The Walt Disney Company
The Walt Disney Company
The Walt Disney Company
1.2 192834: Mickey Mouse and Silly Sym- phonies distributor in August 1929. In September 1929,
phonies theater manager Harry Woodin requested permission to
start a Mickey Mouse Club which Walt approved. In
November, test comics strips were sent to King Features,
who requested additional samples to show to the pub-
lisher, William Randolph Hearst. On December 16, the
Walt Disney Studios partnership was reorganized as a
corporation with the name of Walt Disney Productions,
Limited with a merchandising division, Walt Disney
Enterprises, and two subsidiaries, Disney Film Record-
ing Company, Limited and Liled Realty and Investment
Company for real estate holdings. Walt and his wife held
60% (6,000 shares) and Roy owned 40% of WD Pro-
ductions. On December 30, King Features signed its
rst newspaper, New York Mirror, to publish the Mickey
Mouse comic strip with Walts permission.[ChWDC 4]
In 1932, Disney signed an exclusive contract with
Technicolor (through the end of 1935) to produce car-
toons in color, beginning with Flowers and Trees (1932).
Disney released cartoons through Powers Celebrity Pic-
tures (19281930), Columbia Pictures (19301932), and
United Artists (19321937).[9] The popularity of the
Mickey Mouse series allowed Disney to plan for his rst
feature-length animation.[7]
The feature lm, Walt Before Mickey based on the book
by Diane Disney Miller featured these moments in the
studios history.[10]
1942, 90% of its 550 employees were working on longest-running primetime series in history. Disneyland
war-related lms.[13] Films such as the feature Victory allowed Disney a platform to introduce new projects and
Through Air Power and the short Education for Death broadcast older ones, and ABC became Disneys part-
(both 1943) were meant to increase public support for the ner in the nancing and development of Disneys next
war eort. Even the studios characters joined the eort, venture, located in the middle of an orange grove near
as Donald Duck appeared in a number of comical propa- Anaheim, California. It was the rst phase of a long cor-
ganda shorts, including the Academy Award-winning Der porate relationship which, although no one could have an-
Fuehrers Face (1943). ticipated it at the time, would culminate four decades later
in the Disney companys acquisition of the ABC network,
its owned and operated stations, and its numerous cable
1.4 194654: Post-War and Television and publishing ventures.
roster of young Mouseketeers, premiered in 1955 to later that month. On December 20, 1971, Roy Disney
great success, as did the Davy Crockett miniseries, star- died of a stroke. He left the company under control of
ring Fess Parker and broadcast on the Disneyland anthol- Donn Tatum, Card Walker, and Walts son-in-law Ron
ogy show.[7] Two years later, the Zorro series would prove Miller, each trained by Walt and Roy.
just as popular, running for two seasons on ABC.[16] De-
spite such success, Walt Disney Productions invested lit-
tle into television ventures in the 1960s, with the excep- 1.7 197284: Theatrical malaise and new
tion of the long-running anthology series, later known as leadership
The Wonderful World of Disney.[7]
While Walt Disney Productions continued releasing
Disneys lm studios stayed busy as well. Averaging
family-friendly lms throughout the 1970s, such as
ve or six releases per year during this period. While
Escape to Witch Mountain (1975)[7] and Freaky Friday
the production of shorts slowed signicantly during the
(1976), the lms did not fare as well at the box oce as
1950s and 1960s, the studio released a number of pop-
earlier material. However, the animation studio saw suc-
ular animated features, like Lady and the Tramp (1955),
cess with Robin Hood (1973), The Rescuers (1977), and
Sleeping Beauty (1959) and One Hundred and One Dal-
The Fox and the Hound (1981).
