Onstructing OUR Ourse
Onstructing OUR Ourse
Onstructing OUR Ourse
Constructing Your Course
Table of Contents
This course model is comprised of six instructional units: Light and Color,
Electricity, Heat and Conservation of Energy, Nature of Matter, Force, and Motion.
These units are packaged within this self-contained instructor's resource manual.
There is no separate student text; rather, student materials are included herein. This
format provides instructors with flexibility in tailoring a course to the unique needs
of the student audience, to existing institutional constraints, and to personal
preferences for content selection and organization. If desired, instructors can design
and produce their own "student text" by judiciously selecting from among the
materials included or referenced in the manual.
In this format the instructor's resource manual becomes a "living document" that
can continue to be improved and expanded as users find ways to enhance the
materials contained in it and as new information about science teaching and
learning becomes available.
Each instructional unit in the manual contains the following components:
Instructor Materials: Introduction (Overview, Acknowledgments, General Safety
Considerations); Student Notions (Students' Prior Beliefs, Conceptions that Students
Should Develop in the Unit); Cognitive Rationale; and Instructor Notes (Equipment
List, List of Student Investigations/Activities, Student Activities with Embedded
Instructor Notes, Focus on Science, Homework, Sample Assessment, List of
Student Materials: Student Activities; Focus on Science; Homework
The course engages students in several different types of activities. Listed below
are the characteristic features of each.
Laboratory Activities
Characteristic Features:
elicit students' prior knowledge
may be guided by instructor or designed (in whole or in part) by students
equipment needed is minimal
space required for equipment is greater than a desk top
substantial part of class period required
powerful idea(s) developed
Interactive Demonstrations/Discussions
Characteristic Features:
elicit students' prior knowledge
generate valuable interaction among students and between students and
instructor in a large group
Constructing Your Course 2001 American Association of Physics Teachers
Institutional Barriers
student-teacher ratio. Consequently, while Powerful Ideas in Physical Science has been
designed for small-size classes, suggestions are provided within each unit for
adapting the course to a large-lecture format.
Many departments also do not have the kinds of equipment required for a course
such as Powerful Ideas in Physical Science or the money to purchase the requisite
consumable materials. College and university budget cuts have drastically curtailed
equipment expenditures and forced departments to set strict priorities for all
spending. This is not a problem that is easy to overcome; however, most of the
equipment and supplies required for Powerful Ideas in Physical Science are relatively
inexpensive or can easily be found.
Finally, the survey revealed that a number of institutions had actually initiated
efforts to reform the science coursework of prospective elementary teachers, but
many of these efforts were short-lived. There were two primary reasons for failure.
First, many reforms were undertaken through external grants and lasted little
beyond expiration of funding. Second, reforms often hinged on the vision and
efforts of a single individual and failed to continue if that individual resigned,
retired or moved to other projects. Both of these cases indicate that to assure long-
term success, there must be a real commitment on the part of both the school
administration and the department faculty.
Effective use of Powerful Ideas in Physical Science works best in the ideal climate
of a committed and qualified instructor, a supportive department chair, small-class
size, appropriate classroom space, and the necessary equipment and supplies.
Absence of one or more of these elements makes it more difficult, but certainly not
impossible, to implement the course model.
Theoretical Base
This project provides excellent opportunity to apply much of what has been
gleaned about student ideas in physical science, student learning processes, and the
physics community's beliefs about teaching and learning to the development of
modules used in physics courses for pre-service elementary teachers. The guiding
principles for the design of modules, the filter questions, and the phases and
methods of approach arise from a wide variety of research efforts that have occurred
since the late 1970s. The project has had the luxury of developing modules and
recommending teaching and learning procedures based on these research findings.
The guiding principles for the design of modules are taken from articles by Scott,
Asoko, and Driver (1991) and Richard F. Gunstone (1991). These principles form the
basis for the character of the modules and the kinds of activities designed for the
students. Each of these principles should be accounted for in some way within each
Guiding Principles
Research in teaching and learning strongly suggests that instruction should be
designed around the following principles:
1. Students come to new learning situations with "prior knowledge"beliefs about
the physical world, about the roles of students and teachers, and about the
nature of science. These ideas influence what students learn. It does not matter
what you "say," learners hear what they believe.
