Venice Top 10 Dorling Kindersley
Venice Top 10 Dorling Kindersley
Venice Top 10 Dorling Kindersley
TOP 10
// ( ' ( // ( 5 $ 6 6 (
1BM B[
10 Best restaurants in each area
7, +R
8 5$
& 'D
Most beautiful churches
3 ,$ 0 $ 5 &
29 ( '(//$3$*/,$
10 Great walks & itineraries
,( 1 8 &DII)ORULDQ
5 $7
7 7$
5 2&8
J =
4 .
10 Ways to explore hidden Venice
10 Most fun places for children
10 Best shops & markets
10 Great day trips from Venice
10 Insider tips for every visitor
Venices Top 10
Basilica San Marco 8
Produced by Book Creation Services Ltd, London
Churches 38
Cover: Front DK Images: bl; Photolibrary: Kurt Stier main image. Back DK Images: John Heseltine tc;
Neil Setcheld tl, tr. Spine DK Images: Neil Setcheld b.
Left Ballroom, Museo Correr Right Gondola traghetto ride
TOP 10
Venice Highlights
Basilica San Marco
Doges Palace
Piazza San Marco
Grand Canal
Accademia Galleries
Santa Maria Gloriosa
dei Frari
Rialto Market
Campo Santa
Peggy Guggenheim
Top Ten of Everything
Venice Highlights
The uniquely romantic city of Venice was built entirely on water and has
managed to survive into the 21st century without cars. Narrow alleyways and
canals pass between sumptuous palaces and magnicent churches, colourful
Venices Top 10
San Marco ! $ B O BM ( S B OE F
Venices fairytale
cathedral is pure
Byzantine in , %
&032 ' (
essence, while its 66,0(21 / ,6
faade and interior &$032
have been embel- &$032
1$=$5,2 '(//
lished with resplen-
dent mosaics and 6 D Q WD & U R F H
exquisite works of
art through the
ages (see pp811).
&$032'(, 6$167,1
72/(17,1, &$032
)07 &$032
$ 0
,1 2 ')5$5,
&$032 6$1
0$5*+(5,7$ /(
Doges Palace 8(
@ This was the powerhouse of &$032 1$ /
7 $3 2
the citys rulers for nearly 900 '(,&$50,1, 6$ 1
5 7 &326$1
6$08(/( &$032
years. Passing through a maze of &$032
rooms gives visitors an insight into 6$1%$51$%$
'&$5,7$ $FFDGHPLD
6& $ 1 , 2
)2 17 2
5 7
Elegance and
opulence sit side
by side in what
Napoleon named
the most
elegant drawing
room in Europe.
This magnicent
square is
adorned with
monuments that $ Grand Canal
The citys majestic watercourse
give testimony swarms with all manner of boats, while
to Venices its embankments boast a dazzling suc-
glorious past cession of palaces dating back as early
(see pp1619). as the 13th century (see pp2023).
) Peggy
Guggenheim ( Campo Santa
Collection A wonderful square,
Italys leading bustling with life day
museum for 20th- and night thanks to
century European its market stalls and
Venices Top 10
and American art, outdoor cafs. An
the collection is added bonus is its
housed in a one-oor many architectural
palace on the Grand styles (see pp323).
Canal (see pp345).
67 5
* Island of
&$032 5PSDFMMP
6$167$( Escape the crowds
#VSBOP in the city with a
ferry ride over the
vast expanse of the
lagoon to this
'3(6&+(5,$ 4BOU&SBTNP
peaceful, lush
&$032 6$1
&$66,$12 island, the site of
58 9HQLFH Venices original
' -JEP
settlement (see
, 3RQWH pp3031).
&$0326$1 &$032
9,1 %$572/20(2 6$1/,2
6 $ /
&$0326$1 '( 6 $
6,/9(6752 1 /
F $'
(S BOE 5 ,9
5& &$032
(5 '*8(55$
6$1/8&$ (,
&'(,) 86(5,
( 5,
&32 This Mediterranean
6$1 6$10$5&2
fresh produce market has
enlivened this quayside
$ &$032
&$032 / $5 *
& $ / / ( 0$ 5 = 2
6$102,6( since medieval times and
6$10$85,=,2 ;;,,
is arguably still the best
market in the world (see
4BO.BSDP pp289).
% Accademia Galleries
An unsurpassed collection of
Venetian paintings, with master-
pieces by Titian, Bellini and ^ Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
A Gothic interior with grandiose works
Giorgione. A must, not only for art of art lies in store behind this churchs brick
lovers (see pp245). faade (see pp267).
Binoculars are a
great help for ! Western Faade
A marvellous succes-
examining mosaics sion of domes, columns,
high up on the walls. arches and spires, inter-
spersed with marble
Piazza San Marco statues, screens and glitter-
Map Q5 ing mosaics, greets tourists
041 522 52 05 in Piazza San Marco. The
Open: Basilica northernmost arch houses
AprSep: 9:45am5pm mosaics dating from the
MonSat; OctMar: 13th century, which depict
9:45am4:30pm Mon the basilica itself. Other
Sat, 24pm Sun & hols; mosaics are 17th- and
Museum, Treasury and 18th-century copies.
Loggia Cavalli:
same as Basilica.
Pala dOro: AprSep:
9:45am5:30pm Mon
Sat; OctMar: 9:45am
5pm MonSat, 25pm
Sun & public hols
Admission: Basilica Flooring
The paving is a mosaic
free; Museum 3; masterpiece of multi-
Pala dOro 1.50;
Treasury 2 @ Atrium Mosaics
These glorious mosaics
coloured stones on uneven
levels, evocative of the sea.
No disabled access (above) of precious gold- Geometrical designs sit
beyond ground oor leaf over glass tiles were alongside animal shapes.
Free guided visits created in the Byzantine
book two days ahead on tradition by expert crafts- men, and give detailed
Bookshop accounts of the Old Testa-
ment. The 13th-century
cupolas concentric circles
recount 24 episodes from
Genesis, including the
Creation and Adam and Eve.
Venices Top 10
at later dates. It boasts 6 9
250 panels bearing
1,927 authentic gems 3
and cloisonn plaques.
1 2
Pentecost Dome
^ Probably the rst Basilica Floorplan
dome of the basilica to
be adorned with mosaics,
it is illustrated with the ( The Tetrarchs
The inspiration for
descent of the Holy these red porphyry rock
Ghost (above), seen as a gures from 4th-century
ame over the heads of Egypt is unknown. They
the 12 Apostles. may represent Saracens
who, scheming to make
& Basilica Museum
Inside the fascinating
off with treasure,
poisoned each other and
museum are the famed ended up as stone.
quartet of horses crafted
from bronze and covered
in gold. Booty from the
Fourth Crusade, these ) Treasury
The basilicas
triumphal Graeco-Roman glittering riches include
equine gures originally precious chalices of rock
graced the Hippodrome crystal enamelled by
in Constantinople. They medieval silver- and
have been restored to goldsmiths and reliqua-
their former glory. ries from Venices east-
ern conquests, including
parts of the True Cross.
Building the
Construction began on
the rst building in 829.
However, during a revolt
in 976, it was burned
down and dismantled.
The building we see
today, a Greek cross
layout surmounted by
* Loggia dei Cavalli
Replicas of the proud
ve domes, possibly
modelled on the Church
horses now in the of the Holy Apostles in
museum stand on this Constantinople, dates
wonderful balcony over- from 1071. The main
% Ascension Dome
The central dome
looking Piazza San Marco.
Visitors can see the
architect is depicted
over the central portal,
has a spectacular array of ancient lead gutter spouts, biting his ngers in
early 13th-century as well as clutches of frustration over a
mosaics, depicting the columns, whose varied building defect. The
New Testament. Christ in dimensions and decora- basilica became the city
Glory is shown above tive styles indicate their cathedral in 1807.
depictions of the Virtues. diverse origins.
Left Museum horses Centre left Wall-slabs Centre right Altar columns Right Byzantine screens
Stone Gothic-style statues of the Virgin
and the Apostles, sculpted by the
The exquisite semi-circular stone Delle Masegne brothers in 1394.
carvings over the central doorway
were executed between 1235
65 and still bear traces of their * Byzantine Pierced Screens
Inuenced by eastern archi-
original colour. tecture, delicate geometrical
designs and lattice-work stone
% Baptistry
Aglow with 14th-
) Altar Columns
century mosaic scenes Four nely carved
of the life of St John, alabaster and marble
this is also home to columns support a
the tomb of architect canopy at the altar,
Sansovino (see p45). beneath which lies
Closed to visitors. Porta dei Fiori the body of St Mark.
Venices Top 10
p9) had been appointed protector of Venice by the
2 Blood of Christ, Basilica Byzantine emperor, the edgling republic felt in need
Treasury of a saint of its own. In AD 828, two adroit Venetian
3 Nail from the True Cross, merchants lched the body of St Mark from a mona-
Chiesa di San Pantalon stery in Alexandria,
(see p39) ostensibly transporting
4 Thorn from Christs it under layers of pork
crown, Basilica Treasury fat to conceal it from
5 Body of St Mark, Muslim guards. The
Basilica San Marco (see welcome in Venice was
pp89) triumphant, and the
6 Body of St Lucy, Chiesa story was recounted in
di San Geremia countless paintings and
7 Three rocks used to mosaics. The remains,
stone St Stephen to however, were mislaid Stealing St Marks body
death, Basilica Treasury for years, until an arm
8 Skull of St John the miraculously broke through a column in 1094 (marked
Baptist, Basilica Treasury by a small cross, left of the Altar of the Sacrament) in
9 Leg of St George, answer to a prayer. St Mark now rests in peace
Basilica Treasury beneath the basilicas main altar. The ubiquitous winged
0 Foot of St Catherine of lion representing St Mark could be found throughout
Siena, Santi Giovanni e the republic as the trademark of Venetian dominion:
Paolo (see p102) it is often shown with two paws in the sea and two
on land, to symbolize the geography of Venice.
9th century, to be replaced by the elegant Gothic version seen today, despite
a string of res in the 1500s. Artists such as Titian, Tintoretto and Bellini vied
with each other to embellish the palace with painting and sculpture, not to
mention architects Antonio Rizzo and Pietro Lombardo, the latter responsible
for the ornate inner western faade.
Top 10 Features
1 Faade
2 Sala del Maggior Consiglio
3 Sala del Senato
4 Prisons
Doges Palace faade
5 Ponte dei Sospiri
A quiet modern caf 6 Scala dOro
in the former stables 7 Sala dello Scudo
on the ground oor 8 Armoury
serves snacks and
9 Porta della Carta
drinks on water level.
0 Doges Apartments
Dont miss the
Museo dellOpera
near the ticket ofce ! Faade
Elegant twin faades
as it houses many face the piazzetta and the
original 14th-century quayside. Pink-and-cream
faade capitals stonework and a loggia
those outside are stand above an arcade of
mostly 19th-century columns with 36 sculpted
copies. Istrian stone capitals.
Venices Top 10
inmate Casanova (see and several wings. Follow
p52) made a dramatic the red arrows. Highly
escape across the roof recommended is the Secret
in 1756. The new Itineraries Tour through
prisons were in use chambers which were once
until the 1940s and used for administrative
feature poignant grafti purposes and torture.
by internees.
* Armoury
Fascinating, if spine-chilling,
collection of beautifully crafted
rearms, ceremonial weapons and
suits of armour from East and
West (below). Among the war
trophies is a Turkish standard
brought back from the
% Ponte dei Sospiri
One of the worlds most famous
Battle of Lepanto (1571).
Venices Top 10
@ Arcade Capital
Proclaimed the most beau-
& Giants Staircase
tiful in Europe by art critic John So-named for its two colos-
Ruskin, this eight-sided carved sal statues of Mars and Neptune,
capital on the southwest corner which were sculpted by Sanso-
shows the zodiac signs and vino in 1567 as symbols of
planets in imaginative detail. Venices power. Visiting digni-
taries would ascend the
The Triumph of
marble-lined stairs to
the palace.
Dominating the Sala
del Senato is Tinto-
rettos glorious work * Arco Foscari
This triumphal
of propaganda archway of pink-and-
(158084) showing cream stone layers
allegorical and leading to the Giants
mythological gures Staircase was com-
proffering fruits of missioned by Doge
the sea to Venice. Foscari in 1438.
$ Rape of
Europe ( Coronation
the Virgin
% Drunkenness of Noah
A powerful sculpture from
the restoration techniques.
Venices Top 10
April (St Marks Day, huddle of islands in the middle of a shallow marshy
AD 421) lagoon, settled by a band of refugees from the
2 First doge, Paoluccio Veneto region. Yet over the centuries it developed into
Anafesto, elected a mighty republic reaching south to the Mediter-
(697) ranean and north to the Alps, based
3 St Marks body on the concept of trade. Salt was
brought to stored in massive warehouses,
Venice (828) there were dealings in exotic spices
4 Ruthless siege of and wondrous fabrics from the East,
Constantinople crusades were organized and tted
(present-day Istanbul) out here and relics procured. Its
during Fourth Crusade main population probably never
under Doge Enrico exceeded 160,000, however well
Dandolo (1204) beyond the walled port towns
5 Venice loses 60 per strung down the Dalmatian coast
cent of its population were far-ung outposts such as
to the Black Crete and Cyprus. These
Death (1348) A doctor during dominions protected key
6 Doge Marin Falier the Black Death passages in commerce with the
decapitated for Arabic countries. Westward across
conspiracy (1355) the Po plain, Venices inuence took in Treviso, Vicenza
7 Genoese defeated at and Verona, extending all the way to Bergamo on the
Battle of Chioggia, outskirts of Milan and the mighty Visconti dynasty.
leaving Venice to reign
over the Adriatic and
Mediterranean (1381)
8 Victory over Turks at
Battle of Lepanto
9 After 25 years of war,
Crete is lost to the
Turks (1669)
0 Napoleon invades the
Veneto, bringing about
the fall of the Venetian
Republic (1797)
Marine Supremacy
The Republics gaining of
maritime power is cele-
brated in The Victorious
Return of Doge Andrea
Contarini after Triumph in
Chioggia by Paolo
Veronese (152588).
Piazza San Marco $ Campanile
Incomparable views
Long the political and religious heart of Venice, of the city and lagoon
can be had by taking the
its hard to believe Piazza San Marco was once elevator to the top of this
little more than a monastery garden crossed by 98.5-m (323-ft) bell
Venices Top 10
Top 10 Sights
1 Basilica San Marco
2 Doges Palace
3 Torre dellOrologio
Bas-relief, Doges Palace
4 Campanile
faade 5 Piazzetta
6 Columns of San
An after-dinner drink
in the piazza on Marco & San Teodoro
summer evenings is 7 Piazzetta dei Leoncini
accompanied by the 8 Procuratie Vecchie &
caf orchestras. Nuove
9 Caff Florian
The best time to 0 Giardinetti Reali
appreciate the
beauty of the square
is early morning, ! Basilica
when only the city See pp811.
sweepers are here.
Museo 4 2
89 5
Venices Top 10
0 6
% Piazzetta
Once an inlet for boats and witness to the arrival
of distinguished visitors during the Republics heyday,
this now fully paved mini square fronts the lagoon. ( Caff Florian
Reputedly Europes
rst coffee house (below),
the premises still retain
their 1720 wood-
panelling, marble-topped
tables and gilt-framed
mirrors (see p75).
) Giardinetti Reali
These shady public
gardens, created during
the Napoleonic era, took
the place of boatyards
and grain stores, situated
just behind the pano-
ramic waterfront.
Venices Bells
Booming through the
city, the ve bells in
the Campanile have
^ Columns
of San & Piazzetta
dei marked Venices
rhythms for centuries.
Marco and Site of a former vegetable The Malecio bell
San Teodoro market, a pair of lions announced an execu-
These two (leoni) in red Verona tion, the Nona rang at
granite columns stone have been crouch- midday, the Trottiera
(right) with sym- ing here since 1722. spurred on the nobles
bols of the horses for assemblies
saints were
erected in 1172 * Procuratie
and Nuove
Vecchie in the Doges Palace
and the Mezza Terza
by Nicol These elegant 15th- marked a session of
Barattieri. century buildings were the Senate. The
Public execu- the residence of the Pro- Marangona still tolls
tions were curators, responsible for at midnight.
held here. state administration.
Left Libreria Sansoviniana staircase ceiling Centre Bellini Room Right Correr Ballroom
@ Libreria
Sansoviniana Angels (14535) by the best
known, Giovanni; head of the
Bedecked with gilt and stucco family, Jacopos Crucixion
decorations by Alessandro (1450) and son Gentiles portrait
Vittoria, the 16th-century stair- of Doge Giovanni Mocenigo (1475).
case leads from a monumental
entrance on the piazza to the
halls of the old library. * Canova Statues
Foremost sculptor of his
time, works by Antonio Canova
Veneziano Paintings
This prolic Byzantine
(17671822) in the Museo Correr
include his acclaimed statue
artist is featured in the Daedalus and Icarus.
Pinacotecas Room 25 (part of
Museo Correr), with glowing
two-dimensional religious ( Narwhal Tusk
Once prized as the
portraits (12901302). horn of the fabled unicorn,
this 1.6-m-long (5-ft) tusk
$ Correr Ballroom
This showy Neo-Classical
from the rare whale has
been superbly carved
creation was built for Napoleon. with Jesses and Jesuss
It is now used for exhibitions. family tree (Room 40 in
Museo Correr).
Venices Top 10
Palace laid (AD 814) boots, shopkeepers rush to put up protective barriers
2 Construction of basilica and street-sweepers lay out duck-boards in low-lying
started (828) spots. Venice and its lagoon are subject to the tides
3 First bullght held (1162) of the Adriatic Sea but ood levels are caused by the
4 Square paved with brick, coincidence of low atmospheric pressure, strong
herringbone-style (1267) sirocco winds from the south and natural high tides
5 Square paved with due to moon phases. Piazza San Marco is among the
volcanic trachyte blocks most vulnerable spots. The ood gates designed for
(172235) the Lido sea entrances are held by many experts to
6 Napoleon demolishes be both useless and harmful to the lagoon, however
San Geminiano church there are plans for an elaborate drainage system on
to make way for Ala the piazza, dredging canals and raising paving levels.
Napoleonica (1810)
7 Campanile crumbles to
the ground (1902)
8 Record ood 1.94 m
(6.4 ft) above sea level
(4 November 1966)
9 Pink Floyd rock concert
attracts 100,000 (1989)
0 Campanile stormed by
separatists (1997)
Grand Canal
Venices majestic highway, the Canal Grande, is Top 10 Sights
only one of the 177 canals owing through the city, 1 Fondaco dei Turchi
but at some 4 km (2.5 miles) in length, 3070 m 2 Ca Pesaro
Venices Top 10
(98230 ft) in width and averaging 4.5 m (15 ft) 3 Rialto Bridge
in depth, it certainly earns its name. Snaking its 4 Riva del Vin
way through the city with a double curve, its banks 5 Ca Rezzonico
6 Accademia Bridge
are lined with exquisite palaces, while on its waters
7 Ca Dario
colourful otillas of gondolas, ferries, taxi launches, 8 Santa Maria delle Salute
high-speed police boats and barges groaning 9 Punta della Dogana
under loads of fresh produce, provide endless 0 Harrys Bar
fascination. In 1818, when the water was
cleaner, Lord Byron swam all the way
down the Grand Canal from the Lido.
! Fondaco
Damage to buildings
caused by wash has
worsened of late with
the spiralling increase of
motor-propelled craft.
Waves provoked by all
manner of boats eat
into foundations of
buildings set on the
waters edge, as well as
making life harder for
the gondoliers. Speed
limits aim to curb this:
7 kmph (4.5 mph) for
private craft and 11 kmph
(7 mph) for public wate-
rbuses on the Grand
& Ca Dario
With an ornamental ( Punta
della Canal. Narrower canals
mean 5 kmph (3 mph),
Renaissance faade stud- The gure of Fortune
whereas 20 kmph
ded with multicoloured stands atop the erstwhile
(12.5 mph) is the maxi-
stone medallions, this customs house, doubling
mum on the lagoon.
lopsided palace is sup- as a weather vane. This
posedly cursed due to a is where the Grand Canal
number of misfortunes joins St Marks Basin and
that have overtaken its the lagoon.
various owners.
Left Traghetto on the Grand Canal Centre Vaporetto stop Right Motonave on the lagoon
Watercraft of Venice
! Gondola
Most commonly seen % Sanpierota
This at-bottomed rowing
transporting tourists, a larger boat is named after the
version is also used for the inhabitants of San Pietro in Volta
cross-canal ferry (see p135), in the southern lagoon (see
while the smaller gondolino is a p117). Once used for transport-
slender racing craft. ing sh to Venice, nowadays it is
tted with an outboard motor
@ Vaporetto
Strictly speaking, this is the
and photogenic oblique sail.
A slim lightweight boat
over the lagoon with the days
rubbish, as well as carrying out
perfectly suited to hunting and environmental monitoring.
shing in the shallow waters of
the lagoon, not to mention
racing. Painted black, these ( Ambulance
and Police
$ Topo
The most common barge for
categories are allowed to
disregard the citys speed limits.
transporting goods, it can be
seen loaded with everything
from washing machines to demi- ) Car Ferry
These brand new giants con-
johns, often with a live dog vey all manner of motor vehicles
gurehead on the prow. from the Tronchetto to the Lido.
Venices Top 10
3 Hippocampus (side graceful form until the late 1400s. Compared to a
ornament) mere 405 gondolas on the
4 Night lamp waterways today, as many as
5 Bronze stern decoration 10,000 were in use in the late
6 Ribbed oar 19th century: bridges were
7 Felze (cabin) once few and far between
8 Gondoliers foot rest and gondolas acted as ferries
9 Gondoliers striped shirt between one island and
0 Gondoliers straw hat another, a custom that
continues to this day across
the Grand Canal.
A handful of
gondola yards still Gondolier in
construct the boats traditional dress
as well as carrying out repairs, such as
San Trovaso in Dorsoduro (see p89). Its a
costly and complex craft eight different
types of wood are needed for a total of
280 pieces to put together the
asymmetrical craft, 11 m (36 ft) in length
and 1.42 m (4.5 ft) in width, at a cost
approaching 25,000 euros. A gondola
weighs more than 350 kg (770 lb),
including a 30-kg (66-lb) ferro (iron
bracket) on the prow, to offset the weight
of the rower. Originally painted in bright
colours, the black gondolas that you see
today were decreed by the Senate to
Gondola mooring post prevent excessive shows of wealth.
Accademia Galleries
A dazzling collection of masterpieces spanning the
full development of Venetian art from Byzantine to
Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo, the Gallerie
Venices Top 10
Top 10 Works
1 San Giobbe Altarpiece
2 The Tempest
3 Supper in the House of Levi
4 Piet
5 Meeting and Departure of the
Accademia Galleries
entrance Betrothed Ursula and Ereo
6 Procession in St Marks Square
Read the helpful free
7 Madonna dellArancio
information sheets
available in each 8 Coronation of the Virgin
room. They contain 9 Portrait of a Gentleman
almost entirely the 0 Portraits by Rosalba Carriera
same text as the
audio guide.
Venices Top 10
(below) and caused and a piercing sense 2
controversy in its of anguish.
time. The church
6 5
authorities, who
commissioned it as % Meeting and
Departure of the 0 8
The Last Supper, Betrothed Ursula
were angered by the and Ereo
inclusion of dogs, Part of Carpaccios
buffoons, drunken magnicent narrative
Germans, dwarfs and cycle (1495) about a Bookshop
other such absurdi- Breton princess and an
ties so Veronese English prince can be Gallery Floorplan
changed the title. seen in Room 21.
