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MHK 2016 - Flowchart of Food & Beverages

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Movenpick Food &

Following is the Flowchart of Revenue from F&B:

Income from Food & Beverages comprise of

General Understanding three major sources:
of system - Food &
Beverages' Income 1. Income from Room-resided guests,

The Hotel-resided guests also choose to

dine-in with the Restaurants of the Hotel,
while they stay for longer than a day. They
Room-resided Guests: visit the Restaurants for either Lunch or
Dinner, & a waiter at the Restaurants,
Order Places of F&B
called as Captain by the Hotels
management, asks & records the Order
placed by the guests, manually on an Order
Voucher called as Captains Order.

A copy of such slip is sent to Kitchen Department

where the Supervisory Chef takes account of all
the slips received & ensures that ordered dishes
F&B - Preparation of the & other food items are prepared on timely basis
Order & in required quantities, & delivered to the
External Customers -
Order Places of F&B The External Guests either place an order
through the Menu Card or Ala Card or choose to
participate within the Buffet offered by the

The Client, either Corporate or Individual, approaches

F&B - Banquets' the Sales Representative of Banquets Sales Team &
Reservations requests for a Reservation to be produced in his or
her name. The Representative asks for some
fundamental details, such as the Date of Reservation,
Time of Event to be held, Type of gathering, such as
Meeting or Wedding, Engagements, Birthdays etc,
number of persons expected to attend the event etc.

In a situation where the Client subsequently requests

for a modification to the Function Sheet, which might
pertain in most of the cases, either to the Buffet
Menu previously selected by the Client or the
F&B - Modifications to number of attendees at the prospective event, as
Banquets' Reservations quoted by the Client, the Sales Representative at the
Banquet Sales Department now regenerates a
Function Sheet, in accordance with the revised
requirements of the Client & attaches it with the
original Function Sheet.

A Function Sheet is prepared & authorised in

respect of the Individual Customer but is never
F&B - Payment of forwarded to Banquet Operations Department &
Banquets' Reservations Kitchen Department until the Client settles the
by External Customers 100% payment of all the Banquets Rental &
associated F&B charges.
A system-generated invoice, called as Cheques
F&B - Payment of are generated through punching-in all the details
Banquets' Reservations related to Banquets or Meeting Rooms
by Corporate Clients Reservations within Micros System, & reviewed &
authorised either by Mr Ghulam Mustafa, Mr Gul
Naseem or Mr Muhammad Waqar Assistant
Manager Banquet Operations, whoever is
available on the duty within the Hotel (Control
Activity: Revenue 07)

Night Audit Activities -

Verification Process of
Daily Transactions The Night Auditor runs a Pre-Trial Transaction

Night Audit Activities - At the end of each Business Day, a Daily

Generation of Reports Revenue Report (DRR) & its related Sales Recap
Report is generated by the Night Auditor in

Batch Postings within The Hotel deploys a Financial Reporting

the General Ledger ERP named as Micro Fidelity Financials
(MFF) for the purpose of Financial
Accounting & Reporting.
Batch Postings within The Hotel deploys a Financial Reporting
the General Ledger ERP named as Micro Fidelity Financials
(MFF) for the purpose of Financial
Accounting & Reporting.
Movenpick Food & Beverages' Income Understanding Flowchart

mprise of Another Income from Food & Beverages is The other major source of Revenue within Food
through: & Beverages is through:

guests, 2. External Customers, 3. Banquets' Reservations,

The Order Voucher is then punched within the

Micros installed at every Restaurant, which states
A system-generated Orders slip is produced,
the dishes & other associated food items ordered called as Cheque by the Hotels management.
& quantities to be delivered, & printed out. The Such slips are raised by the system each time
rates of dishes are already fixed within the Micros,
with a unique ID, & the Hotel must punch-in all
after they are approved through the Director F&B
the Captains Orders within the Micros installed,
Operations, & automatically applied to the Order
so the charge for Revenue may be created.
once the desired dishes are selected.
(Control Activity: Revenue 01)

After the guests are finished with their Lunch or

Department Dinner, they are presented with the slip for
ccount of all payment, which was generated upon arrival. The The guests settle the Bill after the dine-in or the
dered dishes guests are provided with options, of either to Bill is transferred by the system after a back-
timely basis settle the Bill of Restaurant immediately through end processing of such transactions, to
red to the Cash or Debit/Credit Card, or to transfer & Customers Room Folios & charged accordingly.
charge the same amount to the Customers
Room Folio, where it shall be completely settled
upon check-out by the guests.

