but are
available to be included in the report. Free Characteristics have drill-down
Conditions: By defining a condition, you have the option of analyzing the query results
in more detail. You can analyze combinations of characteristics using ranked lists,
thereby displaying your ten best/worst vendors by sales.
Exceptions: The functions in exception reporting enable you to select and highlight
unusual deviations of key figure values in a query.
Filter: A filter has a limiting effect on the data selected. When defining the filter, you
select characteristic values from one or more characteristics or from a key figure. All of
the InfoProvider data is aggregated using the filter selection of the query.
Example: A hierarchy for fund centers that are combined in fund center groups.
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Hierarchies can be loaded into the BW system or created in the BW system for
hierarchy basic characteristics. They can be used across InfoProviders.
InfoObject: Business evaluation objects (for example, customers or sales) are called
InfoObjects in BW.
InfoObjects are subdivided into characteristics, key figures, units, time characteristics,
and technical characteristics (such as request numbers).
There are two types of InfoProviders. One type includes objects that contain physical
data. These are known as data targets, such as InfoCubes, ODS objects, and
InfoObjects (characteristics with attributes, texts, or hierarchies). The other type
includes objects that display no physical data storage, such as InfoSets, RemoteCubes,
SAP RemoteCubes, and MultiProviders.
InfoSet: A semantic view of ODS objects and InfoObjects (characteristics with master
data) that allows you to create reports on these objects, particularly on the joins
between these objects.
Key Figures: Type of InfoObject. Numeric fields; like number of items on hand,
account credit amount & account debit amount.
Restricted Key Figures: You can restrict the key figures of an InfoProvider for
reuse by selecting one or more characteristics. The key figures that are
restricted by one or more characteristic selections can be basic key figures,
calculated key figures or key figures that are already restricted.
Master Data: Static data (data that rarely changes) describing characteristics.
Example: An employees master data can be Birthdate, Home Address, Home Phone,
Social Security Number, and Ethnicity.
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MultiProvider: Type of InfoProvider that combines data from several InfoProviders and
makes it available for reporting.
The MultiProvider itself contains no data; its data comes exclusively from the
InfoProviders on which it is based (collated using a join-union operation). You can
assemble a MultiProvider from different combinations of InfoProviders.
ODS: Operational Data Store is an object that stores consolidated and cleansed
transaction data on a document level
Report to Report Interface: The report-report interface allows you the flexibility to call
a jump target (receiver) online from a BW query (sender) within or outside of the
Business Information Warehouse. Jump targets that have been assigned to a BW
query can be selected in BEx Web applications and in the BEx Analyzer. You access
them from the context menu under the Goto function.
Local Structures: Structures that have not been saved as reusable that can only
be used in one query.
Reusable Structures: A structure that has been saved as reusable can be used
in several queries for the same InfoProvider.
Some of the Glossary definitions have been taken from the SAP Library
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