) Portraits by
Rosalba Carriera
As a female artist in
demand by 18th-century
high society, Carriera
(self-portrait below) was
a rarity for her time. Her
late-Baroque works in
Room 17 display the soft
romantic pastels that
became her trademark.
^ in St Marks * Coronation
of the
further 26 years for the consecration of the main altar. A wonderful series of
art treasures is held within the deceptively gloomy interior, which is almost
100 m (330 ft) long and 50 m (165 ft) across, from priceless canvases by
Titian and Bellini to tombs of doges and artists such as Canova.
Top 10 Features
1 Assumption of the Virgin
@ Rood Screen
A beautifully carved
blend of Renaissance and
2 Rood Screen Gothic elements by Pietro
3 Choir Stalls Lombardo and Bartolomeo
4 Madonna Enthroned with Bon (1475), the screen
Saints divides the worship area
and nave (below).
5 Campanile
6 Canovas Mausoleum
Titians monument
7 Monument to Doge
Francesco Foscari
There are some great 8 Statue of John the Baptist
cafs and eateries in 9 Monument to Titian
Campo dei Frari with
0 Mausoleum of Doge
views of the church.
Giovanni Pesaro
Youngsters will love
the nativity scene
with day-night
lighting effects and ! Assumption
the Virgin
moving gures at Titians glowing 1518
Christmas time. depiction of the trium-
phant ascent of Mary
Campo dei Frari, San shows her robed in crim-
Polo son accompanied by a
Map L3 semi-circle of saints, while
041 275 04 62 the 12 Apostles are left
Open 9am6pm Mon gesticulating in
Sat, 16pm Sun; wonderment
closed 1 Jan, below. This
Easter, brilliant
15 Aug, canvas on
25 Dec the high
Admis- altar is the
sion 2.50 inevitable
focus of
the church.
Choir Stalls
Unique for Venice, the
original three tiers of 124
friars seats deserve exami-
nation for their fascinating
inlaid woodwork. Crafted by
Marco Cozzi in 1468, they
show the inuence of
northern European styles.
Venices Top 10
frame, is another
delight for Bellini fans
(1488). It
seems painted 0
wrote Henry 9
James of the 6
% Campanile
The robust 14th-
century bell tower set into Church Floorplan
the churchs left transept
is the second tallest in
) Mausoleum
of Doge
Giovanni Pesaro
The monsters and black
marble gures supporting
the sarcophagus of this
macabre Baroque monu-
ment prompted art critic
John Ruskin to write it
seems impossible for
false taste and base
feeling to sink lower.
State Archives
The labyrinthine mona-
stery and courtyards
adjoining the church
have been home to
^ Canovas
Mausoleum * Statue of John
the Baptist
Venices State Archives
since the fall of the
This colossal monument, The inspirational wood Republic. Its 300 rooms
based on Canovas statue from 1450 (left), and approximately
Neo-Classical design created especially for 70 km (43 miles) of
for Titians tomb, the church by artist shelves are loaded with
which was never Donatello (1386 precious records docu-
built, was a tribute 1466), stands in menting the history of
by the sculptors the Florentine Venice right back to the
followers in 1822. chapel. The 9th century, including
emaciated gure is the Golden Book
Monument particularly lifelike.
& to Doge
register of the Venetian
aristocracy. Scholars
Francesco Foscari
A ne Renaissance ( Monument
to Titian
enter the building via
the Oratorio di San
tribute to the man Titian was afforded Nicol della Lattuga
responsible for special authorization (1332), named after the
Venices mainland for burial here after miraculous recovery of
expansion. his death during a Procurator of San
Foscari was the the 1576 plague, Marco thanks to the
subject of Lord Byrons although this sturdy mau- healing qualities of a
The Two Foscari, turned soleum was not built for lettuce (lattuga).
into an opera by Verdi. another 300 years.
Top 10 Sights
Rialto Market 1 Fresh Produce Market
The commercial hub of Venice is as bustling today 2 Pescheria
as it has always been records tell of markets 3 San Giacomo di Rialto
here since 1097. The area is also the citys histori- 4 Public Rostrum
Venices Top 10
cal heart and took its name from Rivoaltus, the 5 Palazzo dei Camerlenghi
high consolidated terrain that guaranteed early 6 Gondola Ferry
7 Banco Giro Arcade
settlers ood-free premises. The majority of build-
8 Ruga degli Oreci
ings, however, date from the 16th century, due to
9 Grand Canal Views
a re which swept through Rialto in 1514. During 0 Fabbriche Nuove
Carnival the stall-holders don medieval costume to
vie with each other
for custom and only
the new awnings
and electronic cash
registers let slip the
modern world.
In addition to fresh
fruit from the market,
picnic supplies can
be bought at the
delicatessens and
bakeries in the
San Polo
Map P2
Fresh produce market:
@ Pescheria
7:30am1pm MonSat;
Pescheria: 7:30am1pm
! Fresh
Produce Writhing eels, soft-
shelled crabs, huge sword-
TueSat A treat for the senses, sh and crimson-eshed
with artistic piles of lusci- fresh tuna are among the
ous peaches and cherries, stars of the 1907 Neo-
thorny artichokes and red Gothic sh market hall
chicory from Treviso. Fruit, (above), barely out of reach
vegetables and sh tend of the scavenging,
to be strictly seasonal. screeching seagulls.
San Giacomo
di Rialto
The oldest church in Venice
claims to have a foundation
set by a pious carpenter in
the 5th century, although
the present building is
medieval. The Gothic portico
and 24-hour clock are well
worth a look.
Venices Top 10
il gobbo (hunchback).
% Palazzo dei
This lop-sided 1525 palace
(right) once imprisoned debtors
on the ground oor, but the
top oors were ofces for the
city treasurers (camerlenghi).
^ Gondola Ferry
A must for every visitor
is a trip on the traghetto
ferry across the Grand
Canal one of only eight
still in operation. Custom
dictates that passengers
should remain standing.
) Fabbriche
Nuove ( Grand Canal Views
The Erberia, right on
Uniformed carabinieri the Grand Canal, makes a
(police) patrol the wonderful spot for boat-
elongated law courts watching since the
edging the Grand Canal relocation of the wholesale Place Names
(below). Designed in market from here to Rialto markets narrow
15525 by Sansovino Tronchetto in the 1990s. alleyways carry names
they are recognizable such as Oreci (gold-
by their 25 plain smiths), Pescaria (sh-
arcades. mongers) and Erberia
(vegetables), because
the same type of shops
once stood together.
Local eateries for
market traders also had
evocative names such
as Scimia (Monkey) and
Do Mori (Two Moors).
Some of the most breathtaking Byzantine mosaics in the world, found in the
lagoons oldest building, the Torcello basilica, reward those who visit this laid-
back island, a beautiful 60-minute ferry ride from northern Venice. From the
Venices Top 10
5th century, mainlanders eeing invading Lombards and Huns ventured across
tidal ats to found a settlement that grew to 20,000 and lasted 1,000 years.
However few clues to the past remain, as the canals silted up, malaria
decimated the population and the power base shifted to Venice once and for
all. Today Torcello is home to a handful of gardeners and shermen.
Top 10 Sights
1 Basilica Exterior
2 Doomsday Mosaics
3 Apse Mosaics
4 Iconostasis
Santa Fosca faade 5 Paving
6 Campanile
Insect repellent is a 7 Throne of Attila
must in summer as 8 Museo dellEstuario
erce mosquitoes 9 Santa Fosca
have colonized the 0 Locanda Cipriani
open lagoon.
Venices Top 10
stone and glass. Cubes,
semi-circles and triangles
are laid into square
designs. The oor level
was raised 30 cm (1 ft)
during the basilicas
* Museo
An intriguing if modest
collection of archaeologi-
cal nds from the island
and priceless treasures
from the church, are
housed in adjoining
Gothic buildings (above).
^ Campanile
The views from this ( Santa Fosca
Alongside the
to ee to Torcello. Burn-
ing the cathedral town
simple 55-m (180-ft) bell basilica is this elegant of Aquileia gave him
tower range over the church based on a Greek special satisfaction his
vast expanse of the cross design, encircled men raised a hill in
lagoon, with its by a ve-sided portico Udine so he could enjoy
meandering canals and with columns and carved the spectacle.
tidal ats, to the Adriatic capitals. The inside of the
Sea, Venice itself and church is usually closed
even north to the Alps on at lunchtime.
a clear winters day.
) Locanda Cipriani
& Throne of Attila
By popular belief
A favourite of Ernest
Hemingway, who
this marble armchair stayed here in
(right) was the 1948, the quiet
throne of the king charm of this
of the Huns, guesthouse has
though his- attracted
torical sources VIPs since it
claim it was for opened in Attila, barbaric
the islands 1938 (see King of the Huns
magistrates. p146).
Top 10 Sights
1 Ex Chiesa di Santa Margherita
2 Palazzo Foscolo-Corner
3 Scuola Grande dei Carmini
4 Calle del Forno
5 Casa dei Varoteri
6 Corte del Fondaco
7 Chiesa di Santa Maria dei
8 The House of the Moor
9 Rio Novo
Chiesa dei Carmini faade 0 Altana Terraces
Numerous take-away
pizza slice outlets and ! Ex Chiesa di Santa
bars serving sand- A writhing 14th-century
wiches (tramezzini) dragon symbolizing the
and rolls (panini) make martyrdom of the saint
for a cheap lunch, and enlivens the foot of the bell
allow for the kids to tower of the former church.
run around. It has been restored by the
university as the Auditorium
Dorsoduro Santa Margherita.
Map K5
Scuola Grande dei
Carmini: 041 528 9420; @ Palazzo
Venices Top 10
of the features of this dating from 1725.
busy thoroughfare Because of its isolated
leading to Piazzale Roma position, it was once Rio Terr dei
and the bus terminal. The mistakenly thought to be Catecumeni, Dorsoduro
street is named after a the house of the citys
long-gone bakery (forno). executioner. Rio Terr
Rio is a common name
for canal, while terr
means lled-in. Dating
back to the 14th
century, the practice of
lling in waterways was
particularly widespread
in the 1800s to provide
extra pedestrian space.
Some would be covered
over with a system of
low-slung arches so as
not to obstruct water
ow, exemplied by Via
Garibaldi in Castello
(see p102). Recent
campaigns, however,
have encouraged the
reverse procedure, with
Cannaregios Rio della
Crea re-opened.
) Altana Terraces
These timber roof
platforms were common
in Venetian palaces and
^ Corte del Fondaco
A charming covered * The House of
the Moor
used by the ladies of the
house for bleaching their
passageway leads Research has proved that hair, which they exposed
through to this minor Shakespeares Othello to the sun through a
courtyard where curious was based on Cristoforo crownless wide-brimmed
low bricked-in arches Moro, son of a noble hat. They are now used
indicate the former site family sent to govern the for washing and drying
of a 1700s our store. island of Cyprus from clothes, and partying on
The name fondaco or 1508. This house at balmy summer evenings.
store derived from the No. 2615 is his
Arabic fonduq. former home.
Peggy Guggenheim Collection
The delightfully spacious, light-lled Collezione
Peggy Guggenheim is home to works by more than @ Bird
Venices Top 10
(18981967). The Belgian Surrealist was Mattioli
renowned for his eccentric subjects.
% Woman Walking
This serene elongated form Key to oorplan
of a truncated female gure (1932),
apparently inspired by Etruscan design, Gallery
is the recognized trademark of the Main
entrance Nasher Sculpture
Swiss artist Alberto Giacometti
(190166), a short-term participant in
the Surrealist movement.
Venices Top 10
^ Does
everyone have a
* Can you drink water from
the drinking fountains?
On summer Sundays you would Yes, its the same as the tap
be forgiven for thinking that is water and subject to constant
the case, as families pack small testing and treatment. Until
Venices Top 10
craft with picnic supplies, 1884, when the supply piped
sunshades, shing or stereo from the mainland was
gear and row, sail, punt or speed inaugurated with a
out across the lagoon. Many, of fountain in Piazza
course, need boats for work. On San Marco, the
average, one in two families city depended on
possess a pleasure boat. rainwater which
was meticu-
lously drained
and collected in
cisterns beneath
squares equip-
ped with locked
covered wells. Drinking fountain
Venices Top 10
Left & centre left S Maria G dei Frari Centre right Madonna dellOrto Right S Maria dei Miracoli
Venice Churches
! Basilica San Marco
See pp811. % San Zaccaria
An intricately decorated
15th-century faade by Coducci
Venices Top 10
can be appreciated in the sacristy. Pope Alexander III took refuge
d Campo della Salute, Dorsoduro Map here in 1177, in ight from
D5 Open 9amnoon, 35:30pm daily Emperor Barbarossa. d Sant
Aponal, S Polo Map D3
Admission charge (sacristy)
@ Gondoliers Shrine
* Paolo Veronese spent a large
Chiesa di San Sebastiano A 1583 Madonna greets
boats approaching the bridge.
d Ponte della Paglia, S Marco
proportion of his life joyously
Map R5
decorating the ceiling, walls,
organ doors and altar of this
unassuming 16th-century church, Corte Nova
Painted images over a
and was buried among his lace-trimmed mantlepiece.
colourful masterpieces, now d Castello Map G4
beautifully restored (see p89).
$ Covered Passageway
The Virgins protection has
) San
Pantalon & St Anthony
This 1668 wardrobe is
Two treasures full of fresh ower offerings.
lurk behind a d Calle Larga, Cannaregio
ramshackle Map D2
faade: a nail
from the True * Ponte del Fontego
A Neo-Classical bridge
Cross in a rich featuring gondola bas-reliefs.
Gothic altar d Campo S Giustina, Castello
and the over- Map F3
San Pantalon ceiling by ( Gondola
Left Burano lacework Centre Museo Storico Navale Right Museo del Vetro
@ Scuola Grande di
San Rocco
of this glass museum in the
Palazzo Giustiniani. Other exhibits
The San Rocco confraternity has include Phoenician phials, blown
now been turned into a gallery to vases, ruby chalices, exquisite
display its spectacular works by mirrors and the famed kaleido-
Tintoretto. The artist won the scopic beads once traded world-
commission hands down not wide. d Fondamenta Giustiniani 8,
content with a sketch, he com- Murano Map G2 Open AprOct:
pleted an entire canvas. He then 10am5pm ThuTue (NovMar: 10am
spent 23 years on the cycle of 4pm) Admission charge
60 inspired Old and New Testa-
ment scenes, culminating in the
breathtaking Crucixion (1565). % Museo Correr
Priceless artworks and a
They are the crowning glory of miscellany of items on Venices
Tintorettos life work (see p81). history are housed in this ne
museum on Piazza San Marco
Querini (see p18).
Slaying the dragon is one of the
scenes from the lives of Dalma- ( Museo del Merletto
A must for crafts enthusiasts
tian saints, executed in 1502. is the lacemaking island of
d Calle dei Furlani, Castello 3259 Map Burano and this precious display
F4 Open AprOct: 9:30am12:30pm, of more than 200 rare lace items,
Venices Top 10
3:306:30pm TueSun (closed public hols documenting a 500-year history.
& Sun pm in winter) Admission charge d Piazza Baldassare Galuppi, Burano
Map H1 Open AprOct: 10am5pm;
* Ca Pesaro
Galleria dArte
Moderna Studio with a Fruit Bowl (1942), Raoul Dufy, Ca Pesaro
A Baroque triumph of
a palace whose interior, in
contrast, accommodates works ) Museo di Icone
A rich if small collection of
by leading European 19th- and 14th18th-century Byzantine
20th-century masters such as icons is on display, some painted
Marc Chagall and Gustave Klimt. by Greek artists living in Venice.
d Fondamenta Ca Pesaro, S Croce 2076 d Ponte dei Greci, Castello 3412 Map
Map N1 Open TueSun (closed 1 Jan, F4 Open 9am5pm daily (closed public
1 May & 25 Dec) Admission charge hols) Admission charge
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Venices Top 10
Venice Palaces
! Doges Palace
See pp1215.
Wagner, who spent his nal
years here. The palace is now
home to the glittering City
@ Ca dOro
The original lapis-lazuli,
Casino (see p60).
Ca Foscari
Set on a strategic bend of
bringing long-term hostilities
between Venice and the Turks to
the Grand Canal, a temporary halt
this excellent (see p21).
example of late
Gothic architec-
ture has a series ^ Ca
of mullioned win- This glittering
dows facing the palace adorned
water, surmoun- with Tiepolo
ted by an Istrian ceiling frescoes,
stone frieze. majestic Murano
Once home to glass chandeliers
the long-ruling and elaborate
Doge Francesco carved period
Foscari, today it furniture, has
is part of the undergone exten-
University of sive renovation.
Venice. d Calle Palazzo Vendramin-Calergi It is now home
Foscari, Dorsoduro to the Museum
3932 Map L5 Closed to public of 18th-century Venetian Life.
d Fondamenta Rezzonico, Dorsoduro
$ Palazzo Vendramin-Calergi
This stately Renaissance
3136 Map L5 Open 10am5pm Wed
Mon (6pm AprOct) Admission charge
residence by architects Lom-
bardo and Coducci was home to
a string of noble families includ- & Palazzo Mastelli
This eclectic delight, tucked
ing the Cretan merchant Calergi in away on a peaceful back canal of
1589. Another famed tenant was Cannaregio, was the abode of
German composer Richard three merchant brothers from
Morea on the Peloponnese from Top 10 Architectural
1112. Their turbaned likenesses Features of a Palazzo
in stone adorn neighbouring
Campo dei Mori (see p95). A
fascinating carved menagerie of ! Piano nobile
The high-ceilinged rst
Venices Top 10
lions, birds and a prominent oor of a palazzo hosts the
camel can be picked out on the sumptuous salons and
familys living quarters.
Gothic faade. d Rio della Madonna
dellOrto, Cannaregio 3932 Map D1
Closed to public @ Faade
Usually fronting a canal,
this was the only exterior wall
decorated with a costly stone
* Palazzi Contarini degli
Scrigni overlay to impress visitors.
A 15th-century residence,
enlarged by architect Vincenzo Funnel-shaped
Scamozzi for the 17th-century These and many other
proprietor Contarini of the variations punctuate rooftops,
their long shafts often running
coffers (scrigni), so-called for
along outside walls.
the vast wealth of his family
which resided in the Veneto
region. The roof-top folly acted $ Kitchen
This was always located
as a useful observatory for on the ground oor for
practical reasons.
astronomers. d Calle Contarini Corfu,
Dorsoduro 1057 Map B5 Closed to
public % Canal Entrance
Where the familys private
gondolas were moored and
visitors were received.
( Palazzi Barbaro
Cole Porter, Diaghilev, Monet
and Whistler are just a few of ^ Central Well
This received ltered rain
the great names who gure water for the palazzos main
among the past guests of this water supply.
private double palace, courtesy
of the 19th-century Curtis family & Entrance Portal
The importance of the
from Boston. Henry James main entrance was usually
wrote The Aspen Papers here indicated by the distinctive
and used it as the setting for The family crest.
Wings of a Dove (see p51). d Rio
dellOrso, S Marco 2840 Map M6 * Enclosed Courtyard
This bustling area, usually
Closed to public with store rooms, was often
used for the familys business
) Palazzo Pisani-Moretta
Venue of a fabulous masked
Venices Top 10
Left Giovanni Bellini Centre Mary with Child (151112), Giovanni Bellini Right Titian self-portrait
Artists in Venice
! Giovanni Bellini
With his father Jacopo and
luminous poetic frescoes from
the Rococo period, such as those
brother Gentile, Giovanni (1430 in the Scuola Grande dei Carmini
1516) made Venice one of the in Dorsoduro (see p28).
greatest centres of Renaissance
art. His trademarks are radiant
Madonnas and serene St Peters. & Vittorio Carpaccio
This Renaissance master
(14651525) delighted in detailed
Jacopo Tintoretto
The great Mannerist of the
memorable mood works, surpas-
sing his master, Giovanni Bellini.
late Renaissance, Tintoretto
(151894) produced huge, glow-
ing canvases, seen at the Scuola ( Pietro Longhi
Longhis (170285) witty
Grande di San Rocco (see p81). scenes of the well-to-do in
Venice can be admired at Ca
% Paolo Veronese
Foremost painter
of the Venetian
School, Veroneses
(152888) huge can-
vases, teeming with
people, are on display
in the Doges Palace
(see pp1215).
^ Giambattista
Tiepolo (16961770)
is admired for his Rio dei Mendicanti (c.1723), Canaletto
Venice Architects
! Jacopo Sansovino
Trained in Florence under
of Palazzo Vendramin-Calergi
(see p60) and the churches of
sculptor Andrea Sansovino, San Zaccaria and San Michele.
whose name he adopted in
homage, Jacopo (14861570) ed
to Venice to escape the sacking ^ Bartolomeo Bon
Gothic sculptor and architect
of Rome. Of his outstanding Bons (13741464) designs were
architecture are the Libreria and the basis for the church and
Zecca (see pp1619). Scuola di San Rocco. With his son
Giovanni, he was also respon-
@ Andrea Palladio
Regarded as one of the
sible for the Ca dOro (see p42).
Baldassare Longhena
The majestic Santa Maria
town Verona (see p124).
$ Pietro Lombardo
A native of Lombardy, sculp- ( Giannantonio Selva
In Venice, French-inspired
tor Pietro (14351515) took over Selva (17571819) is best rem-
as director of works at the Doges embered for the elegant Fenice
Palace when Antonio Rizzo ed, theatre, though he also played a
accused of embezzlement. His hand in works of the Napoleonic
trademark is a leafy bas-relief era including restructuring the
pattern, also seen on his Renais- Accademia Galleries.
sance masterpiece, Santa Maria
dei Miracoli (see p95).
) Carlo Scarpa
Modernist Scarpa (190678)
% Mauro Coducci
The Renaissance designs of
admirably reorganized both the
Accademia collection and the
Lombard native Coducci (c.1440 Querini Stampalia along
1504) can be seen in the shape Japanese-inspired lines.
Left Ponte degli Scalzi Centre Rialto Bridge Right Ponte dei Pugni
! Bridge of Sighs
This evocatively named bridge
7 m (23 ft) above the Grand
Canal. Named after the nearby
once led convicts from the monastery of bare-footed monks,
Doges Palace to the adjacent this 1934 structure in Istrian stone
prisons (see p13). d Map R5 by Eugenio Miozzi replaced an
Austrian-built iron bridge.
@ Rialto Bridge
The design of this most
d Map J1
Venices Top 10
footprints marked the starting views taking in 13 other bridges.
point of the combat, but contes- d Map B3
tants usually ended up in the
canal. d Map K5
) Ponte Lungo
Marvellous views of Piazza
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Venices Top 10
Left Parco Savorgnan Centre Cloister of SantApollonia Right Campo della Maddalena
Hidden Venice
! Parco Savorgnan
A well-hidden haven of Corte del Duca Sforza
A picturesque courtyard
chirping birds in towering shady opening onto the Grand Canal, it
trees, signposted from Campo was named after the duke of
San Geremia and Fondamenta Milan who took over a partially
Savorgnan. Part of the park once constructed palace here in 1461.
belonged to Palazzo Savorgnan, However, work did not go much
now a school, which backs on to further than the diamond-point
it, and boasted statues, citrus ashlar on the faade. The artist
trees and Roman stonework. Titian used it as a studio when
d Cannaregio Map B2 working on the Doges Palace.
d S Marco Map L6
& Cloister of SantApollonia
Venices only authentic
Top 10 Animals
in Venice
Romanesque cloister has a court-
yard with twin-columned arcades,
now part of a church museum. ! Pigeons
Piazza San Marco wouldnt
Venices Top 10
d Castello Map R4 be the same without them,
but their droppings play havoc
with the stonework.