matians (1961), which introduced a new xerography pro-
cess to transfer the drawings to animation cels.[17] Dis- As head of the studio, Miller attempted to make lms to
neys live-action releases were spread across a number drive the protable teenage market who generally passed
of genres, including historical ction (Johnny Tremain, on seeing Disney lms.[25] Inspired by the popularity
1957), adaptations of childrens books (Pollyanna, 1960) of Star Wars, Disney produced the science-ction ad-
and modern-day comedies (The Shaggy Dog, 1959). Dis- venture The Black Hole in 1979 that cost $20 million
neys most successful lm of the 1960s was a live ac- to make, but was lost in Star Wars wake.[7] The Black
tion/animated musical adaptation of Mary Poppins, which Hole was the rst Disney lm to carry a PG rating in
was one of the all-time highest-grossing movies[7] and re- the United States.[25][N 1] Disney dabbled in the horror
ceived ve Academy Awards, including Best Actress for genre with The Watcher in the Woods, and nanced the
Julie Andrews and Best Song for Robert B. Sherman & boldly innovative Tron; both lms were released to min-
Richard M. Sherman for "Chim Chim Cher-ee" .[18] imal success.[7]
Disney also hired outside producers for lm projects,
The theme park design and architectural group became
which had never been done before in the studios
so integral to the Disney studios operations that the stu-
history.[25] In 1979, Disney entered a joint venture with
dio bought it on February 5, 1965, along with the WED
Enterprises name.[19][20][21][22] Paramount Pictures on the production of the 1980 lm
adaptation of Popeye and Dragonslayer (1981); the rst
time Disney collaborated with another studio. Paramount
distributed Disney lms in Canada at the time, and it was
1.6 196671: The deaths of Walt and Roy hoped that Disneys marketing prestige would help sell the
Disney and the opening of Walt Disney two lms.[25]
Finally, in 1982, the Disney family sold the naming rights
and rail-based attractions to the Disney lm studio for
On December 15, 1966, Walt Disney died of complica-
818,461 shares of Disney stock then worth $42.6 mil-
tions relating to lung cancer,[7] and Roy Disney took over lion none of which went to Retlaw. Also, Roy E. Dis-
as chairman, CEO, and president of the company. One of
ney objected to the overvalued purchase price of the
his rst acts was to rename Disney World as Walt Disney naming right and voted against the purchase as a Disney
World in honor of his brother and his vision.[23]
board director.[26] The 1983 release of Mickeys Christ-
In 1967, the last two lms Walt actively supervised were mas Carol began a string of successful movies, starting
released, the animated feature The Jungle Book[7] and with Never Cry Wolf and the Ray Bradbury adaptation
the musical The Happiest Millionaire.[24] The studio re- Something Wicked This Way Comes.[7] The Walt Disney
leased a number of comedies in the late 1960s, including Productions lm division was incorporated on April 1,
The Love Bug (1969s highest-grossing lm)[7] and The 1983 as Walt Disney Pictures.[27] In 1984, Disney CEO
Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969), which starred an- Ron Miller created Touchstone Films as a brand for Dis-
other young Disney discovery, Kurt Russell. The 1970s ney to release more major motion pictures. Touchstones
opened with the release of Disneys rst post-Walt an- rst release was the comedy Splash (1984), which was a
imated feature, The Aristocats, followed by a return to box oce success.[28]
fantasy musicals in 1971s Bedknobs and Broomsticks.[7] With The Wonderful World of Disney remaining a prime-
Blackbeards Ghost was another successful lm during time staple, Disney returned to television in the 1970s
this period.[7] with syndicated programing such as the anthology se-
On October 1, 1971, Walt Disney World opened to the ries The Mouse Factory and a brief revival of the Mickey
public, with Roy Disney dedicating the facility in person Mouse Club. In 1980, Disney launched Walt Disney
1.8 19842005: The Michael Eisner Era and the Save Disney Campaign 5
Home Video to take advantage of the newly emerging The Golden Girls and Home Improvement. Disney began
videocassette market. On April 18, 1983, The Disney limited releases of its previous lms on video tapes in the
Channel debuted as a subscription-level channel on cable late 1980s. Eisners Disney purchased KHJ, an indepen-
systems nationwide, featuring its large library of classic dent Los Angeles TV station.[7]
lms and TV series, along with original programming and Organized in 1985, Silver Screen Partners II, LP nanced
family-friendly third-party oerings. lms for Disney with $193 million. In January 1987, Sil-
Walt Disney World received much of the companys at- ver Screen III began nancing movies for Disney with
tention through the 1970s and into the 1980s. In 1978, $300 million raised, the largest amount raised for a lm
Disney executives announced plans for the second Walt nancing limited partnership by E.F. Hutton.[30] Silver
Disney World theme park, EPCOT Center, which would Screen IV was also set up to nance Disneys studios.[31]
open in October 1982. Inspired by Walt Disneys dream Beginning with Who Framed Roger Rabbit in 1988, Dis-
of a futuristic model city, EPCOT Center was built as a neys agship animation studio enjoyed a series of com-
permanent Worlds Fair, complete with exhibits spon- mercial and critical successes with such lms as The Little
sored by major American corporations, as well as pavil- Mermaid (1989), Beauty and the Beast (1991), Aladdin
ions based on the cultures of other nations. In Japan, the (1992) and The Lion King (1994). In addition, the com-
Oriental Land Company partnered with Walt Disney Pro- pany successfully entered the eld of television animation
ductions to build the rst Disney theme park outside of with a number of lavishly budgeted and acclaimed series
the United States, Tokyo Disneyland, which opened in such as Adventures of the Gummi Bears, Duck Tales, Chip
April 1983. 'n Dale Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck and Gargoyles.