Each of us makes sense of what others say and do based on our own existing
understanding of the world. Since it is known that students' comprehension is
different in significant ways than the physicists', it is entirely possible for
students to construct a profoundly different meaning from what we say and do
than we intend and vice versa. This is why assessment and interaction are so
crucial, for the instructor must monitor student thinking while students
continuously check their notions against each other and those of the instructor.
2. Learning requires organizing ideas, making new connections, and building new
ideas. For learning to occur, a recognized need must arise from the learner and
what prompts that need is dissatisfaction with existing ideas. As long as learners
in classroom experiences can construct meanings consistent with their previously
existing beliefs, they will not change those beliefs. Reorganizing ideas requires
"interactive" instruction strategies that occur in a social context where students
are actively involved in the construction of new ideas and explaining physical
If the school can a create a setting conducive to the resolution of these differences
and where students have the opportunity to elicit and confront their own beliefs,
then there is a better chance that a significant change will occur in their
understandings about the world.
3. The learner must first recognize the existence and nature of his or her current
conceptions. The learner next decides whether or not to evaluate the utility and
worth of these conceptions. Finally, a learner chooses whether or not to
reconstruct these conceptions according to new information and group
General Methods
The general methods used begin with the presentation of a functioning
example of the phenomenon which eventually can be manipulated. Instructors
ask for a prediction of what would happen if some particular change is made and
for the reasons that explain why the prediction seems reasonable. The purpose
of this approach is to give students time for personal introspection and to
discover their own ideas. Introverts have time to draw on their own internal
resources and extroverts can think before they blurt their ideas. Instructors ask
students to write, draw, etc., what their own personal prediction is and explain
why that prediction seems reasonable to them.
During the clarification and exchange process class members clarify their
own ideas by expressing them to others and discovering alternative ideas. All
the ideas presented are critically examined in a small-group discussion (with
group-developed posters or other visual aids as appropriate to topic) followed
by reporting back to the group as a whole and subsequent large-group
discussion. Students will keep notes on the ideas presented, the reasons given
for them, and write what they personally think of those ideas. Some of this can
be done as journal entries during and after class.
In small groups, students can test their predictions, observe and record the
results, identify and record matches and differences with predictions, discuss
and check new ideas that arise, and report back to the whole group. If a number
of possibilities have been proposed, then this can be investigated as a critical test
of the ideas and students can generate experiments to compare how well each
checks out against the actual behavior of the phenomenon. The activities give
students clues regarding where to search for possible answers that will adjust
their thinking regarding these concepts.
To generate and test new or modified ideas about the phenomena that make
sense in the light of any discrepancies that occur between predictions and actual
experimental results, whole-group discussions based on reports from the small
groups focuses students on the ideas rather than instructor validation or
approval. Students should always keep notes on the ideas presented, the reasons
given for them, and what they personally think of those ideas. Some of this
could be done as journal entries during and after class. The instructor may help
students evaluate these newly constructed ideas but should avoid endorsing a
particular formulation or model until students have developed and articulated a
strong supportive case.
The instructor compares the newly developed ideas with those of scientists
who refer to these same ideas. Students should note the correspondence
between the ideas developed in class and the established scientific conventions
for referring to the same ideas. They will become more comfortable with the
newly developed ideas through application to familiar and novel situations as
well as through personal writing, problem solving, project work, and continued
journal work.
2001 American Association of Physics Teachers Constructing Your Course
At times, the instructor may ask students to discuss their ideas in pairs or small
groups before or after writing those ideas in their journals. Another possibility is for
the instructor to summarize the journal responses during a subsequent class session.
One effective method is to devote the last few minutes of each class period (with
the exception of test days) for journal writing. In large classes, efficiency in passing
out and collecting journals is necessary. Keeping the journals in order of assigned
seats works fine. Students may return them by placing them on the last seat in their
assigned row. The advantage of using the end of the class period for journals is that
students who want to write longer selections can stay a few minutes after class.
Otherwise, these students would keep their peers sitting idle until everyone was
finished writing.
