KF Usa Plasma Times 3 Feb
KF Usa Plasma Times 3 Feb
KF Usa Plasma Times 3 Feb
Keshe Foundation USA
by Whitney Fisher
Anyone can do their projects with Many Hands --Plasma Awareness drive
4 Peace, as it is really us, supporting us and Make your own mime for the internet, a
has no commercial intent, rather it is more of simple way to share plasma technology
an acknowledgment that to get this work done, with the world. See link:
to bring Peace on Earth, many many hands are http://www.manyhands4peace.org/glob
needed. Many Hands 4 Peace salutes all the al-plasma-awareness-initiative
efforts to bring free energy out, recognizing the
solidarity of those doing work for the sake of -Plasma for Standing Rock
change. Community service or individual service
projects to collect and send useful items
Help is needed! Much has been done and much and plasma tech to Standing Rock to
is still in construction, with online presence is support Peaceful Potentials on all sides
mostly through Facebook. Group members are of the issue. We now have a Kfssi student
working on related projects such as Evolution
there receiving items, disseminating info
TV Network, creating a subscription channel for
plasma artists to share video creations. and plasmafying the area.
If you are looking for a way to contribute, to find for-standing-rock
where your skills can be used email
manyhands4peace@gmail.com .
Some projects are on hold until funds come in, http://www.manyhands4peace.org/
such as upgraded website, monthly expenses Under Construction
for the online TV channel etc. You can make a Many Hands 4 Peace Facebook Group
difference now helping with those expenses and https://www.facebook.com/groups/179
travel expenses for plasma workshop presenters 877002377766/
as Teams are meeting in the Northwest USA,
OR and WA in February to work on projects, put PayPal for donations or email for
together fundraisers and prepare a mobile alternative methods (please specify use
workshop plasma tour which in the planning in the note with the donation)
stages for April or later this year. manyhands4peace@gmail.com
There is much more to share as we take steps Global Plasma Workshop Bulletin Board
forward together! Thank you for reading and Facebook Page: Global Plasma Workshop
sharing this information! Bulletin Board
Evolution TV Network
Initiatives: https://www.facebook.com/evolefield/
--Many Hands 4 Peace, bronze sculpture by
Colleen Black
Make a cast of your hands in the position of
your choice and mail to Colleen including a
print copy of your story, if you wish to share.
Email manyhands4peace@gmail.com for 3
Since then, the Keshe Foundation has begun a fully compliant medical trial at Tokyo
University, Japan, thereby elevating the status and recognition of the technology
internationally. The Japanese trial is being overseen by both international medical boards
and the ethics committee. Progress has been very fast indeed!
Much of this was already known, because Tokyo University conducted all the trials for
Tepco, who run Fukushima nuclear power plant as I described in a previous article. Now
though, the trials are no longer in secret and this time they are being conducted to meet
international standards.
In other words, a THRESHOLD has been discovered, and the moment it is reached, the
transformation from malignant to healthy cells happens more or
less instantaneously. The transformation has been recorded on video and passed on to
the medical authorities as part of the report.
This is a fundamental observation. Because it further clarifies the reaction that takes
place and explains the critical difference between successes and failures in previous,
apparently similar experiments.
The weaker will have a weaker magnetical field and stronger gravitational field, while
the stronger will have a stronger magnetical and weaker gravitational force. So a
reciprocal exchange of field forces immediately takes place.
When calcium in an immune cell comes within range of an infection, the calcium isotopes' field
forces are 'weaker' than the infection so the infection 'takes' from the calcium, causing it to
deteriorate down.
As a nuclear physicist, Mr. Keshe points out that this lowers the calcium's energy state to that of
Potassium (K) as shown in the calcium isotopes table below. In other words Calcium breaks down
or decays very rapidly to Potassium.
For example, 35Calcium takes 25.7 milliseconds to convert to 35Potassium and in doing so, it
releases Beta (nuclear) radiation.
A number of the Calcium isotopes break down to Potassiums, releasing high Beta (nuclear)
radiation. And one of the isotopes (37Ca) decays to Argon which, in the environment of
the body also releases high Beta radiation. It is this blast of radioactivity that destroys
the infection.
