Formica Laminate Product Data Sheet en

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Product Data Sheet


This information describes the composition of Formica Laminates and gives advice for their handling, processing, use and
disposal. It covers all Formica Laminate grades as described in EN 438. Formica Laminates are not classified as hazardous
substances and therefore they do not require a special marking nor a description by a safety data sheet.


1. Description

2. Storage and Transportation

3. Handling and Machining of Formica Laminate

4. Environmental and Health Aspects in Use

5. Maintenance

6. Formica Laminate in Fire Situations

7. Energy Recovery

8 Waste Disposal

9 Technical Data

Product Data Sheet

1. Description

The materials referred to are high pressure decorative laminates (Formica Laminate) according to the
European Standard EN 438 and to ISO 4586.

Formica Laminates are sheets consisting of layers of cellulose fibrous material (normally paper) impregnated
with thermosetting resins and bonded together in a high pressure process. The process, defined as a
simultaneous application of heat ( 120C) and high specific pressure ( 5 MPa), provides flowing and
subsequent curing of the thermosetting resins to obtain a homogeneous non-porous material ( 1,35 g/cm)
with the required surface finish.

Basically more than 60% of Formica Laminate consists of paper and the remaining 30 to 40% consists of
cured phenol-formaldehyde resin for core layers and melamine-formaldehyde resin for the surface layer.

Both resins belonging to the group of thermosetting resins are irreversibly interreacted through cross
linked chemical bonds formed during the curing process producing a non-reactive, stable material with
characteristics which are totally different from those of its component parts.

Formica Laminates are supplied in sheet form in a variety of sizes, thicknesses and surface finishes.

Where improved fire retardance is required, the laminate core may be treated with an additive which does not
contain halogens.

2. Storage and Transportation

Storage and transportation should be carried out in accordance with the published Formica Technical and
Fabrication Information; no special precautions need to be taken.

For transportation, Formica Laminates are classified as a non-hazardous product; no labelling is required.

3. Handling and Machining of Formica Laminate

The usual safety requirements of fabrication and machining should be observed with regard to dust extraction,
dust collection, and fire precautions.

Because of the possibility of sharp edges protective gloves should always be worn when handling laminates.

Contact with dust from Formica Laminates does not present any special problems, however a small
percentage of personnel may be sensitive or even allergic to machining dust in general.

4. Environmental and Health Aspects in Use

Formica decorative laminates are cured and therefore chemically inert. Formica Laminate formaldehyde
emission level is far below the limit for wood based materials. Due to their very low permeability Formica
Laminates bonded to wood based substrates act as a barrier against possible formaldehyde emissions
coming from the substrates.

There is no migration affecting food and, consequently, Formica Laminates are approved for contact with

The decorative surfaces are resistant to common household solvents and chemicals and have therefore been
used for many years in applications where cleanliness and hygiene are important.

The non-porous Formica Laminate surface and edges are easy to disinfect with hot water, steam and
common types of disinfectants used in hospitals and other commercial facilities.

Formica Laminate is an article and not a chemical substance and therefore REACh does not apply.

Nevertheless it is important to ensure an information exchange with the raw material suppliers on REACh
relevant substance properties.

5. Maintenance

As Formica Laminates do not suffer from corrosion and oxidation, they do not need any further surface
protection (lacquers or paints).

6. Formica Laminate in Fire Situations

Formica Laminates are difficult to ignite and have properties that retard spread of flame, thus prolonging
evacuating time.

Due to incomplete burning, as with many organic materials, hazardous substances are to be found in the
smoke. However, Formica Laminates are capable of meeting the best performance for organic surfacing
materials specified in the French standard NFF 16101 (= at least class F2 for smoke density and toxicity).

In dealing with fires involving laminates the same firefighting techniques should be employed as with other
wood based building materials.

7. Energy Recovery

On account of their high calorific value (18 - 20 MJ/kg)*1 Formica Laminates are ideal for thermal recycling.
When burnt completely at 700C, Formica Laminates produce water, carbon dioxide and oxides of
nitrogen. Therefore Formica Laminates comply e.g. with paragraph 6 of the economic law of circular flow

Well controlled burning processes are achieved in modern, officially approved industrial incinerators. Ashes of
this process can be brought to controlled waste disposal sites.

8. Waste Disposal

Formica Laminate can be brought to controlled waste disposal sites according to current national and/or
regional regulations.