A prime advantage of journals is that the instructor can get responses from
every student during every class period. This advantage is even more important in
large sections than in small sections because so few students will speak out in a large
group. Although students may be hesitant to write much at the beginning of the
course, they will write more substantive passages later on. Students will write in
journals ideas they would never say aloud in class or even tell the instructor face-to-
face. The chance to express their thoughts develops the interest students have in the
course and makes them more open to new knowledge and skills.
The instructor must keep confidential whatever students have shared in writing.
Instructor's comments should be specific and honest. In addition, the instructor,
recognizing students' sensitivities, should not make hurtful remarks. Anxious
students should be given reassurance and encouragement as part of the instructor's
comments to them. Students for whom English is a second language should not be
berated for writing less fluently than others. Sexist and racist remarks are to be
avoided conscientiously. Students need both positive and negative comments, but
the balance should favor the positive ones. This will increase students' motivation to
participate and to learn.
Instructors need to build students' trust. No one should be penalized through
grading or humiliated for expressing ideas in the initial stages of learning about a
topic. Students should not get upset with themselves for writing down thoughts
they later want to change. Learning must be viewed developmentally and not seen as a
task completed.
In their journals, relating present knowledge to prior understanding is to be
encouraged as evidence of growth. Also, students may record successes in learning,
ask questions about material not mastered, request an appointment to get help
outside of class, give preferences for topics, comment on classroom interactions, and
evaluate classroom activities. Students should periodically make affective
responses, such as expressing their frustrations and satisfactions with studying
physical science.
The instructor may ask for a general summary of what was learned that day or
may ask for a more focused response. An example of the first type of request is
"Outline what you learned today." An example of the second type is "Describe a
situation with a pair of action and reaction forces." Students may be asked to give
predictions about natural phenomena, too. Another type of prompt is "Watch this
demonstration. What do you observe? What inferences can you make about what
you see?" Recommend to students that they may include drawings and diagrams.
A quotation may be displayed with the instructions to agree or disagree with it.
Instructors may ask self-assessment questions, also, like "How well prepared do you
feel for the exam day after tomorrow?" or "Of the concepts which we have learned
lately, which are you most confident about?" or "For which concept is your
understanding the weakest?" Students may be asked to select their favorite activity
in a unit and explain why they liked it, or they may be asked to select the most
important idea presented in a unit.
Requiring students to put their thoughts in writing makes apparent any gaps in their
thinking. By reading students' journals, the instructor can detect misconceptions and
naive ideas that are held by the students. (Without this kind of feedback, it is
difficult for the instructor to imagine what is in the minds of students.) Based on
their expressed beliefs and understandings, class activities may be structured to help
students move toward more scientifically acceptable ideas. Journals used in this
manner are very good formative evaluation tools to improve courses.
Besides being valuable for assessment, journal writing is a powerful catalyst for
thinking. Journals can give students practice with both inductive and deductive
thinking. Writing does help clarify and organize one's thinking. Writing can even
create ideas that did not exist before the writing began. Also, journals give students
opportunities to apply concepts to practical, everyday situations. Journal writing
improves ability to use scientific words appropriately, focuses attention on the most
important concepts, and improves recall of generalizations.
Writing is learned by writing, so providing opportunities to write is worthwhile
even if instruction in writing is not given. Journal writing can be a useful rehearsal
that improves performance on essay exams. Because articulation is an asset in
nearly all occupations and other activities, journal writing is also valued for long-
term growth.
Journal entries are tangible records of once amorphous concepts. In this way,
journals aid understanding, preserve insight, and bring order to confusion. Students
are empowered when they perceive how much they know and what they need to
Sample Journal Prompts
What previous science courses have you taken? What did you like about them?
What did you dislike about them?
What science topics are you confident that you understand?
Summarize what you learned today.
The large (completely filled) helium balloon that you saw in class today floated
in air. Why doesn't the small (partially filled) helium balloon that you saw in
class today also float in air?
Explain what density is in as many ways as you can.
Why does a ship float?
What happens when water boils?
Are temperature and heat the same thing? If not, how are they different?
Why do the metal parts of a bicycle's handles feel colder than the plastic grips
after the bicycle has been outside during a chilly night?
Would you rather have a drink cooled with ice or with ice-cold water? Why?
Will you be burned more from water vapor at 100! C or from water at 100! C?