* Campo della Celestia
Now a tranquil residential
square, in the 13th century it @ Lions
Symbol of Venice and St
saw plenty of action when the Mark, abundant statuary and
sisters of a Cistercian convent paintings of lions in varying
gained a riotous reputation. forms ll the city.
Under Napoleon an archive of
city affairs took over the building. Cats
The citys feline population
d Castello Map G3 is pampered and fed by
affectionate Venetians.
$ Rats
Rare, thanks to imported
Syrian cats in the past,
replaced by an effective
council eradication campaign.
% Horses
Once ridden around town
by the Venetian nobility, even
up the Campanile via a ramp.
^ Dogs
By law dogs in Venice
must be muzzled, kept on a
leash and cleaned up after at
all times.
& Seagulls
Self-appointed garbage
collectors, they do an admir-
Calle del Paradiso
able job around the markets.
Left Shakespeare Centre left Carlo Goldoni Centre right Thomas Mann Right Ernest Hemingway
Venices Top 10
@ Thomas Mann
The sombre
that it doth even
amaze and drive
1912 novel Death into admiration all
in Venice was strangers that
both written and upon their rst
set in Venice arrival behold
and the Lido the same.
resort by the
German Nobel
Prize-winner % Johann
(18751955). It von Goethe
tells the story of The story goes
an ageing writer that this German
in dire need of literary giant (1749
relaxation who 1832) had his rst
visits the city, but in ever view of the sea
the wake of an from Venices Campa-
impossible infatuation Johann Wolfgang nile. Attracted by the
slowly succumbs to von Goethe lands south of the
the spreading cholera Alps, his rst visit
epidemic and dies. was an experience of personal
renewal, the account published
William Shakespeare
Although he never visited
as Italian Journey (17868).
Venices Top 10
fourth canto of his autobiograph- delights of the city and its
ical work Childe Harolds maritime history.
@ Venice, an Anthology
Guide, Milton Grundy
& John Ruskin
The meticulous if
A guide around town, seen
through the eyes of famous
opinionated labour of writers.
love of this British art
critic (18191900), Ruskins Venice, editor
Arnold Whittick
The Stones of Venice, A very readable version of
John Ruskin was the rst work to Ruskins landmark work.
focus the attention of
visitors on the citys unique $ Death in Venice,
Thomas Mann
architectural heritage and Gothic A portrayal of desire and
style, as opposed to the art. The decadence amid the fog.
book was largely the outcome of
an 1849 visit. % Stone Virgin, Barry
A mystery involving the 15th-
* Henry James
The leitmotif of this US
century statue of a famous
novelist (18431916) was the
contrast between what he saw
as the spontaneity of the New
^ Casanova, or the
Art of Happiness,
Lydia Flem
World and the staidness of An inspired biography of the
Europe. Between 1872 and 1909 famous seducer (see p52).
he compiled Italian Hours, a
travel diary with plenty of com-
ments on Venice.
& Dead Lagoon,
Michael Dibdin
Detective Aurelio Zen
navigates Venices murky
( Ernest Hemingway
This US Nobel Prize winner
waters wrought with unease
and intrigue.
(18991961) experienced Italy
rst-hand as a volunteer * The Architecture of
Venice, Deborah
ambulance driver during World Howard
War I (recounted in A Farewell to An unbeatable architectural
Arms) and he was wounded near classic.
Treviso. Across the River and
into the Trees is set in Harrys ( Venice: A Maritime
Republic, Frederic
Bar (see p21). C. Lane
A comprehensive history of
) Charles Dickens
The great English novelist
the citys maritime prowess.
Venices Top 10
Outstanding Venetians
! Marco Polo
Legendary Cathay and the $ Claudio Monteverdi
This late Renaissance
kingdom of the mighty Kublai madrigalist (15671643) is
Khan took pride of place in attributed with the introduction
explorer Marco Polos best-selling of the solo voice to theatre. His
account of his 20-year odyssey opera Proserpina Rapita was the
to the Far East, Il milione. Son of rst to be performed in Venice.
a Venetian merchant, Marco Polo After long periods at the court of
(12541324) is responsible for the Gonzagas, he accepted an
the introduction appointment at
of pasta and win- the Basilica San
dow blinds to the Marco and work-
western world. ed for the Scuola
Grande di San
@ Antonio
Rocco (see p81).
Vivaldi (1678
1741) was both %
John Cabot
Italian navi-
an accomplished gator Giovanni
musician and an Caboto, or John
inuential com- Cabot (145099),
poser. Of his 500 and his sons
concertos, The were authorized
Four Seasons is by Henry VII of
the best known, Prolic Venetian composer England to search
though 10 were Antonio Vivaldi for new lands
transcribed by with the aim of
J.S. Bach. Vivaldi spent extended furthering trade. Believing
periods teaching music at the himself on the northeast coast of
Piet home for girls (see p66). Asia, he discovered Newfound-
land in Canada and claimed it for
Giovanni Casanova
This marvellous romantic
England, opening up cod shing.
& Daniele Manin
Organizer of the 1848 rebel-
Top 10 Foreign
lion against Austrian rule, the
Venetian patriot (180457) is
commemorated by a statue in ! Greeks
Since 1498 the longest
Venices Top 10
Campo Manin. An independent surviving group, still active
republic was declared and with their own church.
survived 17 months of bombard-
ments and even cholera, conclud- @ Armenians
Fleeing Turkish invasion, in
ing with Manins exile to Paris. 1717 the close-knit religious
group was granted an island
by the Republic (see p116).
* Paolo Sarpi
When the pope excommuni-
cated Venice for insubordination, Dalmatians (Slavs)
Active traders whose boats
involving restrictions on church gave their name to the Riva
construction and the refusal to degli Schiavoni (see p101).
hand over two priests on crimi-
nal charges, Sarpi (15521623) $ Turks
Sworn political enemies of
resolved the rupture. A patriot Venice, the Republic still
and theologian, he was an rented them a trade centre
advocate of division between between 1621 and 1898.
State and Church.
% Jews
The Spanish Inquisition
( This Venetian noblewoman
Caterina Cornaro triggered the move here for
many Jews expelled from
(14541510) married the king of other European countries.
Cyprus then allegedly poisoned
him, thus securing ^ Albanians
Calle degli Albanesi near
the strategic Piazza San Marco is named in
island for honour of this large 15th-
Venice. Her century community.
return to the
city was an & Germans
The former German trade
occasion of headquarters Fondaco dei
great pomp, Tedeschi attracted artists such
recalled to as Albrecht Drer.
this day in a
waterborne * British
Extended sojourns here
procession Queen of Cyprus, were mandatory for British
during the Caterina Cornaro upper classes during the
Regata 19th-century Grand Tour.
Storica (see p62). Cornaros
reward was the hilltown of Asolo. ( French
Impressionist Monet and
writers Thophile Gautier and
) Luigi Nono
This musician (192490)
Marcel Proust were attracted
to the city in the late 1800s.
made milestone progress in the
eld of electronic music, and an ) Americans
Leading literary gures
archive named after him was set and patrons of the arts have
up in Venice in 1993. A commit- paid long-term visits since the
ted Communist, his works were 19th century.
often provocative.
Venices Top 10
Historic Conversions
! Zecca
This elegant waterfront mint
rope were manufactured here.
The Gaggiandre docks and 16th-
was designed by Jacopo Sanso- century sailmaking area were
vino (see p45) and completed in adapted into a theatre in 1999
1545, although a former mint (see p101).
had existed here since 1277.
Operations came to a halt in
1870 and in 1905 the building $ Molino Stucky
This impressive Hanseatic
became the home of the Gothic our mill dominating the
Marciana Library. d Piazza S Marco, Giudecca Canal has been
S Marco 3 Map Q5 Closed to the converted into a hotel (see p144).
public Built between 1897 and 1920,
workers pale-faced from our
@ Cotonificio
Now occupied by the univer-
were a common sight until 1954
when operations ceased.
sity architecture faculty, these d Campo S Biagio, Giudecca 810 Map C6
former cotton mills are a ne
example of re-using the citys
derelict industrial buildings. The % Magazzini del Sale
The lagoons salt pans largely
mills and their 1,000 employees contributed to the Republics trade
were active from 1883 to 1960. monopoly and salt was stored in
d Fondamenta Bari, Dorsoduro 2196 these cavernous 14th-century
Map A4 Closed to the public warehouses. The buildings now
store boats.
The 300-m (980-ft) long
d Zattere, Dorsoduro
258266 Map D5
Corderie building in the historic Closed to the public
Arsenale shipyards is the perfect
setting for the Biennale Arts
show held here since 1980
(see p101), but in the past
endless lengths of hemp
^ Deposito del Megio
Few children can boast such * Cantieri Navali
A state-of-the-art research
a historic home for their primary centre on coastal and marine
schooling. A stone lion presides technology now accounts for
over this former state grain store, another vast area of the
Venices Top 10
essential during the 1559 famine. Arsenale. The 16th19th-century
It was converted in 192122. shipyards, set amid a lush
d Calle del Megio, S Croce 1779 Map garden, were converted in 1991.
M1 Closed to the public d Arsenale, Castello 2737/F Map H3
Closed to the public
& Macello
The Neo-Classical former
( CIGA Warehouses
abattoir, its faade aptly decora- One of the citys best public
ted with bucranium (sculpted ox sports facilities is located in this
skulls), was restructured by the series of modest repositories,
university when it was granted including an indoor swimming
the premises in 1986. d Fondamenta pool, gym and bowls facilities.
di S Giobbe, Cannaregio 879 Map B1 d S Alvise, Cannaregio 3190 Map C1
Closed to the public Open daily (hours vary) Admission
) Junghans Factory
New York-style loft apart-
ments have been created from an
old clock factory one of many
conversion projects taking place
on Giudecca. d Giudecca 373 Map
Cotonicio, now a university faculty D6 Closed to the public
6$17$/9,6( $B
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Left Cantina Do Mori Centre Osteria alla Botte Right Un Mondo di Vino
@ Un Mondo di Vino
Italian wines can be enjoyed
$ Osteria del Sacro
at this converted butchers shop, e Profano
along with mouth-watering bar Well worth hunting out near
snacks such as insalata di mare Rialto, this rustic-looking osteria
(seafood salad) and regional is the haunt of international
cheeses. This place is well artists who happily mingle with
frequented by both locals and the locals. Wines from the
visitors, who spill out from the Veneto and Friuli are served with
bar and into the alleyway, glass traditional snacks such as uova
in hand. d Salizada S Canciano, con acciughe (hard-boiled egg
Cannaregio 5984A Map E3 with anchovy). d Ramo secondo del
Parangon, S Polo 502 Map P2
Venices Top 10
sausage, served with great splash of Bitter, Aperol or
Select (apritif brands) and a
smiles by the affable young shot of mineral water.
owners. Decent selection of
Veneto wines too. d Rio Terr del
Cristo, Cannaregio 1814C Map C2
@ Prosecco
Excellent naturally
sparkling dry white wine from
the hills around Conegliano
* You have to ght your way
Osteria alla Botte and Valdobbiadene.
^ Mineral Water
( Trattoria
Ca dOro alla Widely consumed in Italy,
either sparkling (con gas) or
still (senza gas). Tap water is
Young enterprising management
acqua dal rubinetto.
has recently taken over this
timber-panelled establishment
which has been serving mouth- & Fruit Drinks
These can be ordered as
watering counter snacks (cicheti) spremuta (freshly squeezed
such as crispy battered artichokes juice) or succo di frutta
(bottled nectars).
and quaffable wine for longer than
any of the regulars can remember.
d Calle del Pistor, Cannaregio 3912 * Coffee
Straight espresso, frothy
Map D2 cappuccino or caff latte in a
tall glass with hot milk.
) AlNotBottegon
far from the Accademia ( Hot Chocolate
Usually served in the
Bridge, join the locals at this winter months. An espresso
family-run specialist wine cellar milk-free version can be found
that serves excellent Prosecco at in good chocolate emporia.
the stand-up bar. Simple nibbles
to accompany the wine include ) After-dinner
mortadella sausage and panini A well-kept local secret
rolls lled with sopressa, a local concocted with lemon sorbet,
salami. d Fondamenta Nani, Dorsoduro vodka and Prosecco.
992 Map C5
@ Da Fiore
Reservations are essential at
ingredients feature in dishes such
as ribbon pasta with scallops and
this sophisticated restaurant, courgette (zucchini) owers. Beware
where the owners base the days the mousse al cioccolato its
menu on what is fresh at the made with ve different sorts of
market. They might have papp- chocolate! Romantically situated
ardelle con ostriche e zafferano beneath a vine-clad pergola. d
(at ribbon pasta with oysters Campo Widman, Cannaregio 5405 Map
and saffron), or moleche fritte E3 041 521 10 21 Closed Mon
con polenta (fried soft-shelled crab
with cornmeal). d Calle del Scaleter,
S Polo 2202/A Map M3 041 721 308 % Corte Sconta
This former osteria is now a
Closed SunMon, 3 weeks in Dec, 3 weeks trendy restaurant that serves
in Aug No disabled access memorable seafood in a pretty
hidden courtyard
(corte sconta). Dont
miss pincia, the local
bread pudding, for
dessert. The house
wine is also
wonderful. Booking
ahead is essential.
d Calle del Pestrin,
Castello 3886
Map F4 041 522 70 24
Closed SunMon, Jan,
Grand Canal, Hotel Monaco
Venices Top 10
dining car to be greeted by esan cheese or rocket (arugula).
displays of glistening seafood.
Book ahead. d Calle Specchieri, @ Sarde in Saor
Fried sardines marinated
S Marco 468 Map Q4 041 523 21 48 in a sweet and sour mixture
No disabled access of onions, currants and pine
nuts, invented for sailors at
sea for lengthy periods.
& Vini da Gigio
Tiny restaurant with a great
reputation. The owner prides Antipasto
di Mare
di Frutti
% Risotto di Pesce
* Superb food and wine
La Colomba Clams, mussels, shrimp
and assorted sh in a
heavenly creamy rice dish.
among some remarkable
paintings in the past artists left
their work as payment for food, so ^ Pasta con il Nero
di Seppia
the story goes. d Piscina di Frezzaria, Usually spaghetti, combined
S Marco 1665 Map P5 041 522 11 75 with a rich sauce of tomato
Closed Wed (MayOct) and cuttlesh, thoroughly
blackened with the ink.
For a guide to restaurant prices See pages 79, 85, 93, 99, 105, 113, 59
119 and 129
Venices Top 10
! Paradiso Perduto
Call it animated or just plain
naturally. You can always count
on action here a concert of
noisy, but live ethnic music, Irish music in the cosy square, a
owing wine and simple seafood maxi screen for football games,
are all part of the vibrant while at Carnival and, of course,
atmosphere of Lost Paradise. St Patricks Day, this is the place
Always full to the (low) rafters, to be. d Campiello dei Testori,
the exuberant crowd often spills Cannaregio 3847 Map D2
out onto the canalside where
tables are set up in spring and
summer weather permitting of $ Chet Bar
One of the many lively
course. d Fondamenta della music bars that can be found in
Misericordia, Cannaregio 2540 Map D2 Campo S Margherita. Chet Bar is
a popular joint and is, as the
@ Centrale
A thoughtful use of candles
name clearly indicates, dedicated
to that great trumpet player Chet
and soft music helps to create Baker. d Campo S Margherita,
a pleasant and welcoming Dorsuduro 3684 041 296 0664
ambience to this lounge bar Map K5 Closed NovMar
and restaurant. They serve
imaginative and sometimes
somewhat innovative % Casin Municipale,
Palazzo Vendramin-Calergi
Mediterranean cuisine each A magnicent start to an exciting
evening until 2am. d Piscina evening a special ACTV launch
Frezzaria, San Marco 1659 from Piazzale Roma transports
041 296 0664 Map P5 hopeful clients down the Grand
Canal to the landing stage of the
Irish Pub
Elbow beautiful Renaissance palace,
alias City Casino, for a glittering
Marvellous, lively atmos- night at the tables or the slot
phere and great Guinness, machines. It is also a short walk
from the San Marcuola ferry stop.
d Campiello Vendramin, Cannaregio 2040
Map C2
^ Martini Scala-Club
Piano Bar
This chic lo cale is the only place
in Venice where you can enjoy
high-quality cuisine and wine
until the small hours of the
morning, while being entertained
Fiddlers Elbow Irish Pub by live music in air-conditioned
Venices Top 10
food events. An added bonus is
superb wine and a fascinating
menu of dishes based on
traditional 15th-century recipes.
d Calle dei Fabbri, S Marco 4685 Map
P4 041 523 66 51 Closed 2225 Dec
&$032 7$ ( 17
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Venices Top 10
@ Regata Storica
The word regatta originated
two-yearly basis. The leafy gar-
dens in eastern Castello are the
in Venice so what better place to principal venue, supplemented
enjoy the years most spectacu- by the Corderie building in the
lar event? Ornately decorated Arsenale (see p54). d JunNov
boats propelled by costumed
oarsmen parade down the Grand
Canal bearing passengers dres-
sed as historical dignitaries. A
series of furiously contested
regattas follows. d 1st Sun in Sep
A colourful armada of rowing
craft from all over the world em-
barks on a 32-km (20-mile) non-
competitive route around the
lagoons scattered islands. The
Long Row is a great experi-
ence for both participants and
on-lookers, who line the Canale
di Cannaregio towards midday to
cheer on the breathtaking nal
stretch down the Grand Canal.
d May: Sun after Ascension Venice Marathon
^ Madonna della Salute
Venetians make a pilgrimage
Top 10 Sports in
to Longhenas church on the
Grand Canal (see p38) every win-
ter, to give thanks for the end of ! Rowing
Immensely popular
Venices Top 10
the 1630 plague. The area Venetian pastime practised
assumes a festive atmosphere standing-up. Join the oldest
club Canottieri Bucintoro.
with stalls selling candy oss
d Zattere, Dorsoduro Map D5
and balloons. d 21 Nov
@ Cycling
& One of the worlds most
Venice Marathon Illegal in Venice itself
though youll see kids zoom-
ing around. Rent a bike on the
beautiful marathon routes. Run-
Lido from Bruno Lazzari.
ners from all parts of the globe d Gran Viale 21/B Map H2
begin this classic 42-km (26-mile)
race at Villa Pisani on the Brenta
waterway, cross the causeway to
Yachtsmen gather at the
marina on San Giorgio
Venice, the Zattere and San
Maggiore island.
Marco, and nish near the public
gardens in Castello. d Late Oct
$ Swimming
Head for the Lido, or the
crowded indoor pools at
* Su e Zo per i Ponti
Anyone can take part in this Sacca Fisola and SantAlvise.
d Map C1
leisurely non-competitive walk or
run up and down the bridges. A
variety of ofcial routes can be % In-line Skating
There is a small rink at
followed, and all participants SantElena in Castello,
otherwise stick to the Lido
receive a medal on nishing.
pavements (see p115).
d Late Mar/Apr: 4th Sun in Lent
^ Golf
( Head for the Riviera di San
La Sensa The well-reputed 18-hole
course at the Alberoni is on
the south of the Lido.
Nicol at the Lido (see p115) to
d Map H2
watch this ancient ceremony of
Venice wedding the Sea. A
costumed doge casts a ring & Tennis
The Lido has the only
into the sea amid a procession courts available to visitors.
of celebratory boats. Symbolizing d Lungomare G Marconi 41/d
Map H2
Venices maritime supremacy,
the Sensa has been staged since
Venice took Istria and Dalmatia in * Jogging
The citys stone paving
AD 997. d May: Ascension Day doesnt do wonders for your
knees, so try the city parks.
Venices Top 10
Left Play area at Parco Savorgnan Centre Snorkelling at the Lido Right Ferry trip
@ Ferry Trips
Restful for adults, exciting
War II, such as the famed
torpedoes guided by Italian Navy
for youngsters, the varied boat divers, responsible for sinking
lines are an ideal way for families British warships (see p41).
to appreciate the joys of the city.
Get older children to plan trips
on the route maps but avoid the % Museo di Storia Naturale
The star of the marvellous
outside seating on the vaporetto natural history museum is a
with toddlers. For an extended 3.6-m (12-ft) tall and 7-m (23-ft)
trip, take the majestic double- long skeleton of the dinosaur
decker motonave over to Lido Ouranosauris nigeriensis, dis-
and Punta Sabbioni (see p135). covered in the Sahara Desert by
the explorer Giancarlo Ligabue.
Dont miss the new acquarium.
d Salizzada del Fondaco dei Turchi, S
Croce 1730 Map L1 041 275 02 06
Open SatSun 10am4pm. Due to
restructuring, some displays are
temporarily closed. Free admission.
^ Glassmaking
Magic moments are guaranteed
as children are transxed by
Glassmaking demonstration in Murano skilful craftsmen blowing blobs
of molten glass into ne vases,
or moulding coloured rods into ( Laboratorio Blu Bookshop
Just off the main Cannaregio
myriad animal shapes. Small canal is this delightful bookshop
workshops are dotted all over dedicated to youngsters. One
Venice, while Murano has more stand is packed with illustrated
Venices Top 10
large-scale furnaces demonstra- childrens books in English, audio
tions are free, on the condition cassettes and games. Kids love
you stroll through the showroom crawling into the cubby hole to
afterwards (see p109). enjoy their purchases. d Ghetto
Vecchio, Cannaregio 1224 Map C1
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Entertainment Venues
! LaWorld-famous
opera and
Polo means delights from the
Venice Film Festival.
concert performances are back d Cinema Giorgione: Rio Terr dei
at this glorious theatre, re- Franceschi, Cannaregio 4612 Map E3
inaugurated in December 2003 041 522 62 98 Venice Film Festival:
(see p73). Productions range 041 521 87 11
from Verdi and Rossini to
contemporary composers.
d Tickets from Vela at Piazzale Roma or $ Teatro Goldoni
One of the oldest theatres in
the theatre (041 2424) Map N5 the city, dating from the 17th century. It acquired its present
name in 1875 in honour of the
@ Teatro Malibran
In a quiet square near Rialto
18th-century playwright Carlo
Goldoni (see p50). An excellent
stands the gleaming and range of international plays is
splendid Malibran Theatre, re- performed in Italian NovMay. d
inaugurated in 2001 to take on Calle del Teatro, S Marco 4650/B Map
part of the Fenices productions. P4 Ticket sales: 041 240 2014
Dating back to 1678 as Teatro
Grimani, it was renamed after the
19th-century Spanish mezzo- % Vivaldi Concerts
Inspiring performances of
soprano Maria Malibran. Vivaldis music can be enjoyed
d Tickets as La Fenice Corte del Teatro just off Piazza San Marco. Tickets
Malibran, Cannaregio Map Q2 are available at agencies, hotels
or directly from the palace. d
Films in English
The Giorgione cinema has
Ateneo San Basso, Piazzetta dei Leoncini,
San Marco Map Q4 041 528 28 25
English-language screenings or www.
occasionally throughout the
winter. In late summer, the
outdoor cinema in Campo San
^ Chamber Music
While listening to the
uplifting notes of Vivaldis Four
Seasons, or a masterpiece from
Bach or Benedetto Marcello take
a moment to unwind and relax
from the days hectic
sightseeing. The Church of San
Vidal was rebuilt around 1700
and has a spacious interior. d
Campo S. Vidal, S Marco 2944 Map M6
041 277 05 61 www.