Now let's look at silver. Various forms of silver, particularly colloids, have been used for
centuries for medicinal purposes. Despite colloidal silver's impeccable credentials as an
antimicrobial, its use has become most controversial. Finally, with a knowledge of field
plasmas, silver's mode of operation may be understood.
The full 'bandwidth' (think of the radio wavelength) of Calcium is 34 to 57. Silver on the
other hand, spans from 93 to 130, so delivers twice the power of Calcium, as it breaks
down to release far stronger radioactivity to destroy the infection.
So in bacterial infections there is a two step process. Step one is the field forces of the
bacterium being stronger than those of the calcium or silver isotopes. And step two is
the immediate decay of those isotopes to their 'daughter isotopes' and the simultaneous
release of Beta radiation which kills the offending infection.
Cancers too, are predominantly a one step process. According to the research now
confirmed by Tokyo University, they possess an excessively strong gravitational field
force, meaning that they attract more and more mass, stealing the energy from around
By providing equal and opposite field forces in the correct bandwidth, that attain the
required threshold, the magnetic and gravitational field forces are brought back into
balance. The cancer is immediately resolved, and the excess energy is used as impetus
to create healthy tissue in place of the malignancy.
Keshe reports that over the past week they have introduced new ganses with 'amazing
result'. They appear to have unlocked the secret of which gans elements lead to the
creation or growth of which tissues. This has led to a whole new line of investigation. And
Sed et tellus at quam sagittis pharetra. Donec faucibus sagittis justo.
I look forward to reporting on that in my next article.
Back to Ghana:
As stated before, anybody wishing to take part in the Ghanaian trial should contact the
foundation direct. They are looking for an initial quota of 50 tumour cancers. Each
patient will need to have had the yellow fever vaccination 10 days prior to flight.
While the anticipated stay in Ghana is currently 30 days with treatment administered by
injection, the ultimate, stated goal is, that in the future the correct mixture of ganses will
produce the magnetic gravitational field saturation point, at the required threshold, in as
little as the first 3 - 5 minutes.
This of course is a staggering proposal and research continues...
This Workshop is a two day course spread over a month and will be held on the first Saturday of
each month. So our next workshop is on the first Saturday in February with the second part of
the workshop held on the first Saturday in March (this may change to the first and last Saturday
of each month depending on the number of people interested).
In the first part of the workshop (next available date, February 4 - about 9 hours) you will learn
the following: How to assemble a car unit, how to make a car unit from scratch, various methods
of nano-coating, learn how to make CO2, CUO, CH3 and other types of GANS, with enough
material left over to make pens and cannons.
In the second part of the workshop (next available date, March 4 about 6 hours) will be on the
following: A step-by-step how to assemble the USA Keshe on-grid home unit and further
instructions on nano coating and GANS.
After you have completed this hands-on course there will be an open invitation for you to come
and assist in preparing and setting up the following workshop. The idea of this workshop is to
assist people in learning hands-on about the technology to the point where they can in turn hold
workshops and help others locally.
Anyone interested should contact me at the above number/email address, space is limited to 10
people and there are currently 8 spaces available for the February/March workshop. Please be
aware that if we do get a large number of people signing up that the March date may be brought
forward to the last Saturday in February.
February 1, 2017 3rd Edition
WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, February 18th and 19th 9:00am - 4:00pm each day
WHERE: The Carolina Center for Educational Excellence, 9201 Seawell School Road,
Chapel Hill, NC. (same location as first class)
COST: $150 for both days (supplies needed will be shared soon) Checks are made
payable to Dr. Rodrigo Vildosola.
RSVP: Reply to this message or contact Dr. Joanne Noel at drjo@bellsouth.net with
"Reservation for Keshe Class" in the subject line if you know of others who missed the first
class but would like to attend this class.
Due to the length of the articles and announcements in this months issues, Updates from
the Managing Director and Testimonial Corner will appear in the March issue.
Computer Animator would be responsible in supporting the Foundation with animations that
can be used in workshops and training classes. Animators would be supported with ideas
and concepts by the Foundation and provided a platform that their creations can be
appreciated. We are looking for someone who understands the creation of animations and
can add their own creativity to make training classes both interesting and informative.
Assistant Editor for Plasma Times would assist in collecting articles and formatting articles
for the Newsletter. Some formatting experience with Word Templates would be required.