How are the images formed by using a pinhole and a converging lens alike?
How are they different?
Where is the image formed by a plane mirror? What evidence do you have to
support your answer?
Draw a diagram showing how light bends as it goes through a prism.
What is the difference between a real and a virtual image?
How does a flashlight work?
Draw diagrams showing the ways you tried today to connect a light bulb to a
battery. Explain why each circuit did or did not cause the bulb to light.
Will a battery run down sooner if it has more or fewer light bulbs connected to it
in series? Why? Will a battery run down sooner if it has more or fewer light
bulbs connected to it in parallel? Why?
Are static electricity and current electricity the same thing? If not, how are they
How well prepared do you feel for the exam being given during the next class
What is the most important thing you learned in this unit?
What did you like most about this course? What did you like least about this
Concept Maps
One of the goals of assessment is to gain insight into students' understanding of
conceptual linkages. Concept maps, as first developed by D. Bob Gowin and Joseph
D. Novak, are diagrams indicating perceived hierarchical relationships among
concepts in an activity, an investigation, or a unit.
Each student should draw his/her own concept maps, rather than being
provided with maps prepared by the instructor. An exception to this rule may be
made when an instructor shows an example of how a concept map is constructed
before suggesting or requiring that students construct maps on other topics. The
instructor may give one word or several related words to start students on an
assigned concept map. Minimum competency is shown by using all the words
supplied by the instructor with all the obvious connections written by the student.
More understanding is shown by a student who adds appropriate words and forms
creative connections in his/her concept map.
There is no one right way to draw a concept map for a particular topic. Concept
maps reveal the propositions (two or more words used to represent concepts along
with words connecting these concepts) held by students. Concept maps allow
teachers and learners to recognize that some linkages may be inappropriate or
missing, a situation that suggests the need for more learning. Creating one's own
schema facilitates conceptual change.
Because the preconceptions held by any naive learner are complex, it is
impossible to fully assess a learner's initial levels of understanding. However,
concept maps (used in conjunction with other methods like interviews) can be useful
in this difficult task. Concept maps can also show growth in understanding as a
student progresses through investigations.
Sample Topics for Concept Maps
Light Reflection Refraction Image Heat Temperature Energy
Change of State Characteristic Properties of Matter Density Viscosity
Chemical Change Electrical Circuit Static Electricity Current Electricity
Electrical Resistance
An interview is a structured conversation between the interviewer and one or
more students for the purpose of establishing what the students think. A record of
an interview is made with written notes, audio tape, or videotape.
An instructor should not interview students he or she is responsible for
teaching. Instead, students in a colleague's class should be interviewed to discern
patterns in students' thinking about the planned instruction topics for which
instruction is being planned. If interviews are needed during a course for diagnostic
purposes, the instructor should ask a colleague to conduct the interviews so that the
instructor avoids trying to fill two incompatible roles. While teaching, the instructor
guides students toward commonly accepted scientific views.
Results from previous research studies may be used to make hypotheses, before
and during interviews, about what students think. However, caution must be used
whenever students' responses are made to fit into a preconceived framework.
Scoring or making any other judgment about students' responses is usually not done.
A planned sequence of questions should be used with impromptu follow-up
questions inserted as the situation warrants because of inconsistencies or obscure
points in the students' thinking. A variety of questions should be used; for example,
those that ask for predictions, descriptions, or explanations. A balance of closed and
open questions most quickly puts students at ease. Simple and difficult questions
should be alternated to keep students talking. Questions should not allow students
simply to agree with the interviewer, but should elicit richer answers. Questions
should not (by design or inadvertently) lead students to the correct responses.
During an interview, students may be asked to draw pictures, diagrams, graphs,
or concept maps. They may also be asked to classify pictures. Three-dimensional
models or other hands-on materials may be provided for students' use. No matter
what the task, students should explain their reasoning orally. Drawing, pointing,
and manipulating objects all supplement and complement (but do not replace)
verbal responses.
The interviewer needs to develop and maintain the students' confidence by
being friendly and relaxed. Students should be told that their perspective is
important to the interviewer. Waiting time must be generous enough (20 to 30
seconds long) to encourage thoughtful responses. However, embarrassing silences
should be avoided. The interviewer should rephrase a question when a student is
hesitant to answer. Yet, even the most skillful interviewing cannot make an
articulate student out of a taciturn one. A student's right to refuse to answer must
be respected with patience, empathy, and kindness.