Venice Film Festival
Venices Top 10
d Scuola Grande dei Carmini, Campo S Hero Harrison Ford heaves up
Margherita, Dorsoduro Map J5 the oor in the church of San
041 0994371
@ Moonraker (1979)
* The Venice Carnival Show
A highly entertaining and
Roger Moore as James
Bond steers a gondola-cum-
educational show celebrating hovercraft across Piazza San
Marco in a thrilling chase.
the story of Venice. It starts with
a buffet dinner at 7:30pm. d
Campo S Gallo, S Marco 1092 Map P5 Death in Venice (1971)
Viscontis lm starring Dirk
041 241 19 43 www.venice-carnival- Bogarde is now as classic as the Thomas Mann novel on
which it is based (see p51).
$ Dont
Look Now
% The Merchant of
Venice (2004)
Starring Al Pacino as a brilliant
^ Eve (1962)
Joseph Loseys black-and-
white classic starring
temptress Jeanne Moreau.
Teatro Fondamenta Nuove
& Senso (1954)
Alida Valli betrays family
( Auditorium
Santa and country for an Austrian
ofcer in another Visconti lm.
This converted cinema regularly
stages live ethnic and other
music free! The programme is
* Fellinis
Venices Top 10
Shops in Venice
! Mondonovo
Venices most original papier-
shoes. The Bevilacqua family has
been weaving precious fabrics by
mch masks. A monstrous hand since the 1700s and you
bears head might hang alongside can see the ancient looms they
a gloating Tutankhamun, but the continue to use today (see also
speciality is Carnival costumes. p77). d Campiello della Comare,
Masks for the lm Eyes Wide S Croce 1320 Map L2
Shut (2000) were made here.
d Rio Terr Canal, Dorsoduro 3063
Map C5 $ Venini
Dont expect Venetian glass
animals here, rather innovative
@ Nardi
Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly
platters and vases of great
simplicity and style. Since its
and Elton John have all happily 1921 beginnings, Veninis award-
spent time (and more) in this winning design team has
plush boutique of glittering included top names Carlo Scarpa
marvels. Three generations of and Gae Aulenti. d Piazzetta
craftsmen have thrilled those who Leoncini, S Marco 314 Map Q4
can afford it with breathtaking
pieces, such as their blackamoor
brooch in ruby and gold or % Perle e Dintorni
String together your own
diamond and platinum. d Piazza S necklace in this great shop. Daz-
Marco 69, S Marco Map Q5 zling kaleidoscopic baubles range
from traditional gay murrhine, to
Luigi Bevilacqua
Shimmering velvets,
blown globes sprayed with gold
and silver, Chinese ceramics and
damasks and silks are fashioned African bone beads. d Calle della
into wonderful bags, clothes and Mandola, S Marco 3740 Map N4
Venices Top 10
coloured Carnival masks? These chandelier or perhaps a
milleori paperweight.
are only a taste of more than 40
imaginative pasta shapes by
Rizzo a marvellous souvenir. @ Gourmet Food
For something
d Salizzada S Giovanni Grisostomo, authentically Italian but
Cannaregio 5778 Map Q2 intrinsically Venetian, try extra
virgin olive oil avoured with
chilli peppers, bottled red
& Coin Department Store
Its impossible to walk past
chicory paste or pasta in the
shape of gondolas and masks.
the stylishly dressed windows of
Coin without being impressed.
Centrally located close to the
The essential guaranteed
souvenir of Venice, sold at the
Rialto GPO, this branch of Italys ubiquitous street stalls.
largest department chain has an
elegant clothing range and
sleekly designed homeware.
$ Masks
A mind-boggling array of
masks, traditionally made for
d Salizzada S Giovanni Gristomo,
Carnival in papier-mch,
Cannaregio 5785 Map Q2 ceramic and even leather.
* Rubelli
Venices past contact with
% Marbled Paper
Swirls of pastel hues can
be used for covering books or
the Orient is conjured up by the simply as elegant wrapping
sumptuous handmade furnish- paper for gifts.
ings in this showroom. A blend
of computer technology and
traditional techniques is used for
^ Beads
All manner of beads, from
frosted glass, ceramic or the
the brocades, damasks and silks. traditional colourful murrhine
d Campiello del Teatro, S Marco 3877 mosaic-style, can be found.
Map M4
& Italian
Wine and
San Polo and
Santa Croce
The Northern Lagoon
The Southern Lagoon
and Venice Lido
Padua, Vicenza and
Around Town San Marco
Left Busy streetlife in Campo San Bartolomeo Right Designer shopping on Mercerie
San Marco
(district) named after the citys patron saint is
bounded by the Grand Canal on all but one side,
1 Piazza San Marco 6 Campo San Bartolomeo
2 Mercerie 7 Chiesa di San Mois
3 Campo Santo Stefano 8 Palazzo Grassi
4 Teatro La Fenice 9 Museo Fortuny
5 Scala Contarini del 0 Chiesa di Santa Maria
Bovolo del Giglio
Shop on the Mercerie
1 &$032
& $032 6$1/,2
/ 6$17$0$5,$
&$032 6$1 '( 3JBMUP 6 $/
$ 6$ 1
6,/9(6752 5,9 /,
F $ '
OE 5 ,9
(SB 0(
BM (5 &$032
&$032 $BO ,$ '*8(55$
6$1720$ &$032
4BOUh"OHFMP 6$1/8&$
& ' (/ ) 8 6(5,
$ %
/ 9 6DQ0DUFR
) 5
8( &$032
6$ &32 3,$==$
6$1 6$10$5&2
4BO4BNVFMF 6$172
3 A N )$17,1
- A R C O
$5 =2 &$032 7BMMBSFTTP
&$032 $;;,,0 6$102,6(
$Bh3F[[POJDP &/$5* 4BO.BSDP
6$10 $85,=,2
"DDBEFNJB 6$19,'$/
! Piazza San Marco
See pp1619. $ Teatro La Fenice
Long masked in scaffolding
since a 1996 arson attack left it
@ Mercerie
The expensive elegance of
gutted, the historic Phoenix
theatre has nally risen from
Glassmaking aristocratic Fini family, who laid
Venetian glasswork exquisitely out 30,000 ducats for the job. d
decorates chandeliers, chalices Campo S Mois, S Marco 4299 Map P5
and mirrors and has long been in Open 9:30am12:30pm MonSat Free
Around Town San Marco
A Day in San Marco
Visit the Doges Palace on
Piazza San Marco rst (see
Designer Boutiques
! Frette
Since 1860 Frette has been ^ Cartier
World-famous French jewel-
importing top-grade cotton from lers whose fortress-like premises
Egypt and transforming it into gleam with gold, precious stones,
towels and custom-made house- handbags and watches. d Mercerie
hold linen. d Calle Larga XXII Marzo, S Zulian, S Marco 606 Map Q4
S Marco 2070/A Map P5
This delightful boutique
Rosenthal porcelain. d Calle Larga
XXII Marzo, S Marco 2282 Map P5
stocks the divine Salviati glass
creations. First and foremost are
the delicately etched modern ( Fratelli Rossetti
Superb Italian elegance from
wine glasses. d Via XXII Marzo, S this 50-year-old family-run rm,
Marco 2088 Map P5 known worldwide for shoes,
belts, bags and jackets. d Campo
$ Ottico Fabbricatore
This small store offers an
S Salvador, S Marco 4800 Map P3
% Epicentro
Alessi kettles, heart-shaped
Craft Shops
! Venetia Studium
Exquisite hanging silk lamps & Valese Fonditore
The Valese family foundry
of Fortuny design are reproduced has been creating animals, lamps
with hand-painted patterning and and door knockers in brass and
glass beading. d Calle Larga XXII bronze since 1913. Examples of
Marzo, S Marco 24036 Map P5 their work can be found in
Buckingham Palace and The
@ Legatoria Piazzesi
The only people in Venice
White House. d Calle Fiubera, S
Marco 793 Map Q4
still printing paper with hand-cut
blocks, as well as binding books.
d Campiello della Feltrina, S Marco 2511 * Bevilacqua
Small branch of this historic
Map N6 fabric shop. Velvet and silk cush-
ions and tapestries are a feast
Polar bears, squirrels and
for the eyes (see also p68). d Campo
S Maria del Giglio, S Marco 2520 Map N5
kangaroos are but some of the
200 glass animals this wonderful
shop boasts. Orchestras of tiny ( LeA kaleidoscopic
Botteghe della Solidarit
display of
glass musicians ll the shop handwoven shawls from India
window. d Mercerie, S Marco 231 and musical instruments from
Map Q4 African countries are part of an
enterprise to guarantee artisans
$ Leon dOro
Commedia dellarte marion-
a just income. d Salizzada Pio X,
S Marco 5164 Map P3
ettes, musical puppet theatres
and glittering carnival masks for
sale or hire. d Frezzeria, S Marco ) Daniela Ghezzo Segalin
a Venezia
1770 Map P5 As well as the brocade slippers
and bizarre footwear with built-in
^ Rigattieri
Ceramic enthusiasts must &$032
Around Town San Marco
Caff Brasilia
Tuck in to a huge fresh fruit
del Tentor, S Marco 5513 Map P3
$ Bar al Teatro
Next door to the renowned ) Moscacieka
A young place featuring non-
Fenice Theatre (see p73), this stop music, bracing Spritz
legendary establishment offers apritifs and reasonably priced
outdoor seating on a patio. Other- light meals at lunchtime. d Calle
wise go inside to the bar and dei Fabbri, S Marco 4717 Map P4
munch a toasted sandwich. d
Campo S Fantin, S Marco 1916 Map N5
Places to Eat
! Hostaria Masaniello
Marvellous southern Italian
a table outside. d Campo S Luca, S
Marco 4153 Map P4 041 522 11 80
eatery. The menu includes pasta, No credit cards Closed Sat & Sun
meat and sh, plus winning
desserts. d Campo S Stefano, S
Marco 2801 Map M5 041 520 90 03 & AlA 30-year
institution. Try the
Closed Tue, mid-Novmid-Dec bigoli in salsa (spaghetti with
anchovy and onion pure).
Ristorante allAngelo
A long-running favourite with
Corte Contarina, S Marco 1535 Map P5
041 523 78 55 Closed Sun
seating for 680. Try the risotto di
seppie (rice cooked with cuttle-
sh black ink sauce). d Calle Larga ( LaResembling
a caravel sailing
S Marco, S Marco 403 Map Q4 041 ship, the trestle tables are adorned
520 92 99 with pewter plates. Fish and
meat dishes. Good wine list. d Via
$ Rosticceria
San XXII Marzo, S Marco 2398 Map P5 041
520 89 01 No disabled access
Try the local favourite here,
mozzarella in carozza, a deep-
fried cheese sandwich. d Calle ) Acqua Pazza
Mediterranean cuisine,
della Bissa, S Marco 5424 Map P3 including Neapolitan-style pizza.
041 522 35 69 No disabled access d Campo SantAngelo, S Marco 3808/10
Map N5 041 277 06 88 Closed Mon,
% AiTryAssassini
the bar snacks or treat
Jan No disabled access
Left Scuola Grande di San Rocco Right Campo San Giacomo dellOrio
1 Rialto Market 6 Scuola Grande di San
Giovanni Evangelista
2 Campo San Polo
3 Scuola Grande di San 7 Palazzo Mocenigo
Rocco 8 Giardino Papadopoli
4 Campo San Giacomo 9 Campo San Zan Degol
0 Ca Pesaro Museo di Arte
5 Chiesa di San Giacomo Orientale
dellOrio Interior detail, Scuola Grande
di San Rocco
$ '
/, 6
6$167$( 67
, '$
6FDO]L % $5
&032 ' 12
7$ 9$
66,0(21 / ,6 $BhEh0SP
&2 352)(7$
'FSSPWJB &$032
&$ &$032
3AN0OLO 5*
&$032'(, / 6$167,1 &$032
72/(17,1, &+ /( 9 ,1
,2 '( / 6$1
9( //
5( ( &$0326$1 '( %$572/20(2
6,/9(6752 5, 9
)0 7$
6DQWD0DULD &$032
0 ,1
2 7 72
&$0326$1 EF
('( &$032 $BO
(7, 6$1/8&$
& 5
&$032 26
( &$032
6$13$17$/21 5$
$ %
% 5
! Rialto Market
See pp289.
marvel of intertwined sculpted
stone wreaths and crouching
elephants dwarfed by admirable
Scuola Grande di
San Rocco
the beaten track, sports plane
trees, benches for relaxing and
Blinding in the morning sun patches of grass. Modest
thanks to its cleansing face-lift, surrounding palaces are home to
the early Renaissance faade of Venice Universitys architectural
this historic building, home to faculties. The laid-back air and
masterpieces by Tintoretto, is a abundance of eateries and coffee
shops make it very inviting, and
theres no lack of subjects for
photographers or artists.
d Map L2
The Venetian Scuole (literally
& Palazzo Mocenigo
An 18th-century patrician
schools) were charitable palace whose richly furnished
institutions of medieval origin, and frescoed rooms also have
Around Town San Polo & Santa Croce
A Day in San Polo
Drink your ll of Tinto-
rettos dynamic paintings
Craft Shops
! Gilberto Penzo
A visit to this workshop with ^ LaHandmade
beads, photo
beautiful wooden models of frames and Murano glass
traditional Venetian boats is a creations. d Campo SantAgostin,
real treat. Many craft come in S Polo 2279/b Map L3
DIY kit form. d Calle II dei Saoneri, S
Polo 2702 Map M3
& Sabbie e Nebbie
Tasteful boutique of pottery,
@ Mazzon le Borse
For 50 years Papa Piero has
candles and oddities from Japan
and Italy. d Calle dei Nomboli, S Polo
been personally making beautiful 2768/a Map M4
leather bags that last a lifetime.
Luckily his daughter Marta is
taking over the reins. d Campiello * Attombri
In an old covered passageway
S Tom, S Polo 2807 Map L4 long home to the Rialto Market
goldsmiths are two designer
The result of 20 years of
brothers who make limited-
edition jewellery. d Sottoportego
creating elaborate papier-mch degli Oreci, S Polo 74 Map P2
and leather masks and brocade
costumes for Carnival as well as
theatrical productions can be ( Hibiscus
A mix of Indian silk jackets,
appreciated in this spectacular platters from Morocco and
craft shop where the staff explain ceramic bowls by a Veneto artisan.
the signicance of pieces. d Calle d Ruga Rialto, S Polo 1060/61 Map P2
dei Nomboli, S Polo 2800 Map M4
$ Rivoaltus ) LaCeramica
% Michele Cicogna
Looking for a Blackamoor
Places to Eat
! LaDelicious
vegetarian fare, with & Antica Birraria
La Corte
the promise of unforgettable choc- Delectable pizzas named after
olate desserts. d Ponte del Megio, the citys bridges feature at this
S Croce 1762 Map L1 041 524 1570 ultra-modern eatery set in a
Closed Sun No disabled access former brewery. There is also a
pleasant, tree-shaded patio.
with youthful
cent natural gelato with ginger,
spearmint, pistachio, rose petals
clientele and great pizzas served and green tea! d Calle Larga dei Bari,
in the garden. d Sottoportego de la S Croce 1159 Map K2
Siora Bettina, S Croce 2337 Map N2
041 524 1169 Closed Wed, Thu L No
credit cards No disabled access ( Taverna Da Baffo
Seek out this tranquil square
for a light lunch with a glass of
^ Muro
Order steak or sh here
1 Accademia Galleries 6 Rio Terr dei Catecumeni
2 Zattere 7 Ex Ospedale degli
3 San Nicol dei Mendicoli
4 Squero di San Trovaso 8 Campo San Barnaba
&$032 /( &$032
6$17$ 8(
$0 6$17$1*(/2
&$032 6$ / 6$1
'(,&$50,1, 4BO4BNVFMF )$17,1
$Bh3F[[POJDP &$032
6$172 &$032
67)$12 &$032 6$102,6(
6$10 $85,=,2
)0 7$
= $7
7( 5(
;BUUFSF $ ,* 5(
(6 8 $7 7(
, =$7
@ Zattere
This broad waterfront took
sills clad with geraniums, is
reminiscent of an Alpine chalet
$ Squero
di San
Around Town Dorsoduro
& ExIncurabili
Ospedale degli juvenile court. d 423 Zettere,
Dorsoduro 30135 Map C5 Closed
A cavernous, labyrinthine to public
construction that takes up a
lengthy stretch of the Zattere,
this erstwhile hospital has under- * Campo San Barnaba
Nowadays a modest square
gone vast renovations to adapt it dotted with some low-key bars,
for the Accademia Art Institute, its main attraction is a colourful
which has transferred here to moored barge loaded high with
leave the historic galleries room shiny fresh fruit and vegetables
for expansion (see pp245). The a must for photographers. Its
building dates from the 1500s, history has not always been so
founded to shelter women with peaceful, however the square
incurable venereal diseases, and used to be the arena for erce
later took in orphans and a trade rivalries between the citys
school. Legend has it that St working class bands, the
Francis Xavier, ordained in Nicolotti and Castellani, who
Venice, was sent to serve here would ght it out on the Ponte
with his companions on orders dei Pugni (see p47). On a more
from Ignatius Loyola. More forgiving note, the rather
recently, it has served as a nondescript church used to take
in disgraced and bankrupt
Masks nobility. d Map K5
Handmade in papier-mch and
glittery plaster, Venetian masks
are now strictly tourist fare, but ( Chiesa dei Gesuati
Set right on the Zattere
they were once essential attire waterfront close to the main
during Carnival, allowing ferry moorings, the Gesuati (also
aristocrats to enjoy themselves in known as Santa Maria del
anonymity. One unusual model, Rosario) is often confused with
with a long curved nose, was
the Gesuiti (Jesuit) establish-
used by doctors during plagues,
its cavity lled with perfumed ment in Cannaregio. Taking over
herbs to lter the diseased air. from a minor religious order, the
Domenican friars had this church
constructed in Classical style in Exploring Dorsoduro
1726 by Giorgio Massari. Inside
the ceiling consists of three Morning
uplifting frescoes (17379) by The Accademia Galleries
Tiepolo (see p44), which are (see pp245) can be
As sunset approaches
waste no time in
occupying a table for a
Spritz apritif at the trendy
bar Margaret DuChamp
(Campo S Margherita,
Dorsoduro 3019 041 528
62 55 Closed Tue). Its
hard to better this as a
place for people-watching,
and an added bonus is the
scent of jasmine that lls
the air as night falls.
! 869
Paola Carraro transforms ^ Laboratorio Fustat
Stunning ceramics made on
paintings by modern masters the spot by talented Cinzia, who
Klee, Magritte and others into also runs pottery courses here.
hand-knitted sweaters and d Campo S Margherita, Dorsoduro 2904
dresses. Commissions are taken Map K5 335 604 56 75
so you can wear your favourite
painting. d Piscina del Forner,
Dorsoduro 869 Map D5 & Ca Macana
Mask-makers extraordinaire,
with life-size unicorns, pointy
$ Signor Blum
Detailed jigsaw models of
model of the entire city.
d Calle della Toletta, Dorsoduro 1193
Gothic palaces, anked by wall Map L6
panels and painted toy gures all
individually handmade by this
co-operative of female artisans. ) Arras
Original hand-woven fabrics,
d Campo S Barnaba, Dorsoduro 2840 garments and bags in beautiful
Map K5 colours. d Campiello Squelini,
Dorsoduro 3235 Map L5
% Augusto Mazzon
Everyones Christmas tree 4BO5PN
needs one of the joyous gilded &$0326$17$ $Bh3F[[POJDP
cherubs lovingly crafted by wood- &$032 "DDBEFNJB
carver and painter Danilo. He $1*(/2
Places to Eat
! Gelateria Nico
Venices most renowned ice
cheese and wines. d Rio Terr
Foscarini, Dorsoduro 979/a Map C5
cream parlour. The local favourite 041 240 1425 Closed Mon
is giandiuotto da passeggio
hazelnut and chocolate ice cream
smothered in whipped cream. & Suzie Caf
This great bar, frequented by
d Zattere, Dorsoduro 922 Map C5 students, serves sandwiches,
041 522 5293 Closed Thu in winter pasta and salads. d Campo S Basilio,
Dorsoduro 1527 Map B5 041 522
@ Linea dOmbra
Enjoy the superb waterside
7502 Closed Sun in winter
Pizzeria ai Sportivi
Easily the best pizza in
041 528 6396 Closed Tue, JulAug
Venice, with delicious toppings
of Treviso radicchio or porcini
mushrooms. Outdoor seating. d ( Pasticceria Tonolo
One of the citys best pastry
Campo S Margherita, Dorsoduro 3052 shops. Delicious, freshly baked
Map K5 041 521 1598 Closed Mon almond biscuits and mini pizzas
are recommended. d Crosera S
$ Bar Abbazia
Shaded by a leafy pergola,
Pantalon, Dorsoduro 3764 Map K4
041 523 7209 Closed Mon
the outside tables are perfect for
enjoying a quick sandwich.
d Rio Terr dei Catecumeni, Dorsoduro ) Gelateria Il Doge
Try Zuppa del doge (candied
128-129/A Map D5 041 523 2149 fruit, egg custard and sponge cake
soaked in Marsala) at this great
% Impronta Caff
Affordable meals and long
ice cream parlour. d Campo S
Margherita, Dorsoduro 3058A Map K5
opening hours make this a local 041 523 4607 Closed DecJan
favourite. d Calle dei Preti, Dorsoduro
3815 Map K4 041 275 0386 Closed
Sun &$0326$17$
0$5*+(5,7$ $Bh3F[[POJDP
^ LaInnovative
Italian cuisine in
5$))$(/( 4BMVUF
between the northern bank of the Grand
Canal and the lagoon, the bustling sestiere of
Cannaregio reaches from the railway station to the city hospital. It was home
to Marco Polo and artists Titian and Tintoretto, and boasts landmark
churches such as Madonna dellOrto (see p39) along with an old Jewish
Ghetto. Named after the reeds (canne) that once lled its marshes, it is
crossed by Strada Nova, the citys main thoroughfare, but also contains
Venices narrowest alley, the 58-cm (2-ft) wide Calle Varisco. This vibrant
area has its own market, craft workshops and rowing clubs, while relaxation
comes at the string of shady parks and laid-back cafs and bars
that line the maze of back-street canals.
Top 10 Sights
1 Ca dOro 7 Fondamente della
Misericordia and degli
2 Jewish Ghetto
3 Corte Seconda del Milion
8 Palazzo Labia
4 Santa Maria dei Miracoli
9 Chiesa di San Giobbe
5 Campo dei Mori
0 Fondamente Nuove
6 Farmacia Ponci
&$032', EFMMh0SUP
)07 &$03,(//2 OE
)0 7$ $' 3,$9( BN
' & ( / /$ FO
$3 38 6 (1 0DGRQQD
& & ,1 6$ UB
5SF"SDIJ )0 7$ /
' 2 VP
21 50 (6 4BDDB WF
,1 , EFMMB
&$032 2 1 '$ 0
EFMMP4UBUP (S &$0326$1 &$032
OBM =$1'(*2/
%$ 5 , 4BO4UBF
7 $ ' &$03,(//2
3RQWH /, 6 $BhEh0SP '(/&$621
GHJOL6FDO]L &$032'(,
'FSSPWJB &$032 6$17,$32672/, &$0326
1$=$5,2 0$5,$129$
6$852 &$0326$1 &$0326$17,
&$66,$12 *,29$11,
! Ca dOro
Behind the palaces beautiful
be visited with a guide and theres
a museum of sacred objects.