A designated personnel at the entrance of

the Buffet Hall records the guests on
individual basis that visit the Restaurant for
Buffet-participation. Their entry is punched-
A designated personnel at the entrance of
In case of Menu-Card Order places, a Captains the Buffet Hall records the guests on
an order Order is generated followed by a system- individual basis that visit the Restaurant for
or choose to generated Cheque, which is presented to Buffet-participation. Their entry is punched-
ed by the Customer after the order is delivered & the in within the Micros system & a Cheque is
Customer is finished with his or her meals. generated.

vidual, approaches The guests are also offered with a pre-fixed Buffet
uets Sales Team & menu from Sales Representative, which are of The Client reserves the Banquet or Mee
produced in his or different variety & different rates per head. The desired after the finalisation of Banquet &
asks for some Client either selects a Buffet Menu from the Menu to be served, as he or she confir
ate of Reservation, Standard Buffet Menus offered by the Hotel, or is Representative through communication o
gathering, such as also allowed with his or her own choice of Buffet email.
nts, Birthdays etc, Menu for their events.
tend the event etc.

sequently requests
Sheet, which might
The revised Function Sheet is called as Amended
her to the Buffet
Function Sheet by the client, & is also reviewed &
he Client or the
authorized by Mr Nasir Chand Manager of
pective event, as
Banquets Sales alongwith the Original Function
presentative at the
Sheet (Control Activity: Revenue 04)
w regenerates a
with the revised
aches it with the

A system-generated invoice, called as Cheques are

authorised in The Client makes immediate payment
generated through punching-in all the details related to
mer but is never cash, cheque or Credit/Debit Cards. T
Banquets or Meeting Rooms Reservations within Micros
s Department & checked against the Cheque associate
System, & reviewed & authorised either by Mr Ghulam
ient settles the by Mr Muhammad Ahsanullah Khan Du
Mustafa, Mr Gul Naseem or Mr Muhammad Waqar
uets Rental & Front Office (Control Activity: Re
Assistant Manager Banquet Operations, whoever is
ges. available on the duty within the Hotel (Control Activity:
Revenue 05)
d as Cheques The Client is required to make complete payment in
all the details respect of the Cheque generated by Banquet Sales
g Rooms Department, after a certain credit period thats allowed
& reviewed & by the Hotel to its Corporate Clients. The Client makes
ustafa, Mr Gul payment through any Bank Instrument, such as Cheques,
r Assistant Pay Orders etc, after they receive an Invoice generated
whoever is by the Hotels Credit Management Department.
otel (Control

The Night Auditor checks & cross-matches every A Final Daily Trial Balance Report is generated
transaction that appears within the Pre-Trial Report the end by the Night Auditor which shows &
with the source documents, i.e. Customers Folios, balances the complete amount of Revenue
ansaction Receipts during the entire day, & posts the
Vouchers, slips in case of receipts through Credit
Card, cash receipts through physical count of Cash- cumulative balance of all transactions pertain
in-Hand, supports of the Rebates allowed during the to a specific account code, through creating
day etc (Control Activity: Revenue 08) batch of all identical transactions (IT Contr
Activity: Revenue 09).

The Sales Recap Report is also checked, &

The DRR is checked, & cross-matched against the cross-matched against the Daily Trial Balance
y, a Daily Managers Flash Report by Mr Rashid Malik Income
d Sales Recap Report by Mr Rashid Malik Income & Internal
& Internal Auditor, as both the reports demonstrate Auditor, as both the reports demonstrate the
Auditor in the Gross Revenues category-wise (Control Gross Revenue streamline-wise (Control
Activity: Revenue 12) Activity: Revenue 13)

The Night Auditor produces batches of

The Financial ERP is integrated with the front-desk transactions with identical account
ERP software, Opera through an interface already codes, all of which pertain to Revenue
established & configured between the two ERPs. based transactions. Such batches
have unique account codes which are
recognised by MFF.
The Night Auditor produces batches of
The Financial ERP is integrated with the front-desk transactions with identical account
ERP software, Opera through an interface already codes, all of which pertain to Revenue
established & configured between the two ERPs. based transactions. Such batches
have unique account codes which are
recognised by MFF.
major source of Revenue within Food
& Beverages is through:

Banquets' Reservations,

In some of the exceptiona

m-generated Orders slip is produced, All the Captains Orders must be followed with the Micros trip down tempora
Cheque by the Hotels management. generation of a Cheque before the order is to be placed, then the Ca
s are raised by the system each time delivered to the Customer. The Cashier at the the authentic document f
ique ID, & the Hotel must punch-in all Reception Counter of each Restaurant makes sure such orders, but only afte
ins Orders within the Micros installed, that all Captains Orders are ultimately converted authorisation of the respe
harge for Revenue may be created. into system-generated Cheques (Control (Control Activity: Reve
ontrol Activity: Revenue 01) Activity: Revenue 01).

In most of the instances, Room-resided guests offer the

restaurant to transfer & charge the Restaurants Bill
with the Customers Room Folios maintained with the
settle the Bill after the dine-in or the Front Office Staff. In such cases, the charge is
sferred by the system after a back- transferred & a copy of the Bill is sent to Front Office
cessing of such transactions, to staff which provides for a physical evidence of such
Room Folios & charged accordingly. services availed. Such Bills are retained by the Front
office until the guests check-out & settles all the
outstanding amounts in respect of their stay &
utilisation of various facilities offered to them.