Understanding is needed, also, when students express doubt about their own
statements. Students should be given ample opportunities to justify, explain, and
elaborate upon their previous answers. Interrupting a student is never appropriate.
Mastery of a generalization may be checked by asking the students to apply it to
several common situations.
The interviewer must listen carefully, pondering the students' responses and
formulating follow-up questions to clarify points not made clear initially by the
students. Students' terminology, rather than formal scientific terminology, should
be used in follow-up questions. A student's response may be repeated exactly by
the interviewer if necessary to confirm what was said, but a response should not be
interpreted and rephrased. The interviewer should explore with sensitivity any
unanticipated response and any possible misinterpretations of questions asked. If
the interviewer doubts the stability or authenticity of an answer, the question that
elicited that answer should be asked again later in the interview with some minor
changes. As the interview progresses, the interviewer needs to remember all
responses made in order to spot contradictions. Questions should be asked to lead
students toward an awareness of their own inconsistencies and to give them a
chance to sort out what they really believe about natural phenomena.
The interviewer should refrain from teaching during the interview. Any
instructional interventions needed should occur in a different setting on a later day.
During an interview, feedback to the students should be kept to a minimum so as
not to cue responses to acceptable scientific thinking. The interviewer should
monitor carefully his or her own body language, facial expressions, tone of voice,
and oral statements that might indicate students' answers are correct or incorrect.
assigned during the course, the sample may be discussed in class prior to the
students completing any explanations. After an instructor collects students'
explanations on a particular topic, he/she may distribute a sample on that topic.
Explanations may be evaluated on writing mechanics, neatness, creativity, style,
and substance. The amount of substance (correct details, ideas, models, and logic
incorporated into both text and diagrams) should determine more than half of the
score or letter grade. A rubric may be written for assigning points based on whether
criteria are fully met, mostly met, slightly met, or not met at all. The most common
practice is evaluation by the instructor, but a peer review system increases the
number of opportunities students have to think about the material studied, to
evaluate written work, and to enhance group decision-making skills.
One method includes forming committees of three students and making each
committee responsible for the evaluation of three other students' anonymous papers
(labeled with a student identification number assigned for that course). Students
turn in three copies of their explanations, and those are distributed to committees.
Each student is then responsible for reading the three explanations given to
him/her, preparing to discuss these explanations, and filling out preliminary
evaluation forms. Each student may be designated a chief evaluator for one other
student's explanation.
During a subsequent class period, each committee meets for approximately one-
half hour to discuss and score the three explanations distributed to that committee.
Each member provides the group's scores and writes comments on a summary
evaluation form for one of the authors read by that committee. Later, every student
in the class receives his/her own explanation with summary comments and scores
Each student may be required to make a response to the completed summary
evaluation form concerning his/her own work. Students should decide if scoring on
the form was fair and was justified by specific constructive comments. Additional
points for quality summary evaluation forms may be given to chief evaluators or
groups. With good reasons, any student may appeal to the instructor for a review of
committee work concerning that student's written explanation.
open-ended. If nearly identical answers are the only ones counted correct, then the
question is free-response (also called open-response), but not open-ended. The
practical, demonstration, and free-response word problems discussed below may be
When an instructor gives certain numbers of points for various aspects of a
student's answer, the instructor is using analytical scoring techniques. This method
provides specific feedback for students. Besides that, analytical scoring has more
reliability than holistic scoring. However, for many open-ended questions, holistic
scoring is less time-consuming and more fair. Often the total answer is more than
the sum of its parts, and, therefore, the answer should be judged accordingly.
Model answers can be given to students to offset the lack of feedback in holistic
For either holistic or analytical scoring, a rubric should be written. Rubrics are
descriptions of standards or criteria. Usually points are associated with gradations
of each standard or criteria. A rubric may be written before evaluating any
responses or after looking at a representative sample. Reading all students'
responses to a particular question as a set (rather than reading each student's test
straight though) can improve the reliability. This procedure can increase the pace of
grading in addition to improving the quality of grading. Another helpful technique
is to randomly rearrange the order of students' tests before going on to reading the
next question in order to minimize the effect of one student's grade on the next
student's. In particular, an instructor should be cognizant of the tendency for an
excellent answer to make the next answer seem worse than it normally would.