Despite the success of the Disney Channel and its new Disney moved to rst place in box oce receipts by 1988
theme park creations, Walt Disney Productions was nan- and had increased revenues by 20% every year.[7]
cially vulnerable. Its lm library was valuable, but oered
In 1989, Disney signed an agreement-in-principle to ac-
few current successes, and its leadership team was unable quire Jim Henson Productions from its founder, Muppet
to keep up with other studios, particularly the works of
creator Jim Henson. The deal included Hensons pro-
Don Bluth, who defected from Disney in 1979. gramming library and Muppet characters (excluding the
By the early 1980s, the parks were generating 70% of Muppets created for Sesame Street), as well as Jim Hen-
Disneys income.[7] sons personal creative services. However, Henson died
In 1984, nancier Saul Steinberg's Reliance Group Hold- suddenly in May 1990 before the deal was completed,
ings launched a hostile takeover bid for Walt Disney resulting in the two companies terminating [32]
merger ne-
Productions,[7] with the intent of selling o some of its gotiations the following December. Named the Dis-
operations.[29] Disney bought out Reliances 11.1% stake ney Decade by the company, the executive talent at-
in the company. However, another shareholder led suit tempted to move the company to new heights in the 1990s
claiming the deal devaluated Disneys stock and for Dis- with huge changes and accomplishments. In September
ney management to retain their positions. The share- 1990, Disney arranged for nancing up to $200 million
holder lawsuit was settled in 1989 for a total of $45 mil- by a unit of Nomura Securities for Interscope lms made
lion from Disney and Reliance.[7] for Disney. On October 23, Disney formed Touchwood
Pacic Partners I which would supplant the Silver Screen
Partnership series as their movie studios primary source
of funding.[31]
1.8 19842005: The Michael Eisner Era
and the Save Disney Campaign In 1991, hotels, home video distribution, and Disney mer-
chandising became 28 percent of total company revenues
with international revenues contributed 22 percent of rev-
See also: Timeline of The Walt Disney Company
enues. The company committed its studios in the rst
quarter of 1991 to produce 25 lms in 1992. However,
1991 saw net income drop by 23 percent and had no
With the Sid Bass family purchase of 18.7 percent of growth for the year, but saw the release of Beauty and the
Disney, Bass and the board brought in Michael Eisner Beast, winner of two Academy Awards and top-grossing
from Paramount as CEO and Frank Wells from Warner lm in the genre. Disney next moved into publishing
Bros. as president. Eisner emphasized Touchstone with with Hyperion Books and adult music with Hollywood
Down and Out in Beverly Hills (1985) to start leading to Records while Walt Disney Imagineering was laying o
increased output with Good Morning, Vietnam (1987), 400 employees.[7] Disney also broadened its adult oer-
Dead Poets Society (1989), Pretty Woman (1990) and ings in lm when then Disney Studio Chairman Jerey
additional hits. Eisner used expanding cable and home Katzenberg acquired Miramax Films in 1993. That same
video markets to sign deals using Disney shows and lms year Disney created the NHL team the Mighty Ducks
with a long-term deal with Showtime Networks for Dis- of Anaheim, named after the 1992 hit lm of the same
ney/Touchstone releases through 1996 and entering tele- name. Disney purchased a minority stake in the Anaheim
vision with syndication and distribution for TV series as
Angels baseball team around the same time.[7] a portion of the lm revenue from ancillary markets for-
Wells was killed in a helicopter crash in 1994. [7] ever. Katzenberg had oered $100 to settle the case, but
Shortly thereafter, Katzenberg resigned and formed Eisner felt the original claim amount of about half a bil-
DreamWorks SKG because Eisner would not appoint lion too much, but then the ancillary market clause was
Katzenberg to Wells now-available post (Katzenberg had found. Disney lawyers tried to indicate a decline situa-
also sued over the terms of his contract).[7] Instead, Eisner tion which reveal some of the problems in the company.
