C1 Speaking Topics HW

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Painting as a job (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the tree pictures above and describe and compare
them; and answer the questions in a minute.

-Why are the people painting in these situations?

-What might be difficult about painting in each situation?

Module 1A

Introducing yourself (paper 4 part 1)

Read the question above and answer them, enlarge as much as possible
your answer giving extra-information about.

- What are you doing nowadays?

- Where are you from?
- Why are you here?
- Do you like English?
- What do you expect from this class?

Module 1B

Educational activities (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the seven pictures above and describe and
compare them; and answer the questions in a minute.

Module 1B

People at class (paper 4 part 3)

Using the ideas below, prepare a speech about the main topic, using no
more than 2 minutes.


Life events and decisions (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the tree pictures above and describe and compare
them. Speculate about
What event the people are preparing for.
What is difficult about what they are doing.
How they are feeling.

Module 2A

Life: childhood to adult (Paper 4 part 2)

Look at these photos of life events in different moments of life. Choose 3 of

them and answer the question made. Try to speak for one minute.

Module 2B

Crime (paper 4 part 3)

Using the ideas below, prepare a speech about crime punishment, using no
more than 2 minutes; where you have to putt your the ideas together as
well as give your personal opinion about them.

Traditional or
Psychologist Prison
regular crime
punishment, which
one it more useful
to the society?
Re- services

Module 2B

Charity (paper 4 part 3)

Using the ideas below, prepare a speech about collecting money, using no
more than 2 minutes; where you have to decided which of them is the best
system to rise money and the most used nowadays.


Art production (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the tree pictures above and describe and compare
them; and answer the questions in a minute.

-Which one of these art productions is the most based on inspiration?

-How might the artists prepare the project?

Module 3A

Creativity (paper 4 part 3)

Using the ideas below, prepare a speech about creativity, using no more
tham 2 minutes; where you have to putt he the ideas together as well as
give your personal opinin about them.

Inspiratio CREATIVI Art

n TY

Innate ability Product

Module 3B

Leisure time (paper 4 part 4)


Seeing these questions, answer them and give reasons, enlarge as much as
possible your answer.

- How must to be a film plot to make you love it?

- Imagine you would have a year, free expenses, to do whatever you
want. What would you do?
- When you were a child who was your idol? What make you
idolized that person?
- Which films are nowadays a box office hit? Why do you think is it?

Module 3B

Fan phenomenon (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the tree pictures above and describe and compare
them; and answer the questions in a minute.

- What is it the motivation of this people?

- What kind of theses could you be?


Traditions around the world (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the tree pictures above and describe and compare
them; and answer the questions in a minute.

- Why do you think those traditions still been alive?

- What is the most interest about them?

Module 4A

Globalization (paper 4 part 3)

Using the definition below, prepare a spider-gram on your own about the
most important challenges or ideas about globalization, and use it to
prepare an speech of 90 seconds.

Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the

interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. Advances
in transportation, such as the steam locomotive, steamship, jet engine, container
ships, and communications infrastructure, have been major factors in globalization,
generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities.

The concept of globalization is a very recent term, only establishing its current
meaning in the 1970s, which emerged from the intersection of four interrelated sets
of "communities of practice": academics, journalists, publishers/editors, and
librarians. In 2000, the International Monetary Fund identified four basic aspects of
globalization: trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration
and movement of people, and the dissemination of knowledge. Further,
environmental challenges such as global warming, cross-boundary water and air
pollution, and over-fishing of the ocean are linked with globalization. Globalizing
processes affect and are affected by business and work organisation,
economics, socio-cultural resources, and the natural environment.

Module 4B

Helping and serving (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the tree pictures above and describe and compare
them; and answer the questions in a minute. Speculate about
what event the people are preparing for.

what is difficult about what they are doing.

how they are feeling.

Module 4B

Solidarity (paper 4 part 4)

It is important to express an opinion about the discussion topic, even if you

haven't considered this topic before. Seeing these questions, answer them
and give reasons, enlarge as much as possible your answer.

-What do you think are the most important aspects of solidarity?

-How might people feel after a good deed? Would they act by
-Can you describe an act of charity done by your own?
-How important is helping others in your country?

Module 5A

Worrying issues (paper 4 part 3)

Here are some things that people often worry about these days and a
question for you to discuss. Think about the question for each of the five
points and then record your answer to the decision-making question.

Which of the issues do you think is the most significant?


Module 5A

Global problems (paper 4 part 3)

Look at these photos of problems that people often worry about these days.
Talk about each one and say why people worry about them. Then decide
which two you think are most serious.
Try to speak for one minute and a half.

Module 5B

App world (paper 4 part 4)

Seeing these questions, answer them and give reasons, enlarge as much as
posible your answer.

-Do you think you spend too much of your free time online? (Why /
Why not?)
-How important is it for you to keep up-to-date with all the latest
-Can you describe a piece of technology which you couldn't live
-Tell us about a website you use a lot, and which is useful to you in
your studies.