Gothic tracery is a memorable d Museo Ebraico, Campo del Ghetto
column-lled courtyard paved Nuovo, Cannaregio 2902/b Map C1
with myriad coloured tesserae. Open JunSep: 10am7pm SunFri;
Mexican and Middle
Eastern restaurants, a
continuation of former
trade links: the word
ormesini derives
Around Town Cannaregio
^ Farmacia Ponci
The Casa degli
Speziali, the oldest
pharmacy in Venice,
carries on its business
in modern premises
alongside its restored
16th-century rooms.
Displayed on original Palazzo Labia faade
briarwood shelving
adorned with Baroque statues in
Arolla pinewood, are rows of * Palazzo Labia
The fames and fortunes of
17th-century porcelain jars for this 17th-century palace over-
medicinal ingredients; for safety looking the Canal di Cannaregio
reasons poisons were kept in a could ll a book. Abandoned
rear room. Pharmacies were when its wealthy merchant
strictly regulated and totalled owners ed to Vienna at the fall
518 in 1564, the year their guild of the Republic, it acted as a silk
was formed. d Strada Nova, factory, saw-mill and primary
Cannaregio 2233A Map D2 school, but the worst damage
was inicted in 1945 when a
( Chiesa di San Giobbe
Set in a peaceful square,
Exploring Cannaregio
this church is a bit of a hotch- Morning
potch after undergoing numerous Begin the day with the
architectural modications before Galleria Franchetti in the
) Fondamente Nuove
This lagoon-side pavement,
For a revitalising break,
lunch at Hostaria alla
opposite the cemetery island of Fontana is recommended
San Michele (see p110), is an (Fondamenta di Canna-
regio, Cannaregio 1102
important jumping-off point for
041 715 077 Closed
ferries to the northern islands Sun).
and sports one of the citys rare
petrol stations. The ample Afternoon
quaysides were not constructed Wander up the canal
and paved until the mid-1500s; towards Ponte dei Tre
until then the waterfront reached Archi (see p46) and the
Chiesa di San Giobbe.
back to Titians garden (No. 5113,
Return back over the
Calle Larga dei Botteri) allowing bridge and make your way
him unobstructed views of the to Fondamenta della Sacca,
Alps on a clear day, which which affords good views
delighted this native of Cadore. of the Dolomites in clear
conditions. Many ways
d Map E2
lead east from here, but
try and take in the church
The Jews in Venice of Madonna dellOrto
Banned by Republic law from (see p39) for the Tintoretto
paintings, then Campo
practising manual trades, many
dei Mori (see p95).
Jews were skilled doctors or
money-lenders. Most were Back on Strada Nova, an
refugees from other parts of energetic young team
Europe, and they are credited awaits at La Cantina with
with introducing rice-based dishes a pre-dinner glass of wine
to Venetian cuisine. As from their north Italian
remembered by a memorial in the range (Strada Nova,
Ghetto, few returned from the Cannaregio 3689 041
Nazi camps of World War II. 522 82 58 Closed Sun).
Specialist Shops
! Tkal
Close to Campo SS Apostoli,
and other fabrics can be found
here. d Strada Nova, Cannaregio
a gift shop of fascinating holo- 3683/84 Map D2
grams, Murano glass delights
and chunky jewellery. d Strada
Nova, Cannaregio 4391/C Map D2 & Salmoiraghi & Vigano
Italian spectacles are stylish
and good value, and this well-
Places to Eat
! Ristorante
Al Fontego dei dance after dinner. d S Felice,
Cannaregio 3662 Map D2 041 520
Classy seafood restaurant with a 8544 Closed Tue
lovely courtyard for summer
dining, noted for its seasonal
specialities. d Sottoportego del & Antica Mola
Friendly family trattoria with
Tagiapiera, Cannaregio 3711 Map D2 a garden and canalside dining.
041 520 0538 Closed Tue No d Fondamenta degli Ormesini,
disabled access Cannaregio 2800 Map C2 041 717 492
Closed Aug
@ IlTryGelatone
the creamy and delicious
* AlAppetizing
bacio (kiss) of hazelnut and simple meals are
chocolate. d Rio Terr della Maddalena, served at this canalside caf
Cannaregio 2063 Map D2 041 720 where you can watch the boats go
631 by. d Fondamenta Savorgnan, Cannaregio
511 Map B2 041 244 0214
A self-service restaurant
AMED AFTER A CASTLE possibly built here in
Roman times, Castello is the shtail of Venice.
The western half of the district is crammed with
historic highlights such as the churches of SS Giovanni e Paolo and San
Zaccaria (see p38). However, half of Castello is taken up with shipbuilding,
focusing on the historic Arsenale. The tree-lined
Giardini is the venue for the Biennale (see p102).
1 Riva degli Schiavoni 7 Campo Santa Maria
2 Hotel Danieli
3 Santa Maria della Piet 8 Via Garibaldi and Giardini
/ )
7$ OB
' (
,& $
$ '
$33 8& &,1
&' (// (&
& $032 66
* , 2 9$11,
(3$ 2 / 2 %$ 5% $5 ,$
& $03 26 $1 ' 72 /(
6$1/, 2
6$ / &$032
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! Riva degli Schiavoni
Thronging with tour groups Santa Maria della Piet
Inextricably linked with the
and packed with souvenir stalls, composer and musician Antonio
this quayside affords a lovely Vivaldi, this Classical-fronted
promenade past majestic palaces church belonged to the adjoining
@ Hotel Danieli
An enchanting 15th-century
word darsinaa (which means
house of industry), Venices
palace with a pink Gothic faade formidable Arsenale shipyards
set on the magnicent water- at their height once employed
front near Piazza San Marco. After an army of 16,000 to produce
a string of aristocratic propri- the eets that sailed the
etors, it was taken over in 1822 Mediterranean, spreading and
by Joseph da Niel, who turned it protecting the inuence of the
into a hotel with an illustrious Republic through trade deals and
guest list, including Dickens, naval superiority. Justiably
Wagner and Ruskin. In the 1940s proud of its innovative assembly-
an annexe was added amid great line system, the Arsenale could
controversy since 1102 no dwel- construct a galley in a matter of
ling over one oor had been hours, notably in 1574 while the
allowed on the site. The redeem- French king Henry III was
ing feature of the new wing is enjoying a banquet. Ringed by
the roof restaurant (see p144). walls and towers bearing the
winged lion, some of
its ancient docks and
workshops are now
being adapted as
exhibition and
performance venues
(see p54). The row of
stone lions which are
guarding the entrance
hail from various
Greek islands looted
by Venetian
Gothic arches, Hotel Danieli d Castello Map G3
% San Pietro di Castello
A sleepy island of grassy
squares and boatyards, it is hard
to imagine that Venices religious
Around Town Castello
^ Campo
e Paolo
Santi Giovanni A lovely rounded church on this
sun-blessed square appears to
Dominated by the brick faade of spread in all directions, the result
the Gothic church SS Giovanni e of a 7th-century bishops vision
Paolo, this breezy square of the shapely (formosa) Virgin
welcomes visitors with a otilla Marys request it be built where
of outdoor cafs. Worthy of con- a white cloud came to rest. Art-
templation is one of the worlds works are by Vivarini and Palma il
most magnicent equestrian Vecchio. The square is a good
statues, a stylized 15th-century place for a picnic or a game of
portrait of the great condottiere football, in lieu of the bullghts
Bartolomeo Colleoni. He left a and re-enactments of Venices
legacy to the city on the condi- conquests held here in olden
tion that his statue be erected in days. d Chiesa di Santa Maria Formosa
front of San Marco, craftily Map E3 Open 10am5pm MonSat,
interpreted by the governors 15pm Sun Admission charge
as the Scuola Grande di San
Marco close at hand. Gracefully
* Via Garibaldi and Giardini
A pleasant avenue now lined
The Venice Biennale with cafs and a market, Via
The Giardini and its beautiful tree- Garibaldi was triumphantly named
lined avenues were inaugurated when the eponymous general
as an international exhibition area marched into Venice in 1866 as
in 1895 under the entrepreneur part of his round-Italy campaign
Count Volpi di Misurata. Every for Unication. Take a stroll to
two years more than 50 countries the Giardini (public gardens). To
send artists to represent them, make way for the park in 1807,
each with their own pavilion
architect Selva (see p45)
custom-designed by leading
architects such as Alvar Aalto, demolished four churches and
Carlo Scarpa and James Stirling. convents and a sailors hospice.
d Map H5
( Chiesa di San Francesco
della Vigna
A Day in Castello
In the back alleys of Castello, Morning
this Franciscan church sports a After a visit to the Gothic
combination of architectural church on Campo Santi
) Ospedaletto
For John Ruskin the sculp-
Take a stroll, via Campo
Santa Maria Formosa, to
tures on the faade of this Campo San Zaccaria and
the church with its Bellini
almshouse church represented
painting and Scuola di
masses of diseased gures and San Giorgio degli Schia-
swollen fruit. Judge Longhenas voni (see p40) for its
controversial work was added in Carpaccio works. For lunch,
1674. Pass through the less Via Garibaldi is a good
bet, at one of the cafs or
provocative interior of the church
at Sottoprova (041 520 64
to the Sala della Musica. Female 93 Closed Mon).
wards of the orphanage once gave
concerts in this pretty room decor- Afternoon
ated with 18th-century frescoes. Head east along Via Gari-
d Barbarie delle Tole, Castello 6691 baldi, and detour briey
Map F3 Open 3:306:30pm ThuSat into the shady avenue for
(NovMar: 36pm) Admission charge the statue of Giuseppe
Garibaldi and his fol-
lowers. After a visit to the
island of San Pietro di
Castello, make your way
back via the lagoon and the
Giardini. A poignant sculp-
ture to the female parti-
sans of World War II can
be seen at water level.
Specialist Shops
! LeIn aCeramiche
tiny atelier close to the
designs for suits, scarves and
ties. d Ruga Giuffa, Castello 4925
Arsenale (see p54), Alessandro Map F3
Merlin creates original platters,
cups and tiles, with black and
white designs based on lagoon & Crovato
Contemporary light ttings in
sh or human gures. d Calle del bold Italian designs and a great
Pestrin, Castello 3876 Map F4 selection of coloured candles.
d Ruga Giuffa, Castello 4920 Map F3
@ Pastificio Le Spighe
A normal grocery store at
* Corte delle Fate
rst sight, this hive of industry Ultra-modern footwear and
produces a marvellous range of zany accessories in the shape of
homemade pasta and stocks bags, jewellery and garments for
gourmet olive oils and olive paste. the young. d Salizzada S Lio, Castello
d Via Garibaldi, Castello 1341 Map G4 5690 Map E3
$ Il Papiro
Tempting gifts in the shape
) Giovanna Zanella
of marbled paper-covered boxes, A must for all serious
greeting cards and writing paper shoppers zany handmade
with artistic letterheads. d Calle shoes and hats in a fabulous
delle Bande, Castello 5275 Map E4 range of incredible designs.
d Calle Carminati, Castello 5641
% Anticlea Antiquariato
Inviting boudoir lled with an
Map Q3
Price Categories
For a three-course under 30
meal for one with half 3040
a bottle of wine (or 4050
equivalent meal), taxes 5060
and extra charges over 60
Places to Eat
! Taverna Olandese Volante
Lively bar serving draught ^ Alla Rivetta
Friendly eatery with a won-
beer and where the rolls are derful seafood window display.
named after pirates and the salads d Ponte S Provolo, Castello 4625 Map
after ships try the Galeone E4 041 528 7302 Closed Mon
with prawn and hard-boiled egg.
d Campo S Lio, Castello 5658 Map E3
041 528 9349 Closed Sun L & Alla Mascareta
An upmarket bar for wine
lovers. Also serves meals. d Calle
@ Pasticceria Ponte
delle Paste
Lunga S Maria Formosa, Castello 5183
Map E3 041 523 0744 Closed lunch,
Luscious cream cakes and Sun, 4 weeks DecJan
fragrant buttery pastries can be
enjoyed here with coffee or tea.
d Ponte del Pistor, Castello 5991 Map Q3 * Alle Testiere
Tiny, cosy restaurant with an
041 522 2889 No disabled access unusual selection of sh, cheese
and wines. d Calle del Mondo Novo,
% Trattoria Giorgione
After serving his sh special- '56(1$
1 Torcello 6 San Michele
2 Burano 7 SantErasmo
3 Murano 8 Lazzaretto Nuovo
4 Mazzorbo 9 Certosa
5 San Francesco del 0 Punta Sabbioni
$B O
- B H VO B
7 F O F U B
@ Burano
A haven for artists, brightly
Long synonymous with
elds. Wicker cages for fattening
up moleche (soft-shelled crabs)
glassmaking, Murano developed hang on racks over the water and
blowing and fusion techniques to the produce can be sampled in
extraordinary heights in the 1500s, the low-key trattorias. Amid the
and so closely guarded were the scattering of houses are bold
trade secrets that skilled crafts- modern council blocks painted in
men could migrate only under pastel hues. Mazzorbo has its
pain of death. Though Venices own boat stop but is also joined
glass monopoly lasted only until to Burano by a timber footbridge.
the 17th century, its fame lives d Ferry No. LN from Fondamente Nuove
on. A visit to the Glass Museum or S Zaccaria Map H1
with its 4,000 exhibits is a must
(see p40). Dont be put off by the
reps who invite tourists to see a % San Francesco del Deserto
A short distance from Burano,
furnace and showroom; its a this attractive island of cypress
unique opportunity to watch the trees is home to a Franciscan
glassblowers at work and is free monastery. According to legend
of charge. However, if you accept it was founded by St Francis in
a free boat trip from San Marco person, on his way back from
to a glass factory, youre expect- preaching missions in Egypt and
ed to make your own way back Palestine in 1220. In May, clad in
by vaporetto if you dont buy any- their brown habits and sandals,
thing. Glassmaking aside, Murano the monks attend the Vogalonga
is a lovely place to wander around, in their heavy-duty boat, to the
with canals, alleyways and friendly delight of the Venetians (see
islanders. d Vaporetto lines 41 & 42 p62). d Taxi launch from Buranos
from Fondamente Nuove, DM from landing stage Map H1 Monastery:
P Roma or seasonal lines Map G2 open 911am, 35pm TueSun Donation
Lagoon Flora and Fauna prosper on the sandy soil and
The lagoon abounds in gilt-head are a mainstay of Rialto Market
bream, sea bass, clams, cuttlesh (see p28). Just over 4 km (2.5
and crabs, which are all prey for miles) long and 1 km (0.5 miles)
wetland waterfowl such as at the broadest point, Sant
Around Town The Northern Lagoon
^ San Michele
San Michele became the city
the main form of transport.
d Ferry No. 13 from Fondamente Nuove
cemetery in 1826, in the wake of Map H2
a hygienic Napoleonic decree
that the dead should be buried
far from the dwellings of the * Lazzaretto Nuovo
Across the water from Sant
living. Entry to the cemetery is Erasmo, up until the 1700s this
via a lovely Gothic portal sur- island served as a quarantine
mounted by St Michael at odds station for merchant ships enter-
with a dragon, and through the ing the lagoon and suspected of
monks colonnaded cloister. But carrying the plague. Together
dont neglect to visit the pretty with neighbouring Sant Erasmo
marble-faaded church next door, it housed up to 10,000 people
designed by Mauro Coducci in during the 1576 pestilence, while
1469 (see p45). On All Souls cargoes were fumigated with
Day (2 November), the place is rosemary and juniper in
crowded with relatives paying a temporary shelters. Later con-
visit to their dear departed. How- verted into a military stronghold,
ever unless youre a famous resi- it now swarms with archaeology
dent like Ezra Pound, Stravinsky enthusiasts intent on unearthing
or Diaghilev, your bones are dug its secrets and students attend-
up after 10 years and placed in ing summer camps. d Ferry No. 13
an urn to make room for some- from Fondamente Nuove Map H2
one else. d Ferry Nos. 41 & 42 from Tours AprOct: 9:45am & 4pm SatSun
Fondamente Nuove Map
G2 Cemetery: open
7:30am6pm daily (closes
4pm OctMar)
& SantErasmo
Unattering jokes
circulate about the
inhabitants of Sant
Erasmo, with refer-
ence to in-breeding.
However, no one would
dare to question their
ability to produce
delicious asparagus
and artichokes which Sant Erasmo
Sailing the Lagoon
To save money, buy a
laguna nord day ticket (see
Around Town The Northern Lagoon
Specialist Shops
! Cesare Sent
This talented artist from a ^ Mazzega
Vast showrooms display
long line of glassmakers, traditional and semi-modern
transforms the ancient art of glass designs with an emphasis
murrhine glassware into striking on chandeliers and vases.
modern objects. d Fondamenta Vetrai d Fondamenta da Mula 147, Murano
8b, Murano Map G2 Map G2
@ ArtStudio
Watch glass artist Davide & CAM
The rst shop you see as
Penso at work producing marvel- you disembark at Murano, this
lous African-inspired glass beads. internationally known rm special-
d Fondamenta Rivalonga 48, Murano izes in distinctive modern pieces.
Map G2 d Piazzale Colonna 1, Murano Map G2
Manin 56
Striking etched bowls and * Pastificio e Panificio
Giorgio Garbo
slender wine glasses from Salviati Sample Buranos trademark
ank international designer items vanilla-avoured shortbread,
in this wonderful collection. bussolai, freshly baked in
d Fondamenta Manin 56, Murano Map traditional rounds or S shapes.
G2 d Via S Mauro 336, Burano Map H1
$ Murano Collezioni
A stunning new showroom ( Gianna G
Here delicate lace
containing contemporary pieces handkerchiefs are sewn on a
by Carlo Moretti and Venini, traditional cylindrical cushion.
alongside classic light ttings by d Via S Mauro 332, Burano Map H1
Barovier & Toso.
d Fondamenta Manin 1/CD,
Murano Map G2 ) Lidia
Places to Eat
! Trattoria
Da Lele
Busa alla Torre,
^ Trattoria ai Cacciatori
Cheaper and quieter than
Dine inside under timber rafters neighbouring Burano, here you
or outside in the square. Start can savour potato dumplings with
with soft-shelled moleche (crab) crab and, in autumn, local game.
or ravioli lled with sh, but leave d Mazzorbo 24 Map H1 041 730 118
room for the nougat pastries. Closed Mon and Decmid-Feb
Open for lunch only. d Campo S
Stefano 3, Murano Map G2 041 739
662 Open for lunch only No disabled & Antica Trattoria alla
access Renowned for its spring arti-
chokes and roast duck, this laid-
Home-style cooking at
Osteria La Perla Ai Bisatei Buranos colourful houses. d Fonda-
menta Giudecca 88, Burano Map H1
reasonable prices. The fritto misto 041 730 120 Closed Mon, 1st week Jul,
seafood is superb. Open for lunch 2 weeks Nov No disabled access
only. d Campo S Bernardo 6, Murano
Map G2 041 739 528 No credit
cards No disabled access ( Locanda Cipriani
Meals in this historic estab-
lishment are served on the ter-
% Trattoria Al Corallo
A popular, chaotic trattoria.
this rambling farmhouse turned
trattoria. Dishes include dumplings
Dine on fresh sh by the canal. with crab and artichokes or aspara-
Open for lunch only. d Fondamenta gus lasagne. d Via Forti 71, S Erasmo
Vetrai 73, Murano Map G2 041 739 Map H2 041 528 5329 Closed Tue,
636 Closed Tue evenings NovApr, 1 week Jan
Left San Giorgio Centre San Lazzaro garden Right San Servolo artist at work
Sights )XVLQD
! San Giorgio
The island of cypresses is
with impressive naval
fortications and chains would
separated from the main body of be laid across the lagoon mouth
Venice by St Marks Basin and as a deterrent to invaders. The
retains a quiet meditative air, historic Sensa celebration (see
% Lido: Malamocco
About midway along the
pital. It is now private property
with no public access.
Lido is the pretty, quiet village of
Malamocco and its now hard to
imagine that it used to be the * San Servolo
In 1648, 200 nuns exiled from
most important lagoon settle- Candia, Crete, by the Turks were
ment soon after Roman times lodged on this island, but after
and the main port for Padua. A their numbers dwindled in 1725 it
storm and giant waves washed was given over to a sanatorium for
away the entire town in 1106, psychiatric cases, although
later rebuilt in the vicinity on a exclusively those of comfortable
smaller scale. It is appreciated circumstances. The roomy
for its 15th-century buildings, buildings are now shared by an
peaceful nature and rustic international university and a trade
trattorias. d Bus No. 11 or lines B or V school for artisans from all over
from S Maria Elisabetta Europe interested in restoration of
stone and stucco techniques.
A Day on the Lagoon
From the Santa Maria
Elisabetta ferry stop, either
Around Town The Southern Lagoon & Venice Lido
@ Open-sided vans
General Market & Benetton
Small store but well-
stocked with underwear,
sell fresh produce, nightwear and
alongside designer- swimwear.
quality clothes, d Gran Viale 47b, Lido
shoes and bags Map H2
at approachable
prices. Even if you
dont buy anything, *
El Penelo
the lagoon setting Boscolo is an expert
looking over to the Confectionery at Rizzo on traditional shermens
Venice skyline makes a clay pipes and the only
trip worthwhile. d Via Falier, Lido craftsman still to make them in
Map H2 Tue am terracotta and coloured glazes.
d Palazzo Granaio Corso del Popolo,
$ Arbor Boutique
The up-market range of
painted in primary colours.
d Corso del Popolo 1350, Chioggia
mens- and womenswear attracts Map F1
both foreign and Italian
customers. d Santa Maria Elisabetta
10, Lido Map H2 ) Panificio Sergio
These dry biscuits were
traditionally made for seafarers.