recruited his friend Michael Ovitz, one of the founders of ABC had declining rating and increasing costs while the
the Creative Artists Agency, to be President, with mini- lm segment had two lm failures. While neither party
revealed the settlement amount, it is estimated at $200
mal involvement from Disneys board of directors (which
at the time included Oscar-winning actor Sidney Poitier, million.[7]
the CEO of Hilton Hotels Corporation Stephen Bollen- Eisners controlling style inhibited eciency and progress
bach, former U.S. Senator George Mitchell, Yale dean according to some critics, while other industry experts in-
Robert A. M. Stern, and Eisners predecessors Raymond dicated that age compression theory led to a decline in
Watson and Card Walker). Ovitz lasted only 14 months the companys target market due to youth copying teenage
and left Disney in December 1996 via a no fault termi- behavior earlier.[7]
nation with a severance package of $38 million in cash The year 2000 brought an increase in revenue of 9 per-
and 3 million stock options worth roughly $100 million at cent and net income of 39 percent with ABC and ESPN
the time of Ovitzs departure. The Ovitz episode engen- leading the way and Parks and Resorts marking its sixth
dered a long running derivative suit, which nally con- consecutive year of growth. However, the September 11
cluded in June 2006, almost 10 years later. Chancel- attacks led to a decline in vacation travel and the early
lor William B. Chandler, III of the Delaware Court of 2000s recession led to a decrease in ABC revenue. Plus,
Chancery, despite describing Eisners behavior as falling Eisner had the company make an expensive purchase of
far short of what shareholders expect and demand from Fox Family Worldwide. 2001 was a year of cost cutting
those entrusted with a duciary position... found in fa- laying o 4,000 employees, Disney parks operations de-
vor of Eisner and the rest of the Disney board because creased, slashing annual live-action lm investment, and
they had not violated the letter of the law (namely, the minimizing Internet operations. While 2002 revenue had
duty of care owed by a corporations ocers and board a small decrease from 2001 with the cost cutting, net in-
to its shareholders).[33] Eisner later revealed in 2016 in- come rose to $1.2 billion with two creative lm releases.
terview with The Hollywood Reporter that he regretted In 2003, Disney became the rst studio to record over $3
letting Ovitz go. [34]
billion in worldwide box oce receipts.[7]
Eisner attempted in 1994 to purchase NBC from General Eisner did not want the board to renominate Roy E. Dis-
Electric (GE), but the deal failed due to GE wanting to ney, the son of Disney co-founder Roy O. Disney, as a
keep 51 percent ownership of the network. Disney ac- board director citing his age of 72 as a required retire-
quired many other media sources during the decade, in- ment age. Stanley Gold responded by resigning from
cluding a merger with Capital Cities/ABC in 1995 which the board and requesting the other board members oust
brought broadcast network ABC and its assets, includ- Eisner.[7] In 2003, Disney resigned from his positions
ing the A&E Television Networks and ESPN networks, as the companys vice chairman and chairman of Walt
into the Disney fold.[7] Eisner felt that the purchase of Disney Feature Animation,[ChWDC 8] accusing Eisner of
ABC was an important investment to keep Disney sur- micromanagement, failures with the ABC television net-
viving and allowing it to compete with international mul- work, timidity in the theme park business, turning the
timedia conglomerates.[35] Walt Disney Company into a rapacious, soul-less com-
Disney lost a $10.4 million lawsuit in September 1997 to pany, and refusing to establish a clear succession plan, as
Marsu B.V. over Disneys failure to produce as contracted well as a string of box-oce movie ops starting in the
13 half-hour Marsupilami cartoon shows. Instead, Dis- year 2000.