Questions may take many forms, each with its own set of advantages and
disadvantages. Over reliance on one type of question should be avoided. Judicious
use of several types can give more information about the knowledge and reasoning
of various types of learners.
Practical laboratory questions ask students to perform for assessment purposes
the manipulation of physical objects (the same as or similar to those already used
during class sessions). In addition, the instructor may expect students to apply
processes and concepts to new situations. In that case, the instructor may want to
provide more apparatus than is necessary to answer the question. That method tests
whether or not students can choose appropriate apparatus. Allowing students to
request additional supplies and apparatus increases their creativity. Making
diagrams and drawings should be encouraged. The instructor may want students to
work together or alone for this hands-on work. Sometimes, these exercises are
called performance assessment. Scoring can give points for extent of science
knowledge, sophistication of laboratory procedure, and ratio of systematic to
random problem-solving approaches.
Demonstration questions are another effective way to learn if students can apply
concepts. Demonstrations used during tests should be based on the same concepts
that students developed during class work. An instructor should seldom speak
during a demonstration performed as part of a test. Upon a student's request, the
Constructing Your Course 2001 American Association of Physics Teachers
with an outside diameter of about 1 cm. Fill the tube approximately half-full of
blue-colored water. Being careful not to invert the tube, nearly fill the rest of it with
alcohol colored red. Proceed slowly and carefully so that the water and alcohol do
not mix. Put another stopper in the top end. Mark the upper level of the alcohol
with a glass marker or tape on the glass tubing. During the examination period,
invert the tubing several times. Allow students to notice the height of the liquids in
the tubing each time you invert the tubing and return it to its original orientation.)
How much heat is given off when 15 grams of water cools from 90!C to 50!C?
What is "used up" when a dry cell no longer works to produce electricity?
What is the equilibrium temperature after 45 mL of water at 65!C is mixed with
30 mL of water at 20!C? Include a temperature/volume diagram with your answer.
Assume that no heat is lost or gained from the surroundings of this water mixture.
How could you distinguish between unlabeled identical pint cartons of milk and
cream without breaking the seals?
Draw a detailed sketch showing a piece of cardboard, a light bulb (with a single
vertical filament), and a screen set up so the shadow of the cardboard appears on the
screen. Show on your sketch how you would move only the cardboard to increase
the size of the shadow. Can you increase the size of the shadow by moving only the
light bulb? Why or why not?
Three U.S. coins minted with the dates of 1873 through 1964 were 90% silver
and 10% copper. They were the half-dollar (mass of 12.500 g), the quarter (mass of
6.250 g), and the dime (mass of 2.500 g). On the basis of this information, how much
mass do you think a silver dollar had then? These three coins with 1965 or later
dates are made of a 19% to 21% silver core and two 80% silver outer layers, and all
three have slightly less mass than the equivalent coins dated prior to 1965. Five-cent
pieces and one-cent pieces were not changed by the Coinage Act of 1965. Nickels
are made of 75% copper and 25% nickel; pennies are made of 95% copper and 5%
zinc. What additional information would you need to calculate the mass of a nickel?
How would you do this calculation? (Its mass is 5 g.)
On the left side of your paper, draw a detailed sketch of an arrangement of one
wire, one bulb, and one dry cell that will allow the bulb to light. Label all objects.
On the right side of your paper, draw a circuit diagram for the same situation. Use
appropriate standard symbols. Why will your circuit allow the bulb to light?
What word completes correctly the following sentence? If resistance is constant,
current would increase when there is an increase in ____________.
What words complete correctly the following sentence? The 80 calories
required to change one gram of ice into one gram of water is called the
________________________ of ____________.
Where must a person be to observe a partial solar eclipse?
a) only in the umbra
Is the following sentence true or false? There is more current in the wire going
into a toaster than in the wire going out of that toaster.
Is the following sentence true or false? A life jacket helps a person float because
the life jacket makes him/her weigh less.