Places to Eat
! Altanella
Treat yourself to a candlelit ^ Trattoria Da Nane
Memorable sh restaurant
dinner on the terrace. Fish dishes and terrace with panoramic views.
such as frittura mista (assorted Its speciality is a pasticcio di
fried seafood) are the speciality. pesce (seafood lasagne).
d Calle delle Erbe, Giudecca 268 Map d Via Laguna 282, S Pietro in Volta
E6 041 522 7780 Closed MonTue, 041 527 9110 Closed Mon, mid-
Jan & Aug No credit cards No vegetarian Novmid-Mar No vegetarian options
options No disabled access No disabled access
@ Harrys Dolci
With views across the Giu- & Ristorante da Memo
A modest seafood restaurant
decca Canal, this is the sweet with outdoor tables. Try the
branch of Harrys Bar (see p21) shrimps, eel or sole. d Via Porto-
serving sorbets and pastries. secco 157 (S Pietro in Volta) 041 527
d S Eufemia, Giudecca 773 Map C6 9125 Closed Tue, mid-NovMar
041 522 4844 Closed NovEaster
1 Cappella degli Scrovegni 7 Verona Arena
2 Bo University 8 Casa di Giulietta
3 Basilica del Santo 9 Piazza delle Erbe
4 Piazza dei Signori 0 Museo Civico di Storia
5 Teatro Olimpico
6 Palazzo Leoni Montanari
6 *UH]]DQD $
6 $ 6
&RVWR]]D $
$ 6 6
6 % . % 4 /
B 7 F
. 6
Romeo and Juliet
There is no doubt that the
^ Palazzo Leoni Montanari
On the entrance portal of
Capulet and Montague families this lavishly decorated Baroque
existed, though they were palace are carvings of writhing
probably more friendly than serpents, and Hercules is shown
Around Town Padua, Vicenza & Verona
% Teatro Olimpico
A castle courtyard draped
d Piazza Br, Verona 045 800 32 04
Open 8:30am7:30pm TueSun, 1:30
with creepers was chosen for 7:30pm Mon if no performance Partial
this Vicenza theatre, designed by wheelchair access Admission charge
Palladio and completed by his
disciple Vincenzo
Scamozzi. The perfor- * Casa di
ming area is based on Tourists ock to
a Roman model, while Juliets House, the
the stage scenery is a 13th-century pre-
replica of the city of sumed abode of the
Thebes, built for the Shakespearean hero-
inaugural play, ine. Complete with a
Sophocles Oedipus pretty balcony (added
Rex, in 1585. Scaled in 1928...) the roman-
statues and varying tically inclined can
stage levels create imagine her uttering
clever tricks of that immortal cry:
perspective. d Piazza Romeo, Romeo,
Matteotti 11, Vicenza wherefore art thou
Open 9am5pm TueSun Romeo? The
(JulAug: 9am7pm) courtyard walls are
Admission charge Piazza dei Signori, Vicenza plastered with
A Day Out in Verona
Where better to begin
than the inspiring arena,
Veneto Villas
! Villa Barbaro
The best preserved villa Villa Valmarana Ai Nani
Known for the jaunty statues
(1560) by Palladio (see p45) lies of dwarfs on the garden wall,
close to the pretty hilltown of these cosy twin buildings stand
Asolo. This charming country on a pretty ridge looking up to
house features all manner of Monte Berico and its sanctuary.
Roman-inspired elements, from The Tiepolo father and son fresco
the nymphaeum and grotto to team were invited here by Count
the circular temple akin to the Valmarana in 1757, the former to
Pantheon. Playful trompe loeil decorate the main part, the latter
frescoes by Veronese (see p44) the Foresteria guest quarters.
adorn the main rooms alongside d Via dei Nani 28, Vicenza Open
elaborate stucco work, while the Marearly Nov: 10amnoon, 36pm Tue
garden is punctuated with Classi- Sun; NovFeb: 10amnoon, 24pm Sat &
cal statuary. Drop in to the Sun Admission charge
estates wine cellar next door.
d Via Cornuda 6, Maser, bus from Treviso
railway station Open MarOct: 36pm $ Villa Valmarana La
Tue, Sat, Sun & public hols; NovFeb: Perfectly proportioned imposing
2:305pm Sat, Sun & public hols villa with four temple faades on
Admission charge a hill overlooking the architect
Palladios adoptive town of
Around Town Padua, Vicenza & Verona
Left Villa Foscari Right Villa Emo
^ Villa Barbarigo
The Euganean Hills are the
appreciated downstairs. An
antiques market is held in the
perfect setting for this Baroque grounds on the last Sunday of
garden, designed for the Barbar- each month.
igo family from Venice by Luigi d Piazzola sul Brenta Open MarOct:
Bernini, architect of the Vatican 9am7pm daily; NovFeb: 10am4pm Tue
fountains in Rome. The villa, dat- Sun Admission charge
ing from 1669, is a private dwel-
ling, but the 15-ha (37-acre)
garden provides a boxwood maze, ( Villa Cornaro
Unusual double-tiered,
fountains, sh ponds, statues and compact Palladio creation, this
hundreds of trees. d Galzignano, one dates back to 156070. The
Valsanzibio Open MarNov: 10am1pm, faade columns are both Corin-
2pmsunset daily Admission charge thian and Doric in style, with
acanthus leaves or scrolls around
Around Town Padua, Vicenza & Verona
Veneto Shops
! Pasticceria Forin
A pastry shop specializing in
great demand for stylish weddings
in the country villas (see pp126
biscuits named after St Anthony 7). d Piazzetta Palladio 13, Vicenza
and studded with pistachios,
pine nuts and marsala. The pice
de rsistance is a large bun ^ IlA Ceppo
gourmets paradise with
shaped to resemble the towns mouth-watering take-away dishes,
domed basilica and avoured pickles and preserves. Buy a
with amaretto (almond liqueur). catered picnic with wine or
d Via S Francesco 179, Padua simply a crusty roll lled with
Asiago cheese or sopressa
@ Drogheria
ai Due Catini sausage. d Corso Palladio 196, Vicenza
Feltrinelli Internazionale
Browse through the well-
almond paste shaped into pursed
lips. d Corso Porta Borsari 3, Verona
stocked shelves of English- and
other European-language crime
and mystery novels, ction, travel, * Love Therapy
Elio Fiorucci
classics, childrens literature and Colourful fun fashion accessories
reference books in this chain and gadgets alongside top-brand
bookshop. d Via S Francesco 14, clothing. d Via Mazzini 6, Verona
Places to Eat
! Graziati
Buttery millefoglie pastries ^ Bar del Corso
This is a great place to lunch
perfectly accompany a strong or dine on a steaming bowl of
sweet coffee as you sit outside zuppa di zucca (pumpkin soup) or
on the lively market square. Light a goats cheese salad. Happy
lunches are served downstairs. hour is at 6pm and theres live
d Piazza della Frutta 40, Padua music on Thursdays. d Corso A
Palladio 54, Vicenza 044 452 5336
* Ristorante Greppia
rustic osteria changes daily, so An unforgettable place
you may get grilled Piedmont specializing in a selection of nine
cheese with polenta or spare ribs melt-in-the-mouth meats served
with radicchio. d Via dei Fabbri 13, with peppery Pear sauce. d
Padua 049 650 3362 Closed Sun Vicolo Samaritana 3, Verona 045 800
4577 Closed Mon, 2 weeks Jun
$ Osteria al Bersagliere
This rened osteria does
( Bloom Caff
variations on the areas seasonal Delicious simple meals such
cuisine. A local favourite is as sushi are served beneath
Baccal alla Vicentina (dried salt elegant white sun shades in the
cod stewed in milk). d Via Pescaria lovely Piazza delle Erbe. d Piazza
11, Vicenza 044 432 3507 Closed Sun delle Erbe, Verona 045 800 2410
No disabled access Closed Mon in winter
Sources of Information
Getting Around
Guided Tours
Venice on a Budget
Venice for the Disabled
Things to Avoid
Banking and
Security and Health
Studying in Venice
Hotel Listings
Left International Student Card Centre Sunbathing, the Lido Right Airline ticket
Left Venice Marco Polo Airport Centre Arriving by boat Right Tronchetto car park
Arriving in Venice
! Venice Airport
Marco Polo Airport is
and from Venice (45
minutes). The airport can
Serenissima opposite the
railway station in Mestre.
located at Tessera, 8 km also be reached by train The car park and boat
(5 miles) north of the city, from Venice to Treviso, terminal at Fusina on the
on the edge of the lagoon, then local bus No. 6, eastern edge of the
so arrivals and departures although this route does lagoon is also handy.
are scenic affairs. Many take longer. Despite the expense of
European airlines serve d 0422 315 111 www. car parks, never resort to
the airport including roadside parking car
British Airways and low break-ins are all too
cost Easyjet. Visitors
from outside Europe need % By Train
Dont make the
common in the area.
to y to Rome or Milan
for connecting ights to
mistake of many rst-
time visitors and get off * By Sea
Daily car and passen-
Venice. d Flight informa- at Venezia Mestre, but ger ferries arrive from
tion:041 260 9240 wait until the train has Greece across the crossed the lagoon for Adriatic and dock at the
Venezia Santa Lucia San Basilio terminal in
@ Water
Station. The Orient
Express is an expensive
western Dorsoduro (see
p93), equipped with an
The most exciting way to but memorable way information ofce and
reach Venice from the to travel from London catering facilities. It also
airport is by water the between March and acts as the jump-off point
frequent Alilaguna ferries November. for week-long cruises to
charge about 10. A d Train timetables: 892021 the Greek Islands.
private water taxi, how-
ever, will set you back an
vast amount (around 90),
( Porters
Porters (portabagagli)
depending on time of day
and the amount of bag- ^ By Road
Whether you zoom in
equipped with trolleys
and broad shoulders can
gage you have (see p135). to the city via the motor- usually be found at the
way (autostrada) or on maritime passenger
Road Connections
To go as far as
minor roads, youll need
to follow signs for
terminal, railway station,
airport, bus terminal and
Piazzale Roma, Venices Venezia. Long-distance car park, and at strategic
car and bus terminal, the buses arrive in Venice at points around town such
cheapest option is the Piazzale Roma. as Rialto and Piazza San
orange ACTV bus No. 5 d Road conditions Marco. Rates start at
(see p135), every 20 information:1518 ACI around 16 per item.
minutes during the day. (Italian Automobile Club)
Tickets are available from
newsagents. Or theres
breakdown service: 803116
) Left Luggage
Lockers and a left
the direct ATVO blue bus Car Parking luggage ofce (deposito
(tickets available in the & The Tronchetto island bagagli) function at Santa
arrivals hall). car park has bus and Lucia railway station and
boat links to the rest of Marco Polo airport. The
Treviso Airport Venice, otherwise its Piazzale Roma bus
$ Ryanair ies into Piazzale Roma for the terminal also has a
Treviso airport from the exorbitant garages convenient left luggage
UK and a special bus (parcheggio). A more facility located next to
transports passengers to reasonable option is the Pullman Bar.
Left Concert poster Centre left Ospite di Venezia Centre right and right Italian tourist ofce logos
Sources of Information
! Tourist Offices
in Venice
timetables and info on
exhibitions and concerts. and www.a in
There are numerous Italian and English are
helpful tourist ofces
around the city (see box). ^ Wall Posters
Many events in
excellent sources of
information and have an
Venice are announced at incredible number and
@ Tourist Offices in
the Veneto
the last minute by eye-
catching posters along
array of useful links for
in-depth exploration.
Each of the main towns the main streets or small
in the Veneto has a versions in shop win-
tourist information ofce dows. Get in the habit of Tourist Ofces
(see box). reading them for all Venice
manner of fascinating
AVA Venice local festivities and
Hoteliers cultural events.
041 529 8711 (call
Ferrovia S Lucia (railway
Hotel bookings can be
made via the AVA service & Leo
The Venice Tourist station)
by phone or by calling at Boards complimentary 041 529 8727
one of their welcome glossy three-monthly Piazza S Marco 71/f
desks in Piazzale Roma, publication has a 041 529 8740
Santa Lucia railway detachable pocket-sized
station, Rotunda Romea programme of exhibi- Venice Pavilion
or Marco Polo Airport. d tions, concerts and Giardinetti Reali, S
From abroad call 041 522 events. Request it for Marco 2
8640 or 041 522 2264 free at tourist ofces. 041 522 5150
From Italy call 199 17 33 09
Piazzale Roma, Garage
Last-Minute * Venezia da Vivere
Aimed at young
$ Reservations visitors, this slim, brightly
041 529 8746
The efcient VeneziaS coloured booklet printed Airport 041 541 5887
booking service run by quarterly by the City
Gran Viale 6, Lido
the Hoteliers Association Council contains listings
041 526 5721
can arrange accommo- of whats on, live music,
(summer only)
dation on the spur of the poetry readings, cheap
moment, free of charge. places to eat and shop. Padua
d 199 17 33 09 (freephone You can pick up a copy in Piazzale della Stazione
within Italy) 041 522 8640 bars and shops. 049 875 2077
(from abroad) www. www. info@ ( Pocket Venice
Another useful free
three-monthly bilingual
Piazza Matteotti 12
Ospite di Venezia magazine that lists exhi-
% This excellent free bitions, not to mention
044 432 0854
magazine published bars and eateries all
every month in English around town. Verona
(as Guest in Venice) and Via degli Alpini 9
Italian by the Hoteliers
Association is distributed ) Websites
As well as the
045 806 8680
at hotels. Crammed with Tourist Board sites (see
practical details, boat box), www.meeting
terminal and car park). photo and a photocopy of If you plan on visiting
But be aware that incon- your passport/ID card are most of the 15 out-
sistencies in spelling may required. Apply to ACTV/ standing churches
be encountered between Vela at Piazzale Roma. managed by the Chorus
street signs and addres- organization, its worth
ses in this guide due to
the Venetian dialect & Gondolas
Charges are around
splashing out on the all-
inclusive combined
applied to local names. 73 for 50 minutes with ticket. Included among
a maximum of six pas- the churches are Santa
Boat Lines
The ACTV runs a
sengers, although this
increases after 8pm. The
Maria Gloriosa dei Frari
(see pp267), Santa
marvellous network of gondola traghetto ferry Maria dei Miracoli, San
public ferries throughout service across the Grand Sebastiano and Madonna
Venice and the lagoon. Canal is far cheaper if dellOrto (see pp389). d
Buy your ticket before- less romantic (see p22). Chorus: 041 275 0462 9
hand or, if the landing adults, 6 concessions, 18
stage is unmanned, ask
the crew for a ticket as * Water Taxis
Not cheap, but its
family ticket www.
soon as you board. undeniably
d routes stylish to cruise
and timetables) around in a
$ Boat Fares
A one-way ticket can
equivalent of a
be expensive (around 6 limousine if you
along the Grand Canal). can afford it
You can get better value (see p22).
from a 24-hour or 72- d Consorzio
hour ticket (10.50 and Motosca: 041
22). Children under four 522 2303
years of age travel free Serenissima: 041
on all public transport. 522 8538 Ca Pesaro museum
Guided Tours
! Official
Tour Book your ticket at a
travel agency or at kiosks
049 820 6910
The citys certied multi- in Piazza San Marco. end MarOct: Venice to
lingual guides, catering Padua Tue, Thu & Sat; Padua
for individuals and groups,
cover every corner of % Museum Tours
To get the most out
to Venice Wed, Fri & Sun
Left Venice market Centre Litorale del Cavallino camping ground Right Venice sales sign
Venice on a Budget
! Rolling Venice
A handy pass for
while supermarkets Co-
op, SU.VE and Billa are
Italy for the Settimana
della cultura, usually in
1429-year-olds entailing dotted all over town. late February or March.
holders to a boat/bus Cheap wine is dispensed
ticket that lasts 72 hours,
and a range of discounts
by the litre (vino sfuso)
at the many Nave de * Cheap Rail Fares
Several good-value
on hotels, restaurants Oro outlets take a rail fares may be on offer
and shops. It is available plastic bottle. throughout the year.
either from main ACTV/ Book online at www.
Vela ticket ofces (see
p135), Tourist Info (see % Eating out
Italian-style fast food or enquire
at the station or travel
p134), or from the Rolling can be sampled at Brek agencies bearing the FS
Venice ofce. d Rolling (see p99). For more logo. To travel cheaply
Venice: Rio Terr dei substantial fare seek out avoid the ES and IC
Pensieri, S Croce 365/A a tavola calda where hot trains which entail hefty
041 272 7225 meals are served at the supplements, and go for
counter and customers the IR and R slower trains
@ Accommodation
Sleep cheaply in
sit on stools. Another
option is the set tourist
$ Picnic Supplies
There are wonderful
produce markets at Rialto
(see pp289), Rio Terr
San Leonardo, Campo
Santa Margherita (see
pp323) and Via Garibaldi, Venetian grocery shop, San Marco
Shopping Tips
! Opening Hours
Food shops open % Where to Buy Where to Buy
Gourmet Delights & Glassware
Monday to Saturday Delicatessens and Its worth shopping
around 89am, take a specialist shops are clus- around as many glass
long lunch break and tered around the Rialto shops stock similar items
then resume business market (see pp289), and prices can vary
57:30pm, except for with fresh buffalo wildly. Murano (see p109)
Wednesday afternoon mozzarella from the tends to be more
when most are closed. In south of Italy, unusual expensive than Venice
low season clothing and pasta and all manner of but you get a free
other shops usually close delectable ready-to-eat demonstration as well.
all day Sunday and dishes. Supermarkets are
Monday morning. Glass
furnaces (see p64) do not
also worth perusing for
bottled treats. * Hypermarkets
Free shuttle buses
often give demonstra- leave the Piazzale Roma
tions at weekends.
^ Where to Buy
English Books
terminal at regular
intervals for the huge
@ Sales
The ofcial periods
As well as the Pavilion
Bookshop (see p69) and
mainland shopping
centres of Panorama,
for sales (saldi) are mid- Libreria Marco Polo (see located at Marghera,
January to mid-February p98), which has a good Carrefour at Marcon and
then late July to late selection of both second- Auchan on the outskirts
August. Retailers must hand and new books, of Mestre. Theyre good
show the items original novels and guide books for everything from
cost alongside the sale in English and other groceries through to
price so customers know languages can also be computers, clothing and
how much theyre saving. found at Libreria sports gear.
Vendita promozionale is Mondadori. d Libreria
another term for a sale. Mondadori Salizzada San
Mois, San Marco 1345 ( Street Sellers
Pavement trading is
041 522 2193 brisk in tourist bric--brac
as well as imitation
Visitors from non-EU designer bags and
countries can claim a tax accessories, with
refund on purchases that bargaining the name of the
exceed 155 from the game. However foreign
one shop. Most shop- visitors should be warned
keepers will have the that hefty nes are
appropriate forms imposed for counterfeit
check for the relevant goods (see p140).
window sticker rst.
Bargaining ) Forwarding
Goods Home
$ Centuries of Virtually all glass shop
commerce have shaped staff are experts in
the Venetians into die- packaging fragile and
hard traders, who feign bulky items and they can
offence when discounts arrange for forwarding
(sconti) are requested overseas by air or sea.
but its worth a try for Always check that
cash transactions. Venice street seller insurance is included.
Things to Avoid
! Bringing Too
Much Luggage
pay a return boat ride
to your hotel. In Venice * Entering Churches
in Beachwear
Firstly because it will be itself, dont fall for the Catholic churches no
a hindrance in this car- three boxes betting longer require visitors to
less city (you will have to trick which goes on cover their head, but do
carry it yourself) and illegally on bridges. still outlaw beachwear,
secondly because youll shorts, T-shirts and
want space for souvenirs.
^ Hidden Costs
Whether ordering a
photographs. Remember,
they are still places of
Sticking to the meal or taking a taxi or worship as well as art
@ Beaten Track gondola, its a good rule galleries.
If you veer away from to verify all charges
the signposted and
crowded triangle
beforehand to avoid nasty
surprises. Complaints can ( Counterfeit
$ Smoking
By law, restaurants,
ofces and all public
premises throughout
Italy are all non-smoking
indoors. This prohibition
is taken seriously and
nes are fairly hefty!
% Scams
The Tronchetto Island
car park is akin to a
jungle. Dont believe
anyone who claims to be
a parking attendant (there
arent any) and dont pre- Alcohol in moderation is part of Venetian life
Left Public telephone sign Right Browsing at a newsstand
Left Restoration workshop Right Glassblowing techniques
Studying in Venice
! Art Courses
Atmospheric studio
or drawing, fresco paint-
ing, self-portraiture and
afternoons a week.
d La Ciotola, Via Candia 24,
that offers tuition in printmaking. The inter- Lido (near Palazzo del
sculpture, watercolours, nationally known school Cinema) Map H2 041
printing techniques and can accommodate stu- 242 0308 www.
drawing, both short and dents in its apartments.
long term. dBottega del d Scuola Internazionale di
Tintoretto, Fondamenta dei
Mori, Cannaregio 3400
Graca, Calle del Cristo
Cannaregio 1798 Map C1 * Italian Cooking
Qualied chef Fulvia
041 722 081 www. 041 721 950 starts her short-term and year-round cooking
courses with a visit to
@ University Italian Restoration
Language Courses % Techniques
the Rialto market (see
p28) to familiarize food
The Ca Foscari Univer- The Venice European buffs with the ingredients
sitys language centre Centre for the Trades and they will be practising on
offers semi-intensive Professions of the Con- in her marvellous home.
courses several times a servation of Architectural d Fulvia Sesani, Ramo del
year. Enrolment covers Heritage on the island of Pestrin, Castello 6140
unlimited access to a San Servolo (see p116) Map F3 041 522 8923
multimedia lab with audio runs courses in restora- fulvia.sesani@
and video cassettes, tion of everything from
DVDs, TV, books and stone and stucco work to
d Centro Linguistico
wrought iron and mosaics.
d Isola di S Servolo Map ( Mask-making
Starting with the
Interfacolt, Ramo H1 041 526 8546 clay mould, you learn to
dellAgnello, S Croce 2161 www.centroeuropeo produce and decorate a
Map L1 041 234 9711 papier-mch mask at the short courses held in the
^ Glassmaking Ca Macana workshop.
Istituto Venezia
Italian Language
Expert craftsmen
run courses not only in
For people who dont
mind getting their hands
Courses glassblowing and beads, dirty. Courses are taught
Group and individual but also stucco, furniture in various European
courses in Italian langu- restoration and artistic languages. d Calle delle
age and culture are held glass. Botteghe, Dorsoduro 3172
year-round at the insti- d Confartigianato, Calle Map K6 041 277 6142
tute, and the school can Carminati, Castello 5653/4
also arrange family or 041 529 9270
private accommodation
for students.
) Rowing
Enrol for traditional
d Rio Terr Canal, Ceramics standing-up style Veneto
Dorsoduro 3116/a Map K5 & Small groups are rowing lessons at this
041 522 4331 www. instructed by Sybille prestigious club. Courses Heller in the art of hand- are usually held in spring,
moulded, wheel-turned though retirees are often
$ Watercolour
pottery and a variety of
decorative techniques.
on hand to help begin-
ners at other times.
Spend an intensive week Courses commence in d Canottieri Bucintoro
in the open air on a sum- March and September, Zattere, Dorsoduro 15
mer watercolour course, and are held two Map D5 041 520 5630
Luxury Hotels
! Cipriani
Set on its own glori-
history (see p101) attracts
many guests. The best
mega-hotel has magni-
cent rooms right on the
ous island, the famed rooms are in the old beach. A swimming pool
Cipriani is a matter of wing, overlooking the and exclusive restaurants
minutes across the water Riva degli Schiavoni. are also a feature.
by exclusive launch to d Riva degli Schiavoni, d Lungomare Marconi 41,
Piazza San Marco. It has Castello 4196 Map R5 Lido Map H2 041 526
a private garden with a 041 522 6480 0201
salt-water pool, and three www.starwoodhotels. Closed Novmid-Mar
top-class restaurants (see com
p58). d Giudecca 10 Map
E6 041 520 7744 www. Closed % Molino
* Metropole
Majestic good value
JanFeb This red-brick converted establishment, immacu-
our mill on the Giudecca lately run. On the water-
@ Luna Hotel
may have slightly
anonymous rooms but
front only minutes from
San Marco, it boasts a
Exquisite service in a the bar, dining and wonderful garden, a
sophisticated atmosphere tness facilities are hard perfect antidote from the
of chandeliers and marble. to beat. Highlights are a city streets. d Riva degli
This is Venices oldest rooftop terrace and open- Schiavoni, Castello 4149
hotel and hosted Templar air swimming pool. Map F4 041 520 5044
knights in the 1100s d Giudecca 810 Map C6
waiting to embark for the 041 272 3311 www.