ney felt other internal hot properties deserved the com-
On May 15, 2003, Disney sold their stake in the Ana-
panys attention.[36] heim Angels baseball team to Arte Moreno. Disney pur-
Disney, which had taken control of the Anaheim An- chased the rights to the Muppets and the Bear in the Big
gels in 1996, purchased a majority stake in the team in Blue House franchises from the Jim Henson Company on
1998. That same year, Disney began a move into the in- February 17, 2004.[37] The two brands were placed under
ternet eld with the purchase of Starwave and 43 per- control of the Muppets Holding Company, LLC, a unit of
cent of Infoseek. In 1999, Disney purchased the remain- Disney Consumer Products.[38]
ing shares of Infoseek and launch the Go Network por- In 2004, Pixar Animation Studios began looking for an-
tal in January. Disney also launched its cruise line with other distributor after its 12-year contract with Disney
the christening of Disney Magic and a sister ship, Disney ended, due to its strained relationship over issues of con-
Wonder.[7] trol and money with Eisner. Also that year, Comcast
The Katzenberg case dragged on as his contract included Corporation made an unsolicited $54 billion bid to ac-
1.9 2005present: The Iger era 7
they instead began selling the Miramax brand and its 2016, Disney unexpectedly announced that Staggs and
700-title lm library to Filmyard Holdings. In March, the company had agreed to mutually part ways, ef-
ImageMovers Digital, which Disney had established as fective May 2016, ending his 26-year career with the
a joint venture studio with Robert Zemeckis in 2007, company.[60][61][62][63][64]
was shut down. In April 2010, Lyric Street, Disneys On November 17, 2016, Disney announced a deal
country music label in Nashville, was shut down. The with The Pokmon Company (a joint-venture between
following month, the company sold the Power Rangers Nintendo, Game Freak, and Creatures) to move the
brand, as well as its 700-episode library, back to Haim Pokmon anime series to Disney XD from its longtime
Saban. In January 2011, Disney Interactive Studios
US TV home of Cartoon Network starting with Pokmon
was downsized.[46] In November, two ABC stations were the Series: Sun & Moon (Season 20).[65]
sold.[47] With the release of Tangled in 2010, Ed Cat-
mull said that the princess genre of lms was taking a
hiatus until someone has a fresh take on it ... but we
don't have any other musicals or fairytales lined up.[48]
He explained that they were looking to get away from the
princess era due to the changes in audience composition
and preference. However, in the Facebook page, Ed Cat-
mull stated that this was just a rumor.[49] 2 Company divisions and sub-
In April 2011, Disney broke ground on Shanghai Disney sidiaries
Resort. Costing $4.4 billion, the resort opened on June
16th, 2016.[50] Later, in August 2011, Bob Iger stated
on a conference call that after the success of the Pixar Main article: List of assets owned by Disney
and Marvel purchases, he and the Walt Disney Company
are looking to buy either new characters or businesses The Walt Disney Company operates through four primary
that are capable of creating great characters and great business units, which it calls business segments": Studio
stories.[51] Later, in early February 2012, Disney com- Entertainment, with the primary business unit The Walt
pleted its acquisition of UTV Software Communications, Disney Studios, which includes the companys lm, mu-
expanding their market further into India and Asia.[52] sic recording label, and theatrical divisions; Parks and
On October 30, 2012, Disney announced plans to ac- Resorts, featuring the companys theme parks, cruise
quire Lucaslm, along with plans to produce a seventh line, and other travel-related assets; Media Networks,
installment in its Star Wars franchise for 2015.[53] On De- which includes the companys television properties; and
cember 4, 2012, the Disney-Lucaslm merger was ap- Disney Consumer Products and Interactive Media,
proved by the Federal Trade Commission, allowing the which produces toys, clothing, and other merchandis-
acquisition to be nalized without dealing with antitrust ing based upon Disney-owned properties, as well as in-