Module 5B

Social media influence (paper 4 part 3)

Think about the relations for each of the four points and the social media,
and then record your answer to the decision-making question.

Module 6A

Forms of communication (paper 4 part 3)

Here are some usual forms of communication nowadays and a question for
you to discuss. Think about the question for each of the five points and then
record your answer, choosing the best form in your opinion.

Module 6A

Phones in society (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the 4 pictures above and describe and compare;
and answer the questions in a minute.

How in this situations are or are not the mobile phones helping the people in
the pictures?

Are the mobile phones connecting or disconnecting?


Module 6B

Before and now (paper 4 part 4)

It is important to express an opinion about the discussion topic, even if you

haven't considered this topic before. Seeing these questions, answer them
and give reasons, enlarge as much as possible your answer.

- Some people think we are too dependent on technology. What do

you think?
- Many people believe that life in the past was easier than it is
today. Do you agree?
- Do you think people are happy when new technology is introduced
into their lives?
- Do you think it is important for governments to spend money on
exploring space?

Module 6B

Young people issues (Paper 4 part 2)

Seeing theses caricatures of young people nowadays, what is your opinion

about them? You have a minute. Are they true or just a funny

Module 7A

Decisions and reactions (paper 4 part 3)

Using the ideas below, prepare a speech about the question, using no more
than 2 minutes; where you have to putt he the ideas together as well as
give your personal opinion about them.

Module 7A

Home feels like (Paper 4 part 2)

Read the quotes under. What they mean to you and what is the one most
adapted to you; give reason during a minute.

Module 7B

You and your future (paper 4 part 4)

Seeing these questions, answer them and give reasons, enlarge as much as
possible your answer.

-Which country would you particularly like to visit in the future?

-Have you made any interesting plans for your next summer holiday?
-How important do you think it is to plan carefully for the future?
-What do you hope you will be doing in five years' time?

Module 7B

Train travel (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the 3 pictures above and describe and compare
them; and answer the questions in a minute.

Module 8A

Business success (paper 4 part 3)

Look at these pictures of ideas to attract more people in a business. Talk

about each one and say why people would like it or not. Then decide which
two you think are the better ones.
Try to speak for one minute and a half.

Module 8A


Using the ideas below, prepare a speech about the question, using no more
than 90 seconds, choose and option and give reasons to it.

Module 8B

Money everywhere (paper 4 part 4)

Look at the question below. Plan your answer and include some of the
phrases in the box.
Try to speak for at least 50 seconds.

It is sometimes said that people nowadays spend all their

time thinking about money.

Do you agree with that view?

Plan your answer, and include some of the following:

a phrase to give yourself time to think
a viewpoint that you don't necessarily agree with
an personal experience relevant to the point
an example to illustrate your opinion

Module 8B

Rich vs. Poor (Paper 4 part 2)

Regarding the 3 pictures above and describe and compare them; and
answer the questions in a minute.

What is the different between this people? Who looks successful? (Why?)

Module 9A

Science as art (Paper 4 part 2)

Regarding the sketchs above answer the questions in a minute.

Are they art or are they science? (Why?) Whats the difference?

Module 9A

Useful inventions (paper 4 part 3)

Here are some inventions that people often use these days and a question
for you to discuss. Think about the question for each of the five points and
then record your answer.

Mobile Washing
phones machine
Why are these
inventions important
in our every day life?

The Internet

Module 9B

Studying techniques (paper 4 part 3)

Here are some steps to organised and help your brain studying; which two
are the better in your opinion and help the most. You have a minute and a
half to answer.

useful steps
to memorise

Module 9B

Adult student against child student (paper 4 part 4)

Read these questions below, answer them and give reasons, enlarge as
much as possible your answer; and bring your personal experience if

-Do you think adults have more problems learning than children?
(Why / Why not?)
- Who adapt sooner to changes, adults or children? (Why/ Why not?)
-Is there any system specific learning, that you think works only for
-If you were a child again would you change anything about your
studying systems, or educational system? (Why / Why not?)

Module 10A

Lifestyle (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the 3 pictures above and describe and compare
them; and answer the questions in a minute.

Module 10A

Lifestyle (paper 4 part 3)

Using the quote below, prepare a spider-gram on your own about the most
important aspect of a healthy life in your opinion and use it to prepare an
speech of 90 seconds.

Module 10B

You and your future (paper 4 part 4)

Seeing these questions below, answer them and give reasons, enlarge as
much as possible your answer.

-Do you think people expect too much from life these days? (Why /
Why not?)
-Some people say that the quality of life in the countryside is better
than in the city. What's your opinion?
-Why is it sometimes difficult for different countries to work together
to solve global problems?
-Do you feel optimistic about the future of the planet? (Why / Why

Module 10 B

Well-being (Paper 4 part 2)

Choose a set of two from the 4 pictures above and describe and compare
them; and answer the questions in a minute and choose your own well-
being activity. Speculate about
Why they choose this activity.
What is special about what they are doing.
How they are feeling.

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