Crusades. Breakfast is
served in the drawing
room frescoed by pupils
( Europa & Regina
Sumptuous decor in
of Tiepolo (see p44).
d Calle Larga dell ^ Grand Hotel
Palazzo dei Dogi
this elegant historic
palace right on the Grand
Ascension, S Marco 1243 With a marvellous garden Canal, close to the Piazza
Map P5 041 528 9840 stretching back to the San Marco. d Corte lagoon, this former con- Barozzi, S Marco 2159
vent on a quiet Canna- Map P6 041 520 0477
regio canal is superbly
furnished with Murano
chandeliers and fabrics
No disabled access
Contemporary luxury crafted by leading
best describes this hotel
with a roof-level sauna
artisans. Best value
luxury hotel in town with ) San Clemente
and gym. Private canal its own guest launch. Well away from the city
access means guests d Fondamenta Madonna bustle, this luxury island-
can arrive by water taxi. dellOrto, Cannaregio hotel has vast gardens
d Calle dei Fabbri, S Marco 3500 Map D1 041 220 as well as an outdoor
4680 Map Q4 041 296 8111 www.boscolo swimming pool. Guests
3111 www.palacebon are ferried to Piazza San Marco by private launch.
& Excelsior Palace Rooms are immaculate
$ Hotel Danieli
While the service
Crawling with stars
and paparazzi during the
and spacious. d Isola di
San Clemente 1 041 244
leaves much to be summer Film Festival 5111 www.sanclemente.
desired, the hotels (see p62), this graceful
Left Casa Cardinal Piazza Right Hotel Gobbo sign
Budget Hotels
! Casa Cardinal
Piazza $ IlGreat-value
Lato Azzurro
d Campo S Geremia 312,
Cannaregio Map C2
Great-value palace guest- on this garden island 041 715 001 www.
house run by friendly where sea breezes are No air
nuns and set in a shady ensured. They arrange conditioning No disabled
garden right on the canoe trips, bicycles, access
lagoon edge. Breakfast picnic lunches and half
available; 11pm curfew.
d Fondamenta Contarini,
board, entailing mainly
vegetarian meals with * Al Campaniel
Cannaregio 3539/A Map locally grown produce. Spanish-Venetian couple
D1 041 721 388 No d Via Forti 13, SantErasmo Gloria and Marco are
credit cards No Air- Map H2 041 523 0642 discreet and highly
conditioning No disabled professional hosts who
access No air conditioning offer spotless rooms
close to the San Tom
@ San Giorgio
Monastery % Istituto Artigianelli
Close to the sunny
boat stop. Each room has
tea- and coffee-making
The monks on San Zattere, this religious- facilities.
Giorgio Island, just trade institution has new d Calle del Campanile, S
across the Canale di San modern rooms with bath. Polo 2889 Map L4 041
Marco from Piazza San Book in advance. 275 07 49
Marco, welcome guests d Rio Terr Foscarini, No
to their peaceful Dorsoduro 909/A Map C5 disabled access
premises. A simple 041 522 4077
breakfast is provided and
self-catering acccommo-
( Istituto
dation is also available. A modernized, converted
There are superb views
of Venice from the ^ Domus Civica
These university
convent with vast court-
yards to wander around.
square in front of the rooms are available in the Automatic distributing
church. d Isola di San summer months (Jul machines for snacks and
Giorgio Maggiore Map F5 Sep). Discounts for stu- drinks, otherwise its not
Phone: 041 241 4717 dents and Rolling Venice far to the Zattere. Theres
Fax: 041 520 6579 No participants (see p137). a midnight curfew.
credit cards No meals, but plenty of d Fondamenta delle
cafs in the vicinity. Eremite, Dorsoduro 1323
Gerotto d Campiello Chiovere, S
Polo 3082 Map B3 041
Map K6 041 240 97 13
Handy for the station, 721 103 No en-suite No air conditioning
with airy rooms, some bathrooms No air No disabled access
with bath (no breakfast). conditioning No disabled
Clientele are welcomed
by enthusiastic English-
access www.domuscivica.
com ) Al Santo
This simple hotel
speaking staff. Bargain is very conveniently
down the rates in low
season. d Campo S & Al Gobbo
The Hunchback is a
located, only a 10-minute
stroll from Paduas main
Geremia, Cannaregio 283 clean small-scale hotel sights (see p123).
Map C2 041 715 361 with a couple of rooms d Via del Santo 147, Padua
www.casagerottocalderan. overlooking a bustling 049 875 2131
com No credit cards No square. Easy access from
disabled access the railway station.
Left Locanda San Barnaba Right Tourist luggage
Converted Palaces
! Hotel San Stefano
Discerning style,
phere greets guests. The
rooms are modest but
041 522 7131 www. Not all
maximum comfort comfortable. rooms have en-suite bath
(Jacuzzi in all rooms) and d Campo Bandiera e Moro, No disabled access
breathtaking views. Great Castello 3608 Map F4
care is taken with details
in this slender tall palace.
041 528 5315 www. No * Locanda La Corte
A relaxing atmos-
d Campo S Stefano, disabled access phere prevails in this
S Marco 2957 Map M5 renovated 16th-century
041 520 0166 www. Ca Nigra Lagoon palace. It once served
hotelsantostefanovenezia. % Resort the ambassador from
com No disabled access Once an ambassadors Brescia and is impecca-
residence, this exquisite bly furnished with period
palace on the Grand pieces. Breakfast is
@ San Cassiano
Ca Favretto
Canal has two delightful
shady gardens. The decor
served in the courtyard.
d Calle Bressana, Castello
Right on the Grand Canal, is modern and all rooms 6317 Map F3 041 241
but hidden away in the have a whirlpool. Handy 1300 www.locanda
maze of alleyways close for the railway and bus No disabled
to Rialto, is a 16th-century stations.d Campo S access
palace, converted into a Simeon Grande, S Croce 927
hotel named after a 19th-
century artist. Elegant
Map K1 041 257 0047 ( Ca Pisani
Converted in 2000,
rooms with all mod cons. Ca Pisani has a warm
d Calle della Rosa, S Croce ambience, stunning
2232 Map N2 041 524 Ruzzini Palace modern design and all
1768 ^ Hotel the facilities you could
After a closure of 20 hope for. You may never
years, this cavernous want to leave this 15th-
San palace with vast frescoed
rooms and monumental
century palace near the
Minutes from the Ca staircases has opened as d Rio Terr Foscarini,
Rezzonico ferry stop, a a comfortable hotel. Only Dorsoduro 979A Map F4
quiet, elegant palazzo 5 minutes from Piazza 041 240 1411 www.
hotel, with original San Marco, it overlooks a No
frescoes in many of the typical Venetian square. disabled access
rooms, which are named d Campo S Maria Formosa,
after Goldonis plays.
d Calle del Traghetto,
Castello 5866 Map R3
041 241 0447 www. ) Al Sole
A beautiful place to
Dorsoduro 27852786 stay, convenient for
Map L5 041 241 1233 Piazzale Roma, this 16th-
www.locanda- century palace is often No
disabled access & Albergo Guerrato
Charming old place
used as a lm set, with a
huge lobby and a court-
at Rialto, saturated with yard draped in wisteria.
$ La Residenza
In a pretty square
history and dating back
to 1288. No great views
Rooms have all mod
cons. d Fondamenta
behind the Riva degli but heaps of charm and Minotto, S Croce 136
Schiavoni (see p101), a space. Map J4 041 244 0328
rather ramshackle but d Calle drio la Scimia, S
authentic palace atmos- Polo 240/a Map N2
Left Room in Al Gazzettino Right Hotel Novecento
Medium-Priced Hotels
! Rossi
backwater just over the
bridge from Campo SS
d Calle dei Fabbri, S Marco
4687 Map P4 041 522
family hotel, high on Apostoli. d Corte del 4384 www.locandaal
hospitality. Spotless Leon Bianco, Cannaregio No disabled
rooms, many with lovely 5629 Map P2 041 523 access
views, and conveniently 3572
placed for Strada Nova.
Book well in advance.
No disabled access
* Villa Giustinian
An 18th-century villa
d Calle Procuratie,
Cannaregio 262 Map C2 % Al Gazzettino
Centrally located
with a swimming pool,
park, magnicent rooms
041 715 164 www. between the Rialto and and a ne restaurant. A No San Marco, this is a 40-minute bus trip to
disabled access basic, decent value hotel. Venice. Buses pass every
The downstairs walls are 20 minutes. d Via
@ Locanda Ca Zose
Cosy immaculate
papered with sheets
from the citys Il
Miranese 85, Mirano 041
570 0200 www.
rooms, several with Gazzettino newspaper, a
enchanting canal views, long-standing neighbour
run by sisters Graziella
and Valentina. Very quiet,
until its relocation to the
more practical mainland. ( Al Gallion
Guests are given a
handy for La Salute d Calle di Mezzo, S Marco warm welcome and
vaporetto and the 4971 Map Q4 041 528 much insider information
Guggenheim. 6523 www.algazzettino. at this homely, spotless
d Calle del Bastion, com No disabled access hotel. Run by a local
Dorsoduro 193/B Map D5 family, it is handy for
041 522 6635 www. Piazzale Roma and Riva No
disabled access ^ Hotel Novecento
The relaxing rooms at
di Biasio vaporetto stop
on the Grand Canal.
this boutique hotel d Calle Gallion, S Croce
Hotel alla Salute
Da Cici
halfway between the
Accademia and Piazza
1126 Map K2 041 524
Ezra Pound spent time in San Marco are oriental in No disabled access No
this hotel set in the ambience. In summer credit cards No air
Salute residential area, a breakfast is served in the conditioning
stones throw from the courtyard. d Calle del
Zattere, not to mention
Accademia (see pp245)
Dose, Campo San Maurizio,
San Marco 2683/4 Map ) Hotel Torcolo
You could hardly
and Guggenheim N6 041 241 3765 www. wish for a more central
galleries (see pp345). No location in Verona, just
d Fondamenta Ca Bal, disabled access around the corner from
Dorsoduro 222 041 523 the Arena. Nothing
5404 Map D5 www. No & Al Gambero
A guaranteed old
exceptional, but friendly
and clean. Guest parking
disabled access favourite on a bridge available.
halfway between Rialto d Vicolo Listone 3, Verona
$ Locanda
Leon and the Piazza San
Marco, wonderful for
Bus nos. 11, 12, 13, 51
(or 90, 92, 93 evenings &
Parquet oors alternate many sights and shop- hols) from Point A 045
with Venetian terrazzo in ping sprees. Downstairs 800 7512 www.
this modest, atmospheric is Le Bistrot, a popular No
palazzo in a quiet nightspot (see p61). disabled access
Left Venetian apartment balcony view Centre & right Venetian apartment interiors
! Venetian
Apartments $ Belvedere Italia
A select range of
with room for up to
seven occupants. All are
This UK company rents prime apartments and personally inspected.
out studios, family-size villas owned by long- d 3622 49th Ave SW,
apartments with terraces standing families, Seattle, WA 98116, USA
through to wonderful including an atmospheric 888 465 1460
piano nobile oors of home near Accademia. www.myItalianVacation.
luxury palazzos (see p43) d 54 Dean Path, Edinburgh com
on the Grand Canal. They EH4 3AU 0131 467 3433
also provide plenty of
helpful information on
* Venice
Left IYH Ostello Venezia Right Ostello Santa Fosca
Note: Price categories for hostels and camp sites are per person 151
per night and range between 630
General Index
A bars C
Aalto, Alvar 102 osterie (wine bars) 567 Ca Dario 21, 42
Accademia Bridge 21 San Marco 78 Ca Foscari 42
Accademia Galleries 7, 245, 91 Basilica (Torcello) 3031 Ca Macana 92
Acqua Alta 19 Basilica del Santo (Padua) Ca Nigra Lagoon Resort 147
Agriturismo Le Garzette 119 123 Ca dOro 42, 95, 97
Ai Assassini 79 Basilica San Marco 6, 811, Ca Pesaro 20, 41, 83
Ai Cacciatori 119 75 Ca Pisani 147
air travel 133 beaches 37, 115 Ca Rezzonico 21, 42
disabled visitors 139 Bella, Gabriel 40 Ca Vendramin di Santa Fosca
Al Bottegon 57 Bellini, Gentile 18, 44, 82 148
Albanian community 53 Procession in St Marks Cabot, John 52
Albinoni, Tomasso Giovanni 67 Square 25 cafs, San Marco 78
alcohol 140 Bellini, Giovanni 7, 12, 18, 26, Caff Florian 17, 75
Alexander III, Pope 39 38, 44, 97, 103 Caffeteria Doria 78
Altana Terraces 33 San Giobbe Altarpiece 24 Calder, Alexander, Mobile 35
ambulances 22, 142 Madonna Enthroned with Callas, Maria 73
American community 53 Saints 27 Calle del Forno 33
American Express 136 Mary with Child 44 Calle del Paradiso 49
Anafesto, Paoluccio 15 Bellini, Jacopo 18, 44 camp sites 137, 151
Angi Bar 103 bells 17 Campiello del Remer 48
animals 49 Benetton 118 Camping Alba dOro 151
Anthony, St 39, 123 Bernini, Luigi 127 Camping Fusina 151
Antica Birraria La Corte 83, 85 Bevilacqua 77 Campo della Celestia 49
Antica Mola 99 Biblioteca Marciana 18 Campo della Maddalena 49
Antica Trattoria alla Biennale 62, 102 Campo dei Mori 956, 97
Maddalena 113 birds 49, 65 Campo San Barnaba 90
apartments 150 Le Bistrot de Venise 61 Campo San Bartolomeo 74
Arbor Boutique 118 Bloom Caff 129 Campo San Giacomo
architecture 43, 45 Bo University 123 dellOrio 81, 83
Armenian community 53 boats 223, 37 Campo San Polo 81, 83
Armoury, Doges Palace 13, 64 arriving in Venice 133 Campo San Stefano 73
Arsenale 54, 101 disabled visitors 139 Campo San Zan Degol 83
artists 44 ferries 133, 135 Campo Santa Margherita 7,
art courses 143 gondolas 135, 136 323, 91
ArtStudio 112 guided tours 136 Campo Santa Maria Formosa
ATMs (cash dispensers) 141 Regata Storica 62 102, 103
Attila the Hun 31 trips for children 64 Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo
audio guides 136 watersports 63 102, 103
Auditorium Santa Boccherini, Luigi 67 Canaletto 44, 148
Margherita 67 Bon, Bartolomeo 26, 45, 81 Rio dei Mendicanti 44
Aulenti, Gae 68, 74 Bon, Giovanni 45 canals
AVA Venice Hoteliers bookshops 138 Grand Canal 6, 2023, 29
Association 134 books 51 Rio Terr 33
Boutique del Gelato 105 Cannaregio 949
B bragozzo (watercraft) 22 canoeing trips 136
Bac Art Studio 92 Brancusi, Constantin, Bird in Canova, Antonio 18, 27
Bacaro Jazz 61 Space 34 Cantieri Navali 55
Bach, J.S. 52 Brek (Cannaregio) 99 Cantina Do Mori 56
Bacini 48 Brenta Canal 36 Cantina Vecia Carbonera 61
Banco Giro Arcade 29 Brenta villas 136 Cappella degli Scrovegni 123
Banco Giro 85 Bridge of Sighs 13, 46 Cappelleria Palladio 128
banking 141 Bridge with No Parapet 47 car ferries 22
Bar Abbazia 93 bridges 467 Carnival 62
Bar del Corso 129 disabled visitors 139 Carpaccio, Vittorio 4041,
Bar al Teatro 78 British community 53 44, 97
Barattieri, Nicol 17 Bruno Lazzari 118 Meeting and Departure of
Barbara Boutique 98 budget travel 137 the Betrothed Ursula and
Barbari, Jacopo de 18 buildings restoration 36, 143 Ereo 25
Barbaro family 75 Bulgari 76 Two Venetian Ladies 18
Barbarossa 39 Burano 109, 111 Carriera, Rosalba 25, 91
Barchessa Valmarana 127 buses 133 cars 132, 133
bargaining 138 disabled visitors 139 Cartier 76
Barovier & Toso 112 Byron, Lord 20, 27, 5051 Casa di Giulietta 1245
Casa dei Varoteri 33 concerts 667 Ex Chiesa di Santa
Casanova, Giovanni 13, 52 consulates 142 Margherita 32
Casin Municipale 60 conversions, historic 545 Ex Ospedale degli Incurabili
Castello 100105 cookery courses 143 90
Celestia 48 Copernicus, Nicolas 123
Centrale 60 Cornaro, Caterina 53 F
Le Ceramiche 104 Correr Ballroom 18 Fabbriche Nuove 29
ceramics courses 143 Corte dellAnatomia 48 Falieri, Marin 12, 15
Certosa 111 Corte de Ca Sarasina 39 Fallopius, Gabriel 123
Chagall, Marc 41 Corte del Duca Sforza 48 Farmacia Ponci 96
chamber music 66 Corte del Fondaco 33 Feltrinelli Internazionale 128
Chet Bar 60 Corte Nova 39 Fendi 76
children 645, 132 Corte Sconta 58 La Fenice 66, 73
Chioggia 117 Corte Seconda del Milion 95 ferries 64, 133, 135
Chips & Colors 104 Coryate, Thomas 50 Festa del Redentore 62
Chorus church pass 135 Cotonicio 54 Festa di San Rocco 63
churches 389 Cozzi, Marco 26 festivals and events 623
Basilica (Torcello) 3031 craft shops Fiddlers Elbow Irish Pub 60
Basilica San Marco 6, 811 San Marco 77 lms 66, 67
etiquette 140 San Polo and Santa Croce re boats 22
Gesuati, Chiesa dei 9091 84 oods 19
Madonna dellOrto 39, 97 credit cards 141, 142 Fondaco dei Turchi 20
San Francesco della Vigna crime 142 Fondamenta della Misericordia 96
103 currency 141 Fondamente Nuove 97
San Giacomo dellOrio 812 Curtis family 43 Fondamenta degli Ormesini 96
San Giacomo di Rialto 28 cycling 63 Fondazione Querini Stampalia 40
San Giobbe 97 food 59, 137
San Giorgio 115 D shops 69, 138
San Giorgio Maggiore 38 Da Carla 79 foreign communities 53
San Lazzaro degli Armeni 116 Da Cico 83 Fortuny y Madrazo, Mariano 745
San Michele 110 Da Fiore 58 Foscari, Doge Francesco 14, 27,
San Mois 74 Dai Nodari 129 42
San Nicol 115 Da Ponte, Antonio 45, 46 foundations, buildings 36
San Nicol dei Mendicoli 89 Da Porto, Luigi 124 fountains 37
San Pantalon 39 Da Romano 111 Franchetti, Baron Giorgio 95
San Sebastiano 39, 89 Dalmatian community 53 Francis, St 109
San Zaccaria 38 Dandolo, Enrico 15 Francis Xavier, St 90
Santa Fosca (Torcello) 31 Dario, Giovanni 42 French community 53
Santa Maria dei Carmini 33 Delle Masegne brothers 10 Frette 76
Santa Maria del Giglio 75 Deposito del Megio 55 Fumiani, Gian Antonio 39
Santa Maria Gloriosa dei designer boutiques 76
Frari 7, 267 Diaghilev, Sergei 43, 110 G
Santa Maria delle Grazie 116 Dickens, Charles 51, 101 Galileo Galilei 123
Santa Maria dei Miracoli 38, disabled visitors 139 Galleria Livio De Marchi 77
95 Disney Store 65 galleries see museums and
Santa Maria della Piet 101 Do Forni 59 galleries
Santa Maria della Salute 21, Dogado 99 Gallion, Al 149
389, 91 Doges Palace 6, 1215, 64, garbage vessels 22
Santi Giovanni e Paolo 38 75, 136 gardens see parks and gardens
CIGA Warehouse 55 Donatello, St John the Garibaldi, Giuseppe 102
Cima da Conegliano, La Baptist 27 El Gato Ristorante 119
Madonna dellArancio 25 Dorsoduro 8893 Gautier, Thophile 53
Cipriani 58, 144 drinks 57 Gelateria Alaska 85
Cloister of SantApollonia 49 driving licences 132 Gelateria Il Doge 93
clothing drugs 140 Gelateria Nico 93
in churches 140 Dufy, Raoul, Studio with a Fruit Il Gelatone 99
shops 69 Bowl 41 German community 53
what to pack 132 Drer, Albrecht 53 Ghetto, Jewish 95, 97, 136
Coducci, Mauro 38, 42, 45, 82, Giacometti, Alberto, Woman
102, 110 E Walking 35
Coin Department Store 69 electrical appliances 132 Giardinetti Reali 17
Colleoni, Bartolomeo 102 embassies 142 Giardini 102
Column of San Marco 17 Enoteca do Colonne 57 Giardini Papadopoli 823
La Colomba 59 entertainment 667 Giorgione 7, 44
Column of San Teodoro 17 Ernst, Max, Attirement of the Giotto 123
communications 141 Bride 34 Giovanna Zanella 104
Giudecca 115 J Mazzon, Augusto 92
glass 69, 74 James, Henry 27, 43, 51, 67 Mazzorbo 109
demonstrations 645 Jews 53, 97 Mechtar, Venerable 116
glassmaking courses 143 Ghetto 95, 97, 136 Medici, Alessandro de 81
Murano 109 Josephine, Empress 43 Medici, Cosimo de 81
shops 138 Juliets House 1245 Medici, Lorenzino de 81
Northern Lagoon 10813 Pesaro, Doge Giovanni 27 Ristorante Greppia 129
Novecento hotel 149 pharmacies 142 Riva degli Schiavoni 101
Piazza delle Erbe 125 Riva del Vin 21
O Piazza San Marco 6, 1619, 49, La Rivista 93
opening hours 138 75, 111 Rizzo 69, 118
opera 66, 67 Piazza dei Signori 124 Rizzo, Antonio 12, 45
Orange Laundry 137 Piazzetta, Giovanni Battista 24 Rolling Venice 137