problems.[54] On December 21, 2012, the deal was com- cluding Disneys Internet, mobile, social media, virtual
pleted with the acquisition value amounting to approxi- worlds, and computer games operations.[66] Three seg-
mately $4.06 billion, and thus Lucaslm became a wholly ments are led by chairmen, but Disney Consumer Prod-
owned subsidiary of Disney (which coincidentally re- ucts and Interactive Media are currently both led by a
united Lucaslm under the same corporate umbrella with president. Marvel Entertainment is also a direct CEO re-
its former spin-o and new sibling, Pixar).[55] porting business, while its nancial results are primarily
divided between the Studio Entertainment and Consumer
On March 24, 2014, Disney bought Maker Studios, a
Products segments. While Maker Studios is split between
YouTube company generating billions of views each year,
Studio Entertainment and Media Networks segments.[67]
for over $500 million in order to advertise to viewers in
the crucial teenage/young adult demographics.[56] The companys main entertainment holdings include Walt
Disney Studios, Disney Music Group, Disney Theatri-
On May 9, 2014, Disney announced they have reached
cal Group, Disney-ABC Television Group, Radio Disney,
an agreement with Japan's TV Asahi Corporation to air
ESPN Inc., Disney Interactive, Disney Consumer Prod-
an English dub of the Doraemon anime series on Disney
ucts, Disney India Ltd., The Muppets Studio, Pixar An-
imation Studios, Marvel Entertainment, Marvel Studios,
In August 2014, The Walt Disney Company led three UTV Software Communications, Lucaslm, and Maker
patents for using drones. Patents included using un- Studios.
manned aerial vehicles (UAV) to lift marionettes in the
The companys resorts and diversied related holdings
air, raise mesh screens for oating video projections, and
include Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, Disneyland Re-
equipping drones with lights to make them part of a new
sort, Walt Disney World Resort, Tokyo Disney Resort,
kind of light show.[58]
Disneyland Paris, Euro Disney S.C.A., Hong Kong Dis-
On February 5, 2015, it was announced that Tom neyland Resort, Shanghai Disney Resort, Disney Vaca-
Staggs had been promoted to COO.[59] On April 4, tion Club, and Disney Cruise Line.
3.3 Chairmen of the Board 9
Disney Media Networks is a business segment and pri- Walt Disney dropped his Chairman title in 1960 to focus
mary unit of The Walt Disney Company that contains more on the creative aspects of the company, becoming
the companys various television networks, cable chan- the executive producer in charge of all production.[69]
nels, associated production and distribution companies After a four-year vacancy, Roy O. Disney assumed the
and owned and operated television stations. Media Net- Chairmanship.
works also manages Disneys interest in its joint venture
with Hearst Corporation, A+E Networks and ESPN Inc..
Unlike the four other business segments, it is the only one 194560: Walt Disney
with two leaders or co-chairs": the presidents of ESPN
and Disney-ABC Television Group.[68] Thus, Disney has 196471: Roy O. Disney
a total of eight business unit leaders who report to the
CEO and COO. 197180: Donn Tatum
[6] Not linked to WDIG, Disney reported a $300M loss due List of United States companies
to nancial modication regarding real estate
Maker Studios
5 Criticism
Consider the Source
For more details on this topic, see Criticism of The Walt
Disney Company.
7 Footnotes
Some of Disneys animated family lms have drawn re
for being accused of having sexual references hidden in [1] Although Disney released a PG-rated lm, Take Down,
prior to the release of The Black Hole, they did not make
them, among them The Little Mermaid (1989), Aladdin
the lm; it was a pickup from independent producers.
(1992), and The Lion King (1994). Instances of sexual
material hidden in some versions of The Rescuers (1977)
and Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) resulted in recalls
and modications of the lms to remove such content.[91] 8 References
Some religious welfare groups, such as the Catholic
[1] Company History. Corporate Information. The Walt
League, have opposed lms including Priest (1994) and Disney Company. Retrieved August 30, 2008.