A portfolio is a collection of student work that records the student's efforts,
progress, plans, insight, and achievement. A student should participate in the
selection and organization of documents for the portfolio, following guidelines
stated by the instructor (for example, particular categories of evidence required).
Portfolios are rich in detail about a student's learning. What is seen as important
learning is more encompassing in portfolios than in narrow forms of assessment
such as objective tests. Therefore, assessment with portfolios is appropriate for all
types of learners.
Instructors find portfolios useful in formative evaluation of the courses they
teach and can help both instructors and students identify and meet instructional
goals. Before they begin to assemble their portfolios, students should know the
criteria that will be used to judge the merit of their efforts. Criteria may address the
following aspects of portfolios:
Holistic scoring is recommended for portfolios. Rubrics for scoring will vary
according to the instructional goals for the course. Obviously, the scoring must be
consistent and unbiased.
Portfolios may begin with a goal statement written by the instructor, whole
class, or individual students. Each document put into a portfolio should be labeled
with the date it was produced. For group work, all members of the group should be
listed on the document. If it is not obvious what the document is, a caption should
be provided.
An essential element of portfolios are the reflections written by students. Each
document included in a portfolio should be accompanied by a statement giving the
reasons for the selection of this document. Students should reflect upon how they
produced a document and what knowledge and skills they developed while
producing it. They should comment on salient characteristics of the document,
aspects that changed as they produced the document, and things they would still
like to modify in the document. Students may suggest logical extensions of the
work they did to produce the document, possibly with a timeline for accomplishing
that supplemental work.
In addition, students need to state what they learned about learning as they
produced the document. They should give an appraisal of their own strengths as
learners. Also, they need to articulate any changes in their own attitudes that
occurred during the learning. Metacognitive and affective awareness regarding
both process and product are important. Instructors may want to give students
examples of good reflection statements to help students write their own. Reflection
statements should be specific, thorough, accurate, and thoughtful. Support of ideas
stated should be made by referring to evidence in the portfolio.
Selecting documents and writing reflection statements are valuable instruction
activities besides being assessment activities. Students practice higher-order
thinking like analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Self-assessment is a valuable skill
throughout one's lifetime.
A prime advantage of portfolios is that they give the students responsibility for
their own learning. Portfolios motivate and empower students by making them
aware of how much they have accomplished. Portfolios assist students in
identifying for themselves which practices improve performance.
Evidence in portfolios may be classified into four categories. Artifacts are
samples of usual work such as laboratory reports. Reproductions, like a list of books
read, capture situations that are not permanent. Attestations are commendations by
someone other than the student compiling the portfolio and include, letters of
gratitude, prizes, and acknowledgments of individual effort in group activities.
Productions, including the reflection statements, are prepared especially for the
Inserting between five and seven documents into a portfolio usually provides
enough evidence for the instructor to feel confident in making a judgment about
2001 American Association of Physics Teachers Constructing Your Course
how well a student has met the goals of the course. A student who chooses too
many documents for inclusion into a portfolio does not show ability to discriminate.
Students should ask themselves, "What additional knowledge, skill, or attitude will I
have evidence of by including this piece into my portfolio?" If they cannot supply a
concrete answer to this question, then they should omit the document.
Portfolios may be organized in a number of ways. Documents may be put in
chronological order. They may be grouped by content themes. Learning goals may
be the organizational schema. Another option is to order documents from strongest
evidence of learning to weakest evidence or vice versa.
Portfolios may vary in their focus, also. Some are a record of best work, some
are a record of a project from beginning to end, some are a record of work in
progress, and some are a record of personal favorites. Whatever its focus, a
portfolio should portray the student's learning as an adventure that highlights the
student's successes along the way and should help the student prioritize his or her
efforts on the path ahead.
Sample Items to Include in Portfolios
Charts and graphs
data gathered from hands-on activities
data gathered from survey questionnaires
data taken from published sources
data taken from computer documents
observations of natural phenomena
diagrams used for solving problems
two-dimensional models
enrichment activities
three-dimensional models
bulletin boards
cooperative learning activities
Audio tapes/videotapes
oral presentations
skill contests
project tasks
Written work
homework assignments
classroom notes
outlines of textbook chapters
term papers
book reports
laboratory reports
extended investigations
concept maps
test answers
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