The dedicated staff at the Restaurant ensures that

ated personnel at the entrance of
there are no guests left out of the entry within the
ffet Hall records the guests on
Micros system who have visited & availed the
basis that visit the Restaurant for
services at the Restaurant. Further, it is also
ticipation. Their entry is punched-
The dedicated staff at the Restaurant ensures that
ated personnel at the entrance of
there are no guests left out of the entry within the
ffet Hall records the guests on
Micros system who have visited & availed the
basis that visit the Restaurant for
services at the Restaurant. Further, it is also
ticipation. Their entry is punched-
ensured that there are no guests who have left
the Micros system & a Cheque is
while their Cheques arent settled either through
immediate payment (Control Activity: Revenue

A Function Sheet is punched-in & produced by the

Representative in the name of the Client, which accounts
The Client reserves the Banquet or Meeting Room as for the Personal Details of the Customer, & also for all
esired after the finalisation of Banquet & the related F&B the Set-up Details, Decorations Details, Catering Details,
Menu to be served, as he or she confirms the Sales any other specific arrangements etc are also
Representative through communication over telephone or documented in proper format & detail. Mode of Payment,
email. such as Individual Guests or Billed to Company (BTC) is
also defined over the Function Sheet.

The Client makes immediate payment either through

cash, cheque or Credit/Debit Cards. The payment is
checked against the Cheque associated, & authorised
by Mr Muhammad Ahsanullah Khan Durrani Manager
Front Office (Control Activity: Revenue 06)
al Daily Trial Balance Report is generated in
e end by the Night Auditor which shows & Another Daily Managers Flash Report is also
ances the complete amount of Revenue & generated by the Night Auditor, which
eceipts during the entire day, & posts the shows the Gross Amounts of Revenue
ulative balance of all transactions pertaining category-wise (IT Control Activity:
specific account code, through creating a Revenue 10)
ch of all identical transactions (IT Control
Activity: Revenue 09).

Sales Recap Report is also checked, & The Daily Revenue Report (DRR) & related
-matched against the Daily Trial Balance Sales Recap Report is also reviewed &
t by Mr Rashid Malik Income & Internal authorised by Mr Shoaib Ahmad Deputy
or, as both the reports demonstrate the Director Finance (Control Activity:
oss Revenue streamline-wise (Control Revenue 14)
Activity: Revenue 13)

Mr Rashid Malik Income & Internal Auditor

or produces batches of imports the batches of the last day upon the very The Batch Post to General Ledger is finally revi
with identical account next morning of the day, through the application authorized by Ms Anila Shahabuddin Assistan
ich pertain to Revenue of certain commands within the ERP. MFF feeds Manager, where she approves the batch after s
ctions. Such batches the account balances to the General Ledger in that accurate balances are transferred from Op
count codes which are accordance with the codes of those accounts (Control Activity: Revenue 16)
nised by MFF. which owe balances.
Mr Rashid Malik Income & Internal Auditor
or produces batches of imports the batches of the last day upon the very The Batch Post to General Ledger is finally revi
with identical account next morning of the day, through the application authorized by Ms Anila Shahabuddin Assistan
ich pertain to Revenue of certain commands within the ERP. MFF feeds Manager, where she approves the batch after s
ctions. Such batches the account balances to the General Ledger in that accurate balances are transferred from Op
count codes which are accordance with the codes of those accounts (Control Activity: Revenue 16)
nised by MFF. which owe balances.
In some of the exceptional circumstances where
Micros trip down temporarily & Orders are needed
to be placed, then the Captains Order can serve as
the authentic document for placement & delivery of
such orders, but only after the review &
authorisation of the respective Restaurant Manager
(Control Activity: Revenue 01).

The entire amount of Bill is paid out by

the guests & the Customers Room Folio
is signed by the guests & a copy retained
by the guests, the Reservation
Department & the Finance Department
(Control Activity: Revenue 02)
The Function Sheet is reviewed &
produced by the authorised by Mr Nasir Chand
ent, which accounts Manager of Banquets Sales
mer, & also for all (Control Activity: Revenue 03).
ls, Catering Details, The Function Sheet is printed out by
s etc are also the Banquet Sales Representative &
. Mode of Payment, copies of Function Sheet are sent to
Company (BTC) is required Departments, namely
on Sheet. Kitchen Department, Banquet
Operations' Department &
Restaurant Manager, if required.
A standard Checklist in respect of Duties of
the Night Auditor is also filled-in by the
respective Night Audit personnel. The
Checklist accounts for the complete
responsibilities of the Night Auditor, & is
reviewed & authorized by Mr Rashid Malik -
Income & Internal Auditor (Control Activity:
Revenue 11)

A standard Checklist in respect of Duties of

the Night Auditor is also filled-in by the
respective Night Audit personnel. The
Checklist accounts for the complete
responsibilities of the Night Auditor, & is
reviewed & authorized by Mr Rashid Malik -
Income & Internal Auditor (Control Activity:
Revenue 15)

eneral Ledger is finally reviewed &

ila Shahabuddin Assistant Accounts
approves the batch after she ensures
es are transferred from Opera to MFF
Revenue 16)
eneral Ledger is finally reviewed &
ila Shahabuddin Assistant Accounts
approves the batch after she ensures
es are transferred from Opera to MFF
Revenue 16)

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