Ospedaletto 103 Piazzetta dei Leoncini 17 Rosa Salva 78
Ospite di Venezia 134 Picasso, Pablo, The Poet 34 Romeo and Juliet 1245
Osteria Banco Giro 85 Piccolo Mondo 61 Rossini, Gioacchino 73
Osteria Boccadoro 58 pickpockets 142 rowing 63, 143
Osteria alla Botte 57 picnics 137 Rubelli 69
Osteria dei Fabbri 129 pigeons 49, 65 Ruga degli Oreci 29
Osteria alla Frasca 56 Piron, Al 99 Ruskin, John 14, 27, 51, 74,
Osteria Mocenigo 85 Pisani, Doge Alvise 126 101, 103, 146
Osteria La Perla ai Bisatei 113 Piscopia, Elena Lucrezia Corner Ruzzini Palace Hotel 147
Osteria Ruga Rialto 56 52, 123
Osteria del Sacro e Profano 56 place names 29 S
Osteria di Santa Marina 59 play areas 64 safety 142
Osteria Sora al Ponte 56 police 22, 142 sailing 63
osterie (wine bars) 567 Polo, Marco 13, 52, 94, 95 St Marks see Basilica San Marco
Ottico Fabbricatore 76 Ponte della Libert 46 sales 138
Ponte Lungo 47 San Basilio Port Zone 91
P Ponte dei Pugni 47 San Clemente Palace hotel 144
Padua 1223 Ponte degli Scalzi 46 San Francesco del Deserto 109
tourist ofce 134 Ponte dei Sospiri 13 San Giorgio 115, 145
painting courses 143 Ponte delle Tette 47 San Lazzaro degli Armeni 116
Palace Bonvecchiati hotel 144 Ponte dei Tre Archi 46, 97 San Leonardo Market 98
Pala dOro 9 population 37 San Marco 729
Palaces porters 133 San Michele 110
Doges Palace 6, 1214, 64, post ofces 141 San Nicol 115
75, 136 posters 134 San Pietro di Castello 102
Palazzo Barbaro 43 Procuratie Nuove 17 San Pietro in Volta 117
Palazzo dei Camerlenghi 29 Procuratie Vecchie 17 San Polo and Santa Croce 8085
Palazzo Contarini degli public conveniences 139, 142 San Servolo 116
Scrigni 43 public holidays 132 sandolo (watercraft) 22
Palazzo Foscolo-Corner 32 Punta della Dogana 21 Sanmicheli, Michele 45, 111
Palazzo Grassi 74 Punta Sabbioni 111 sanpierota (watercraft) 22
Palazzo Labia 96 Sansovino, Andrea 45
Palazzo Leoni Montanari 124 Q Sansovino, Jacopo 45, 46, 123
Palazzo Mastelli 423 Querini, Giovanni 40 Biblioteca Marciana 18
Palazzo Mocenigo 82 questions about Venice 367 Chiesa di San Francesco
Paazzo Pisani-Moretta 43 della Vigna 103
Palazzo Vendramin-Calergi R Doges Palace 13
42, 60 rail travel see trains Fabbriche Nuove 29
Palladio, Andrea, 45 rats 49 Giants Staircase 14
Palladio Bauer 148 Regata Storica 62 tomb of 10
Palma il Vecchio 102 Restaurants 589 Zecca 54
Paolo Olbi 69 budget travel 137 Santa Croce see San Polo
paper, marbled 69 Cannaregio 99 and Santa Croce
Paradiso Perduto 60 Castello 105 SantErasmo 110
parking 133 disabled visitors 139 Santa Maria delle Grazie 116
Parks and gardens Dorsoduro 93 Santo Bevitore 99
Giardinetti Reali 17 Northern Lagoon 113 Sarpi, Paolo 53
Giardini 102 San Marco 79 Scala Contarini del Bovolo 73
Giardini Papadopoli 823 San Polo and Santa Croce 84 Scamozzi, Vincenzo 43, 124
Parco Savorgnan 48 Southern Lagoon and Venice scams 140
Parlamento, Al 99 Lido 119 Scarpa, Carlo 24, 40, 45, 68,
passports 132 Veneto 129 102
Pasticceria Ponte delle Paste restoration courses 143 Scarpagnino 13, 81
105 Rialto Bridge 20, 46 Scrovegni, Enrico 123
Pasticceria Rizzardini 85 Rialto Market 7, 289, 83 Scuola Grande dei Carmini 32
Peggy Guggenheim Collection Rio Novo 33 Scuola Grande della
7, 345, 65 Rio Terr 33 Misericordia 39
Pentecost Dome 9 Rio Terr dei Catecumeni 89 Scuola Grande di San Giovanni
Perle e Dintorni 68 Rio Terr Rampani 48, 83 Evangelista 82
Scuola Grande di San Rocco Tintoretto, Domenico, Venice in Peril Fund 89
40, 81, 83 Paradise 14 Venini 68
Scuole 82 Tintoretto, Jacopo 44, 94 Verdi, Giuseppe 27, 73, 124
security 142 Doges Palace 12 Verona 122, 1245
self-catering 150 Paradise 14 tourist ofce 134
Selva, Giannantonio 45, 73, 102 San Giorgio Maggiore 38 Verona Arena 124, 125
La Sensa 63 Santa Maria della Salute 39 Veronese, Paolo 18, 39, 44, 89,
Shakespeare, William 33, 50, 124 Scuola Grande di San Rocco 102, 126
shopping 689, 138 40, 80, 81 Rape of Europe 14
budget travel 137 The Triumph of Venice 14 Supper in the House of Levi 25
Cannaregio 98 tipping 140 The Victorious Return of
Castello 104 Tirall, Andrea 46 Doge Andrea Contarini 15
Dorsoduro 92 Titian 44, 94, 97 Via Garibaldi 102, 103
Northern Lagoon 112 Accademia Galleries 7 Vicenza 122, 124
receipts 140 Assumption of the Virgin 26 tourist ofce 134
San Marco 767 Basilica del Santo (Padua) villas 1267, 136
San Polo and Santa Croce 84 123 Barchessa Valmarana 127
Southern Lagoon and Venice Biblioteca Marciana 18 Villa Barbarigo 127
Lido 118 Corte del Duca Sforza 48 Villa Barbaro 126
Veneto 128 Doges Palace 12 Villa Contarini 127
shrines 39 monument to 27 Villa Cornaro 127
Sile Canal 36 Osteria alla Frasca 56 Villa Emo 127
silverwork shops 69 Piet 25 Villa Foscari La
Smith, Joseph 44 Santa Maria della Salute 39 Malcontenta 1267
Sottoportego de la Self-portrait 44 Villa Pisani La Nazionale 126
Madonna 39 toilets, public 139, 142 Villa Valmarana Ai Nani 126
Southern Lagoon and Venice Tommaseo, Niccol 73 Villa Valmarana La Rotonda 126
Lido 11419 topo (watercraft) 22 Vini da Gigio 59
Spizzico 65 Torcello 7, 3031, 111 visas 132
sports 63 Basilica di Torcello 3031 Vittoria, Alessandro 18
Squero di San Trovaso 89 Santa Fosca 31 Vittorio Emanuele II, King 101
State Archives 27 Torre dellOrologio 16 Vivaldi, Antonio 66, 101
Stirling, James 102 tourist ofces 134 Vivarini 97, 102
Stravinsky, Igor 73, 110 tours 136 Vogalonga 62
street sellers 138 traghetto points 39
street signs 135 trains 133, 137 W
students 132, 137 disabled visitors 139 Wagner, Richard 42, 101
studying in Venice 143 Trattoria alla Madonna 59 walks
Su e Zo per i Ponti 63 Trattoria dai Tosi Piccoli 105 Cannaregio 97
sun protection 132 travel 133, 135 Castello 103
swimming 37, 63 budget travel 137 Dorsoduro 91
disabled visitors 139 San Marco 75
T travellers cheques 141, 142 San Polo 83
tabernacles 39 Tre Ponti 47 Southern Lagoon 117
Taverna del Campiello Remer Treviso Airport 133 Verona 125
99 Turkish community 53 water, drinking 37
tax-free shopping 138 water taxis 135
Teatro Fondamente Nuove 67 U disabled visitors 139
Teatro Goldoni 66 UNESCO 122 watercraft 223, 133
Teatro La Fenice 66, 73 Un Mondo di Vino osteria 56 websites 134
Teatro Malibran 66 Upim 128 Whistler, J A M 43
Teatro Olimpico (Vicenza) 124 wildlife, lagoon 110
telephones 141 V wine bars 567
theft 142 Valmarana, Count 126 women travellers 142
Theodore, St 11 vaporetti (watercraft) 22 writers 5051
Throne of Attila 31 Venetian Republic 15
Tiepolo, Giambattista 44 Veneto 1229 Z
Basilica del Santo 123 map 122 Zattere 89
Ca Rezzonico 42 restaurants 129 Zecca 54
Chiesa dei Gesuati 91 shops 128 Zelotti, Giambattista 127
Palazzo Labia 96 villas 1267 Zen, Cardinal 10
Palazzo Pisani-Moretta 43 Veneziano, Paolo 18, 82
Santa Maria della Piet 101 Coronation of the Virgin 25
Scuola Grande dei Carmini 32 Venice Carnival Show, The 67
Villa Pisani 126 Venice Marathon 63
time 132 Venice Pavilion Bookshop 69
The Author libraries for permission to reproduce their
Gillian Price was born in England in 1953 photographs:
but grew up in Sydney, Australia. She
moved to Venice in 1981 and has written AISA,Barcelona: 11b, 2021c, 52tl, 86-87,
nine books on walking in Italy. Gillian has 106-10;. AKG, London: 31br,34t, 35b, 50tl,
been contributing to Dorling Kindersleys 50tcr, 50tr 50b, ADAGP, Paris and DACS,
Eyewitness Travel Guides since 1998. London 2001 The Bird in Space 1925 by
Produced by Book Creation Services Ltd, Brancusi 7t, Succession Picasso/DACS
London London 2001 The Poet by Picasso 34b,
ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2001
Project Editor Zo Ross Dressing the Bride by Max Ernst 34-35c,
Art Editor Alison Verity Portrait of Vivaldi by Morellon 52b;
Designer Ann Fisher Cameraphoto: 11t, 45tl, 45tr, The Victorious
Picture Research Monica Allende Return of Doge Andrea Contarini after the
Proofreader Stewart J Wild Triumph in Chioggia (detail) Paolo Veronese
Indexer Hilary Bird 15b, Triumph of Venetia as Queen of the
Design and Editorial Assistance Tamiko Seas Tintoretto 14b, Bathing Venus by
Rex, Laura de Selincourt, Jo Ann Titmarsh, Antonio Canova 18b, Supper in the House
Beatriz Waller of Levi by Veronese 24-25c, Portrait by
Main Photographer Demetrio Carasco Rosalba Carriera 25cr, Mary with Child by
Bellini 44tc, Portrait of Caterina Conaro
Additional Photography John Heseltine, 53b; St Domingie-M.Rabatti: La Tempesta
Gillian Price, Roger Moss by Giorgione 24t; Erich Lessing: 44tl, Piere
di Cadore by Titian 44tr, Rio dei Medicanti
Illustrator Chris Orr & Associates by Canaletto 44b; AL GAZZETINO: 149tl;
ALAMY IMAGES: Steven May 64tl; AL
Cartography Pam Alford, James Anderson, PIRON: 99tc; ALLSPORT: 62b; DACS
Jane Voss (Anderson Geographics Ltd) London 2001 The Magic Garden by Paul
Klee 35cr; BAROVIER & TOSO, Murano:112tl;
Editor Karen Villabona LUIGI BEVILACQUA: 68tl; BISTRO DE
Senior Editor Marcus Hardy VENISE: 60tl; BLOOM CAFFE: 129tr;
Senior Art Editor Marisa Renzullo BRIDGEMAN ART LIBRARY: San Giobbe
Cartography Co-ordinator Casper Morris Altarpiece c.1487 by Bellini 7bl, 24b,
Senior DTP Designer Jason Little ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2001
Production Sarah Dodd, Marie Ingledew Studio with a Fruit Bowl by Dufy 41c;
Publishing Manager Kate Poole CAPELLERIA PALLADIO: 128tl; CORBIS: 4-
Senior Publishing Manager Louise 5, 19b, 20-21, 21b, 66b, 70-71, 120-121,
Bostock Lang 126tr, 130-13; HOTEL NOVECENTO: 149tc;
Director of Publishing Gillian Allan IUAV Istituto Universitario di Architetture di
Additional Editorial and Design Assistance Venezia: 55; MA.RE: 76tc; MARY EVANS
Sonal Bhatt, Karen Fitzpatrick, Maite PICTURE LIBRARY: 50tcl, 51t, 52c, 52tr; LA
Lantaron, Rada Radojicic ZUCCA: 85tl; ESTHER LABI: 128tl;
Special Assistance Carlo Alberto Albrigo, Albonico 62tr, Barbazza 115b, 132tc, M.
Tamara Andruszkiewicz, Bruce Boreham, Cristofoti 122tl, D.Donadoni 123b, 126tl,
Gianni Cadel, Martin Price, Nicola Regine, 127tr, E.Lasagni 129tl, M.Mazzola 127tr, M.
Laura Sabbadin, Sally Spector, Venice, Silvano 123 tr, G.Luigi Sosso 144tr;
Padua, Vicenza and Verona tourist ofces, MERCADO DORIENTE: 128tr; NARDI: 68tr;
Venice Hoteliers Association. NEWIMAGE: David Bardi 141tr; Rolando
Picture Credits Fabriani 28bl; Nicola Quaranti 140tr; ORIENT-
t-top; tc-top centre; tr-top right; cla-centre EXPRESS HOTELS TRAINS & CRUISES: 58tl;
left above; ca-centre above; cra-centre right RISTORANTE EL GATO: 119tc; TEATRO
above; cl-centre left; c-centre; cr-centre FONDAMENTA NUOVE: Giovanni Pancino
right; clb-centre left below; cb-centre 67cl; TOURISM VENEZIA: La Fotograca
below; crb-centre right below; bl-below left; 137tc; UN MONDO DI VINO: 56tr; VENETIAN
bc belo w centre; br below right. APARTMENTS: 150tl/tc/tr.
The publishers would like to thank the All other images are DK. For further
following individuals, companies and picture information see
Phrase Book
In an Emergency Types of Shop
Help! Aiuto! eye-yoo-toh bakery il forno eel forn-oh
Stop! Fermate! fair-mah-teh /il panicio /eel pan-ee-
Call a Chiama un kee-ah-mah fee-choh
doctor. medico oon meh- bank la banca lah bang-kah
Phrase Book
Eating Out fritte free-teh chips
Have you got Avete una tavola ah-veh-teh il pepe eel peh-peh pepper
a table for ...? per ... ? oona tah-voh- il pesce eel pesh-eh sh
lah pair ...? il pollo eel poll-oh chicken
Id like to Vorrei riservare vor-ray ree-sair- il pomodoro eel poh-moh-dor-oh tomato
Phrase Book
reserve a table. una tavola. vah-reh oona il prosciutto eel pro-shoo-toh ham
tah-voh-lah cotto/crudo kot-toh/kroo-doh cooked/cured
breakfast colazione koh-lah-tsee-oh- il riso eel ree-zoh rice
neh il sale eel sah-leh salt
lunch pranzo pran-tsoh la salsiccia lah sal-see-chah sausage
dinner cena cheh-nah succo soo-koh orange/lemon
The bill Il conto eel kon-toh darancia/ dah-ran-chah/ juice
waitress cameriera kah-mair-ee-air-ah di limone dee lee-moh-neh
waiter cameriere kah-mair-ee-air- il t eel teh tea
eh la torta lah tor-tah cake/tart
xed price il men a eel meh-noo ah luovo loo-oh-voh egg
menu prezzo sso pret-soh fee-soh vino bianco vee-noh bee- white wine
dish of the day piatto del giorno pee-ah-toh dell ang-koh
jor-no vino rosso vee-noh ross-oh red wine
starter antipasto an-tee-pass-toh le vongole leh von-goh-leh clams
rst course il primo eel pree-moh lo zucchero loh zoo-kair-oh sugar
main course il secondo eel seh-kon-doh la zuppa lah tsoo-pah soup
vegetables contorni eel kon-tor-noh
dessert il dolce eel doll-cheh Numbers
cover charge il coperto eel koh-pair-toh 1 uno oo-noh
wine list la lista dei lah lee-stah day 2 due doo-eh
vini vee-nee 3 tre treh
glass il bicchiere eel bee-kee-air- 4 quattro kwat-roh
eh 5 cinque ching-kweh
bottle la bottiglia lah bot-teel-yah 6 sei say-ee
knife il coltello eel kol-tell-oh 7 sette set-teh
fork la forchetta lah for-ket-tah 8 otto ot-toh
spoon il cucchiaio eel koo-kee- 9 nove noh-veh
eye-oh 10 dieci dee-eh-chee
11 undici oon-dee-chee
Menu Decoder 12 dodici doh-dee-chee
lacqua lah-kwah mee-nair- mineral water 13 tredici tray-dee-chee
minerale ah-leh gah-zah-tah/ 14 quattordici kwat-tor-dee-chee
gassata/ nah-too-rah-leh zzy/still 15 quindici kwin-dee-
naturale chee
agnello ah-niell-oh lamb 16 sedici say-dee-chee
aglio al-ee-oh garlic 17 diciassette dee-chah-set-teh
al forno al for-noh baked 18 diciotto dee-chot-toh
alla griglia ah-lah greel-yah grilled 19 diciannove dee-chah-noh-
la birra lah beer-rah beer veh
la bistecca lah bee-stek-kah steak 20 venti ven-tee
il burro eel boor-oh butter 30 trenta tren-tah
il caff eel kah-feh coffee 40 quaranta kwah-ran-tah
la carne la kar-neh meat 50 cinquanta ching-kwan-tah
carne di kar-neh dee 60 sessanta sess-an-tah
maiale mah-yah-leh pork 70 settanta set-tan-tah
la cipolla la chip-oh-lah onion 80 ottanta ot-tan-tah
i fagioli ee fah-joh-lee beans 90 novanta noh-van-tah
il formaggio eel for-mad-joh cheese 100 cento chen-toh
le fragole leh frah-goh-leh strawberries 1,000 mille mee-leh
il fritto mistoeel free-toh 2,000 duemila doo-eh mee-lah
mees-toh mixed fried dish 1,000,000 un milione oon meel-yoh-
la frutta la froot-tah fruit neh
frutti di mare froo-tee dee
mah-reh seafood Time
i funghi ee foon-ghee mushrooms one minute un minuto oon mee-noo-toh
i gamberi ee gam-bair-ee prawns one hour unora oon or-ah
il gelato eel jel-lah-toh ice cream a day un giorno oon jor-noh
linsalata leen-sah-lah-tah salad Monday luned loo-neh-dee
il latte eel laht-teh milk Tuesday marted mar-teh-dee
il manzo eel man-tsoh beef Wednesday mercoled mair-koh-leh-dee
lolio loh-lee-oh oil Thursday gioved joh-veh-dee
il pane eel pah-neh bread Friday venerd ven-air-dee
le patate leh pah-tah-teh potatoes Saturday sabato sah-bah-toh
le patatine leh pah-tah-teen-eh Sunday domenica doh-meh-nee-kah
Index to Main Streets
Accademia, Ponte dell M6 Madonna dellOrto, Fondamenta D1 San Marco, Piazza Q5
Antonio Foscarini, Rio TerrC5 Mandola, Calle della N4 San Marcuola, Campo C2
Arsenale, Campo G5 Manin, Campo N4 San Marina, Campo Q2
Street Index
Ascensione, Calle Larga dell Q5 Megio, Calle del M1 San Maurizio, Campo N6
Assassini, Rio Terr degli N4 Mendicanti, Fondamenta dei E3 San Mois, Campo P5
Bandiera e Moro, Campo F4 Misericordia, Fondamenta della D2 San Pantalon, Calle K4
Bari, Calle Larga dei K2 Mondo Nuovo, Calle R3 San Pantalon, Campo K4
Bari, Lista dei K1 Mori, Campo dei D1 San Pietro, Campo H4
Beccarie, Calle N2 Nani e Barbaro, Campo E6 San Polo, Campo M3
Bella, Ruga L2 Nomboli, Rio Terr dei M4 San Provolo, Salizzada R4
Bembo, Calle L1 Nuove, Fondamenta E2 San Rocco, Campo L4
Biasio, Riva di K1 Oreci, Ruga degli P2 San Rocco, Salizzada L4
Bissa, Calle Q3 Ormesini, Fondamenta degli C1 San Salvatore, Merceria P3
Botteghe, Calle delle M5 Orologio, Merceria dell Q4 San Samuele, Campo L5
Botteri, Calle dei N2 Paglia, Ponte della R5 San Silvestro, Rio Terr N3
Ca di Dio, Riva G4 Pescheria, Campo della P2 San Stae, Campo M1
Ca dOro, Calle di N1 Pio X, Salizzada P3 San Stin, Campo L3
Calegheri, Campiello N5 Ponte Antonio, Calle Q3 San Tom, Campo L4
Canal, Rio Terr K5 Procuratie Nuove Q5 San Vidal, Campo M6
Cannaregio, Fondamenta di B1 Procuratie Vecchie Q5 San Vio, Campo D5
Cappuccine, Calle delle F3 Procuratie, Fondamenta della B4 San Zaccaria, Campo F4
Cappuccine, Fondamenta delle C1 Pugni, Ponte dei K5 San Zan Degol, Campo L1
Carita, Campo della L6 Querini, Calle R4 Sant Agostin, Campo di L2
Carmini, Campo dei J5 Redentore, Campo del D6 Sant Alvise, Campo di C1
Carrozze, Calle delle M5 Rezzonico, Fondamenta L5 Sant Angelo, Campo N5
Catacumeni, Rio Terr dei D5 Rialto, Ponte di P3 Sant Aponal, Rio Terr K5
Celestia, Campo della G3 Riello, Calle B1 Santa Margherita, Campo K5
Chiesa, Calle della M2 Rio Terr L3 Santa Maria Formosa, Campo R3
Chiesa, Calle drio la R4 Roma, Piazzale B3 Santi Apostoli, Campo dei P1
Confraternita, Campo della F3 Ruga, Campo di H4 Santi Apostoli, Rio Terr dei Q1
Corf, Calle L6 Salute, Campo della D5 Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Campo R2
Cortesia, Calle della N4 San Barnaba, Calle Lunga K6 Santo Stefano, Campo M5
Cristi, Calle De N2 San Barnaba, Campo K5 Savorgnan, Fondamenta B2
Croce, Fondamenta della E6 San Bartolomeo, Campo P3 Scalzi, Fondamenta degli J1
Crosera K4 San Biagio, Campo G4 Scalzi, Ponte degli J1
Crosera, Calle M5 San Cristoforo, Calle D5 Schiavoni, Riva degli F4
Do Aprile, Via P3 San Fantin, Campo N5 Secondo, Rio Terr M2
Fabbri, Calle dei P4 San Felice, Campo N1 Sensa, Fondamenta della C1
Foscari, Calle L5 San Gallo, Campo P5 Sospiri, Ponte dei R5
Foscari, Calle Larga L4 San Geremia, Campo C2 Speziali, Ruga degli P2
Frari, Campo dei L3 San Giacomo dellOrio, Campo L2 Spezier, Calle dello M5
Frati, Calle dei M5 San Giacomo di Rialto, Campo P2 Strada Nova P1
Frezzeria P5 San Giacomo, Fondamenta D6 Teatro, Calle del P4
Fuseri, Calle dei P4 San Giobbe, Campo B2 Tette, Ponte della M2
Garibaldi, Viale H5 San Giorgio, Campo F5 Traghetto, Campo del N6
Gesuiti, Campo dei E2 San Giovanni Crisostomo,Salizzada Q2 Tre Archi, Ponte dei B1
Ghetto Nuovo, Campo C1 San Giovanni, Fondamenta E6 Tre Ponti B3
Giuffa, Ruga R3 San Giovanni, Ruga Vecchia P2 Vallaresso, Calle Q6
Giuseppe Garibaldi, Via G5 San Giustina, Campo F3 Verona, Calle della N5
Goldoni, Calle P4 San Leonardo, Campo C2 Vin, Riva del P3
Guglie, Ponte delle C2 San Leonardo, Rio Terr C2 Zattere Ai Gesuati, Fondamenta C5
Leoncini, Piazzetta dei Q4 San Lio, Campo Q3 Zattere Ai Saloni, Fondamenta D5
Liberta, Ponte della A2 San Lorenzo, Campo F3 Zattere Allo Spirito Santo,
Lista di Spagna, Rio Terr B2 San Lorenzo, Fondamenta di F3 Fondamenta D5
Lungo, Ponte C6 San Luca, Campo P4 Zattere Ponte Lungo, Fondamenta B5
Maddalena, Rio Terr della D2 San Marco, Calle Larga Q4 Zitelle, Fondamenta delle E6