9. Technical Data

9.1. Physical/chemical characteristics

9.1.1. Physical state Solid sheets

9.1.2. Density 1,35 g/cm3

For comparison: Calorific value of fuel oil: 39 - 42 MJ/kg, of hard coal: 28 - 31 MJ/kg

Product Data Sheet

9.1.3. Solubility Insoluble in water, oil, methanol, diethyl ether,

n-octanol, acetone

9.1.4. Boiling point None

9.1.5. Evaporation rate None

9.1.6. Melting point Formica Laminates do not melt

9.1.7. Calorific value 18 - 20 MJ/kg

9.1.8. Heavy Metals Formica Laminates do not contain toxic compounds of

antimony, Heavy metals, barium cadmium, chromiumIII,
chromiumVI, lead, mercury, selenium.

9.2. Stability and reactivity data

9.2.1. Stability Formica Laminates are stable; they are not considered
to be reactive or corrosive.

9.2.2. Hazardous reactions None

9.2.3.Material incompatibility Strong acids or alkaline solutions will stain the surface

9.3. Fire and explosion data

9.3.1. Ignition temperature Approx. 400C

9.3.2. Flash point None

9.3.3. Thermal decomposition Possible above 250C. Depending on the burning

conditions (temperature, amount of oxygen, etc.) toxic
gases may be emitted, e. g. carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide, ammonia.

Formica Laminates are classified safe when tested

according to NF F 16 101

9.3.4. Smoke and Toxicity Formica Laminates are classified F2 when tested
according to NF F 16 101.

9.3.5. Flammability Formica Laminates are not considered to be

flammable. They will burn only in a fire situation, in
presence of open flames.

9.3.6. Extinguishing media Formica Laminates are considered as class A material.

Carbon dioxide, water spray, dry chemical foam can
be used to extinguish flames. Water dampens and
prevents rekindling. Persons in fire situations should
wear self breathing apparatus and fire protective clothing.

9.3.7. Explosion hazards The machining, sawing, sanding and routing of

Formica Laminates produce class ST-1 dust. Safety
precautions and adequate ventilation must be
observed to avoid airborne dust concentration.

9.3.8. Explosion limits Dust levels should be kept below 60 mg/m3

9.3.9. Protection against explosion and fire In the case of fire Formica Laminates shall be treated
as wood based materials.

9.4. Electrostatic behaviour It minimizes the generation of charge by contact-

separation or rubbing with another material. It does not
need to be earthed. Surface resistivity is between 109
1012 ohms and a chargeability of V 2 kV according
to CEI IEC 61340-4-1 so that Formica Laminates are
considered as antistatic material.

9.5. Storage and transport Formica Laminates are classified as non-hazardous

for transportation purposes and there are no specific

9.6. Machining Use gloves to protect from sharp edges and safety
glasses to prevent eye injuries. No special working
equipment is necessary, except protections to minimi-
ze dust exposure in case of sheet machining.

9.7. Disposal considerations Waste material should be handled according to local

regulations. Burning is permitted in approved industrial

9.8. Health information Formica Laminates are not considered to be dange-

rous for humans and animals. There is no evidence of
Formica Laminates toxicological effects and eco-
toxicity. Formica Laminate surfaces are physiologically
safe and approved for use in contact with foodstuffs
according to EN 1186.

9.8.1. Working areas General dust regulations are applicable.

9.8.2. Formaldehyde emission < 0.4 mg/h m2 (tested according to EN 717-2)

< 0.05 ppm (tested according to EN 717-1
(WKI chamber method)

9.8.3. Pentachlorophenol Formica Laminates do not contain PCP


Product Data Sheet

For further information please contact:

UK, Ireland & Central Europe

Technical Manager, Formica Group, Coast Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE29 8RE. Tel:+44 (0)191 259 3100.

Northern Europe (Scandinavia, Finland, Poland, Russia and the Baltics)

Technical Manager, Formica Group, Iki Oy, 35990 Kolho, Finland. Tel:+ 358 (0)3 5800 200.

Southern Europe & France

Technical Manager, Formica Group, C/Txomin Egileor, 54, 48960 Galdako (Bizkaia), Bilbao, Spain.
Tel: +34 944 579 600. e-mail:

Technical Manager, Formica Group, Apartado de Correos, 1.632, 46080, Valencia, Spain. Tel: +34 961 262 800.

This data sheet is designed to give you important information about Formica Laminates and the fact that Formica
Laminates comply with EN438:2005. The statement as to industry standard compliance is accurate and whilst
we make reasonable efforts to ensure that the other statements in this data sheet are accurate, this cannot be
guaranteed and no condition or warranty to this effect shall be implied.

The goods will be provided in accordance with the contract in place between Formica Group and the purchaser.
We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly from any failure of the goods to comply with
this data sheet, except in regard of death or personal injury caused by our negligence.

Formica and the Formica Anvil Device are registered trademarks of The Diller Corporation.

2012 The Diller Corporation

A Fletcher Building Company

February 2012


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