Dogma (1999).[92] A book called Growing Up Gay, pub-
lished by Disney-owned Hyperion and similar publica- [2] Disneys Fiscal Full Year and Q4 2015 Earnings Results
tions, as well as the companys extension of benets to Webcast. The Walt Disney Company. November 5,
same-sex domestic partners, spurred boycotts of Disney 2015. Retrieved June 14, 2016.
and its advertisers by the Catholic League, the Assemblies
[3] Form 10-K, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
of God USA, the American Family Association, and by the Walt Disney Company for the Fiscal Year Ended
other conservative groups.[92][93][94] The boycotts were September 27, 2014 (PDF). The Walt Disney Company.
discontinued by most of these organizations by 2005.[95] November 19, 2014. Retrieved November 23, 2014.
In addition to these social controversies, the company
has been accused of human rights violations regarding [4] Siklos, Richard (February 9, 2009). Why Disney wants
the working conditions in factories that produce their DreamWorks. CNN/Money. Archived from the original
merchandise.[96][97] on June 10, 2009. Retrieved February 9, 2009.
Disney has been criticized for its inuence over children [5] List of Disney Businesses. Retrieved 10 June 2016.
in that it endeavours to appeal to children at a young age
[6] Miller, Daniel (March 25, 2016). You can get tattoos and
and develop their views and interests according to Dis- photocopies in the Los Feliz building where Walt Disney
neys portrayal of major themes as well as prepare chil- once made magic. Los Angeles Times. Tribune Publish-
dren to become early consumers of their brand.[98] ing. Retrieved April 11, 2016.
List of assets owned by Disney [9] Balio, Tino (2009). United Artists, Volume 1, 19191950:
The Company Built by the Stars. Univ of Wisconsin Press.
List of Walt Disney Pictures lms pp. 113116. Retrieved August 13, 2013.
[11] Gabler, Neal (2007). Walt Disney: The Triumph of the [30] BRIEFLY: E. F. Hutton raised $300 million for Disney..
American Imagination. New York: Random House. pp. Los Angeles Times. February 3, 1987. Retrieved July 18,
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Retrieved May 17, 2010. Group will become main source of nance for all live-
action lms at the companys three studios.. Los Angeles
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Times. Associated Press. October 23, 1990. Retrieved
61. Retrieved November 20, 2011.
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[14] Korkis, Jim. Walt and the True-Life Adventures. The
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Museum. Retrieved December 4, 2014. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved February 7, 2012.
[15] Chronology of the Walt Disney Company. island- [33] In re The Walt Disney Company Derivative Litigation, 907 Retrieved December 15, 2013. A.2d 693 (Delaware Court of Chancery August 9, 2005).
[16] Cotter, Bill (2009). Zorro - A history of the series. Walt [34] Michael Eisner on Former Disney Colleagues, Rivals and
Disneys Zorro. Retrieved August 15, 2013. Bob Igers Successor. Retrieved 2016-09-23.
[17] Montgomery, Tim. Production Facts. The Unocial [35] Interview with Michael Eisner. Archive of American Tele-
Disney Animation Archive. Retrieved September 3, 2013. vision (October 1920, 2006).
[18] Results Page - Academy Awards Database. Academy [36] O'Neill, Ann W. (September 28, 1997). The Court Files:
Awards Databse. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Mickeys Masters Killed Fellow Cartoon Critter, Judge
Sciences. Retrieved October 2, 2013. Rules. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved March 12, 2013.
[19] Broggie, Michael (1997). Walt Disneys Railroad Story.
[37] Barnes, Brooks (September 18, 2008). Fuzzy Renais-
Pentrex. p. 174. ISBN 1563420090.
sance. The New York Times. Retrieved December 29,
[20] Smith, Dave (1998). Disney A to Z - The Updated Ocial 2012.
Encyclopedia. Hyperion Books. pp. 467, 601. ISBN
0786863919. [38] Masters, Kim (October 20, 2011). Kermit as Mogul,
Farting Fozzie Bear: How Disneys Muppets Movie Has
[21] Stewart, James (2005). Disney War. Simon & Schuster. Purists Rattled. The Hollywood Reporter. pp. 3 of 4.
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[22] Gabler, Neal (2006). Walt Disney: The Triumph of the [39] Disney to axe Sydney studio. The Sydney Morning Her-
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11.2 Images
File:022306-CelebrationFL01.jpg Source: Li-
cense: CC BY-SA 2.5 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Author: Bobak Ha'Eri from en.wikipedia. Uploaded on 28 February
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